THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL.' SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 19, 1919. Vegetable - Compound Pkiftv 'jftOW fill " m. mm. n..n- . n i lis. Every true mother realise 3 tha I jet that her baby's health de pends upoa her own, tiiat the very vitality of htr child 13 influenced by he? own physical coadiiioa. How important it ii, therefore, to guard aguiust aDy derangement of tlia female organs, which Induce general vrcakness, iierTOusces!?, constant fatigue and utter inability to properly caro for her child, Please remember, that Lydia h. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has brought health and Gtrcnglh to thousands oi such mothers. Mitchell, Tnd. " Lyilia E. rinlhact'a Vccctajla Compound helped mo Bo much during tho tiiuo I van looking forwai j to the coming of my littio ono that I am rocommoading it to other expectant mothers, Before taking It, omo days I sufforo I with neuralgia 50 badly that I thought I could not live, but after taking throe bottle of Lydia J), l'inkham's Vegctallo Com pound I was entirely relieved of neuralgia, I had gained in strength and was able to go around and do all my housework. My baby when V months old weighed 19 pounds ami I feel better than I havo for a long time. I ricror had any modicino do mo so much good." ilra. I'eajsi. WomvujLs, Mitchell. Ind. Good health dnrln; and nftor maternity Is a most Important factor to both mothor and child, an 1 many hitters havo boon recoivod by tho Lydia E. i"inkhani Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., tolling of health restored during this trying period by tha use of Lydia E. 1'inkham'g Vegetable Compound. i'S imd COUM ROAD COMMITTEE Will MEETTGMORROW The first meeting of the committee appointed to discuss good roads an1! effect permanent 'organization will meet at the Commercial elub Thursday morning at 10 oVloek. The good roads committee of which W. M. Hamilton is temporary secretary, addressed the "'"rs "'"V1"1? ui ou""'. ,u delegates as follows: I oa,?h ad mstnet, and through these county committee can communicate to the residents of his community the findings and decisions reached by the county committee. "The first meeting of the county committee, of which you are the rep resentative for your district, is called for Thursday, February 20th, at ID o'clock a. m. at the Salem Commercial ment, to raise the necessary funds re' quired to build siren roa U. "You were unanimously designated by those present to represent Siivertoi and the surrounding community. "It is assumed that each represent ative en this 'Marion county market roads eommitles' will organize a sub committee in his community consist ing of at least one representative from each road district in his community to confer with and advise him as to the wishes and ideas of . the citizens in "About three hundred Marion coun ty citizens interested in good roads in Marion county, met at the Grand opera house, Salem, Oregon, (Saturday February 15, 1919. "Tho advisability of hard surfacing the principal market ronda between the principal cities and towns of the county was discussed, and it was the unanimous opinion of those who spoke K . . . u roads should be thus im-' , A; : f4 .: t 1, at this very important meeting. If by any chance you are unable to be there it is taken for granted that you 15x11 send some one to represent you. that these 1 "!. i c , . . . any chance you are unable to be there a motion was made, seconded and car ried, that tho chairman of the meeting luairucicu 10 tun ur uuo - I 1 f av representative from each of the prinei- lflCUfil!)l6 lUSSHuY IlOl ty, such representatives to constitute what shall ,be known as tho 'Marion county market roads committee' "This committee to taka such action as ia deemed expedient in their judg Concert Given By Apollo Ckb h Massouth. Success (Capital Journal Speciul Service) Monmouth, Ore., leb. 19. The cn- U'ftainment given Friday evening by the Apollo Cuib of Sslem in the Nor- mtu auditorium was luirulv annroeiat- ed-bv the lnrire audience that erected lows. tho nerforiners. Sunerintendent Todd Yes- To Be Grounds For Divorce By a vote of 10 to 13, the senate to day killed senate bill Hi, by Jones, which provided that incurable insanity should be a legal grounds for divorce. Senator Smith of Coos and Senator Wo.od said the same kind of a bill has boon introduced at every session of the legislature for the last 12 years, ana it has been invariably killed. Senators Eberhard, Farrcll and Eddy joined