Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 08, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    PA.K SF K.N
1 0 USipitSU. JOHFllSil Wcult
X March Delineator now in; Also the Spring Quarterly
Bate per word New Today:
E h insertioa lo
ae week (6 insertions) 5e
Qae monjtb. (26 insertions) 17e
The Capital Journal will aot to re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
lor errors in Classified Advertisement
Bead your advertisement the first day
it appears and aolify us immediately if
error occurs.
Minimum charge, 15c .
PIGS f er sale. Phone 38F11.
2 8
J OAK plow your gardens. Write Rt.
3, box 27. 2-10
FOR 6 ALE Clover hay. Phone 27P
JF ANTED Veal and large calves.
Phone 80F2. tf
APPRENTICE girlg wanted. Boom 10,
AlcCoraaak bldg. tf
WANTED Good ung fresh cowst
Phone 111IF21. 2-4
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Apply 645 S. 12th. 2-13
TOR RENT '11 acre "tract well improv
od. See Socolofsky, real estate. J-8
TOR SALE Empire cream separator,
cheap. Call 71F5. 2-10
FOR SALE Gray seed oats. Phone 27
. F22. 2-20
FOB SALE J, L. Stockton company's
atoro fixtures. 2-12
PATRICIA GRAF, public .stenograph
er. Phone 937, 124 S. Liberty St. tf
BUGS cleaned on floor, 85o per rug.
.Phone 16. L. L. Buckner. 3-3
FOB RENT Modern seven room up
per flat, close in. See R. B. Fleming
250 Court St., or 785 Court St. 2-7
FOB SALE 1 gelding horse,also tur-
keys, (two gobblers of the Burbon
Bed atoek. Phone 9PI1. 2-8
WANTED To rent, Modern 5 or 7
. room house, furnished or unfurnish
ed, close in. 9764 eare Journal, 2-7
JBTJTOK 5 passenger, 6 cylinder, mod
el 1917, D-41, fine condition, cord
J tires, for sale at Wilson' gawtge.B'S
IBEETY B0ND9 If you must dis
pose of "yow pnl w will bay
Ktaem. Sliaaorftc - f
WANTED Autos' to paint, neatly
done, and reasonable. 3. Cram, 803
TN. Liberty. : ; , 2-8
WANTED -jfot hens wanted, highest
prices paid. Apply 450 State Direct
or. ... V.-. tf
FOB SALE Light roadster in good
, condition, cheap if taken .at once.
Phone 61F12. - tf
WANTED 1 acres Hand cleared,
stump puller furnished. A. E. Zim
merman, Salem, Bt. 9. tf
FOB TRADE A good, neat 4 room
house with garage to trade for auto.
. Ooll 1644 or 2022 in mornings, tf
FOR SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor,
' engine and boiler complete, cheap.
Box 208, Turner, Or.- tf
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Buren'a Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf
HELP WANTED Two reliable men
. to cut oak trees in orchard, 7 miles
; south. Tools, place to sleep and cook
. stove furnished. Phone 804 or write
'McDougal, 830 S. 12th, Salem. 2-8 ,
FOR SALE 6 room house, large barn, '
nearly one acre of ground, level,1
good truck land, worth $3000, on ae-;
count will take $1000, close in. Bt. ;
4, box 150. 1-4
L ii i '
8TRAYBD From McDougal 's place,
Kt. 3, a yellow brindled heifer, Will
Toe fresh late in spring. Phone 804
or write 830 S. 12th, Salem. 2 8
WANTED Good stumpage for eight
or ten cords of wood, accessible for
: motor trucks. North of city prefer
red. Give price and particulars in
"first letter. Address G. B. Johnson.
Kt. 4, box 7D, Salem, Or. ' tf
Fori touring, 1916, may1 extra $390
JStodard twenty, good tires etc $250
Maxwell, 1914, just painted $250
Chevrolet touring, 1916, $425.
Auburn .touring, first class, $275
-Highway Garage. 1000 3 Com '1. tf
314 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Ore.
