Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1919, Image 1

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Only Circulation in Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
WuUi2r Report
7 I I JMmm "If
Oregon: Tonight and Tuesday
rain west portion; rain or snow
east portion; strong easterly
winds on the coast.
.V. r
d vn r ; ri s
h. i i. i i s ii if ri ii i n r s n t i
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Intimate That Government Would R Leaving Rad
icals In Power, Which would Create Choatic Condi
tion. Accordingly, Germans Would Be Unable To
Pay Indemnities And Would Menace Rest Of Europe.
By Frank J. Taylor.
(United Press staff correspondent) '
Weimar, Germany, Feb. 9 (Delayed)
Tho German government may st
tempt to use the Spartacnns as a wenp--on
to force the allies into nicking terms
of the. pence settlement loss severe, ao
cording to reports in circulation here
"liovcrmncit officials openly declaro
tlicy will refuse to sign the treaty if
its provisions "are unrensonchlfi."
They intimated that the government
would resign, turning tho oouutry over
to tho rndical elements, which they be
would immediately croi,to a chaotic con
dilion, Geruiany would thus not only bo un
iilde to pay any indemnities, but, in
-the belief of government officials,
would menace the rest of Europe"with
the threat of tho Spartnc&n movement
threading. This condition, somo Ger
mans argue, would be no worse than
the "commercial slavery " they foresee
rom tho peaco settlement. Tho mentai
attitude of,' the military class .in Ger
many hiiiTctavcloped during the last two
jnotitlt from one of absolute depression
to defiance aiid gencrnl co.idcmiintioi
of the entente. The chango has been
wrought, it is said, by tho lack of sym
ytAhy in the entente countries for the
present economic, social and political
conditions in Germany.
Militarists Confident
Germniis who still retain the old mil
iteristic ideals are confident that in
en so the government should turn' the
cotiiinittoo over to the Spartacnns the
allies weuld not attempt to oecupy the
remainder of Germany for somo time.
As one pan-GoriiiKn is. reported to
luive said: "Tho world is sick of war;
thero is unrest everywhere, and the en
tente can't take Germany anywir."
Tho foreign office is seizing upon
everything possible to protest to tho al
lies, as part of the general resistance.
Count Bcrnstorff lies joined tho demo
crats md become the government's
twincipal adviser on foreign affairs.
He publicly accuses France of chang
ing tho boundaries of Lorraine.
"It is verv evident," ho said recent
ly, "that France proposes, if possible,
to seize the purely German Saar basin
The government of Germany has pro
tested agi:inst arbitrary changes in the
Lorraine frontier, yet CleinenCoau per
sists in claiming the Saar basin."
Condemned Seizing of Provinces.
This same sentiment was evident ir
Chancellor Ebert 's speech before the
national assembly condemning the
"seizure of Alsace-Lorraine and the de
layed repatriation of German war pris
oners, while Edward David, president
of tho assembly, showed the same open
del'innce in his greeting to "our captive
Alsatian and Lorrainian brothers."
There is a strong movement under
Yon Kin alius tell a feller that's
married a cobweb chaser by th' way
he. brihgtens up when you speak kind
ly t' him. Even when some folks know
ther right they haint got git
enough t', go ahead.
way for ,)0Htical neutralization of the
.foreign office, to enable old, experi
enced officials under Foreign Miniate
lirocKUortr-Kuntj.an to present
a stronir
and united front ut tho peaco confer
The national assembly will take up
foroi.gn problems Tuesday. They will be
submitted to open debate and thei
will bo worked out by committees.
The newspapers, in nddition to nub-
lishing numerous articles from supposed
rcsiaentg or Aisnce-Liorraine, calling for
liberation from tho French, continue to
-quoto various state secretaries as de
manding return of the German colonies.
English v Face Nation-Wide
Electric Workers Walk
. OutNext
London, Feb. 10. 'With transporta
tion in the London district again normal,-
a9 a result of settlement of the
subway strike, Great Britain faced the
possibility of a nation wide walkout of
electricians. The national execu
tive committee of the electricians
union at Manchester ordered a gener
al ballot on the .question of demanding
a forty hour week. It affects thirty
thousand electricians.
The situation in Belfast is unchang
ed but the Irish rubor congress at a
special session in Dublin, decided to
demand a forty hour week and fifty to
100 percent wage increases, with a
minimum weekly wage of $13.
Before acting on these demands it
is necessary that the workers must ap
prove them. They have been given
three weeks to do so.
Strikers in Glasgow arc reported to
bo gradually returning to work.
The London tube strike, it was esti
mated today resulted in the loss of
millions of dollars in wages through
the inability of men and women to get
to their work.
BeiMin? Trades Workers
Wclk Out Tomorrow Morning
New York, Feb. 10. A walkout of
fifty thousand building trades woskers
in many eastern territorie will take
Iplaeo tomorrow morning, according to
an ordor issued by William L. Ruech-
eson, president of the United Brother
hood of Carpenters and Joiners.
