Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 13, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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$ Notes From The Hesse
There is only one medicine that really '
itamls oue pre-eminent as s medicine! -
tot curable ailments of the kidneys
liver and bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the
highest for the reason that it has prov-
When it comes to regulation chap
lains who come out every Sunday and
en to be just the remedy needed in'talk to the convicts, Warden Stevens
thousands of distressing eases. Swamp. I eyea he can accomplish, more good
unnt ,wn frio., nm..ki,r h.,, if.ifor the men by having prominent spea
mild and immediate effect is soon real- " th Btate Oliver addresses. He
izod in most cases. It is a gentle, heal-1 bcheYes e can secure the .services of
tag vegetable compound, prominent Portland men who would
o. T . i i ... a 11 .1 nibo glad to speak and deliver messages
Start treatment at once. Sold et all M he wor,d Ag haf t
drug stores n bottles pf two sizes, ' ow $600 a ig appropriat.
medium and largo. J ed for chaplains.
Howover, if you wish first to test i .
this great preparation send ten cents to It js juSt a trifle difficult to keep
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghampton, N. Y., j up with tne n,jg salary propositions so
for a sample bottle. When writing bo, many bills are being introduced and
lure to mention the Capital Journal.
I OpenFonn- i
! with a grand rush
all have to run so many gauntlets. One
head line will announce that thu sal
ary raising bills aro dead and then
another will state they have smooth
sledding. The wise ones do say that
wthen it comes to the final show down
all salary advances will go through
Editor Capital ,Journfal: Joe Poe
schl ibringa me a copy of the Journal
and "points with pride" at an ar
ticle which states that I havo intro
duced in the senate a bill providing a
pension f or ihdm.
This publicity-dos not ptease me as
much as it seeing to please Joe; partly
because I have not introduced such a
bill and cannot introduce the bill 'he
differs in its present form.
Your article states many things that
were no doubt told to your reporters,
and many of which aro true. That Joe
is a deserving man I fully believe,
and would ibe gl'ad to help fill a purse
for Mm by personal contribution. If
misery and suffering alone entitled a
man to tho bounty of the state, he
would not ask in vain, even at the
hand of our impoverished ways and
means committee. -
Joe saw mo send a note to the pres
v idont's desk, and took it for granted
it Was his bill, and that bills aro thus
introduced. I absolve him Yrorn any de
sire to misrepresent the facts. I do not
think ho misrepresents any of the
facts as he sees thorn. No jury ever
impaneled in Oregon would have
brought in a verdict for the detuud
aut railroad company if the facts wcif'
really as he now supposes
Would it not be a good plan fo; a
reporter to verify such, a statement as
this by tilio confirmation he might got
so easily
Tho story makes good "filling" but
the base of it is the misstatement as
to my1 having introduced such a bill.
Yours respectfully,
When E. E. Smith of Portland be
sins a long talk, in order to get a quo
rum for a vote, it is necessary for the
sergeant at arms to go out and round
up members. Formerly one of the spell
binders of the house, members of the
hous now do their resting on the out
side when Mr. Smith speaksc. Speaker
Jones warned the members yesterday
Mat they should remain on duty and
attempt to earn their $3 a day.
Tho safety .first committee of the
Southern Pacific has begun to hold
monthly meeitiinigs 'in various towns
for tho benefit of its employes.
San Jose, San Francisco and Oak
laud unions of machinists have been ex
pelted from tho Iron Trades council for
refusing to take Saturday afternoon off.
Managers pf copper properties in Al.
sska have begun making reductions ii
tho number of employes because of the
docline in the price of copper.
Mini'ig companies of the Warron dis
trict in Arizona Sunday night posted
bulletins announcing a decrease in
wages to miners of 75 cents a day.
Frank Wright, an alleged burglar,
was nrohnhlv fatally wounded at Sol ah.
Wash., Monday night by E. 0. Sherman,
n nightwatchman.
Investigation by the ststo veterinary
depnrtnient shows that only one small
band of sheep in Yakima county is
found affected with scab.
