Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 31, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Bat par word New Today:
Each insertioa le
bb week (6 insertions) 5c
One month (26 insertions) 17o
The Capital Journal will not fce re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
for errors in Classified Advertisements
Bead your advertisement the first day
at appears and notify us immediately it
rror occurs.
Minimum eharge, 15c.
WOOD for sale. Phone 1381M. 2-S
FOBNIBIIED housekeeping rooms, 694
K. Com 'I Bt. Phone 2454W. 2-3
FOB 6ALE A small quantity of loose
hay, close in. Phone 57F12. 21
LIBERTY BONDS If you must dis
pose of your bonds, we will buy
them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf
Let us wash and polish your cars. 29
State St. 2-3
"WANTED Position hy young lady af
ter school. Phono 1544M. 1-31
iB 6ALE Gas engine, one with
pump jack. 1396 N Front. tf
FOR SAL Ovorland car, very cheap
9602 care Journal. 1-31
FOB SALE Two year old Shetland
pony, ride or drive. Phone 1395. 2-3
FOB BAU9-!lover hay. Phone 27P
23. 2-11
WANTED Veal and large calves.
Phone 80P2. tf
.WANTED Autos to paint, neatly
done, and reasonable. J. Crum, 803
N.. Liberty.
FOB BA3M Modern 4 room house on
od lot. Call 1070 N. 21st. 1-31
FOB SALB Pine young Jersey milch
cow. T70 fl. Com. or phone 476. 1-31
"WANTED To buy cattle and calves,
ny kind. Phone 1576W. 2-6
FOB TRADE Two good lots in San
Francisco, value $1800. See owner,
598 N. High. 2-1
BQiGQ for sale from heat laying atrain,
Canadian White Wyandottes. Phone
798W.. -84
FOB SALE 'Eprerfoearing strawberry
plants $1 per hundred. Or. L War
ren, Rt. 3, (box 183. , , 2-
WANTED On installments, small mod-
era home, $300 down; balance $25
a month Box 13 Journal. 2-5
WANTED Boarders and roomers or
boarders. Call 1074 or 1120 Center
St. 2-1
FOR 8ALB Light roadster in good
condition, cheap if taken at once.
Phone 61F12. tf
WANTED iy. acres land cleared,
stump puller furnished. A. E. Zim
merman, Salem, Rt,. 9. tf
WANTED To rent furnished house
or apartment. No children, 800 care
Journal. 1-31
FOB SALE Poland China pigs, 12
weeks old. Phone 485, 9 a.m. to 5
p. m. evening or morning 2224. 2-1
WANTED Small furnished house or
apt., modern. Address J-10 care Jour
nal, tf
FOB TRADE A good, neat 4 room
house with garage to trade for auto.
Oott 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf
FOB SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor,
engine and boiler complete, cheap.
Box 268, Turner, Or. tf
WAMi PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Buren 's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf
FOB SALE 140 horse power station
ary. Bussell engine, 145 horse pow
er Russell boiler. Inquire Cherry
City Hour Mills. 21
PLENTY of money to loan on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pay $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
bide. Salem. tf
FOB SALE Genuine Franquat wal-
nat erafted on black. True lw unil-
It and Bacellana filberts. Middle
Grove Nursery, Bt. 1, box 201. Phone
EOT. l-ai
Our Want Ads
are the Bait that
catch the Big Fish
Keults Try one in
to-morrow's- paper
WANTED Good competent house
maid. 340 N. Liberty. - 1-31
APPRENTICE girls wanted. Boom 10,
MoOornack Wdg. tt
TWO brood sows and shoats for sale.
Bkyline Orchards, Phone 36F11. 1 31
WANTED To buy a good one-horse
wagon. Phone 783W. 131
7 ROOM house, plumbing, good lot,
$700. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 1-31
YOUNG lady wishes work after school
nuurs. i-none io-a. i-tfi
WANTED Good Vun.g fresh rowsi
Phone 11KF24. 2-4
11HF21. Fruitland Nursery
MAN S bicycle for sale, in good con
dition, cheap. 2o8 R. 20th Bt. tt
HOB SALE Horse and buggy for sale
cneap. uau oar. " a
WOOD cutters wanted, $2 per cord.
