Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 31, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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V had been troubled for a long time with
thronic constipation and neier found any
thing that gave me the natural relief that
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has." (From
a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by Mr. I.
Rosenthal, 6 W. 28th St., New York, N. Y.)
Nearly every disease can be traced to
constipation. Dr, Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is
a combination of eimple laxative herbs with
pepsin that quickly relieves constipation and
restores normal activity. It is gentle in its
action and does not gripe.
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts. TsZ) $1.00
i ra :
i;01' IMS 197
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buef
(Florence Elizabeth Nichols) will be
interested to hear of their arrival in
Salem last evening after a week's
honeymoon, during which .they visited
in British Columbia, eeavtie ana it
coma. Mrs, Buef is well known ia fiev
lem, having been society editor of ths
Statesman for several years. Mr. Buef
i - iuJi.M HmOT.f i n Hn iitv fnT ft
:"v."T r":';; "When I first began taking Tanlac
of a local green house, the manage-! I weighed ninety seven wmada
men of which he still retains. wa,jurt about dow. and out'
Both Mr. and Mrs. Buef are acUve i -'". """.
members of the Christian Science pruww meremwi, raiuug-
eh,,v tIiav will he at home to their :0 bouth 28th street, recently,
Lawless Says He Was Nearly
Down And Out When Re
Began Taking Tanlac
(Capital Journal Special Service) '
Kicker, Jan. 31. It wag with regrot
thait the friends of Mr. and Mrs. John
Miller of IFruitland, learned of .their
Mr. Miller spent his boyhood days
,t this place and Mrs. , Miller used to
visit in this neighborhood when a girl.
The old Miller home was what is now
"the M. M. Magee property, and also
fvart of what is sow the 1. A. Harris
Mrs. IL Burbee, who ,has been ill,
1s now sAile to sit up A shout time each
B. A. (Lewis and M. M. Magee made
business trip Co Crooked linger last
B. B. Geener was a Salem visitor
Hubert Wheeler is now stationed at
Vancouver, and expects to receive his
discharge soon.
Mrs. Q. Grimm spent Thursday .with
Mrs. H. Burbee.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Beardslcy of Keiz-
er and Miss Clara Miller and Miss
Esther Miller of Salem were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards Sunday.
H. Burk, who has been very ill with
influenza, is able to be up again. The
rest of the family and Mr. and Mrs;
B. York ,are also doing nicely.
The Bed Cross auxiliary met at the
home of Mrs. Tony DeSantis Wednes
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Warner and
daughter of Salem spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. C Grimm.
Mr. and Mrs. August Carl and fam
ily of Saloin spent Sunday at the L.
Dickman home.
A. M. Drorbaugli and M. M. Magee
are serving on the jury.
Mr. end Mrs. Goo. Edwards spent
Saturday afternoon in Salem.
Miss Golda Wheeler sponit the week
Salem tfrianda at their residence, 1631
Market street.
Comoral Clarence Byrd, who has
been spending week's furlough in
Salem, at the home of his parents, Dr.
and Mr. W. H. Byrd, left for Portland
today enroute to Camp Lewis.
lie was enter.tamea at an miuruuu
dinner party lasi; mgnt ai mo uvuxv
Ir. and Mrs. prince wyro.
The Illihee auxiliary was entertain
ed Wednesday by Mrs. W. H. Burg
hardt, Jr., at her home on Union
street. Eleven members were present.
The matrons of the auxiliary who have
been sewing on the layettes for the
I now weigh on hundred and thirty
seven, and so far as my health is con
cerned, I couldn't ask to feel much
"I have not gotten all my lost
weight baek yet," he continued, "for
I had dropped down sixty one pounds.