FEW loads of manure for sale. Call
imj after 6s30. 2 8
TOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
apartment. Call at 597 N. Liberty.
Phone 2456W. tf
WANTED Boarders and roomers.
Phone 1354R. Call at 161 S. 14th
St. 210
FOR SALE Modern, four room house,
also good fcicycle. 1070 N. 21st.
Phone 2340M. . - .2-10
WANTED Man and family to work
on farm, good accommodations. Ad
dress W Journal office. 2-8
jvjjj TRADE
14 acres of land for
light car or Salem property. See Pow
ell, 404 Court St. tf
FOR SALE Purebred Berkshire pigs,
4 months old, will give papers with
each. Phono 3F21. 2-8
WANTED Fat, thin and fresh cows,
veal and large calves. Phone 1425
M. 3-3
Flemish Giants, Belgian hares fOT
sale. fit. 5, box 37, Salem. 2-8
MONEY to "loan on real estate. See
Donald W. Miles, 304 TJ. S-Bank
bldg. Phone 376. 2-13
FOR SALE Six room house, modern,
' full basement, chicken pen and large
garden spot. 9734 care Journal. 2-13
WANTED Fat, thin and fresh cows,
veal and large calves. Phone 1425
M. 3-1
FOB SALE Pearl Guinea f owlg and
Barred Rock cockerels (Oorvallis
strain.) Phone 2502W4. tf
FOR SALE A modern 4 room bunga
low, located near N. Capitol and
Shipping streets. A large garden
pace. Phone 887J. - -. tf
FOR 'SALE Grain sacks and potato
sacks, at a bargain. Willamette Val
ley 'Transfer Co., 171 & Hikh. Phone
.1400. tf
FOR BENT rlOO acre dairy farm, with
sto k and equipment, on shares, or
without, for cash. Address box 107,
Bt. 1, Aartavillc, Or. . . 2-11
WH BUY dressed pork and veal. We
will come and .pick it up. Willam
ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South
High St. Phone 1400.. ( ; tf
A3 GOOD asi new, gas range, "good
cheating stove, water heaterj retail
ored overcoats and suits, at halt
pritoe. Tthet Capital Exchange, 337
Court St. Phone 493. tf
A BARGAIN For sale, nice modern
six room bungalow 24th St. near
State St. paved street, lot 50x200.
Easy terms. Rostein & Oreenibaum.
FOR SALE Or trade, 6 room house
and 2 lota, 4 blocks south Souther
Pacific depot, on 15th , .and Lee
streets. 'Will trade for bungalow and
lot in Portland, Or., or will soli for
$900. Mrs. L. D. Chase, 1175 N. 17th
St. Salem, Or. . 2-8
229 State Street
If you want to buy or sell a
car some and see me.
Saxon roadster,- fully equipped,
iperfect $300
Oakland roadster, perfect $300
Maxwell delivery car $300
Maxwell roadster $275
Maxwell $150 '
Maxwell 2 cyl. $50
Ford touring, perfect, $375
Phone 362
Notice is 'hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of Arthur L.
Whitenran, deceased, by the county
court of Marion county and state of
Oregon, and has qualified. All persons
having .claims against the said estate
are hereby notified to present same,
duly verif ied, together with the proper
vouchers therefor, to the undersigned
at the office of 8. M. Endieott, Salem,
Oregon, in said countv of Marion, with
in six months from the date of this
Date of first publication, this 24th
day f January, 1919.
Administratrix of the estate of Ar
thur ll. Whlteman. deceased, 2-21
715 1
WANTED Good incubator, Petaluma
preferred. Phone 42F25. 2-18
FOB SALE Old fir and ash 7.75 per
ord. Phone 11S1M. B-
FOB SALE 6 hole range, $25. 1865
State St. af-10
FOB SALE One ton clover hay 25. 1
Phone 1204. S-1U
LOST A pair of glasses somewhere in
the business district. Leave at Jour
nal office. - 2
WANTED To trade oak cabinet pho
nograph for fresh cow. 1st house
west of Salem Heights school. 2-8
WANTED Buyers for three modern
houses, close in. Call at 565 North
cottage St. Phone 1901. 2-8
"WANTED Experienced house maid.
