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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1919. PAGF FIVE Influenzal La Grippe Come without warning travel !n epidemics dangerous and treacherous if neglected; ' La grippe frequently affects the lungs and develops a persistent wearing cough, which neglected, is ' foreboding old and young. ' Foley's Honey Tar spreads warmth and comfort, soothing the inflamed rasping sur faces, easing tightness of the chest, loosening the cough, helping to raise and discharge phlegm without exhausting effort. It is also good for tickling throat, hoarseness, bronchial coughs, night coughs and chronic coughs of elderly people. "After htvln in attack of la trippe. It left in with severe couth, and 1 tried everything. 1 lost in weithtand Sot so thin that it looked as thoujli I would never tot well. I tried Foley's Honey and Ter.and two bottlea cured m. 1 ura now well and pack .my normal waisk." F. C Frevo, Bedford, Indiana. f FOR SALE BY J. C. PERRY, 115 S. Commercial St. pairs ga. SENATE BILLS S. B. 1G9. By Hurley. To provide far certification of irrigation and drain age district bonds. S. B. 170. By Bell. Eclating; to the authority of county courts in connec tion with the repair and construction of bridges. S. B. 171. By Shanks. To increase Hie salaries of district attorneys in Gil liam, Khermaa &nd Wheeler counties. S. B. 172. By Wood. Fixing com pensation for the county treasurer of JWnshington county. S. B. 173. Bv Wood. To provide clerical assistance and traveling ex penses for the county school superin tendent of Washington county, S. B. 174. By judicicry committee Substitute for senate bill Nos. 82 and Providing that county courts must roceive bids for work, machinery and materials m counties of 10,000 or more -population. An Attack Of Influenza . Often Leaves Kidneys In Weakened Condition Boctors in all parts of the country liavo been kopt busy with the epidemic Of influenza which has visited so many - homes. , t ' The symptoms of this uTisaase are very distressing and leavo tha system in a run down condition. Almost every vic tim complains of. lame back and urin ary troubles which should not be neg looted, as these danger signals often lead to dangerous kidney troubles. Druggists report a large sale on Dr. Kilmer 'a Swanvp-Koot which go many people say soon heals and strengthens the kidneys after an attack of grip. Swamp-Boot, being an herbal com pound, has a gentle healing effect on the kidneys, which is almost immediate ly noticed in most cases by those who try it. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., offer to send a sample size bot tle of Swamp-Root, on receipt of ten cents, to every sufferer who requests it. A trial will convince any one who may bo in need of it. Regular medium and largo size bottles, for sale at all druggists. Be sure to mention this pa per. ; ' S .B. 175. By Bell. Increasing the salary of official of una county. S. B. 178. By Porter. Belatin to the duties of school teachers. S. B. 17. By assessment and taxa tion committee. Increasing the salary of the state tax commissioner from $: 500 to $3,000 a year. S. B. 178, by Porter-r-Belating to tion committee. Exempting property of irrigation and drains go districts from taxation. S. B. 179. By Baldwin. Increasing the salaries of Lake county officials. S. B. 180. By Mosor. Kogulcting the practice Of architecture in Oregon S. B. 181. By assessment and taxa tion committco. Amending delinquent tax notice law enacted by the people in November, 1918, bv providing that the section relating to the giving of mail notice shall not apply where the amount of the taxes delinquent is less than $1. S. B. 182. By Howell. Fixing eight- hour day for female studont nurses em ployed in hospitals, etc. S. B. 183. By Norblad (by request). Prohibiting the employment of white feuufle persons in restaurants owned by orientals. S. B. 184. By Farrell.. Prohibiting courts granting paroles to persons con victed for a second or subsequent of fense for stealing automobiles. S. B. 185. By Hurley and Dimick. Repeals the sterilization law, which is chapter 279, laws of 1917. S. B. 18S. By Baldwin. Increasing the salary of the district attorney for Klamath county. . .. 