PAGE TWO IHL UAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1919. Children's Colds Danger!! TELEGRAPKICTABLOIDS. Chicago, Feb. 6. After she was iron SOCIETY nn77npn i j I u i and they were one, Dr. Charles Winne lost his winning ways, Mrs. Orrie Winne testified. She sued Winne to win maintenance. Chicago, Feb. 6. It was treys today Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DooBe, reported j the birth of a son. By GEKTETJDE E0BI3ON Mil 1 V Springfiold, 111., William Ihlenfeldt birtcher, feared burglars. So he started his new clerk to the bank with fiOO, iroliee say they nave a clew. Milwaukee, Wis A discord. Stanley Fiddler informed the court his mother- 'in-law fnmlaliaJ wnovtlnl fnm him marital life. Decree granted. Lincoln, Neb. A hurrying grtntle- man was invited to ride with a pass ing milk man and accepted, "tut ap. How far do you ride " "State house." "Work therer' "Yes, I'm Governor McKelvie." r r TO MOTHERS ! Whatever else you do for your child's cold, feverish lead or tore throat, remember to always rid the bilious liver, tour stomach mid constipated bowels of the congested waste and toxin poisons. Always give Cascarets candy cathartic first thing. Even cross, sick, cold-clogged kiddies needn't be coaxed to take candy Cascarets. Cascarets never disappoint the worried mother. Each 10 cent box of Cascarets contains directions and dose for children aged one year old and upwards. Portland, Or. There, was intense in- tercst in court when larceny evidence against Mabel Cole was introduced. 'Twaa a dainty garment of Bheer, pink silk an envelope chemise. PLACED ON PEIOEITT DR.A.CSEELY (Continued from page one) it will give for .the support of the li brary for the coming two years. The Oregon Social Hygiene society mi TCpresonted by some of the big guns of the state. A. F. Flegel of Port land said that Oregon had the lowest record in the United 8Ute in the cost of treating special diseases and that the government had acluptud the plans of the Oregon hygiene society. France, Canada audi even India had heard of the ret results of the work in Ore gon and had sent for information, Mr. MegeJ said. Adolph Wolfe, treasurer of the so- 65 Loganberries Are used to flavor one Jiffy-Je!l dessert. The juice ia condensed and Bealed in a vial. This b one of our best fruit flavors. Compare it with the old-style quick gelatine desserts. 10 Flavor, at Your Crocer's 2 PacMaga. for 23 Cent. 'm Washington, Feb. 5. The following lorgnniaations have ibeen placed on pn ority: One Hundred! and Sixty Sixth fielrt artillery brigade heailquarters; 347th and 348th field artillery (all Ninety 'First division); First army artillery headquarters; Ninety Sixth aero squad ron; chemical warlare casual company number five, and ordnance casual eom panies 12 to 21, inclusive. 0 mmmmsisisn !ssass8!sssssg Tells How to Stop a Bad Cough cioty, strongly urged tho' committee to give tho society a .fair appropriation declaring its work was really most important for the welfare of the state. Dr. J. B. Wise, stated that 24 states had sent for tho Oregon charts and lit erature and that Oregon was recogniz ed as the pioneer in social hygiene work. W. F. Woodward had the fig ures to prove the efficiency of the so ciety's work. Taking into consideration tho fact that the federal government would give, $7250 for state work, the com mittee; figured that instead of ths $10, 000 naked for, it would allow $25,000. GeorifB H. Himcs. curator and sec retary of tho Oregon Historical aoci- tb bottle with plam granulated sugar ety asked for $19,000. The committee yr"n- yu can clarified looped off one secretary and special JZJJ!IZP' employe and allowed $la,000. reoipe make9 a pint of really remarkable A chimin of La Grand appeared be- cough remedy. It tastes good, and In fore the committee asking money to spite of its low cost, it can be depended ftarprinltiir wmilts from this fnmoua old heme-modA syrup. EaUy prepares ana coats little. If you have a severe cough or chest cold accompanied with soreness, throat tickle, hoarseness, or diflicult breathing, or if your child wakes up during the night with croup and you want quick help, try this reliable old home-made cough remedy. Any druggist can sup ply you with 2 Mi ounces of Pinex. Pour this into a pint bottle and fill build an armory at that place. Think ing perhaps that Bhould this bo grant ed there would be a dozen more armor ies to build, no action was taken. OTJABO POOD TUAINS Paris, Feb. 5. American soldiorj will be employed