in the debate against the bill, while Senators Jones, Moser, Norbhid and Hurley spoke for the bill The vote on the measure was as fol- -Gill, Handlcy, Howell, Hurley. FRENCH MINISTER (Continued from page ono) Clemenceau, refusing offers of assist- the fleshy part of his neck but did not anc.e, walked back into his homo. I BeV(.r ay trteries. A few minutes lutor tt telephone call T j ... , , r , JL.i Hn. n,,.i! Nbw8 ,f th attack 00 Clemenceau . i premier's wound would wevent i was flashed to President Wilson by1 .itol. Six of these hit the front of the Mm from keeping an engagement which . w"uIl'83' cur. Two bullets penetrated tho Klnss 1 110 ,a(i u.t the Crillon hotel this morn-1 AU tho Al"ria" Pfnee delegates ex door, one striking tho premier on thoin! with House and Foreign Secretary l,resse,i Kecu e8''i't and appreciation of j nor side of tho right arm' near thfl,bulfour. ' ,lla Prmir's quaHties. They called at Hbouidcr, inflicting a flonh wound. llubort Clemeneenu, the premier's tho rusidonco during the day. ; A policeman grabbed Cotin. Anothor; brother und secroturv, told the United AU eoiiforencog wore cancelled. man whoso identity Is not rot knownJ Pr..u l,nr ti,o ni,i una nt o.,rin Uenoral anxiety was expressed, des- rushed to Cotin's assistance. A crowd at nresent and that tho only danaer ',ito tk(? statement thut tho wound wush d advertisiiiL'' manaeer. Lydia Hud proved himself to be an artist and sn Jones, Moser, Norblad, Smith of Jose phine, Strnyor, President Vinton No Baldwin, Eberhard, Eddy, Far roll, Laclinmnd, LaFollett, Nickelscn, Patterson, Pierce, Porter, Shanks, Smith of Coos, Wood. Absent Banks', Bell, Diniick, Huston, Orton, Eitner, Thomas. 9 Prominent Publishers To Speak To Business Men exeellont clader, as well as chooser of musical talent. Prof. L. P .Gilmoro of tho Science Department, acted as judge on tho de bute between the Corvallis and Forest Grove high school which was given last Monday at Corvallis. It has boon decided to publish the "Normi" again this year, and the newstaff has been chosen, us ioiiws: editor, juvanila tiager, rurtinna; assist ant editor, Marion White, Oregon City; i business manager, Burdell Brooks, Port- SensiMe Treatment For Rheiiiiiatlsiii Drives Out tha Millions of Tiny Pain Demons Tha Cause the Disease. There are many ways of treating Rheumatism, but there is only one right nay. If you are beginning to feel the first alight touches of Rheumatism, there is untold pain and suffering ahead of you, if you follow blindly in the same misdirected foot steps of unintelligent treatment. For remember that thou sands of victims of this painful dis ease have spent countless hours, no doubt, as well as their hard-earned dollars in a Vain effort to find a cure. ' And your own experience will be just as disappointing as theirs, if yon follow the old, wora-out and worth less methods of treatment. When you realize that you must get rid of the cause of Rheumatism, anil that its torturing pains will disappear when their cause is removed, then you will bo on tho right track, and there is a splendid chance for you to rid yourself of tho disease. The most common form of Rheu matism is caused by millions of tiny disease germs which iufast the blood. The one and only sensible treatment, therefore, is one which cleanses the blood of theso germs, and routs them entirely out of the. circulation. And everyone knows that this Mnnot te done by rubbing the surface with liniments. This is why S. a S., tho greatest known blood purifier, is so successail; in the treatment of Rheumatism. It is a powerful cleanser of the ilooit, it promptly routs all diseaso gernif. S. S. S. has been used for moro than half a century, and it will prove bene ficial in any case of Rheumatism. If you are a victim of this disease, why waste further time with tho wrong kind of treatment f Go to your drug gist to-day and get a bottle of S. S. S.. and begin a courso of treatment that will delight you with its results. S. S. S. will remove the disease geimi that canst your Rheumatism, afford ing relief that is genuine. We maintain a medical department in charge of a specialist on Rheuma tism, and after beginning treatment with S. S. S. you are invited to write for free medical advice about your own case. Address Chief Medical Adviser, 104 Swift Laboratory, At lanta, (ja. (Adv.) fiuicklv withered and attacked tho two w,.i,l,l i, f r.uui)il. i,,,.'i ot serious. men, who wcro buttling with tho po-J The first foreign officials t0 call at I C'O'nonceau, as