Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 05, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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ISoU nf If otter
From Over There"
General Pershing's Official Report
Killed in action
JHed from wounds .'.
.. 8
Died of accident and other causes 3
Died of disease . 14
Wounded severely i, 117
Today's casualty list contains
following names of Oregon men:
. .Carl C Crouse, Klamath Fails, wound
ed saverely
' Milo H MoClure, Portland, wounded
Alfred Schilt, Forlland, wounded, de
gree undetermined
Cloyd Dixon Bauch, Salem, wound
ed, degree undetermined
Frederick E Little, McMinnville,
wounded slightly
Eichard J Yates, SUverton, wounded
slightly - .
Gronteuoj D Demas, Portland, wound
ed slightly
Marie William Jones, Eugene, wound
ed slightly
Hrold C Bellows, Roseburg, wound
ed slightly
. .Lucius W Franks, Silver Lake,
wounded , degree undetermined
Harry Weingarton, Geoesiwrry,
wounded slightly
Eugene IvIcEutee, Portland, wounded
William I Howland, Newberg, wound
ed slightly
It Earl Wehnor, Washington
Sgt Bernard C Crewe, Detroit Mich
Corp Matthew F Kyrus, Minersville
Harry I Bonham, Nauvoo Mo
Nick Evans, Tonawanda N Y
Bernard Fried, New York
Charles F Harris, Seattle
Leslie B Horner, Cleveland O
Perry A Herring, Nokcsville Va
Elbert C Hognn, Strafford Mo
Joseph Powell, Conio Miss
Richard E Winningham, Grahm N 1)
Sgt Cornel 0 Strand, Milwaukee
Handy Cephas, New Market Md
Robert A Davis, Pilgrim Tex
Harry L Miller, Hopkins Minn
Eugcneo P Scarlcto, Kenosha Wis
John K Smith, Madnlin ON Y
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Stayton, Feb. 5. Jas. (Russell has
received word from his son,, who is in
France, that ho is all right and doing
well for a fellow with one lung. Young
Russell was gassed in one of tho bat-'
ties with the iboche, and one lung was
badly affected, but it is thought that j
lie will improve euiisuitfiauij m iiiiiu. as TUB ureuu- yy uauiiigivu xnuuu.y
Floyd Craibtree and wife aro par- j Breeders ' association. Portland is tho
ents of a daughter, born Sunday night, home and headquarters of the new
E. 6. Lau has his concrete mixor association, but it plaits to extend its
it work near tho electric lijjht plant 1 membership and operations over west
and a force of men is biif-y putting a ern Oregon and Washington,
concrete Ifoundationundcr the rcsi- J Dennis Hulton has been selected aB
dence of C. E. TaylorT (president of tho new association. (Rob-
Miss Dora Rajbens of Sublimity, is ert 'C. Bonn is vice president' and D.
visitin friend' in town. : I TJ. Cochrane is secretary-treasurer.
H. J. Rows of Corvallis, who recent- When 'the membership is further ex
ly purchased an interest in. tho tflec- tended permanent officers will' he
Irir. light plant, has moved his family : named and the association will ibe in
to town. - 4 corporate!, if present plans aro car
Mrs. MdGhee 1 visiting at the homo ricd through. ,
of her son-in lnw, Geo. Davie. I Jf incorporation is effected, said Mr.
J. A. Hendershott and Ben" GcHlen 1 Cochrane yesterday, it will mean the
were in Salem on business Tuesday. establishment of a cannery. One of the
J. W. Mayo made a business trip t problems of the rnbbit grower i that
Portland Tuesday. I of selling his stock when it reaches
Mr. and Mrs. McKcnny of Salem the age of six or seven months. . If
spent Sunday at C. S. Clark's. obliged to carry his animals much
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas, who longer than this without a market his
were quite sick with f hi, arc able to profit wanes. In addition, however, to
be out. furnishing a market for surplus stock,
Tho flu seems to have reached tho th ecannery woulJ .provide the stimu
extent of its run in Stayton unless new lus for the growing of more Belgian
cases appear. haros in Oregon and Washington, Sec-
The hijjli water of last week did rotary Cochrane explained. Tho can
considerable damage to one of tho nery would handle between 1000 aui
dams above town, consequently there 3000 rabbits a mouth fo begin with.
has 'been little water in the ditch to Oregonian.
run the various wheels, and tho eloc- ' '
trie lights have been rather dim. Work
of repair is guinw on and the wheels
will all soon bo spinning Again.