But I am still taking Tanlac and ex
pect soon to tip the beam at one hun
dred and fifty eight, my weight before
my troubles began. I began suffering
from stomach trouble and getting into
a rundown condition five years ago,
when my appetite went back on me. J
lost all dcaire for food and everything
I did eat caused nausea. I had to give
up my coffee and many other things
I like best, as I could not retain them,
Watch Your Blood Supply,
Don't Let Impurities Creep In
Pure Blood Means Perfect
The average druggist has handled
fcundreds of medicines in nis day,
noma of which have long since been
But there la on that has been sold
lSy the druggists throughout this
country, for more than fifty years,
mod that is S. S. S., the reliable blood
medicine, that ia purely vegetable.
Many druggists have seen wonderful
results accomplished among their
customers by this great old medicine,
and they know that S. S. S. is one of
the most reliable blood purifiers ever
made. Keep your blood free of Im
purities by the use of this honest old
medicine, and if you want medical
advice, you can obtain same without
cost by writing to Medical Director,
Swift Specific Co., 28 Swift Labor,
tory, Atlanta, Ga.
Finis for These Means
Good Fortune for You
i was cold all nfght Mother"
Here is a chance to get a
A -V for '
There are just 12 of these
Blankets left. The prices range
from $7.85 to $19.50
We shall not stock any Woolen Blankets when thesn
i are gone so why not take advantage of these savings ?
Price of Blanket.. $7.85
33 1-3 per cent saves you $2.62
Blanket costs you : $5.23
Price of Blanket $19.50
33 1-3 saves you 6.50
Blanket costs you....
25c Yard
About eighteen bolts of dark pnt-
T terns Holly and Amnskeng Out-
lag Hanne's reduced to, yd. s&C
20c Yard
A lot of. wide striped, 33 inch,
Percales, splendid materials for
houao drosses, reduced to yd. 20c
f Under Muslins Less 20
X We lave put out our entire lirto of Women's Under Muslins, regard
less ef kind er quality. The regulrr prices of these are reallr below
market and should make attractive buys at a reduction of 20 per cent.
P.!.r" a xi,: -,iu,n wire ,i-iand the only thine that half way
IICUCU u.u ,u.s..u " "-- l j .,v -.:.. tTh ..
terrible pains in my right side, which
would almost cramp me double two or
three times a week. I became uneasy,
fearing aitpendieitis, and no one seem
ed to understand my case or do 4no
any good. I just kept suffering and
losing weight until I looked like
would shrink up to nothing.
"My condition had become notice'
able to all who knew me, and while
talking over my case with a friend one
day he aBked me why I didn t try Tan
lac. Well, this put me to thinking
there might he something in Tanlae
for me, and there certainly was, for I
have already picked up forty puunds
and my old time strength and energy
have come hack to me. I hadn't fin
ished my first bottle until the pains,
which I feared were eaused by appen
dicitia, had disappeared. I can drink
my coffee now. and eat just anything
i want and never have the least trou
ble with my stomach. Bo you can see
why I'm so strong for Tanlac. It has
made life worth living for me and I
reel like I ought to pass the good
word along." i
Tanlac is aold .in Hubbard by Hub
bard Irug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben
Uooch, in Gervais iby John Kelly, in
Turner by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood
burn by Lyman H Shorey, in Salem by
Dr. S. C. Stone, in Silverton by Geo. A.
Steelhammer, iw Gates by Mrs. J. P.
MoCurdy, in Stayton by C. A. Beau-
in Aurora by Aurora Irug
Store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stores
Co. Inc., end 30 Ponald by M. W. John
son. .
cessful in completing a number of
small articles of apparel Wednesday.
The afternoon culminated pleasantly
at the tea hour.
Mrs. Lloyd Shisler (Gertrude Cun
ningham) an instructor in the Harris
burg high school, arrived in Salem to
day for an indefinite stay, the Harris-
Durg schools DSing Closed aurnig me
present influenza outfbreak. While here
Mrs. Shisler will be the guest oif her
aunts, Mrs. H. H. Olinger and Mrs.
George G. Brown.
