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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1919)
lit Weather Report - ; 5000 CIRCULATION (25,000 BEADEKS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE .Oregon: Tonight and Friday rain west por.ion, rain or snow oast portion, warmer east jor tion tonight, moderate souther ly winds. ". 4 mVit: ' lit- In I DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAIr LEY NEWS 8SKVICE FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 25. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON 'TRAINS AND KEW8 STANDS FIVE CENTS d ft ft i Discnsns m son bonus Chairman Kitchin Of Wjs And Means Committee In National House Of resentatives, Presents Con ference Report On A'ca's Six Billion Dollar War Revenue Bill, Greatest 1 ."his Nation's History. By L. C. Martin Washington, Feb. 6. The biggest tax bill in American history was sub mitted to congress today for final .ap proval. When Representative Kitchin, chair man Of the house ways and means committee, resento4 'the conference report on the war tax bill to the house he announced it will gather from the peoplo $6,070,000,000 in taxes for the fiscal year ending July 1, 1919, and, in succeeding years a li'ttle less than 4,.2()0,0O0,OOO. While big incomes and swollen prof its foear heavy taxes, the man of small and moderate -means has a heavy bur den. . .Sciifltmr Lnd'ffe. rennhlican . leader. has publicly expressed the fear that it cont and 65 per cent of all profits over "imperils business," which, he say's, U'20 per cent. Before figurine this tax facing a very difficult year. " .the taxjayer deducts from Ms net Ifi ixill'inu Huiiuuiici-u uiuaty jiu piaus to call the conference report up Sat urday. He expects approval in one day. Tho senate will probably talto it up next weok if Kitchin gets it through the house as quickly as he hopes. Sen ate approval probably will take long er. The normal income tax for 1918 is C per cent on incomes up to $4000. and 12 i i A l .... 1IIC I ,i .... per com on nignur incomes, aimr the normal i8 4 per cent on incomes up. tho war profits credit end the amount to $4000 and 8 per cent on those 07crj0f excess profits tax figures under the $4000. Tho present normal is 4 per cent In addition to raising about $0,000, 000,000 in taxes, tho bill gives every soldier,' sailor and marine and all wo men nurses in the American forces a bonus of $00 upon discharge. This means an appropriation of more than $400,000, 000. Following aro the chief provisions of the bill: Income tax on individuals. Exemptions of $1000 for a single per son and $2000 for & married one, with $000 additional for each dependent un-'of dor tho age of 18, remain as at present, Tho incom sur-tax rates begin at one per cent on incomes of $5000 to $6000 stid run to 65 per cent on incomes ovtt $1,000,000. Present sur tax rates aro lower on the middle and higher incomes, the high-'000 and running to 40 per cent on those est rate in the present law being SOji.vcr $10,000,000. Estates if soldiers, per cent on incomes of more than $1, 000,000. Partnerships and publie service cor porations pay the tax as individuals. not as corporations. Tho corporation income tax for 1919 is 12 per cent and thereafter 10 per cent. The present rate is 6 per cent. Special provision is made for corpor ations owning oil or gas wells or mines. Because e ftlie hazards and tho rapid depletion a special deduction for deple tion and improvements is allowed. It Dr. A. C. Seeley of Health Playing in Hard Luck Ways And Means Committee Couldn't See Why He Want ed So Much Money. Dr. A. C. Seely, health officer for tJia Stata Board of Health, played in hard luck last evening with the juint ways and means committee which is trying to please everybody in appro priating funds and at the same time get under the 9ix per cent appropria tion law. Two yearg ago the State Board of Health was given $24,000 for its work. Dr. Seely eamc before tho committee Inst evening asking for $95,225. After the committee discussed his proposed plans, it voted to hive him $24,000, figuring there would be no more need of money in that work for the coming two years than for the past two. Dr. 8yvv had planned to divide the state into five districts and employ five doctors at $2000 a year each who should go about in vesicating. His plans also included several specialists who were to draw good salaries. Mrs. Alexander Thompson, who i on the committee, attempted to get the doctor to go more into details as to hit .proposed plans but could get no satisfactory answer. She said: "The state health department comes here with a great comprehensive p'.an re quirin.T thi expenditure of almost four times the amount it received two years 5o. Yet Dr. Seely did not know how