Tho strike will be on all jobs of the
Building Trades Employers' associa
tion and will te in sympathy with the
'carpenters, who are demanding a wage
increase of 1 a day, according to
Predict Anti-Carranza
Movement In Mexico
Washington, Feb. 10. An anti-Car-ranza
movement in Mexico, when the
Mexican congress meets in special ses
sion April 1, was predicted here today
in circles, known to be in close touch
with the so called revolutionary fac
tions. Carranza has summoned the congress
for the announced pnrpose of framing
legislation repealing his confiscatory
oil decrees of last summer.
Arrest Strike Leader
For Evading Draft law
I-awronce, Mass., Feb. 10. Ime Kap
lan, secretary of the general committee
jof tho striking textile workers here, was
ai-.L-su-u luuny ay ciiy ana siare ponce,
charged with evading the draft Iew by
failing to register. He was held for fed
crl authorities.
Kaplan, who Is a Bussian, with rtdi-
up'cal ideas, assumed leadership of the
strike last week.
Union Men Expect To See Se
attle Strike Coliajjse Be
fore Long.
Tacoma, Wash., Feb. lO.The attempt
at a genorcl strike in Tacoma, fore
doomed offspring of shipyard strike
leaders, breathed its last at 8 o'clock
this morning, after four days of dis
sension thst threatened to split the
ranks of organized labor wide open.
Workers in all unions not nffiliated
with the metal trades council who wore
ordered out last week returned to their
jobs. . '
Acting "independently of Secttle, the
general strike committee Sunday after
noon passed a resolution for all these
crafts to return to work, declaring that
"the gonoral striko has fulfilled its
mission in showing the solidarity of la
bor. Tacoma union men expected to
soo the Seattle general striko collapse
soon. I
The failure of tho attempted genertl
striko lost the shipyard Btrike c-s it
was before the general walkout was or
dered by the Central Lsbor Council last
Wednesday night. The striko commit
tee will await joint action with the Se
attlo Metal Trados toward 8' possiblo
Members of metal trades unions who
are not shipyard workers and who ere
riot employed in contract shops tied up
with tho shipyard aro released from the
strike ordor. Sheet metal workers arc
loeited out. '
Associated Powers Expected
To Do This With Regard To
Russia In Few Days .
By Lowell Mellett
(United Press staff correspondent)
Paris, Feb. 10. The associated pow
ers are expected within a fow days to
prociuiiu formally tho principle of non
intervention i Kussia, militarily or pol
itically, it was learned from a reliable
source today. It is possible to stt to fur
further in this connection they will car
ry out their intention to withdraw as
rapidly as possiblo the troops now on
Russian territory.
This s the outcome of the Angle
American representations made to
Franco ten dr.ys ago which was exclu
sively reported by the United Press.
Advices from northern Russia indicate
it will be impossible to got boats to
Archangel for several weeks as that
port is tightly frozen in. The allies do
not desire to withdraw their forces from
Murmansk while their troops Ere still
on the Archangel front as that would
leave the latter exposed to an attack
from the west.
The British, however, aro understood
to bo mobilizing a lcrge fleet c ice
crushers and operations in the mean
time, even- local offensive movements,
will be designed solely to expedite evac
uation. Before the joint conference convenes
at Prilikipos Island, -it is believed that
an understanding may be reached by
the soviet government and tho associa
ted powers regarding cessation of hos
undcr present conditions to both sides.
Phoenix Has Soldiers
And Workers Council
Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. 10. Phoenix to
day has a soldiers and workers' coun
cil as tho latest addition to its labor
It was formed at a mass meeting
held here yesterday. Its official act
was the passage of a resolution fav
oring censorship by the typographical
union of all matter regarding union la
bor ent to newspaper composing rooms
for publication.
Tho council demanded the release of
all "political and industrial prison
ers" and of all prisoners of war, and
immediate withdrawal of American
troops from Kussia.
About a dozen soldiers and sailors
in uniform attended. Four members of
the lower house of the Arizona legisla
ture, spoke in favor of the movement.
Several other state officials were present.
Alleged That German Son?s
Were Bsmg Sung At
Butte, Mont., Feb. 10. United States
troops drove returned soldiers and
strikers, at the point of tho bayonet,
from the I. Wi ,W. hall this morning.
Two' men and one woman were slightly
hurt by bayonet thrusts.
It is alleged tho strikers and returned
servieo men were singing German songs.
Tho shoriff and county attorney told
tho ejected crowd to return to tho hall
and continuo their meeting. No arrests
woro made.
.Tho stoppage of transportation here
this morning was affected by pickets
who persur.ded tho crews to tako their
cars to the barns.
