t 5000 CIRCULATION I (25,000 BEADEBS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar- '. anteed by the Audit Burean of Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE J . : DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAIf LEY NEWS 8SHVICE Wealhsr Report 5 Oregon. Tonight and Satur- day rain, moderate northtrly winds. , ' - :.'.:,:r i M i tft ,r" re 'c i--r a u in in R- n i n i hi ijjj iyj imj L1 Hii V FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 20. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWa STANDS FIVR r-RNTH UUUL UUL UL UUL .1 - ..-.'..-... Senator New's Measure Would Make All Men Over eight een Subject To Call For Training During One Year, Preferably In Nineteenth Year. These Men Would Be Members Of Reserve To Be Called In Case Of War. Washington, Jan. 31. Univorsia'l military training is provided for in a bill introduced totday by Senator New, 4-muiwiu. The measure provides: That all men over 18 shall be sub ject io a call for training. That the training period shall not be louger than a year .and that training Hhull be given in one continuous poriod. That following training, men so train ed shall becoino members of the nation al reserve subject to call in case of war. Thtit training shall bo given prefer ably to tho nineteenth year. That exemptions may be granted for depomiency, in case congress does not jrv.vido a- equivalent. That a man exempted one year must continue to register yearly until his twenty-sixth year. Tho president is empowered to di vide the country into truining zones or areas and registration and classifica tion boards avo provided for. The men of tho rcservo arc to be classified by Ages and thoso of the youngest class culled first in case of war. 1 Won't Endure Militarism. In a speech in support of the bill, New declared that American people will "WE NEVER LET CONTRACTS ONLY TO LOWEST BIDDERS" DECLARES MR. THOMPSON Public Meeting For Discussion Of Koads And Paving Held Last Night. "Wo have never let a contract ex cept to the lowest bidder. We have not lot a contract to the Warren Construc tion Co. excepting when they were the lowest Ibidder," declared W. L. Thomp eon, state highway commissioner, at a public meeting held last evening in the li ouse of representatives, called by the .joint ways and means comittee of the liouse and senate to discuss the road 'situation in Oregon. This statement was made by Mr. Thompson in reply to the insinuation that the state highway commissioners were letting contracts favoring the Warren Construction company. He fur ther declared that contractors had made nk money during the past two years on Oregon road contracts and that many had gone broke, duo to the sudden advance in cost of materials. Referring q. the contracts on tho Hnlem-Aurora road, Comissioner Thomp wn said that the specifications for the job were passed on by engineers of 'the bureau of public service roads of the United States and that even if the contractors did make $2000 a mile, it war but a fair profit, considering 'investment and gf;ral depreciations of plants. As for the much talked of Clackamas county roads, the state of Oregon would not accept such roads nor had the commission accepted any such road. Irregularity Somewhere "If Clackamas county did construct ' Toadg at the figure claimed, it etcher bought the asphalt at one third less than the market price, or it failed to put into the pavement the amount of asphalt required by the state's speci fications. Either that, or. the county did not Jay the pavement' the required five inches." ' .. . As to thei ten years maintenance con tract with paving concerns, Mr. Thomp cn declared that the commission would not require a 10 year mainte nance if it found it advisable not to Vut that it did expect to require a five year maintenance bond from responsi ble contractors. "Make regulations for weights that tray bo carried on the highways," urged Mr. Thompson. "This problem of heavy trucks is 'the great problem of maintaining and building toads that will stand. There is no objection to the tax on gasoline but there is nome objection to taxing dbtillatc. The legislature is supported in providing for double automobile tax. Instead of taxjng the farmers' trucks, put ths tax on heavy trucks engaged in passenger and heavy freight business. "The people of the state comment! the legislature in passing the $10 .000, OOO road bond bill. But if you men have the nerve, you should put an s not endure uny permanent military pol icy which smacks of militarism. For tins reason, he said, tho oOO.OOO' stand- I tig army proposed-by Secretary Baker should not be authorized. ' Universal