to answer questions, nor give us any id a of how he was going to handle all this money. If such radical changes are contemplated, why eanuot ho tell F RIM PIVFQ L DILL UlVLO i cd on the fair market value iu thi ble year. " " " '- Taxes in Installments. Th "iiiiil allows income taxes to be paid in one or four installments, r, the tax payer chooses. The first in stallment is duo when the return is fil ed, the second three months later, the third in six and the lust in nine month War and excess profits tax: Provision is mmlo for both war and excess profits taxes in the fiscal year. Kiif nfl-tii. that tio vni nvnfl o inxofl ' conies off except in certain specified cases whore war contracts run over in l;.tor years. The excess profits tax for 19181919 is 30 per cent of profits up to 20 per come three thousand dollars. cms 8 per cent on his capital, as an excess profits exemption. Concerns making less than $3000 a year net income pay no excess profits. For 1919 1920 and thereafter tho rates aro 20 per. cent of profits up to 20 per cent and 40 per cont of all profits over 20 per cent. Tho war profits tax for this fiscal year is the difference between 80 per cont of the net income after deducting preceding provision. Tho war profits provision, ono of tho most involved in the bill, teads as follows:' ., "The sum, if any;- by-Vhich 80 per cent of tho amount of the net income in excess in war profits credit, exeeeds the amount of tho tax computed under tho first end second brackets (the ex cess profits tax provision). ' War Profits Credit. "The war profits credit is $3000, plus the average net income for the pre-war period (1911-1912-1913) plus 10 per cent tho difference between the average invested capital of the pre-war period and the invested capital in the taxable year." ' Kstate tax: This provision levies & tax beginning at 3 per cent on estate not over $5j,- Isuilors and murines killed in tne war or who die within ono year from injuries suite ined in the war, are exempted from payment of this tax. Transportation taxes: These remain largely Cs in tho pres ent law 3 per cent on freight, foreign or domestic: one per cent on each 20 cents paid lor carrying express! 8 per cent on passenger fares except commu tation or season tickets; 8 per cent, proh Continued on page five of State Board us afbout it." Other members of the jojt committee thought the same and tho pruning knife was got out and the $95,225 asked for was at one s'ash cut down to f24,000. Mrs. E. T. Moores, superintendent of the blind school was given' practically all she asked, except. a slight reduc tion in the estimation of maintenance. She was allowed $1300 to furnish an atftic for a dormitory, $1425 for furni ture and general furnishings and $10OO for repairs, as the buildings are old and in not very good condition. The committee also favored giving her money to pay for operations when it wa thoifht that' such operations might restore to sight any of the chil dren in the institution. Miss Cornelia Marvin, state libra rian, told the committee so many good things about the work of the state li brary in her rapid fire machine gun talk of half an hour that it was al most inclined to give her every dollar asked for while under the spell of her oratory. "Oregon has the most liberal use of books of any state in the un ion," declared Miss Marvin. "It is the poorest supported financially of any state library in the country. There is no institution in the state that come in contact with so many people as the state library. Every post office in the state has sent in request for books. Oregon can beat the world when it eomes to the library question." Senator Strayer wa a little in douot about Oregon's state library beating the whole world, but Miss Marvin had the figures to prove it. This evening the committee will decide just what (Continued on page two) !0. S. SENATE RENEWS ! mmm hum DISCUSSION ABOUT BOLSHElflCIIfliy Thomas Says We Must Take ' Action If Hi. Don't Want Sample Russian Anarchy. Washington, Fdb. 6. Discussion of bolshevik activities was renewed in the senate today when Senator Thomas, Colorado, read a telegram from a Seat tle atorney, assailing strikes there. Thomas doclared "tho time is here when we must abandon our policy of trusting 'to luck and hoping with an optimism that will brin'g us to tho precipice that things will right them selves. " We must decide whether America is to be for Americans and instead of striving for party advantage we must see to- the strict enforcement cf the laws and tho constitution." Thomas declared 'the Seattle strike appears to be heading toward Russian, bolshovism. lie said that if the state wide strike threatened in Washington in sympathy with Seattlo workmen becomes a fact and strikers attempt to