If Cross, Fererisflj Constipa
ted, Give 'Tahlraa Sy
rup OfFigs."
Look back at your childhood days.
Remember the "dos?" wither insisted
on castor oil, calomel, cuthartics. How
you hated them, how you lought
against taking them.
: With our children it' different.
Mothers who cling to the old form of
physic simply don't realize what they
do. The childrcn'g revtlt is well foucd
ed. Their tender little "inside3" are
injured by thm.
If yonr child's stomach liver nd,he neace and are in the Azusa jail.
bowels need cleansing, give on! deli- , ,
cious "California Syrup ef Figs." Ita 8INW FEIN LEADER ESCAPES.
( tion is positive, but gentle. Millions
of motbera keep this harmless "fruit I London, Feb. 4. Edward Do Valera,
laxative" handy; they know children ' 8ilm Fein cEjer( has escaped from pns
love te take it; that it never fails to , on fhe Exci,anoe Telegraph company do
clean th.) liver and bowels aad sweeten !carei to(J ,
the ito iiacn, and tliat'-i tcaspoouf ul , De valera was arrested several
given today saves a cn.. xomor -
. Mu o'
Ask y - r H'iffc'st fi.r a
'Californu S-? ri:r- of Pg:
has full itre.-tbi?, tor babies, ehildrrn
of all a' ar i lor grown i pj plainly
on each bottle. Beware of cpunterieits
sold here. 3ee that it is made by "Cal
ifornia Fig Syrup Compury." Eefuee
ny other kind with tontempt.
Emory J Whisler, Davenport la
" Privates '
Ivan V Higby, Boston Mass '
Ernest Lacombe, Salem Mass
Kichard J Wright, Stocco O
Samuel Bergman, Cambridge Mass
Benjamin, Burley, Norwood Ga
George Cunningham. Brooklyn
tiabe M Hall, New Sight Miss
Fred Howard, St Louis
Alouzo J Mclnrow, Utiea N Y
Alex Miller, Chicago
August W Nelson, Minneapolis
Thunias E Patrick, Many La
Brack Reed, Versailles Ky
Xeill C Skerrett, Chicago
Jake E Smith, Homan Ark
Charles G Crose, Tulare Cat
Sam Econom, SeMtle
Harry Prico, San Francisco
Jeptheo E Anderson, Pocatollo Ida
Jean W Bennetre, Giendnle Cal
Jules Chicou, Oakland Cal
Alfred V Reeves, San Francisco
Thomas F Traynor, San Frauciseo
Died of disease, previously reported
died from wounds:
Lt Frank E Fleming, Franklin Pa
Edwin J Christensen, Wilton N D
Walter R Hasting, Livingston Tenn
Bernard II Konadel, Augusta Wis
William Hopkins, Perdue Hill Ala
Johnnie Johnson, Springfield S C
Rodgers Loc, Sedalia S C
Killed In action, previously reported:
wounded severely:
....Pvt Russell Steward, NelsOnville 0
Killed in action, previously reported
missing in action:
Corp Harold Sinolair, Baker Mont
Oeorgo T Weeks, Moinblo Ark
Adolph W Weiss, Akron 0
James Welch, Omaha Neb
Died from wounds, previously reported
missing In action:
Pvt Joseph Slack, Springfield HI
Breeders Outline Plans
To Farther Industry
A fow months hence housewives of
the country may toe dishing up in all
sorts of delectable wavs rabbit meat
canned in Portland. The canning of
laree numbers of Belgian hares is one
of the proposals of a newly formed
organization of . rabbit growers, known
Search For Wong Murderer
fn A IT Pnrte
Ill All lOUlll 1 wtlojBut wo soon got used t0 little things
1 1 . . 'like than.
