Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 05, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The -Journal New Today Acts
Bate per word New Today:
ach insertion le
week (6 insertions) 5c
Ome month (26 insertions) 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
.far errors in Classified Advertisements
ad your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately if
rmr occurs,
Minimum charge, 15c.
"WANTBD-Experienced saleslady for la
dies coats, suits, etc. Gale & Co. 2-6
FOR SAiLB English
cheap, 1298 8. 13th.
I CAN plow your gardens. Write Rt.
8, box 27. 2-10
LADY wants work by day.
mer St.
606 Sum
25 FOR SALE Dean carpet loom. J. Ty
son, Brooks, Kt. 9, box 74. 2-5
SALE-nClover hay.
Phono 27F
Phone 80F2.
and large
WANTED To buy cattle and calves,
any kind. Phone 1570W. 2-6
APPRENTICE girls wanted. Boom 10,
McCornack bldg. ' tf
. Phone llVm.
Vung fresh
MAN 'S bicycle ror sale, In good con-
dition. cheap. 256 N. 20th St. tf
FOB 8ATE Guaranteed Majestic
ran are. used 1 year. Call 1096 Ohe-
meketa. St. after 6 x. m. 2-5
FOB SALE -Or trade, 5 room houBe,
laree lot. fruit, eto. R. T. Goode,
1136 Jefferson St.-eity.
IiOGANBERRY plants for sale by J.
P. Aspinwall, Brooks, Ore. Phone 35
BOY WANTED About 15" years old
to strip tobacco. Salem Cigar Fac
tory. 2-5
FOB BENT iModern seven room, up
per flat, close 5n. See R. B. Fleming
250 Court St., or 785 Court St. 2-7
BUK3K 5 passenger, 6 cylinder, mod
el 1917 D-45, ord tires, for sale at
Wilson's garage. 2-7
LIBERTY BONDS If yon must dis
pose of yonr bonds, we will buy
then; 811 Masonie bldg. tf
"WANTED Autos to paint, neatly
done, and reasonable. J. Crura, 803
' N. Liberty. B-8
FOR SALE 'Everbearing Strawberry
plant $1 per hundred. G. L War
ren, Bt. 3, box 183. 2-8
WANTED On installments, small mod
ern homo, $300 down; balance $25
a month Box 13 Journal. 2-5
"WANTED Boarders and roomers or
boarders. Call 1074 or 1120 Center
St. M
WANTEDiVit hens wanted, highest
prices paid. Apply 456 State Direct
or, tf
FOB SALE Light roadster in good
condition, cheap if taken at once.
Phone 61F12. tf
WANTED 1 acres land cleared,
stump puller furnished. A. E. Zim
merman, Salem, Rt. 9. tf
K)B TRADE A good, neat 4 room
house with garage to trade for auto,
oil 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf
FOB SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor,
engine and boiler complete, cheap.
Box 268, Turner, Or. tf
"WALL PAPEB 15 cents per double roll
npward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf
PLENTY of money to loan on good
farms; lew interest rates; five years
timo; privilege to pay $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
bldg, Salem. tf
Ford touring, 1916, may extra $390
Stodard twenty, good tires eto $250
Maxwell, 1914, just painted fzaU
Chevrolet touring, 1916, $425.
Auburn touring, first class, $275
Highway Garage, 1000 S Com'l. tf
Our Wast Ads
are the B&it that
catch the Big Fish
Results Try one in
to-morrow's, paper
PATRICIA C-RAF, public stenograph
er. Phone 937, 12 8. Liberty St. tf
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Apply 45 8. 12th. 2-13
WANTED Farm or .orchard work,
treo. IHmLg, 1394 N. Summer. 2-5
BUGS cleaned on fltoor. 35o per rug.
Phono 18. L. L. Buckner. -3-3
PIANO for sale cheap. Call 1583. 2-5
$100$ TO LOAN cn first mortgage on
farm. 9711 care Journal 2-5
WANTED An incubator about 240-
egg capacity. Phone 44F14. 2
FOB SALE-3 wagon and cow. Phone
37F22 . 2-5
w A.NT-JSU To rent a 5 or 6 room
modern bungalow. Phone 331B. 2-5
FOE BENT Fine growing crop of
four acres in city. Phone 754. 2-7
ONIONS for sale $1.50 a hundred
Cherry City Feed 'Barn. 2-7
FEW loads of manure for sale.