exercise state governmental functions, as some or those in Seattle have exeri'iscd munic- t: pal functions, we "shall have a full fledged cxponment in Kussian ibolsncv ism." he MEET TOMORROW TO TALK ADVANCEMEKT Figures Show That Prune Dry ing methods Could Be 1m proyed Upon Greallyi As a means ef obtaining much need ed information as to methods and costs in tho evaporation of prunes in this valley, Manager W. T. Jcnk?, of tho Willamette' Valley 'Prune association, has sent out to the leading growers an elaborate questionnaire, covering every detail of drying operations. Thirty seven growers responded, and tho figures they give are interesting' suggestive almost astounding in the wirtn rmiffft vf costs. Thev uz2cst that that some of our growers are operating under a handicap either as to equip ment or methods, rney snow aoove au things the need of ' getting to gether, comoaTins notes, and standardizing on methods and prices. Tlie questionnaire caiica lor rne type of 'drier used, size of trays, height of air shaft, size of heat chambers, kind of gtove or furnace, the degree of heat used, tho number of hours required to dry lfruit, number of hands employed, tho amount anil cost of wood, and the final ccst per ton or xno aneu iruiv. Out of 37 operators, 24 had used the tunnel type of dryer and 13 the stack typo- . .... It is evident that very tew oi tm growers kept exact tally on their oper ations and the results can be no more than rough averages. Thus it appears that those who used the tunnel type of dryer required on the average ap proximately 36 hours to finish their fruit, while those who used stacks re quired an average of about 33 hours. The figures on berth types ranged from 20 hours up to 48 hours. . Further computation shows that in both types of dryers it required all tho way from two thirds of a cord to one and one foufth cords of wood to dry a ton of prunes, though in the n eral average dt was shown that with the tunnel type it required 1454 cords of wood to dry 1588 tons o'f prunes, while with the tfack dryer it required 598 cords of wood to dry 575 tons of prunes. Figures Startling The figure as to total eofrt of dry ing are startling almost pathetic, if iimv rn Authentic, for they show a variation running U the way from $15.50 per ton up to $48 per ton. The general average on both types of dry ers show a cost of approximately $26. 80 per ton for drying. All types of stoves and furnaces were used. Many utilized tho ordinary hop stove, while the minority used brick f ornaens., The great majority made use of lye in the process 4roni one to two pounds to 50 gallons of wa ter. .Now out of this mass of contradic tory figures, it is the hope of Manager Jen kg that some conclusion can be ar rived at as to the best methods both s to operation and equipment. There is something radically wrong some where when it ots grower $48 a ton to dry his fruit. For the sake of getting at something concrete in this matter he has call.-d a meeting of prune growers to meet in his office to morrow (Friday) afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for Ithe purpose of canvassing the whole situation. This is au Im portant conference? and growers are urged to be present and be ready to talk facts, for out of this may cme beflcfit to the whole industry. M10 FOR LEAGUE IS HIKING : COilETlOfl TODAY . i ' - i Initial Draft May Be Present ed To General Congress This We ek. By Fred S. Ferguson (United Press staff . correspondent) Paris, Feb. 6.....Prospects for comple tion of the initial draft of the league of nations constitutioa in time to pror sent it to the . general peace congress this week, were understood to be bright er today. As the special committee having tho work iu charge considers the vcrious problems contained in the 22 articles of the tentative program, tho conferees afo Baid to be rapidly approaching an agree ment, the speed' with which the details aro handled is increasing as the sessions continue Tho two questions present ing tho greatest difficulty of solution ctc: Means by which the league will en force its decisions. Apportionment of representation on the administrative council of tho league. Boycott Most Effective The majority of the conferees 'are bo-! lioved to be agreed that the most ef fective weapon of the league will bo an oconomic boycott mado possible through a blockade enforced by an international fleet to which naturally Great Britain and tho United StateB would be tho chief contributors. But some members of the committee are said to hold out for the substitution of moral for physi cal forces. These members reclare that tho main object of the leaguo really is the promotion of understanding be tween nationg that will render w-ai's un likely rather than forcible prevention