Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 03, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MfflC IfflGER 1
i eeoses))ftst'sS'0sssso,
. .. .
Members of the Chemcketa chapter
( tha Daughters pf the American
devolution met at the home of Mr.
Seymour Jones, 855 Center street, Sat
urday afternoon for the purpose of
electing officers, and appointing dele
gate t tha etato eonferenee which
will fee held in Portland February
eighteenth and nineteenth at the Mult
asaut. hotel. Mrs. J. 0. Heltiel, who
for tho past two rear has filled the
office of regent of the chapter, was
presented with a D. A. K. souvenir
spoon, in token of appreciation for
or services during that period. The
newly elected officers were installed,
and plana were formulated for a pa
triot! o eeldbration of George Washing
ton's birthday, in the armory, in
which all the school children of the
city will participate. Mrs. Charles
John of the Multnomah chapter spoke
a "The Woman's Building at Eu
eae," and Mr Chi Ida of Pullman
and Min Porter, daughter of Senator
Porter of Halsey, were the soloists of
the afternoon.
A great number of the members ,are
planning to attend the Portland con
ference a Mrs. George Thatcher, pres
ident general of the Daughters of the
American Revolution will be present.
Dainty refreshments were served, at
which the hostess was ami ted by Mrs.
8. D. Dyer and Mrs. C. O. Wilson.
Those elected to the various offices
sue, Mrs. Seymour Jones, regent; Mrs.
V. 0. Shipley, vice regent; Mrs. Rus
sell Oatlin, secretary; Mrs. O. P. Hoff,
treasurer; Mrs. S.W. ftpears, regis
trar; Miss Lillian Applegate, histor
ian; Mrs. J. p. Clark, director. The
delegates rto the Portland conference
re, Mrs. Bussell Otlin, Mrs. Homer
Ooulot, Mr IT. O. Shipley, Mrs. B. V.
!Iark and Mrs. J. W. Woodruff. The
altar ante are Mrs. H. B. Thielsen,
Mrs. J. M. Brown, Mrs. Homer Smith,,
Ugly, Unsightly Pimples
Give Heed to the Warning.
Pimples on tha face and other
parts of tha body are warnings from
Nature that your blood is sluggish
and impoverished. Sometimes they
foretell eczema, boils, blisters, scaly
eruptions and other skin disorders
tbat burn like flames of fire.
They mean that your blood needs
S. S. S. to purify it and cleanse it of
these impure accumulations that can
cause unlimited trouble. This remedy
is the greatest vegetable blood nurf-
finis for These Means
Good Fortune for You
v -n
v m " i
We shall not stock any Woolen Blankets when these
are gone so why not take advantage of these savings'
Price of Blanket....! $7.85
33 1-3 per cent saves you $2.62
Blanket costs you $3.23
Price of Blanket $19.50
0 33 1-3 saves you 6.50
Blanket costs you $13.00
25c Yard 20c Yard
About eighteen bolts of dark pnt- A lot of wide striped, 33 inch,
terns Holly and Ainoskeug Out- Percales, splendid materials for
ing Flannels reduced to, yd. 86c houso dresses, reduced to yd- 800
I Under Muslins Less 20 !
We have put out our entire line of
less of kind or quality. The regulcr
market and should make attractive
Mrs. Thso. Wilson and Miss Eliza No
lan. Mrs. B. E. Fisher was hostess at a
delightful party, given last evening
in honor of the seventh birthday of
her son, Arthur. In- accordance with
the wishes of the child a patriotic
note was carried out in the red, white
and iblua decorations and dainty fav
ors. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. H. Fisher, Mrs, Fred Cook, Miss
Buth Cook, Mrs. Carrie Clabel, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Fisher, Mies Mina
Cook, Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Fisher and
Arthur Fisher,
The Junior Ouild of St. Paul's
church will meet tomorrow afternoon
at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Carey
Miss Evelyn Calbreath of Portland,
woll known soprano, has returned to
New York to resume her professional
duties in connection with Franz X.
Arena, formerly of Portland, and now
a famous vocal instructor. Miss Cal
breath who made her home lq Salem
some years ago, bears the distinction
of being the only pupil of the great
teacher who has been honored in as
sisting him in his work. This is her
seventh year in New York and she
will return home in June.
A miscellaneous shower was given
Friday night for Miss Edna Wilson
and Ivan Johnson at tho home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Johnson, 1695 South
Cottage street. Those invited were Mr.
and Mrs. Kapphnhn, Dan Langenberg,
Mr. McDonald, Miss Iva Johnson, Mrs.
