THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1919. PAGE NINE lu. -u !( - 'to.SJ: 1 S?S loll of J own .jjl From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report. Killed in in action 12 Died from wounds 7 Died of accident and other causes.... 7 Died of disease 49 .Wounded severely 34 Total . ., 109 Today' g casualty list contains the following names of Oregon men: Theo 0 Peerenboom, Gaston, wound ed severely . Rudolph K Krausse, Portland, wound ed slightly Vaughn H Wells Hillsboro wounded slightly Frank E Shelton Freewater wound ed slightly KILLED IN ACTION' Lt .las L Belk. Camden S C . Lt Frank R Kirk, Ingram Pa Privates ... Chas Jakes, Olivia Minn t ''Hnroll W Jones, Export P(if"-"::;"' , Emmett Nichols, Bay wood Va . -' Jno R Pearson, Cape Girardeau Mo " Jos W Perks, Charleston W Va Prank M Ecdding, Cleveland 0 irtio Riordan, New York Henry C RosoiTuorg;' Adrian Mich Waverly Smith, Bristow In d , WED OF WOUNDS 8gt Chas W Phillips, Youngstown 0 Corp P B Moonevham, Spartanburg S C Corp C A Sutton, Cnwker City Kan Privates ' Jno Madison, McLcanaboro Til Howard B Miller, Hyndinan Pa iacob E Sanders, Orosi Chi Chas E Scliribncr, Omaha Neb DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Pgt Alfred C Banian, St Paul Minn Corp Geo W Fitzpatrick, Harrisburg Tb. Rorsoshoer Wm A Gable, Phila Privates A E Carmichacl, Mienectady N. Y Frank Deangelo, Superior Neb Jno W Jones, Plumorville Ark Alex Rosenborg, New York DIED OF DISEASE Maj Ecxford M Glaspey, Harrisburg Ta Lt'Harry Monercao, Waynesboro Va '-. r . Sergeants Eavniond Moore, Naugatuck Conn Almo E O'Kell, El Psiso Tex Corporals Frank P Frandsen, South Eiver N J James P O'Neil, Scranton Pa James M Smith, Pnrkersburg Pa Chauffeur Edgar W Gicsccke,. N V Cook Frank Hitchcock, Cairo N Y Civilian Phillip E Andoitt, France Privates Adam Link, Pittsburg Pa . Louis McConnclll Toun Bivct N J Jesse McMannis, Ilninden O Wm 0 Metz, Chicago "Horn of Ploniir tyZtffl'wJ 9yffi$3 While v j b are sure to remain, price oi ianu is mum uciuw iui vuuc Lf I , .n.hla o wleMlnor 9rt n AS hush. els of aero f or pwtlmlaM St i. jiini;."v Many farms paid for from c single year crop. Raising Ji'f V?Sm i0 '-.i cattle, sheep and hotrsbriiiBJeqoalaucces. T tie Government ViZitN. 'SV encourages farminn and Mock niainff. Railway and srj,'S . Cr-: nUtr munual inciuceaienta to Home Seek- If 'Toasted Cheese HereVa dish that Snow Flakes i are particularly adapted to. Spread grated cheese on each Snow Flake Soda, toast in a quick oven. The f result k an appetizing, latisfyingf lunch,' You should try this, f Don't ask for crackers,ay Snowj Flakes. Your grocer can "supply you. 18 Charley Minney, Milbury Mass A M Munson, Chippewa Falls Mich T E Nabors, Ladouia Tex W J Odum, Odum Ga Arthur E Eerkhis, Salem Mass ' Jos Phillips, Dickson City Pa Fwnk Snudman, Akron O. Fred J 'Schultz, W Norwood N J Phillips Schcffield, Norum Fla Wm E Sims, Eudora Ark - Conrad Anderson, Viborg S D Wm D Arrant, Darlington Fla Dclphino Bonasorte, Eocihestor N Y Chas E Boyle, Cambridge Mass Tresley Brecken, IVanklin Ky . Chas M Brown, Murfreesboro Tcnn Ernest J Duller, Des Moines la ? J Glaus, Louisville 0 A B Curtis, Charlestown III George Davis, Haynesvillo Ala '. C W Davison, Boswell N M (.'has F Devo, Medina Mich Fred D Felix, Pnasiao N J:t W G Ganier,it San Antonio Tex ' w'alter Orpeii,fMai?oit'Pa " - f Win Harrell, perkeston Alias Jno Hebo, St Claiir Pa ' A Heck, Brooklyn N Y : Aug Hegel, Eidgewood NY Harold C Herison, Seneca Mo Floyd Holton, Decatur 111 Jno Huaby, Minneapolis Minn Arthur J Ivy, Leiiioiisrping N C .O A Joyce, Newark N J Jim King, ArrUigton Tenn Died from wounds, previously reported died of disease: - . H Allen, Gulumbcia FallsiMo Killed In action, previously reported missing in action: Privates . Harry Coppenstcin, Rock Island 111 Win A iFieklin, Duplissis La Frank E Mathews, Zancsvillrt 0 Hugo Eisin, Batesvillo Ind Jno Pulcinno, Altoona Pa Geo W Heiehart, Yakima. Wn Gtv News Thirty boys in uniform, nailing from the -Hill Military academy irf Portland, arrived in the city this morning and have boon makiing a tour of "the prin cipal buildings and visitinjr the legis la ro in company with their principnl, J. A. Hill. To secure funds to entertain return ing