Mrs. H. B. Thielsen of Portland is
the guest ef her on, Will Thielsen, at
the Thielsen country home at Derry
Orchards. Mrs. Thiclson will also visit
friends in Salem before returning to
Teachers and pupils of the Garfield
school are happy in the possession of
new Viotrola, the gift of friends and
parents of the BChool. The Victroia win
be used for physical exercise drills,
marches and the children's folk danc
es. A number of records have been do
nated and the pupils will iu this man
ner have the opportunity of enjoying
selections from some of the best com
posers, which othorwiso would, per
haps, be denied them.
Mrs. Gooree McMath was a visitor
at the legislature yesterday, in behalf
of a number of bills in which - she
deeply interested.
Mrs. Mildrea Mott is in Albany,
nursing two Influenza patients, one
of whom is the daughter of Mrs. Myra
Shank, gulem police matron.
Walter E. Stevens of the 19l,h squad
ron, who has received hi discharge
from the service at Vancouver bar
racks yesterday, 'is tho wock end vis
itor of Mr. and Mrs. Koon at their
home on North Church street. Their
daughter, Miss Lcnore Koon will be
hostess . tonight at a delightful danc
hiff party to which about twenty invi
tation, have been isud to a coterie
of ithe high school sot.
Mrs. William A. Dalzull of Portland
is visitinsr her husband, who is Btato
senler of weights and measures. She
will be joined over the week end by
her luiiL'hter. Misa Hiillic M. Bower.
Mrs. William McGilehrist, Jr., re
turned today from a visit in Port
land. A special request is being extend
ed to the members of tho local Wi
Mothers Unit to attend the meeting
that will be hold in the Commercial
club rooms tomorrow afternoon. Those
mothers who have not hitherto attend
ed the meetings are particularly urged
to ihn present as definite plans for the
entertainment of tho returned eoldiers
will be made and new committees lor
that purpose will be formod. Those un
able to attend are asked to communi
cate with the secretary, Mrs. Etta
Squire Seeley.
end with Miss Vera Southwick of Polk
Mrs. Tony DoSantis spent Saturday
in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Biekman had as
week end guests, Lieutenant and Mrs.
Walter Dickman and 'baby of Portland.
Miss Martha Tuleja of Salem spent
laRt week with her father.
O. Grimm transacted business ia Sa
lem Saiturdny.
Mrs. K. K. Wheeler and Mrs. "W. D.
Horner spent Sunday afternoon with
Mrs. Will MeKinney of Auburn.
Tho neighborhood extends its sym
pathy K relative, of Mrs. Morton Sav
age, who died in Salem recently. The
Savatrcs formerly lived st this place.
1. A. Harris was a Salem visitor
Howard Grimm assistant dairyman
at .the asylum farm, spent Tuesday eve
ning with big parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. Grimm.
E. Hurk of Seattle is visiting his
brother, H. Bnrk.
mm. 'r:1illlllllllltr!!iiiitttttttt
: , , ODD LINES ;
l si
down the bill.
It is probable that the salaries of
the justices of the supreme court of
Oregon may be raised from $4500 a
year to $5200. Sometime ago a bill was
introduced providing that the salaries
should bo $6000 a year as Oregon does
n't pay its supreme judges as high as
other states in the west. The committee
on salaries recommended $5200 a year.
It is understood,. Governor Withycomtie
is in favor of all salary raises, includ
ing that of governor.
Tho innocent looking bill providing
that telephone companies in the state
shall pay five per eent of their gross
earnings into the stnte treasury, was
laid on the table. When a bill is laid
on the table it means that something
is doing and those who are in iavor
of the bill are not quite ready to
spring it.