permanent chairman liceinen. Cotin was badly mauled and the premier's residence to inquire about 1 of tho Ppace conKre88 i ho biggest fig thfl policeman was slightly wounded. hi8 condition were Premier Venizelofl uro '.n EuroP a' present. Ho became 1 of Greece and Ambassador De Leon of l'yu"r lwemoor 10, iu ana, uospite vWOID COUGHJ1 and COUGHERiT! Coughing Spreads 30 DROR.f-.nCPC0UGhU' 'Spain. Is Well Known Anarchist, Cotin was later said to ,be a well known anarchist. Cloinenceau was re ported to attach no political signifi cance to tho iittuck. Captain Andre Turdleu, 'commission or of Fruaco-Amorican rolutions, said that" bef oio the bullet lodged in Cle. ni(!!:eeau'a shoulder it passed through today REGoW TOMi!0W ' . . V - I j? " "''Hi f! I - ' l 1- '-' I j 3E jfc". - - U. ..,. - - - .-..rfrtj-f l- - ... - el Clayton In lil'SWWSl How a vampire lost out against, a regular cook. Elliott "Dexter plays the husband Note NAZIMOVA in "Eye for Eye" starts Sunday his seventy sevon years, lius survived seoml bitter political battles since that time. By many critics lie is givon cquul credit with Marshal Foch for tho allied victory. Ho is popularly known as "tho tiger" and has lived np to- that numo during tho poace conference. "Tho Tigor" was born in 1841 dur ing tho reigi of Louis Phillippe. He be came a fighting republican during Nu poloon Ill's reign. As a boy he preached republicanism to the peasants about his birthplace of Vondoo, southwestern Franco, which! was then a royalist center. He was often ' greeted with pitchforks. After studyinginodicine, Clomeiiceau weut to Englandand later to tho Unit ed States, wltcro ho visited many cities of importance and studied American in stitutions, He speaks English fluently. Clemenceau, returning to Frnnco, was mayor of Montmarte at 30. Thon ho was dlestono; literary editors, Shannon Pettinger and Meda Angell, Portland; art, Clara Scharpf, oPrtland; editorials. Elhcl Ackerson, Junction City; jokes. Ethel lliilvorson, Portland; athletics, Beth Perry, Houlton; school notes, Hoi en Strauss, Portland; faculty contribu tions, Helen Hansen, Portland. Three members of tho faculty of 0. N. 8.. attended tho Northwest Congress of tho Lenguo to Enforce Twice which mit in Portia d Sunday and Monday. President Ackorman was one of the county delegates; Miss Mabel West, lib rarian, represented tho Normal, and Miss Rosa fc.rrott, head of the English department, represented tho National Council of Teachers of English. A Mrs. Soeley of New York was a re cent speaker at tho Normal. Sho is rep ,f!!".R!lt J cipnl speaker a ttho Roosevelt Memor ial Bervicc horo. Superintendent Bopp of tho Forest Grovo schools visited tho Normal last Tuesday. Ircse-ting the Young Women's Oollegc Missionary Work and presented her mo: sage "Our Responsibility for the Regeneration of the Heathen" in a very forceful and convincing manner. Senator Lachmund of Marlon eoun ty, Senator and Mrs. Patterson of Polk ..1 t 1 . .i . . a , . , .wriuiiii uutuiii ii.iuuu Mimiu, j.iuiilud " W.'"Y - . r Vi uclmwr ,1 oi Jaelwon county, who waa tho prin " ,.......v, .... ..v.w Franco's participation In the British Egyptian campaign. Ho was accused of taking British gold for lotting Eng land havo a frco hand, and lost hit seat in the chamber. Prepared For Ke-Entry, For ton years Clomoncoau 's tvdvttraur ies thought him politically dead, but he was merely preparing for re-entry into t ho arena. He founded two or threo nowspupers, wrote several books and then quite suddenly "ca-mo back." This time ho was elected to tho senate Clemenceau was premier at tho time of tho Cusa Blanca affairs between France and Germany, when, for a tinio war appercd to bo inovitble. Germany had iuaisted upon an apology from Franco an-d tho latter,, as Germany and everybody know, was in no position for war, But Clomoncoau sent back this message: ''Tell thorn thero will bo no apology" And there was none. After the poaco preliminaries got un der way, Clemenceau created an nppar ently embarrassing situation by telling tho chamber of deputies he was in fnvoi of retention of the "balance of power' system, at precisely the same timo Pre sident Wilson, was telling the British ik Manchester that tho "balance of pow er" must givo way to tho league of na tions. It hna since developed that Worn Oitceau merely win seeking to obtain guarantees for Franco's future security against aggression. Official Statement. Paris, Feb. 19. Tha fololvving offi cial statement regarding the attempted assassination of tho premier