Lloyd Prrtscott, Mine Buth Woodard,
Mr. anil Mrs. Carl Veatch, Miss Hazel
Prince, Miss White, Miss Irma Town
sond, Miss Dollie Dutton, Clifford
Are Signals of Bad Blood
fler known, and contains no minerals
or chemicals to injure the most deli
cate skin.
Go to your drugstore, and get a
bottle of S. S. S. today, and get rid
of those unsightly and disfiguring
pimplei, and other skin irritations.
And it will cleanse your blood thor
oughly. If you wish special medics!
advice, you can obtain it without,
charge by writing to Medical Direc
tor, 29 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta,
ul was cold all night Mother
Here is a chance to get a
There are just 12 of these
Blankets left The prices range
from $7.85 to $19.50
Women 's Under Muslins, regard-
prices of those are really below J
buys at a reduction of 20 pet cent j
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Veatch,
Fred Ireland, Miss Myrtle Ireland,
Mra. Avery and Eldon, Alice and Al
ma Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Monroe, who are
remembered by a host of Salem friends
enjoyed a stay over the week end at
their country olaee south of Salem,
Mr. Gilbert is connected with one of
the Portland shipyards and Mrs. Mon
roe is at present, occupying a position
in the Ladd and Tilton bank of that
: eity.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webb were Port'
land visitors over the week end.
The members of the Vick Brothers
band and 'their wives were guests at
an enjoyable party given by Mrs.
Luther Stout at her home on North
Church street, Saturday night. The
house was charmingly decorated with
ferns and dainty refreshments were
: served. The evening was passed with
I music rendered by the band, and vari
ous games.
I A gay coterie of girls, all of whom
have been, or ere at present engaged
in newspaper work, assembled at the
; home of Mrs. Burton A. Myers Sunday
evening for an informal party. The
gathering was one of a aeries that are
being held from time to time by the
young ladies, and the evening was one
of particular enjoyment. Those bidden
were, Mrs. Frances Whitehead of Ba
ker, who is connected with the Baker
herald and was the guest of honor,
Mrs. Byron F. Brunk, who for several
years has been identified with Salom
newspapers, Miss Carol S. Dibblo, Misg
Lucile Watson, Mies Doris Sikes, Miss
Lucilo Saunders, Miss Ella McMunn,
Miss Gertrude Uobison and Mrs. Bur
ton A. Myers.
Point installation of Sedgwick Post
No. 10, Grand Army of the Republic,
and Sedgwick Woman's Belief .Corps
No. 1, was held on Saturday, February
first at the Relief Corps rooms in Mc
C'ornack hall. The Grand Army veter
ans held their ceremonies at eleven
o'clock, General W. H. Bynrs being
detailed as installing officer and Mrs.
C, C. C'ark as musician, and the follow
ing officers were inducted into of
fice: Commandor, F. A. Thompson;
sonior vice commander, J. M. Watson j
junior vico commander, Henry Pas
coo; surgeon, Dr. D. F. Lane; chaplain,
Rev. James Lisle; quartermaster, Gid
eon Stolz; patriotic instructor, C. A.
Huston; ottictr of the day, E. ii.
Briggs; officer of tho guard, D. M.
Wilson; adjutant, Daniel Webster.
Following .the above ceremonies, Gin
nor was served by the Corps, about
one htindrod and fifty vetertus, their
wives and families circling tables beau
tifully decorated with winter foliage
and laden with tasty edible, the work
of more than a score of most excellent
cooks. Mirth and good social cheer pre
vailed until the gavel called to order
at 2 p. in. when tho Corps proceeded
with its order of business.
During an interlude a departure
from the regular order of 'business ras
had when Mrs. J. Frank Dnnlap, on
behalf of dho Corps, presented to Mr.
and Mrs. G. B. lliggins a beautiful
plaint complimenting the coupte on
the eelebrntion of their golden wed
ding anniversary which occurred on
January 24, 1919.
The installation exercises of the
Corps were held at three o'clock and
Mrs, Frank Thompson was chosen as
installing officer, being assisted by
Mrs. Roy Hewitt as musician, and the
following women of ithe Corps were
inducted into office: President, Alice
P. Ouldwrll; sonior vice president, Su
san O. Salmon; junior vice president,
Jennie M. Pope; secretary, Mary At
Kntress; treasurer, Hattie F. Camer
on; chaplain, Mollio Dennison; eon
doctor, Laura B. Mc Adams; guard,
Sarah Peterson; patriotic instructor,
Rose Voris; press correspondent, W.