of wars after they have been caused by political or ononomio jealousies. Those who favor an international police forco agroo to this promise, yet hold that the loague must possess some weapon in caso any misunderstandings do arise. Tho reported conflict ovor represent ation arises from the X.?uf of small na tions that tho big powers will domi nate the league." Efforts are now being made to dispel this fear which is held to be unfounded. Newspapers Not Able v v To Issue In bsatt'e ' Seattle Wash.. Feb. 6. With Seattlo in the grip of the first general striko in America's history, the city was left this afternoon with only haphazard means of learning details of its plight. Of the ' three afternoon newspapers, the Star alone got out an edition this afternoon. With the news boys out in sympathy with other strikers, there was no means of circulating the ptpers. Stcreotypcrs had votod to go out, but their international union refused to sanction tho vote. Acting as individ uals, they walked out in. all newspa pers except the StGr, where, for some time, it was uncertain whether they would work. Finally at 2 p. m. they made plates, but gave no assurance they would cou tinue to do so. The Union-Eecord, the official organ of the unions, got out one edition early today. Nation-Wide Strike Fends. New York, Feb. 6. William J. Eow en of Indianapolis, president of the bricklayers union, today piodicted 8' no tion-wide strike of birck'.f.yVrs aud al lied building workers as a result of the threatened lockout of bricklayers ar.d engineeu in this city, who struck In svmnnthv vith tho ewpentcrs. Two million men, he estimated, would paf ticipate in the strike. ABE MARTIN ? Madamo Neuralgia, ,th' palmist, is payin' her annual visit an' may be con sulted on affairs o' th' heart anVot wrist watches in th' parlor o' th' Pal ace hotel. A bank never loses so oppor tunity to close " GERMAN ASSEMBLY ffiTSATTOl Is Composed Of 421 Iknkrs Incmding 35 Women, Elect ed By Pcpdar Vote. Weimar, Feb. 6. The first popular national legislative assembly in the history of Germany is meeting here today to write a constitution for the people of tho former German empire The assembly, composed of 421 mem bers, including 34 women, was elected by dfirect popular vote of the whole people, and is diecidedly socialistic in complexion. The mcmlbership i divid ed among the political parties thus: .Majority socialists 164 Christian Peoples' party 88 Democrats .. 77 German national party 34 Minority socialists 24 German People's party 23 Bavarian Peasants league 4 Guelphs 4 Wurtemberg Bourgois party 2 Peasants' and Workmen's democrat ic leaguo l This gives tho majority socialists a plurality, with other socialistic gTOups so well represented that a constitution that would be called radical in any of tho older countries of tho world is practically assured. As for monarchists and anarchlstB, they aro not even thought of by tho lawmakers assembled here for tho his toric founding of a Teutonic democrat ic republic. The littlo city of weimar, selected for tho national a'sembly when it be came evident that Berlin, with its kais er traditions and its militaristic, atmos phero, would not be acceptable to the democratic Germans, is littlo more than 30,000 in population, and' possesses none of the facilities usually thought issentlnl for a national capital. It is tho capital of the grand duchy of Saxo-Weimar-Eisenach, and is situated on the left bank of tho 11m. It las Goethe 'a town, and still is permeated by the Goethe atmosphere Goothe's house, now tho Goethe national muso um, is ono of the show places of tho city. Schiller 'b houso also, is pne of the public assets, and a famous Oootho Schiller monument, adorns tho -space in front of tho theater, -! which has been turnod into a nntional assembly hall for the present gntherang. Tho two great poots sleep in tho game vault in -the cemetery. OPPOSES pioiscia VOTING AT ELECTIONS Present Law Making Property RequKite To Vets On School Taxes Still Stands. Tho bouse believes it is dangerous business to let tho bars down for pro miscuons voting at school meetings or elections whore a tax is to be levied, :'.ud tho bill proposed by Richards of Portland lotting down all sorts of bars was killed easily yesterday afternoon when the boys from the country were heard from, Bean didn't think it right to permit thoso who have no personal or real prop erty in a school district to vote a tax upon the district. Joncg of Newpoit said out his way the lumber companies own a lot of land and tho man yilh five or six children with no property could have nothing to say about schools. Gallagher suggested that if a lumber company wanted to carry a vote in its interests, it could import a few hundred dagos. Woodson of Heppner, one of tho heavy weights of the house, said if tho bill passed, every weary Willie that had lived in Portland 30 days would have the right to vote on levying school taxes. nti.... l- - .......!..