soldiers, it has been decHded to put on a tag day next Saturday. Mrs. Frank W. Durbin and Mrs. John Maur er will have charge ef the wurkers for the day. While a drfinite ilarc cannot be annonncciV as yet for the returning boys who went irom this part of the sliaite, yet 1'liose in charge of the en- IMS iv : ImM&tAZ rgmhashripedtofeed H V'bilityofproductions'.illre3tsuponher. high prices for Grain, Cattle and Sheep wheat to tt; oer can bo had on nna a fivun ElS to 7ia Bar good grazing land at much leas. en. Parma may he sMtped by loans at mudcriiM interest. Western Canada offers low taxation, good market and ship- moir, free schools, churches and neaitntui climate. af to wtapgd railway rat. hicatinn of taia Bto- L. rerta, Cor. 1st and rim its, tpeUM, na. auatata Br. Frederick Coan To Tal 0a Syrian Question Sunday There will be a mass meeting at the Salem armory Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, according .to plans agreed upon today, when Dr. Frederick G. Coan, one of the most stirring and interesting latfojrm orators of the day will discuss the Armeaiaa and Syrian questions that are uppermost in the wiuds and hearts oi the enlightened nations of tho , earth. ' Dr. Coan is an Armenian by extrac tion but he is also a graduate of Prince ton University and has been engaged under the American flag in relief work among the Armenian peoples for many years. He love his adopted country with all the fervor and enthusiasm of native of a country which has been subdued under the iron foot of Turk ish cruelty and oppression for centur ies but whose people have yet glimp sed the might and power of tho great liberty-loving United States,, an ideal toward which they have set their face Dr. Coan possesses all of the attain ments of an orator and his eloquent sen tences on American institutions and the actions of the people of our coun try in their realtion to tho world prob lems now pending, will not fail to instruct and please his audience. He spoke at Eu;;ene last year to a crowd ed armory and his address was pro nounced the best war address then had in the University City. The pastors of tho city will probably havo no. evening services next Sunday evening but all join in the mass meeting at the ar mory. Special music will be provided. Why Spend So Much ' Money on Shoes? ' Here is what Tracy fcJunson of Joplm, Missouri, says, of Neolia Soles: "Judging from my own ex perience, they wear four times totigep than other soles anfj hav the addi tional advantage, qi Jbeing; waterproof and slip-proof. Why continue to vear txtravagant old-fashioned soiea when you caa get these money-saving, tong-weaxuig sofca on new shoes ia any style you like for any member oi the family? Good! shoe stores everywhere carry theo. And don'tt threw away you fcl shoes. Have then bottomed; vith Neolin Soles and: enjoy. th comfort of a re-soied shoe whicb not stiffl or clumsy. Neolia Soles are a dis covery of Science, and aro made by The Goodyeair Tire & Rubber Co.,, Akron, Ohio.' who also make Wingfoot Heels guaranteed eutwear 3& other heels. feolin Sole lj.M.riiKi. uXetosr tertainment have thought best to f ut on a tag day Saturday just to &a,Y funds ready and this part of the work taken care, "pf, As the leglaltttHJe will, probably Ibe in sessioa Saturday morn ing, it is more than probable that the law makers as well an tkooe who. at tend will be given au. opportunity to wear a tag at the rate of la eeat pet tag. : o '-. County Judge H. O. Ieven and) County Commissioner E. L. Hass of Harney county are in tho city today, coming .before the legislature in pro test, in the name of all Harney oun ty, against house bill 370, giving ,he federal government complete jurisdic tion over the entire Harney. Lake iba.8 in. Tliuao gentlemen come armed with involutions of protest from frho coun ty grange, the Burns Commercial club, the stuck raisers association, and the I Water Users association, all of which emphasize the claim that tho federal izing of the Harney Lako basin-, to gethoti with all tfce streams that feed it, means ia death blow to all irriga tion interests in that section. They State that there are from 50,000 to 100,000 acres of tillable land involved and tlhat tho people of that section are up in arms over the movement, which they characterize as a case of senti ment versus business. Heavy opposition is .being made to the draining of the lake by many schools and societies of the state, on the ground that it would destroy one of tho greatest bird re sorts da tho northwest. On being re minded that the charge had been cir culated that the draining of tho lake was a speculators' project, the repre sentatives sta'ted emphatically that they ihad no interest whatever in any promotion scheme, but were working in the interests of the farming clement of .Harney county. 