Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 11, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mint Jell
IVJmifihe Baby
Needs a Laxative
No oat knowt better than the ever-watchful
mother the natural doctor of the family in
all the small ilia that when the baby ia out
: of aorta it it usually due to indigestion or
It is always well, in any of its illnesses, to
look for this cause. The diet may have to be
changed, but before good can result from it,
the bowels must be moved.
The mother has the choice of many medi
cines cathartics, purgatives, bitter-waters,
pills; physics, etc. But the little body
doesn't need such harsh remedies for they
wrench the system and do only temporary
good, so often followed by an unpleasant
" A better plan Is to employ I mad; gentle
laxative of which only a little is required.
There is a combination of simple laxative
herbs with pepsin sold by druggists under
the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin that
thousands of mothers have used successfully
for baby's constipation and its accompany,
ing ills, such as belching, wind colic, rest
lessness, sleeplessness, etc.
The nursing mother will also find it ideal
for herself, and it is especially important that
she be free from constipation.
Syrup Pepsin is guaranteed to do as prom
ised or the druggist will refund the money.
Thousand of cautious families have it in
the house, secure against the little ills.
Dr. CaUwell't
The Perfect 11 Laxative
In spite of greatly Increased laboratory cot, due
,'to the War, by aacrificins profits and absorbing war
tarn w have ininamH th aria a which this
family luativa ha, been told by druwUta for tbt pal.
Myaart, ywo lists - at sua si.w.
If you have never used Dr. CaMwdl'i Syrup
Pepatn send for a fret trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell,
468 Washington 8t., Monticello, 111. If then at
bnbiet at home, aak for a copy of Dr. Caldwell's book,
Siim Fern Leader May
Present Claims la Paris
Cork,. Feb. 11. Professor Edward Dc
Vallora, Sinn Fein leader, who recently
escaped from an English prison, has ar
rived in Paris, according to roports re
ceived here today. .
Do Vullcra, providing the above dis
patch is confirmed, probably will pre
sent Ireland's claims to iudopeadence
to tho peace conference. Ho was elect
cd to tho now British parliament from
Kast Clfiro.
Washington, Feb. 10. The president
today scut to the senate the nomina
tions of ....Samuel Campbell atPortlund,
Or., to be register of the land office,
oor Free Scholarshi
To each of the four young men or young women who save the largest num
ber of Dixie Bread Wrappers or Dixie Bread Labels, we will give a
Six Months9 Scholarship
Ccipifcil H
This is a voting contest. Each DIXIE BREAD WRAPPER or DIXIE BREAD
LABEL Counts for TEN VOTES. All you need to do is to bring or mail
the wrappers or labels to the SALEM BAKING CO., successors to the Mod
ern Bakery, 439 Court street, Salem. Place the name of the person for whom
you wish to vote in an envelope with the wrappers or labels. The envelope
will be dropped through a slot in a locked box. The key to this box will be
in charge of a committee selected by the officers of the Salem Commercial
club. This committee will have charge of counting the votes, and will make
the awards after the contest is over. The contest will close June 30, 1919, at 8
p. m. All votes must be in the box at precisely that hojir by Western Union
Notice None of the employes (or members of their families) of
the Salem Baking Co., are eligible to enter this contest. Nor are
any of the Faculty or Students now enrolled at the Capital Busi
ness College eligible to enter this contest
Begin now to save Dixie Bread Wrappers and Labels. The
Voting Contest is on. Either enter yourself, or if your school
days are over help some young friend to enter
To have hindrances and obstacles placed in one's way. Tis a ser
ious matter for one to be handicapped in the business of life, yet this is
just what happens to young people who start without a proper training
for business.
is a school that affords a training to remove handicaps, natural or other
wise, so that one may 'start a business life with the right chance of mak
ing good. One should be prepared to do a few things well. That is the
mission of this school to teach a few things well. Our graduates suc
ceed. Call, let us talkeabout a course of study. Students may enter at
any time.
Address all Inquiries To
em Baking Co.
Successors To The Modern Bakery
439 Court Street Salem, Oregon.
: mm :
It was- neeeesarv to postpone the
meeting- called for Wednesday night,
untu murmiar evening at i:M at. the
Commercial rlub auditorium. It is de
sired; that the chairmen of ewry com
mittee be present as urgent business
is to be discussed and plans mad for
the homecoming. A list of committee
chairmen fallows: Mrs. J. A. Carson,
Mrs. B. J. Hendricks, T. il, Kay,
Judge William Bushey, Mayor C. K.
Albin, F. J. Chapman, William Me
Gilthrist, Jr., Milton L. Mevfrs, C. B.
Claneey, John R. Sites, Gideon Stolz,
J. H. Arnold, Berle F. Maten, Arthur
W. Lawrence Of Pascal Traglio, Dr.
Alden, W. I. Staley, Captain Miller
(Salvation army), Frank Dawy, H. W.
