Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 15, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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ii a, iw blue fin tuna m i n n n n if? V -
I ; . Iff i JSJl of ihe southern w I flH I ff ff
I 1 ,' CALIFORNIA ROD 5 . t " I I iff ft JJ '
Just Opened in Connection With the
Service Station
1000 S. Commercial St. Phone 355
Automobile Buyers
of Polk and Marion Counties
Cut this advertisement out and bring it to us.
It will entitle you to a 32x4 tire free of charge with
your order for one five-passenger Oakland "Sen
sible" Six touring car. This offer is good only un
til February 20, 1919. Remember the price is only
$1250 including an extra free tire. This car is the
only six cylinder touring car on the market for the
price. '
Act now The time is limited for the EXTRA
D. Samuel
Distributor for Polk and Marion Counties .
197 S. Com! and Ferry Sts.
Salem, Oregon. -
II i t
X f
f . ' v if I v i
. I - j;-- - -H I
. I . " ' s ! -
United States tires are built with one purpose MILEAGEThey are not
built to meet price competition, they are not built for exorbitant profit. They
are built not alone to measure up to their liberal guarantee but to exceed it.
As apparel oft proclaims the man, so the tire on your car oft proclaims the
car you are driving and a motor car equipped with United States Royal
cords or Nobby tread tires is at once singled out for its distinctive elegance.
We have a complete line of tires in all sizes from 30x3 to 38x7. We have in
stalled a Battery Station in our store and can give you expert work on Mag
netos, Generators and Batteries, all work guaranteed. See us about your
solid tire business. We will soon install the most modern press built for put
ting on solids.
Quackenbush Auto Supply
and Vulcanizing
Free Service Car Phone 66 219 N. Com'l St.
Mr. Business Man
As a matter of economy you
should consult the Journal's
Job Department before placing
your printing-we are satisfying
Salem's leading firms put us
on your calling list. Phone 81
Ways And Means Finds It Has
$100,000 To Meet
. This tlecisioa en tlte part of the wuya
end menus conumti'o will leave up in
tho uir proposed sulnry iucrccflcs for
the supremo -court, iiismruuro commis
sioner, state ciygineer, coipoiation com
missio icr, dairy and food commissioner,
secretary of tht board of control, war
den of the stisto ppnitcntiarir and vari
ous other bills tlia required a- special
nppropnation.ISJ,rcveral bills for sutury
increses have ipassed the house whilo
others were being prepared for prescnti;
tion. -
At ith referendum yie people of the
stat will havo chance to dcterniino
, , jwhothor tho supreme judges shall have
It now looks that nil tho pioposedl tllpir alarieR advanced from $4500 to
salary boosts.... will bo passed on to tho J o (ti'on an Increase of from $600 to
people and the lecislutors instead ol $5200 o year and other state officers
taking tho responsibility o-J iai!ng sal- 1000.
ones will let the votinc public do it1
provided of course tho voting public fa
vors salary boosts.
Tho ways and moans committee,
which hns the handling of appropria
tions has about completed its figures
and it finds thi;t, keeping itself within
tho const ltutionul six per cent, hero
will bo no money left for salary raises
und special appropriations.
Tho committee cannot legally eppro-
priato only about so nuicu miuuuj
it hn
keeping up
for tho coming two years After cast
ing up its figures, it finds there m
barely $100,000 left with wlitcu n nnvt
oniprgoiicioM for tho next two years.
Henco with tins condition confroulinj;
it, the wayg and means committco has!
ilocided that if tho ncoule want to
; Understood To Have Been
Done Just Before Present
ing It To Peace Congress.
Paris, Feb. 15.: One of the most im
portant articles of the league of nations
constitutions was understood today to
have been eliminated at the last mo
ment before its presentation to tho gen-
oral peace congress. This provided that
the life of the league, ia its present
form, should be ten years.
The reason for the roported withdraw
al of this provision could not be ascer
tained. It was believed, however, that
inasmuch as the present organization is
Bi&el: Basketball
Game Saturday Night
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Dallas, Feb, 15. One of the biggest
basketball gniues of the s -uson is sched
mod to take place in tins city Satur-
,, day night when the team of the Dallas
already placed this money in , Jf'lots meet the fast Maroon ''Fs'' of
up tho various state instiuions!1 OTtlaad, e Portland aggregation is
muiliiret;H U-J rramwin nigil S'-lkOOl MUM-
ni and have been playing ball for the
past several years. They 'have defeated
all coiners in Portland this season and
arc sure to mako a hot contest for the
locals. Prior to the opening of the
game a match will be played between
the second team of rhi- liiirh r.-IiiuiI
spond moro mor.ey than the constitu- J and 8 Monmouth bunch. After the big
tional allowance, it is for the people ftmie a social dance will be given at
to net. tho -armory.
next spring' when they will return "to
Oregon to reside. '
Fred Stinnett has arrived from
Washington, D. C, having been dis
charged from the army.
Em mot t Staats, a prominent resi
dent of Monmouth, was a Dalian vis
itor this week.
W L. Soehren was a Portland busi
ness visitor the first of the week,
Mrs. (Foster Odom of Wandling, Ore
gon, is a guest at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barber.
Miss Iva Stanley has accepted a po
sition in the Dallas Pharmacy.
Mrs. William A. Himes is in Seattle
where she went to mct Sergeant Himos
who lias just returned from the front
in France.
