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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1919. PAGE NINE mmm act OUR MOTTO (Continued from page ono.) : IyftoeliA$ i A te tienitttel 4 22 What lover of Doetrv hai not Hreamed of visiting the pieces made immortal in song 7 And what song has aroused thig longing more in tensely than the story of the gentle lAcadians and their Great Banish ment? Many have realized this am bition, for Nova Scotia is easy to reach, and each succeeding summer sees more hundreds making the pil grimage to ."'.The Acadian land, on the shores of I the Basin of Minas, Distant, secluded, still, the little vil 1 Jage of Grand Pre.", I There they find the meadows, dikes mnd orchards of which Longfellow Bang, and they try to retrace the action of the poem by using as a (uide the still remaining wll which lie poet described a "Farther down, on the elope of the hill, was the well with its moss-grown Bucket, fastened with Iron, and near it a trough for the horses." The piece of ground at Grand Pre on which ia the well of Evangeline, together with the old willows, has been bought by the Canadian Pacific for the purpose of preserving it for posterity. Before he died last year, Philippe Hebert, the greatest of French Canadian sculptors, was engaged on a statue representing Evangeline leaving the land of her childhood and looking back in sorrow. Philippe Hebert was himself an Acadian and, although a perfectly hntiDv exile in Montreal, entered into the spirit of the poem as no other sculptor could. The model of hi statue has been purchased by the Canadian Pacific, who have commis sioned Philippe's son, Henri Hebert, also a distinguished sculptor, to com plcte it, life- size, in bronze, to be erected beside the famous well. Thus will bo added one mora at traction to a land full of attractions for artists, devotees of romance and matter-of-fact sportsmen. The art ists find an inexhaustible supply of subjects ranging from ninny-mile long vistas of apple blossoms to un couth but picturesque fisherfolk; the romantically inclined find a land of legends and i.lecpy beauty; the sportsmen find fishing and hunting such as is seldom eaualled and never excelled PARTY AT BROOKS. . The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Har ris of Brooks was the scono of a merry party Inst Fridny evening, given in hon or of their 35th anniversary of their wedding. Musi and games wero tho features of the evening. At 12 o 'clock delicious refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Ellon .Hack ct, Fairy Macy, Ella Asptnwali, Doro thy Cnry, Ora Wrirght, Hsttie Aspin- wall, Mablo Macy, Vera Johnson, Thcl-. mo Blanton,. Margret McClain, Marie Duiilsvy, Alice Corivolis, Messrs Eobort ITackit, Donald Macy, Francis Sturgis, Emery Johnson, Earnest Wright, Geo. Sturgis, Haniond- Blanton, Ralph Cor nelia, Eddie Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harris, Mr. snd Mrs. John Dunlavy and John Dunlavy Jr., Mrs. H. Haw kins, all of Brooks, and Mrs. Sylvester Harris and Albert and Laurralne n&r-; ris of Hopmore. Gervais Star. - The Journal Job Department will print yon anything in the stationery line do It right and save you real money. sisted that the bill was not a good one. ''If a eomnlaint does sot properly state the issues the plaintiff should lose for having hired a shyster lawyer" insisted Senator Norblad. By vote of 17 to 12, the senate to day passed seaate joint resolution 14, which refers to the people a constitu tional amendment providing that the legislature shall not have authority to increase the salary of any state offi cial during the present term of that official, and that no increase in salar ies of county officials shall be valid unless approved by TTie peopTe of the respective counties tt the next general election. The vote on the resolution was as follows: Yes Eddy, Farrell, Gill, Huston. Jones, Lachmund, Lafollett, Nickelsen, Patterson, Pierce, Porter, Smith of Coos, Suiith of Josephine,. Strayer, Thomas, Wood, President Vinton. No Baldwin, Banks, Bell, Dimick, Ebcrhard, Handley, Howell, Hurley, Moser, Orton, KUner, Shanks. Absent Norblad. Senate concurrent resolution No. 8, by Senator Patterson, was passed by the senato today. It directs the secre tary of state to draw a warrant on the state flax fund for $10,000, to repay the general fund of the stato the amount advanced to the flax industry by the 1917 legislature to relieve it from tho financial embarrassment re sulting from tho poor management of the industry. The 1917 appropriation was made on condition that the fund be returned, but the governor has never ordered the money refunded. Other bills were passed by the sen ate as follows: S. B 234 By Lachmund Providing that municipalities of less than 1000 population shall have authority to own and operate public utilities. S. B. 209 By Norblad Repealing Chapter 222, laws of 1915, relating to the county budget system being extend ed to districts and which was declar ed unconstitutional by the supreme court. S. B. 194 By Dimick Belating to the vacation of town plats. S. B. 170 By Bell Amending the laws rwlating to the authority of coun ty courts to authorize bridge repairing. S. B. 114 By Gill Providing for the disposition of the bodies of dead ani mals. 8. B. 199-r-By Smith of Coos To cn courago and protect the oyster indus try in Coos county- S. B. 231 By Bell and Orton Pro viding free meeting places for war vet eran societies. . S. B. 211 By Orton Providing fov the appointment of a supervisor of