The State Text Book commission is
another of the various state commis
sions that somebody proposes to abol
ish. Representative Bean has introduc
ed into the house a Jjill providing that
upon the state superintendent of in
struction be conferred all the powers
invested in the State Text Book com
mission and that this commission be
Drug clerks have a friend in the
house end his name is lofgren of
Portland with offices in the Pittock
block. He has introduced a bill pro
viding that for drug clerks, nine hours
a day shall be the legal limit of work
and that 64 hours a week the maxi
mum hourrs. Should the law pass, the
drug clerk will get On a working ba
sis with other clerk.
More bills for the consolidation of
state jobs are coming in for the con
sideration of the house. The last one
to propose some abolishing is entitled
a bill to create a department of state
government to be known as "The de
partment of itaxation and revenue."
Should tht bill ever become a law
(which is doubtful) it would abolish
the state tax commission and the state
tax commissioner. .
There' nothing in a name. For in
stance Henry A. Dedman is really Dt.
Henry A. Dedman, representative from
Clackmaa county. He is alive to the
fact that many people and possibly
some returning soldiers are, in need of
treatment for nervous diseases. He has
introduced into the house a bill to per
mit persons suffering from nervous
diseases threatening mental disorders
the use of the Oregon state hospital
for a period to begin with of 30 days.
Such persons the bill provides, may
make application for admission to the
hospital to receive treatment in any
The labor problem once again loom
cd up in the house yesterday when state hospital
Srhubel of Oregon lily spoke on his
bill providing for the establishment Willows may be interested in a bill
of a state board of conciliation to set- presented yesterday regarding dower
tlo labor disputes. The bill didn't . riehts. The former legislature -passed
seem to suit anyone, although Mr.1 law as to dow rights that lawyers
Sehubcl had the figures to show that believe rather tangle up things and to
a law similar to his bill had been ia correct this, a bill has been introduced
force in several states in the east and by Mr. Martin which practically re
had been effective in settling dis-' peala what the former legislature pass-
putcs. By a close vote, the house voted ed and brings the lower right law as
Corset covers, lace or embroidery trimmed - ""Vq"4
Marcella combinations v - ..-..-98c, $1.48, $i.y
Envelope chemise lace or embroidery trimmed - -
Crepe de Chine envelope chemise - - Hg8
Crepe de Chine camisoles - y8c
Women's Silk Dresses - f J?' 5H5
Women's Wool Dresses...., - $16-48, $19.75, $2475 ,$27.50
Women's Gerogette Waists gg
Women's Lingerie Waists , . 98c, $1.79, A4
Women's Gingham Bungalow Aprons -.-
Women's Percale Bungalow Aprons - ""8oa
Women's Wool Sweaters, slightly soiled g-JJ
Women's Fibre Silk Sweaters, odd lines - g-w
Women's Lamb Skin Gloves, broken lots .. S1-0
36-inch No. 60 Berkely Cambric 23c
36-inch Lonsdale Cambric
Lawns, Organdies, Batistes, Odd lines at 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c, 35c
Full size heavy weight white crochet Bd Spreads :....$2.75
Bed Sheets Pepperell and Pequot Bleached sheets. 2 1-2 yards wide, 2 3-4
and 3 yards lond. Slightly soiled from display $1.50, $1.75
House dresses, light and medium percale , $2.98, $3.98
.t lIMMtlttHttttttt""1"""""""""""""'"""""4'
it was two yearg ago. It cuts out the
provision of the present law providing
that any woman entitled to dower
right may take one third of her right
in fee simple.
Quinine Tht Xtoee Not Affect Head
Because of its tonic and laxative ef
(Tablets) can be taken by anyone
without . causing nervousness or ring- . . . -
Y'-'i-. I the same fine
Ham, Bacon, Lard
every time you buy it. The sane unvarying quality. Try frag
rant, fine-flavored Columbia Brand Ham and Bacon for break
fast and other meals. They satisfy the apeptite every time.
And for crisp, flakey pastry, you'll get satisfying results
with Columbia Brand Pure Lard.
We can supply you with these Oregon Quality Products.
Roth Grocery Company
ea, . Oregon. i