Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 08, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Go to Church Sunday
subjects of Sermons and Where They
Will Be Delivered in Salem Houses -of
Worship, Tomorrow
. First Methodist Episcopal.
Stato and Church streets. 11 a. m.,
the Sacrament of the' Lord's Supper.
Special offering for relief work. 7:30
p. m., a. memorial service in honor of
Thoodore Roosevelt. Program Organ
voluntary, processional, hymn No. 401
(Mr. Uooscvclt's favorite hymn); pray
er, president H.- J. Talbott; anthem
scripture and offertory, reading, Or
ville C. Miller; hymn 582; addresses,
The Man, Dr. B. L. Stceves; The Citi
zen, Justice Henry L. Benson; The
Scholar, President Carl G. Douey; The
Christian, Dr. E. N. Avison. America,
702; benediction, Theodore Boose vclt,
p. m, he will give the second sermon
in a series on "Contrasts in Character;
How Two Men Faced Life 's Duties aud
Responsibilities" Sunday school at
9: 45 a ,m., W. F. Foster, superintend
ent. Young peoplo's meeting, 6:30 p.
ui Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation to
attend these services is extended to the
public. -
Church street, between Chemekota &
Center. Thomas S. Anderson, minister.
Bible school at 9:45, Joseph Albert,
superintendent. , Morning worship at 11
may the Lord keep you and bless you: o'clock. Special sermon on the theme.
may the Lord lift up His countenance "Choosing One's Calling in Life." Y.
upon you and give you peace." P. S. C. E. service at 6:30 The young
Tho woek Sunday, Class meeting, people will have a social evening Tuos
9:15 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.;day at the home of the pastor. Eve
3 p. m., Bev. Dr. W. C Kantnor wiuning worship at 7:30. Everybody wel-
speaK at the old people's home; 6:30 come to all services.
p. m., the lfipworth Leagues will meet,
Senior, Miss Mary Paranougian, leader;
junior, Mrs. M. C. Findlcy, superintend
ed Music by the chorus choir with or
chestra accompaniment. B. N. Aviso.i,
Central Congregational.
Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry
streets, H. C. Stover, minister. A com
bined Sunday school and morning ser
vice at 10 a. m. Mrs. Burton Edwards
superintendent Special music by mem
bers of the Sunday school and address
by the pastor. Christian Endeavor at
6:45. Evening service at 7:30. Thurs
day evening service at 7:30 o'clock.
Leslie Methodist Episcopal.
Corner South Commercial and Meyors
street. Horace N. Aldrich, pastor. 9:45
a. m., Sunday school, studying the in-'
ternational uniform lessons. E. A. Bho
ten, superintendent. Primary depart
ment under the direction of Mrs. Mason
Bishop. 11 a. m.. public worshin with
ernion by the pastor. Theme, "Inter- seuool, Jfrot. w. J. Btalcy, superintend-
First Congregational.
Liberty and Center streets. Bev. W.
C. Kantner, minister. 10 a. m., Sunday
national Implications of Homo Mis
sion." Epecial music by the choir and
malo quartet. 3 p. m., junior league,
Miss Bertha Leitner, superintendent.
6:30 p. m., the Epworth League will
begin the study of tho text book,
"Christian Democracy for America."
Ivan Corner, president. 7:30 p. ni.,
sang sefVico led by- the girls' chorus,
and an address, "Personal Experiences
in India," will be delivered by Kov.
Albert Loughridgo, D. D.
, ;. ;
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President Wilson And King George Out Driving Shortly
After the President's Arrival In Great Britain
L. Lovcll, minister. Sunday school at
10 a. m. At 11 8 ni, divine worship
and tho pastor will preach on "The
Help Men Need. Christian Endeavor
at 6:30 p. m., Ruth Aspiriwall, leader.
Evening worship and sermon at 7:30
p. m. We join in a union meeting of
that church and ours to begin February
, (Continued from page ono) !
i i
Salem Ministerial Association.
The association will meet Monday
morning at 10 o'clock, in the Y. M. C.
A. Tho paper Will bo prosentod by
Bev. J. H. Leining. Subject, "Christ,
Son 0f God, Son of Man."
ent; classes for all ages. 11 a. m.,i
Castle Chapel United Brethren.
Corner Seventeenth and Nebraska
avenue, Euglcwood. F. H. Neff, pastor.
