Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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! The Journal New Ted
Bate per word Mew Today:
Each insertie , ,, le
ne week (8 insertions) .,, , Se
Oaa month (26 insertion!) 17c
The Capital Journal will sat be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
tor errors in Classified Advertisements
Bead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately if
error occurs.
Minimum charge, 15c.
I OAK plow yonr gardens. Write Bt.
3, box 2T. 8 19
FOB SALE Clover hay. Phone 27F
12. . 2-11
WANTED Veal and large ealves.
Phone 80F2. tf
APPRENTICE girls ranted. Boom 10,
MoOornack bldg. tf
"WANTED Good yfmng fru& cows
Phone 111F21. 2-4
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Apply 645 S. 12th. 2-13
IX) R SALE 'Empire cream separator,
cheap. Call 71F5. 2-1U
FOR SALE Gray seed oats. Phone 27
F22. 2-20
FOR SALE J. Ii. Stockton company's
store fixtures. 2-1-
PATRIOIA GBAF, public stenograph
er. Phone 937, 124 S. Liberty Bt. tf
SUGS cleaned on floor, 35c per rug.
Phone 16. L. L. Buckner. 3-3
LIBERTY BOND3 you must dis
pose of yoar $ on ws will boy
them. 814 Masonic bldg. tf
WANTED t hens wanted, highest
prices paid. Apply 456 State Direct
or, tf
FOB TRADE A good, nest 4 room
bouse with garage to trade for auto.
Ooll 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf
FOB SALE 1 9x1$ shaft governor,
engine and boiler complete, cheap.
Box 268, Turner, Or. ii
WALL PAPER 15 cent per double roll
upward. Buren's Furniture Stare, 17V
Commercial. tf
HELP WANTED Two reliable men
to cut oak trees in orchard, 7 miles
, south. Tools, place to sleep and cook
stove furnished. Phone 804 or write
HcDougal, 830 S. 12th, Salem. 2 8
FOB 8ALB 6 room house, ltrge barn,
nearly one) acre of ground, level,
good truck land, worth $3000, on ac
count will take $1000, close in. Rt.
4, box 150. 1-4
TRAYBD From McDougal's place,
Bt. 3, a yellow brindled heifer, Will
be fresh late in spring. Phone 804
or write 830 S. 12th, Salem. 2-8
FOR SALE Two registered Berkshire
gilts, 7 months old. Phone 41F5.
Write box 36, Bt. 1, Macleay, Or.
NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6.
Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special
low prices on certain lines. Phone
111F3. 3 3
FOR SALE Selected Oregon Yellow
Globe Danvers onion se?d $2.50 a
lb. Phone 48F11 or J. I. Bliven, Ger
vais, "Or., Bt. 3. -15
FOR SALE Grain sacks and potato
sacks, at a bargain. Willametto Val
ley Transfer Co., 171.8. Hikh. Phone
1400. 'tf
FOR RENT 100 acre dairy farm, with
eto k and equipment, on shares, or
without, for cash. Address box 107,
Bt. 1, Aumiville, Or. 2-11
WB BUY dressed pork and veal. We
will come and pick it up. Willam
ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South
High St. Phone 1400. t
FOR $al O.X account of old age,
, must sail my 5 acres of all kinds of
fruit, good house, barn, chicken coop
Will take $2200 for quick sale. Rt.
4, box 15C. 211
FOR BALE Eight-horse engine and
. boiler, wheat cleaner and three coun
ters and show case, all in good eoa
dioa. F. Ralph DuRette, Gervais,
Or. M
Ford touring, 1916, may extras $390
8todard twenty, good tin et $250
Maxwell, 1914, just painted $250 '
Chevrolet touring,-1916, $425.
Auburn touring, first class, $275
Highway Garage. 1000 9 Com'l. tf
314 Masonic Bldg.
WANTED Good ineubatar, Petaluma
preferred. Phone 42F25. 2-10
FOR SALE 8-hole range, $25. 1865
OA . ...
