5000 CIRCULATION (25.000 PKATVPTja t.att w Weather Report OlllT Ciranlatin- ! a-l --- u. ua.ciu vniai , anteed by the Audit Bureau of . v-irouiaciong FULL LEASED WIRE TyrsPATr-Trpa Oregon: Tonight ami Tues day fair east portion, probab ly rain west portion; moder ate SHirlieajtcrlv.wiuds. . ' -. SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAIr LEY NEWS 8SKVI0B ft ON TRAfNS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 22. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS .ffrafi ft Bf.. '.,1 .iif. : .... .:. ,&m KM PROPOSES THIS as co;:?noMisE TO OPPOSITIO director General Is Frankly Opposed To Government HOWEVER, IS WILLING TO ADOPT FIVE YEAR TEST MS ml Back To Private Concerns On June 30. . By Raymond Clapper (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, Feb. 3. Government railroad control must be extended for at least throe years or be shelved at ..once. - - . That is the ultimatum laid down to day' Walker-D. Hiiies;- director gen eral of railroads. He iproposod a three year extension period as a compromise because of bit ter opposition in congress to tlio re cent live year recommendation of Wil liam G. McAdoo. Xn any event, Hines, declared when he faced the senate interstate com merce commitoe itoday, the present twenty one mo.nth limit on govern incut operation is intolerable, lie had in mind the resolution introduced by Henator Cummins to prevent return of the railroads to private control before that limit expires. Huies camo out frankly against .government ownership but earnestly appealed for adoption of a five year tst period. He tavors private opera tion toy a few companies under a prof its guarantee and sprint government regulation. , Would Accomplish Much 'I think a throe year extension would accomplish a great deal to re move the difficulties which are in herent in the twenty one months jilan,'!' lines told the senate t.om mittoe. "Even three years would seg regate and spread out and in part diss ipate the unfavorable and the psycho logical fnctors which under the 21 months plan promise to convergo so a to do the maximum damage ito the public service. "Also the three year extension would give opportunity for legislation immediately following instead of im mediately, preceding the presidential election. "But," he added, "T beliovo the five year extension would be much bat- GEN. CB1WDER TO RECtiVE HIS REAPPOINTMENT AUTO TRAGEDY CLAIMS TP VOMEN TICTIMS ON SILVERtOR ROAD IBW ' t BBS1 i - v, uv.&. J . . , ... ' 1 i - (Continued on page three) His Friends Declare Many Obstacles Have Been Put In His Wav. By Carl D. Groat. (Unitod Press gtaff correspondent) Washington, Tct). 3. Major General. Enoch Crowder will be reappointed ai-' my judge advocate general. Intimations that ho was to bo shelv ed wore dissipated today when it was learned on reliable authority that Pres ident Wilson will again namo him foi the post. Crowder 's friends were doubtful as to his reappointment until today. Soml of thorn claimed that he would tiuomat ically go out of the service if not nom inated before February 15. Thev foal ed that what amounted to bad blood be tween him and Chief of Staff Mr.rch would operate to sidetrack him. They declared privately that many obstacles had been put in the way of the man who made the draft machine an admitted success. They claimed, too, that a reprimand from the chief of staff still lay against Crowder 's rec ord. Whether or not this Is troe, the war department has refused to allow his record to be mado public. Secretary of War Baker and Chief of Staff Match have consistently declined to discuss the report while Crowder 's friends have a cused Baker privstoly of failing to act to clean the record, after promising to do so. However, president Wilson does not intend to lot army politics or fcudl stand in . the way, it was stated today. Ho will re-name Crowder as chief lbgal authority of the war department and do So soon. Scries Of Deaths Casts Gloom Over McMinnville McMinnvillo, Feb. 2. Tho last week has been a sad ono in this city because of the loss of some estimable citizens, among them being the wife of Captain F. A. Mend, local express agent; Jer ome Pratt, who came to this city in 18i)i from Minnesota; Mrs. Flora Cum mins, wife of County Commissioner 8. E. Cummins; Miss Grace Newell, a pop ular young woman, an employe at tho courthouse and formerly a candidato for county treasurer, and MrB. F. J. Prt-tt, wife of the assistant j.-.