80 YEARS OLD- ATTRIBUTES HEALTH TO INTERNE BATHS Sir. D. Ncwcomb, 701 N. 4th Ave. Atchison, Kan., writes Tyrrell's Hy gienic Institute of New York, as fol lows: "My next birthday is July 13Wi 80 years old. Have used Tyrrell' 'J. h. L. Cascade' for more than 20 years. Best and only remedy that bringa re lief without the use of drugs. My ex pcrienee proved that it always reliev es. No danger from it. My ailments were principally Uric Acid, Billioui ness, CVl'iveness, etc." This eis by no means an exceptional letter for Tyrrell's Hygienic Institute to rcive, as there are now over half a million Americans using Dr. Tyrrclls J. Ji, u cascade" with tike results, i By the scientific nsc of Nature's cleanser warm water it eliminate all poisonous waste from tho lower in testine and gives Nature a chance to work unhampered. You will be astonished at the differ ence in your feelings the morning af ter an internal bath. The "J. B. L. Casdade" wiU be shown and explained to you by Daniel J. Fry, wholesale druggist and mfg. pharmacist, Balem, Oregon, who will alsa give yoa free on request an in teresting booklet by Dr. Chas, A. Tyr rell, "Why Man of Today is Only 50 per cent Efficient." Get this booklet and know just why Internal Bathing i so effective in the promotioa of better health. KEEP THINGS GOING Many people think that because they paid attention o- details and "Got things going" last year they don't need to bother so much this season. This is a big mistake. The real results this year were caused by your atten tion to details las: year. For instance in the "-Early imtehing" program and next year wilsl depend on this ycr so we would advise once more "Hatch early." Those baby chicks, too, must be looked after. Ask your county agent or home demonstration agent for circular on "First care of baby chicks." U. L. UPSON, Extension Poultry Husbandman. The capital stock of the Horticulture-! union at iaknua has been increased from 40,000 t0 $150,000. A dividend of 12 per cent was declared oa last year's business. J. P. and Dennis O'Callnghnn have purchased the 7t0 acre holdings of W N. Wilson, near Benef, together with 2300 hend of sheep Tho consideration was $75,000. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice U hereby given, that, tiho un dersigned has been duly appointed ex ecutrix of tho estate of Charles Harold Edmundeon, deceased, by the county court or Marion county, state of Ore gon, and has qualified as such execu trix All persons having claims against the said estate aro hereby notified to present samo, duly verified, together warn tJio proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned! at the ffie oi p. J. KunU. Bant ei Commerce btuldinz. Salem, Oregon, ia said' county 'ot Ma lion within six nouthi front the date f this notice. Date oS first publication, this 13th day oif February, 1919, AidiUK EisTHBS ED'M C'NDSON,, Executrix ef the estate oi Charles Harold Edmuadsoa.. 1. J. Kunta, S-13 Attorney far the executrix. IN THS COTJNTT COUZT of the 8tt of Oxogon, ia Uet for Marfoa County . la the matter of the estate of Joka P. Kent, deceased. Administrator with will aaneseL Notice of hearings final aeceuatI: etc. Notice ia hereby given that the fin al account ef Freak S. Glover a 4- uiniMrator with, will anaeaed ef the estate ef Joha P. Kent,, deceased to gether with hi petitioa foji final dia tvibutio of said; estate, has. heea filed in the county oourt e Manoa coun ty, tate of Dcegou, aa4 that Monday, the XWi day ef February A. U im, at the hour ef two o lxi)t ia tk af ternoon, at the office ef the eonatrr judge in Salem, Oregon, has been duly appointed, By- auch, court a the time and place for the hearing ef eibjectieus to