Navy aviation experts are planning a
flight across the Atlantic.
There is one sure way that has never
failed to removn dandruff at once, and
that is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, just got about
four ounces of plain, common liquid ar
von from any drug store (this is all
you will need), apply it at night when
rotiring; uso enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it in gently with tho fin
ger tips, o
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four moro applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
Bingle sign and trace of it, no matter
how much dandruff you may have.
You will find all itchineg and dig
ging of the scalp will stop instantly,
.and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and lok and
feel a hundred times better.
Mrs. Coorge Little of South Send
has received word that her son, Wil
liam, has received a commission in the
niavy. Ha is now on the U. a. . Artie.
F. w'Wliito, Yakima county proba
tion, officer, -was shot at , five times
as ho was going homo one night last
wek. The woulil-be assassin escaped.
Havana is without news from the
outer world, newspaper and job printers
Doing on a striKc.
Mombers of the house have become
so accustomed to bills providing for
raises in salaries that hardly a ripple
of interest is created when a salary
bill comes along quietly and asks for
recognition. While the bill giving the
corporation commissioner an extra $800
a year stirred up some debate, that for
Mia State engineer paused hardly a
word of comment. Both offices were
recommended and passed the approval
of the house for'SvibOtl a year.
When the Ul providing -foi a lik
tie more money for a county office in
Tillamook county was read, the repre
sentative: arose and remarked he hard
ly knew what to say. "You needn't
sny anything," broke in Speaker Scy-
Imour Jones,. "The bill will pass all
right." It did.
Tho six democratic representatives
lined up against the full houso of re
publicans on the bill presented by
Representative Lewis of Portland. It
provides that a straight ticket may be
voted at a general election .by just
placing a cross in a circlo over the
head of the ticket. For instance if one
wishe8 to vote tho straight r-cpu'bli
ari ticket, all that will be necessary
will be to make a mark in a circle and
the thing is done. Ditto for the demo
cratic ticket. The democrats saw great
danger in such a bill but it suited the
-republicans and it went through.
The social evil bill, 'which called
forth so much oratory a day or two
ago was resurrected when Gallagher
attempted to kill it for good by ask
ing for a vote of indefinite postpone,
nient As many members believe there
is much good in tho bill, tho house
agreed to reconsider, me JUanon coun
tv delezation voted unanimously to
take up the hill after it had gone thru
the judioiary committee.
Polk County Sheriff
Made Bis Eoze Catch
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Dullas, Ore., Feb. 12, (Special)
One of the largest catches of booze
made in Polk county since the enact
mont of the prohibition lew in this state
was made by Sheriff John W. Orr this
week when he seized a shipment of
about 100 bottles of whiskey at Bajl
ston. a little hamlet in the northern
nart of the county
The Polk County officials have been
on tho outlook for bootleggers for some
WIG. U. 3. PAT. OFF.
Acknowledged the standard Army Shoe
on the Coast-and small wonder:
"Extra Service Every Step
Caasfart Every Minute"
That' why it is being worn by
thousands or men in all walks of
Orchard it ts
Office Men
Look for the name Buckhecht
stamped on the sole of every Shoe
Should your dealer be uaaMe to supply you,
send his nam to the -manufacturers Buck
ingham and Hecht Baa Franchco. Esclose
price of shoes yon desire and we will have your
rder filled.
rijllillD - U"n ii mi ii 1 1 1 M 1' " iiimnniniiiiiim. milium mi in .11 1 11 nil! Minimi 11 1 1 1 .1 'Mtn 11 1 1 irnY VtvV ' Jl i Ul'-Ul I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 miUJlUJillumuiu
See our. Exhibit at the
Salem Automobile Show
' " Six cylinder, BPpassenge Oldsmobile Utility Truck. You must see this truck
Six cylinder, roadster....;......,....::...: ....$1495 : to appreciate it.,,- ; ' -
- gx cylinderTcoupe -$2100 Ex gg bod wjth top ......;.... ....... .......$1600
Eight cylinder, 4 passenger ....$1900 . r . M
Eight cylinder, 7 passenger .....$1900 Cab and Stringers .......$1545
The, Q
bile Co.
