PAGF FIVE ! The Journal New Today 'Mds THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1919. JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THE! FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Bat per word New Today: Each insertion - - . ,,. - . le ne week (6 insertions) ,...,.,..,,'. 5e Oh mouth (26 insertion) 17c The Capital Journal will 'sot be re sponsible for mora than on insertion, for rrorg im OlaSeuiied Advertisement Sead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify u immediately if tror occurs. Minimum charge, 15c FOR RENT Private garage near 14th and 'Ferry Sta Phono 1579. tf IP YKU -want to buy a home, see H. M. Fleming, room 207 Gray bldg. 2-18 TURKEY gobbler for sale, a fine young bronze. Phone 51B. 2-ls K)R SALE Fresh 3 year old heifer. Phona 53F6. 2-17 I WANT cheap lands, any kinds. Write mo Box 41-P care Journal. 2-22 FRESH cows, for sale. Chorry City Deed Darn. n FOR SALE Second growth fir. Phono 2199. 1918 FORD for sale. Address 1986 Chemoketa St. -Phone 1902M. 2-20 "WANTED Veal end large calves. Phono 80F2. 2 22 WAJOTBD Evdrbdaring strawberry plants, progressive preferred Phone 2500J2. v 2-21 75 1MB. shoats for sale. Phone 105F 11. 218 FOR SALE Gray seed oats. Phona 27 F22. 2-20 PATRIOT! A. GRAF. Dublic stenograph- er.. Phone 837, 124 8. Liberty fit. tf BUGS cleaned on floor. 85e per rug. Phone 18.. L. L. Buckner. 3-3 FOR SALE Team, wagon and harness or will eoparate. Allen Pence, Rt. 7, box 44 8-17 FKR BEINfT A few housekeeping rooma for -bachelors and old maud. Miller Ante.. 633 Ferry St. tf FOR TRADE 14 acres of land for Kent car or Salem property. See Pow ell. 404 Court St. tf WANT ED (Fat. thin and fresh cows, eal : and large calves. Phone 1428 i.rnin?TV TvwmTf mn must dis pose of your kaxfin, we will bay them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf "WANTED Position bookkeeper, ac- countant or other omce worn, a-j. references. H S care Journal. 2-18 "ANTED Boarders and roomers. Phone 1354R, call at 161 S. 14th. 2-18 PORTLAND lot, clear, to exchange for law library or automobile. P. O. Box 486, Salem Or. - FOR TRADE A good, neat 4 room house with garage to trade for auto. Ordl 1644 or 2022 in mornings. . FOR SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor, engine and boilor complete, cheap, t Box 268. Turner. Or. tf Wil.T. PAPTCR 15 r.nnts T)Br double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. w NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special low prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. 0-9 845 ACRES finest fruit land, 25 in prunes, 180 in cultivation, lair im nnnMiti. close to Salem, fine for subdivision. $125 ner acre. Socolof- akv .TtAvnA hide tf 1 1 o- 163 AORES. all in cultivation, 100 acres in grain, well drained, first class1 improvements, a line dairy, p.lnan tn mod town and school, on rock rand, must foe sold, $125 per A p.m. Snc.nlnfskr. Bavne bids. . tf A3 GOOD as new, gas range, good heating stove, water heater, retail ored overcoats and suits, at ha prifce. Tn Capital Exchange, 337 rtr,-t Sk PliAna 4D3. tf MTITiFR tin-sen. have arrived from Am ericas Lake, six spaa well matched mules, ages 5 to 8, weignt itojh lx to 2600, alao some good young horses weight from 1,200 to 1300, stock, all v sound and well broke, priees are right. Liberty bonds aeeepted. Call mt RK1 TTWrv At. 2 17 ma hi Tie mt mnwtr Ml 3 3 i 11 WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS AND 314 Masonic Bldg. FORD for sale cheap. Just been over valued, rnone U WANTED Practical nursing, Mrs. tiarroid, Phone 2454W. 8-18 WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral nouseworx Apply 833 Oak ot. or phone 989. j-17 FOR 8ALB One bay mare, 4 years weignt, one sorrel mare, wt. 1100. 2374 Elm Ave. 2-17 WANTED Position by stenographer with several years legal experience. References. 1865 State St. 2-17 WANTED By experienced bey of 16 ences. 