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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1919)
PAGE TEN Dafof!Hol Journal SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1919. . . . '. - ! : : , n 3S 31 THE PLACE FOR THE GREATEST i All Around Town j SHOE vakies IN MARION COUNTY IS ALWAYS AT THE J. C, PEfJHEY CO'S STORE BECAUSE BY BUYING FOR THE 197 BUSY PENNY STORES LOCATED IN 25 STATES ENABLES US TO BUY AT PRICES THE SMALLER IN DIVIDUAL STORES CANNOT GET. THEN, TOO, BUYING FOR CASH AND SELLING FOR CASH, ALSO ON ACCOUNT OF NOT BEING AT THE EXPENSE OF DELIVERING, ARE A FEW MORE OF THE MANY REASONS WHY OURS ARE x Alway r9w w 1 he L owest Prices A LOOK AT THE SHOES WILL CONVINCE ANY ONE OF THE TRUTH OF THIS LADIES' KID VAMP SHOE With white kid top, French heel, nice neat toe, Goodyear welt , sole. A good One' and is unusually low-priced- at it Another similar to above but with brown kid vamp and cream kid top, at $5.90 LADIES' ALL BLACK SHOE Kid vamp and cloth top, French heel $2.98 Think of it! ' ' ' - ", t ... " LADIES' "REST SHU" Famous for ease and comfort, made of all kid leather, welt sole, and low heel A common sense shoe that is hard to beat, only $4 50 LADIES' BROWN ENGLISH Of good quality nice soft leather, a , I -J j :t:. 1 1 li if j uanuy military iieei, ruuuer uppeu, Goodyear welt sole. A winner at a great saving.. LADIES' BLACK ENGLISH Kid leather, Neolin sole, Military Rubber heel. You will like it at $5.90 WOMEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES In sizes 2 1-2 to 4 1-2 at $193 Are something most unusual and should interest all. t These are just a few. There are many more. You will find " equally good values in Children's, Boys and Men's Shoes. OOMDTOr EVENTS TONIGHT At the stata Capitol Publio hearing on proposed boxing bill. Feb. 7 Apollo invitational concert at opera house. Feb. 12-15 Automobile show in armory. Feb. 21--Legislature adjourns Salem bread is freshest and best tf WatJrins Remedies liniment, Men thol, Camsfcsr, Mustard Ointment, Spic es, Extracts aad Toilet Articles. Phone 402. For sal by M. W. Eaw ley, 331 N. Liberty Bt., Salem. 2-14 On account of the damage by hevy hauling over the Mt. Angel-Scotts Mills road the county court has deem ed it advisable to prohibit the use of lumber trucks and other heavy loads for the time being. "The beet" Is all you can do whe death comes. Call Webb & Clough Go. Phone 120. tf o Having lately retnrosd to Salem I am ready to receive viano pupils at my home, 1472 Mill, or will go to homes of DUDilg. Bsecial attention given to technic and expression. Mrs. Lena Wa ters. Phono 1184M. K The debating team of Willamette uni versify has issued a challenge for a forensic contest with the Oregon Agri cultural college, to be held during the month of April if the Corvallis team accepts. Manager Cooper of the Wil lamette team has also challenged Pa cific university and McMinnville. A challenge from Puget Sound college hag been accepted by -him. - Highways Rapid Transit Auto sendee to Portland and way points daily, leav ing Satan at 7 a. m. Phone crdnrs eve ainf before, 265 Ferry. Phone 663. tf o VTs boy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic ulig. tf 5 Incorporated t fcjstei a M iwi Av It has been decided that President Carl Gregg Doney, of Willamette uni "versify, will be tho speaker at tlie omiuenconiont exorcises of ithe Salem ligh school on Mnreh 7. Rv. Thomas Achsoft of th Jason Lee Memorial church, will preach the usual Immiliui rcste sermon on the preceding Sabbath V WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON dtop at BLIQH HOTEL "a Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern 1 per Day 100 Booms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel in Business District A A A A - - - T TT T TTTttTTTttT? 