8. B. 197. By Lachmund -Providing for the traveling'expensea of the county school superintendent of Marion county. S. B. 188. By Moser. Making it a misdemeanor for sny. person to jump bis board or lodging bill 'at a restau rant or apartment house. S. B. 189. By Howell. Amending sec tion 685, L. L. L., relating to the ro lease of sureties on a bond. S. B. 195. By Handler, Hurler and Norblad. Rearranges the counties in the three judicial districts which cover Clatsop, Washington, Tillamook, Yam hill and Linn counties, putting Clatsop county in a district by itself S. B. 191. By Horton. Amending the motor vehicle registration law and increasing the motor vehicle license fee Dutch ships requisitioned by the gov ernment during the war are to be re turned to their owners as rapidly as possible. .Governors Appeal To Government For Help la EspbyECEt Problem Washington, Fell. 6. With unem ployment increasing, many, stat gov ernors and other officials have' sent to the labor department appeals for government action, it was learned to day. All express approval of the bills now in congress providing government aid for road building and other public works and urge that actios, ba taken now. During the last week appeals have been received from tha following gov ernors. Brough, Arkansas; Davis, Idaho; Al len, Kansas; Lowden, Illinois; Good rich, Indiana; Harding, Iowa; Har rington, Maryland; Coolidgd, Massa chusetts; Bilbo, Mississippi; Gardner, Missouri; McKelvie, Nebraska; Lar razola, New Mexico; Frazier, North Dakota; Withycombe, Oregon and Lis ter, Washington. "FLU" GERM 13 IDENTIFIED. London, Feb. 6. The virus of trench fever and those of influenza and some forms of nephritis have been isolated nd identified, acocrding to a report submitted to the director general of the army medical service in France by a number of army medical officers. The virus in each ease has been prov ed to be a minute elobular cell, vary ing in size and behavior in thiee types of disease. Isolation of the gorms of mumps, measles and typhus, the causes of which have hitherto been obscure. also is believed to have been accomplish el by investigations. REVENUE BILL GIVES (Continued from jage one) to TOCK SELLING MAIIY GOODS WAY TON'S 51 w m mm wholesale pies ORE! ent rate 10 per cent) on parlor car chairs and scats, berths or staterooms on boats or trains; a per cent (present. rato c per cent) on oil carried in pipe un'8. Tho tax on telephone and telegraph missnges which is now five cents on each message costing 15 cents or more heaome five cents for messages botween 1-1 and 50 cents and 10 cents on all costing over 50 cents. A 10 per cent tax is put on lessed wires, except news wires. Insurance taxes remain as now. Beverage taxos: O:: distilled spirits, $0.40 a gallon in stead of the $8 rato adopted by the EXTRA LONG WEAR t. D. Collins of Ookala, Hawaii, makes a remarkable statement which demonstrates the money-saving dura bility of Neolin Soles. .. He vrites, , "After wearing a pair of Neolin-soled shoes off and on for thirty-three months, I wore them on a trip to the volcano of Kilauea and walked around the crater over hot lava six times and still the soles showed only slight si cms of wear." This experience is not accidental. It results from the scientific process by which Neslin Soles are made to be exactly what soles should be com fortable, waterproof and exceedingly economical because of the long wear they give. Get them on new shoes for all mem bers of the family and have them put oa worn shoes. They are made by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com pany, Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels, guaranteed to out wear any other heels. fleolin Soles Tra Mark Itaf. 0. 8. Vat. OS. iirer-rerrrerei-.rer.1.--ir-a of High Class.. .. I J Fancy Aprons $2.50 values $1.25 $1.80 values 90c $1.50 values 75c $1.00 values 50c 75c values ....38c 50c values ....25c Women's UflibreHas $10 values ....