Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 08, 1919, Image 4

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iioYial Page of The C
Editor and Publisher
Qpitdl JoUYYlCU I "ggy""!
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
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The story of Clemenceau is the story of a fighter as
well as a clever diplomat. He is the briginal old French
political warhorse, and the clash of combat is pleasant to
his ear.
Nnw. at the ape of 77. he is fighting as bravely and
gloriously for the rights of the French people as though
he were a young soiaier entering nis nrsi uaiue.
Like all strong inen, he made fast friends and bit
ter enemies.
Forty-eight years ago, at the close of the Franco
Prussian war, he was sent to Metz as one of the French
delegates for concluding the treaty with Germany. When
the cession of Alsace-Lorraine was proposed he roared
with indignation and refused to sign the treaty, declar
ing: "Men cannot be sold as slaves in Africa, nor sold as
serfs in Russia, nor delivered like cattle into the hands
of Bismarck." In the face of disapproval and personal
risk he stuck to his point, though he lost it, and with it
much of his prestige.
He has lived to see everything he protested returned
to France, and returned on exactly the same ground that
he was laughed out of power for maintaining the right
of a people to self determination. ,
He has put heart and soul into his leadership in this
war. He has visited the front trenches in the cold and
enow, and worked with private soldiers in the ranks. He
has kept in daily touch with the army heads. He has
cheered and roused the people of France when all their
hope had fled. Now, as presiding officer of the peace
conference, he is reaping the reward of victory for France
and the world.
All rinnnr tn OIp Hanson, mavor of Seattle! 01
Scandinavian descent, he is an American of Americans,
as his conduct as Seattle's mayor during an emergency
proves unquestionably. And while we have Ole for the
text we want to take the occasion to say that Scandin
avian immigrants to this country, Sweedes, Norwegians
and Danes, seldom fail to make good citizens. They learn
our language in a hurry,-gct to work without delay, go
into politics and the first thing we know are running the
country, and doing it a whole lot better than we native
born Americans could do it ourselves. Ole Hanson is a
pretty fair sample of his race.
The legislators have gone to Corvallis to inspect the
0. A. C. But we'll bet Kerr's salary the biggest single
thing over there will never even get the once over.
Here is a telegram that the "People's Party", rep
resenting the German Junkers, sent to the former kaiser,
on his sixtieth birthday:
"We gratefully 'appreciate the work which your
majesty has done for the German Empire and the German
people during more than thirty years. We heartily wish
your majesty peace for the rest of your life and beg to
assure you that millions of Germans who will live with us
under new conditions and a new basis of state and life,
reverence the monarchist idea and will repel every un
worthy estrangement from the high ideal of German kais
erdom and Prussian kingship."
Who would have supposed, in this unsophisticated
land, that there remained anybody in the world capable
still of reverencing the Hohenzollern idea and speaking
seriously of "the high ideal of German kaiserdomr
These are the Teutonic Bourbons. They "learn notn
ing and forget nothing." Fortunately for Germany, they
are now powerless to do anything but talk, and when they
do that they make such fools of themselves that their ut
terances are worthless even for propaganda purposes.
One by one the consolidationn bills are being killed in
the legislature. About the end of the session, however, a
resolution will be passed authorizing the appointment of
a committee to investigate the feasibility of consolidating
the various state commissions, and report two years
hence. . That has been the regular program for several
sessions past and not a single state commission has
been abolished and there has been no consolidation of
those departments which are more ornamental than use
ful and expensive besides.
The Capital Journal received this week a shipment,
of news print from the Oregon City mills by boat on
which the freight and handling charges were about $75
less than it would have been over the railroad. This in
cident illustrates the benefit of river transportation to a
You ought to go to the auto show.
Open Forum $
By Walt Mason
Men skimp and save until the grave has got them in
its keeping; they plant and sow in toil and wee for heirs'
and lawyers' reaping. "I can't afford to step aboard a
ship and visit Parry," says Farmer Jones, who has more
bones than any man could carry. "I'd like to see the
world," says he, "I'd like full well to travel; but saving
dimes for wintry times just keeps me scratching gravel."
Some day he dies, worn out he lies, by hard work beaten
under; and lawyers stand on every hand and look around
for plunder. He's left his wad and gone abroad across the
silent waters; and every bone he had is blown by spend
thrift sons and daughters. For bonds and stocks and dust
and rocks a dead man has no vision; no passing soul can
take a roll into the fields Elysian. We live but once and
he's a dunce who gets no fun from living,- who always
saves and never craves the joy of spending, giving. The
wise man salts in fireproof vaults a portion of his treas
ure, then takes the rest and goes a-quest for eightteen
lands of pleasure. He puts a plunk in his tin trunk, then
takes another dollar and paints the town a reddish brown
and makes the peelers holler.