1865 State St. 2-17 FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, will uo iresn in a lew days, Kind ana gentle 1254 Mission. 2-15 FOR RENT Modern upper flat, close in. See R. B. Fleming, 250 or 785 Court. Phone 124 or 92. 2-17 WHAT have you to trade for half in terest in a business building on State street close to Bush hank. Rented. Addr.ess 458 S. High St. 2-18 FOR TRADE Good Auburn 5 passcn gor ear, complete, trade for West Salem vacant lots. S, C. Cleaveland, Kt. 2, Dallas, Or. 2-17 IMPROVED acreage tract, with spring water piped to bungalow to ex change for auto. P. O. Box 486, 8a lem, Or. 2-19 WANTED By March 1st, woman for . cooking and house work.. Call 1500. 3-1 FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, will give 5 gallons a day, rich milker. 715 South 12th St. 2-17 MIDDLE aged housekeeper wanted to care Tor aged couple, write wm, Wisnor or phone 52F5, Rt. 1, Salem, 2-19 FOR SALE House and lot at 880 N Oom'l St., and another house and - lot on Lee street, both are cheap. Call at 1289 N. Com'l St. Salem. 2-18 HOUSEHOLD goods for sale, no deal era need apply. Also white Leghorns. 3075 Portland road, call mornings. 2-17 EXCHANGE 200 acre farm on ma5n road, fair buildings, orchard, some v timber,, well fenced. $75 per acre, Will take small ranch near Salem, terms on balance. F, L. Wood, Bayne bldg. - 2-18 FOR TRADE 1-3 acre in Salem, for ranch land, improved or unim proved, must 'be near Salem. Also . 6 room houso, modern, take a lot as part payment or land. Owner 2340 Laurel. , . 2-18 SELL "General Pershing's Story of the American Army in France" with color illustrations. Sells at sight. Profit 50 to 100 per cent. Send 25 for sample, tloraig & Mb Lean, Inc., World Tower bldg. New York. USED CARS Ford touring, 1916, may extras $390 Stodnrd twenty, good tires etc $250 Maxwell, 1914, just painted $250 Chevrolet touring, 1916, $425. Auburn touring, first class, $275 Highway Garage, 1000 S Com a. tf FOR SALE By owner, two five room modern bungalows, free of encum brance. One at 196a Trade street the other at 244 S. 14th street. Terms if desired. Address Mrs. L. V. Bud lone, 105 Washington street, Van couver, Wash. 2-19 BARGAINS A 7 room complete mod em house, on Court street for $3750. A fine 5 room bungalow, completely modern, on Capitol street. $3000. A fine 7 room bungalow, all modern, a new garage, an elegant home on Fairmount avenue, $3500. The Skipton barn on Ferry street. An excellent buy, $3250. A large brick building on North Lib erty street. An extreme - bargain. Price is right. Phone 2022 or 1644. G. W. Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. tf PROPERTY in Tillamook county con sisting of; eererfge, 'business, resi dence, lots and beach property, val ued at $17,300, bringing in income of more than 8 per cent on valua tion. Will sell for $16,000 with small . payment down and easy terms en balance, or will trade for business property in Salem or raneh near by. See owner D. L. Shrode at 179 N. Commercial or 642 N. High in eve nings. Sat tf mm if i ROBERTS Salem, Ore. WANTED To buy cattle and ealvos, any" kind. Phone 1576W.. 3-15 FRESH rendered lard for sale. Phone 64F5. 8 21 FOR SALE Reed baby carriage. Prae tically new. Call 625 N 20th. 2-21 FORD for sale, 1916, tn fine condition new tires, going away must sell. Phone evenings 2510J2. - 2 17 FOR SALE Welch pony, buggy and harness, or would trade for a good ew. Phone 2499M. 2-18 FOR SALE 1 MoCLanahan 240-egg, al so Exray ZOO-egg. Mrs Geo. Ball, 292 N Church St. 2-1T WANTED To rent br young couple, 5 or 6 room modern bungalow, cloee in by March 1st, Pone 367 tf FOUND Lady's silk unbrella; own er ean have same by paying for ad vertisement. 2-14 IF YOTJ want a loan on real or per sonal property, seo John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard bldg. WANTED Good pastnre within eight miles of Salem. Will lease for one or term of years. Phone 80F11. 