Skyline Orchards, St. 3, Phone 36
Fll. x-31
PARTY has wheat hay stored at the
Skipton barn will close out. reason
ably. See J. W. Manley at barn. 2-4
WANTED Jersey cows fresh or will
be fresh soon, must stand health
test. Phone 990R. 2 4
FOB SALE Three White Leghorn
roosters, O. A. C. strain. Phone 101
Fll. 1-29
WANTED -Man on farm, without chil
dren preferred. Phone 6F3, L. Town
send, Garvais. , 2-4
WANTEtt icTat hens wanted, highest
prices paid. Apply 456 State Direct
or. - tf
(FOR SALE Some 40-Ib. cows-Phone
80, headquarters Waring feed 'barn,
Salem Cow Co. Phone 80. 2-1
I WiliL. not be responsible for debts
contracted by my wife. U. U. Jiays.
WANTED Experienced nurse wishes
permanent position. 9603 care Jour
nal. 23
WANTED To rent a furnished house,
fiat or apa-tment, no children. Ad
dress box 173 city. 2-S
COUPLE would like room and board
in small 'family of Adults. J-10 care
Journal. tt
WH are in the market onions and
parsnips Willamette Valley Trans
fer Oo, 171 o. uign. mono uuv. vt
MULES Span good young mules, wt.
2200, sound. nl gentle, puce $180,
if taken at once. 'Liberty bonds ac
cepted. 554 Ferry St. 2-1
BRING me your shoe repairing, I can
save you money. Man's first class
half soles $1.50, others cheaper, first
clasa work suaranteed. N. Urueck,
163 S. Com'!. 1-31
Ford-Wright truck, look new $475
Ford touring, 1916, may extras $390
Stodard twenty, good tires etc $250
Maxwell, 191, just painted $zdv
Studebaker six, fine shape, $423
Chevrolet touring, 1916, $475
Maxwell, 1916, $375
Harley motorcycle $10
Anhnrn tniii-inw. firarfc class. 275
Highway Garage, 1000 S Com 'I. tf
WE are to "have an appraisement of
all farm loan applications on hand at
once by a federal land bank apprais
er. Farmers dosiring federal farm
loans should file thoir applications
immediately. Interest 5 per tent
34 years time. A. U Jionrnstedt, m
Mamic Temple, Salem, Or. 1-31
229 State Street
We buy and cell all kinds of
used autos. If you want to
ell your car bring it in. I'll
ell it for you.
We have the following:
One BUICK,' 5 passenger, 4
cylinder; new tires good me
chanical condition. Price $325.
1 1917 Ford, new tires, $450
1 Maxwell, good shape, $150
1 Maxwell, 2 cylinder, $50
1 1914 Oakland roadster thor
oughly overhauled $325
6 cyL Studebaker first class
condition $450
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of Arthur L.
Whitcman, deceased, by the county
court of Marion county and state of
Oregon, and hag qualified. All persons
having elaims against the said estate
are hereby notified to present same,
duly verified, together with the propcT
voucher therefor, to the undersigned
at .the office of S. M. Endieott, Salem,
Oregon, in said eountv of Marion, with
in six months from the date of this
notice. ,
Date of first publication, this 24th
day of January, 1919.