Noil Forbes was ft college graduate,
That too wag anothor attraction to me.
High school had been all possible for
men, and for most boys and girls of tho
town. Ono or two of the boys had gone
away to work thoir way through col
lege, but never had returned to their
homo town. So Noil was tho first col
logo man with whom I had come in con
Ho lmd been graduated about a year
Ho was just twonty-soven tho spring to
I'Uiuo to Huntington. Ho was working
in a capitalist's office in New York.
Ilia fuller was dead, but he had n
mother and two sistors in Oanada. Of
course ho didn't tell all this the first
timo I met him, but gradually as we
became bettor acquainted.
His vocutioii lasted a month. Wo got
up picnics and did all the things small
town people, without much money, can
do to entertain a visitor. Ho tiiught
me to ply tennis; but I beat him al
ways at croquet. Tho timo fairly melt
ed away. I never hud been so happy
in my life n I had been since Noll
came to visit his Bunt. It had soon be
come "Bab" and "Noil" with us. And
he spent utmost ns much time at our
house as he did with his aunt.
Neil admired everything in the town,
Ho often said how rostful it wa8 after
tho hustle and bustle of tho city; and
ho thought tho treos and flowors won
derful. When we told him that a place
like ours could bo rented for about fif
teen dollars a month, ho said one could
n't get a single room for that in Now
York, That such a home was out of
the refc-eh of all but millionaires. It
made me quite, proud of my home when
he talked that way.
His aunt told mother in confidence
the rest an nose, eyes and mouth like
other girls. Altho Noil said I had the
sweetest mouth ho ever saw. But that
was because I had dimples in the cor
ners. When Neil told me he must go tho
next day; lie had already overstayed
his timo and could not go to Canada for
a few dnys, as ho had Intended I cried
all night long. Then it took me an-hour
in the morning to remove tho traces of
my tears.
We spent that lest morning together,
wandering thru a littlo wood near the
house, and Bitting on a log where we
hud ofteu sat and talked of different
things Noil doing most of tho talking.
Someway I felt my lack of knowledge
whou with him, nltho he never in any
way obtruded the fact of his better
"I shall miss you -all," he had said,
digging his stick in the soft moss at
our foot.
"And I shall miss you," my voice
"Slw.ll you really, Babf " then he put
nig arm around my waist and kissed me
on my cheek. "Will you answer my
letters if I write youf "
"Indeed I shall." I returned as
brightly as I could; yot with a queer,
littlo feeling of disappointment that he
Iuidu't said more.
Tomorrow A Kiss Meant Much to a
Country Girl. ,
(Continued from page one)
T0 the Editor:
Dairymen are very much concerned
over the freakish market conditions
that recently caused a drop of 20 cents
ic the price of butterfat in a week.
The thing that disturbs tho farmer's
peace of mind is the fact that feed
cost has not been reduced. Feed is tho
highest in history and it will be two'
months before relief can be had.
Turning to the probable causes that
lead to such an unprecedented drop in
tho market, we are reminded of tho
roniark made by a Washington county
dairyman recently when he said: "The
tail wags tho dog, and it is making
ike doe sick. Why don't the dog buck
up end make the tail wagt"
He stated the case exactly. This
wholo dairy industry has been wagged
about by Hie tail end. Over in Tilla
mook county where the dairymen have
a, perfect mnrkoting organization with
in themselves tne reverse is true, iuere
the dog wags the tail as tho dog creator
intended that lie should. Nothing illus
trates this better than tho mere fact
that tho price of Tillamook cheese rais-
d two cents during the stuno period
that butterfat in Portland dropped 20
"Consumers are. naturally glad to see
tho orico of something drop. Buttor
has taken tho lead and if every other
commodity followed in equal proportion
there could be little complaint. Bueli,
however, is not the case. From Deeem
bcr 20 to January 25 mill foed raised
from 32.10 to $49. or 52 per cent, inc
brought out at the milk com
mission's hearing in the fall showed
that at tho prices then prevailing diary
men wore not getting cost of production
tho reader can imamo how painful it;
must be to tho dairymen to be wagged
about by the toil end of the industry,
with the above results.
To produce at such a loss as the
,dairymen are now facing is Ruinous. No
nther Industry could absorD sucn loss,
The dairyman absorbs it by working
longer hours, by working every member
of the family long nours wunout com
pensation, and by disregarding Interest
on investment.
Belief is possible here and elsewhere
as it was mado possible in Tillamook
by organization. The Oregon Dairymen
Leairue provides such an organization.
It has already produced results in the
market milk situation. Tne macainery
is in motion and its remains for the
dairymen to demonstrate their ability
to organize sufficiently to domand fair
Pltt7- . . . a.