FOR SALE One ton clover hay $25.
Phone 1204. 2-10
FOR BENT Furnished housekeeping
apartment Call at 597 N. Liberty.
Phono 2456W. tf
WANTED Boarders and roomers
Phoae 1354R. Call at 161 S. 14th
. St. 210
FOR SALE Modern four room house,
also good bieycle. 1070 N. 21st.
Phone 2340M. 2-10
FOR TRADE 14 acres of land for
light car or Salem property. See Pow
ell, 404 Court St. tf
WANTED Fat, thin and fresh eows,
veal and large calves. 'Phone 1425
M. . 3-3
MONEY to loan on real estate. See
Donald W. Miles, 304 U. S. Bank
bldg. Phone 376. 2-13
FOR SALE Six room house, modern,
full basement, chicken pen and large
garden spot. 9734 care Journal. 2-13
WANTED Fat, thin and fresh eows,
venl and large calves. Phone 1425
. M. - 3-1
FOR SALE Pearl Guinea fowls and
Barred Rock cockerels (Oorvallis
strain.) Phone 2502W4. tf
WANTED Experienced house maid.
Mrs. Ben W. Olcott, 925 Chemeketa.
PERMANENT position wanted, ex
perienced hardware man with refer
ences. C E care Journal. 2-13
SECONDHAND lumber for sale, and
wood for hauling. Ryan bldg., C. Van
Pattou. , , 2-10
AS GOOD an new, gas range, good
heatittfl stove, water heater; retail
ored overcoats and suits, at . halt
pritoe. Una Capital Exchange, Hi
Court St. Phone 493. tf
A BARGAIN For sale, nice modern
six room bungalow 24th St. near
State St. paved street, lot 50x200.
Easy terms. Rostein & Ureeubaum.
- - 4-10
WANTED Fat hens, best prices paid.
' opencer aaraware w., oo mate an.
Ask for Director. tf
WANTED At once, experienced cook
at Willamette Sanitarium, 745 Fer
ry St. 2-11
WANTED To buy or rent for cash,
good bottom land hop yard, in good
running order. Phone 14. ill
FOR SALE Two-inch Myers fsnrav
pump with jack, complete, ready to
attach to engine. Phone 14F15. 2-11
FOR EXCHANGE Valley stock ranch
nicely located, for smaller place or
city proporty. E C care Journal, z-13
WANTED Horse 160O pounds or over
young, souno. rnone aner o o ciock,
. O. Kim, 31F33. 2-11
FOR SALE Five room house, lot 50x
100, paved street. Price $800. W. H
Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St, 2-10
HORSES and mules wanted in ex
change for good 5 room modern bun
galow. Joseph Barber, fhone sir
A BARGAIN Harness stitcher, tools,
levers and some stock, $350 if tak
en nt once. Clarks Tire House, Hi)
N. Com. Phone 74, 2-11
WANTED To rent small farm, all
Amiinned. or would consider work on
same, by young married man. Can
give references. Ii m care journal, u
229 State Street
If you want to buy or sell a
car some and see me.
Saxon roadster, fully equipped,
perfect $300
Oakland roadster, perfect $300
Maxwell delivery ear $300
Maxwell roadster $275
Maxwell $150
Maxwell 2 eyl. $50
Ford touring, perfect, $375
Phone 362
Salem, Ore.
WANTED A window cleaner. Foae
WANTED Small potatoes for stock
feed. rhoae. 14F15. S-U
CHOKE Buff Orpington eggs for
hatching. 154 Columbia St. ll
WANT 6 or 10 hens and ons rooster.
Call 2219 mornings. 2-11
FOUND Tire ehain. Can be had by
paying for ad. Call 75F3. 2-10
FOR SALE Jersey eows, 5 years old,
heavy milkers, Phone TUtrai. z-ia
FOR SALE Young dog, Shepherd- Col
lie. Phone 76F6. s-u
FOR SALE 3 year old Belgian eolt
Phone 53F22. -
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. 758 N. Com. 2-12
FOR SALE 65 White Leghorn laying
hens. Phone 70F31. 2-15
WANTED Late model Chevrolet. Call
room 1, Steusloff bid. afternoon. 2-12
FOR SALE One bay marc, 4 yars old
weight 1100; one sorrel mare, wt.