2-19 WANTED modern 5 or 6 room house close in, to buy on installments. X Y Z, Journal office. 2-21 LOST Niekle plated crank for auto; finder please call phone 177 or 356 State St 2-18 LADIES tailoring and dress making. All kinds of sewing, reasonable pric es Call 1245 Shipping, .rnone iUSMJ- 2-18 FOR SALE 8-hole range with hot wa ter coil, good condition, cheap if taken immediately 1865 State St. 2-17 WE PAY highest eash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co., 171 S. High St. Phone 1400. . tf AM leaving town, must sell lease on small place, part in fruit, grain and Loganberries, modern house. Ad dress X Z care Journal. 2-28 FOR SALE Or trade, 16Q acres In Lake county, $10 per acre; will take Ford car or Salem property. 668 N. Summer St. " 2-21 FOR SALE Jersey cow, 4 years old, milk teat o.; going away, eoa taken by Monday. 412 N. 21st St. K-13 IF YOU have a 6 or 7 room residence for sale at a bargain, on paved street and strictly modern, see John II Steott, 404 Hubbard bldg. FOB SALE Two good young Jersey and uuermsoy cows, gooa immurs, and in good condition, priced cheap. 2085 State St. 2-17 FOR SALE Partridge Rock eggs for Setting, (from prize winners at Ore gon state fair 1918. 1855 or 2085 State St. 2-20 IFOR RENT Five room furnished house, close in. See R. B. Fleming, 250 or 785 Court St. Phone 124 or 92. , TO EXCHANGE Business property in good tewn 5n Indiana, unincumber ed, 70 miles from Chicago, for Ore gon real estate Box 334 Web Foot, Salem, Or. 21 FOR RENT Or sale 5 room house on N. Front St, About 5 blocks from Wittenberg-King cannery and 5 blocks from Highland school. In quire at T. J. Croniso studio. Phone 382. ' tf OWN A HOME New five room house near paved street $450. Moders, six room house basement and built in conveniences, good location $1650. Fino strictly modern home on Court sltieet $3750. Twelve iroom house, elose in, nearly new, half rented at $20, a good investment at $3500. F. L Wood, Bayne building. 2-17 A SACRIFICE SALE . I can sell if taken at once, a small residence and niee lot oa 25th street near the pen, for $08 $250 eash; there is a mortgage on this property that will be fore- , clo&tjd very soon, therefore the owner has placed it on the market at a sacrifice; if yon want it yen hal better let me show it to yea tc-day. it will he sold very soon. Tt is a bargain, John H. Scott 404 Hubbard building CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCCHANGE 229 Slate Street OPEN SUNDAYS If yen want to buy or sell a ear come and see me. Ford roadster $350 191 Ford, praeticallv new $550 1916 -Ford, A-l condition, $425 Case 5 passenger, good as new $875 1912 Cadillac, good shape $400 Ford, perfect condition $400 Saxon, bargain, $300 Oakland roadster thoroughly over hauled $300 Studebaker six eyl. will take small ear in trade Reo, big bargain Elgin, good as new $1125 MaxweU roadster $275 Ford touring, perfect, $375 Phone 362 WANTED Gd one-horse wagon. 2-20 Phone 82F11. FOR SALE New Kirston haadpowe stump puller. Phone 78F3. 2-19 FOR SALE Wilson strawberry plants Hartwell, 774 & ISth 8t. 2-19 FOR EXOHAJOGE Horse or eow. Phone 34F13 evenings. 2-18 FOR SALE 2 brood sows, 2 pigs. Skr line Orchards, 36F1L S-9 FOR SALE 10OO 4 to 6 prune trees. Phone 37T13. tf FOR BEST Modern 9 room house $13 per month. Phone 935. 2-22 FOR SALE Baled wheat straw, $10 delivered. Phone 105F14. . 2 22 WANTED To rent, five or six room unfurnished modern house, close in. Phone 113SW. - tf LOGANBERRY plants for sale by J. T A 1, 1 j-. ... r. jurinwaii, nrou&s, jre. i none do F12. N 2-17 LOST Manuscript of Elks play, "Of- ncer ooo" i'luaeT please call 931 or 1862R. - 2-19 $1000 to LOAN on-, first mortgage. good real estato security, 7 per cent. H H care Journal. 