1366 after 6:30.
THEBE ig a nice front apartment now
vacant at -the Myrtle hotel. 2-5
FOB SALE Thoroughbred Minorca
cockerels. Phone 284B. 2-7
FOB SALE Some good cows, fresh
and coming fresh. Call 87F24. 2-5
GIRLS or women wanted for steady
wforfc at the Glove Factory, 1455
Oak St. 2-7
FOR BENT A few tingle housekeep
ing and sleeping rooms, at the Myr
tle hotol, 633 Ferry St. " tf
FOB TRADE 14 aeros of land for
light car or Salem property. See Pow
ell, 404 Court St. tf
poB SALE Purebred Berkshire pigs,
4 months old, will give papers with
each. Phone 3F21. 2-8
WANTED Fat, thin and fresh cows,
veal and large calves. Phone 1425
M. 3-3
Flemish Giants, Belgian hares for
ale. Bt. 3," box 37, Salem. 2 8
FOR SALB One set single harness,
cheap. Carl F. Ruef. .Phone 1688W
: . .......... , 2-5
MONEY to loan on real estate. See
Donald W. Miles, 304 V. S. Bank
bldg. Phone 376. , 2-13
WANTED--To ront farm of five or
ten acres, close to Salem. Address
box 422, Salem, or call 80F3. 2-6
LOST PockHbook taontasnty:? about
$20 in bills. Finder please call 703.
Reward. 2-5
FiO RRENT Modern 7 room homo,
paved sreet. 390 E. Washington.
Tel. 1598M. tf
FOR SALE Six room house, modern,
full basement, chicken pen and large
garden spot. 9734 care Journal. 2-13
WANTED Fat, thin and fresh cows,
veal and large calves. Phone 1425
M. 3-1
FOR SALE Pearl Guinea fowls and
Barred Bock cockerels (Corvallis
strain.) Phone 2502W4. tf
FOR SALE 40 acres, 2 miles from
Salem, 15 acres in Loganberries, 15
aeres prunes, (no buildings. Easy
torms. Address Box 240. 2-7
FOR SALE Or trade for cows, 5 pas
senger Ford touring car, in good me
chanical condition, 1914 model, price
right. E. Wert, Rt. 3, Turner, Or. 2-5
FOR SALE Fine five room bungalow
cast Salem, paved street, gooA as
new, $2500. Seven room modern
house, fire place and furnace Court
street, $3750. F. L. Wood, 341 Statt
fit. 2-6
229 State Street
If you want to buy or sell a
ear eome and see me.
New F6rd, fully equipped, elec
tric starter $575
Buick 4 cyl. good buy $325
Studcbaker six, perfect $450
Oakland roadster, perfect $300
Ford, perfect, $350
Maxwell delivery car $300
Maxwell roadster $300
Maxwell $150
Maxwell 2 eyl. $50
Baron bug $85
Plnmblng and Water Systems Installed
by GRABEB BEOS, 141 South Liberty
St., Phone 550. Also agent for Fair
banks-Morse Gas Engine.
FOB RENT Furnished housekeeping
apartment Call at 597 N. Liberty.
Phone 2456W. tf
O. A. C. White Leghorn cockerels for
sale. Baby chickg March delivery
$1500 per 100. John W. Yates, Sa
lem, Rt. 4. 8-8
NORTH WESTERN Nursery, Bt. 6.
Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special
low prices on certain lines. Phone
111F3. 3-3
FOR SALE 35 head of full blood
Shropshire ewes. Will lamb in March
Price $15 per head. H. C Porter,
Aumsvillc, Ore. 2 8
FOB SALE Selected Oregon Yellow
Globe Danvers onion seed $2.50 a
lb. Phone 48F11 or J. I. Bliven, Ucr
vais, Or., Rt. 3. J-15
FOB SALE Or trade, good team 2300
wagon and harness $125, or trade on
good light car. Box 55C, Turner.