B, Glover; musician, Lena Hewitt; as
sistant conductor, Mary Cook; assist
ant guard, Rowena Johnson; color bear
ers, Kffie W. Dnnlap, Mary Lickel,
Gertrude Bemington and Chanty Gam
ble. Among the apeak'ers who responded
to impromptu addresses wns J. P. Shaw
of Portland, a past commander of the
department of Uregon. Mrs, Lizzie W.
Smith, on behalf of the Corps and as
a token of their hive and esteem, pre
sented a gold recognition pin of the
order to Mrs. Louise Wellw the out
going president, ' and Mrs. Maria
Thompson received a box of candy
showing the appreciation of tho order
for her services during the afternoon
program. The veterans and members
of ilhe corps enjoyed themselves thor
oughly, marking this meeting as ono
Of the most successful of its kind.
To Cure a Cold la Oue Day
(lablcita.) It stops the CoURh and
Headache and works off tho Cold. E.
W. GROVE'S signature on each ox
Beginning Wed. Feb. 5th, balance of
Poraeroy & Wallace stock. Everything
goes at your own price. 125 N. Com
mercial St., Salem.
A will nrint rnK anvtkin In tk
stationery lino -do it right and
v yna rrt money
Bedord Hal Bees Going Down
M For Several Years.
Ia Fes Skje After Tak
es Tadat
"For five years bow I fate been
looking for something that would re
lieve my trouble and have found it
at last in Teniae, " said George L. Bed
ford of 3721 Central Are., Kansas City
Mo., tho other day. Mr. Bedford is
well knowfe irt business eircles and
holds the responsible position of traf
fic manager with the Gustin Baeon
Manufacturing company.
"For the cast few vears." he eon-
tinned, "I have suffered constantly
from stomach and liver trouble, and al
though I tried different kinds of treat
menta and diets I kept getting worse
it ii - . r ,: i .
fiii cue lime. Air uver was so siutrgisn
that it wonldn"t act at all without
my taking some kind of strong purga
tive, I had a sallow, unhealthy look
and would get up in the morning feel
ing so dull and languid that I didn't
have a bit of life -about me. My food
almost always leave me indigestion.
and I would have a miserable feel
ing in the pit of my stomach as tho
what I had eaten bad formed a heavy
lump there. I was badly constipated,
and if I ate any lunch at noon, I would
always have a mean headache right
afterwards, and felt so drowsy and out
of sorts that I could hardly do my
work. I had always taken good care
of myself and couldn't understand
what was the cause of my trouble.
'Some three weeks ago I read a no
tice in the papers about Tanlac and
decided I would investigate it. Well, 1
have only taken three bottles so far
and I am actually feeling better today
than I have for the past live years.
My appetite is so much better that 1
enjoy all I eat and I can eat anything
I want without having the least touea
of indigestion afterwards. AH that
mean sluggish feeling is gone, l get up
in the mornings feeling fine and can
work now without suffering from
those awful headaches. My skin has
cleared up, my liveJ, working right
and that constipation has been remov
ed. I have never taken a medicine that
did me so much good as Tanlac and
am glad to recommend it to every
body." Tanlac is sold in Hubbard by Huo-
bard Irug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben
Gooch, in Gervais by John Kelly, in
Turner by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood
burn by Lyman H Shorey, in Salem by
Dr. B. C. Stone, in Silverton by Geo. A.
Steelhammer, in Gates by -Mrs. J. P.
MoCurdy, in. Stayton by O. A. Beau
champ, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
Store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stores
Co. Inc., and in Donald by M. w. jonn
'on. Rosedale Notes
Horbert Bates and family moved
Monday to the place on the Jefferson
road, ocupied by Wl "Davidson.
C. A. Hadley and wife have been at
tending the ministerial conference in
Portland part of this week.
B. M. Camniack and family visited
relatives near Xurenr last Saturday.
Miss Floresee I'raaer returned Bun-
day from ticotts Mills where eiie hue
been spending her enforced vacation.
School began uguin Monday with a full
Tho sympathy of the community is
extended to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burris
over tho loss of their dear Alberta
Burris, who died Wednesday night. The
funeral was held Friday from Webb
dough's undertaking parlors and waB
conducted by C. A. Hadley. Several
from this community attended.
Deb Winston and wife have been in
Portland for several days and attended
the funeral of a nephew, Arthur Blin
ston, son of Nell Blinstsn, deceased.
Knclla Stroud of Newberg visited her
cousin, Laura Cunimack, tw0 days this
J. Gardner and wife, Mrs. Hadley and
Mrs. Blae were in Portland a few days
last week. .