Most of tho unions have selected del
egates to the workers', sailors' and sol
diers' council which claims to control
tho local situation.
' Soldiers Picketing.
Five hundred returned soldiers nrc
picketing the mines today. With the
exception of the engineers, e11 workers
of the Butte mines are striking today.
It is believed the efforts to get the
engineers to walk out will succeed dur
ing tho day.
' Tho strikers are jubilant. They are
confident the Btrike, will soon become
general. They spj a' few days must be
allowed to permit all tho unions to vote.
Returned soldiers who donned their
uniforms are picketing the mines. They
number moro tbn a thousand. This
action oil thoir part is "tho talk of the
Tho Butte Army and Ncvy League
voted 80 to 30 Sunday afternoon in fa
vor of a goneral strike.
Mass meetings were held all day Sun
day, extending far into the night.
One hundred Unitod States troops as
rived in Butte Sunday from San Fran
cisco to strengtUnn.ithe company which
has been on duty liere.
As Bill Now Stands Life Im
prisonment May Be Substi
tuted, Jury Deciding.
By a vote of 22 to 8, the senate today
went on record in favor of submitting
to the people of the state the question
of re-establishing the death penalty for
murder or treason committed in the
first degree. The senate passed the
sonato joint resolution 21, which refers
to the people a constitutional amend
ment providing that jurieg which hear
murder or treason cases shall incorpor
ate in their verdict of guilty a- stata
mcnt as to whether tho person found
guilty shall be executed or be given life
As originally introduced by Senator
Dimick, the proposed amendment inad'
the death penalty compulsory for per
sona convicted of murder or treason
in the first degree. The judiciary com
mittee introduced a substitute for that
resolution, the substitute providing for
cither tho death penalty or life impris
Some of the law makers of
President And Premier To Be
Elected When Assembly
Ratifies It
Weimar, Germany, Feb. 9. Tho pro
visional constitution of the: new .Ger
man republic is expected to be present
ed to the national assembly for ratifi
cation tomorrow (Monday). Ag soon as
it is adopted the Assembly will pro"
cecd to select a provisional German
president and promior.
The tentative draft of tho constitu
tion, which was drawn up under tho di
rection of Hugo Preuss, secretary of the
interior, was presented to the special
constitution committee on.' yestorday,
but it is understood to follow so
closely the ideas entertained by a ma
jority of tho delegates that little re
drafting would be necessary.
An upper house would bo established
Bimilnr to the old bundesrnth. Its mem
bers will be appointed by and represent
the governments of tho farmer states.
Fintl veto of measures, however will be
shorn from the upper houso end plnced
in the hands of tho national assembly.
Tho executive branch of the govern
ment will consist of a president, a pre
mier and fourteen ministors.
All parties have united in asking that
tho sittings of "the assembly bo trans
ferred to Berlin after Kastor. The as
sembly sessions continuo comparatively
.... Minneapolis, Minn.. Feb. 10 Five
armed, unmaskod bandits hold up the
Liberty State bank here today and es
capod with $10,000 cash and 115,000 in
liberty bonds." " v : i " : r
onmcnt, leaving it to the jury to state
Tho resolution which came from the
committee als0 provided that the death
penalty should bo imposed by hanging
nnd at tho suggestion of Senator Eddy
the senntb gavo unanimous consent to
amend by providing that tho method
of execution may be provided by futuro
legislation, but until such legislation is
enacted hanging shall bo employed.
"I don't caro what method wo use,
just so wo got them," said Bcnator
Dimick, when Senator Eddy suggested
the change. "We have tho apparatus
already established for necktlo parties,
, and persons who commit cold blooded
murder snouia not nave cnoico as to
haw they die."
No opposition was expressed to the
proposed amendment in tho discussion,
but eight senators voted against it. The
voto was as follows:
Yes Baldwin, Bell, Dimick, Eber
liard, Eddy, Farrcll, Howell, Huston,
Lnchmud, LaFollctt, Mnscr, Nickelsen,
Orton, Patterson, Pierco Porter, Ritne.r,
Smith, of Coos, Smith of Josephino,
Thomas, Wood, President Vinton. -No.
Banks, Gill, Handley, Hurley,
I Jones, Norbhvd, Shanks, Strayor.
the Oregon House of Represeatatives, who are mentioned
. reports. -
I IT::.i. vrt- tt n '
untwists int nave uune uacn 10 wurK uiu ie lie
quested To Stop Again, Then At Specified Time All
Strikers Will Go Back To Work In Solid Body, Says
E. B. Ault, Union Spokesman.
. Seattle, Wash., Deb. 10. The sym
pathetic striko of 70,000 union labor
ers hero which brought practically all
indusWy to a standstill for several
days will end at noon tomorrow.
This announcement was made this
afternoon by E. B. Ault, spokesman for
tho unions.