.Mrs. Ben W. Olcott, 925 Chemeketa.
FOB SALE Six fresh cows from $45
up, four have calveg at side. 420 S.
Coin'l St. . 2-8
PERMANENT position wanted, ex
perienced hardware man with refer
ences. O E care Journal; 2-13
SECONDHAND lumber for sale, and
wood for hauling. Ryan bldg., C. Van
Patton. - -.2-10
HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Call after 6
o-'clock evenings at apt. 5, Myrtle
Apts., Ferry St. 2-8
MOiNEY to loan on good esattle mort
gages. C. W, .Niemeyer, Masonic
bldg. , ii-8
FOR SALE Two registered Berkshire
gilts, 7 months old. Phone 41F5.
Writo box 36, Bt. 1, Macleay, Or.
O. A. C White Leghorn cockerele for
sale. Baby chickg March delivery
$1500 per 100. John W. Yates, Sa
lem. Rt. 4. B-
Fruit trees, roses and ehrubs. Special
low prices on certain lines. Phone
111F3.' .9-3
FOB BALE 35 head of full Wood
Shropshire ewes. Will lamb in March
Price $15 per head. H. C. Porter,
Aumsville, Ore. ' 8-8
BOB SALE-fielected Oregon Yellow
uiobe Janvers onion sesa ;u:.ou a
lb. Phone 48F11 or J. I. Bliven, Oer
vais, Or., Bt. 3. - ' J-1JJ
FOB SALE Or trade, good team 2300
wagon and .harness $125, or trade on
good light -car. Box 55C, Turner.
Phone 12F5. Bt. 2. . .8-8
FOR RENT Five room modern apart
ment, unfurnished, desirablo location
256 N. Cottage street. Vacant Fob.
15. Inauiro Capital National bank,
Phone 71. . ' 2-10
liard parlor is now opcn under new
management and it renders you and
the general public a congenial place
to pass away a few leisure hours.
The basement! of Orcj,ou Electric
depot, corner of State and High.
Phone 628. Wm. Livoek, prop. 3-6
FOR SALE By owner, two five room
modern bungalows, free of encum
brance. One at 1965 Trade street,
the other af 244 S. 14th street. Terms
if deeired. Address Mrs. L. V. Bud
lone, 105 Washington street, Van
couvcr. Wash. 2-19
FORTUNE making: $10 secures mem
bership and full pro-rata interest in
five great Burlcburnett fortune mak
ing gusher oil wells. Big opportunity.
Act now. Abner Davis, trustee, Wick
ita Falls, Tex. . -
OOME QUICK if you want to buy a
home, come and look, a 6 room plas
tered house, corner lot, ity water,
toilet in house, electric lignts, plen
ty of fruit, close in; $1000, part
down, balance 6 per cent. See own
er at . 1092 Broadway. Will take
some 3d liberty bonds. 2-S.i
MARRY if lonely; fox results, try me;
best and most aueeessf ul "" Home
Maker"; hundreds rich wish mar
Tiaga soon; strietty confidential;
most reliable: years experience; do-
j scriptioms free. "The Successful
Club," Mrs. Purdie, Hox &5ts, ua
land, Cal.
84 acre farm, "one half in
cultivation and one "half bot
tom land. Well located. Trice
$7500, one half paid and long
' time on the balance at six per
John H. Scott
404 Hubbard building .
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, A. Tyner Woolpert, we, on
the 31st day of Jan., 1919, duly ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
Arthur B. Poole, deceased, and that all
persons having claims against said. es
tate are required to present the same,
duly -verified, to the undersigned at
410 State street, Salem, Oregon, or at
the office of the County Clerk of Ma
rioa county, Oregon, within six months
from the date of the first publication
of this notice.
The date of the first publication of
said notice ic Feb. 1, 1919.
