Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 18, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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I The
Ksts per -word New Today: .
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a week (6 insertions) 5e
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The Capital Journal will not bs re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
tor errors ia Classified Advertisement
Bead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately U
jfrror occurs.
Minimum ehargo, 15c.
Phone 82F11.
IFOR SAX.B .New Kirston handpower
stunm Duller. Phone 78F3. 2-ltf
FOR SALE Wilson strawberry plants
Hartwcll. 774 S. I8th St. 2 19
Phono 34F13 evenings.
FOR SALE 2 brood sows, 2 pigs. Sky
line Orchards, 36F11. 2-19
FOR SlALB 1000 4 to 6 prune trees.
Phone 3TF13. tf
WANTED To rent, five or six room
unfurnished modern house, closo in.
Phone 1138W. . . tf
F01 RENT Private garage near 14th
and 'Ferry Sta Phone 1579. tf
IF YOU want to buy a home, see II. M.
Fleming, room 207 Gray bldg. 2-18
TURKEY gobbler for sale, a fine
young bronze. Phone 516. 2-18
I WANT cheap lands, any kinds. Write
me Box 41-P care Journal. 2-22
FRESH cows for sale. Cherry
Feed barn.
FOR SALE Second growth fir. Phono
2199. JS-Zl
1918 FORD for sale. Address
Chemeketa St. Phono 190&M.
Phone 80F2. :
and large
2 22
WANTED Evelrbitering strawberry
plants, progressive preferred Phone
2500J2. 221
75 IBB.
shoats foT sale. Phone 105F
FOR SALE Gray seed oats. Phone 27
F22. 2-20
BU06 cleaned oa floor, 35c per rug.
Phone 16. L. I. Buckaer. ,, 8-8
FOB TRADE 14 acre of land for
lizht car or Salem property. See Pww
U. 404 Court St. tf
WANTED (Fat, thin and fresh cows,
veal and large calves. Phone 1425
M. , 8
LIBERTY BOND8 If you Must dis
pose of your fconds, ws will bay
them. 314 Masenie bldg. tf
WANTED Position bookkeeper, ac
countant or other office work. A-l
references. H S care Journal. 2-18
WANTED iBoarders and roomers.
Phone 1354R, call at 161 S. 14th.
PORTLAND lot, clear, to exchange
for law library or automobile. P. O.
Box 486, Salem Or. 2-19
FOR TRADE A good, neat 4 room
house with garage to trade for auto.
OoH 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf
FOR SAL i wcl3 snaft governor,
engine and boiler complete, cheap.
Box 268, Turner, Or. tf
'.WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 17
Commercial. tf
KORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6.
Fruit trees, roses and ghrubs. Special
low prices on certain lines. Phone
111F3. - 8-8
245 ACRES finest fruit land, 25 in
prunes, 180 in cultivation, fair im
provements, close to Salem, fine for
subdivision, $125 per acre. Socolof
sky, Bayne bldg. tf
163 ACRES, all in cultivation, 100
acres in grain, well drained, first
class improvements, a fine dairy,
close to good town and school, os
rock road, must be sold, $125 per
acre. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. W
A3 GOOD as new, gas range, god
heating stove, water heater, retasl
ored overcoats and suits, at hast
price. Tns Capital Exchange, 337
Court St. Phone 493. tf
3 wt? t n a v FOR
ff IT JJ iiVilil aia v -s w
LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OK MUUliri uin
314 Masonic Bldg.
FORD for sale cheap. Just been over-
aaaiea. rnon S33J. tf
WANTED Practical nursing,
ttarwsd, Phone 2454W.
WANTED To buy cattle and calves,
oy kind. Phone 1570W. 3-15
FRESH rendered lard for sale. Phone
64F5.. 2 21
FOB RENT Modem 9 room house (13
per month. Phone 935. 2-22
FOR SALE-Jlaled wheat straw, $10
delivered. Phone 105F14. 2 22
FOR SALBBoed corn, Yellow Dent,
6e per lb. Phone 982R. 2 21
FORD for sale, 1916, in fine condition
new tires, going away must sell.
Phone evenings 2510J2. 2-17
FOR SALE Welch pony, bueev and
harness, or would trade for a rood
cow. Phone 2499M.
FOR SALE 1 MoClanahan 240-egg, al
so Exray 200-cgg. Mrs Geo. Ball, 292
N Church St. 2-17
WANTED To rent by young couple,
5 or 6 room modern bungalow, close
in by March 1st. Phone 367 tf
WHAT have you to trade for half in
terest in A business building on
State streot closo to Bush bank.
