Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 06, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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I The Journal New-. Today... Ads ii
Bate per word New Today:
eh insertion - - .. .. le
as week (6 insertions) 6e
Oae month. (26 insertions) . 17e
The Capital Journal will not be re
possible for more than one insertion,
iat errors ia Classified Advertisement
Bead four advertisement trie first day
it appears and notify us immediately ii
rror occurs.
Minimum eharg-j, 15c
PIGS for sale. Phone 38F11.
"WANTED-Experienced saleslady for la
dies coats, suits, etc. Gale t Co. 2-6
I CAN plow your gardens. Write Et.
3, box 27. 2-10
FOB SALE Clover hay. Phone 27'
22.. . 2-11
WANTED Veal and large calves.
Phene 80F2. tf
WANTED To buy cattle and calves,
any itna. Phone xaow. a-o
APPRENTICE girls -wanted. Rooin 10,
MoUornack bldg. U
WANTED-Good vung fresh irowa
Phone 11KF21. 2-4
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Apply 845 8. 12th. 2-13
KEV LOST in Salem. Please phone
- C79J. 2-7
WANTED A top buggy, light. J. L.
. Amort, Maeleay, Or. 2-7
FOB RENT ill acre tract well improv
ed. See Socolofsky, real estate, 2-8
FOB SALE Empire cream separator,
cheap. Call 71F5. '2-10
FOR SALE Gray seed oats. Phone 27
F22. 2-20
FOB SALE Aiivedale dog. Phone
2325. 2-7
FOB BALE J. L. Stockton company's
store fixtures. 212
FOB SALE Or trade, 5 room house,
large lot, fruit, etc. B. T. Goode,
1136 Jefferson St., city. 2-8
' FOB RENT Modem seven room up
per flat, close in. See R. B. Fleming
250 Court St., or 785 Court St. 2-7
,FOB. SALEf-1 .gelding horse, lalso tur
" keys, two gobblers of the Burbon
; Bed stock. Phone 9F11. 2-8
"WANTED To rent; modern 5 or 7
room house, furnished or unfurnish
ed, close in. 9754 care Journal. 2-7
JiOST Small gold wrist watch Wed
nesday evening. Reward. 9704 care
Journal. 2-7
: BUIOK 5 passenger, 6 cylinder, mod-
el 1917 D-45, cord tires, for sale at
Wilson 'a garage. - 2-7
' UBEBTY BONDS If you must dis
" pose of your "bonds, we will buy
- them. 311 Masonic bldg. tf
WANTED Autos to paint, neatly
done, and reasonable. J. Crum, 803
N. Liberty. . 2-8
WANTED flt hens wanted, highest
prices paid. Apply 456 State Direct
or, tf
FOB SALE Light roadster in good
condition, cheap if taken at onco. t
Phone 6W12. . ti
WANTED 1 acres land cleared,
stump puller furnished. A. E. Zim
merman, Salem, Rt. 9. tf
FOB TRADE-A good, neat 4 room
.,. house with garage to trade for auto.
Ooll 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf
FOB SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor,
engine and boiler complete, cheap.
Box 268, Turner, Or. W
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179
: Commercial. tf
PLENTY of money to loan on good
- farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pay $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Osill or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
bldg, Salem. tf
- Ford touring, 1916, may extras $390
Stodard twenty, good tires etc $250
Maxwell, 1914, just painted $250
Chevrolet touring, 1916, $425.
Auburn touring, first elass, $275
Highway Garage, 1000 8 Com'l. tf
314 Masonic Bldg.
PATRICIA GRAF, pnblie stenograph
er. Phene 837, 124 S. Liberty St. tf
BUGS cleaned en floor, 35e per rug.
Phone 16. L. L. Buckner. 3-3
WANTED An incubator about 240
eg capacity. Phone '44F14. 2 5
FOR RENT Fine growing crop of
lour acres in city, fhone 754. 2-7
0NTON3 for sale $1.50 a hundred.