H A. Joslin, local manager for the
Jfountain States Power company, was
a Portland business visitor the first
of tho week
D. D. Moreland of Portland transact
ed business matters in . Dallas this
week. -
Miles Davis, proprietor of the South
Dallas grocery, wag a Capital city bus
iness visitor Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Frances Dempsey left this
morning for a Short visit with icla
tives in Portland. 1
only tentative and may be amonded
greatly before it is formally adopted by
tho member nations, there was no c
sential reason for placing a time limit
on continuation of the organization ns
now constituted.
The provision regarding admission of
new members is so framed that Ger
many and Austria cannot be included
in the league until they give absolute
assuranco that they will live up to tho
peace terms imposed upon them. The
other great candidato for wi-uioursliip,
Eussia, must also furnish guarantees.
Thi3 particular article is believed to
have boon aimed principally at these
three nations, te all other countries of
importance will be signatories at the
Tho belief prevailed in official cir
cles todhy that The Hague tribunal will
continue as tho lecgno's court of arbi
tration, or will bo converted into such
a "court although the former arrange
ment is said to be most likely. Tho will
be aside fro mthe permanent court to
Rrnr all judica-bol eases.
General -peace work will bo greatly
speeded uponw that the league' of na
tions has boon temporarily disposed of.
It is also regarded as possiblo that aft
er President Wilson-' return to Paris,
many questions will be turned over to
to the league which otherwise would be
settled by the general conference. ;
Shipping Stocks Actively
Bought In Stock Market
Vice Admiral Henry B. Wilson, com.
mantling tho American naval forces at
Brest, Franco, is seriously ill
New York, Feb. 15. The New YoTb
Evening Sun financial review today
Today's short session of the stock
inarkot displayed further evidences of
the moro cheerful feeling which has
bee ndeveloping in Wall Street in the
past fortnight. Tho oil group again sup
plied what ever fireworks there were,
Koyal Dutch, Mexican Petroleum and
Texas company being in particular
good demand with gains of 2 to A
points. The shipping shares were also
actively bought, Marine Preferred
crossing 102 at which price it is somo
nine points above the low of this year
to date. General Motors and United
States Rubber were among the strong
Captain Edward V. Kickeiibacker of
the American air forces was given an
ovation in the gallery of the house of
representatives Tuesday.
A report that the St. Helens Lumber
company had cut wages 10 per cent is
denied by Manager H. F. McCormick.
The Washington Bakers' association
has asked the legislature to fix the
standard size of a loaf of Jrread at 1
ounces. . ,
Have some very fancy Idaho
alfalfa, hay and the price is
" !' right'
A complete stock of all kinds
of feed in any quantity
wanted. -
The largest stock of Seeds in
the valley. Seed Grain, Grass
and Clover Seeds, Garden
Seeds and Flower Seeds.
Send or call for catalogue.
251 State St Phone 160
Salem, Ore.
f 1'
Her nightie, of paiest flesh tub silk,
is made on quits severe lines and de
pends entirely on that odd little yol c
of Georgette for unusualness. The
yoke Is barred with a navy blue
ttripe and one of matte. A bit of
blue ribbon and Valenciennes la.'e
Snlshcs It around the too.
Pollt County Boy, Former Prisoner,
. Homo
Liueteiinnt Rnlnh Floi'd. son rf Mr.
and Mrs. O. Fiovd of l;:dt'Dendeuce.
has returned home and is visiting with
his parents and friend i in tics county.
Lieutenant Floyd was one of the Polk
county boys taken prisc;cr by t!:e Ger
mans, he mn:ngcd io oip? once and
had about made his way into Switzer
land when ho was r.-eaplu.'o 1 and vine
ed in solitary confinement where he
was kept uptil the. nrir.is'ice was sign
ed. Lk'iue;ui:it F.cyd was an av;ator
with the American fcrcr n:d was enp
lured by the fiermn-.s nltir being lost
while co:idua'ing an.. a;'ru;i'r.ue to the
Southern Pacific Motor Demolishes
Ay nuLoncibile Lilt.nging ;o a Mr.
Stevens of Falls Ci v rr.s liau.'y dnm
aged Thursday afternoon by being
struck by a Sotifht r.; Pac'.re motor
cur. Otto Ttul ati'd n son of Mr Stev
ens wero in tho niacin"-1 at tho time
of the a cident but cs.-ap. J with but
few scratches. The auto:::; i!. v;as en
tirely demolished. The accident occur
red at a crossing in the eaitern part
of the city
New Divorce Suit Filed
A new suit for divorce was filed
with Comity Clerk Floyd U. Moore this
week when Irma llairisou made ap
plication to the circuit c irt for b1' al
sepa atirn from Hnrvey Hs!iim The
case will come in frr hearing before
Judge B.-It at an r'r date.
PonvJar Dallrs C rl Many
XI 1 ! ; M-1 "Viv.i daujihter of
r-. d M-g. B. H. McCailon, of thi
ci y. w' 1 leave Snd;iy for I Ange
lej, ti. a yii? aUe tc:1i be unit
ed in K.irritij.e to Dr. l.'we, a well
Inowa cp'io'n" ef Pn l- 'd and this
r of thj n'e. TV n-'W.v weds will
make thair home ia IVii-'Vniii until
(sr s- n
If A " ,
i ,' i
; - JL A A T, : i
'.f L
STUDY AT THE PEACE IONFKH EXCE. New ad intereating photographs of Llovd George and Clemenceau.
. r 1(-rdr is j v p em.er of France wiU be 78 text S.ptembor. President Wiison rccentlv celebrated his
' ' ' " Copyright Underwood Underwood.
2kA birthdav.