Rented. Address 458 S. High St. 2;18
IMPROVED acreage tract, with spring
change for auto. P. O. Box 486, Sa
lem, Or. 2-19
WANTED By March 1st, woman for
cooking and house work. Call 1500.
MIDDLE aged housekeeper wanted to
care for aged couple. Write Wm.
Wisner or phone 53F5, Rt. 1, Salem.
FOR SALE House and lot at 880 N.
- Cora'l St., and another house and
lot on Lee street, both are cheap.
Call at 1289 N. Cora'l St. Salem. 2-18
I WANT to buy a strictly modern
house, close to state buildings, north
of State street, not more than $3,
500 with $2500 cash; P D Journal
office. i 2-21
EXCHANGE 200 acre farm on main
road, fair buildings, orchard, some
timber, wall fenced, $75 per acre.
Will take small ranch near Salem,
terms on-balance, F, L. Wood, Bayne
bldg. 2-18
FOR TRADE 6 1-3 acres In Salom,
for ranch land, improved or unim
proved, must foe near Salem. Also
6 room house, modern, take a lot
as part payment or land. Owner 2340
Laurel. 2-18
SELL "General Porshing's Story of
the American Army in France"
with color illustrations. Sells at
sight. Profit 50 to 100 per cent.
Send 25c for sample. Herzig & Mc
Lean, Inc., World Tower bldg. New
York. ..-.,, .
Ford touring, 1916, may . extras $390
Stodard twenty, good tires etc $250
Maxwoll, 1914, just painted $250
' Chevrolet touring, 1916, $425.
Auburn .touring, first class, $275
Highway Garage, 1000 S Com'l. tf
FOR SALE By owner, two. five room
modern bungalows, free of encum
brance. One at 1965 Trade street,
the other at 244 S. 14th street. Torms
if desired. Address Mrs, L. V. Bud
long, 105 Washington street, Van
couver, Wash. 2-19
BARGAINS A 7 room complete mod
ern house, sn Court streeilfor $3750.
A fine 5 room bungalow, completely
modern, on Capitol street. $3000.
A fine 7 room bungalow, all modern,
a new garage, an elegant home on
Fairmount avenue, $3500.
The Skipton barn on Ferry street.
An excellent buy, $3250.
A large brick building on North Lib
erty street. An extremo bargain.
Price ia right. Phone 2022 or- 1644.
G. W. Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. tf
PROPERTY in Tillamook county con
sisting ot acrea'ge, business, resi
dence, lotg and beach property, val
ued at $17,300, bringing in income
at msrs than 8 per cent on ralua
tios. Will sell for $16,000 with small
payment down and easy terms on
balance, or will trade for business
property in Salem or ranch near by.
Sew owner D. L. Shrode at 179 N.
Commercial or 642 N. High in eve-
Sat tf
,,-w mTTr i-i r-KT i '
Salem, Ore.
Journal Want
LOST Manuscript of Ell play, "Of
ficer 666" render please call V31 or
1S62R. S-19
$1000 to LOAN on first mortgage,
good real estate security, 7 per cent
H H care Journal. . 2-18
LOST Umbrella, left at west end of
state house. Leave at Journal of
fice. . 3-18
BARRED Bock eggs for hatching,
, from fine winter lavcrs, $1.50 for 15
K H. Pickens, 305 8 14th Bt. tf
DISCHARGED soldier wants work by
hour or by day. Address Myrtle ho
tel, room 15. 2-22
WANTED 12 salesmen and salesla
dies, experience unnecessary. Write
L B ear Journal. 2-19
LOOT On Silverton road, lavRlliere
and chain. Finder phone 2394R. Re
ward. ' 2-18
FOR SALE Cheap, modern 6 room
bungalow two lots Inquire at 1625
N. Front St. 2-22
FOR RENT Two nice heated sleep
ing rooms. Modern conveniences. 143
Court St 2-18
ONE heated housekeeping apartment.
Suitable for students. 143 Court St.
FOR SALE Home, modern in every
respect, 2 blocks from post office.
Phone 773R 250 S. Cottage. tf
ONION seed, Oregon Yellow Danvers,
for sale $2.50 a pound. Phone 48F11
or J. I. Bliven, Gervais, Or. Ht 3. 2-22
FOUND Lady's silk unbrella; own
er can have same Dy paying for ad
vertisement. 2-14
WANTED Good pasture within eight
miles of Salem. Will lease for one
or term o? years. Phone 80F11. 2-19
WANTED modern 5 or 6 room house
close in, to buy on installments. X Y
Z, Journal office. 2-21
LOST Nickle plated crank fsr auto;
finder please call phone 177 or 356
State St . 2-18
LA DIBS tailoring and dress making.