San Francisco,, Febi 8. Authorities u- wprffl on tj.e Lorraine front for
in every Pacific port,, it is believed, t1n.e(? nionths. That wr.8 a "bon" see
have been requested by Washington to tor but wo didn't know it until wo had
search for the men who murdered Dr.l cj, action on some 0ther fronts. On
Theodore Wong of the Chinese cduca-JuiC 18tll we h,i our fjrst gas attack
tional mission nnd his two assistants ;an(j Bombnrdmeiit. The 77th division
in Washington, last wok. Ipjj rPiCVC(3 n8 that night, and the Uuu
I Tho murder was not discovered for - , u t lul ffavc tllcm a warm ro-
two days. If the murderers were Chi c!)tion ng thCy came up. Wo had to
neso. and wished to escape to China, wpaT our Rna masks for six hours and
this would have given them ample time!fo1l(lnt b,ftV9 ta4, village of St. Mau
to arrive on the Pacifis coast. !rf t;i molnB1 because of the eon-
Chinatown hore was secrched tday
for G. S. Wong, 25, believed to repre- 0n Julv 5th we went illto the trencii
sent the old regime in China or a radi-L, nn tha Chamnamie front. Evcry-
cal organization .either of which is op-
posed to tho education of the Chinese. :wnen tj,e Germans put over the heavi
The request to look for Wong cnmejCbt t,arraec 0f the par and planned to
irom ouperioieuueiii ruiujuu ui vuo
Wasliinnton police department.
Washington police departme
' four days while the firing continued
Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 4.Forty Bus and th(m ieft for Chateau-Thierry. This
sians, nino of them women, wore ar !r0(,ini(,llt had over 2000 casualties in
rested at Asuza today by sheriffs when thc f irst ioj s bnttie at Chateau-Thier-thcy
attempted to induce Mexican ; g( you that aftfr faw days'
orange pickers lo quit work. fighting we have to have replacements
The officers said the Eussmns thrett- Roin(f to ttte frant again,
cued violence. .. .. .1 Sent. 12th wo went over the ten at
They were merged with disturDing
, ,4 4 rev.lutionary
- ff." - H!r',r!ccted1!0."let.'
ish hament for Clare while in P""
The Evening Newe said it was
cially admitted that JJc vsiera has cs -
Chicago The "Paris Waffle com
pany" filed a petition in bankruptcy.
Turnovers weren't fast enough.
Chicago. Thieves took a hint from
the Bible -and $15,000 worth of goods
from Lonis Lipms'u, merchant. Finding
wulis, windows and floors guarded by
bucglar alarms, thoy lowered themselves
thiough a hole in the roof.
Des Moines. Des Moines schools lcl-
ebrate birthdays of ' Washington and
Lincoln in alternate years. George had
his fling in 1918, hence the limcligut
for Lincoln next week.
Det Moines.; The senate judiciary com
mittee reported for passage a bill by
Senator Xewberry to destroy the bar
berry bush. Newberry's from Straw-
bcry Point.
Hdncior Wis. When officers asked
John Johnson, jeweler, to show them
"some sparkling goods" ho produced a
tray of gems. But they found eight
pints in the cos-l shed. Fine 200.
Shoais, lnd. John Bates didu 't want
to lose the slip of paper carrying the
combination to his safe, so ho locked it
in tho vault. Experts aro stiil working
on tho lock.-
Oklahoma City. " Morn ' Judge."
"Drank again. Twico in two weeks"
"Not guilty. Same drunk."
Fred Stuckey paid 19.
Los Angeles. Burglars have good
taste. Ono stole 16 rolls of butter n4
throe dozen eggs from E. F. oJhnson's
grocery store and ignored in ne
open cash drawer.
rnnfnn. Rhinn. When a volley of
shots failed to drive the influenza away
niNp nf Lui Tin set the new year
ahcud o the genii could start things
over again without the disease.
Chicago Charles Winkler, dopester
for fat peoplo, under investigation uoru,
admitted he'd been, living on the fat
of the land.
Lincoln. Nob. The Lincoln womon's
lnh iWlnrnd the narrow skirt " l
form of Prussianisra to curb women in
industry and affairs of the worm.
Kansas City New York has an epi-.
demio of itch. Willitrain Bass, Okla
homa Indian, gave the neks. "Every
body itch; go somewhere; never sit
down and rest."