Meyers, P. E. Fullerton, Frank Wright
man, Rev; Lei and W. Porter, Mrs.
Alice Dodd, Mrs. Isaac Lee Tatterson,
Mrs. Harold Cook.
Any individual or society not list
ed but aniious to take part is cordial
ly invited to attend, the meeting and
get on the list. -
Miss McNary of the Salem hospital,
has received word from the Ked Cross
at Washington, I. C, that the report
of the death of Miss. Marie Blodgett,
ned Cross nurse- and graduate of the
Salem hospital, is an error. The name
of Miss Blodgett has been among those
of dead for the past few weeks, and
her numerous friends will be relieved
and grateful to hear that she is still
Mrs. T. A. Livesley ha, as her
guests her sister, Miss Viola BeBeck
of Vancouver, B. O., and her cousin,
Misg Margaret Band of New West
minster, m, V. Both Miss DeBeck and
Miss Band, are- here for a visit of in
definite length and are being enter
tained at the Livesley residence on
South Winter street.
Miss Lorene Parker, home demon
stration agent of Umatilla county, was
tho guest recently of Mrs. W. M. Ham
ilton, of Salem. Mis8 Parker, who was
formerly home demonstration agent of
Marion county, is making a glowing
succesa of her work in eastern Oregon.
It was while attending a conference
at vorvallis in connection with the ex
tension courses of the Oregon Agrieul
tural college, that. Miss Parker made
her flying visit to Salem.
According to Professor John B.
Sites, the meeting, of the People's
Chorus, held last night in the ohapeJ
of Willamette university, was a ue
cided success. Sixty two people turn
ed out to the initial meeting and there
is promise of nearly s many more at.
the next one
Mrs. B. J. Miles will be hostess at a
charming dinner party tonight, honor
ing. Kopnesetntative and Mrs. C. J. HA
ward of Tillamook county.
Mr. and Mrs. Cmy Day and two
small children of 4'ortland were week
end guests of Mr. Day a parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Iy. at. the latter 's
home on East Center street. Beryl Day
was also nome over Sunday.
The many friends of A. E. Day will
be sorry to learn of his illness which
woica hag confined him. to hie homo.
Celebration of Lincoln 't birthday by
the boys and young men. of the First
Methodist church will, take the form
of a supper, given in recognition ot
"Father and son week." There will
be a program, including toasts by the
young men,
.The niaboe Bed Cross auxiliary will
meet tomorrow afternoon at the home
of Mrsv, T, A. Livesley, t51Q South
Winter street.
Mr. and Mrs. Boy B. Hewitt and
son, Ronald, were McMinnvillo visit
ors recently. Mr. Hewitt, who is the
manager of the Armenian and Syrian
relief, campaign in Marion county, and
has spent nine months in Frace, deliv
ered an, address at the First Presby
terian church at McMmnville, about
his overseas experiences.
Mrs, Ralph White will bo hostess to
night at an informal dance at the Co
tillion hall, to which all her. senior pu
pils have been invited..
The Elk lodge announces an infor
mal dance- to be given Friday night,
February fourteenth, at their club on
Liberty street. This. is. the first. Elk
dance of the- season And will be as
thoroughly enjoyable as those of past
The Missionary society of tho Jason
Lea M.. E. church will hold their reg
ular, mooting Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock at tho Jiome of Mrs. M.
E. Minton, corner of Broadway and
Hood, street.
Important business will e transact
ed and a full attendance is desired,
Paramount among the, events of the
week will be the automobile show to
be held at the armory. A program of
fecial merit has been arranged for
Wednesday, the opening night. Mrs.
SsJbine Dent Hofer, eminent vocalist,
who has recently returned from San
Francisco and the largest- aggregation
of violins in the city, will be heard.
Tho work of these violinists is admir
able and they have received much
praise on former appearances from
prominent critics of tho state. Miss
Ktizabeth -Levy- is their teacher and
director. Tttoso who are fortunate
enough to be members of this ensem
ble are: .
Misses Nora ftnell, Blanche Hill,
Prances Schrode, Uaiol Veots, Maurine
Larson. Frances Purdy, Winona iSmith,
MUdrcd Watt, El ray Maxwell. Kin inc.
Steingrube, Donme fcimitn, Lillian El
lingsworth, Baiftara 'Robinson; Messrs
Bjorn (radonoU, Justus Robertson, Wil
liam Herig8td, A, F. Olson, Charles
Laydon, Carl Uerigstad. Delbert Moore
John Cri4js Eras Reid, Ralph ' Parker,
Willie bulof, Howard StemigruM, How
ard Batch, Teddy F. rt miller, clarence
Veal, Leonard Graham. Orvin Seaver-
sob, Victor Gather, Ellis Welty.