Phone 12F5. Rt. 2. 2-8
AS GOOD as new, gas range, good
heating stove, water heater, retail-
ored overcoats and suits, at half
prifce. line Capital Exchange, 337
Court St. Phone 493. tf
FOB SALE 235 acres well improved
grain and stock ranch, mile
from Marion, Or., 75 acres in fall
grain, 80 acres in pasture, 80 acres
in timber, running WRter Write for
prices and terms. Henry Fennoll,
Marion, Ore. 2-5
SOUL SCIENCE You are invited to
join our Science success club for
health and harmony, nothing better,
free to all. Mrs. Geo. Mackie, 343
N Liberty. Class for Instruction
Starting Feb. 12, 8 p. m. 2-5
LADIES why not wear Dr. Scott's
Electric Magnetic corsets when they
cost you no wbro than others. His
goods are all guaranteed. Sold by M.
E Mackie, exclusive agent, 343 N.
Liberty, apartment 2. Agents want
ed. 2-5
FOR SALE 6 room house, large barn,
nearly one acre of ground, level,
good truck land, worth $3000, on ac
count will take $1000, close in. Rt.
4, box 15C, . 1-4
ANYONE ibnfl? or err wing any
personal property from my farm at
Fairfield, Or., without my consent
will Ibe prosecuted. Carl Francis, 297
Eugone St., Portland, . Or. 2-7
WANTEdV-iGood stumpage for eight
or ten cords of wood, accessible for
motor trucks. North of city prefer
red. Give price and particulars in
first letter. Address G. 3. Johnson,
; Rt. 4, box TP, Salom, Or. .. . tf
FOR SALB Or exchange for country
property, one acre home place, all
kinds oi! fruit and berries, eight
room house, hot water heat, on pav
ed street, near car line and school.
Owner care Journal. 2-5
FOR SALE Or trade, one 2 heavy
Winona wagon, almost new, all rin
ged for traveling. Will take good
ow in on same. W. T. Montedth, Rt.
1, box 74(B, Salem, Or. Phone Amity
3658. 2-0
FOB SALE By owner, two five room
modern bungalows, free of encum
brance. One at 1965 Trade street,
the other at 244 S. 14th street. Terms
if desired. Address Mrs. L. V. Bud-
long, 105 Washington street, Van
couvcr, Wash. 2-19
FORTUNE making: $10 secures mem
bership and full pro-rata interest in
five great Burfcburnett fortune mak
ing gusher oil wells. Big opportunity,
Act' now. Abner Davis, trustee, Wich
ita Falls, Tex.
YOUNG MEN, 16 and over, ro eli
gible for government railway mail
clerks. $92 month, ror free panic
' ulars regarding examinations, write
J. C. Leonard, (former civil service
examiner) 1038 Kenois building,
Washington. 2-7
COME QUICK if you want to buy i
home, come and look, a 6 room plas
tered house, corner lot, city water,
toilet in house, electric lights, plen
ty of fruit, close in; $1000, part
down, balance 6 per cent, bee own
er at 1092 Broadway. Will take
some 3d liberty bonds. 2-8
84 acre farm, one half in
cultivation end one half bot
tom land. Well located. Price
$7500, one half paid and long
time on the balance at six per
John H. Scott
404 Hubbard building
MI Hands Point
to Our Want Ads es
the Result Producers
EreryWy watcbes tltem
He (list timely rei2tf
WANTED Boarders and roomers.
Phone 1354R. Call at 11 S. 14th
St. 210
A PIANO wanted take care of for
use. N children in family. C. 6.
ears Journal. 2-5
FO RSALE or trade, 160 acres Lake
county farm, will take Salem prop
erty in exchange. Inquire at 666 N.
Summer St. 2 5
WE BUY dressed pork and veal. We
will come and pick it up. Willam
ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South
High St. Phone 1400. tf
FOB SALE Modern fonr room house,
also good bieyele. IOiO N. 21st
Phone 2340M. 2-10
WANTED Someone to board and
care for invalid lady. Make price. H.
