Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 08, 1919, Image 12

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"Chece is an
1 Ji '
and It will fcive "punch
; and "pep" to your start
ing system. The space
saving "Unit Seal" con
struction gives extra plate surface
hence greater capacity per unit
of weight and volume. This means
built-in durability and power. Let
us show you your "Exitx" Bat
tery and explain its special features.
For battery testing, filling or. expert
battery advice come to our
"ExfbC" Service Station
This service isfree to all battery users.
Repairs, the prompt and satisfactory
kind, on any make of battery at the
right price. ;
R. D. BARTON, Prop.
171 S. Commercial
Detachments of allied troops have ar
rived at Adriaiioplc and put an end to
Turkish terrorism of the Inhabitants.
Tho Cossacks under General Kiilmin
off, commander of the Ussufi river
front, have mutinied and shot several
f their officers, , .
Sales of enemy-owned property in
tho I'hilippino Islands have been com
pleted, the sales realising nearly $4..
000,000. . .
French and British authorities have
assumed control of all railroads in Eu
ropean and Asiatic Turkoy.
Exportation of butter, prohibited dur
ing the war, will be pormitted under an
order issued Saturday by the war trade
Mrs. Elizabeth P- Mitchell, who re
cently died in San Francisco, bequeath
ed $50,000 to the different charitable
institutions of that city. ;
Popular Dallas Girl
Dies Of Heart Failure
(Capital Journal Special Serviee)
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 8. Miss Claudia
Brown, one of the most popular of the
Dallas younger set passed away at the
home of her mother in this eity early
Wednesday morning death being due
to heart failure. His Brown had been
feeling unwell for some time but her
condition was not considered alarming
she saving contracted a slight cold sev.
eral days ago which confined her to
her room.
Tho deceased was the eldest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brown and
was born on a farm in the Salt Creek
community en April 17, 1892. She grad
uated from the Dallas schools and after
wards took courses at the Monmouth
noJrmal and the Oregon Agricultural
College. For the past five years she
has taught schools in both Polk and
Tillamook eounties and as leader of
industrial club work of Tillamook coun
ty where she taught last year had
charge of the school exhibit of that
county at the state fair. 1
' Miss Brown Is survived by her par
ente and three sisters: Miss Eola Brown
of Tillamook and Misses Esther and
Editha Brown of this city.
Her death caused a wave of sadness
to settle down on the home of her
many friends here. Funeral services will
be held this morning from the Chap
man Undertaking parlors and inter
ment will be made in the local I. O.
O. F. cemetery. ;
Dallas Boy Sends Helmets From France
Dallas. Ore., Feb. 8. Barney Shreeve
son of C. J. Shreeve of this city who
for several months drove an ammum
tion truck for the first division of the
American army in France sent two Ger
man helmets to his folks here the lat
ter part of last week and the same
are now on display at the Shreeve
garage on Main street. One of tho hel
mots is of steel and is the type used
in the trenches the other is a leather
headploce worn by officers. The relics
are attracting quite a little attention
Heavy Trucks Destroy Polk Roads. .
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 8. Heavy motor
trucks which have been operating bo
tween this city and Portland and Salem
tho past winter have destroyed the
highways in various parts of the coun
ty and in some places the damage is
practically irreparable until summer
weather sots in, In several places be
' J
4 ?5
Wwfcm ,
vr oie
Model 490 5-passenger
Public demand is gaining every day toward the light, inexpensive car.
Low first cost. Still lower upkeep cost.
' Some idea of this demand will be found in last week's Portland and Mult
nomah county sales record of new caiB. We give same below.
Ford 15
Chevrolet 13
Buick 6
Dodge . 4
Maxwell 3
. Oldsmobile 3
Pierce Arrow 3
Velie 3
Hupp 3
Oakland 2
Nash 2
Overland . 2
Studebaker 2
Moon 1
Cadillac 1
Empire 1
Mitchell.. .....1
Liberty 1
Chalmers .. .. : 1
Franklin 1
Note the sales of Chevrolets, and while this is a fair showing for Portland
and Multnomah county, our sales of Chevrolets for Polk and Marion counties
exceeds this proportion.
There Is A Reason
Chevrolet A sensible car at a sensible pricecoupled with first class service
. and a full and complete line of parts carried in stock. .
246 State St, till after March 1st Then 151 High St.
Distributors of Chevrolet and Scripps-Booth Cars and Republic Tires
B. itbt tii c3 b ;v : r?- head
-- , v--
9- W-Ji.
Z r.-
fofi -rrrvafuig ana arfw'i:,:' - .
r-r'v; v:b2$ rise ?.".'.;:; -;:T-;rlr.j
csd EztcCb:- St,-;-s
5trpeaco ted r?.-r-3tr-:
iz ud.;i?c? 1) till lii a c;.r tv.
vsh'-- h .vca iha Ei;j?a y '
fi.i; v:?r track: tha
llgia Mococ Car Cir-
. 'Mflrply neT? atitOEicrjilti
fains CLe notable sturdiness
t K :res end highest honors
:-:.say ccatests it entered
s ?s of the most stren-
v-c-::, aad hav j mors than
vi'ij--n'''-r.-i .. -tw i ture purcheses. Ha
;T.;s.f ir-ctil, cr a ;:u -. -rir od and htirriedfy con
ElgLi .a a tsr U.-t - ' --ro a-tasts tko Motor Thor-
"t'i expect from en orpalsatica vf a&sttr motcrc&rsiea mea
f '"fxaats hzTQ givea them Ieads-riJ-lp ia ths iadastry.