1100. 2374 Elm Ave. 2-15
WANTED To rent five or six room,
modern bungalow, with garden space
By permanent tenant 9.796 care
Journal. 2-11
FOR SAMS Or trade 5 passenger tour
ing car, fully equipped, in best of
condition, cheap. Will take Ford or
.. motorcycle as part or all payment.
Call 1246 S. Liberty St 2-H
FOR SALE Cheap, 8 room modern eot
tage, including three acres of rich
soil at edgo of city. 2720 care Journ
al. 2-11
FOR SALE 6 room cottage at 930 S.
13th. Will take auto as first pay
ment. Write Robert Zollnerj Wood
bum, Or. 2-15
FOR SALE Portable drag saw with
4 horse power engine. Call room 2,
3d floor Myrtle hotel, after 6 o'clock
p. m. 2-10
MOTHERS wishing to have thoir chil
dren cared for during day, hours 7
a. m. to 7 p. mi., ages from 1 to 5.
years, good earo, reasonable price.
208 Bush St. Phone 982W. 2-12
FOR SALE Seven room house, barn,
fruit trees, private water supply,
two lots, close to school and. earline.
Price $1600. W. H. Grabenhorst
Co., 275 State St. 2-10
FOR SALE Thirty acres of fine land,
ten acres Italian prune orchard, bal
ance in crop. Price $6000. W. H,
Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. S-10
FOR SALE 160 acre farm; -100 acres
in crop, good buildings, price $125
an acre. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
275 State St. . 2-10
FOR SALE 160 aero farm, 140 in
crop, new modern buildings, good
road, price $160 an aere. W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 State St. 2-10
FOR RENT Five room modern apart
ment, unfurnished, desirable location
256 N. Cottage street. Vacant Feb.
13. Inqutire Capital National bank.
Phone 71. 2-10
FOR SALE By owner, two five room
modern bungalows,, free of encum
brance. One at 1965 Trade street,
the other at 244 S. 14th street. Terms
if desired. Address Mrs. L. V. Bud
long, 105 Washington Btreet, Van
couver, Wash. , 2-19
FORTUNE making: $10 secures mem
bership and full pro-rata interest in
five great Burkburnett fortune mak
ing gusher oil wells. Big opportunity.
Act now. Abner Davis, trustee, Wick
ita Falls, Tex.
FOR SALE Sprayer and one 400-galv
Ion tank and wagon, hack, buggy,
harness, cider press, cart, pigs, one
horse, fine seed corn 6c per pound.
Phone 082B. 10
WANTED To trade 1st class farm
for smaller place close to Salem.
Best improvements. Call for terms
and particulars at 1031 Union St
after five p. m. 2-12
I can sell if taken at once, a
small residence and nice lot on
25th street near' the pen, for $600
$250 cash; there is a mortgage on
this property that will be fore
closed very soon, therefore (the
owner ha placed it on the market
at a sacrifice; if you want it you
hal better let me show it to you
tc-day, it will be sold very soon,
Tt is a bargain.
Job H. Scott
404 Hubbard building
Four acres, all in cultivation, with
good 7 room house, good barn, niee
bearing family orchard, near school,
on main country road. $2000, part
Two acres with 5 room plastered
cottage, drilled well, near school.
Five acres with 7 room house, barn,
fruit. .Near school and on paved
. street
One and one fourth acres with 6
room bungalow, young fruit. Near
school and carline. $1900, with part
terms. -
Seventeen half acre tracts, at tjnd
of carline in Salem Heights. You
can buy one or all.
W. A. LISTON, Agent 2-10
air Ads
WANTED To buy or rent S or 6 room
modern house. Phone 459.