$5.00 $8.00 values $4.50 $7.50 values $3.95 $5.00 values $3.00 $4.00 values S250 Men's Koveralls . now Sold Everywhere $5.50 Kelt Goods $1.25 caps 78c $1.00 caps 69c 85c caps 55c 60c caps 39c Furs! Furs! Gigantic Reductions Overalls for Men Children's Kover alls Less 5c Lacs Edges IcYard Silk Laces 19c Yard and 35c Yard Muslin Underwear $4.00 values $2.25 $3.00 values $1.50 $1.35 values 78c 75c values ...,49c 35c values 25c 10c Embroidery Now 5c Big cuts on other Embroidery prices Silk Gloves Lay in a supply for summer $1.50 values ....78c 75c Values 59c 50c values 39c Hosierv For Women 60c values 39c 35c values 19c Children's 35c Men's Heavy Underwear 98c. 75c and 39c Per Garment Spool Silk ' 9c 100 Yards O.N.T. 200 yard Spools 5c Spool Boys' $1 Shirts and Blouse Waists 69c Bathing Suits Cheap Big Reductions On Men's and Women's -Summer Underwear j a ff t u tf if if n u H If i it t MEN'S HATS Sold elsewhere $4 and $5, our, price $1.50 Boys' Long Pants Suits Values to $20, now $6.00 Way below any whole . sale prices TWO ALL WOOL SUITS Suitable for small men or big boys Values to $25.90 NOW, $9.00 ; ; ; ; - , 4 Now going strong and will be continued until everything in the store is sold This is your opportunity to get jewelry at your own price M J1 i onrrorgetine Every Day--10 A. M.; 2P. M.; 7P. M. rector how, if in bond, $2.20 a gallon in stead of the 4.i0 house rato. Perfumes continuing distilled spirits, $1.10; with $1,000 a gallon instead of &S.3&in tta bouse bill. A tax of 30 cents s gallon is put on rectified spirits or wines And a 15 cents floor tax. Beer pays $8 tt barrel.. Still wines, including Vermuth containing loss than 14 per cent alcohol, 18 cents & gallon; 14 to 21 per cent alcohol, 40 conts; 1 o a per cent alcoaol, Jt. Wines or brandy withdrawn for fort' ifying, 00 cents a gallon: champagne, 12 cents a hclf pint. On Cereal Beverages. Cereal beverages (near beers), 15 per cent of the selling price. The house lax is 30 per cent. Soft drinks. 10 per cent of the stile price; bouse rate was M per cent; mineral and table waters. per cent of the salo price. May 1, 919, a tax of one cont is lov- iod on each ten cents charged for ce cresm, lco cream sodas, sundaes and sim ilar refreshments if eaten where sold. Tobacco and cigars: Cigars weighing not more than three pounds to the thousand, $1.00 per thou- saua (houso rate $2); more then thruo pounds and retailing for five cents, $4 per thousand; selling from five to eight cents, $8 eight to 15 conts, $9; 15 to 20 cents, $12; over 20 cents, $15. uigarottcs not over three pounds a thousand, $3; over threo pounds, $7.20. louacco and snuff, 18 cents a "pound. iigarotte papers in books of 2 oto 50. o:ic-half cent; 50 to 100, one cent; over 100, one-half cent for each fifty; tubes ono cont "on each 50. Admission and dues: The conferees cut to 10 per cent the 20 per cent theater tax they earlier de cided on. After April 1, 1919, the tax is one cent on each ten cents. Specu lators who sll tickets ut an excess ot 50 conts over the regular price must colloet and pay a tax of 10 cents of the excess; if the evcesj is over 00 cents. a 50 per cent tax. Koof gardens and eabarets pay & tax of one and one-half cents fur each 10 cents charged, Symphony orchestra and entertain ments given for charity or religious pur poses aro exempted. beyond a certain price most the ordi nary articles of clothing and use be como luxuries. After May 1, a tax of 10 per cent is levied on carpets and rugs, sold over 5 a square yard; picture frames ovor $10; trunks over $30; val ises graveling bags, hat boxes and toi let cases over $25; purses, pocket books and shopping bags over $7.50; portable lamps over $25; umbrellas aad parasols over $4; fans ovor $1; house coats anil smoking jackets ovcr $7.50; men's waist coats sold separtcly from suits, women's lir.ts over $15; men's hats over $o; caps ovcr $2; shoes, pumps and slippers over $10; neckties over $2; men's hoso over $1; women's over $2; men's shirts over $3; pajamas, night gowns and under wear over $5; kimonas, petticoats mid waists ovcr $15. i This tax i9 paid on tho sum by which the selling price of any arflclo exceeds tho specific amount. i Jewelry, watches and clocks paT 0 per cent after April 1. After May, motion picture cxchEiiges pay 5 per cent of tho monthly rental of films. Movio men who exhibit films pay five per cent of the rontal or li censo value. Cosmetics Taxed. Perfumes, toilet waters and cosmetics aro tnxed one cent on each 5 cents of selling price, as are pills, powders, salves, ointments and all patent