uca final aceoant aiii pe-tiitwa and tno settlement, oi said accouav aj which, time aay person intcioeted' ia such estate may , appear and: file ob jection thereto and, contest the same, Duted January 16, ,-lWft, FRANK S.. GtOVJJR, A adini ai t ra tor with will annexed of the estate ef Joha P. Keut, dueeaa- 8-13 ADMINISTRATEIX'3 NOTICB Notice ia hereby zivea thl the aa- dersiguedl has. been duly appelated by the county eourt of the state ef Ore gon foi the county ej Maiion as mintatratrix of the aetata of John D. Sutherland, deceased) and that she has duly qualified a such administratrix. All persona having cmline against the estate, of said decedent are hereby ae- titicd to present the same, duly ven- The Capital Journal Daily Market Report Oraln Wheat, soft white $1.90 Wheat, lower eradss oa eanipla Oats 80e Hay, cheat $24 Hay, oats ... $2S Barley, ton 48a)50 Mill run 50 Buttetfat Butterfat . 48c Creamery butter 5051c Fork, Veal ana Mutton - Pork, on foot 15 3-4c Veal, fancy . -........ 20c Steers ..... . . 7(30 Cows ............ ... ..... 47e Spring lambs ..... 12c Ewes.-.-. . - ... -4(3flf Lambs, yearlings 10(gl2c figgs and Poultry Eggs, cash 37c Hens, live 2527c Old roosters ..... lft Ckickcua 23c Vejretanles Radishes, doz. 40c Sweet potatoes $5$.25 Potatoes $1.50 Onions, local $1.65(0)2 Cabbage 2!4(a3c Turnips 22'4c Head lettuce ,.....- $1.75(o55 Beets - 2c Parsnips - 4c Cauliflower, 2 (loz, enso $3.50 Cocoanuts - $1.752 ItBtt : Oranges ...... $4(?5 Lemons, box ..'...- $56 Bananas . - 9c Florida grape frsit, ease . $G(S7.25 Black figs lb. 1018c White figs, Jb. 1 19(t20e Package figs per bx 50 pkg $4$i6.fl0 Honey, extracted . 20e Betall frtee Eggs, dozen .... . . 45e Creamery butter 5Sc Country butter . 48c Flour, bard wheat $G3.2? . Portland Market Portland, Or., Feb. 13. Butter, city creamery 4950c Eggs selected local ex. 4243c Hens 3032e Broilers 26(b527e Geeae 30&35e -Cheese, triplets 3839a WAR. PUZZLES jMiuklj?.Baa"WBBawiBfc .www sr'Ml mm ea i, if sja . i n ARMED MEXICANS CROSSED THIC BORDER Into New Mexico and tarried oft three Mormons, two years ago today, February 13, 1917. Find another bandit. YESTERDAY'S AXSWER lpsfde down in foliage. fiedv ta ate at the office of Condit & Gluvor, aiy attorneys, room 203 Hub bard building, in the eity of fculera, Mariea, cemity, Oregon, within six uioato frutu the date el this notice. Done ia Saleut ia Maiion county, Oregon thia 2 1st day et January, 1019 Administratrix of the estate of John tX Sutherland deeeaaed; 2 20 TOST NOTICE OT EXECUTRIX Ndtiee is hereby giyea that Cornelia T. Wellor has this day been appointed exeeutna ef the last -will, testament and estate of Richard; H. Wellm, do ceasiMl, and! kaa duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby, notified: W pre seat the same,, duly verified to. the andersigaedi alt her lesideuce at Salem, Oregon, Rural Boats No. 3, bos; 162, e to. ke attorney Carey S, Martin, 4t3. Masonic Temple building, Salem, Oregon, wiitaia sm niontas front the data ef tliia notice. Dated) January 24, 194 CORNELIA 1. WELLER, Executrix ef the estate ef Kichard B. Waller, deceased. Carey I Martin, 31 MasOEl Tem ple ibldg-., attorney tot estate 2-27 DAXLT UvTb 8TOC5 MUSKET - Cattl-' .. . . Receipts 6ft ; "i m ' Tone d1 market steady Best steera $12.50lii.50 Good to'shoiee steera $M.5012.75 Mediuia to good steers $10.6011.S0 Fair te goodi steer $yiil0 Coaiuioa tav ;fai steers $89 ."Choice cewa aud aeifers 9.2510 Qoed ta choice cows and heifors $8.30(cni.50 Medium to good cowg and heifers $7.508.50 Fair to medium cows and noifers $5.756.75 Canners $3.S05 Bulls $0(3)9 Calveg $913.50 Stockors and feeders $711 Hogs Receipts 490 Tone of market steady Prime mixed $1650l()75 Medium mixed $16.23(316.50 Rough heavies $14.50fel5 Pigs $12(514.50 Bulk $16.5016.65 ' Sheej Receipts none Tone of market steady Prime lamb $13.75ai4.25 Fair to medium lambs $911 Yearlings $1011 Wether $9(?)10 Ewes $5.50Cu)6 Goats $5.50r)6 Farmer's Produce Company Cash for your produce today: 20c for top veal. 18c for top hogs. 27c for heavy over 4 lb. lens. 25c for liirht under 4 lb. hens. 160 8. High Bt. Phone 10 THE FIX-IT SHOP Umbrella repaired and recovered; razors, knives, scissors and lawn mowers sharpened, saw filing, lock