(. it.-1 .1 d:.i...j. -i u.i..j 1 school bill he has some ax to grind and ho generally meet, with defeat. Tho Marion county delegation voted solid against the bill and it failed to pass. As the law now stands, there is a prop erty qualification for voters at school meetings or elections and also for vot ing for school directors. j Mr. nrntiflm nf TCiKrnnA Wfl fulcc.Pri- ul in having his legislative service aud reference bureau bill pass the house It provides that five professors from the University of Oregon be appointed to conduct research work into questions of importance and give their informa tion to prospective law makers. As it doesn't cost anybody anything to have tho bureau appointed, the bill had easy sailing, 1,111 hv Mr. Pi Ida (f Brownsville prsscd the house with no opposition. It provides that teachers, may conduct eighth grade examinations, -pt.. .. i r. t.. Tn.i.:nn.l up to a director or anyone ho appoints. Th .tt. highway commission will be nAWfd .mi.lnv .minimi ami t hnv anything it needs in the way of sup plies and equipment. The bill was in troduced by Dennis and is supposed to be satisfactory to the "interests." Eeprescntative McArthur is on a com mittee named by congress to erect a nermsnent memorial to the late Colonel Booaevclt. Union Leaders Say Seattle Strike Is a Successful Move LITTLE BUSINESS IS BEINC CARRIED ON THRUOUT CITY Strikers Do Not Ask Anything But Concession To Demands . Of Shipbuilders. STREET CAR LINES HAVE ALL STOPPED RUNNING Telephone And Electric Power Are Obtained As Result Of Volunteer Workers Sct'ttlo, Wash., Feb. 6, Soventy thousand union men are idle in Moattlo and 100,000 other workers havo boon thrown out of employment horo follow ing tho walkout of 05 per cent of tho men affiliated with the centrtM labor council at 10 o'clock this morning. ' Desultory business is being carried on in a fow scattored business eotab-1 lishincnts and restaurants. Streetcars aro stopped but telephone service and electric power aro obtainable as the re sult of tho efforts of voluntoor oluctrl cl workers who answered aa sppeul is sued by the mayor. Labor's own police force of 200 for mor service men is. patrolling tho streets in addition to 1000 extra city policemen sworn in this morning. There havo been no disturbances up to noon totny. Thu labor council at tho request of the metal trades council U a decided success, Jn ion leaders declare Shortly after noon the strcotcar em ployes joined in tho striko and an hour later hardly a car was moving down town. It was stated at the carmen's hcadquartors that uthorlty to go out hd been given. Tho barbers announced thoy and their bosses wero "taking a vacation" but donied they were on striko. Japanese barbers als0 closed up shop. Failed to Materialize. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 6. The general striko rodercd by the central kbor council for 10 a. m. today failed to ma terilizo at noon, although a number of unions wnlkod out and there were pos sibilities of tho strike spreading dur ing the afternoon. At noon light, water and powor ser vice was being fully supplied, the utroet cars wore running and all tho most im portant necessities of the city wero be ing furnished. Striko leaders, however, expressed confidence that tho outside electricians, who voted strongly against the general striko and who ia largo mcnusro noiri tho key to tho situation, would walk out before night. The outcome of a meeting botwoen the electricians ana its investigators due to the slowness the executive board of tho central labor 0f commercial telegraph w ires. And council was expected to determine their the department won't act until it doe action. I get thut "ofifcinl information." J A walkout of all streetcar men early General impression about the labor in Uie afternoon appeared likoly. departmcut was that there would bo m At the headquarters of the carmen intervention unless unuBunl circumstuu in the labor tomple a telegram was re-'ces wero reported by the investigator. ceived notifying them that the interna t"nnl """N' n"VTnB ,t , t the carmen 's Btriko in Seattle and ask ing that ction be deferred here until &' vico prosidont of the international ar rives. Some of the largest, unions in the city i,.ti rAfnimd in wnlk nut. The smelt- mmi refusnd tn sbide bv the decision of the labor council and all men were t "01 The longshoremen also refused walk out, although It was ojepectod they would probably bo forced out later. Strike Begins on Schedule. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 6. The first ircn....erBl striko in the United States began here at 10 o'clock this morning, Practically all industry was at stand- I Sill', ovrotucur u Ji...v .... "topped. Milk will be distirbuted only to the extent of supplying the needs o hospitals and babies. - The unions pica to run 15. public eat- whc" th9 Reneral public as well as the strikers will be given meala at stated hours at small cost. Practic ally all restaurants closed this morning even before the sriko hour. Unions allied with the printing trades are not on strike. This includes every department. Newspapers will, there fore, continue to publish here. The threatened closedown of tho light and nower nlnnt. did not occur. The strike afreet" approximately 70 DEMANDS OF STRIKERS Shipyard workers on strike ' during tho past two weeks de mand $8 minimum for common labor; $7 for mechanics; $8 for machinists. Todivy 's goneral strike is in sympathy with ship yard "strikers and does not de mand concessions of any other character. 000 workers directly. Of thoso 30,000 uro shipyard workers and .tho others are. sympathy strikers. Mayor Hanson is prepared to swear in 10,000 policemen to msintai i ordor, if necessary, ho declared today. Ei trn details of police have been called to duty and it is reported that details from the army cantonment at Camp Lowis and from tho Bremoiton navy yard and (ho University Tiniiiinpr Stn tio i are prepared to tuko a liunn ia tho utuatlon should the emergency arise) Tho striko committee has issued a statement that it will maintain its own police, but will not furnish them with guns. "Moral suasion'' will bo used to disperse crowds. ' , . No trouble has ensued during tho two wockg of tho shipbuilders' Btriko, but no attempt had been mado bv the ship yard ownors to open thoir yards. The unions have declared they will not tolerate disorder on tho part of their mon. They have organized a po lico forco of their own. eounl in sizo ti rhe city police force and have a well established systom of soup kitchens and benefits designed to prevent suffering, It remuins to be seen what will be the attitude of the unions in ciibo Hanson. tries to keep wheels turning through his plan of volunteer labor. Citizens Qml merchants, fearing . a completo tio-ui), nnd n .possible famine, have for several days boon collecting food supplies from all nearby cities. Portland commission mo 1 have been foccd to keep forces of men working nights to take enro of rush orders from this city. 8d greot has boon the do mnnd that Portland reports a tempora ry scarcity of supplies for her own peo ple. The striko of ship workers, which be gun more than a week ago, came when Chairman l'iez of tho shipping board refused to grunt demands for a wage higher than thut granted by tho Maty awurd. Tho ward wus 80 cents n hour. The ship workers demanded a $6 mini mum for common lnbor and $7 una $3 a day for skilled labor. Piez declared in numerous statement that the board could not in fairness to shipu'orkcrs in other districts go abovo tho Mucy nwnrd, which hnd been sanc tioned by officials of the Anioriean Fed criition of Labor as well as representa tives of the shipping board. Piez has published his statements in several full p..o uilvcrtismneiits in newspaper up and down the coast. He cham-cterized the striko horo tvi a "cclossal mistake" becauso the ship building industry is "at stake." Hrattlo unions are very strong and tho radical element horo is well devel oped. Washington, Feb. 6. "Watchful waiting " about summed up the official attitude here. No "official word" ha come through to the department from Disregarded Covenant. Wilkcsbarre, Pa., Feb. 6. "Tim 30,000 shipbuilders who are now on a strike in tho Seattle district have de liberately disregarded the. covenant mnde with the United States govern ment through the Emergency Fleet coi- miration, although they had sacrediy promised to coutiuuo work under th trin i.f agreement set out by the Ma- to.'cv wnirc arbitration board until Marca 31, 1019," said Charles Pic of the Unit ed States shipping Doara. Failure to Settle. Scuttle, Wash., Feb. 6 An eleventh hour attempt by Cunrles Pic of th United States shipping bonrd to pro vent the walkout at 10 a. m. of from 50,000 to 73,000 ur.ion men has failed, lubor leaders said early today. ; Pi. a. uey said, wucd that if the ship workers would return to work ho would at once call a conference to arrange wages rnd hours uftcr the expiintlon ot the agroen.n.t. The labor men declared Pica's offer "unsatisfactory. Labor lenders asserted this would bo the first striko In America's hisrory in which labor representing practically ail forms of activity walked out onmasw. Tho strike is in sympathy with 30,009 strikinc ship workers who are at log gerheads with the United States ship- (Coatinucd on page eight)