Administrator of the estate of Ar
thur B. Poole, deceased. ,
for administrator. 3 8
'S.S'Stff JenM7 co
WANTED A window cleaner. Phone
658. 2-11
WANTED Small potatoes for srscfc
feed. Phone 14F15. . 2-11
CHOICE Buff Orpington eggs for
hatching. 154 Columbia St. 2-11
WANT 6 or 10 hea and one rooster.
Call 2219 mornings. 2-11
1 WILL loan 800 on good farm secur-
Mr. Address 9679 eare Journal. 2-8
POUND Tire chain. Can be had b
paying foad. Call 75F3. 210
WANTED Fat hens, best prices paid.
Spencer Hardware Co., 466 State St
Ask for Director. tf
WANTED At once, experienced eook
at Willamette Sanitarium, 745 Fer
ry St. 2-11
WANTED A position by a first class
shc(e endl clothing salesman, thor
oughly qualified. J, Journal. 2-8
WAN.TED-!-To buy or rent for cash,
good bottom land hop yaru in good
running order. Phno 14. . 2-11
FOB SALE An Airniotor wind mill
and steel tower," with tank, in tower,
for $50, at 2049 Nebraska Ave. 2-8
FOR SALE Two-inch: Myers spray
pump with jack, complete, ready to
attach to engine. Phone 14F15. 2-11
VERY desirable furnished room, fur
nace heat, close in. 605 N. Liberty.
FOB EXCHANGE Valley stock ranch
nicely located, for smaller place or
city property. E G care Journal. 2-13
HORSES 4nd mules wanted in ex
change for. good 5 room modern bun
galow. Joseph 'Barber. Phone 84F4,
CHOICE Ten acres with good build
ings, close in, aplendid fruit. $2750.
C. W. Niemeyer, Masonic building.
. i -i ... . , .2-8
STRICTLY modem-6 room house, well
located, large. Jot. 92700,' .;can buy
like rent, -ft W. Niemeyer, Masonic
building. " '. I 2-8
A BARGAIN-Harness stitcher, tools,
levers and some stock, $350 if tak
en at once, darks Tire House. 319
N. Com. Phono 74, 2-11
GOOD farm for .rent, 'or will trade for
eraaller place, cloee to Salem. See
owner Saturday evening or Sunday
,at.l031 Union. y- 2-8
HOB BALE 25 acres" good cultivated:
land on Pacific highway, paved this
- year. A bargain. Terms. Owner, 314
Masonic bldg. ' ' . 2-8
FOB Sale Or trade, purebred Jersey
bull calf, 6 weeks old, subject to
register, for hauling a few loads of
manure. 1541 D St., Salem, Or. 2-8
WANTED To rent' small farm, all
equipped, or would consider work on
same, by young married man. Can
give references; L M care Journal, tf
W1ANTED To rent 'five, or : six room,
modern bungalow, with garden space
By permanent tenant. 9796 care
Journal. ,. 2-11
SPIRELLA corsets sold by Alice A.
Miles, 1106 Leslie St. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Home Thurs. af
ternoons. Phone 1425R.
WANTED To hear from owner of
good raneh (for sale. State cash price,
full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minne
apolis, Minn.
FOR TtENT 12 room apartment house
N. Commercial street. Well furnish
ed $25 a month to good tenant. C.
W. Niemeyer, Masonic building. 2-8
WOMEN protect yoiireolf by using our
patented scientific douche can.
Write for free illustrated booklet
' ' Hygiene. ' ' Hygiene Douche Can
Co., Inc., 555 "New York block, Se
attle, Wash. .
FOR QUICK action, list your real es
tate with C. W. Niemeyer, Masonic
building. Salem property especially
wanted. Watch Salem grow this year
I have for sale the 'following prop
erties. I new 6 room residence,
modrn except furnace, situated
on East State St., price $1750. 1
four room new house and large lot,
lots of berries, on paved street off
S. High, price $1050, Large lot for
$60O on 25th St. near State. One
on "8. 17th, 5 rooms almost new,
splendid condition;' $1000. One
North 4th and 3 nice dry lots with
plenty of heavy fruit trees, com
paratively new 7 room residence
for $1250. These are splendid buys
See me early j Monday before it
is too late. John . H. Scott, 404
Hubbard bldg. .