New York. At a meeting of tho na
tional committee on prisons and prison
labor, a thief stole films depicting
"psychiatric classification in prison"
Olympian WashSomcrne planted
"empties" in the W. C. T. U. dosk at
tiin nit.nl. thon started a petition for
a law making possession of "dead sol
diers" prirma facie Uvidence. The wo
men gladly" signed. v "
Los Angetcs. William McKaig, offi
cially reported killed in action, almost
confirmed the report. "I was wounded
soven times," he -said. T
Keneth Asoinwall Wrtes
Of Experiences On Rhine
Followine is an extract from a letter
tr A a..! nuroll' Ilia
mother, in which he recounts many
his experiences in r'ranee sua Germany
He has been identified with the l'S7th
regiment, 42nd Rainbow division, which
baw some of the fiercest fighting of
tue war.
Ho suys an part:
"I can't write about all tho jjlscos
I visited, for there wore about a thous
and of them, but I will toll Borne of the
fronts wo wore on. First we hiked (at
night of course) through tho mudtnd
.rain to tho Lorraine fronts about 15
kilometers. It was so dark that we
could not see tho man in front of us,
and we had to hold eaca othors hands
to keep in the road, which was torn
ud UV shells, and that night for tho
first time I heard the shells flying over
fcei-d. I sure thought of homo there
and wondered it I would ever got back.
if.jnuoua shell firo.
.i,j wn9 iot ti,r(, until the 15th
t0Tae right over and take utaaons. w
.t,.,.m tbair nffnnaive. however, an
stopped their offensive, however, and
immediately took the offensive our
so'ves. We stayed underground about
fit Mfticl, and from there went to the
Verdun front. The first time up was
in the Aronne forest nd then to thc
heights east of Sedan. From there we
were going to Austria to strike from
thc cost of Gormnny, but tha signipe
of the armistice brought us here to Shin
zie on the Rhine instead. We are all
tglad tho regiment wh strleeted in the
! : II' flAA
-'gh Belgium ,d Lux-
armr or oceiipaTion. we oiivru ov -v
embunr ""'1
maBV. Now
169 kilometers into- Ocr
we are enjoying life, and
... surely appreciate the ehiwige of life
offl''frera the frot. I puess I told yoa I
. ... . . f .hr.rncl. bnt
not wounded. The shell hit about 500
, r 1 . - J 1 . 1 . it.
fo,ce but Ka ve me a Kood care-1 T,as
WCson Asks Support
On Woman Suffrage
Washington, Feb. 5. President Wil
son h eabled a number of southern
democrats asking them to vote for the
woman suffrage resolution it was learn
ed today.
William J. Bryan continued his per
sonal calls on senators at the capitol to
convince them this is the last chance
they have to save the. woman vote for
the democratic party at the next elec
tion. The suffrage resolution will be called
up Monday. There is no certainty, how
ever, that a vote will be taken then.
New York, Feb. 5. The transport
Due D'Aosta from Marseilles January
V and Gibraltar, January 23, arrived
here today with 1776 troops as follows:
Sixty officers and 1228 men of the
331st field artillery, complete, destina
Hon Camp Grant; six officers and 205
men of battery E, 339th field artillery;
six officers and 71 men of headquarters
company and teu men of the medical do-tat-hmcnts,
destination Camp Didgc; a
detachment of 14 moa from tho 33rd ar
tillery, and 112 casual officers.
lucky to get ant of it woth only a
bruised place on my chest.
We are in a swell hotel in Zinzig, a
town of threo or four thousand. We
may be hero for amonth or so, but we
don 't object, for "this is the lige." The
French never treated us better than
these people tros-t us, so you know we
are getting tho best.
Our trip hero brought us over som
mouu Urinous country, and we saw some
migUtv pretty scenes Yesterday as wo
came through Mayen, a town of about
3000, we sa-y a large statuo of Wilhehn
II with a gunny sack pulled down over
his head.. Guess ho isn't very popular
with the peoplo there.
Well, mother, I could write a book
and then not say half of iU but will em
goodbye for now. Will try to be home
in a few woeks. Lots of love to sfl,
Liberal Offering Of
livestock In Porflad Yards
North. Portland, Or., Fob. 5. Ship
ments for the first two days of the
present week have been fairly liberal
and 95 cars of livestock have been
unloaded at tho Portland Union Stock
Yards bringing 1230 head of cattle
10 calves, 3530 hogs and 2020 sheep.
Tho quality of tho stuff was about
average with very little stock that
was of strictly top gmdo.