-3tmaster, prominent in tho circles of tho Chris tian ckureh. - Tho last threo deaths were due to p -.cumonia. Jnmog W. Martin of La fayette, a native son of pioneer par cits, also died on January 23, at the ao of 68 years. Ho had been a promi nent citizen of the county for many years and a progressive farmer. Mrs. Peter Hansen Killed And Mrs. Harry ill Near Death As Result Of Accident Yesterday afternoon, on tho Silver ton road a few milos out from Salem: occurrod the most torriblo automobile aceidont recorded in this city for many years. As a result Mrs. Peter Hansen I lic3 dead nd MrS- Harry Hill, Injured internally, U unconscious in the Ssleffi; sanitarium with little hope of recovery. The party made up of Mrs. Hill and son and her daughter, Mrs. Hill anil Mrs. Chas. Wilson, were returning from a drivo out on the pr,ved road about 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon, in a now Oldsmobilo car, driven, by Mrs. Wilson. Ai a point about two miles out from the fuir grounds therd is a sharp curve in tho road, with an- embankmont about fivo foot liiuh. This curve was taken at a fairly high speed, and in making it the outer wheels of the car ran off tho strip of paving onto the dirt bod. Mrs. Wilson wes endeavoring to turn the car back Upon the paving when tho front wheel struck a big block of slab wood, and broke down, allowing tho axle to strike the roadbed. The momentum was such that the machine turnod a complete somersault, first striking on the top, which was com pletely demolished along with the steer ing gear, and then landing on its whools in the ditch. ;, ' By a miracle Mr,g. Wilson, who occu pied the front seat with tho daughter of Mrs. Hansen,, escaped with severe scratches and bruises, whilo the girl was practically uninjured. P. E. Fullerton, who chanced to bo driving pvor the ad a few minutes after the accident occurred, states that as ho drove up he was hailed by tho young girl who said they were in need of holp. A moment later Mrs. Wilson camo trom the tront or tlio machine apparently half -dazed by the fall und said' something labout.-getting back to town. She then said there woro two other ladies there, but she didn 't know whether they were dead or alive. Mr. Fullerton and his companion then be gan to investigate and discovered tho two women lying bleeding, unconscious and half buried in the mud besido tu hi eh way. Another party made up of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 15ow on und Mrs. Lvda Bowon, drovo up at I about tho same time, and an effort Was made to find a home with telophonc connections in order to summon help from town. They found the nearby houses locked, and realizing that it would tsko some time to connect by tho rural lines, Mr. Fullerton dashed in to town with his car, ordered out the ambulance and picked up Dr. Fislter, getting back to the scene in a very short time. In the meantime one of the parties on the ground had succeeded in breaking into a house and called Br. Cashatt, who arrived on tho scene a fow minutes in advance of Dr. Fisher. It was apparont at a glance that both tho women were terribly injured inter nally in addition to their outer bruises and nothing could be done for them there. They wore hurriod back toward town, but Mrs. Hansen died on the way in. Mrs. Hill was brought in to the Salem sanitarium, where she lay in an nncoiiBcious and apparently dying con dition up to the present hour. The wreckod car. a fine new Oldsmo bile belonging to Chas. Wilson, a mo- torman on the Oregon Eltctnc, was brought in by Jas Kappahn and taken to tho Wilson garage on North Oommei cial streot. where it is undergoing re- p.'.irs. Considering the experience it J3HER AIMS WATER j SUPERINTENDENT TO KEEP1IPWW1K Orton Replied To Criticism Made Ii Senate Last Fri- j itay Afternoon. "Such superintendent shall not en gage in any other business which will conflict with his duties n8 such snper intondeat." . That was the little joker pointed out by Senator Straycr this morning in sen ate bill 53, introduced by Senator Hu ley, and which was up for final pass-ago- . The bill provides for tho consolidation of tho eastern snd western Oregon iwat ct divisions and creates tho office of state water superintendent. This of fice is to bo filled, by. George T. Coch ran, now superintendent of water divis ion Xo. 2, until the end of his elective term, after which the office will be filled by appointment by the governor. The jokor lies in the fact that the provision is intended to give logcl sanc tion to the privato law practice which Cochran carries on while drawing a sal ary of $2400 a year from the state. Senator Strayer did not mention the joker until after Senator Hurloy re fused to accept an amendment to- the bill, providing that water masters shall reeeivo a salary of $1200 a year from the counties instead of $5 a day. . Tlio present law prohibits the wator superintendent from engaging In any other business, but Cochran has ignored that provision and has been doing a private law business for a number of years while at the same time drawing his $2400 a year from the state. "Why should not a state official drawing $2400 from the state give his entire timo to the office," demanded Senator Strayer. ' "It he is a lawyer, why should ho be allowed to liold a state office and practice law on the sidot I see no reason for thct little joker in this bill." ". Senator Hurley replied that ho could see no reason why a water superintend nt, if ho (lid his work welt, jhmiW not bo allowed to do something eta on the