If dairymen are prospermia on
numerous' lines dependent upon it will
prosper. Tho league deserves the moral
support of every citizen of Oregon. May
wo have itt ,.tt
(Continued from page one.)
house rules, and others Insisting that
the honso could control itself, Speak
er Seymour Jones finally ruled that
tho monitors had a right to say wheth
er too roll call should be dispensed
with and that tho house had a right
to Vote when it xcuntoA rn Tlrnvi,linff
they didn't know I was where I could, a quorum was present. As 49 of the 60
how that Neil was getting a hundred
dollnrs B- week in the offiee, and that
he was expecting a raiso.
A hundred dollars seemed a fortune
to me. It didn't need mother's sur
prised ext'lumntion to make me fairly
gasp. Why, no young man in Hunting
ton ever earned as much as that. I
doubted if more than two or three of
the men ia town had more than that to
spend men with families. It gave Neil
an added interest in my eyes. Not that
I consciously likod him any better be
cause of his riches ns such an Income
seemed to me. But it proved his ability-Neil
was a happy nntured fellow, al
ways joking and smiling. He was tall,
straight, without n ounce of super
fluous flesh, although no one could
speak of him as "thin." Ho had dark
brown hair and laughing eye. He
dressed woll, and was thoroughly well
groomed. Is it any wonder thnt I should
have loved him almosl from the begin
ning t And that my dreams were col
lorful because of tho part ho played in
tli em?
Now thnt I have told you how Neil
looked, I suppose T should try and de
scribe myself, Barbara Hill.. Well, I
was neither t(.ll nor short. I was very
light with almost gold-colored hair, but
instead of the blue eyes that usually
go with such hair. I had deep violet
eyes. I had a good complexion, and for
lutiiuberg were there and wore than
anxious to give tho consolidation bill
a final knock out, tho speaker final
ly, after about two hours of wrang
ling, called for a vote as to whether
tho bill for creating a department of
agriculture should Co definitely post
poned. And it was with emiles and congrat
ulations that members of the house
most emphatically went on record as
opposed to abolishing state jobs and
as opposed to the proposed consolida
tion measures. It is conceded that with
,the showing made, not even a funeral
will e necessary for tho other con
solidation bills, they ar already dead
and buried.
causes the stomach to act nam-1
rally and keaoauvttkaaMtaoaaR. t V
. M purely vaxMabie, swaduuag
only highly berwacul results.
TW Uuk' mi OilaWa mlil
Absolutely harrnlrsa --complete for.
mala en every boule exit wry best
tiMC-rvdienta used.
with them."
The four bills to be reported out Mon
day sftornoon are senate bills 67, 68,
48 and 9". ,
Sonato bills 67 and 68, mtroclucca Dy
Senators Lachmund ana iiionifs
tho ones musing tne paiemeu
concerns ttie most worry. Tney are no
bills which Mr. Hill insisted would
drive the patented pavements from Or
egon. ...
Sonato bill 67 relates to specific
tions onu proviueg vuni wu.wi.-n . j
. nmmtv contemplates laying a
' - v y ? ;
if J
Roosevelt, the Citizen, amid America's rugged grandeur,
Posemite. This photo was made in the spring of 1903.
A few municipal cars were running un
der guard.
Latest advices received by Police
Chief Warren were that M a.ior Gon-
eral Morrison, commander of the west
ern department of tho army, who will
bo in cliargo of troops here under dis
l.dvu ,,i,u,u a, viv ba.D biiaiu ui uuu
ficial striko statement, was that the
strikers would take no action but to
await any move by tho authorities, hav
ing by Mayor Hanson's proclamation
been placed on the defensive.
Thus tho good natured apathy of tha
first day had passed through more sober
and searching curiosity of the second
and hsd come now to tense anxiety on
tha third.
cretionary power, would arrive ia Seat-I Strikers wives marched with thrir
tie at 2 o'clock this afternoon. men. The wiva f hiMinnu ;a
Chief Warcn stated that Genoral Mor theirs. They met with challenein
soldiers who had arrived at Fort Law-
ton from Camp Lewis earlier in tho
There was difficulty in determining
to what extent taffie had been resumed
on the municipal streetcar lino.
At 11 a. m. Thomas. Murphino, super
intendent of public utilitios, said six
cars were operating on the city lines
and that each had two soldiers aboard.
Ault Denies It.
E. B. Ault, spokesman for tho striX
era, sam at iz:u p. m. tiiat cars nura
bcr .318 and 102 were the only ones
running on the city line. Tho police
and guards were the only passengeis
he said. This data,, he said, had been
verified by two checkers.