Biblo school 10 a. m., Bev. W. W Eose-
"Putting on Strength." 6:45 p. in, I "rough, superintendent, teaching at
Christian Endeavor, Miss George, leader " ' "7 e pasior, suojecr, "Amer
7:30 p. m.. "Some Lost ThiiiL's." Ai10""'-' Y- p- c- E- senior and interme-
cordial invitation to everybody.
i ' ,v
South Salem Friends.
Corner South Commercial and Wash
ington. H. E. Pcmberton, pastor. Bible
school at 10 a. m., with classes for all.
Dr. Curl Miller, superintendent. Morn
ing worship and preaching at 11 a. m.
C. E. meeting at 6:30. Preaching at
7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m.
Thursday. .All are welcome.
State Institutions
Services at the state institutions Sun
day will be hold as follows 3 p. m.,
girls! training school, By F .E. Jones;
3:15 p. m., tuberculosis hospital, by
Thomas Aeheson.
-a Jason Lee" Memorial,
Corner of Winter and Jefferson Sts.
Tlionias Achoson, pastor, Sunday school
'' !!5, '..superintendent, Charles Hageman.
Classes for all ages under the care of
efficient leaders. Public worship, 11
a m., subject: "A Parting Bequest."
Epworth League devotional meeting,
6:30. Miss Grace Tyler, president, lead
er. Prof. E. Sherwood, subject: "Foun
dations of Democracy." This meeting
' will be open to old and young aliko.
Come early.' Public worship at 7:30 p.
m., subject: "Divine Intervention in
Human Life."- Special features: Tho
Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be
Nazareno Church
Nineteenth and Marion strcots. Ser
vices as follows: Sunday school at
9:45, W. B. Hardy, superintendent.
Preaching at 11 and 7:30. On Tuesday
night there will be a Missionary meet
ing. The genoral secretary, Bev. E. G.
Anderson, of tho missiaonary board of
the church will be with us and some of
tho other officers. On Wednesday night
tho regular midweek prayer meeting ct
7:30. Do not. miss these uioetings. The
public is invited.' A. Wells, pastor;
Florence Wells, deaconess.
. Evangelical Association.
Seventeenth and Chemekota streets.
Jncob Stocker, minister. 10 a. m. Sun
day school, John Lippold, superintend
ent. 11 a. m. Divine worship and ser
mon, "Besurrection of Life and of
Damnation." 6:45 p. m. Young people's
diate, 6:30-7:30, Mrs. Guy Fitch Phelps
president. Preaching 7:30 to 8 p. m. by
tho pastor. Subject, " Present Day
Problems." Prayer meeting every
Thursday night at7:30, W. W. Rose
brcugh leader. .
Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal
Mill and 15th streets. Bev. Antony
E. Lind will preach Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock. Subject: . "The Pewer of
a Perfect Man." Sunday school will
meet at 2 o'clock. Mr. Gust Anderson
superintendent. 01d and young are re
quested to come in time -for the Sunday
school, as a very important matter willjing on week days; restrictions upon ll
rooms. Call to order at 11 by presi
dent of the Business Men's league. -.
Invocation by Bev. H. N. Aldrich. '
Address of welcome by Mayor C. E.
Eesponso for visiting delegates by N.
L. Crout, Portland. j
Introduction of President Cusiter. . j
Appointment of committees by tho
president, I
12 o'clock, recess for luncheon.
Monday Afternoon,
Call to order at 1:30 p. ni.
"The Salesman's Hour," Manufac
turers and Jobbers, representatives to
be given the privilege of tho floor for
five minutes each,
. Tre president 's- address, by George
Cusiter, of Silverton. .
Discussion of. president's recommen
dations. "Women and children in industry,"
by Millie H. Turnbull, of tho Oregon
Iudustiiul WoH'.Vro Commission.,
Discussion of the mater of legislation
with regard to Ki.nuty suspension if bu-
aiiKuss, rcitiie.ted hours of merchandiB-
be brought up at tliR-t time. All who
understand tho Swedish languago are in
vited to rally with us at these services.
Salvation Army.
Tho Salvation Army will conduct scr
vices at the hall at 262 State St., on
Saturday at 8 p. im and Sunday at
10i40 a. m, and 3:30 and 8 p. m. Sun
day school at 2 p. m. Services every
mght lit 8 p. m except Monday and
Thursday Captain J. Miller and Envoy
Mrs. Upton in charge.