Mr. Kemp and family have moved on
to the A. J. Pemberton estate property
recently purhcascd by George Wilde of
Vancouver, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bates nd wife
hevo irone to reside for time on a
furra in Kunsus.
Are Ycu Awaiting
Ths Greri Crisis?
tf So, Do Not Allow thm Tm
to Paw
With Notnrw I
Women h five nature a a?plr band
Airing- C.a r.-rlwl of erixrtiwT SnU that
wtn tb tint trWvos for twhp rtHmn it
to uppKKtr'.tnt ami p.inrt wlta lallmld kaj
pafn ami cbnr.'r.
Thousands of wm for ovwr half a ew
tury he Icartwl ttut in tha tine-tenonj
preparation, Motiier's Frlmd, they bat a
e-rakrul, relmin, pentr.tfrt nrawrty, tha
BM f vllrh malm it poanitts ttrr taem to
r through rtlk!hlrtlt wtttnut tha tun I
Maw. nmroaiiwM, bMrinrtowo and
trrtehlnr pic, ami that Ihrtnnrti fts u.f
tb hours at tto crllj ara fewer aad of
aant-h Ira pain and danger.
Mother's Frtrnd penetrate! fee imrln.
rmdrrlBf lira pilau t sad aanllj gonrnwt
by th tanan1s of feat ore. TVy relax
fentlr and bHn hanny dv ari olm. rest
ful nl?hl5. As tha result tho rrmo is iwnl
with (winter csto and Is lria tlat. tho
BTMUta ore ker in (rood rmwl'ttrm an.1 tha
skin la mado sad kept soft and fro frua
Write to tho Broil Retnbtor Omimny,
Dopt. P, ljimar Buiidlnar. Atlaat. Gria.
f..r their Mi'therhooH hook, and obtain
bnttio of Mothefa rrtood from your dnie
fet todar irt ttioroirstity furUfjr soumtf
far Use coaiict rnut.
Corset covers, lace or Women's Silk Dresses, Women's Wool Sweat
embroidery trimmed 48c $1248' j $19'75' ers sliShtly soiIed $298
Marcella combinations, ,xr , , - Women's Fibre Silk
on, ii. tiQft S Sweaters, odd lines $4.98
98c, $1.48, $1.98 galow Aprons ..$1.4.8
i Women's Lamb Skin
orSdt'rimS Women's Georgette Gloves .tatoa lots
98c waists $3.98, $4.98 lA
Crepe de Chine envelope Women's Lingerie cbriS"!! 23c
chemise $1.98 waists 98c, $1.79, $2.48
Full size heavy weight
Crepe de Chine cami- Women's Gingham Bun- whitegJ Bed
soles 98c galow Aprons $1.98 $2.75
House dresses, light and Women's wool dresses Lawns, Organdies, Ba
medium percales " $16.48, $19.76, $24.75 . tistes odd lines at
$2.98, $3.98 $27.50 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c, 35c
Miss Lora Chute returned to Salem
Sunday to resume teaching in the public
schools, which reopened Monday, after
vacation of several weeks ou account
of flu.
A queer disease has hit Will
Klampe's hogs. The animals become
paralyzed in the back and hind legs
Veterinarians as yet h-ve been unable
to discover the cause of the disease, or
any cure for it.
Mrs. Joseph Underwood, a brido of
about three mouths, died at her home
in this city Sunday, from heart troublo,
at the age of 19 years. Funeral ser
vices were held Monday aftcruoon, in
terment being in the Knox Butte ceme
tery. Mrs. N. II. Jones eame up from Salom
for the week-end, returning Monday, ac
companied by her little daughter, who
had been visiting her grandparents, W.
II. .Sherman and wife. Mrs. Jones is
expecting her husband home in a shoit
time, having received word that he had
arrived in New York from France, and
was daily expecting his discharge. Ke-
Portland, Ore., Feb. 3. Federal court
will not reconvene until 2 o'clock this
afternoon, so the fate of Henry. Albers
won't be turned over to the jury until
tomorrow morning, according to indi
cations. Albers has been on trial for a week
for alleged violation of tho espionage
act being charged with seditious utter
ances, inciting mutiny and disloyalty.
The final arguments of the attorneys
are scheduled for this afternoon, the
charge to the jurors being expected
Tuesday morning.
Agamemnon And Samarmda
Docked In New York Today
New York, Feb. 3. Bringing near
ly three thoumnd American soldiers
homo from the tear, the steamship I
A&aina)nnon doc Vied her; this after-1
noon. She was the first of a fleet of
transports which i expected to landl
20,000 veteran United States troops in
New York and lloboke n before the end
of the week.