2 10
FOR BALE White Leghorn baby
ehieks, 14e each, February 18. W.
G. Davis. Bt 9, box 102. 2 15
WAKTED A five room bungalow,
most b cheap for cash. Address
1025 N. 17th Salem. 2-12
FOR SALE T eows to be fresh ia
February. B. T. 8hort, Gervais, Or.
Bt 3, Phone 46F12. 2-12
WANTED Middle- age woman as
househepper. Apply 335 S. Winter or
phone 1533. 2-12
FOR SALE 2 one-horse wagons,
would eonsdiler trading for fresh
cows. Box. 7, Marion, Or 2-11
FOR SALE 30 acres of bearing Ital
ian prune orchard in first class con
dition. Price $350 per aere. Investi
gate this. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
275 State street. . 2-11
FOR SALE 5 acres of Loganberries,
small house, good location. Price $1,
800. $500 down, balance $400 per
year, 6 per cent interest. W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 State street. 2-1!
FO RSAILE 17 acre traet, 10 acres of
bearing orchard, about 7 acres of
prunes, balance cleared land, house
and barn, rock road, good location.
Price $3700. W. H. Grabenhorst &
Co., 275 State street. 2-11
FOR SALE 160 acres of good red
hill land, 120 acres under cultivation,
.balance timber and pasture. This
would be first class for prunes, Lo
ganberries. strawberries or good
grain land, Price $60 per acre. $3000
down, balance to suit at 6 per cent
interest W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
275 State street. 2-11
"The Cross Roads jGazettc,"
mimegraph paper issued by A. G.
Clark for the benefit of the retail
merchants who are holding their an
nual meeting this week in Balem, has
something to say in the lighter vein
of those who are supposed to be in at
tendance. Mr. Clark is manager of the
Home Industry League. The edition of
the Cross Roadg Gazette is No. 1, Vol.
1, and in part is as follows.
President Geo. Cusiter has a date
to deliver a lecture in Salem on Sat
urday, February 15th, at the Old La
dies' home subject "Twilight Sleep"
relegates who can remain over are la-
vited to come.
Walter Denton of Salem says all the
women ol his town are divided into
two classes: Those who do not believe
all their husbands tell them and those
who have no husbands.
C. M. Eppley of Salem, was in Port
land in December, and in two days had
ihis name in the paper twice once for
being knocked down by a street car
ana once lor being pumped by an au
Theo. Roth, of Salem, claims that a
smile on the face is worth two in a
D. R. Norton iB like a barrel of ci
der working all the time.
John Lang of Pendleton, says the
O. W. R. & N. Co. avoid all rear end
collisions by simply taking off the
rear coaches.
Will F. Stone tell us why they
built the ocean so closo to the shore
C. I. Barr, secretary Astoria Cham
ber, says the real reason a "hip is call
ed "She"! i because it takes men to
manage them.
D. A. Van Scyco says "Don't go to
some other grocer to get skinned, come
and see me."
Everman Robbins of Molalla, is like
a lot of other Ford owners; they never
seom to quit demonstrating them.
E. C. Gunthcr Portland says ' that
a ehieken thief entered the home of a
neighbor the other night and stole the
last remaining daughter.
H. E. Marsh Medford man says
that when he hears a man talking like
he knew it all, he will bet 10 to 1 the
fellow isn't married.
"Holsum" F. Piltman is going to
Salem just to attend that special lun
cheon given at the Cherry City Bakery
Home Industry Clark says that on
ever 100 pounds of wool shipped cast,
freight is paid on 65 pounds of grease
and sand, it is then made into cloth
ing and shipped back to Oregon and,
like the suckers we are, we pay the bill
W. H. Fcllman Astoria furniture
merchant had his first job with a rail
road company. He was helper for the
We Pay Cash for
Hazeiwood Co., Front and Ankeny St.
For value buy our special
Iff baautifal 6 tone and
profitable io vestment. ThU
Harm tt BtadqnmrUn for Military WrM
WalciM. Writaal
) rlW, On.