1 WypWV WW- 1 L.M.HUM ! sure of Tick S Toq Ckiaeu Msdieiss ul Tn rv f Has medicine whin wtll .m !any knows disss. Opa Bondayt (ran U a. & an til I p. a. 108 Sooth Eifh 84. Balsa. Oregon. Paoas 18; 3 L'aEctte Valley Transfer ' Ccspany FAST AUTO TRUCKS JDaily between Portland and Salom, In dependence, Monmouth and Dallas ORDERS TAKEN BOTH WAYS Portland Offlcs 830 Ash Si Phone Broadway 454 Salem Offlcs J71 & High St. Phono 1400 WB BUT PRODUCE Win. Bell, Agent. Three small building permits were iissied today from the recorder's of fice; a permit to remodel and repair a brick store building owned by Felix UiHranrh, on Sfato street, botwocn Commercial and Liberty, to coat about $"()()0; to repair, a brick building on WANTED I want your furniture, ranges, heaters, etc Phone 510 or 511, Woodry, tho auctioneer, Salem 2nd HOUSE CLEANING AUCTION SALE WOODRY'S AUCTION MARKET COR. FERRY AND LIBERTY STS. SATURDAY, FEB. 8th 10:30 A. M. Horses, Harness, Plows, etc., and other things which tue farmers are Invited o bring in. 1:30 P. M. Household Furniture, Ranges, new and second Hand beaters, bed springs and mattresses, organ, clocks, oil stove rockers and dinners and sverytbinj sine Inside the four walls. P. 8 Don't mist the autcion on South Nineteenth St tomorrow, F. N. WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER Phone 610 or 611 Commercial street, laetween Ferry and Trade, owned by McNaugliton & Kay mond; the construction of a truck building for Marion eounty on Jason street in north Salem, to coat albout soo. 0 The U. S. employment bureau has moved from its quarters on State street to a room at 128 S. Liberty street, adjoining the Salem Bank of Commerce. Agent Coleman states t'hat there is still a largo demand for wood cutters but very few are being placed. A considerable number of returning soldiora have applications in for me chanics jobs and positions as drivers of trucks. There ig not so large a de gree of cooperation from tho employers of this district as might be wished. HI Hop wire and all kinds of hides. Before you sellSee Us. Phone 398. 271 Chemeketa CAPITAL JUNK CO. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY STRICT ATTENTION TO CO. D. ORDERS PHONE 198 and 186 299 N. COMMERCIAL ST. 103 S. COMMERCIAL ST. 100 lbs Cane sugar... $9.75 10 lbs. Cane sagaf ... $1.00 5 lbs net Vegetable Short ening . ...... :l ...$1.55 6 lbs net Crisco .;...$1.85 3 lbs. net Crisco 95c 3 lbs Royal Club coffee $1.00 lib Royal Club coffee... 35c 1 lb G. A. coffee ....... 30c 1 lb. Palmer coffee 27c 1-2 ph black and green tea . ....... 23c 12-oz Royal Baking pow der 35c 5 lbs Crescent Baking powder 90c Standard Tomatoes, per can, 18c; dozen ....$2.05 Royal Red Peas, can 18c; per dozen $2.00 Mt Hamilton Peas, can, 18c; per dozen ........ $2.05 Jell 0, all flavors, pkg.. .11c Jiffy Jell, pkg 10c White Figs.. lb 20c 6 boxes matches Search light, large box ......25c 5 large bars white soap . . 27c 5 bars White Flyer soap 25c Fresh crisp soda crackers pound .18c Fresh crisp soup crackers, pound . 18c Citrus washing powder, pkg. . : ..27c 5 cans Light House Clean ser ..... . 27c ORDER EARLY FOR BEST SERVICE i Marriage lic&utes were issued re cently from the clerk's office to Jos eph J. DavSd and Eva Michalik, both of St. Louis, Oregon, and to Alonzo Martin of Grerham and .Nancy Orace Myers of Bates. The latter couple was married today at Mill !ity. New Fashion Plates and Patterns for MARCH Just Received We ley liberty bonds. 311 Masonic Wdg. tf Ws have moved our offices to rooms 201-203 Gray block, over Hartman Bros, jewelry store, 125 N. Liberty Bt. G. E. UNRUH, B. W. MACY. tf Baby chicks. 