Every detail is now ready for the
Try Mint
vtith roast
Iamb or cold
meats. It is
vastly better
than mint
saucev Try
desserts with
their real
fruit flavors in essence
form, in vials. Each is so
rich in condensed, fruit
juice that it makes a real
fruit dainty. Yet they cost
no more than old-style
gelatine desserts. . '
iO Fhvon, at Yoor Grocer'
2 Packet for 23 Cnl
Y. W. C. A. to-be put on on Thursday
and Friday of this week. Every home
in the eity will be- called, on by some
member of the membership committee.
It is desired to secure iiOOO members
at one dollar, oath. If this can be done
it. will b..HTM Af tha. V TV P. A
budget for the coming year and thus
will avoid a special budget campaign.
It is hoped that every one will assist
in mis. mcsi wercny eause,.
The North Salem Woman's club will
meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at
the home of Mrs. Guy Smith, 1025
North Church street. An interesting
lecture will be delivered by Miss Late
on library work and Mrs. Hunt will
exhibit some eurios, sent her from the
Philippines by her son.
You needn't worry about damp or
windy 'weather spoiling the, wavy ap
pearance f your hair if you use the
sUinerme-curling method, And you can
dance all evening without having your
tresses stringing all about your face.
If you've never tried this simple
method by all means procure a bottle
of liquid silmerine from, your druggist
and follow the accompanying instruO'
twins. It will enable you to have just
the prettiest waves and eurls, so nat
ural loosing no one will guess they
were artificially producicu. lhe curlv
ncss is quickly acquired and lasts con
siderably longer than where the heat
ed iron is used. When the hair is comb
ed out it will be delightfully soft and
fluffy. The life, lustre and, beauty of
the hair are preserved by the use of
this harmless produet. Therefore it is
also prized as a beneficial dressing for
the hair. It is quite pleasant to use and
leaves no sticky or greasy, trace.
To get the genuine, eall for full name
lets. Look for v signature of K W,
G-ROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 30c,
Lloyd Rubel Formerly Of
Silverton Dies In Alberta
(Capital Journal Special Service)
. Silverton, Oregon, Feb. 11. Tho fu
nerul. of Lloyd Rubcl, whose body was
shipped here from Alberta, Canada, was
held. Saturday afternoon and interment
was made in. the Miller cemetery east
of here.
v , , -t
inline, nas oeen icarncu as to me
cause of his death. . A telegram was
received by relatives of the young man
last week stating that he was dead and
asking what disposition should be mado
of the body.. They wired for informa
tion regarding- the. death and instructed
them to ship the remains to Silverton.
Upon investigation of the body it was
learned- that his face hal been terri
bly burned' from some kind of acid.
Whether bis death was by suicide or
from accident has not: yet been, learned.
The telegram received in response- to
an inquiry merely- stated that he died
from poison. -,
Mr. Bubel was about twenty-six years
ond, and was native of Silvorton. He
moved to Alberta only a short time
Try Making Your Own
Cough Remedy
To ran. a utiaat ft, nj have
a bur rrmmj Ktmm the rpadj
miMift kind. KaaUy iwmtt
If you combined the curative proper
tics of every known "ready-made'' couch
remedy, you probably could not get as
much real curative power as there ia in
(his . simple home-made cough, syrup,
which is easily prepared in a. few min
ute". Get from any druggist 24 ounce of
Pinex, pour it into a pint bottle and
fill the bottle with syrup, using either
plain granulated sugar syrup, clarified
molasses, honey, .or corn syrup, as
desired. The result is a full ni&fc of
i really better cough syrup than .you
couia ouy xeauy-niaue. ior mre Times
the money. Taste pleasant sad never
, This Pine and Svnip preparation gets
Tight at the eauss of a. eongh and givs
almost immediate relief, lb loosens the
phlegnv stops the nasty throat tickle
and heals the eore, irriUted'membranea
so gently and easily that it ia really
A day's uw will usnally overcotae tho
ordinary cough and for, bronchitis,
croup, whooping conch and bronchial
asthma, there is nothing better.
Pinex is a most valuable concentrated
compound of genuine Norway pins es
tract, and. has seem used- ior KCBcrations
to break up severe coughs.
' To avoid disappointment ask your
druggist for "2V4 ounces of Pines with
full directions, and don't accept anything
eise. uuaranwea to giv amoiws satis,
faction or money promptly refunded,
lhe Pinex Co., L Wayne, IndV
makers exclusively of
invites you to inspect
the new models in
Modart Corsets
Front Laced
in the
of the
145-147 Liberty St.
Quality Merchandise
Salem, Ore. t
Popular Prices t
Where the various superior features of these corsets
will be exhibited to you, and where you will have the f
benefit of experienced service and fitting.