side. - . Referred to Committee. Sonntor Strayer moved to have the bill recomitted to tho committee with Instructions to amond it in relation to AM TUIIDCnAV M0i UN SSIUliOIMI I'll) Seattle, Wash., Feb. 3. Forty thou-. Central Labor council at special nioot- and Seattle union mon will walk from ag tomorrow. - , . their places of employment at 10 o'clock Thursday morning in the greatest mass j walkollt. othera are voting "moral sup strike over hold in America, according port" without strike cctinn, whilo still to strike plans formulated by represen- others nro side-stepping by failing to tatives of 110 unions in tho labor temple j vote one way 0r the other, hero yesterday. Thirty thousand ship-J How extensive tho tie-np wi'l be, if it yard workers are already on strike.' is called this week, will depend largely making a total of 70,000 umoiiists'on tho voto of the outsido electrician, which is practically the. full strength I who will enst their ballots tonipM Tha of organized labor of tho city. .men in this ir ion are employed in tho Thursday was set as the date for t no . power plant at La Uremic and tite city genoral strike in sympathy with tho! sub-stations, as woll as on all, power striking shipyard workers, because it is! lines of the city and the streetcar c-om- tho earliest dato at which tho wulkout patty. If they should go out it would can be callou. All pians rormuiaieu yesterday must be endrscd by the cert tral laborcouncil at its regular meet ing Wednesday night. incomplete Tie-up. Taeoma, Wash., Feb. 3. An incom plete tie-up at best is expected to re sult from the general strike voto among local labor unions, returnable to thejer;.! striko Saturday night SO CALLED PAVING TRUST WINS IN PRELIMINARIES (Continued on page 3.) PRESIDENT WILL TRY FOR COMPLETION LEAGUE IS WEE Are Working On Draft Con stitntion rcr Permanent Organization. UNDER THE BIG CAPITAL DOME w 3 HON 'DOWLAS OOUUKAS COUNTS IM5TITUTION Legislators Who Represent the Umpqua Valley Country in the Present Session (Ooatinued en pars eight) Plot Unearthed To Line Up . By Webb Miller (United Press correspondent) American Headquarters in Gor- many, Feb. 2. (Delayed) A plat to line up sentiment in Germany behind the former kaiser has been unearthed by 'the American, military eeret 4c service, it was announced to- day. A number of supporters of tha old regime were discover- ed circulating petitiona asaur- $ ing Wilhelm that hig people if. still maintain confidence in him. Many iigna-turea had been obtained in varioua parts of the Tegion occupied by the Third army. Tho American au- thorities are investigating to ' determine who is back of the movement, which apparently is widespread and probably orig- inating in Berlin. American military joffieialsl have ascertained that the prea- ent atTength of the German ijc army how that the organiza- if. tion and staff of all pre-war regiments is being maintained, if except those of Alsace and if. Lorraine, although some of sic these regiments have been re- it i duted to a thousand men. By Fred S. Ferguson. (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, Feb. 3. President Wilson to day began his drivo for consummation of tho league of nations program De- fore tho end of the week Refreshed by a day of complete rest. tho president, following his address on the subject of tho league before tho chamber of deputies this afternoon, was to confer with the special committee which is working on details or ino league's outline. In this meeting, to bo held at the Hotel Crillon, work was to ha tnken unon tho definito constitu tion of the leaEue, upon which sovornl tentative agreements havo already been reached. Tho president is working in the clos est unanimity with Lord Cecil and Gon oral Smuts on the draft for the consti tution. which provides for permanent organization, to meet regularly, and to have machinery for arbitration ana eeo nomic rinnishments. Complcto agree ment on the frame work is generally snticipated before Premier Lloyd George leaves for London at tho en of the week. Met With Bureau. President Wilson met with the peace bureau this morning. Tho Balkan sit uation was discussed with particular referenco to Greece's political and ter ritorial claims. Premiei Vcnizelos was the principal speaker, The president has under consideration plans for reporting progress of the peace conference regularly to congress in the future. Eoportg from the Unit ed States indicate there is need of ex plaining the details of various prob lems being worked out, as a misunder standing is obvious. The tone of con gressional debates it liable to result in misapprehension by the other delegates here. When Wilson arrives in the Unitod Statse. three weeks hence he is ex mmw These Are Walkout Plans Made By 110 Unions In Labor Temple Yesterday. -Taeoma Strike Proceedings Will Only Cause Incomplete Tie-Up, For Number Of Unions Have Voted Flatly Against General Strike. menu that liehts would go out .street cars Btop running and that local indus