541 State St Phone 100 tf The Valley Motor company receiv ed this morning another carload of Fordson tractors, which are becoming so popular with the farmers that the load was practically sold out before it arrived. The company also have on the road a carload of tho beautiful iSssex cars which are expected to arrive in time for the automobile show here. ArtisafiB attention. Regular meeting to night, installation of of ficers, Masonic Temple GALE & CO, Phone 1072 Commercial and Court Streets., Salem Formerly Chicago Store The Myrtle hotel, now called the Miller Apartments, is beinz renovated and put. in first class shape. 2-7 Ellsworth, Prop, The annual business meeting of the First Congregational church will be held thlis Thursday, evening, Feb. 6, in the parlor of the church. There will be a dinner at 6 p. m. following which the business of the church will be tak en up. All members urged .to attend. Mrs. Ralph, White's juvenile danc ing academv will open Sat.- Feb. 8, 2 to Cotillion hall. 2-7 Workmen are busy on the alterations in the police department today, mak ing arrangements to give Chief Var ney a small private office. Economize, get your hats cleaned and blocked early to avoid the rush, at old location, 495 Court St. C. B. 3-5 Clothes hangers free, with every cleaning, pressing or dyeing Order of 75e or over, we will give free a haro wood combination coat and trousers hanger. This week only. Salem Clean ing Works. Phone 703. 1261 State. o i statement of. the wrk of the Bed Cross lor January shows that during that period more than five hundred families received attention, and near ly 300 families received aid-of somo description. The amount expended dur ing tho month was $215. A recent re port from Miss Grace Taylor with re gard to the emergency hospital shows that thirty patients were eared for by the nurses, six of them dying. There are still a number of cases receiving attention and the work will be contin ued so long as there is danger of an other wavo of tho epidemic. t tt Yes, Ma'am rarmers Cash Store 151 N. HIGH STREET PHONE 453 ? Will Continue Their uosing Oil Sale r On Friday and Saturday. The enormous stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Rubbers must be reduced without delay to make room for our entire new stock. We will begin to move to the J. L. Stockton store the 15th of this month and will be open for business March first, under the Name of : ' The People's Cash Store Our prices are as follows: . tt Crown and Olympia flour $2.95 Fisher's Snow Fall hard wheat flour $2.75 Fisher's Waldo Hills patent flour $2.65 Valley flour ..$2.55 10 lbs. pancake flour 65c 10 lbs graham flour 60c 10 lbs rolled oats. 70c 3 lbs head rice 30c 3 lbs. Japan rice 25c 3 lbs. best white beans 25c 1 lb. Reliance coffee, be5t quality 35c 1 lb. Plantation coffee .27c ' 2 lbs. Cocoa in bulk r...45c 2 lbs dried prunes,' apples or pears 25c Standard canned tomatoes, can..,.15c Hunter Boy sweet corn, can 15c Pineapple, per can .23c Ripe Olives, per can :.13c Apple butter, per can 19c 5 bars White Flyer soap 25c 1 lb. mixed cookies .20c 1 lb. Candy Kisses 23c Soda and Oyster crackers, lb 17c Almonds, per pound 24c Best standard lard, No. 10, pail $2.75 No. 5 compound, per pail $1.15 Vegetable, 5 pound can $1.39 Umeco Butter, per lb 33c Fresh eggs, .per doz 35c $1.65 Brooms 70c VEGETABLES Burbank potatoes, per sack $1.65 Best selected onions, per sack ....$1.60 We also have a big surprise sale on clothing, dry goods, shoes and rub bers. We give free premium coupons with the purchase of every dollar, good for valuable premiums, such as glassware, high class dishes and sil verware. Please call and see our premium department. Free delivery with! purchase of $1.00 and over. Place your orders early. ft 4 4 4 44 The Farmers' Cash Stor e 151 HIGH STREET PHONE 453 We move into J. L. Stockton Store March First tt TTTtTtTtTttTTtTT ? t-T T t t 1 1 t t t t t