Portland School Board Fight
Kears lis head Apm ia !
House IWIormg.
After the vigorous fijrht in tka hn
Friday evening of last week when the
proposed agricultural consolidation bill
was put away for its final rest, mem
bers arrived in s- most peaceful mood
this morning and everybody got down
to business and short speeches.
Not being familiar with lecislntn
and their ways, Captain Jennie Millur,
vi iu oitivauon Army, m her opening
invocation, prayed that material things
should be forgotten.
The enly bill that aroused members
from their peaceful frame of minds was
one proposing another judicial district
ior waiiowa county sJone. It was in
troduced by Burnaugh, of Union, and
nuiiowa counties and provided that the
2lst judicial district be created to han
dle court matters for Wallowa county
Mr. Burnaugh said that tho judge of
that district lived lit Union and was
so far behind in his work that no court
hud been held m Wallowa county for
more than a yetr and that several folks
who wero unable to secure bond had
been waiting that yecr in jail for a
But the houso was not in a humor to
create moro districts and with tho aid
of the Marion county delegates voting
against the bill, it failed to psss.
The Portland school board fight bob
bed up again in the bill introduced by
Richards, of Multnomah county. It pro
vided for a decrease in tho salary of the
clerk of the. school board. Apparently
this wits such a shock to the legislators
that with the exception of Richards, E.
E. Smith and Mrs. Thomas, the vote
was unanimous against the bill. The
Multnomah county delegation wsB di
vided on the school fight and there ap
parently was just a suspicion that Mr.
Richards was out hunting for the scalp
of the clerk of the Portland school
board of directors. With so heavy a
vote against the bill it is evident that
the school clerk '8 scalp is ssfo, espec
ially if Mr, Richards proposes a bill to
get it
A bill introduced by Ivan G. Mar
tin, giving the insurance commissioner
more authority in raising and lowering
rates was approved by the House.
Sheldon's bill providing that propor
fishwuys must be maintained whore
dams are constructed, met with somo
opposition from representatives from
the eastern part of the state. In order
to fix it up and not interfere with irri
gation plans in eastern Oregon, the bill
was referred again to its committee.
Mr. Sheldon, in his bill, asks that
fishways be made efficient and that the
law shall apply to streams only whore
there are hatcheries above the dam.
The bill introduced by Mr. Elmore, at
the request of the war department com
mission on training eamp activities cov
ering immoral resorts failed to pass as
E. E. Smith, the labor delegate of Port
laud wanted a little longor time to
think it over. Hence it was made r
special order of business for tomorrow
t a meeting of the joint commission
between tho Washington and Oregon
special committees to discuss the spe
cific gravity of gasoline, it wag decided
that the present law of Oregon making
56 degrees legal should stand. And
that Washington should pass a law con
forming with the Oregon regulations,
An effort was made through a bill in
troduced by Martin, to raise tho stand-,
ard of gasoline from 56 to US degrees,
As the compromise now stands, dealers
in both states will furniBh the seme
grade of gasoline.
Tho nouso of Representatives will
be thrown open to the public this even
ing to hear eulogies on Former Presi
dent Roosevelt, Tho principal speukcr
of tho evening will be Bishop Sumner
of Portland, a personal friend.
man who taps car wheels at division
points to ascertain if any are cracked.
Brother Fcllman used to help his boss
President Cusiter gure ought to cut
off those whiskers now that Kaiser
Bill is raising a set. When you shave
will you save us a pipeful George 1
F. E. Foote United Grocer man
claims he never knew what real happi
ness was till he got, mnrried and then
it was too late.
F. E. Sherwin 'Willamina, Oregon-
says he knows men who needn't go to
Ireland to find out all they want to
know about "home rule."
All Hands Point
to Our Want Ads as i
the Result Producers
ErcrVWr wsiciies ttea
Ufil Um tiaeiy retnltf
t March Delineator now in;
New and Novel designs and color combinations.
The most beautiful line we have ever shown.