All unionists who have returned to
their jobs will bo requested by the
goneral strike committee to walk out
again for a limitod period with the un
derstanding that at tho end of that
time all the unions that have taken
part in tho sympathetic strike will go
back in a body as solid ns when they
came out. This plan was adoptod by
the executive committee in order to
demonstrate that the organized labor
movement of this city is not "all shot
to pieces" as some have claimed and
to show that tho rank and filo of the
workers can stand solidly together
At 1:4.1 this afternoon tho streotcnr
men were stopping work as fast as
they got to the end of their runs and
turned in their cars.
The decision to end tho strike was
reached today at meeting of the bis
strike committee of 330 labor leaders
representing 110 unions.
Ask for Walkont Again
The committee issued a requost thrft
all union men who have returned to
their jobs since the ympathetio striko
began Fobruary 6, walk put again and
stay out until ptmorrow lioon. -J'
This request was . diroctod par,(icn
Jarly at the strnotcar men who had re
turned to thoir work todny. Ault said
that at 1:45 tho streetcar men were
stopping work as fast as they got to
the end of their runs, and wero turn
ing in thoir cars.
"At noon tomorrow all unions that
have taken part in the sympathetic
strike will go back to work in a body,
ng solid as when they came out," said
"This plan was adopted by tho exec
utive committoo in order to demon
strate that the organized labor move
ment of thlg city is not 'all shot to
pieces' as some have claimed, and to
show that tho rank and file of the
workers can stand solidly together."
Mayor Hanson has asserted since
aSturday that tho .backbone of the
strike has been broken.
Business Is Resuming
After 100 hours of more or less com
pleto industrial tie up, Seattlo was to
day beginning to get a perspective on
the goneral striko launched by 70,000
workmen hero to back up tho wage
demands of shipyard workers.
The sympathetic strike situation
seemed to have nearly burned itselt
out, with many union men again at
work and tho general strike committee
debating the date of official strike
The strikers were not yot prepared
to givo thoir full estimate of its con
sequences to labor, employers nnd the
community further than to assert that
as a demonstration of solidarity it has
been both successful and effective.
"The attempt to overthrow tho ex
isting industrial status," said Mayor
Hanson, has proven a complete fail-
OF Tlie
r i 'm 'mt l- linn ti n
"iNwas, on a huge scale, sabotas
the throwing of a wooden Bhoe, or
the 'cat' ns the I. W. W. term it into
tho gear of an entire community's in
dustrial machinery.
"Thousands of laborers in Soattlo
were induced," continued the mayor
in an exclusive statement to the Unit
ed Press today, "to go into this gen
eral strike without sensing its import,
its logical consequences and its dan
gers to organized labor through a rre
cedent, if successfully practiced wojld
invalidato nil contracts betweoj em
ployes and employers. . i ..
Saw Dangers
"The international officers of th
American Federation of Labor who re-,
fused to sanction this striko action ea
the part .of their Seattle locals, knew
whai it meant. They . Baw plainly, i
have no doubt, the danger of using
the pet weapon of syndicalism and of
taking the first step on a road which
local radical leaders admitted led thoy
' knew not whero. '
"And tho bolshovist element her
knew well toward what it led disin
tegration of the Americnn, democratic
typo of labor organizatioo, together
with the overthrow of the present or
der of government in this country.
, "That must hne been, plain' to any.
the light fill, intelligent iporson in Bo-
at'tlo who shared the city's fantastie
experiences and who heard ond rend
tU.a revolutionary; statfmcntSj that at
tempted o set up here" tho c.rod of a
disruptive movement throughout the.
nation a movement fundamentally op
posed to tho foundations on which, Aiu
eaica has risen. '
"Seattlo is today a portent and a
lesson which every American commu
nity ought to study with all the visioa
and 'precautionary wisdom it can mus
ter. The sentiment of the men to whom
the sympathetic strikers looked for
guidance was summed up in this offi
cial statement: -
"While ouo or two organizations)
have taken action ordering their mem
bers back to work on the theory that
it was nccossary to keep them intaot,
tho effort to create a gcuornl stam
pede has signally failed"
Stormy Labor Meeting
Ono of the bitterest meotings eve
held in tho labor temple occurred Bun
day, consorvativos and radicals clash
ing time and again over the settlement
1s.Hiie. The action of six unions i
breaking away was resented by those
that voted to continue tho strike, the
delegates of tho latter complaining;
that this was playing into tho hands
cf the employers.
Dissatisfaction ove the breaking of
the general strike was expressed by
shipyard workers' delegates.
Tho Monday meeting wag in sessloa
by 9 a. m. end was expected to be in
tense for the greater part of the day.
A cnmpaignl to call Btrikes in every "
shipyard in the United States, t
"force the issue of our just demand
in some manner," is contemplated by
Metal Trade Councils officials, a a
(Continued on page six)
frequently in he newspaper
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