Administratrix of the estate of Ar
thur L. Whitwnsn, deceased. 2 21
FOB SALE Young, fresh Jersey eow,
ealf by sale. l-;4 Mjswon ist. 1-31
10 H. P. $40 and smaller gas engine.
1396 S. xTont. 1-31
WANTED Furnished house before
Feb. 15. Phtone 1218W. tf
FOB SALE 3 yar old draught eolt
or will trade for one older. Phone
77F12. 3-8
APPLE tree wood free for hauling, al
ready gruTjbcd. Phone lltz'i. S-i
RUGS cleaned on floor, 35c per rog.
fnone lO. li. U Buciner. 3-3
FOB 6ALB-mall Maxwell runabout,
good condition, $aO. Phone 561. 2-1
FOR SALE Purebred S. C. W. Leg
horn pullets. Phone 827R. 2-3
PATRICIA GRAF, public stenograph
er. Phone 937, 124 . Liberty St. tl
WANTED A brooder stove, must be
in good condition. Box 163, Bt. 7.
Phone 42F25. 1-31
FOB SALE Buick antonvoibile, IX 45,
1917 model, fine condition, cord
tires. At Wilson's garage. 2-3
WANTED-Work on Saturdays. Steady
employment on Saturdavs prefer
red. Phone 1067. 1-31
GIRLS or women wanted for steady
wtonk at the Glove Factory, 1455
Oak St. 2-7
FOB RENT A few single housekeep
ing and sleeping, rooms, at wie juyr
tle hotel, 633 !Ferry St. tf
FOB SALE Or trade, feed store and
grinding mill, good location. Fran
Now&k, Brooks, Ore. 2-3
FOB RENT 9 room house, electric
lights, and bath, $10 per month. Call
898 Broadway. Phone 975. 1-31
WANTED Immediately a small furn
ished house or apartment within a
few blocks of hjgh school and pub
lic library. Call 660 or 284J. 1-31
FOR SALE Or trade for cows, 5 pas
senger Ford touring car, in good me
chanical condition, 1914 model, price
right. E. West, Bit. 3, Turner, Or. 2-5
AS GOOD a new, gas range, good
beating stove, water heater, retali
ored overcoats and suits, at : half
prjce. fflha Capital (Exchange, 337
Court St. Phone 493. , . tf
FOR SALE 235 acres well improved
grain and stock. -,ranch, aula
from Marlon, Or., ' 75 acrcg in fall
grain, 80 acres in pasture, 80 acres
in timber, running water Write for
prices and terms. Honry Fennoll,
Marion, Ore. 8-5
HAVE BUYERS for a strictly modern
home close in, for about $3500 All
cash; end for a 5 room bungalow in
S. W. Salem for $1500. $300 down,
balance $25 a month. C. W. Niemey
er. Masonic building. 2-1
NO CASH REQUTBED Good overcoat
shoes and suits, all kinds of music
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and
1000 other useful articles to sell or
.trade. What have youf The Capital
Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493.
SOUL SCIENCE You are invited to
join our Science success club for
health and harmony, nothing better,
free to all. Mrs. Geo. Mackie, .-141
N Liberty. Class for instruction j
starting 'Feb. 12, 8 p. m. 2-o
LADIES why not wear Dr. Scott 'b
Electric Magnetic corsets waen tney
cost you no more than others. His
goods are all guaranteed. Sold by M.
E Mackie, exclusive agent, 343 N.
liberty, apartment 2. Agents want
ed. 2-5
FOB SALE 114x231 ft. lot, 853 S
Commercial St., house No. 853, 8
rooms and bath, chicken house and
garage, cherry and walnut trees, Lo
ganberries and grapes, lots of shrub
bery. I want and must have ib0O
cash. Look it over and tell me how
much deferred payments you will
allow. Address 38 care Journal. 21
Farm For City Property.
350 acres, 90 acres in cultiva
tion, igobd residence, two
barns, suitable for dairying,
60 acres good timber, for $65
per acre. This is a choice
farm and is yielding a good
revenue. The owner lives in
the city and can handle city
property better than a farm.
.Will take or more in good
city, revenue bearing proper
ty, remainder on terms. For
particulars see John H. Scott,
404 Hubbard bldg.
"Always at Your Service"
Help of all kinds Furnished Free
to Employers
tzsroxsnu, vwtu. reosE, win oi tote.