Four acres, all in cultivation, with
good 7 room house, good barn, nice
bearing family orchard, near school,
on main country road.- $2000, part
Two acres with 5 room plastered
cottage, drilled well, near school.
$2000. . :
Five acres with 7 room house, barn,
fruit. Near school , and on paved
One and one fonrth acres with 6
room bungalow, young fruit. Near
school and earline, $1900, with part
terms. ,
Seventeen half acre tracts, at end
of earline in Salem Heights. You
can buy one or all.
W. A. LISTON, Agent 2-10
FOR SALE Jersey ows, 5 years old,
heavy Milkers. Phone 70F31. 2 1-!
FOR SALE Young dog, Shepherd- Col
lie. Phoo 76P6. 2-11
iX)B SALE 3 year -old Belgian eolt.
J'aone 53c"ii 211
FSOB SALE 2 young Jersey cows, 1
fresh and 1 to freshen son. 12j4
Mission. 2-8
WANTED Horse 160 pounds or over
young, sound. r"hone after b o'clock,
a O. Jiim, 31F33. 2-11
FOR SALE Five room house, lot 50x
100, paved street. Price $800. W. H.
Grabenhorst t Co., 275 State St. 2-10
FOR SALE Or trade 5 passenger tour
ing car, fully equipped, in best of
condition, cheap. Will take Ford or
motorcycle as part or all payment.
Call 1246 8. Liberty St. 2-11
FOR SALE ifhcap, 8 room modern cot
tage, including three acres of rich
soil at edge of city. 2i-0 care journ
al. 2-11
FOR SALE Seven room house, barn
fruit trees, private water supply,
two lots, close to school and earline.
Price $1600. W. H. Grabenhorst &
Co., 275 State St. 2-10
FOR SALE Thirty acres of fine lnnd,
ten acres Italian prune orchard, bal
nnce iu crop. Trice $6000. W. H.
firabeuhorst & Co., 275 State St. 2-10
FOR SALE 160 acre farm, 100 acrns
in crop, good buildings, price $125
an acre. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
275 State St. 2-10
FOR SALE 160 acre farm, 140 in
crop, new modern buildings, good
road, price $160 an acre. W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 State St. 2-10
FOB 61c-jCV account of old age,
must sell my 5 acres of all kinds of
fruit, good house, barn, chicken coop
Will take $2200 for quick sale. Bt.
4, box ISC.- 2-11
AN .elderly, reliable, practical poultry
man and, gardener would wish situ
ation at a good poultry or stock
farm till first of April. Ulrich, Bt.
5, ixxx 138, Salem, Or. 2-8
FOB SALE Eight-hoise engine and
boiler, wheat cleaner and three coun
ters and show case, all in good con
dim. F. Ualph DitRctte, Oervais,
Or. 2-14
FOR SALE Sprayer and oe 400-gal-lon
tank and wagon, hack, buggy,
harness, eider press, cart, pigs, one
.horse, fine seed corn 6c per pound.
Phone 892R. ';'." .-'8-8
(Continued from pge one.)
mans and the Poles.
Casualties Heavy. .
Berlin, Feb. 6. Casualties in' the
fighting between Spartacsns and gov
criuncnt troops in Bremen yesterday
were heavy, according to reports receiv
ed here totday.
Many buildings were badly damaged
by artillery. "Most of the Spartaean
leaders arc sold to hnve escaped. The
government lias obtained complete con
trol of the city. .
Strike Wave Is Spreading
Toward Inland States
Butee, Mont, Feb. 7. Butte labor
leaders called a mass ineetinjj today for
2 o'clock this afternoon at the Fin
nish hall to consider action iu sympathy
with strikers at Seattle.
Thoy issued a circular declaring liv
ing expenses are higher at Butte than
at Seattle and that there should bo a
minimum wage of $fl a day.
Death in Textile Strike.