military training, New de clared, frees the country from militar ism. "It provides," he said, "the only guarantee against maintenance of a log I ular army larger than the country need! Or is willing to support. "Let us confront the fuct. Wo do not know what obligations are being pre pared for us in Paris, but we do know that wo have duties toward ourselves and .totwnrd posterity. It may be well to make tho world sr.fo for democracy. Let us first mako it fit for ourselves. "This is a national issue and 1 am firmly convinced that now, not at some nebulous future indeterminate date, is tho time to come to a decision con cerning our milittiTy policy for tho fu ture. Today wo can tako advantage of the experience which has been gained and continue tho application of its les sons. Demobilize completely and it will bo too If te. Wo shall have to start all over again and I, for one, am not will ing to permit the loss of what wo have gained." omcrgency clause on the bill to keep such men as C. E. Spence and others from putting us up against a referen dum. Tho people are with you." Mr. Thompson also complimented the legislators on the fact that there was no lobby of any kind hanging around on road legislation. Mr. Booth Spsfie B. A. Booth spoke briefly on lie work be'ing done by the commission and what it hoped ito accomplish. "I don't like to serve on this commission but I '11 not be run off by grafters and politicians," said Mr. Booth. Juiro Bushey speaking briefly said: "I have no insinuations to cast on any 'ono. Wo know what our roads cost jMy opinion is that we can build roads like the contractors and beat them at the game. I 'm not saying any thing against the state highway com mission and I'm not finding fault. All we want is good roads for the money and we will assist the road commis sion." John R. Penlund, former city engin eer of Albany, quoted prices of pave ments laid in Albany of five inch asphaltic concrete with a three inch asphaltic concrete with .a .three inch base and two inch top. In 1914 the actual cost was 65 cents a square yard, not-including overhead. In 1915 it cost $1.05 a square yard. He said the pave ment was satisfactory and that for an overhead expense, about 10 ients a square yard should be added. Mr. Pen land thought the cost of building a pavement now would t3 about twice that of 1915. W. J. Culver, Marion cnunty road master, said the county had laid pave ment on gravel road bed for 67 a square yard in 1915 and that the road leading Irom eialem to ISilverton laid in 191 S cost 86 cents a square yard with the county paying 7: cents a yard rent for use of the paving plant. C. E. Spence, master. of the state grange, said that he did not speak ut an expert on roads! He did claim that most of the promises niailo when the $8,000,000 road (bonds had been voted, had not been carried out by the com missioners. From the report of Clack amas coonty paving, Mr. Spence quot ed 79 cents a square yard as the ccst of a five inch paving in 1916. In 1917 the cost was 91 cents and in 1918 $1.0114 a square yard to the county, three inch base with a two ii.ch top. Could Lay Road Cheaper Mr. Spence claimed that a contract or could not lay a road as cheaply as a county, as he had organization ex penses, high priced officers, high pric ed attorneys, law suits to defenu, ex pensive offices and a lobby at.the leg islature. "I've always favoTcd taxation for roads," declared Sir. Spenee. "I am far good roads ail the time. It is un fair to say I am opposed to good roads because I opposed the $6,000,000 road (Continv.4d on page eight) LAFOLLETTt'S BILL ABOLISHES OFFICE OF PAROLE OFFICER He Seeks To Put End To Pri son Difficulties By Abol ishing This Position. '. If the bill introduced in tho senate totday by Senator LaFollet is enacted into law, State Parolo Officer Joe Kel ler will wake up one morning about 90 duys after tho legislature adjourns and find himself out of a job. The bill abolishes tho office of state parolo officer and bauds tho duties ov er to tho warden of the penitentiary. A iothcr bill was introduced yesterduy sfternoon by Senator LaFollott amend ing the parolo law relative to reports which are to bo made, by courts to the parole officer. Senator LaFollott read the report of tho Marion county grand jury, which, after tin exhaustive investigation found that Keller was the chief cause of all tho strifo and trouble at tho pen sinco Governor Withycombe put him 011 the state payroll three or four years ago. Ho says tho cause of trouble should be 'removed and his bill is tho means by which he hopes to accomplish that re sult. But the senator must know that ho is going up against the power of tho ex ecutive office and the influence of U crew of state eppointeeg who will rally to save the governor's favorite appoin tee from being severed from the state 's payroll. Tho grand jury found that Keller was wielding a:i influence ovor tho governor which mado him practically dictator, of tho govornor's policy in connection with tho prison. It found that Keller obtnined or stoppod paroles at his pleas ure, and that through his running to the governor with tales of prison af fairs undermined various wardens and eventually got their official scalps. 