J. r. COKffl, Mmtm-233-235
Bunuide Street. Portland, Oregon
We Pay task for
and HOGS.
frit far rm (rib
Hazdwood Co., Front and Ankeny SU.
Captain Llewellyn And Major
Knox Of Portland Arrive h
It Y. From France.
New York, an. 31. From Sitka, Al
aska, to Punta Gorda, Fla., and from
Eastport, Me., to San Diego, Cal., and
thousands of cities a-nd towng between
came the officers and so ten ers wno
marched off the transport Mongolia to
day. Moro than 97 per cent of the 4281
men aboard were wounded. Less than
900 of these, however, were under inedi
cal enre when the ship arrived.
The returning troops were under com
mand of Major N. B. Champion, Alex
andria, Va. Officers of his staff on
board included: Captain M. A. Mott,
Los Angeles, who returned with a brMc
Lieutenants W. F. Enright, St. Joseph,
Mo.; E. P. Murphy. Omaha, Neb., and
Captain William Mayer, Chicago, and
Captain Felix Beauchsmp, Sitka, Alas
ka.. Beauchamp wore the croiz de guerre
and had been cited for individual hero
ism on the field.
One of the most interesting groups
aboard was the casual company of 95
marines from all sections, who were
at Chateau-Thierry when the Germans
were halted. The marines were from
the Fifth and Sixth regiments of the
Fourth brigade.
Captain F. A. Llewellyn of Portland,
Or., wa8 aboard. He had been wounded
threo times.'
C. D. Urintz, Globe, Ariz., and Ser
geant Leslie R. Becker, Tacoma, Wc-sh.,
were with the California casuals.
Carrying 1738 homecominir American
troops the United States transport Min-nekti-hda
arrived here today from Brest.
The Minnekahda had on board com
panies A, B, C, D, I, K, L, and M, field
and staff headquarters company, ma
chine gnn company, supply company
and medical detachment of the 329th in
fantry; 83rd division cadre, casual com
pany number 222 (Alabama): 142 cas
ual officers and sevon civilians, it was
announced at the port of embarkation.
On board was Major William S. Knox
of Portland, Or., who has been serving
with the University of Oregon base
hospital unit south of Toul.
FOB SALE One Aneona rooster. In
quire at 645 N. Winter St. or. pnone
643. 21
FOB SALE Or -trade, 5 room house,
large lot, fruit, etc. B. T. Goodc,
1136 Jefferson St., city. 2-6
LOGANBERBY plants for sale by J.
P. Aspinwall, Brooks, Or., Phone 35
F12. 1-31
FOR SALE 40 horse power stationary
engine ana Doner, inquire unerry
City Flour mill. ., ., v 8-4
FOB TRADE 14 acres of land for
light car or Salem property. See Pow
ell. 404 Court St. ; tf
FOB SALE A-l Jersey heifer calf,
$2.50 if taken at once. Phone 1136J,
FOR SALE Wilson strawberry plants
60c a hundred. F. , Bischof f, Bt. ,
box 49A, Salem. 2-4
WANTED Young ladly to work at
Fry 'a Irug store. Experienced in
drugs and salesmanship preferred.
Write or apply to Danl J Fry, Salem
Io not telephone. z-1
WANTED Two or three young brood
sows to farrow during February, or
early March. Addregg with full par
ticulars. Box 57, Salem, Or. 2-4
FOB SALE 6 year old mare, good
traveler, good worner ana very gen
tle, might consider trade for cow or
heifers. E. B. Flake, 590 8. 17th.
Phono 1046J. 2-1
FOB SALE 1 acre tract, all cultivat
ed, good 7 room house, bearing fruit
good location. Price $1700. W. H.
Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street.