Of Oregon
Corner High
And Ferry Street
Model 48 A
S-CyfibdW Saw r,tmh mamJIUrf
Model 371
S-OHikIw Tomrlni Car. Tt wr-Um
MMWaWtMH Jn twtf aVM sysiMy
Model 37
f.-il.fiiinii'iitHMbrrililMllllMiHilTllnM,IHIMHfffi'iWIISHil.r.lllJlllll lIllMIIHUIt.MII.HII'lllll", ..l.liifrf " 1 i V l1
time end have just missed several ship-
meuts of liquor. In some manner the
information reached them tliat tho
above liquor was bound for tho county
snd the sheriff was on hand to receive
it when it arrived. The shipment was
nocked in a steel vault and was ship
ped from a point in California. Xhe
liquor which was ol tne uia nermiu.se
brand was bottled in pint bottles and
.!, knulfinn if BI"VPrlll (it them CUUSfd
a smell which very much resembled that
of a saloon, to issue trom me vtuu.
Entrance was gained to the vault by
sawing off the hinges on the doors.
The consignment was shipped to a
pcrty bearing evidently a fictitions
name a9 no one in the vicinity of Ball
ston knew any such party.
Th. liniin. has been brought to this
city and deposited in a vault at the
court nouse ior rs'
Dallas Boy Burled With Military Hon
ors In Trance ,
.iio. Or. Veh 12. The body of Scr-
XTnwn.n llotinin nf this citv. Wa
? . ... t. i. :l ..111. fn mil-
laid to rest in xreiwu gun
itary honors according to a tetter re
ceived by the boy's parents, Mr. End
Mrs. O. I. DcDnnis, of this city from
Colonel John May, commander of the
Oregon regiment in Prance. Colonel
May stated that the funeral took place
on January 3ra, two acys aiver '
Dennis died from disease said t
have been ptomaine poisoning, 'i'lie bur
ial took place at Bt. Argnaavsrau, vui
nnal Way informed the Barents that the
body would be removed to this country
at some future tune
Dallas Armory Presented With Hew
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 12. A handsome
new flag was presented to the State
of Oregon for use at tho Dallas ar
mory at the isst meeting of tHo local
U. 8. . Grant Post G. A. B and tho
Ladies auxiliary. The flag is a gift
of tho ladies, the old flag which has
flown over the armory since the Dallas
boys lift for the front having been
.torn to pieces by the hih winds of
the pest winter. General Beebo was to
htivo been here to aeept the gift for
tho state but at tho last moment ho tel
ephoned that he wag unable to attend.
Besides the G. A E. and the Circlo la
dies several of tho city and county offi
ciuls were present at the presentation
Popular Dallas Girl to Wed.
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 12D The home of
Mrs. Conrad Btarrin, on Clay street, was
the scene of a verv pretty announce
ment party last Friday night wnen tlici
wedding of. Miss Vera. Marie Wagnur
of this city to Orlie II. Bojo, of Hub
bard, was made known to the surprised
MisB Wagner is one of the most pop-
ulur girls of Dnjlas. She is the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Wag
ner and is graduato of the Dullas
High School. She also attended the Will
amette University in Salem for a time.
The rooms of the Slufrin home were ,
profusely decorated with hearts, the
nr. mo heart designs being used as place
cards, and tho announcement of tho
event. Covers worn laid for about forty
Tho wedding will take place in this
city on Wednesday, February Sittth at
the homo of the brides' paronts on Oak
Mrs F, J. Craven was a guest at the
home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wm.
Tyler-Smith, at Sheridan, the first of
the week. 1
Misses Irene and Buth Barrett, o? Al
bany, were gueslB thi9 week at the
homo of Miss Muriel Grant on Lyle
street. The Barretts wore formorly res
idents of this elty.
Mr. and Mrs. U S. I.oughary havo re
turned from a several week's stay in
Portland. Mr. Loughary was ill with
influenza while in the metropolis. -
TVi n.r. -yt:is