Cherry City Feed, Barn. 2-7
FEW loads of manure for sale. Call
1366 sifter 6:30. 2-8
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Minorca
cockerels. Phone 284B. 2 7
WANTED Man and family to work
on farm, good accommodations. Ad
dress W Journal office. 2-8
GIRLS or women wanted for steady
wtoric at the Glove Factory, 1455
Oak St. 2-7
FOR TRADE 14 acres of land for
light car or Salem property. See Pow
ell, 404 Court St. tf
FOR SALE Purebred Berkshire pigs,
4 months old, will give papers with
each. Phone 3F21. 2-8
WANTED Fat, thin and fresh cows,
veal and largo calves. Phone 1425
M. 33
Flemish Giants, Belgian hares for
sale. Rt. 5, box 37, Salem. , 2-8
MON'EY to loan on real estate. .See
Donald W. Miles, 304 U. S. Bank
bldg. Phone 376. -13
WANTED To rent farm of five or
ten acres," close to Salem. Address
box 422, Salem, or call 80F3. 2-6
FOR SALE Six room house, modern,
full ibasement, chicken pen and large
garden spot. 9734 care Journal, Si-is
WANTED Fat, thin and fresh cows,
veal and large calves. Phone 1425
ML 3-1
FOR SALE Pearl Guinea fowls and
Barred (Rock cockerel (Oorvftllis
strain.) Phone 2502W4. . . tf
FOR SALE 40 acres, 2 miles from
Salem, 15 acres in Loganberries, 15
acres prunes, fu buildings. Easy
terms. Address Box 240. h 2-7
STRAYE From McDougaPs place,
Kt. 3, a yellow bnnaiect Heifer, win
be fresh late in spring. Phone 804
ot write 830 6. lath, Salem. 2-8
FOR SALE A modern 4 room bunga
low, located near N. Capitol und
Shipping streetB. A large garden
space. Phone 887J. tf
HELP WANTED Two reliable men
to cut oak troes in orchard, 7 miles
south. Tools, place to sleep and cook
stove furnished. Phone 804 or write
McDougal, 830 S. 12th, Snlcm. 2-8
FOR SALE 6 room house, large barn,
nearly one acre of ground, level,
good truck land, worth $3000, on ac
count will take $1000, close in. Rt.
4, box 150. -1-4
ANYONE :bnjM; or yemving any
personal property from my farm at
Fairfield, Or., without my consent
will ibe prosecuted. Carl Francis, 297
Eugene St., Portland, Or. 2-7
WANTED Three good hustlers, dis
charged soldiers given preference.
Call at Richmond hotel before 9 a.
m. and after 4 p. m., ask for Mr.
Brasmer. 2 8
FOR SALE Fino five room bungalow
east Snlcm, paved street, goon as
new, $2500. Seven room modern
house, fire place and furnace Court
street, $3750. F. L. Wood, 341 State
St. ' 2-6
229 State Street
If you want to buy or sell a
car come and see me.
Saxon roadster, fully equipped,
perfect $300
Studobaker six, perfect $450
Oakland roadster, perfect $300
Maxwell delivery ear $300
Maxwell roadster $300
Maxwell $150
Maxwell 2 cyl. $50
Saxon bug $85
Salem, Ore.
FOB RENT Furnished housekeeping
apartment. Call at 597 N. Liberty.
Phone 2456W. tf
O. A. C White Leghorn cockerels for
sale. Baby chick s March delivery
$1500 per 100. John W. Yates, Ba
lem, lit. 4. 2-
NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Bt. a.
Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special
low prices on certain lines. Phone
111F3. N 3-3
FOR SALE 35 head of full blood
Shropshire ewes. Will lamb in March
Price $15 per head. H. C. Porter,
Aumsville, Ore. . 2-8
FOR SALE Selected Oregon Yellow
Globe Danvers onion eesd $2.50 a
lb. Phone 48F11 or J. I. Bliven, Oer
vais, Or., Rt. 3. J -13
FOR SALE Or trade, good team 2300
wagon and harness $125, or trade on
good light car. Box 55C, Turner.
Phone 12F5. Rt. 2. 2-8
AS GOOD as new, gas range, good
heating stove, water heater, retail
ors! overcoats and suits, at half
pritee. Tttia Capital Exchange, 337
Court St. Phone 493. tf
WANTED Boarders and roomers.
Phone 1354R. Call at 161 S. 14th
St. 210
WE BUY dressed pork and veal. We
will come end pick it up. Willam-H
ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 Bouth
High St. Phone 1400. tf
FOR SALE Modem four room house,
also good bicycle. 1070 N. 21st.
Phone 2340M. 2-10
WANTED Someone to bonrd and
care for invalid lady. Make price. R.
Lamb, 645 S. 17th. tf
FOR SALE Grain sacks and potato
sacks, at a bargain. Willamette Val
ley Transfer Co., 171 S. Hikh. Phone
1400. " tf
FOR RENT 100 acre dairy farm, with
sto k and equipment, on shares, or
without, for cash. Address box 107,
Rt. 1, AumsvSUe, Or. 2-11
FOR RENT 7 room house, close in,
furnace heat, $20. Also good house
and one acre, $10. F. L. Wood, Bayne
bldg. 2-7
WANTED Position as housekeeper
by experienced, intelligent woman,
capable cooking for crew of men,
ready for work last week in Feb.
Address 29 care Journal. 2-7
FOR 'RENT 74 acre fawn on main
road to good town, crops in. For par
; tieulars and terms, call W61 Union
street after 5 p. m. 8-7
FOR SALE Two registered Berkshire
gilta, 7 months old. Phone 41F5.