'.eretura describirg nr.d ilHsfnttbtj the 6 improvements and
. L h have j)aced tho New Elf.iu Six a fall ytar aad a half ahead,
i 'Ii.'.nKo.i6,contaiaisg Iasida Car kicrEaeiaa in fcriLS you readily
Factory Distributor, 156 South C ommercial Street, Salem,
f . o. b. icnry
M l i l I M i'
Mil ilLlUljOlI'm)!
f II-
"in ir
. - V fcfl x-
tween Dallas and Salem the trucks have soon be able to return to the home of
broken through the macadam and as
only temporary repairs can be made
now the county court is in a dilemma
as to how to proceed with the repairs.
work of this nature only lasting a few
days. Complaints have come in from
various sections complaining about the
condition of tho roads due to the
heavy loads that have been hauled over
tncni this winter.
Dallas Boy's Hip Shattered in Battle.
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 8. Mr. and Mrs
E. C, Day of this city have received
word from the war department stating
that their son, Howard JS. JJay was
severely wounded In battle on the
Verdun front a few days before the
icnine of the armistice, by having one
of his hips shattered by a shell. The
youne soldier was a sergeant in the
315th infantry and had taken part in
number of engagements heiore being
wounded. He is now confine dto the
Walter Red hospital at Washington,
D. O., and it is expected that he will
1910 Model 490 Chevrolet, thoroughly
rebuilt and repainted new tires, $525.
1918 Model 490 Chevrolet. First flnss
condition. New tire and newly paint
ed, $685,
1916 Fiv passenger Ford. Good tires
and well worth the money, $3C0.
Model C-yt Buick in fine condition.
Just the car for hsrd knocks. Priced
Any used Chevrolet sold by ns carries
the same guarantee as a new Chevrolet
248 State Bt Fhona 97.
Plumbing aad Water Systems Installed
by GHAJBES BEOS, HI 8outh IJtwrty
St, Phons 65 Also agent for Palr-bocks-Morse
Oag Sngtnea.
his parents here.
S. P. Shop Employes Hold Safety
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 8. A "safety
meeting" the first of its kind to be
held in Dallas was held last week by
the employes of the local Southern
Pacific shops. Ways and means of
avoiding accidents of every nature was
taken up and discussed and much good
is expected to derive front the meet
ings. It is the intention of the local
railroad men to hold similar meetings
once each month horeafter and a large
hall will be secured for that purpose as
the available room at the' shops here
is inadequate to hold the assembly.
John C. Uglow, proprietor of the
Majestic theatre was a Portland busi
ness visitor this week.
Harry P. Byors. a civil engineer fs
spending a few weeks with hi-s family
in this city.
Miss Velnia White of Salem was the
guest of Miss Bessie Syron this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C, P. Davis have moved
from the Capital City to Dallas to
make their home in the future,
Frank Barrett, auditor of the Moun
tain States Power company with offi
ces at Albany was in Dallas this week
on business for . the company.
Mrs. T. A. Odom is in Portland this
week visiting with her daughters,
Misses Moggie ana Uovio Odom.
Mrs. Charles Barrett and little daugh
ter left this week for San Francisco
where they will visit for some time
with Captain Barrett who is stationed
there with the regular army.
Sergeant Joe Brown who has been
visiting his parent in this eity for
the past few weeks left the first of
the week for, Columbus, New Mexico,
where ho is instructor in a baking
school for the rejrul&r army. ,
Mrs. C. L. Barnes was a Capital
Citv visitor this week. -
Mrs. Eugene Hayter Mrs. H. E. Pat
terson and Mrs. D, P. Patterson were
Capital City shoppers Wednesday af
ternoon. '
Lowell Mitchell of San Francisco
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Mitchell in North Dallas this week.
Mrs. F. E. Meyers has returned to
her home in Hebo, Oregon, being called
here by the death of her father,, the
late Hnrdv Ilolmaa.
Copyright reslitered; 1911
Los Angeles. Mr Nello Wilson,
private sanitarium owner,- didn't in
tend to lose Her patients. i.mpioye
testified she put a cow bell on one who
threatened to wander and hobbled an
Great Lakes, TO. -"Charley dead:
eome at once." telegram to a sailor
said. Asked furlough. "What rcla
tioa was Charley " asked tha C. P.
O. "Don't know," the gob replied.
"Been family horse 19 years."
What Does Testing Mean?
"Testing" means finding specific gravity
of battery solution by measuring it with the
The test is simple, but of utmost importance
because it is the only means of telling whether
your battery is'being kept in condition by
proper charging or weakened by starvation.
Testing is an important part of the service
that you as a user of a Willard Storage Battery
are entitled to receive. We will make the
test for you or show you how you can keep
tab on your battery by testing it yourself
every week or two.
When you come for your next test ask for
the booklet, "A Mark with a Meaning
for You.':, .
Auto Electric
418 Court St
Degge & Barrel!
Phone 203