8cnt.tor LaFollott is going to attempt to end the mess by .decapitating tho chief meager. - .. - - Nat C. Goodwin, Famous Comedian, Passes Away New York, Jen. 31. On the eve of his sixth marriage, Nat C. Goodwin, famous comedian, died in his apart ments at the Hotel Claridge horo ea.rly today. Sobbing beside his bed as lifo passed out "was Miss Georgia Gardner, 23, whom Goodwin, 62, was to have wed next week. She was taken to hot room bordering on a state of collapse, it was suid. Miss Gardner was a member of Good win's company which was producing "Why Marry" now a road show. The last npper.rauce of the couiilo togothcr was last Saturday night. Funeral arrangements have not been completed, but friends said the body would be taken to Boxbury, Msss., for burial. Goodwin's aged parents now livo in Boxbury, where Goodwin was born. His mother is reported to be quite ill. The actor was one of the founders of the Lambs club here and a prominent member. Friends in this club probably will take pErt in a brief funeral ser. vico kl Campbell's morgue horo today. DAYLIGHT SAVING DUE SOON. . Washington, Jan. 31. Its eight weeks from Sunday until we move up the old time piece and start daylight saving again. The law provides this skip of time shall take place at 2 a. m. on the last Sunday in March. Another group of legislative leaders caught in characteristic attitudes. OLD AGE PR1SI0N TO BE ELUDED tie. 8. POLICIES War Time Insurance May Be Concerted Into Any Of Six Different Policies. PLAN ALSO TO INCLUDE DIVIDED FEATURES Death Awards Since Govern ment Entered This Field Ag- gresste $294,720,500. Washington, Jan. 31. Provisions ap proximating old age pensions are to be included in the new government insur ance policies, it was officially stated today. Tho policies into which the pres ent war timo insurance may be convert ed number six lotdinary lifo, 20 pay mont life, 30 payment life, 20 year en dowment, 30 ycar endowment and en dowment, "ago 62." In each of the six policies are in cluded clauses which provide for the continuous payment of allowances in event of total disability of the insured during the life of the policy. The poli cy holder will draw the rogular allow ance although payment of premium may havo stopped, it is explained. Tho now fedoral policies also ere planned to include participating divi dent features, officials said, liescrves of the government bureau if a pro posed amendment to the insurance ct pusses congress will bo invested in government securities, insuring a funod upon which to draw SB "profit." It was indicated the reserves will bo In vested in I:onls of the Yarm loan banks, which at present sre "pioldiug about Va per cent. Announcer Awards Today. , Death awards siuco tho government entered the insuiance field wore an uouncf.d todnj ut 34,909 aggregating $294,720,500. During the month of Jr.n uary, including cstimatoi on the claims to bo recoived totday, the death awardt totalled 10,999, amounting to $102,231, 000, Colonel Henry D. Lindsley, chief of tho bureau, reported. In allotments nnd G-llowancos and ac crued death claims disbursements of the bureau amount t0 $363,130,607 since it began operations. Practically til of tho certificates for war time insuranco have been mailed out, Lindsloy said. Of the 4,480,000 pol icies outstanding, 4,220,000 havo becu sent to the beneficiaries of the sol diers, sailors and marines who carry tl TWO POPULAR SPEECHES , - ; Two sot speeches are most popular in the house of ropresen j tativos. The firBt, regardless of j ijc on what side a question a repre- aentative maybe speaking is, "I yield first place to no man in the matter of patriotism etc" This is especially handy if the speaker is orating on a red flag or criminal Byndacalism propo- 4c gition. But the expression that ( is used several times a day end every day is, "Mr. Speaker, what bill are we voting onf" , , UNDER THE BIG CAPITAL V .