to guard trains car Tying food supplies into the countries of eastern and southeastern Kurope, it was announced today. The United States relief administra tion has delivered 5000 tons of flour at Tritutn, to tho O.echo Slovak gov ernment which has furnished trains for its traiuuwrtation to 'Prague, Ten thou sand additional tons of flour and six Iboiisand tons of pork also will bo un loaded in Trieste for the Czechoslovaks. HEALTH DEPARTMENT BILL IS WITHDRAWN Problem Of School Books To Be Provided At Cost Will Be Discussed. Tho big question as to whether it ahnll bo tho policy of the stato of Ore 30:1 to publish its own school books and soil at eoit was reported adversely, by the eommittoe 011 education consisting f Mrs. ihompson, chairman, Lafferty, David Graham, Brand s-nd Richards. Tho houso did not agree with its re port. In fact, tho houso folt tho pub lishing of books for the elementary and high schools wa8 to big a question to permit tho committee to kill. Hence, after r.- discussion in which tho beat thinkers of the house took part the vote wns in favor of a minority roport and tho big proposition of tho Btate nub-' lishing its own school books will come up again for a general debsto. The fooling in the house is favorable at east towards a fuller discussion of the subject. Tho big consolidation bill crentinir a department of health was withdrawn this morning by Mr Weeks. It seems that tho eommittoe on public health and morals hns been hnvinff ft pretty strenuous timo with those whom tho U rT.T -" ' "0?Jv It Raises TheDough Cfaectisfal baking U at Stand whta CrstMit is tuwi, bscaos it niscs 8nt mhn moiitnrs Is addtd ia Utt mixing t-owl, sad tha fiia whsa beat Is tppllsd. ,Tos mult of this doubls riM is deliciootly lifht, I whoiMoras, and ssdily di .STMUd hrtadj, sakss sad jMscuitt, Ni. h Crsktnt hu ba tbs w. tkbliihtd lUndsrd buying powder for s quarter of a etatory on th Pwrtno , Oout. No hstttr formnla hu bMa.prodacsd. Th OrtiMnt Cook Book fc vry hslpfuL Writ tin Creaotat VUg. Co., Statu, foe a opy. ' Groan Ml Crssant Bakinf PowdW upon to give quick and lasting relief, You can feet this take hold of a cough in a way that means business. It loos ens and raises the phlegm, stops throat tickle and soothes and heals the irritated membranes that line the throat and bron chial tubes with such promptness, case and certainty that it ia really aston ishing. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, ana is proimmy tne Dest Known means of overcoming severe coughs, throat and chest colds. There are many worthless imitations of tins mixture, lo avoid disappointment, ask for "2 ounces of Pinex" with full directions and don't accent anvthinv else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. bill proposes to abolish. Naturally the man who is about to be kicked out. of a job registers the loudest holler In this instance they registered such , tt' loud howl and mournful cry that the com mittco laid down and decided to re port adversely on tho proposed depart of henlth. Then Mr. Weeks who had been asked to introduce tho bill, withdrew it thig morning. Tho bill pro pimcd the abolishing of the state board of health, stato health officers, board of medical examiners, state board of barbers, board of phR-rmacy and half doKen others and merging them all into tho state department of health. Now the doctors and such are resting easy. The bill presented by the request of tho war department commission on training activities on the sex problems wns recommended for passngo by the committee on public morals mid health. Clerk Has His Inning. The drug store clerk had his inning this morning in tho bill providing for nine hours s day labor and 54 hours a week. But he did not quito win out as it was intimated that the bill was presented at the request of the big drug stores in Portland to kill off the little ones in the Buburbs. It will eome up again. Smith, tho labor delegate, spoke i 1 favor of establishing hours for drug clerks, Tho bill providing for an exemptio of $1000 in tuxes for all who had serv ed in any wivy of the United States was killed iu the houso this morning. There was just a suspicion that the bill creat ing special exemption from taxes might be unconstitutional. Thig is the bill that tho auxiliary of the 8pciiiah war veterans was interested in. If it had pnssed, it would have saved about $30 taxes rnnunllv on an assessed value of $1000 for residents of Blem. While tho bill creating a department of health was withdrawn