Write box 36, Rt. 1, Maeleay, Or.
mi i . I i
rJ V 4 i- hr
1 ' v V fc
p - ' ' , k
Excuse the expression, but
you see this
It's a Comedy ,
NICE -White Leghorn laying hens for
sale. Cherry City Feed" Barns. 2 6
WANTED Good stumpagt for eight
or ten cords of wood, accessible for
motor trucks. North of city prefer
red. Give price and particulars in
first letter. Address G. B. Johnson,
" Bt. 4, box 7D, Salem, Or. tf
FOB SALE Or trade, one 2 14 heavy
Winona wagon, almost new, all rig-
. fed for traveling. Will take good
ow in on same. W. T. Montedth, Rt.
1, box 74B, Salem, Or. Phone Amity
3658. 2-6
FOR SALE By owner, two five room
modern bungalows, free of encum
brance. One at 1965 Trade street,
the other at 244 S. 14th street. Terms
if desired. Address Mrs. L. V. Bud
long, 105 Washington street, Van
couver, Wash. S-19
FORTUNE making: $10 secures mem
bership and full pro-rata interest in
five great Burkburnett fortune mak
ing gusher oil wells. Big opportunity.
Act now. Abner Davis, trustee, Wieh
ita Falls, Tex. ;
YOUNG MEN, 16 and over, are eli
gible for government railway mail
clerks. $92 month. For free partic
ulars regarding examinations, write
J. C. Leonard, (former civil service
examiner) 1038 Kenois building,
Washington. 2-7
COME QUICK if you want to buy a
home, come and look, a 6 room plas
tered house, corner lot, city water,
toilet in house, electric lights, plen
ty of fruit, close in; $1000, part
down, balance 6 per eent. See own
er at 1092 Broadway. Will take
some 3d liberty bonds. 2-8.
84 acre farm, one half in
cultivation and one half bot
tom land. Well located. Prico
$7500, one half paid and long
time on the balance at six per
John H. Scott
404 Hubbard building
Railroad Strike Occurs
On London-Brighton Road
. Increased Last Week
London, Feb. 8. Traffic on the I.on
don-Brighton railway was halted today
when engineers struck in sympathy with
the subway employes. Threats were
made 01 a general- strike on all steam
railways. ' IT
Later engineorg wid firemen on the
London and Southwestern railway walk
ed out. ; f ;
The government, without directly in
tervening, had adopted measures to re
lieve the transportation tie-up caused
oy the subway strike.
you'll just bust when
picture ,
' V 1
La Follette And Patterson Will
Fight Salary Increases To
Bitter End.
By a vote of 27 to 2, the senate pass
ed senate bill 142, by Ritner,. which
increases tho salary of the county
judges of Umatilla county from $1200
to iuu a year.
Senator Pierce made an unsuccess
ful atempt to have the bill maae a
special order for next Thursday, so all
salary bills eould be considered at one
time. The motion was defeated, altho
Senators Eddy and Dimirk said they
would f nvor such a motion if it applied
only to salaries of state officials, but
they did not want to mix the county
salary Ibills with the state salary bills.
Senators Patterson and LaFollott
were the two senators who voted
against the salary increase.
"I can see the handwriting on the
wall," declared Senator LaFollett.
"Tho logrolling is now going on and
by the time the big salary bills come
up these bill will be going so fast
that nobody can stop them."
Senator Patterson said ho intended
to oppose all salary increases, A'h
apply to present terms of officials in
office, unless such bills were referred
to the people, "
Senator Porter of Linn county made
an effort yesterday afternoon to round
up all the salary increasing bills into
tho hands of a special joint commit
tee which would be instructed to work
out some uniform plan for dealing
with the bills. -Hut his effort failed,
as the resolution he introduced for the
purpose was lost by a vote of 12 to
In 'his resolution, Senator Porter de
clared that this session of tho legisla
ture will be forever disgraced if ii.
passes all the salary bills now being
presented. He says that taxpayers are
"If all salary bills already introduc
ed and pending, together with a great
many more that are contemplated, are
passed," says the resolution, "there
will be the greatest flood of increased
salaries ever known in the history of
the state of Oregon, and the 30th legis
lative session will be forever disgrac
ed, and a great many messages are al
ready being received by members of
this 'lcgfi8lntive assembly in protest ol
the great flood now before us."
The resolution, then provided for the
appointment of a committee of three
senators and three representatives,
with the speaker of the house working
with the committee.
" The vote on tho resolution was as
Yes Eddy, Farrell, Jones,, LaFollett,
Nickelsen, Norblad, Patterson, Pierce,
Porter, Smith f Coos, Wood, ..Presi
dent Vinton: : ' ' ' V "
No Baldwin, BankB, Bell, Dimick,
Eberhard. Handlcy, Howell, -Murlcy,
Lachmund, Moscr, Orton, Ritner, Smith
of Josephine, Strayer. .