After a dull week -the cattle mark
et on Monday was characterized by
briskness and tho activity disp'ayed
around the cattle scales on Monday by
buyers wag, full of liftj. All that the
shippers had to offer bh Monday con
sisted of about 4 carloads found a
ready market iby late afternoon. Pric
es in the cattle division on Monday
and Tuesday were Ueady with a good
demand, especially for top grade stuff.
Best stoers move rapidly t $12.50 to
$13, choice cows and heifers have lit
tle trouble in bringing $9.25 to $10,
25; while calves of "the top variety
bring $13.50. A good many bullg were
weighed . u,p on Monday around $8 to
$: Tuesday's receipt wore fairly
lithe but tha cattle lnarket appears to
bo i na very healthy condition with
old time form.
Hog receipts for Monday and Tues
day wore more than adequate to tho
demand. Trading around the hog scales
on Monday found bidders unwilling to
take hold at last week 's prices and
the market for tho way was very siow
in starting. Primo hogs by Tuesday
morning were being quoted at $16.60
for the top with the bulk of dates at
$16.30 with a poor demand. Pork has
been moving very slow tho past two
weeks and indications, from the salos
on Monday and Tuesday of this week
soem to offer littlo relief. Pigs movo
at prices of $14 to $15.40 nd rough
heavies .from $15 to $16.
The slleep maffket seesi to hjold
steady with, a- fair demand for good
quality. Two cars of ewes were weigh
ed up on Monday at $8.75. Lambs
move rapidly with prices of $13.75 to
$14.25 strictly fat lamh, $9 to $11
for medium grado lambs., The mutton
market has been in good condition for
some time.
. Cattlo quotation Market steady;
Best stoers $12.75(1(13.50: good to
rfhoili ' fleets $11.fAS)liS-.rq;l meldium
to good steers 9.75(a)li.50; fair to
good steers; $8.50(&.75; common to
fair steers $7.75(.N.50-; choice cows
nnd heifers $9.2ua 10.25; good to
choice cows and heiftfre' $8.75(&'9.75;
mxlimn 10 good cow and heifers
$7.50(8.50.; fa'r to. medium cows andl
heifers $5.75fa6.75; eaimors $3.505;
bull $a.; calves $9(3)13.50: stoek-
ers and feeders $7(ii,-ll.
Hog quotations Market weak.
Priil vlxti $16.40(S1 ft.OO ; meilium
mixed $16(5)16.40; rough heavies $15
16: pigs 414lo.41); bulk $10.50.
Sheeo Quotations Market stedy;
prime tombs $13.73(5;14.2S; fair to me
dium laruDg iVifl.li; yearungs iuci
11.50; wethers $910; ewes $6850.
Tiffi MARKET i
Wheat, soft white
Whoat. lower rrtim m sample
Hay, cheat ..........
Hay, oats
Barley, toa .
Mill run
Creamery-butter 5051c
PwH VeaJ pa X4attoB
Pork, on foot 15 3-4e
Vsal, fancy . 20c
Steers "Ciif
si"iDt lamb
Packers Investigation
To Be Brief In London
London, Feb. 5. According to plans
today, the inquiry into the activities
of tie American meat packers in this
country will be short but effs rive.
It is not proposed to attempt to nail
any of the American packers or their
representatives unless they voluntar
ily, offer to testify. ., ,
The investigating committee will be
formed of representatives from the.
board of trade and the food and agri
cultural ministries. Their invest igatiOtt
S high official of the board of agri
culture told the United Press, will be
informal. They will review in a broad
way certain statistics as to meat pric
es in Great Britain. Few witnesses are
expected to be called. A short cut to
adjournment will 'be taken by the prott
able adoption of the report of the Am
erican Federal Trade ommission. The
American packers will be given an
opportunity, if they wish it, to "Tcad
in" corrections of the American com
mission's report, but this will not mean
the committee will accept the "cor
Carrying 2,200 American soldiers was
torpedoed and sunk by a German sub
marine off the coast of Ireland, and
170 soldiers were lost, one year ago
today, February 5, 1918.
Find a soldier.
Left tide down nose at left shoulder.