2-18 WANTED A good secondhand trae or, caterpiller preferred. Address Box 262, Gladstone, Or. 2 17 LOST Umbrella, left at west end of state house. Leave at Journal of fice. 2-18 BARRED Rock eggs for hatching, from fine winter layers, $1.50 for 15 K H. Pickens, 305 S 14th St. tf DISCHARGED soldier wants work by hour or by day. Address MyTtle ho tel, room 15. 2-22 WANTED 12 salesmen and salesla dies, experience unnecessary. Write L, B care Journal. , 2-19 FOR SALE 50 ewe lambs one year old at $12.50 per head. C. F. Hein, Aumeville, Or. ii-17 LOST On Silverton road, lavalliere and chain. Finder phone 2394R. Re ward 2-18 FOR SALE Cheap, modern 6 room bungalow two lots Inquire at 1625 N. Front St. 8-22 FOB RENT Two nice heated sleep ing rooms. Modern conveniences. 143 Court 8t 8-18 ONE heated housekeeping apartment. Suitable for students,. 143 Court St. 2-19 FOR 8ALJ5 Home, modem in every respect, 2 blocks from post office. Phone 773R 250 S. Cottage. tf I WANT te buy a strictly modern house, close to state buildings, north of 'State street, not more than $3, 500 with $2500 cash. J L, Journal office. 2-21 40 ACRES, 30 in prunes, 6 acres Lo ganberries, finest of modern im provements, . everything in first t elass condition, well located, $19, 500. Socolofdty, Bnyne bldg. tf WANTED To buy team weight be tween 1200 and 1400 .poundseaoh, not over eight or nine years old Pre fer one horse and one mare C. W. Jensen, Box 86, Kt.6, Salem. Phone 32F11 2-20 WORKING MEN, why pay rent I have several good little homes for sale which you can buy with a small deposit and balunco like rent, from $750 to $3000. Open evenings. C. W. Niemcyer, Masonic building. 2-21 5 ROOM houso finished up in good condition on lot 50 by 125. Would consider trade for cow, team or Ford Address J L care Journal for par ticulars, tf 10 ACRE apple and peach erehard, ex- ll acres, an in cuimiiwun, niue from town, fair improvements, ex ohange for residence or acreage, prie $2500. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf SPLENDID OPPORTU NIT Y 5 or 10 acre tract of 8 year old apple trees, best commercial varieties in the Fur go Orchards on Oregon Electric, ex cellent community environment. Own er sacrifices 8 years interest selling; . i .... " i i I ai puuiung price, jr urcnaser maj take ehargo or leavo under corpora tion control. Address Box 472, Salem Ore. Phone 773R tf We Pay Cash for CREAM, EGGS, POULQY, VEAL PORTLAND, ORE tYkkraosatTaei Haurwosd Co., Front and Ankeny St. For valne boy ear spscia $100 DIAMOND I It's s beautiful Bums aad a iin i profltabM tomtnmit. TliM ton Is HaMkimrtan im MWury Wrirt WikU Writ as y 3651 Every Department is prepared for the SPRING TRANSFORMATION. This will be bright and joyous this year. We are all happy. i ne Eoysre L,ommg n I I V I I I P J V """ ONION seed, Oregon Yellow Danvers, for sale $2.50 a pound. Phone 48FH or J. I. Blivcn, Gervais, Or. Rt 3. 2 22 FOR SALE One Portland 4 hole range, good as new; one heating stove and other articles. 1092 Broad way. 217 FOR SALE Three heifers, one eow, heavy springers; dams have big milk reeords. Phone 33F3. Ci H. Cannon, Turner, Or. 219 FOR SALE Baby chicks from heavy producing Tancred strain, White Leghorns, 13c each. C. Higbee, Tur ner, Or. 2-19 FOR RENT Purnished four room apartment on ground floor, with pri vate bath at Miller apartments, C33 Ferry St. tf WHY NOT have that piece of furni ture or chairs that are broken, or out of repair, made as good as ever, at Shea's furniture repair shop. 352 Chcmeketa street, between Commer cial and Liberty. Phone 181. 3-17 FOR SALE Studebaker automobile, good condition-, electric lighting ana arturfincr virein. irood tires, reimint- n "v-" ' - - - ' ed and overhauled. Snap at $350. Oscar B Gingrich Motor & Tire Co., 371 Court St. 2-19 FOB SALE Mitchell seven passenger automobile, 1917 model, good ss new run 7000 miles, fully equipped, leath er upholstering. Cheap at $900. Os car B. Ginitri&h Motor 4 Tire Co., 371 Court t. - 219 WANTED Lady or gentleman to rep resent eastern firm in Salem. Well worth your while to investigate. Salesmanphip preferred, but not es sential. Call for Mr. Lnndgren at Hotel Bligh before 3 p. m. Tuesday. 