Catholic Church.
Corner Cottage aud Chemekcta street,
Low mass and communion at 7:30. High
mass and sermon at 10:30. Benediction
at 7.30 t n. at .l,i,.li d.,.m 1. Vnti
alliance. 7:30 p. m. Sermon, "The JadS-jFather ui c y p wiU k His
mcnt of God," Tuesday evening 7:30 , subjcet wiu be ,sir ThomaB More...
election of the Young People's alliance. . .,.. jnvitpA
A three day's retreat was given the
boys at the Training School ,ne first
part of last woek, by Bev. Father Quin
ary C. S. P., closing with mass on
Thursday morning which was offered
"' Commons Missions.
Rirvir-eo at. the Commons Mission. 341
ODservea aunng morning worship, tub stato street, at 3 o'clock on Sunday aft
hoir, led by Prof. Clark, will furnish 1 ernonn and also there will be & meet
special music. At the Epwortn League ig begin in the Mission hall on Thurs-Jby Bev. Father Sehcrbring of Shaw. A
aovuLiuuui lunuuiig, mm wie evening bit ,j niiiht of next wecK at 7:;w nnaer
ice tho orchestra will assist with tho(i, niispiees of tho Marion County Holi
music. Lookout for the centenary nes9 association. This meeting to con
"minutemen." We cordially invite the tinue indefinitely every night. Good mu
public to all these services. jsi, ai,d singing. Come and help moke
: i I these meetings a blessing to tho people
xirai capiisi. of Salem. A. Wells. Sunt of the Mission
"America's World Leadership" will
be Dr. G. F. Holt's topic at the First
Baptist church at 11 a. m. At 7:30
United Evangelical
Cottage and Center streets.
Bev. G.
If $2r"
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jKt 9 war
Fontaine, and Yvonne Gall who have made great succes
ses singing in opera in Chicago and elsewhere have come
nearer to presenting French opera as it is presented in
France than has ever been done before in this country.
Mile. Gall hails from the Paris opera while Mr. Fontaine
comes from the same organization. He has gained fame
as a composer of songs. -
week's mission ended at the penitentiary-
this morning which was also giv
en by ather yuinan. He is a very gift
ed man and his topics were timely and
most interesting to the men. Music
was furnishel by the men themselves
and was of a very high order, lending
great aid to the success of the mission.
An entertainment of unusual merit
will be given by the Holy Name Society
of the Catholic church next Wednes
day evening at St. Joseph's Hall. An
invitation is extended to all who wish
to attend.
On Thursday, February 13th, st 10:30
a. m. a solemn requiem mass will be of
fered at the Catholic church for the
late Father Nanghton. His Grace, Arch
bishop C'hristio will probably speak.
The public is invited. -
First Christian Church
High and Center Btroets. The annual
every member canvass i8 set for Sun
day afternoon, Feb. 16. Pledges will
Be ottered each member for signature,
visiting teams calling upon each mem
ber in every home. Bible school each
Lord's day at 9:45 a. m. Sermon and
communion (open to all who desire to
partake) at 11 a. m. Christian Endeav
or at 6:30 p. m. Sermon at 7:30 p. m.
Gospel sermons, with gospel music by
a large chorus choir. Koosevclt mem
orial at evening service service. Ser
mon topics, "Plumb line and level,,"
Evening, "Choosing, or chosen?" So
lo by Mrs. Porter. Lcland W, Porter,
St. Paul's Church
7:30 a. m. holy communion; 9:45 a.
m. church school; 11 a. m. morning
prayer and sermon; 7: 30 p. m. eve
ning prayer and special memorial ser
vices for er-President Roosevelt. The
memorial address will be delivered by
'Mr. Sumner Merrick of Boston, for
many year an ardent admirer and
friend of Mr. Roosevelt. Everybody
welcome. Chas. H. Powell, restor.
Center Street Methodist
Corner 13th and Center streets, G.
S. Boeder, pastor. Sabbath school 10 a.
m. At 11 and 7:30 Rev. A. F. Hilmer,
diserict superintendent, will preach
and administer the Lord's Supper. Ep
worth League meeting et 7, led by
Carl Rehfuss.