All kttnds of sewing, reasonable pris
es Call 1245 Shipping. Phone 2193J-
FOB SALE fl-hole range with hot wa
ter coil, good condition, cheap if
taken immediately 1865 State St.
WE PAY highest sash price for eggs,
pork,- veal and poultry. Willamette
Transfer Co.; 171 S. High St. Phone
1400. , . tf
AM leaving town, must sell lease on
small place, part in fruit, grain and
Loganberries, modern house. Ad
dress X Z care Journal, 2-28
FOR SALE Or trade, 160 acres in
Lake county, $10 per acre; will take
Ford car or Salem property. 666 N.
Summer St. 2-21
FOR SALE Three heifers, one cow,
heavy springers; dams have big milk
records. Phone 33F3. C. H. Cannon,
Tumor, Or. 2-19
FOR SALE Baby chicks from heavy
producing Tancred strain, White
Leghorns, 13c. each. C. Hlgbee, Tur
ner, Or. 2-19
FOR SALE Partridge Rock eggs for
setting, from prize, winners at Ore
gon stato fair 1918. 1855 or 2085
State St. ' - 2-20
TO EXCHANGE Business property in
good town in Induana, unincumber
ed, 70 miles from Chicago,, for Ore
Bon real estate Box 334 Web Foot
Salem. Or. 2-18
FOR RENT Or sale 5 room house on
N. Front St. About 5 blocks from
Wittenberg-King cannery and -5
blocks from Highland school. In-
auiro at T. J. Cronisa studio. Phons
382. tf
40 ACRES, 30 in prunes, 6 acres Lo
ganberries, finest of modern im
provements, everything- in first
elass condition, well located, $19,
500. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf
FOR SALE Mitchell seven pssienger
automobile, 1917 model, good as new
run 7000 miles, fullv equipped, leath
er upholstering. Cheap at $900. Os
car B. Gingric Motor k Tire Co.,
371 Court St. 21
FOB. SALE Btudebaker automobile,
good condition, electric lighting and
starting system, good tires, repaint
ed and overhauled. Snap at $.150.
Osear B Gingrich Motor k Tire Co.,
371 Court St. 219
229 Stats Street
If you want to buy or sell a
car come and see me.
Ford, fully equipped, demount
able rims, $M)0
Ford roadster $330."
1916 Ford, A-l condition, $425
Case 5 passenger, good as new
1912 Cadillac, good shspe $400
Ford, perfect condition $400
Saxon, bargain, $300
Oakland roadster thoroughly over
hauled $300
Studubaker six eyT. wjll take small
ear in trade
Elgifl, good as new $1125
Maxwell roadster $275
Ford touring, perfect, $375
Phons 362
SALESMAN and collector
with ear. 337 State St.
LOST -Lady's wrist watch, initials A.
A. a Phone 773M. . 2-19
WANTED Boarders and roomers at
1120 Oenter St. Phone 1074. -2-24
MARRIED man must have work; can
. do anything. House cleaner. 63S Fer
ry St. - , 2-26
POUKD Auto crank. Owner can have
same by railing at Journal and pay
ing for ad. 2-18
WANTED Team mares, weight 1200,
age not over 10 years. 1040 Leslie
St. Phone 2SJJ. Kempton. 2-20
FOR SALE Cheat hay $26 a ton. Wm.
Fitts, Rt. 9, box 152, Phone 87F1.
; . 2-19
WANTED 20 Loganberry trainers,
starting -Monday morning, is. Cun
ningham. Phone 21 F2. - 2-20
FOR SALE Good room house near
mute school, with two lots. 9068 care
Journal. . , 2-19
WANTED A woman to cook for six
or eight people Thone 3F11. Address
Gervais, Or. box 45, Rt. 2. 2-20
Hop ROOTS for sale, English cluster
from the famous Metonia hop rancn,
Address P. O. box 62 or phone 491,
. -24
FOR RENT 70 acre farm, 50 acres
ready to plow, balance pasture, one
mile to town; cash rent. Bjx 333, Sa-
len. 218
ONE acre home place for sale. All
kinds ot fruit and berries. 8 room
house with every convenience. On
paved street near car line and school
Phone 2440. Owner. 2-19
FOR SALE Two teams, one team
weigh 3200 and 6 to- 7 years old;
team and harness $325. The other
weighs 2800 and 7 to 8 years old.