Lcwrcncc, Mass., Feb. 7. The first
death in the textile strike hero occurred
early today when Biaggio Venture, 41,
was shot by an unknown man.
It was reported that more workers
returned to work at several mills, while
others, it was said, planned to resume
work Monday. ' There were fewer pick
ets about the mills today than on any
day since the strike began,
The eentral labor union here, in n,
communication to the strikers urged
thorn to return to the mills on the 48
hour week basis and to leave tho wago
dispute to be settled later.
S. B, 213. By Pierce. Granting to
city of Enterprise control and jurisdic'
tion over certain roads and highways.
H. 'a. 214. By Pierce, To prevent de
frauding at employer and employes.
S. B. 215. By aones Giving the at
torney general power to fix the salaries
of bis three assistants, but providing
that the aggregate salaries shall not ex
ceed fiOOO per year.
fi, V.. 215. By Farrcll. diving the
state fish fc-nd game commission authori
ty to prescribe the open and elosed sea-
sonB for bunting and fishing, and rcgU'
lating the method of catching fish and
appliances therefor.
8. B. 217. By Eddy. Amending the
law erne ting the state board of health.
S. B. 218 By Moser. Permitting
counties to issue refunding bonds with
out a vote of the people.
, . B. 219. By Edd. Amending the
law regulating fishing iu the Umpqua
S. B. 220 By Jones. Giving coun
ties the right to maintain county ex
perimental farms.
i " : - : t
"Voiles- - : 1
New and Novel designs and color combinations.
The most beautiful line wa have ever shown.
36 to 42 inches wide priced right for quick
All wool 27 inches wide. "The coming fabric J
for Spring Wear." Inspect the showing before t
the heavy selling begins.
Will be the popular silk dress fabric for 1919. 1
36 inches wide. The designs cover the range ac- I
cepted in the fashion centers.
You can always
i t i3 I vail
k I i i
Numbers By Mme. Winifred
Lugrin Fahey Are Outstand
ing Features Of CeacerL
1 The Salem Apollo elnb may bay un
dergone some changes of nuuibeta and
personnel in the months since the last
concert, but its standard of excellence
Iisb been maintained with a " crescen
do ' 'trend. Long and scrupulous train
ing under the baton of Director 'J)ottd
has brought to the group of male voic
es su exquisite balance of volume and
a velvet finish that leaves nothing to
be de sired. Listening to their ensemble
numbers one's sense of pleasure is di
vided botweon the quality of the voices
and the play of personality by which
the director compels every possible
ffh&de of volume and passion and modu
lation. The program T was 'well selected for
tho purpose of bringing out both the
timbre arid ' the power of the group,
which Bhowed to the best advantage in
the magnificent harmonies of the "For
est Harps" with its suggestion of
storm and tempest, tho glint of sun
shine and tho song of birds. Its forao
was also wpll brought out iu the mar
tial strains of the Welch Nivtional
hymn arranged and adapted.
Even more delightful wore the sub
dued, delicate paasngos of the lovo
songs "Mv Lady Chloo," "Silent Boo
Election" and "The Mnid of the Val
ley." The pleasure of the huge padi
encc, which filled practically every gent
in the house was expressed by repeated
The outstanding star feature of tho
concert was tho siiiEinir of a varied se
ines of soprano numbers by Winifred
Lugrin Fuliey of Vuncouvcr, B. v., who
possess a voico of wonderful range and
power, as was shown in grand opera
bers from Verdi and Donizetti. In strik
ing contrast with tho dramatic passion
of these selections was rho delicate co
quetry and laughter of "Comin 1 Thro'
the Rye," "Cuckoo" and other win
some bellads. Each one of her program
numbers wig accorded au enthusiastic
encote, and after tho last selection she
was called back to tho -stage again
and cgain. Added to tho singer's ex
pressive voice was a f ine stage presence
very suggestive of Nordica.