2-17 USED Late 1918 model Overland, bet ter than sew. Get our price. Late modid Republic 3-4 truck ns-d verr little; price $950. New Form truck, chain drive, 8'udebakcr engine, two ton api: itv. guaranteed first class; price $900. See this. SALEM VELIE COHIPANY X W. JONES, Mgr. - 163 North Commercial St . 'ame rasmon We have them in NAVY BLUE, ROOKIE AND SAND, the accepted colors this spring. These CAPES come in a variety of very attractive styles, some are "BELTED" and have "VESTED" effects, while others are more on the "DOLMAN" order with sleeves and loose flaring back. The foregoing illustrations show two of the late Spring models. Some are fashione'd with the loose box style, while others are belted. AH having fancy vests and distinctive touches denoting fashion's new cre ations. The materials are: FRENCH SERGE GABARDINES TRICOTINES You can always do better at MM M M FOR SALE Seed corn, Yellow Dent,1 6c per lb. Phone 982B. 2-21 1 FOR SALE Hatching eggs, White Leghorns, heavy layers, $6 per 100, $1 per setting of 15. 'Fair View foul try Farm, Salem, Or., Rt. 7, box 48. 3-17 . . Lost, Sunday morning, Bos- ton bull dog. Child's compan- ion. Reward. Ira Jorgunson, 150 B. High. PERSONAL Claude H. Giles and Mrs. Daisy B. Short, were two c tizena of Myrtle Point recently i-riving In the city. Anna Hansen was in from Silverton Sunday for a brief visit in Salem. Among the Portland people stopping at the Marion hotel over hundav were W. J. Cottrell and family, and Mr. and Mrs. 3. F- Kirshon. C. H. Wieder of Albany, whs among the arrivals in Halem this morning. J. F. Kimball and J. H. ('arnahan wero two Klamath Falls citizens ar riving in Salem today. Noble Bennington of the 44th infantry,- has just arriaed in the city from the Presidio, where he went to receive his discharge after several months service at Cnuip Lewis and lr California. County Judge W. W. T.'ickell of lie Minnvillo, is one of the recent visitors in Salem. Mrs. D, H. Lonnoy of Jefferson, came in recently to join her husband and to visit at the -state houisi. Attorney C. L. H: wley of McCoy, is among the guests a : tho Bligh hotel to day, T3TTTT TU iruv rtx Vlu-m Don-t stay upset! Eat a tablet ol n"n vii.' I... i-,j .'i.Pspe' Dipcpn Md isstanly you building of n fine new homo on his .,T.,.ii ranch near this city. The new nouZTTl ua seven rooms. M. ij. uottenBurg is, now nt work painting the interior of the house and will be at tho outsi ic when the weather is fuvorablc. Ellcrtson bag moved the old house b-!i, and wiil eonvert the same into a eon- venicnt store house. Silverton Appeal. avors Capes ?1 It ' . tt omew n 4.4.1.m.rAAZ 'WAR COST 179 BILLIONS. Washington, Feb. 17. One hundred and seventy nine billion dollar, ropm sent the total cost of the war to both sides, up to January 31, according o official figures obtained here today. "I this amount the eutenfe and the Unit, ed Stutes expended $llf1581,0n0,0(0, while thn Germanic allios spent $5', 500,000,000. The United States bus third in the list of the associates, expending $18,481, 000,900 and lending $18,375,000,000. Great Britain's financial outlay wns the largest, standing at $37,100,000,000; Franco was second with $27,000,000,. 000 aad Japan last with $1,000,000,. 000. ; Caleb S. Tustin, nn Oregon pionrnf of 1847, died at MeMinnville Tuesday. STOMACH UPSET Pape's Diapepsin at once ends sour ness, gases, acidity, Indigestion Lumps of undigested tat causing pain. When your stomach Is acid, g.issy, sour or Jon have heartburn, flatulence, headache or dY-.;p8ia, here is instant relief No waiting! ,i,.,n,.k f,,,.! fine. All the imlifrestioa Iainy gases, acidity and misery in the xiarH-psia tablets cost little t Bny drag tt(Me but thpre j, n0 iUr(,, w quieker stomach relief known, - - fAITDfJAI WANT A1K PAY J UUiulnlj llniU nWJ till