- Lincoln, Neb. County officers In Ne
broska whose salaries have remained
stationary for several yecrs want an in
crese.. One county court louse janitor
draws more, than the prosecuting at
unlimited opening of new retail storc3
in a community. '
Unfinished Ihjmciea; new business.
Adjournm-mt for the day.
Monday evening Attendance upon
tho session of tho legislature.
Tuesday February 11.
Call to order at "10 a. m.
.Reports of comnntees By chairman. " i
Report of Walter A. Denton, state
secretary, Salem.
Discussion of the matter of legislation
tions. .
"How much does your sales cost
yout" by Spence Wortman.
"The Sign of tho Times," by O. W
Miidke, of tho Blako-McFall company.
. Discussion of the question as to tho
best Bystem of checking up overhead
Opening of question box and discus
sion of contents.
"War's Lessons in Organization," by
"Holsrnn" F. Rittmrin. '
Introduction of resolutions.
At noon tho delegates and visitors
will bo tho guests of H. F. Rittman at
a luncheon in the plant of tho Cherry
City Baking company. ;
Tuesday Afternoon.
- Call to order at 1:30.
"The Salesman's Hour," game as on
' ' What Can the Retailers do Toward
Developing the Resources of the St'tc
by Ti. V. Stone of Astoria.
Discussion of the questions as to
whether profits should always be figui
ed on the selling price; aud what facts
and figures can best be relied upon tj
determine what mtrain of profit to fix
on alf merchandise. -
"Credits and Collections," by B. C.
Toyer, of Robinson, Thurlow company.
Nomination of candidates for annual
election. . ..
Introduction o4 new resolutions.
Unfinished business; new business.
Adjournment for tho day.
In the evening there will bo an infor
mal gathering at the Commercial Club
Wednesday, February 12,
Call to order at 10 a. m.
Report of commitees by their chcir
Merchandising Under War Conditi
ons." by U. o. i. Miller, Wcwberg.
Opening of question box and discus
sion of contents.
What 'Home Industry' Means to
tho Retailers," by A. G. Clark, of the
Homo Industry league.
Introduction of resolutions.
Recess for luncheon.
Wednesday Afternoon.
Call to order ct 1:30.
"The Salesman's Hour."
Report of the resolutions committor,.
Discussion of the report and resolu
DiscuBBion of the questions as to
where the convention of 1D20 should bo
held; and what has been left undone in
this convention for the good of tho
Annual election of officers.
Unfinished business; new business.
Final adjournment.
I n the evening the delegates and
visitors will be the guests of the "Sa
lem Business Men's league t a ban
quet in the Commercial Club rooms.
Delegates should register in order to be
sure of an invitation card for the ban
Lieutenant Eted Stciwer, who has
been at the front for the past year, has
returned to his home in Pendleton.
Charles nart left Sunday for the gov
ernment camp at American Lake, with
nss stormy-day
had:: 'a
silver lining, or ssve I. "
LT - ft
(by arrangement with F.Ziegfeld.Jr.)
(ammcdntictur& '
Fatty Arbuckle
" " T
' His Very Latest Laugh
the intention of buying somo horses or
J. P. Griffith remains In about tho
sumo condition. His physician gives no
hope of recovery, but says ho may ling
er for some weeks, though death mny
come at any moment.
Once morg. Jefferson will have a band
Years ago we had the best band in the
valley, but the people did not scorn to
appreciate it, members lost interest and
the band faded away. On Tuesday eve
ning a meeting was held at the city
hall and a band with 24 members, in
cluding a number of our old time musi
cians, was organized. J. H. Boland
was selected as leader. C. W. Doty is
president and Thos. Skelton tho trees
urer. Boview.
Colonol Harry Newton has been ex
onerated of charges of grand larceny
and embezzlement following trial by
courtmartial at Ban Pedro.
Vancouver school district on Saturday
voted 73,000 bonds for the enlarge
ment of the high school building at
Twenty-fourth and Main streets.
U:.mJLi"j :,i ap HAVE YOU SEEN HER YET? V.:::;-:::::::--.: :
"When A Girl Loves"
Have you seen
her yet? Do you
know what she
looks like? Is she
ycung? Is she tal
ented, charming?
See for yourself
the girl who won
the' wealthiest ac
tor in the world
for a husband.
She'll charm
you, too, in this
new photoplay,
"When a Girl
Loves". Be sure
and see it.