smitliinir, kodaks, alarm clocks, inus ical instruments and roll"' top desks repaired. My specialty is repairing everything in tho light repair line. Alvin B. Stewart, 37.1 Court street, In Frank Eichter's furniture store, Salem, Or. Phones, shop 217, res. 1109. LODGE DIRECTORY KNI0HT8 OF PYTHIAS MEET A! McCornsck ball on every Turadaj at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. F. J. Kunt C B. A S. ROYAI NEIGHBORS OF AMEBICi ''Oregoa Grape Camp" No. 1360 meets every Thursday evening it Derby building, Court and High Bt Mrs. Pearl Courscy, 214 Court St oracle j Mrs. Felissa Persons, record ..r 1415 X. 4th St. Phone 1436M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meet every Thursday evening, 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court ni High streets. J. F. Day, V. C.J F. A. Turner, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assen. bly No. 84 meet every Thursday at 8 D. m. in Masonic Temple. Norma L. TerwilLiaer. M. A.; X A. Vibbert, secretary, 840 Owen; (tract. Journal jW ant "'Ads Quick Reference To Firms That Give Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVERYTHING Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, USED FURNITURE Sell your used furniture to the high est bidder, give Frank . Eitchei a chance. New and 2d hand furniture fot sale. 373 Court St. Phouo 217. DENTIST Dtt. F. L. OTTER, DENrl:.T, BOOMS 1413-1414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. OSTEOPATH DBS. B. K. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathia physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk. ville. Mo. Post graduate and spec talised ia aetveus diseases at Lea Angeles College. Wffiees 505-508 Nat Bank Bldz. Phone 85m. Residence. 1820 Court Phoaa tZ6, Dr. W&ite Bes. Phone 4G9. " AMUSEMENTS TUP. KflLDlEU BOY& Pool and bil liard parlor is now open under new management aud it renaer you ana the goncral publie a congenial place to pass away few leisure hours. The basement; of Oregon Electric depot, corner of State and High. Phone 628. Wm. Livock, prop. 3-6 WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. f none bud. FINANCIAL HONEY TO LOAN Oa Good leal Estate Security THOS. K. FORD .er tadd Bush bank;, Salem Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS - 5 poi. cent 34 year time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 MaBonio Temple. Salem, Oregon MONEY to loan on good real estate. SVi percent government money to loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold. W. D. Smith, Salem Bank, of Com meroe. 12-14 STOVE REPAIRING JTOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 year txperience, Depot, National sod American fence. Sizes 86 to 58 in high Faints, oil and varnish, etc Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 850 Court street. Phone 124. 2ND HAND GOODS. We Buy, Sell And Exchange All kinds ot Furniture, Stoves, Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness, Tools and Junk, We buy what you don't want and pay the highest prico in cash. Peoples' New & 2nd Hand Store . 271 N, Commercial -Phone 734 J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchanges new and 2nd hand furniture. All kinds of repair work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Right priaes. 247 North Commercial St. Phone 16. AUTO PAINT SHOP Just opened in connec tion with the HIGHWAY GARAGE 1000 8. Com'l. St. EXPERT WORKMEN WANTED Peoplo of Salem to know that we pay highest pricej for men second hand clothing, shoes, etc. The Capital Exchango, 337 Court St. Phone 493. tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given to all to whom it may ointern that the under signed as executrix of the estate of Surnli Ann Pettyjohn, deceased, has filed her inal account s such execu trix in the county court of tho state of Oregon for Marion county, and that said court has fixed March 17, 1W19J at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at tne court room of aaid court at the ourt house of Marion county, at Salem, Ore eon. a the timo and place for hearing objections to aaid final account an't the settlement thereof. - CECELIA FWIEft, . 