Lambs-, yearlings . 10(u)12e
Bgg and Poultry
Eggs, cash - 32c
Hens, live 2527c
Old roosters ................... 15c
Chickens -. 25c
Radishes, doz. 4oc
Sweet potatoes '. $5$.25
Potatoes $1.50
Onions, local $l.C5(a12
Cabbage -. 23c
Turnips 22'iC
Head lettuce $-l.o(n)a
Boets - : -- 2
Parsnips - 4c
Cauliflower, 2 doz, case $3.50
Cocoanuts $1.752
Oranges $45
Lemons, box $56
Bananas - 9c
Florida grape frv.it, ease $6(5)7.25
Black figs lb. . I(vl8e
White figs, lb 19ffi)20c
Package figs per bx 50 pkjf. 46.90
Honey, extracted - zoe
Kotau nices
Eggs, dozen - Z7e
Creamery butter 58c
Country butter ao
Flour, hard wheat 33.2f
Portland Market
Portland, Or., 'Feb. 5. Sutter, eity
creamery 4!-)0c
Kggs, selected local ex. 35(S38o
Hens 30(6)32o
- Broilers 2627c
Geese 25a
Cheese, triplets 3940e
Heceipts 164
Tone of mflTkct steady
Beet steers $12.7513.50
1 Good te choice stcrn $1 1 .50ffi l 2.75
Medium to good steers '.).lTi(w
Fair to good steers 8.H.5)
Common to fair steers $7.75fo:8.50
Choice cows and heifers $9.25( lfl.25
Good to choice cows and heifsrs
$8.759.75 -Medium
to good cowj and heifers
Fair to medium cows and heifers
Canncrs $3.u0au
Bulli $6a
Calves $913.50
Stockcrs and feeders $711
Receipts 191
Tone of market steady
Prime mixed $16.40fcl6.60
Medium mixed $16Y;16.40
Rough heavies $1510
Pigs $14(3)15.40
Bulk 16.50al6.75
RH-eints 9
Tnne of market steady
Prime lambs $13.7514.25
Fair to medium lambs $911
2S Yearlings $ll(ill.50
Wether. $9(3)10
Ewes $6.50(3)8.75
Farmer's Produce Company
Cash for your produce today;
20e for top veal.
18e for top hogs.
27o for heavy over 4 lb. lens. -
Z9c for light under 4 lb, hens.
160 g. Sigh St.
Phone 10
rections." Finding wiH be submitted
to departmental heads, who will form
ally submit- a joint report with recom
mendations as to what action is advis
able to parliament. Parliament then
may act.
Berlin, Jan. 18. (By Mail.) The lot
of the working woman in Germany is
one of wretchedness and misery. She
has to toil long hours to earn a beggar
ly pittance.
According to the last available Berlin
figures the wages were:
For tailorosses, $2.18 a week.
For sempstresses, $2.28 a week.
For hand buttonhole workers, $1.68 a
For machine buttonhole workers.
3.24 a week.
For other women fateory employes.
1.88 a week.
Waitresses and barmaids in Gormaiiy
work for- "nominal wage," some
rimes no wtges at all. There are more
than 40,000, of them and one-fourth are
under 20 years of age.
Br. Iwan Block, tho German authae.
I w ant
Quick Reference To Firms That Give Service On Short
' Where Buyer And Seller Meet We
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Electric Co., Masonic Tcmplo,
1413-1414 Bank of Commerce 131dg.
TON Osteopathia physicians and
serve specialists. Graduates of Am
erican school of Osteopathy, Kitk
villo, Mo. PoBt graduate and. spec
ialized in nervous diseases at Los
Angeles College. Offices 60S-508 Nat
Bank Bldg. Phone 85u. Residence,
1620 Court. Phone 2218. Dr. White
Bes. Phone 469.
All leading varieties. We cater to the
commercial poultryman and "back
yard flock" keeper. Prices' reason
able.. C. N. Noedham, box 415J, Balem,
eorner. Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 606.
On Good Real Estate Beenrlty
r Iadd ft Bush bank; Salem Oregon
sent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrastedt,
401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon
MONET to loan on good real1 estate.
S'j percent government money to
loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold.
W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com
merce. 12-14
60 years experience, Depot,, Natioaal
and American fence.
Sixes 20 to 58 in high
Paints, oil and varnish, etc
Loganberry and hop hook.
Salem Fence and Stove Works.
150 Court street. Phone 124.
We Buy, Sell And Exchange
All kinds of Furnituro, Stoves,
Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness,
Tools and Junk, We buy what you
don't want and pay the highest
price in sash.