thiB morning, the caanees are that the on creating s department of agriculture will receive a favorable report from the eommittoe to which it was referred. Of course, a favorable report is a long way from I homo and net mil pssing but if it ever ones pass it wouiu aoonsn tne rouowing jobs: Board of stato fair directors, the board of horticulture, state livestock sanitary board, state veterinarian, the boarl of sheep commissioners, stallion registration board, standing committee of agricultural lime, state chemist, the state lime board and dairy and food commissioner and his office. All these appointments and commissions would be merged in the department of agricul ture. GRANTED CHANGE OF VENUB ltotroit, Mich., Feb. .- rwi'O. Apollo eluj) coneert to which Iall Salem has bee looking for ward n tam rl l' will VA VaIiI tfl morrow evening in the Opera house. Madame WinnSfred Lugrin Rihey, far ramed l&nadiaa prima donna, will be the soloist of the evening. No ene for tunate enough to possess an invitation will absent himself from the coneert and the gathering promises to be one or the most exclusive and select assenv blagea ever held in he city. John W. Todd, well known in the eity aa s singer of pronounced merit, is the director cf the eluD. Mrs. T. M. Hicks was hostess yester day, as a charming party given at her nome on Church street in honor el tne ninth birthday of her little daughter, lora. A dainty pink and white color scheme was earned out, prettily a centuated by it he white birthday cake and the gay pink candies that bedeck ed the table. Mrs. Frank Jack assist ed with the serving. Tho ' little folk who enjoyed the hospitality of iilra. Hicks are, Maxine Jack; bugenia rush er, 'Bertha Herschfcack, Henrietta Bish op, Alma Johnson, Clara Cumniings, Lucille Rhoten, 'Eugene Jack, Margar et Morehouse, William Jack and Dora uicks. Floyd H. Mclntyre of the United States marine corps arrived in Balem a few days ago having been discharged from service. Mr. Mcintyre has Dcen serving, during the duration of his enlistment at Mare Island, Bremerton and other out posts. www The Woman's Missionary eociety of the First Presbyterian church wil? meet in the church parlors Friday af' ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The annual elections will be hela and a good pro gram has been provided for the occa sion. All the ladies of the church are cordially invited to attend. Tho members of the legislature are planning to invite ex-President Taft to speak at an assembly, when he visits Oregon on February the sixteenth. Mrs. Dan Ferguson of Newport, Ore gon, was the guest of honor at tne meeting of the Sweet Briar club held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C. Ferguson on the Wallace road. The tame was pleasantly spent in sewing, and during the course of the afternoon delicious refreshments were served by tlie hostess. W W ft Amonfg the miytiy ent'eTtninmcnts that will 'be hold in honor of Lincoln's birthday next week, is the one to be given in St. Joseph's hall by the mem bers of the Holy Name society, A clev er comedy-drama will feature among the amusements, for the production of which some of the best talont of the parish has been secured. Mrs. W. V, FnUcr, wife of Repre sentative Fuller of Polk county, is a Salem visitor this week. Mrs. Bessie Kimball of the Y. W. 0. A. is spending a short visit in Port land. - - m Many Salem people will be inter ested in learning that Mrs. Ralph Whiito will resume her juvenile danc ing classes Saturday afternoon at the Cotillion hall, at 2 o'clock. Announce ment of the reopening of her other classes will be published later. . -- The lecture given in the city library last evening by -W. H. Galvani of Port land, was one of decided merit. Mr. Galvani, being- Russian-born, was well able to handle the sirbject with thor oughness and precision. Miss Incs Wiedmer and: Miss Fan nie Morrison are laraong tho Salem vis- ;! Stop Itching Skin " There is one safe, dependable: treat ment that relieves itching torture and skin irritation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothe9 the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35cor $1 bottle of Zemo and apply it aa directed. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blac!