THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, RALEM. OREGON FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1919. PAGE FIVE L0 BROS. inc. Court and Liberty Sis. Of All Kinds NO STE1KE FOB rOETLAJTD Portland, Or., Feb. 7. AU rumors about a sympathetic strike of Portland workers in support of the Pugt Bound walkout are st rcut today. The Me-ral ..Trades Oonneil ' meeting last night passed with out toy action being taken on reported movement hr to join in the strike. -SATURDAY- Choice Young te shoulder pork 25C EITHER ROAST OR STEAK Bear in Mind This is "TRIMMED" Untrimmed at 23c . ? CHOICE SMfiXFD BACON In 3 to 4 pound Strips Cut from Best Break fast Bacon 38c SPECIAL BEEF POT ROAST 15c PLATE BOIL 121-2C SMOKED TOWLS From Choice Young Porkers ; 25c DRY SALT SIW30C BACON BACKS Meaty And EWicaI 37c SUGAR CURED, WOOD SMOKED. SATURDAY SPECIAL PURE PORK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE Nice and Lean from Young Hogs 27c Pound In Bulk Former Stayton Man Removes To Idaho E. M. Olmsted, owner of the Eugcno Printing company, and Thomas Nelson, editor and owner of the Cambridge News, of Cambridge, Idaho, have ne gotiated a trade in which Mr. Olmsted takes over the newspaper in Cambridgo and Mr. Nelson becomes owner of the printing establishment here. The two homes have also boon exchanged and Mr. Olmsted left this morning for Cam bridge witn his family. Mr. Nelson is expected here the first of the weot. Mr. Olmsted opened the Eugene Print company about two years ago, coming hore from Stayton, Oregon where ho published the Stayton Mail, Eugeno Guard. CATARRH ' AC TOE CTAMIfH VI I lib OlVUlAUl IS DANGEROUS "Thousand - Have . It and IWt Know It," r?avs Phy sician. Frequently Mistaken for Indigestion How To Recognize aud Treat. COURTHOUSE. Writ of attachment filed in the case of Lulu Eaton vs Pinckney Bros., ac" tion for money. Motion to dismiss action in the case of Star Land "Co. vsl S. W. Thompson CoiWDladnt issued in the case of An na Fitch vs John C. Fitch, a suit to compel payment of monthly install ments of alimony ordered in divorce decree. Order1 of default issued in the case of N. J. Van Patten vs Henry J. Pow ell, ot al. Final account filed by John H. Oar son, administrator of the estate of Ar thur Knapp, deceased. - ' "Thousand of people suffer more or less constantly from furred, coated tongue, bad breath, sour burning atom ach, frequent vomiting, rumbling in stomach, bitter eructations, gas, wind and stomach acidity and call it Indi gestion when in reality their trouble is duo to- gastric catarrh of the stom ach," writes a New York physician. Catarrh of the stomach is dangerous betauso the mucous membrano lining of the stomach as thickening and a coating of phlegm covers the surface so that the digestive fluids cannot mix with the food and digest them. This condition soon breeds deadly disease rman4ai tin n oaiiml&ted food. The blood is "polluted and carries the infection tnrougnoni me oouv. otiw ulcors ere apt to form ond frequently an ulcer is the first sign of a deadly cancer. In catarrh of the stomach good and safe treatment is to take before meals a teaspoonful of pure Bisurated Magnesia in half a glass of hot wirter as hot as you can comfortably drink it. The hot water washes the mucous from tho stomach walls and draws the blood to the stomach while tho bisur ated magnesia is an excellent solvent for mucus and increases the efficiency of the liofc water treatment. Moreover the Bisurated Magnesia will serve as a powerful but harmless antacid which nanfmlina iit Axceso hvdrochloric acid that may be in your stomach and sweeten its food contents, jubj-, u ural digestion without distress of any kind should soon follow. Bisurated Magnesia i not a laxatlive, is harm less, pleasant and easy to take and can bo obtained from any local drug gist. Don't confuse Bisurated Magne sia with other forms of magnesia, milks, citrates, etc., but get it in the pure bisurated form (powder or tab lets), especially prepared for this pur pose. ' JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY OUR BIG SALE OF LAST WEEK, WHEN WE MADE THE STRAIGHT CUT OF 16 