tries would be paralyzed, as oloctrio ppwer is almost exclusively used horo. It would also meal that hundreds of. workers would bo automatically locked out of jobs. Tho inside electricians were reported to have voted for tho gen- Bill On Contract Royalties Is Referred Back To Commit tee Ii The Warren construction company, sometimes known B-s tho made without eonsidorinir royalties buJ that tho state pay tho sn-me. , ; , , , Claims Bight to Know. Si-liubel of Oregon City, who intro duced tho bill, claimed the people hud a right t0 know what royalties for pat ented pavements cost. As to the roy- '. t. -lc-.f-1.tl city paying ny tlio urate mr. bcuuuui trust," won first blood this morning in the house of representatives when the nuestion came up a to whether tho paving Bai(( 1 1 The Warren Construction com pany does not want the bill to pass nor do tho land interests. Tho pcoplo have a right to know how much they ara ..,.;,. f. nntnntnrl f. rt Icl.'K. Thfl TOV- Rti.tn almiild niiv royalties on paving ;. ., i,,, ti,n nlw,tn ...... . f . jaity pruuiraiuuu in me v contracts and that bids on the construc tion of roads should be mado without including tho cost of royclties. Although the bill had been beforo tlio roads and highways committco of the house sinco January 15, Chairman iioi.- nis of thi committee said it was not ready to act on the question of royU- ties and tho giving' or conrracis 101 construction alone. On the voto taken four of tho Marion county delegation lined up in favor of tho stato paying royalties and the let ting of contracts to not include royal ties. These woro Speaker Seymour Jones, Martin, Weeks and Martin. With tho wishes of thoso who favored tho so called trust was the voto of D&vid Loo- ncy of Jefferson. In ononiiig tlio dcnaio . on uio uni Dennis of Yamhill, chairman of tho roads and highways commission said ho was not opposed to counties bidding on work or to the commission doing the work when for tho good of all. But no wm opposed to that part of the bill providing that tho state pay royalties and that contractors do oougeu tu ami mit bids not including royalties for pat nnforl rtavments. In tho genoral lignt tna-t nns made between the so-called paving trust and thoso opposed to it, tho intimation has been mado that tho Warren peo- ol wi.ro nn the inside and not ODii.gcu to pr-y so much for royalties as tho smaller contractors. Hence the bill was introduced providing that contracts bo situation. The Warren people do no want competition and they do not wan , tho public to know how much it is cheat ed. I wont to know when bidding for a patented artielo, how much tnai ariicm costs. To the members of the house, will say if you want to srann in with tho Warren Construction company, vote t prevent this bill from coming to a decisive voto and send it back to tha committee. If thig bill goes dock w tho committee, it will throttlo the big thing, that of knowing where money is spout for royalties." ' ' After sevcrrl personal remarks in which Dennis engaged, on a roll call, 4tin hnnse voted for referring tha bill back to its committee, which Mr. Schubcl said was voiing iron " ren Construction company, ihe voto agni ist referring and in favor of tak ing a direct vote on the royalty prop osition was favoved by 25. The absent numbered five. As this was the first test of strength between tho paving interests in th? Iioubo, the indication s-re that when It comes to a final votu testing tha strength between thoso favoring and op posing what is termed tho paving trust, that tho "trust" will have a good fighting majority. ABE MARTIN . faber Of Units Of 46th sion Named For Convoy Washington, Fct. 3. The following uaits of the Fortioth division were to Am a.tirnnil In early convoys Division' postal detachment; mobile field labors tory ana meaicai uomcu met; 11th supply train; sanitary .m,,1. fll and 62: sixteenth field hos pital and 180th Infantry; 15th infan- ouarters: 79th infantry brigade head miarters: 115th train headquarters; Fortieth military police company; For ti.th ' division hesdouurters troops; Fortieth division headquarters; 144th and 145th machine gun battalions; 115th ammunition train; 159th and loSth in fantry and 143rd machino gun battal ion. Other units assigned to convoy to pri ority were 03rd and 103rd aero squad- OlUfm;. till JW "Li no iiviiw "v. i - ait i OQi U pected to sail February 14 he expects: rons; 103rd trench mortar pottery (.Bin r ... . . . . sa.uv. finM ortillorv S7th dl- t for a comprehensive report Colonel House is reco- peace work this week. .gun battalion (87th division). peered 10 sail ri-uruar n.rovv.,.. Sufficient progress to have been mado division); 334th field artillery (87th di for a comprehensive report to congress, vision) ; Tenth field artillery brigade ,H4i44 Hi Some folks seem, t ' fool cnoug le all th' time t' keep in th' ;h i. co- swim. ?Z r M Bfa;ih;& Tawney Apple ha. an undo rull pfrt lnP the regiment coast artijlery; machine so poor he stay, in Petoshey, M.chigan,