3-13 Executrix ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that iho un dersigned administrator has filed hi final account of the estate of Pauline Nnugebauer, deceased, with tho clerk of tho county court of the state ot OTegon, for Marion county, and said court has fixed the 17tb day of March, 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon as tho time for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement tbere- of; and that any . heir, erediter, er ether person interested ia said estate Telephone Main 1200 ELECTRICAL 127 North High- BABY CHICKS FpR SALE 544 (State St. Phone 400 ' Headquarters for baby chicks. Leg horn, Red, Rock and Minorcas. Price reasonable. C. N. Needham, Box 412, SalemyCff. AUTO REPAIRING All kinds of aute repairing by an ex, pcr'ienced workman. All work guar anteed to be satisfactory. Studebak er repairs a specialty. D. R. Moir, 263 N. Commercial, REPAIRING PEOPLES REPAIR SHOP Clocks,, furniture, umbrellas and shoe repair-, ing. Saws filed, shear and knife grinding, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed; -261 Court street. B. Wooley. 8-H REALt ESTATE 600 acres, 150 bottom in cultiva tion, 450 bill and timber pasture, good improvements, well fenced, spring piped to house, en Pacifia highway, 2Vi mile9 from town, $3000 worth of stock and equip ment goes, will take $2500 worth of trade er liberty bonds, $800 cash and carry back $7000, price $17,500 160 acres free of encum-. brunce to exchange for acreage or residence, not ever $2000. 163. acres, two. modern residences, alt in cultivation, all tiled, well drain, ed, finest equipped dairy barn in Polk county, good silo, ' 4 mile from good town, on mail route,, reck ro'ad, no better value any where, only $125 per acre. Fine 10 acre appta and peach orchard to exchange for Salem acreage or residence, price $2500. 40 acres, 1ft . cleared, 30 timber, to, exchange for rosidonce, net over $251)0., Have several vorv tine prune or-, chards and Loganberry ranches lor sale, gOCOLEFSKT 341 State St THROUGH our non commission ya tem you can be put in touch with hundreds of peoplo who wish to sell or exchange tlicir properties, with out obligating themselves to pay a commission. Oregon Realty Ex change Investment Company, Iafl, Rooms 4.05 and 406 Hubbard build' Ing,, Salem, Ore.. i t FOR SALEA modcra cottage with many convcniitaces, on a paved street, near car line. Price $2500, $50Oi cash, balance oa easy terma, See Square Deal Realty Company. Phono 470. - a FRUITLAND Nursery, Salem, Route, 8 box 138E, phone mm. we nave we Roman strain grtfed Franquet wal nU pud also a few more Italia prune trees left. ' 2-1 BRING YOUR TRADES BRING your trades. 1 can match yoq. C. W. Niemeyer, all branches of real estate and Canada lands, 215-2H Masonic 'building. Phone 1000. . SECOND-HAND GOODS NO CASH REQUIRED Good overcoat shoes and stills, aiv kinds of music al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What havo yout The Capita Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on moata ly contract at reasonable rate. Ces pools cleaned. Dead animal re moved. Office phone, Main 824T. Residence, Main 278, WOOD SAW PHONE 1090E ; Our Prices aro Right W. M. ZANDER, Proprietor 1255 N. Summer Street, Salem, Orcgoa. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY :nay, on or before said date, file b'a ubjcctioHH, If nny, to said account, and. hqw cause why snid account shouH not be settled and allowed as rendered. Dated this lit day of February, 1919. .AUGUST NEUOBBAUER, Administrator of the etfate of Paw line Neiigebauor, deceased. John Bayno, . . , Attorney for administrator. 8-U ADMXNI9TRATOR ' S NOTICE Nitice is hereby give? that the a deraigned, by virtuo of an ordor of the county court tho state of Oregon, tor Marion dotinty, duly made ana ear tered of record on the 31st day of Be ccmbsr,, 1918, was duly appointed ad ministrator with will annexed of the estate of Eliza Free, and that he ha qualified as such. All persons having (ilaims against said estate are heretgr notified to present the same, duly Tt ified as required by law, at the office of Smith & Shields, 403 Salem Bank of Commerce building, Salem, Marioa county, Oregon, within ix months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 16th day of January, 1919. ' . ARCHIE E. FREE, "Administrator with the will aanev ed of the estate of Eliza Free, deeeaa-