Team and harness $275. Phone 7F
' 22. : V .' . 2-24
FOR SALE 5 acres, all cultivated, 3
room house, well, 3 miles south of
Salem, Jefferson way. Price $950,
$350 down, bal 3 years, 6 per cent. W.
H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St.
FOR fiLE For less than eost of
building material, new 6 room plas
tered house, large lot, electric lights
and city water, in 'Highland addition
eloss to school and church. Phone
1531R after 6 p. m. 2-20
FOR flALB Good rooni modern
houso located two blocks from state
house... Price $4000. W,i. H. Graben
horst 4 Co, 275 Stats street. l'2-19
FOR SALE 17 acre tTaet, 10 acres or
chard, some - fine prune orchard,
house, barn, main rock road. Price
$3700. W. H. Grabenhorst k Co., 275
State street. . . ,. . 2-19
WHY NOT have that piece of furni
ture or chairs that are broken, or
out of repair, made as good as ever,
at Shea's furniture repair shop. 302
Chemokefca - street, bet ween Commer
cial and Liberty. Phone 181. 3-17
WANTED To buy team weight be
tween 12O0 and 1400 pbundscach, not
over eight or nino years old Pro--fer
ono horse and one" mare C. W.
Jensen, Box 86, Rt.0, Salem. Phone
32F11 2-20
WORKING MEN, why ray rent! I
have several good little homes for
salo which you can, buy with a small
deposit and balance like rent, from
$750 to $3000. Open evenings. C. W.
Niemeycr, Masonic building. 2-21
5 ROOM house finished up in good
condition on lot 50 by 125. Would
consider trade for cow, team or Ford
Address J L care Journal for par
ticulars, tf
10 ACRE apple and peach orchard, ex
change for Salem . residence, $2500.
11 acres, all in cultivation, V mile
from town, fair improvements, ex
change for residence or acreage,
pries $3500, Socolofsky, Uayno bldg.
acre tract of 8 year old apple trees,
best commercial varietie-s in the Far
go Orchards on Oregon Electric, ex
cellent community environment. Own
er sacrifieea 8 years interest selling
at planting price. - Purchaser mny
take charge or leave unaer corporar
tion eontrol. Address Box 472, Salem
Ore. Phone 773B
tf n
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, White
Leghorns, heavy layers, $6 per 100,
$1 per setting of 15. Fair View Poul
try Parm, Salem, Or., Bt. 7, box -48.
Lost, Sunday morning, Bos
ton bull dog. Child's compan
ion. Reward. Ira Jorgenson,
150 6. High.
1B15 model, 4 eyl Studcbakcr
just overhaulrd, rune like new
A snap at $500
Late 1918 model Overland, bet
ter than new. Get our price.
Late model Hcpublie 3-4 truck
used very little; price $950.
New Form truck, chain drive,
Studebaker engine, two ton tap,
ity, guaranteed first elass; pries
$900. See this.
J. W. JONES, Mgr.
162 North Commercial 8t
TOR SALE 7 room modern bungalow.
large lot, east front. Pnce $1675.
$300 down, balance $25. per month,
percent interest? W. H. Graben
horst Co., 275 State street. 2-19
FOR TRADE Two good lots in Port
land to trade - in on good modern
house as part payment. Price $1600.
Two flood lots in north Salem to
trade in ag part payment on bunga
low. Price $S00. W. H Grabenhorst
ft Co- 75 State street. 2-19
FOR SALE 5 acres of land all culti
vated, three room house,, good well,
good location, 3 miles south of
ialcv, Jefferson way. Price $S50,
$350, balauce to suit at 6 percent
int. W. H. Grabenhorst k Co., 75
State street. 2-19
4 miles from Snlem on paved road
to within H mile, with the follow
ing acreage in growing crops:
43 aeres wheat
8 aeres oats
6 aeres clover
2 acres Loganberries
7 BJcres timber
1 acre family orchard
3 acres for eorn
$300 team of horses
$55 sow '
$30 shoats (5)
$23 boar
$165 Mitchell wagon
$70 harness
$80 Deering mower
$60 Deering rako
$)0 disc
$96 corrugated roller
'$25 cultivator
$25 Deere stool plow
$20 Oliver chilled plow
$28 harrow
Small tools, etc.
Buildings include sv good, plastered,
- s room noose,
Three barn
Number of other outbuildings
for this week only
$14,000 or $175 an acrs
This is the biggest farm snap ever
offered in the Salem district. -.