In the grand total of excellence in
this concert, due credit must be given
to Miss Lillian Stiege whose violin obli
gator nm do an exquisite background of
melody for most of the numbers, and to
Mrs. Grace Soltau, the aceompunist of
the evening. Miss Catharine Carscv
with the hsrp, and Prof. John Stites,
with the 'eello, also' -contributed much
to the effectiveness of several ;of tho
heavier numbers. -
In the few minutes of intermission
'Judge George H. Burnett, honorary
prewdent, spoko in a geiual vein of the
work of tho club and rf its nnosion as
a cultural factor in the community.
j Needless to say, eve y person .present
could endorse the ,i.:dge. The Apollo
J club is lecognized u the brightest star
in the social nrma lent of the Willam
ette valley, and t' e one general regret
is that its performances come but
twice a year.. ' ;
Tho officers .ml active-members of
the club lie lis Xoiiows:
Judge' Geo' je H. Burnett, honorary
urisMent; I'rcfck G. Doekob aeh, viei
rwfMmt; 'i'j'llt T Jenks, socretnry
treasurer; Dann Lsngenberg, librarian,
and John W. Todd, honorary conductor.
Tho active members arc: Horace N. Al
drich, F .8. Barton, Edward Eross, Hi
rem W. Bross, William H. Burghardt,
do better at
Jr.j Lniil Carlson, Frank G. llcckebach,
(J . Douglas ,Albcrt Jl. uillo, Adolph
A. Gneffroy, J. Frank Hughes, John !).
Humphrey, Walter T. Jcnks, 1,'aiph B:
Jones. Dunn Langenbnrg, IvEn G. Muri
tinj William McClilchrist Jr., J. H. Mer
rinm. CluuuV H. .Stevenson, John Wt
Todd, llowaid C. Stover, O B Webb and
Lowell I. Will.
At night I gaze acrom the moonlit sea;
and watch the moonbeaiis dunce upon
tho foam;
A shadow fulls across my memory, uiid
takes me back again to dayB at liomu.
I see again on memory's pages clear
a picturo of ft woman swoet and tmv
The stain of roses tints her fnd-jd
cheeks; the light of love elilnos m
hero oyes of blue.
.. . " .
We were so happy then as hand in hwi I
wo searched for wildflowers on Lite
mountain side;.
'Twas then, as now, I realUo I hud a
. pel; sho loved me as a noblo mothur .
I bliould.
Jt grieved hor heart to seo mo do tt
wrong; It glorifiod her soul when I
I did good.
Thos.1 diva aro gone nud now we're
I fur Apart,
Botwfcn ns lies the ocean waters bluu.'
.1 like to know I'm missed by friends
ft home,
But best of all, I know she'll miss mo
U. ti. Marino Corps
Aguna, Guam, M. I.
Detroit, Mich. Some fifteen liuml.
red poiiceuiout were toduy buying buois
ou etiquotto following orders from the
police commissioner to bo every in It
a gentleman."
I Muskegon, Mich. CitiacnB are cagei
ly trying to got on the jury panol here.
A judgo decided jurors iu whiskey
smuggling cases must samplo tho evi
' dence. ; . ., . , j-
Columbia City, Itui.r-l'ool rooms did
n't agree with re Hliew's religion.
Ho bought the only poo) room in town
smashed tho tables and locked the. doon
Seven hundred soldiers from army
posts throughout the United States ar
rived at Han Francisco Saturday to l o
mustered out of service.
first Dose of 'Tape's CoM
Compound" Relieves AH
Grippe Misery
Don't stay stuffed-up!
Quit blowing and snuffling! A doso
nt "Papc's Cold Compound" taken ev
ery two hours until three doses are
I taken will end grippe misery and break
up a severe eoid either in the lead,
chest, body: or limbs..
It promptly opens e!oggd-up nos
trils and air pasesagos; stops nasty
discharge or noso . running; relieve.!
sick headache, dullness, f everishness,
sore throat, sneezing, soreness an I
stiffness. ,
"Pape's Cold Compound" Is th
quickest, surest relief known and costs
only a few cents at drug stores. It actn
without assistance, tastes nice, and
eanses no inconvenience. Don't accept