2-3 PER CENT (OR 1-6) DISCOUNT FROM OUR "REGULAR SELLING PRICES" IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUR SHELVES FOR THE SPRING GOODS, WAS CERTAINLY APPRECIATED BY SALEM PEOPLE, FOR, DESPITE THE 16 2-3 PER CENT CUT, OUR CASH AT THE CLOSE OF SATURDAY NIGHT SHOWED THE BIG GEST BUSINESS OF ANY DAY SINCE WE OPENED IN THIS ROOM. BUT WE HAVE TOO MANY GOODS AND WE WILL Repeat The Oner Of Last Week W.F.Browning Day Phone 663 Proprietor Freight & Express Night 1181-M 1QU TRANSFER CO. Office, 265 Ferry Street " SALEM, TURNER, AUMSYILLE, STAYTON AND SUBLIMITY Connecting with Highways Rapid Transit For Portland and all way points ROUND TRIPS DAILY SATURDAY, PEBStUAIRY 8TH A EXCEPT THE RUBBERS AND THE LINES ON WHICH WE HAVE ALREADY MADE CUTS AMOUNTING IX) FROM 20 PER CENT TO 50 PER CENT OF THEIR VALUE. NOTHING ELSE RE SERVED. BUSINESS IS GOOD AND GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME, BUT WE JUST MUST HAVE MORE ROOM ON OUR SHELVES SO YOU CAN PROFIT BY OUR LOSS OF PROFIT. HOW- ft EVER, YOU WILL HAVE TO BE HERE AS THEY WILL SURELY GO RAPIDLY AND WE MIGHT JNUT IULK Eli LiHir 1 1IN JLllJci DilUiiiS XUU WAINJL. Aumsville Agent Oregon Grain Co. Stayton Agent J. A. Hendershot Our Own "IDEAL BRAND" Open Kettle Rendered Absolutely IKE LAUD $1.35 For No. 5 Size Pail ITS A BARGAIN ' STEUSLOF BSCS, 6. Batchers & Packers All Kinds Fresh Cured MEATS . SAUSAGES ETC SALEM, ORE. Phone 1518 Everything Guaranteed Sp8dal0range Drive 3 BIG LEADERS " SMALL SIZES Extra Fine Quality, 30c per dozen. - MEDIUM SIZES Elegant Values, 35c per dozen - LARGE SIZES Exceptionally Good Quality, 50c per dozen California Grape Fruit EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUES , ,:,-.;., ,,,. 4 for 25c; per dozen, 65c . FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT Extra fine quality, 2 for 25c; per dozen $1.35 CANNED GOODS SPECIALS ONARGA CORN 25s grade, per dozen, $2.00; per case, $4.00 SOLID PACK NO. 2 1-2 TINS TOMATOES Per Dozen, $2.00; Per Case $400 DEL MONTE ASPARAGUS Large White, per dozen, $4.00 ; per case $8.00 DEL MONTE ASPARAGUS Large Green, per dozen, $3.90; per case, $7.75 OAK BRAND STANDARD ASPARAGUS Large Green, per dozen $3.25; per case $6.50 FISHER'S ART FLOUR Extra High Patent Quality. The finest all purpose flour made, $3.15 - Jf 167 N. Commercial Street f V Phone 1196 ' : 4 S00'; d ELECTION OF CHURCH OFFIOEES. The annual election of church offi cors for the Evangelical church at 17th and Chemcketsi St., hold at the local church, Tuesday evening, Feb. 4, re sulted in the election of the following officers: , , Sunday school superintendent, John Lippold; assistant, C. T. Doty; secro- tary, Mrs. Frank StrauBbaugh; assist ant m-rreturv. Earnest Zinn: treasurer. Deo Coiper; organist, Alta Zinn; As-; siatnnt organist, Mrs. Atnos runner; H-l braiian, Evoretto Walker; assistant li- hrfrinn T.n'ia Tiinnnld! nlturiKter. JjlCnb i Blocker; class leade, Miss Elsio Oood- hue; cihorter, Deo Cooper; trustees, C.i T. Doty and John Lippold; church or-' ganist, Mrs, Frank Btraushaugh. ' Tho society will meet on Tuesday evening, Feb. 11, at 7:30 p. ra., for o. social time and the annual election of the Young People's Alliance The church will tako part' in series of union revivn-1 meetings held by the three local Evangelical churches, bo ginning Feb. 1, with Dr. C. C. Poling serving as the evangelist. Dr. Toling will bcin his series of mcetins on the r""?" 1 -' 23id of Feb. and up to that time the threo Evungelical local ministers will pieuch alternately in tho three local Evangelical churchos. An organie un ion between tho Evngelic.ul associatioB and 1he United Evangelical church of the Tinted. BtatcH is about to be consummated. illlAn Economical, Delightful, Light Place to . TradeistmsMWKtQlflW This is Clearance Time here, the small lots that remain from the past few months are being cleared out at very low prices. Even on most of cur regular lines, such as un derwear, knit geeds, blankets, some piece goods and women's apparel, LADIES' SUITS, Regular $35 to $45, Sale Price $17.50 DRESSES, from $10 to $35, sale price 25.00 416 STATE ST. STATE ST. 416 t th. G&dce&y Co. 1