WANTED Gentleman wants .one or
two room furnished apartment, mod
ern conveniences, permanent occu
pation, close in. See Mr. Daniels,
barber shop, Marion hotel. 2-1
OOWS Going to Idaho, must scll at
once, our cows, one fresh and two to
freshen soon, ege from three to six,
all in eokid condition. Price very
reasonable. At Clearwater barn, 554
Ferry. 2-4
FOB SALE--Large new, modern house
close in, a good investment at $.1000,
Also one of the best residenea cor
ners in Salem, 3 blocks from state
house. Make us an offer. F. L. Wood
Bayne bid?. 2-3
FOB SALE Oood 5 room modern bun
galow on paved street, east front.
Price $3200. Good six room modern
house, paved street. Price $2600.
Ootod 7 room modern house on Fair
mount Hill. Price $3600. Good 8
room modern house on Fairmount
Hill Price $4000. W. H. Graben
horst tc Co., 275 State street. 2-1
THROUGH our non commission sys
tem you can be put in touch with
hundreds of people who with to sell
or exchange their properties, with
out obligating themselves to pay a
commission. Oregon Realty Ex
change Investment Company, Inc.,
. Booms 405 and 406 Hubbard build
ing, Salem, Ore. tf
The Journal classified adi are
great favorites with people who 4
do things Try oae
6 Bellans
Hot water
Sure Relief
QREGON people "con
sume" several million
dollars' worth of products
every week food, clothing
and merchandise of all de
scriptions. Why not recognize our
power to make our own
state grow and prosper by
patronizing our own manu
Home Industry Ieacui of Orboon
Instant Relief From Pain,
Soreness, Stiffness Follows
A Rubbing With "St J
cobs Lmraient''
Stop "dosing" rheumatism.
It's pain only; not one ease in fif
ty requires internal treatment. Bub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Lin
iment" right on the "tender spot,"
and by the time you say Jack Robin
son out comes the, rheumatic pain and
distress. "St. Jacobs Liniment" con
quers pain I It is a harmless rheuma
tism liniment, which never disap
points and doesn't burn the skin. It
takes pain, soreness and stiffness from
aching joints, muscles and (bones;
stop, sciatica, lumbago, backacho, neu
ralgia and reduces swelling.
Limber upl Get a small trial bottle
of old time, honest "St. Jacobs Lini
ment" from any drug store, and In a
moment you'll be free ' from pains,
aches and stiffness. Don't suffer I Bub
rheumatism away. ,
Because the material which Is a
rich apricot colored satin, is em
broidered with silk tassel ed leather,
this frock Is slung like a Scottish
pluld over one shoulder. A ehemtae
ot (told thread lace over blue has a
sleeve on one arm and a strap ot
flowers on the other side, ends be
neath the lunlc. YMore apricot satin
Is used for the underskirt
Uncle Sam
was raised on
corn -vt (Q'Mv
and Has running
strong. EAT
Chamnion corn
Spending Yocr Mosey In
to "Move
Ladies' Ready -to -Wear j
Every Department is now daily receiving
Advance Shipments of Spring Merchanlise
Is showing the new cloth
Splendid for Dresses, Skirts, and Waists.
Specially Priced $2.35
Those New things You Have Been
-Looking For.
You can always do better at
1914 Buick, electric lights and starter $500
1918 Maxwell, a snap $525
1918 Chevrolet, you must see this to appreciate it,
gone 2200 miles -$500
1913 Buick Roadster in good shape J240
Fordson Tractors for immediate delivery. Get them
now while you can.
I Valley Motor Company
Caniial Journal Want Ads
Sa!cm Reduces Your Taxes
Our "Move On Cop" has gone
through our ,
LINES, Which He orders i
Our exceptionally big Fall Bus- ::
iness Clearly demonstrates this '
fact. "We show the right ::
class of merchandise at the ' :
right figures," : :
To thoroughly clean up on
this superior stock, we have ::
put on "MOVE ON SPEC- ::
WAV "aa " '
Dresses, Values up to $18.95 :
Dresses, Values up to $35.00 ::
Will Get Yon What You Wan'