Says h Address That He Was
First Great Citizeii Of This
. Generation.
Declaring that Theodoro Roosevelt
was the first great citizen of this gen
eration, tho Kt. Rev. W. T. Sumner,
bishop of Oregon, in an address before
the joint senate and houso in the house
of representatives last evening, told of
his personal acquaintance with Roose
velt sot only as a citizen but ag a pol
itician es well.
"Roosevelt understood the game of
politics and played it well" said Bishop
Sumner." Ho realized the fallacy of
parties. He has been charged with be
ing i;n office seeker. I bolicve ho was,
because of his ideals and confidence in
hia iews as being the right views.
"In his political career, he was ho
est and stood for the common man. But
ho was more of a statesman than poli
tician. No politician would have asked
Booker Washington to the state houso
for dinner. No politician would have
forced the hand "of Germany in the Vont
ozuela affair, and no mere, politician
could have built the Panama canal.
"Roosevelt declared to mo that the
Progressive party wa( an. accident. Ho
wns badly advised and informed after
his return from Africa. But he lived to
see both great parties grasping tlm
ideas of tho progressives
"Roosevelt had an intellectuality, sec
ond to none in- this country. We was
not brilliant at Harvard college. As he
grew strong physically, he grew men
"I was with him in Chicago shortly
after he was shot in Milwaukee The
famous Dr. Murphy who attended him
sivid he had never found a, man Willi
the physical perfection of Roosevolt,
"Everything Roosevelt: read he re
membered) and to this we must attrib
ute his greatness. And above an, ne
was a good sport whether winning or
losing. His human friendships appeal
to all of us. Good, old Teddy. We are
now willing t0 forget differences of
opinion. To all of us he is Teddy,
"Tho Rough Rider felt he wag a
friend and companion. He may havj
mrle mistakes, but his aims were to
give an efficient administration.- In
his dealings with men, he nlwitys fou-'d
the best in every man and, his motives."
lu concluding his eulogy, Bishop Sum
ner said: "1 hope this state will, not
be behind other states In ereeting a
memorial to Roosevelt. A lake was set
aside in Oregon by Roosevelt for the
breeding of wild birds. We should- set
aside this tract and eall it the Rooeovoit
natural reserve."
A pleasine feature of the evening's
-o-oprsm was tw0 solos by W. Russll
Morgan,' who appeared in his navy uni
form. The popular song "My Own Uni
ted Stttea," called for an anchors and
in response Mr. Morgan sang "The Sun
shine of Your Rmileo."
The only sune way to get rid of dan.
druff is to dissolve it, then you de
stroy it entirely. To do this, get about
four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon;
apply it t night, , when , retiring;, nee,
enough to moisten ' the soalp and rub)
it in gently with tho finger tips.
Do thig. itonight, and by morninft
most if not all, of. your dandruff wilt
bo gont?, and three or four more appli
cations will completely dissolve ami
entirely destroy every single sign, audi
trace of it, no mater how, much danr
druff you may have.
You will, find, too, that all itching)
and digging of the scalp will stop ot;,
once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus
trous, glossy, silky and soft, and looit
and. if eel a hundivd times better.
You can get liquid arvon- at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and never
fails to do tho work.
Dr. J. B. Anderson-Next
Washington HedSli Head
Olympian Wash., Feb. 11. Dr. J. B.
Anderson, of Spokane, will be tho next
stato health commissioner The stat
health commission hus decided decided
to name hiin in- place of T)r. T. D. Tut
tie, of Seattle, who will retire in April.
An attempt is being mcde to increase
tho commissioner's salary to $10,000 a
Here's Help
MANY bed-ridden sufferers from
backache and rheumatic pains owe
their condition to the fact that they neg
lected the first warning of kidney trouble.
Prompt action at the first sign of dif
ordered kidneys will prevent much suf
fering. Keep the blood stream pure by
keeping the kidneys healthy and the
poisonous watte matter that causes pain
and misery will be eliminated from the
have brought relief to thousands ot tuf
iering men and women who were af
ftctedwiih backache, rheumatic paint, stiff or
nvoUeo jointi, one nuclei, dizziness, puftne
UDder eyes, fioatiof speclu, DiHousneas, bladder
weakMU, Ion ot appatke or other aymptoma of
kidney trouble
Mre. San C. Small, Dayton, N. M., writes:
In January I waa takea bad with my kidney
and bladder. 1 bad been in bed two months,
but kept iettinf worae. Then I tot so bad somo
tbiaj had to be done. We,eotked an advertise
ment in tne Clayton Kcwo for Foley Kidney
Fills and w sent for some. Tbey bare done me
mora good than all the medicine I have taken
1 am better than 1 have been Uwyenn."
J. a FERRY, Druggist
Ctttttt. Peennv V.. !r Wal-m, Troy. N.T.