Lamb, 645 8. 17th. tf
FOR SALE Grain sacks and potato
sacks, at a bargain. Willamette Val
ley Transfer Co., 171 8. Hikh. Phone
1400. tf
FOR RENT 100 acre dairy farm, with
sto k and equipment, on shares, or
without, for cash. Address box 107,
Rt. 1, Aumsville, Or. 2-11
FOR RENT 7 room hous.0, close in,
furnace heat, $20. Also good house
and one acre, $10. F. L. Wood, Bayne
bldg. 2-7
WANTED Position as housekeeper
iby experienced, intelligent woman,
capable cooking for crew of men,
ready for work last week iu
- Address 29 care Journal.
2 ?
FOB SALE 25 acres good cultivated
land on Pacific highway, paved this
year. A bargain, terms. Owner, 314
Masonic bldg. 2-5
FOB RENT 74 acre farm on main
road to good town, crops in. For par
ticulars and terms call 1031 Union
street after 5 p. m. 2-7
WANTED Three good hustlers, dis
charged soldiers given preference.
Call at Richmond hotel before 9 a.
m. and after 4 p.' in., ask for Mr.
Brasmer, . 2-6
FOB SALE Two registered Berkshire
gilts, 7 months old. Phone - 41 F5.
Write box 36, t. 1, Macleay, Or.
. 2-i
sjt )g )c s(i
- ;
)c ic ift st
S. B. 147. By Eddy.tTo create the
Oregon land settlement commission...
S. B. 148. By Dimiek. To repeal law
requiring medical certificate as addi
tional requirement for issuance of mar
riage licenses '
S. B. 149. By Hurley. To provid
fore the filing of a sworn analysis of
metal used in the manufacture of. cor-
mu u. -"
rugated culverts. ,
8. B. 150. By -Banks. Providing that
state banks nicy acquire stock in trust
S. B. 151. By Patterson, Regulating
the price of certain machines and me
chanical contrivances sold in Oregon,
S. B. 152. By Pierce. Rcgukting the
buying of buttcrfat.
S. B. 153. By Boll. To authorize any
bank, banker, or trust company to for
ward any check, note or other negotia
ble instrument directly to the bank in
which it is drawn or at which it is made
S. B. 154. By Howell. Requiring
that dealers in gasoline must label con
tainers with degrees of specific gravity
of product.
S. B. 155. By Dimick. Providing
additional means for foreclosing city
S. B. 156. By Orton. Relating to
the political affiliation . of election
S. B. 147. By Orton. Providing that
representatives of each political perry I the Moartcnsdijk will dock at New
may be present at the pollB on election I York instead Of Boston and the West
day, i cm Ocean at Newport News instead of
S. B. 158. By Orton. 1'roviding that
registered voters who fail to vote may
have their registration reinstated with
in one year by appearing at the offico
of the county clerk and making 'state
ment that he is still resident and legal
Toter in his precinct.
8. B. 159. By Orton. Providing that
registration for the primary election
shall close 30 dRys preceding the day of
S. B. 160. By Multnomah delegation
Increasing tho salaries of district court
judges to $3000 a year.
TJZfZ HKKas Defeats Columbia
tions and creating a state board of ex
aminers for the machines.
8. B. 162. By Multnomah delegation.
To standardize the salaries of deputies,
assistants and clerks of county officers
of Multnomah county and Portland dis
tricts. S. B. 163. By Multnomah delegation.
Relating to jury liBts for justice courts.
B. 164. 15 v Multnomah delegation
Belatig to making up jury lists in dis
trict eourts.
8. B. 165. By Nickelscn. Granting
to the people of counties the initictivo
and referendum powers and providing
for the use and application of such pow
8. B. 160. By Shanks. Relating to
the report of county road viewers andie. .. .' . . h
hearing of interested property owners.
8. B. 16". Bv Patterson. Providing
that the state highway commission shall
prepare paving plans and specifications
and submit copies to the county court
in whieh such highways are located, and
uthorizing the county eourts to bid on
psving eotracts.