elec tions in each precinct in Multnomah county who shall recommend persons to serve as election judges and clorks. S. B. 30 By lyaFollett Eclating o tho use of vehicles on highways under construction. S. B. 152 By.j Pierce -Belating to See Our Window Then Furnish Your Home .. . iS Displuy . I I PRIf IF and (fllSII! ITf SPECIALS FOR ENSUING WEEK l - Trj I ONE LOOK WILL CONVINCE This Beautiful Set Sacrificed Over Stuffed Tapestry Davenport, regular $65.00 value, special .. $50.00 uine all quartered oak library table, regular $26.50 value, speiial . $19.85 Sectional Quartered Oak Book Case, regular $38.50 value, special $30.00 Large over stuffed leatherette Rocker, regular $18.50 value, special .. ..............;. . $12.00 Dry imported fibre upholstered rocker, regular $21.50 value, special ..1. $16.85 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR SELLERS KITCHEN CABINETS You get More For Your Money at Moore's if i Refreshing Sleep - Seuly Mattress This wonderful mat tress is built not stuf fed. As illustrated it has no tuffs, thus mak ing it the most restful mattress made.. It con forms to the body per fectly. Sold on approval, with a money-back guar antee. WE ARE SA LEM'S EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. 'Extra Special Regular $7.50, Cotton Combination Mattress, this week only $4.85 aUVM HE if P I 1 w If f is ? v Our showing of bedroom furniture is not surpassed in your city. We quote you always the best price consistent with quality. $27.50 Ivory Enamel Chiffonier, Special .. $19.85 $25.00 Ivory Enamel Princess, Special $18.75 Other pieces priced from $12.00 and up. TRADE IN YOUR FURNITURE t FTP FFll 10 t-30 SMStttMMStttSSsa SALEM'S LARGEST FURNITURE STORE UN the buying of butterfat. 8. B. 238 By Judiciary Committee Prohibiting persons not lawyers from engaging in law in this suite. S. B. 252 By Committee on Educa tion Providing for the establishment of part-time schools and to compel the attendonco of minors. S. B. 258 Bv Bonds end Highways Committee Authorizing the state high way commission to erect road signs. 8. B. 56 By Huston Creating a court of doniestio relations for Multno mah county. Thrco bills were killed in tho sen ate today by. being indefinitely post poned, as follows: S-B. 267 By Wood Amending the law relating to non-support. 8. B. 251 By Nickclsen Pensioning stato employes who have served over 20 years ond who have attained the egc of 65 years. S. B. 207 By Jones Providing for the reopening of ci-'itnin cases where a deed hus boen annulled' PRESIDE WILSON (Continued from page ono.) The Capital Journal Daily Market Report The Home of the Vctio!a Before returning to Frunco ho will make a drive for sanction of the loiigun draft and is hopeful of speedy success. Grain Wheat, soft white .v tt.90 Wheat, lower grades oil sample Oats 70fe7Sc liay, cheat 24 Hay. oats . .. . n- 5 Barley, ton Mill run 4850 Hard Work Ahead. Washington, Feb. 15. President Wil son will find a hard week's work ahcud of him when he returns from Franco. Within that time ho is expeeler to: Appeal to joint session of congress for indorsement of the league of nations Confer with governors on unemploy ment. Confer with party leadors regarding organization, t the next congress. Appoint successor to Attorney Gcner sl Gregory. Appointment o successor to Ambassa dor tihurp, Paris. Sign pri nt mass of appropriation billi Sign revenuo bill. Mcke great number of minor appoint ments. Lead parade of returned Yanks down Pennsylvania avenue. 2 , When yon dm Journal clsssifi- ti ads get what yon want then to they work fast. 4 Bntterfat Buttorfat - - 51 Creamery Tjuttpr . 5354e Pork, Veal ana Mutton Pork on foot 15e Veal, fancy 20iilc Btccrs 7(7P9 Cows 4' Spring lambs . 12o Ewes - . -45? Lambs, yearlings 10(g;12c K2i and Poultry Egga, cash 37e Hens, live 2527c Old roosters 1B Chickens - 25c Vegetables Radishes, doz - 4"e Sweet potatoes 5.25 Potatoes .. 41-50 Onions, local . 1.65(i)2 Cabbage !3e Turnips 2214c Head lettuce Beets 4.755 Parsnips . e Cauliflower, 2 doz, case . 3-50 Coeoanuts Iron Orar.ges - W(?5 Lemons, box . $56 v The Journal Job Department will print yav anything In the stationery line do it right and save yon real money. Bananas 0e Florida grape frait, ease 67J Black figs lb. . lu'18 White figs, lb 192Q Package figs per bx 50 pkg 40.O Honey", extracted .. Z0 BetaU niee Eggs, dozen - 45 Creamery butter .. 58a Country butter 48a Flour, hard wheat $.'1(0)3.15 Portland Market Portland, Or Feb. 15. Butter, eitf creamery 52fi;53e. , Fgs selected local ex. 4245 Huns iilta lio Broilers 4()c Gecire 3035c Chceso, triplets 3839e ' DAILY LIVE STOCK MAEKXT CatUa ; Receipts 25 Tono of market steady Best Bteers $12.5013.5O Good to choice steers M.5012.50 Medium to good Bteers $10.50feiU Fair to good steers t'J&lO f i . : uSvA oiniuou xu iair siuei vcuvv C'hoico cows and heifers t9.SO10 Good to choice cowa and hcifera 8.50(a 9.50 Medium to good cows and neiierf $7.50(8.50 Fair to- medium eowa and heueri, $5.756.75 - Canqors fJ.505 BulJs Wi9 Calvea 913.50 . Btoukera and feeders Bogs Bcceiptfl X97 . Tono of market steady Prime mixod tl05l)i)1675 Medium mixed U6.2516.50 Bough heavies 14.50J5 . Pige 12i)14.50 Bulk $10.5O16.65 Bneep Koceipts none Tone of market steady Prime lamb. 13.7514.25 Fair to medium lanTbs yH Yearlings 10(frll Wethers !)f?10 Ewes 5.50(a'8 Goats 5.500 11 Fanner's Produce Cospasy Csh for your produce todays 20c for top real. lHe for top hogs. 27o for heavy over 4 lb. lens. 25c for light under 4 lb. nes. 160 a High 8t. "Phena II