Intimation that the Seattle tie-up
would be formally declared off within
tho next 48 hours was given late tooay
by labor men in close touch wttu tne
irenersl strike committco of 330 offi
cers. roDresenting tho 110 unions
For Soyr Stomach
Bloating, Gas, Coated Tongue,
Sick Headache, Bod Breath, Bilious
ness, Indigestion or Constipation take
They cleanse the bowels, sweeten the
stomach and invigorate the liver. Do
not gripe or sicken.
P. 9. Mcehra, Elm St., Hancock, Mich.! "I
hare iiven Foley Cathartic Tablati a thorough
trial and eta positively stats that they are tha
tost laxative."
J. C. PBREY, Druggist
Methods by which the carrying eap
acity of Pacific cables between San
FranciRIn and tha Orinnt
braced in the sympathetic walkout, tiien ; e(j, may be increa8Ci 30 jier eent have
In session at the labor teniplo. No of-j been devised hv tha in
nnnam.nt tlinrA must be alsO a;Afnl Bfaln,nAT,l TtnwpvAr. WAR mado Or'pnniTniltna i Anmm..;nn4.1
specified in competition with tho pst- pVomi8ed. 1
ented pavement at least one kind of, gmajj infiltration into shops end
uon-putentcd pavement of similar char- gt0IC9 was begun by business men be- Lieutenant Harold Hamstrect, United
acteristics. ' ore noon. " 'atea marine corps, has returned to
The bid also provides that when any 1 p08Sibla termination of the general bhendan and resumed his place as as
pstontee or his agent, submits a hid'8trike WOuld not, it was believed, af- sociate editor of the Sheridan Sun.
for the laying of a patented pavement fect tn6 sllipyard workers in whoso ., - -tho
bid must clearly specif iy tho portion backing f or better wages tho 40,000 oth-1 wh the 65th Coast artillery at Camp
and amount of the bid representing ray-1 er organized workers of Seattle had c" e DayOlt and Arthur Tohill
fee and tha oortlon and wolVS nnt. PPula' Kol! hlgh fiool boys, wh.
r..nresenting eost of materials,! The strike 5a broken," declared, enllstea the outbreak of the war.
labor, machinery, profit ana otner items Mayor Hanson tnis morning.
relevant to the actual performance of
the work.
Senate bill 68 provides that prior to
tho calling oi bids by any public offi
cial for highway improvement there
shall be filed with he proper public of
ficial a declaration from the patentee
setting forth the terms, fees, priecs,
royalties and conditions under, which
the patented material or mixture racy
bo used by any contractor bidding on
tho job.
(Continued from page one)
In this project the plan is to distrib
i'te the movey over the greatest mile
age of feeder toads.
In order to crystallize sentiment On
tMs question it wa arranged yester
Oay to call a mass meeting of citizens
and farmers to bo held in the Com
mercial club rooms on Saturday af
ternoon, February 15th. Manager Chap
man of the club, has mailed out a cir
cular letter to leading eititens in all
parts of the eounty, calling attention
to the fact that on of the greatest
problem ia now confronting the peo
ple ii tha matter of improved high
ways. PeeniHg it advisable to get an
expression of opinion from the great
est utoHt of citizens, ho urges every
intryesreil trnn to be present and be
rHy to rivr his views. This meeting
will decide, tho question whetheyor
not th matter will be brought fceioye
the vn'ers in a special election. It is
believed there has been a vast change
cf sentiment ia the matter of road im
provement since the advent of the au
tomobile and truck into the rural districts.
Before coins- homo last night that
part of Seattle which had hifnntcd the
streets, 'watched soldiers take their biv
ouac in the post office, and saw the
final arrangements of police and mili
tary precaution for any emergency.
AU Night Vigils.
At dawn thousands of citizens hul
emerged from hotels and lodging hous
es, or walked ia from residential dis
tricts, while haggard city, federal an
strike representatives earns from smok
hung Council rooms after all night vi
gil. Civic organizations had appealed to
every business house and shop to hoist
the Stnr3 and Stripes sharply at eight
The night had been pe-sscd la watch
ful quiet.
Mayor Hanson, who at midnight had
reiterated that he would stand behind
his proclamation to the striko commit
tee, snatched a few hours sleep under
heavy gnsrd.
Polico Chief Warrea had a large, mo
bile protective organization ready for
the coll to undertake resumption of
business, no matter what the strikers'
attitude might be.
Martial law, which had been on many
tongues yesterday, had not been de
clared no to eight o'clock this morn
ing, although General Morrison, in
charge of the troops had been authorii
ed to act on his own judgment as the
situation might develop.
The general strike committee had
been reported in session practically ail
nisiit faeed by the dilemma of yielding
under the mayor's challenge or seeing
tho thing through despite the ultimat
um. Prevailing opinion, in lieu of any of-
rK?ftiti vttjl recti, .
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