8. B. 168. By Pieree. Providing for
Salem Men Organize And
Boy Hop Producing Land
As an evidence of thtir faith is tiie
future of the hop industry in this valley
a- group of Salem capitalists have re
cently formed a company and purchased
a tract of 165 acres of hop lnd in PolK
county near Hall's ferry, about seven
miles south of Salem. This is one ol
the finest hop ranches iu the valley, be
ing well improved and eared for. It has
been yielding hops for the past all
years some portions of the tract carry
ing more than a ton to the acre. Tkeri
are 110 c-ercs in bearing and the Dur-
chasers aim to extend the acreage this
season. There arc about $20,000 worth
of buildings on the ranch, which prom
ises to be a paradise for the piekers
as it lies upon the river and has a
beautiful eamping site.
It has been named the "Mitoma Hop
Ranch." The company organization is
as follows: F. W. Bur bin, president;
Homer H. Smith, vice president; H. A.
Corneycrsecretary and treasurer; H. II
dinger, Jos. Adolph and Sam Adolph,
directors. Thoy will have headquarters
in the Durbiu-Hughes building ou Liber
ty getreet.
RSnistry Of Labor
Interne In Strikes
London, Feb. 5. The ministry of la
bor will intcrvno in the strikes which
are spreading throughout Great Brit
ain and Ireland ,if union officials fail
to gain control of the situation.
The United Press was authorized to
make the following statement totday:
"Tho government, regards the labor
situation as R fight between regular
labor union lenders and rebels. It the
regular leadcra are unable to chin con-
Urol tho govemmont will then intervene
for the protection of society."
41st Division Aboard
Cruiser Seattle Due 13th
Washington, Feb. 5. The cruiser
Seattle, Brest for New York, is due
February 13 with the medical detach
ment, first battalion headquarters and
companies A B and C of the 163rd in
fantry; 41st division to be demobilized
at Camps Lee, Devens, Gordon, Shelby,
Dix; 116th supply train, Camp Dix;
medical detachment, headquarters and
supply detachments and eompan es A
B and F of the 116th (branch of ser
vice missing) Camp Dix; battery C
(50th regiment C. C A. casual No. 225
(New York).
The transport Pattori Maru, Bor
deaux for New York is duo February
12 with one casual officer.
The transport Ancoua sailed from
Marsailles January 29 with six cas
ual officers. Its home port and date of
arrival are not indicated.
The cruiser Charleston, Brest "for
New York, is due February 10, with
Hold and staff Headquarters and supply
company; medical and ordnance do
tachmcnts and batteries A, B, D, E and
F of the Fiftieth regiment coast ar
tillery; casual company 228 (New
Tne transport Madawaoka, Morneaux
I0.r Jxewpo ew" ' "e February 12
field and staff headquarters com
paily( supply company, medical dotach(
niont and batteries. A. B; C. D and E
of the 47th regiment coast artillery;
field and staff headquarters company,
supply company, medical detachment
and battcrios A, B, C, D, and E of the
326th regiment field artillery (84th
The transport ('ape Romain, LaPal
lice Rochcllc for Philadelphia, is due
February 12 with two casuul officers.
The transport Pastores, Bordcnui for
Newport News is due February 10 with
Bordeaux convalescent detachments
numbers 8, 9, 10, 67, 21, 52 to 63 in
clusive and 76; detachment of the
327th field artillery (84th division);
casual company 32 (New York) and
a group of sick and wounded.
The transport West Eagle, Bordeaux
for New York, is due Ftbruory 21 with
a detachment of easunl company 26,
Tho transport Mcrauken, Rt. Nazaire
for Philadelphia, is duo February 19
with six casual officers.
The transport Bremerton will dock
at Baltimore instead of New York;
Columbus, Ga., Feb. 5. Following re
fusal of mill owners to agree to an
eight hour day wothout an increase in
wage ratings, approximately seven thou
sand textile workers today claimed they
were locked out. Only two mills out
of 14 were operating. These were said
to be running on a limited scale with
t unorganized workers.
University At Basketball
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 5 The 'fast bas
ketball team of the Columbia Univer
sity of Portland went down to defeat
at the hands of the Dallas cadets on
the armoyr floor in this city Saturday
night by a score of 45 to 10. This was
the first game of the season for the
Dallas boys, the influenza kjpidcniic
putting a ban on both practicing and
games. They had been practicing hard
however for the past week and were!
in excellnt trim to meet th visitors
Saturday night. The Cadet team is prac-'
tically the same orzanization as last
"n.L 4nnm ...Vl'.oh .In.oj . k
state and passed through the entire
season without single defeat.