The 51st coast artillery corps, reg
ular army, came on the Asamemnon. in
it were 1H25 men and 31 officers.
OtheTa aboard were 82 canual offi
cers, including 63 aviators and &9 sick
and wounded, of whom 130 were bed
The transport Samorinda also steam
ed into port today, bringing New York
and Georgia troops and 13 unattached
casual of I if ers.
Among the raaual officers were Lien
tenants I B. French. Seattle, Wash.,
and L. J. Houghton, Salt Lake City.
L W. W. Openly Advocates
Agamemnon And Samsretao
Russian Bolshevik.
Tncoma, Wash., Feb. 3. The second
mass meeting of the Tacoina soldiers',
sailors' and workmen's council, packed
two halls to the doors last night. Three
thousand union labor men and women,
members of the I. W. W., and 6- sprirrk
ling of soldiers in uniform attended,
Russian Bolshevism was openly advo
cated and cheered. The writings of
Nicholai Lcnine, premier of the Bus
sian soviet government, in pamphlet
form, wore circulated. The audience
joined in singing the I. W. W. song,
"Hold The Fort."
Peaceful overthrow of the present
form of government in the United
States and the taking over of govern
ment and industries by the working
class was urged by most of the speak
ers, who included union men, I. W. W.
representatives, socialists and soldiers.
Rumor Has It That Lenine
Will Surrender To Entente
London, Feb. 4. An unconfirmed dis
patch from Petrograd today reported
that soldiers had revolted there and
that there was considerable machino guu
fighting going on in the streets. Troops
from Kronstadt were said to be bom
barding Petrograd. Bumors were cur
rent in the latter city that Prcmie.r
Lenine is preparing to surrender to the
entente. -
The Stockholm correspondent of tho
London Telegraph reported that Bol
slicviki troops are withdrawing in the
Baltic provinces, particularly in Es
thouia. The Bolshevikj official communique
received by wireless from Petrograd to
day says:
"In the Archangel region v eoccu
pied fortified position) near Tarasevo,
capturing three machine guns, n large
quantity of provisions and considerable
military material."
I- TJ' M Je
aiuuiii &u tvuuf 0 n'uiv .
AttPnet At anfkh'Jl
llliiOul Al UlOiiUdllll
New York, Feb. 3. The Evening
Sun financial review today says:
Today's stock market called for lit
tle comment. Trading was almost at a
standstill, less than 200,000 shares
changing hamls in the first three
hours. Only 11.000 odd shares of Unit
ed States Steel were sold in the fore
noon, which recalled that steel opened
with lo.OOO slttre in a single trans
action one morning last week. Price !
movement were narrow and for the 1
most part lower. Some of the molrrl ,
made a play of strength in fairly good
demand under the influence presumab-1
ly of sentiment created by the open
ing cf the automobile show.
Business dragged through the- after-
noon without appreciable change until
just before tho closing, when steed
crossed 90. The coppers firmed. Tho
market for the metal remained quiet.
Portland, Ore, Feb. 3. For the first
time since October no deaths duo to
influenza was reported here today.
Portland, Ore., Feb. 3. Thcro is lit-'
tlo possibility of a strike here in sym
pathy with the shipworkcrs who have
walked out in the Uuget Sound district,
according to labor leaders and employ
ers. E. J. Stack, secretary of the Portland
Central Labor Council, declared this af
ternoon that there had been no con
certed attempt made to cause a walkout
"Portland workers are going to stanil
by their contract with the govern
ment," said J. B. Bowles, president of
the Northwest Steel company. "Tho
men here are reasonable t deal witk
and do not seek trouble. The agitators
have been driven out."
When There is Such a Rem
edy for Their Ills as Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound?
WlutintrnVa Trwi "T tr1 ..u
. , ... ""V. BUtM
severe female weakness tbat I could
uuug um relieve me.
A physician treated
me, but it did no
good. 1 had been in
this condition for
three months when I
began taking; Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege
tabla nnmnnnnil
(tablet form) and
it cured me. I
lfMn hnnsa anil am
able ta dn mv wnrlr mw T m.Ih
j - M . W.UIl j
praise your medicine." Mrs. Suda
Oldfatheh, 643 West Second Street,
Mishawaka, Ind.
Women who suffer from stichailmento
should not continue to drag around and
do their work under such conditions, but
profit by the experience of Mrs. Old
father and thousands of others who have
tried this famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, and found relief from such suf
fering. If complications exist write tho
Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass. The result of their 40 years'
experience in advising women on this
subject is at your service.