( heads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis fying liquid, is all that is needed, for i'. banishes most skin eruptions, makes ie skin soft, smooth snd healthy. The E. W. Rote Co, Cleveland. Ttir sCdfatcct Nam? in flsnrwJ akt rahtC ft lit 1 1-W t lllU'it til VWWWI -attniv t' 1 ESS j mmm s i- y sfis 11 -y-Se C I 1 mm SM " Mr 1 1 1 1 1 The Flavor I taste frequently. How ahnnf frinidhf ? SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT BE SURE TO CETWRICLEYS niMi O U know the realm of child hood dreams is a (and of sweets. The most last ing way to make some of those dreams a delight ful reality is to take home GIRLS! HAVE A MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR SOFT, GLOSSY, WAVY A Saail Battle Destroys Dasd reff And Dosbles beauty OfYoarHair. 'Within ten minutes after an appli eatioa of Danderine yoa can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please yoa most will be after a row weeks use, when yoa see new air, fine and doway at fint yes but really new hair growing all over Hie scalp. A tittle Danderine immediately don Wee the beauty of your hair. No dif' ferenee how dull, faded, brittle and aeraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it thru jour hair, taking one small strand at a ftme. The effect is amasing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and Save aa apuearanee ef abundance; an facomparable lustre, softness and lux uriance. Get small, bottle of Enowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toi let eonnter for a few eents and prove A cunnge 01 1 ,v.. , a. .r .. venue was today eranted in the million:... .v. 1. i! v.- i- dollar UW suit started by Henry Ford k,red by eAreiera treatmeat-that'i all i"p v hi. tt 1 1 1 1 luunr. itors in Portland this week. The Woman's Home Missionary so ciety of the First Methodist church aot in the church parlors yesterday af ternoon, about twenty five members attending. Mrs. Kdward Miller gave an intellectual address 011 " i he .Negro Question to America," and Mrs. George Alden, conference secretary, gave the report on the year's work, emphasizing especially the Queen Es ther s work and the war ruml, outlin inir also the plans for the coining year. A student of the theological school was the soloist of the afternoon. Tho usual business meeting then ensued, Mrs. A. E. Hunt presiding. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Bradley am! two small daughters, of Calgary, Alberta, are guests at the home of Mrs. Brad ley's brother, E. J. Mangus, at his home on North Capitol street. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE IBRUMO QniNIXE Tab lets remove the cause. There is only on"Bromo Quinine.'' E. W. GROVES signature on tho boi. 30c. PERSONAL Mrs. Bessie Kimball, superintendent of the V. W. C. A., is visiting in Port land this week. J. T. Anderm returned recently from business trip to points ia Wash ington. tieo. Vicfc returned recently from a trip into southern Idaho where he was locking after basiness connected with the Ford agency. Robt. Paulns, of the Salem Fruit Union, and Knight Percy, of the Sky line Orchards, leave this afternoon for Portland to attend the annual meet ing of the Walnut Growers association K. T. Barnes is in Portland today on business. He will remain over tomor row to attend the meeting of the trus tees of Willamette university. The following Portland people arc registered today at the Bligh hotel: At torney .J. N. Hart, F. M. Bcvenrlge, Omer Hubbard. Frank . Dodgers, of Ms rsh field, is among the recent arrivals in 8alein, registering at the Bligh hotel. Idella M. Marks, H. S.-McCutchan, H. L. Moreland, J. W. Pomcroy, oil of Portland. The basket hall team of Willamette university will Btnge one of the pretti est events of the season in the local gymnasium next Saturday evening, when they take on the starry aggrega tion from the Multnomah Athletic club. This bunch of players worthy of their grapple, as they are all old seasoned I named Clark, and Dubois is the county .. 1 1 . . : V ! .1. . 1 x J Willamette te6-m. However, the locsl tosaers have been working hard and are in good condition. The game will bo called at 8 o'clock. The university lineup is as folloks: Nichols, center; Wapnto, forward; MeKittrlek, forward, Koss and Dimmick. guards. Idaho's 42d county hns just beon created out of the yestern section of Fremont eounty. The new county is I. 'I1HIIiiiiii . i II Ml HI II ill II j Post too surely ean have beautiful hairt Amonc the late arrivals at the Ma- ,,.,., ,.. . nn .,lna ,ot ef " if y9B wiH J4' tT7 rinn hotel rro the following: J. D. JOURN-H - NT ADS PAY littl v- v. t g. Ford, Everyone Likes 'Em" .. . e der! Compare-1 with ordinary corn flakes and you realize fche difference at once, sues X i