Alaska, Gold Fields Lore Loggers.
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 5. Paul -l.unde,
Ross Fikland and his brother. Homer,
three Falls City boys were in Dallas the
latter part of the week on their way to
Alaska where they intend to spend
year prospeeting for gold. The thce
camps at Black Rock for sonic time
fl f - ' - " J:-
If (i - 1
Ethel Clayton
NOTE: Billie Burke in "The Make Believe Wife"
and Fatty Arbuckle in "Camping Out", his latest
tickle getter, begins Sunday at 2:15 p. m.
men have been employed in the logging
and have made a ' stake" large enough
to tide them over for a year at least.
LaCreole Club Elects Officers.
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 5. The regular an
nual meeting of tho LaCreole club of
this city was held in the club rooms
above the Bee Hive store Hunday uftor
nooh and the following officers elected
for tho ensuing year: President, Low
A. Catcs; vice president, John M.
Grant; secretary, Phil Begin; treas
urer, Walter G. Vassall: board of di
reetoors, L. R. Holt, D. J. Riley, A. M.
Larson, J. L. Sweeney and N. L. tiuy.
Polk Assessor Makes Turnover
Of Tax Roll.
Dallas,, Ore., Feb. 5. County Asses
sor C. S. Graves established a new re
cord for making the turnover of the
tax rolls to tho sheriff this year, the
books being placed in the hands of
Sheriff John V. Orr early Saturday
morning, being several days earlier than
turnovers of previous years. Tho books
would have been ready for the tax
collector several weeks ago had it not
been for the delinquency of a state
officer in making required reports to
tho local assessor,
Home Guards To Resume Drill.
Dallas, Ore., Feb. 5. The Dallas home
guards will resume drilling tomorrow
night after ft forced idleness of about
two months duo to the influenza epi
demic which put a ban in this eity
on all gatherings. An entire reorganiza
tion of the company will be necessary
on account of a number of the members
having died of the influenza during the
time elapsing since tho last drill.
Dallas City Council Meets
Dallas, Ore.. Feb. 5. Tho regular
monthly meeting of the city council
was held in the city ball last night and
Ihe usual amount of business transact
ed. The proposition of the Mountain
States Power company to change the
lighting system on Main street from
the corner lights to cluster lights wn.1
Portland Firm
Wishes to make agency arrangement with
first class, responsible citizen of Salem, as
agent for large Stock, Fire Insurance, Cas
ualty, and Bonding companies. Man must
be highgrade citizen, ambitious and ener
getic. Address Representative, L. W. Care
Salem Capital Journal.
left over until the ncTt meeting. A copy
of an ordinance adopted by the City
of Salem relative to the system of clus
ter lighting posts was read and tha
eommittoo was given further timo to
look into tho mattcr...Nothing definito
w sdono towards sewer iniprovmcntsj
which is a much mooted question with,
the council, tho street commt'tee whiek
has the matter in charge explaining that
heforo anything could be done in this
line the city would have to "meo H i
services of an engineer to make a, su
vey of tho proposed improvements.
Representative W. V. Fuller was am
over-Hundny visitor at his home in this)
Dr. A. B. Htnrbuek was called tm
Portland, Monday on professional busi
ness. Circuit Judge Har y H. Bolt went to
McMinnvillo Mondny to hold a session
of Circuit fourt for Yamhill county.
II. B. Cosper has received a letti r
from Lieutenant Oscar I. Chenoweth
who is stationed with tho army of oc
cupation at CoMctm, stating that ho in
recovering from the third attack of in
fluenza. Miss Ava Coad of Portland spent
Sunday at tho home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed F. Coad on Haytor street.
Mrs. John R. Sibley wont to Portias I
Saturday for a week's visit with rel
atives. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lalone, of Verndale,
Minnesota, arc guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Farrington.
I Olen Holman arrived home Friday
1 from the Maro Islano navy yard having
been discharged from the service.
and COUGHERif!
VSmP 30 DkOPS-rtOFS COl'Gl V