Masonic building
FOR RENT 5 room residence good
condition at 860 S. 17th St., for $5
per month to the right party. John
11. Hcott, 4U4 Jiulbbard bldg.
I have a customer who desires to
purchase a small residence in south
Salem. See mo at once. John H. Scott
- 404 Hubbard bldg
If you desire . to purchase a new 8
room residence for $800, $1250 or
$1500. See '
John H. Scott
404 Hubbard building
- These' ate all splendid bargains for
the money.
Government Agitates For
Hard Surface Roads
Washington, Feb. 18. Immediate
construction of hard surfaced roads
throughout the country wag urged by
the labor department today as a means
of relieving the unemployment situa
tion. Although $48,500,000 of government
money is avuiluble to assist in tho
work, only 45 miles of roads have been
completed under the plan of the govern
ment, state and county shuring in tho
About $200,000,000 more soon will be
The government has unproved 706
road projects, totalling 7,869 miles, and
it ig this work that the department is
anxious to start at once.
Only eight states have eompletcd
orads under the government plan, al
though it has been in force sinee .1917.
Arkansas has built five miles; Califor
nia seven; Louisiana four; Massahcus
etts 14; North Carolina eight; Vermont
one; Washington, four end West viigin
ia two.
Texas, with seventy projects total
ling 993 miles, leads in tho number ap-
We are proud of the position HOLSUM enjoys.
It is the reward for which, more than any other, we have worked.
The policy from the first and HOLSUM is the pioneer in promoting this
policy has been to make bread that is equally as gcod, as the home-made
HOLSUM demand A demand that h as always enjoyed an excellent grow
this the result of that policy and our unswerving adherence thereto.
Furthermore HOLSUM is made -in Salem, by Salem people.
Our 942 Wednesday Surprise
A neat, serviceable semi-dress apron, made of the , :
best quality of "Pink Percale". The workmanship
is first class. Tomorrow only.
Tidy appearance in the home is a necessity to do
mestic harmony. Sale opens 9 a. m. Shop mornings.
You can always do better at
FT ' 't j!TSim7m70rS
l-gL uooomcooD G
proved by the government.
Othors have obtained government ap
proval for tho following mileage, the
federal government 's share ot tns mon
ey for the work being immediately
Arizona, 73; California 97 j Idaho 156,
Montana 86; New Mexico 244; Oregon
136; Utah 237 and Washington 78.
Citizen Privileged To
Debate Bill In Senate
L. H. McMah&n hag the distinction of
being the only citizen to be extended
the courtesy of the floor of the senate
and permitted to enter in the debate
for or against any bill at this session of
the legislature;- ' ' "
, He was present when the senate had
under consideration senate bill 151,
which was introduced for him by Sen
ator Patterson, and when various sen
ators were jumping all over the bill, Sen
ator Lacbmund asked that Mr. McMu
lian be permitted to explain tho purpos
es of the bill.
After Mr. McMahan explained the
bill tho senate buried it under an ava
lanche of negative votes. The bill made
it a crime for any manufacturer or
dealer to soli machinery in this state
without first filing with tho secretary
of state Si sworn statcmont showing tuo
cost of the various parts of the ma
chine. Mr, McMahan explained that
the purpose was to prevent the nutnuiae
turers and dealers from gouging the
farmers by charging excessive prices
for machine parts. He said a binder
for which he paid $4000 would cost
$22,000 if purchased a part at a time
and then assembled.
Oregon Canned Fruits
To Have Oregon Labels
One of tho efforts now bi;in.g iiiado
by "the fruit interests in the slnto is
to compel canneries in the state to label (
their goods as grown and picked in:
Oregon. It is well known tht-t the
choicest of Oregon fruits ore sold in tho'
east os California fruits. It is Io well
known among leading fruit men in the.
valley that the east knows very little
Oregon's great fruit interests.
The bill introduced by Martin is
entitled "An act providing the rhnrac-
Standing is
City Baldng Co.
ter of label to be used on labeled
goods paccked within the state of Ore
gon for shipment to states. The bill
passed tho house and was amended in
the senate to read: "That all persons
firms and corporations operating under
thou own privato brand, in the buw-
;ness of packing or canning fruit or veg-
etables, eithor fresh, canned of evapor
ated, shall plainly designate on sut-H
private bread that the goods were Ore
gon grown or packed in Oregon. It will
bs sufficient that firms whose herd
quarters are in Oregon to designate the
local address of tho cannery or to desig
nate the main office."
Traps the man who ruined her
father by beating him at his own
game in '
A play of romance and
mystery Snappy, clean
and happy.
Also a Good Comedy
LisiM4SAs4Us m mi PMl M mmm