wna Issued today: "Promier Clemenceau was in his au tomobile in the Boulevard Do Lescit whon a man fired seven shots at him. The. premier was struck In the should- Attempt on Premier's Life Cause of Delay By Fred S. Ferguson (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, iFcb. 19. Tho attempt upon the lifo of Premier Clemenceau yester ilnv mnmW eni's"d a temporary halt 5n the program of the dolegates to the peace conference. Am-:. prif'gh. French and Ital ian delegates had planned to discuss the program for a preliminary peace today with the intention of having the outline c!m!pleted soon after Presi dent Wilson's return to Paris Belief was expressed thfl't the pact miTht be ready for final discussion iby the mid dle of April, The length to which the sessions will continno after tho Germans are called in is problematical, though the d "legates nro hopeful of affecting the peace settlement by June, allowing for delays -that possibly may be necessi tated by the Germans desiring to re fer certain questions to their government. Through tho Pheasant Northwest Pro ducts Co. it has been arranged for tho busiucss men of Salem to meet two of tho strongest men; in tho publishing and advertising field. They have invited Charloa Coolidgo Parlin, special investi gator, and William Boyd, director of ad vertising for the Curtis Publishing Co., to visit Salem on the date of March 5th and to address a- gathering of business mou nt the Commercial Club. These men rank among the highest in tho na tion in their line, and they will have somothing to say that will bo of vita! interest to both nroducors and dealers. JOURNAL -WANT- ADS PAY When yon use Journal classifi ed ads get what you want them to they work fast. The Journal Job Dopartment will print you anything in the stationery line do it right and save you real money. 3 II ' Days j -j-Only J BW3 aid SPECIAL FOURTH OF JULY IN PARIS Official Red Cross Picture SESSUE HAYAKAWA And his Dainty Wife TSURIAOKI T in rJ "BONDS OF HONOR" Starts Thursday YeLiberty Theatre People Notice It Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you er. Several bullets entered the clothing Edwards Olive Tablets, The skin should or we two anvcrs out tuey were not wounded. "Dr. Grausset, after an examiiintion, stated that the premier was not serious ly wounded." The physicians will conduct a moro thorough examination of the premier's begin to dear after you have taken the , t tablets s few nights. 1 1 aearisetliebloctlieboweJsaridthellver I f With Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sue cessful substitute forcatomel; there's never any sickness or pah) after taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that wounds this afternoon, it was annonnc- but their actiou is gentle sad safe instead t -i i ti i i . .i el severe and irritating. President Poincaro, members of tho one wn0 takes Olive Tablets is cabinet, foreign diplomats and Marshal evcr cursed with " dark brown taste," ror-n, wno nurrieu lo ine pn-mier s res idence. Tnmnined in a room near the ons la which Clemenceau was resting. Eirg George Condoles. T v, 19. King George today sent the following message to Premier Clemenceau: "I am shocked to hear of the dastard ly attack. I earnestly trust that youi injuries are not serious and thr.t, thanks to your splendid enerer and courage, you will goon bo restored to health and will renew your great and valued ef forts for France and her tllies." T r W r W W W m had hreath m rhllL listless, "no KOOd' feeling, consapation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are' a purely vegetable compound mixed . with olive oil; you will know them! by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent rears among pa- i tients afflicted with liver snd bowel complaints, md Olive Tablets ar the: Immensely effective result i if Take one or two nightly for a week, j oee now mutu ju kh mm ....tttlt..t.ltltl....... lk..J1Cu.k All itnurrrictt. - Mil""""' mm t w wMMt.M w L mmi ltll linis li M V 1 ' . -'.U 3 (. 1 . . "T , A l: , vnni inn ttmm r"' A ' j Jrffl!' Are You Progressive n OR Do you prefer to go along in the same old rut for years and years? Many people do not realize what a rut they had drifted into until they get an electric washing machine and find what a labor-saver and blessing it is. . Ask any one who has an electric washer if they think it h worth ks cost. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. --- ill iiimiiiiii 4-4 n it u u - li U 4 4 Ji ll I "4 - 4 4 4 ti II t If 4 4 f 3 3 4 f f XX