Senators Bell, Baldwin, Banks and
Eberhard spoke against the resolution,
while Senator Porter spoke for the res
This Would Equal Amount
That Governor Withycomhe
Failed To Return.
In order to get the state flux indus
try out of tho financial plight whii-h
I resulted from tho poor management of
! Superintendent J. C. Cady, tho 1917 leg
isluture appropriated $10,550 to pay off
! tho indvbatdncss of the fii.x industry
Ion condition that the money should be
returned to tho general fund of the
stnto during the bicnuium of 1917-1018
Governor Withycombe, who has con
trol of the flax industry, has not re
turned tho money to the general fund,
so today Heiiator Patterson introduced
et concurrent resolution which directs
tho secretary of state to credit the gen
eral fund will $10,553 out of the re
ceipts from the sales of f!ax.
As tho governor has failed to keep
the agreement nmdo when the $10,550
was appropriated t0 help out tho flui
muddle Senator Patterson evidently con
eiders it necessary to secure legislative
action in order to mske the $10,5.jO
available for uso by the present legis
lature in meeting the heavy demands
for appropriations.
After citing the chapter which car
ried the appropriation of 1917 and thj
purposes for wliich the appropriation
was made, Senator Patterson's resolu
tion says:
"Whereas, by the roviaions of said
chapter said amounts were appropriated
from tho moneys in the general fund U
the state treasury with the express un
derstanding that the same should be re
turned thereto during the years 391 7
1918 from tho receipts from the sales
arising from the flax product, and
"Whereas, there is an unexpended
balrnco of $12,039.90 now remaining of
the receipts from the sales of flax fi
bre, etc., and
"Whereas, the provisions of said
chapter 310, general laws of Oregon,
1917, providing for tho repayment U
the general fund of the r. mounts ap
propriated therefrom under the provi
sions of said chapter, have -not beel
loniphc-d with, now therefore,
"Bo it resolved by the senate ,th
house of representatives concurring,
thfit the secretary of state is herebj
authorized end directed to credit th
general fund with the sum of $10,553.5
nut of the recoipts from the sales of
flnx fibre, etc., said sum so credited
and transferred to be available for the
payment of general governmental ex
penses as are other moneys in the gen-
: Means more today than it ever hasPrice, less
; because undependable fabrics sell for nearly as much
;: as those of established reputation.
l This is a big money saver.
High Grade Underwear at
I Extra Special Prices
This is the last call You must Act Quickk
You can always do better at
oral fund not set aside for a specific
The rosoliuiuu h referred to tn
resolutions coium tu c.
tit? News . J
The: Gal van! lecture at the public li
brary last evening wag very well at
tended and proved very interesting as
well as instructive. The speaker has
mado a very close study of the subject
Bolshevism and among. other things
he showed that it -is sot at all a mod
ern development but ; hns grown up
from the days of Napoleon. He also
called attention to the common mifrtako
that bolshovism is identical with ultra
radical socialism. Whilo Mr. Galvani
emphasises the seriousness of the sit
uation in Russia, he is very optimistic
as to the ultimate outcome, believing
that out of the horror and chaos will
come stability unuer respoumulo lead
ers'. -
The case of State ys Baumgartner,
A woman of mystery and
man of money.
Coming Sunday: "MRS.
The Paris Shoe Shop will start to remodel next
Monday, but before we do we must sell all the
shoes, as all the shelving must come down. In
order to clear out all our stock we chop all our
o Sale
unievrsally recognized
which was bound over in Justice Tin
ruh's court to the grand jury, was Int
er adjusted and on motion of the com
plaining witness was dismissed, the- de
fendant paying the costs. The case oi
W. D. McKimmey, charged with cruel
ty to animals, was heard before Jus
tice Unruh yesterday afternoon, act
as the evidence did not seem to prwvo
that defendant intentionally neglected
the animals in question, tho jury dis
agreed. Tho caso will come up for re
hearig at a later date.
The past few weeks have been veiyi
busy onos with the hotels of Salem,
both the Marion and the iBligh bein
practically full up to the roof. TWi
brings up the question of how to dis
pose of t delegations attending tho
Ketailers convention next ' week. 3't
may be necessary to arrange for ' a
large number of rooms in private hous
es, and Manager Chapman of tho Com
mercial club requests all those who
have rooms they can place at the dis
posal of the visitors to call up his of
fice and state how many they can
care for. .
It is expected that President Wilson
will leave Paris February 8 for his visit
to Brussels.
I .. ite . v -
I i - I
I 4 :
Help Yourself