medi cines. Special taxes: Business tax of $1 for each $1000 of capital stock ovcr $5000; broker tax, $50; if broker is a monibcr of an ex change he pays $100 if his scat is wotrh $2000 to $5000 and $150 if it is worlh moro than $5000, Pawn brokers pay $100; ship brokers, $50; custom house brokers, i.jO; theaters seating up to 2501 pay $50; seating 250 to 500 pay $100; seating more than 500 pay $200. In towns of 5000 or loss these rates are hivlvcd. Circuses pay $100; bowling al leys and billiard parlors, $10 for each alley or table; shooting galleries, $20; riding academies, $100; taxicah com panies $10 for each automobllo carryine more than two and less than seven and $20 for bigger automobiles. I Tobacco manufacturers, whoso yearly ; saies aro under oo.uoo pounds, pi;y $0; cents up to $500 and over $500 $1; trans-oceanic passenger tickets costing up to $30, $1; $30 to $00, $3, and over 5. . , ... Proxy for Voting. Proxy for voting, mQ conts; powor of attorney, 25 cents; playing cards, 8 cents a pack; parcel post packages on which the postago is 25 conts oj moro, 1 cent for each 23 cents; on all Insur ance policios, 5 conts on tho dollar of tho premium, when tho policy or renew al is issued by a non-resident of the United States and not signed by an American agent of tho insurer, Tax on child labor: This tax is 10 per cont of tho entire net profits of any business in which children under 14 years or employes be- i twoon 14 to IS work more than eight hours a day. Fulso statements in regard to tha ages of tho employes aro unishable by a fine of from $100 to $1000 or impris onment for three months or both. Advisory boards-. The bill crectcg an advisory board of six to tako up And decide knotty prob lem a with respect to the excess and war profits and income tax sections. Tho conferees struck out tho Thomas amend ment taxing campaign contributions 100 per cent and also tho second class mail provision which would have continued increased poatal rates. AH po3tcl rates go back to tho pro-war bss. An amendment to the measure makes tho District of Columbia bono dry. 0Wl HOSIERY ,F O R MEN AND BOYS try WT?M-1 Parasilk Socks Sandow Siickiags For Men FOR BOYS 50cPair SOcPaif FIRE1AN and ENGINEER SOCKS Black or Tan FOR MEN PRICE 25c PAIR PARAKINGS SOCKS FOR MEN Black Only 30c Pair Dues for over $30 & year pay 10 j between 50,000 and 100,000 pounds, $12; j McisiSclirlsl per cent, initiation fees ovor $10 pay the samp, btu fraternal ordurs operating on tho lodge plan are exempted from Doth taxes. Exciso taxes: Auto trucks urc taxed 3 per cent of the sale prico and other automobiles, except tractors, 5 per cent. Tires bear. 5 per tout tax. Miscellaneous Taxes. between 100,000 and 200,000 pound;), $24 and over 200,000 pounds, $25 and at the rate of 16 cents per thousand pounds of excess over 200,000. Cignr nickers whoso annual sales are; under 5,000 cigars pay $4; fifty thou sand to 100,000 pay $0; 100,000 to 200, 000 pay $12 and exceeding 200,000 but not over 400,000, $24; over 400,000. $24. ard ;-t the rale of ten cents a thousand! Pianos, organs (other than pipe or- jof the cxpcbs over 400,000, 125 North Commercial Street -Formerly Pomeroy & Wallace Jewelry Store gnns), pian0 players, graphophones anl talking machines with record, par o , per cent. Sporting goods of all kinds, 10 per cent; cameras, 10 per cent; chew j ing gum 3 per cent; candy, 5 per cont; photograitoic films and plates, S per Jcent; guns and shells, 10 per cent; bnnt- lit .i. - sword ciines ard stiiietos, 100 per cent. IUXUiy (ukiss Stamri tnxes: On bonds and debentures, 5 conts for each $100 of value; on indemnity and surety bonds, 50 cnts; stock certifi cates 5 pent on each $100 r,r new issues ondiu-ents for ercli $100 on smles or transfers; sales agreements, 2 cents on each $100; deeds. SO cents on trans actions cf $100 to $"00 and an addition- BLACK BEAR WORK SHIRTS Made of the best grade of grey cheviot, and made for service. Price $2.09 BLACK BEAR WORK V SHIRTS Black Sateen, double over front and back of shoulders Price $2.50 All Black Bear Work Shirts Are Guaranteed Satisfaction Or Your Money Back Those ore based upon the theory that ,ousc receipts, 25 cents for f 210 North Commercial St. Sale-n $100, 50 fTOMMaWi1BaW t