Peoples' New & 2nd Hand
271 N. Commercial rhono 731
J A. Rowland Furniture Store
Buys, sells nnd exchanges new and
2nd hand furniture.. All kinds of
repair work, lijjht grinding, filing,
and brazing a specialty. Bight
prices, 247 North Commercial St.
Phono 16.
Just opened in connec
tion with the
1000 S. Com!. St.
WANTED People of Salem to know
that we pay highest prices fo' mens
second hand clothing, shoen, etc. The
Capital Exchange, 337 Court St.
. Phone 493. tf
Our Prices arc Right
W. M. ZANDER, Proprietor -1255
N. Summer Street, Salem, Oregon.
'says: "The insufficiency-of the Ger-
man woman's remuneration drives her
to seek accessory earnings from vicioaa
sources. It is well known that employ
ers of female labor throughout Ger
many reckon on this fact in drawing
op their pay-lists." ." '
Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 5. I. W. "W.
agents were here today making efforts
to organize the striking textile workers.
The general committee of the strikers
has repudiated the American Federa
tion of Labor and the local textile work
ers' union, but has not joined the L
W. W.
Patterson, N. J., Feb. 5. In their ef
forts to get control of the striking silk
operatives hore, I. W. agitators were-o
hand for ths workers' m9g meeting to
day. So far, however, the strikers had
refused ta follow the advice of the I. -W.
Intervention by the national labor
board is expected by tho mill owner
There aro about 27,000 on strike hem
127 North High Main 1200
furniture, umbrellas and shoe repair
ing. Saw filed, shear and knife
grinding, etc Satisfaction guaranteed
261 Court stroet. B. Wooley. . 2-14
600 acre stock and grain ranch,
stock, all equipment, gruin, feed,
2 milos from town, will soli at
a sacrifice price, easy term.
380 acres finest Waldo Hill '
ranch, incomo laBt year $10,000;
will sell very reasonable.
147 acres, all tillable, 140 culti
vated, running water; 7 miles from
Salem, $11,000.
70 acres, 40 cultivated, running
water, joining town, pries $1613,
will carry buck $3000.
For Exchango: 10 acres appl
and peach orchard, 7 miles from,
Salem, in A-l condition, will' ex
change for acreage or roildence.
487 aore ranch, a lot of stock,
Implements, 3 miles from town,
want small ranch near Sal6m and
some cash as first payment, price
341 State St
THROUGH our non commission By
- tern yon can be put in touch wiU
hundreds of people who wish to soil
or exchange their properties, with
out obligating themselves to pay a
commission.' Oregon iKcalty Ex
change Investment Company, Ino
Booms 405 and 406 Hulibard build
ing, Salem, Ore. tf
FOB SALE A modern cottage with,
many conveniences, on a paved
street, near car line. Price $2500,
$500 ensh, balance on easy terms.
Seo Square Deal Realty Company.
Phono 470.
FRUTTLAND Nursery, Salem, Route
box 138E, phono 111F21. We have the
Soman strain grtfed Franquet -wal
nuts fiid also a fow more nau
prune trees left. 2ia
BEINC- your trades. I can match yon.
C W. Niomeyer, all Drancnes oi rem
estate and Canada lands, 215-218
Masonic -building. Phone 1000.
NO CASH REQUIRED Good overcoat
shoes and Butts, all kindB of muaie
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit eases and
100O other useful articles to sell or
trade, What have yout The Capital
Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 403..
refuse of all kinds removed on wont
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re
moved. Office phone, Main 224T.
Residence, Main 2272.
McCornack hall on every Tniedaj
at 8. P. Andreeen, C. C. E. J- Konta
fC. B. ft S.
Oregon Grspe Camp'" No. 1360.
meets every Thursday evening im
Derby building, Court and High Bt.
Mrs. Pearl Coursoy, 214 Court St
oracle j Mm: Melissa Persons, roe or d
r 1415 M. 4th Bt. Phone 1436M.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 624
every Thursday evening, 8 o'clock
in Derby building, corner Court and
High streets. J. F. Day, V. C; f.
A. Turner, clerk.
bly No. 84 meets eery Thursday at
8 p m. in Masonic Temple. Norma U
Ter'willigor, M. A.; '3. A Vibber.
secretary, 340 Owenr itrAet.