36 to 42 inches wide priced right for quick
All wool. 27 inches wide. "The coming fabric J
for Spring Wear." Inspect the showing before J
the heaw sellin? beeins. X
V 3 O
Will be the popular silk dress fabric for 1919.
36 inches wide. The designs cover the range ac
cepted in the fashion centers.
You can always do better at
Colas Was Nearly Down And
Out Gains 25 Pounds By
Taking Tanlac.
"A medicine that will do as much
for sufforing people as this Tanlas has
done for mo is certainly worth recom
mending to the public and I can't say
loo much for it," said John W, Col
lins, of 1214 East Columbia street, Se
attle, while in a Bartell drug store, re
cently. Mr. Collins has been a resident
of Seattle for the past thirteen years,
and is a popular member of the police
."When I began taking Tanlac, "Mr.
Collins continued, '!I weighed only
one hundred and fifty pounds and was
in such a bad condition that I could
not patrol my beat. But, I now weigh
one hundred and seventy five pounds
have gained twenty five pounds
and am iccling fine. I have had trou
ble with my stomach for several year
Nearly everything. I would eat disa
greed with me. My food would almost
invariably sour and keep me filled
with gas and misery most all the time,
hen sometime ago I had a full of about
thirty feet which came near putting
mo out of cimimission. On top of this
I had an attack of grippe and I simp
ly "ot to where I was just about down
and out. My whole boily seemed full of
neuralgia and rheumatism and I ached
all over. Every joint in me ached and
tho pain in the left side of my back,
over my kidneys, were so severe- at
times that I could hardly stand it.
Nothing did me any good and finally
I just had to give up my position, stop
working entirely and do nothing but
try to find relief. My sleep was very
poor and I kept falling off in weight
until I got cduwn to one hundred and
fifty pounds.
"Then I got uneasy about my condi
tion, went to Colorado and stayed
there for a while but never did get
any better until I began taking an
lac, and then I commenced climbing
right up. 1 have used six bottles now
and have gotten rid of all that neural
gia and rheumatism entirely and nev
er feel an who or a puin. My appe
tito is great and1 my stomuch is in such
a good shape that I can eat just any
thing I want without tho least trouble
ufterwards. I now sleep like o, log ev
ery night and am in splendid condition
n 'every way. I'm going back to work
tomorrow, and I cheerfully recommend
an.ae to everybody."
Teniae is sold in Hubbard by Hub
bard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben
Oooch, in Gervais by John Kelly, in
Turner by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood
burn by Lyman H 8horcy,in Salem by
Dr. 8. C. Htone, in flilverton. by Ceo. A.
Stoelhammcr, in Gatos by Mrs. J. P.
McCurdy, in 8tayton by C. A. Bean
champ, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
Stoio, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stores
Co. Inc., and in Donald by M. W. John
Don't Look Old! Try Grand
mother's Recipe To Dark
en And Beautify Faded,
Streaked Hair.
That beautiful, even shade of dark,
glossy hair can only be had by brew
ing miituro of Sage Tea and Sul
phur. Your hair- is your charm. It
makes or mars the face. When it
fades, turns gray or streaked, just an
applicatioa or two of Sage and Sut-
Also the Spring Quarterly t
phur enhances its appearanee a hun
dredfold. Don't bother, to prepare the mix
ture; you can get this famous oiii
recipe improved by the addition of oth
er ingredients at a small eost, all ready
for use, It is called Wyeta's Sage aul
Sulphur Compound. This can always)
be depended upon to bring back the
natural color and lustre of your haSr.
Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sng
and Sulphur Compound now because it
darkens so naturally and evenly that
nobody can. tell it has been applied.
You simply dampen a iponge or soft
brush with it and dra this through
the hair, taking one small strand at a
time; by morning the gray hnir has
disappeared, and after another appli
cation it becomes beautifully dark anal
appears glossy and lustrous.
Billie Burke
for "'.'.
The Make-Celieve
In bis very latest
NMn j
m f
' 'it . I
i , 1