-"AMD &&&&J 1 BiLL WOULD KEEP RURAL DOGS AT HOME NIGHTS House Grinding Away Ga All Sort Of Bills, i avci s Ex tra Pay For Sai&srs. Theie was no oratory nor even a disposition to urate in the house this morning, it waj just plain business from the btprt and tho reading clork kept matter; humming until the noon hour. Speaker Seymour Jones announced tht;t the last day for tho indiscriminate introducing of bills would be next Mon day. After that day, a bill must be passed on and recommendod beforo a special .committee beforo it may bo in troduced in tho house. The morning session started in with tho reading of a resolution by the Farm c"s' Union of Oregon, asking thnt some thing be done to recover tho school land of tho slato that had been secured by rrauct several years ago. V memorial to congress passed the house in which tho Oregon legislators went on record ns favoring the payment to every discharged soldier of a six months' salary and a civilian suit of clothes 0r the pieo of a suit. Another resolution favored by the house was one asking congress for relief on railroad lates on materials used in tho construction oi roads in tho state. When tho administration assumed chrrge of tho railroads tho rates took a sudden jump. The legislators of the house want tho rate for road building materials restored to the figures in the tariff in effect before the administra tion took over the railrosds. Representative Dennis of Yamhill county introduced a bill on tho dog question. It provides that dogs ovor six months old shall be kept at home from 8 o'clock in the evening until 6 o'clock in the morning unless undor immediate control. Also that when a do hangs c round a, farmer's houso ten d-is, said farmer is legally to be rt gatded as the owner. The bill is to protect sheep and othor stock and pro vides tho manner of proceeding in caso of dcniiigo. If the bill becomes a luw, do;,'s will have to stay homo at night or run a chance of .getting their own ers in trouble This is ..especially true of the rural dog. , . , t Eopresontntive Burdick who has boon confined to his room by the flu for tho past week, had bill introduced which provides that country school districts with less than eight montliB of school for tho present school .year shall not be debarred from receiving its regular al lowance of school funds. The present law provides thct if a school district hus less than eight months of school in n year it shall not benefit by tho ochool fund. The law was proposed to relieve those districts that closed for seven,! months on account of the influenza. School teachers in Portland receiving less thun $2000 a year way receive a raiso in si'laries if tho bill proposed by Mr. Richardson becomes a law. It passed the house this morning with 34 votes. To officially pass, a measure must receive 31 votes. Mr. Richardson won famo iv few years ago in repre senting his wifo in her suit agaiiiBt t school board of Portland when they dis charged her on account of getting mar ried. Sho won. Mr. Richardson is a lawyer. insurance. Insurance writton by tho government has reached the astounding total of $39 232,2157,500 about $12,000,000,000 more than the combined Insurance outstnndt ing of pll commercial life insurance companies in the United States. The avovngo of Insurance carried by men In the service is $8,750. Tho bureau .however, is still writing insuranco. Applications are coming in by the hundreds daily. DOME Now That "Satisfactory Provisional Agreements" Has Been Reached Regarding Disposition Of German Col onies, World Congress Now Takes Up Other Ques ; tions. Other Statesmen Bow To Wilson's Ideas. - By Fred S. Ferguson. Taris, Jan. 31. The next great issu to bo settled is self -determination, it de veloped today. Preliminary stops to ward consummation of this vital prin ciple was expected to be aken when the "peace bureau resumed jts sessions this afternoon. Tho agreement reached yestorday re gurding disposition of Gorman colonies docs not apply to European territories contrary to general belief according to authoritativo information. Tho rea son is that these peoples are too far advanced in cvory way to permit out siders to administer thoir affairs. The Dalmntion question, it was point ed out, is Blill unsettled, although by accepting the principle involved in yes terday's colonial agreement, Italy cbnn doncd tho argument of "security" which was Australia's chief contention. Similar cases include tho Czechoslo vaks ' cliiiem to German territory with in and bordering Bohomia, nnd Franco's dosire for "more securo frontiers" along the west bank of tho Rhino. While it was frankly admitted in certain quarters today that the self determination issue perhaps will preci pitate moro bitter disagreements even than thoso which wore settled yester day , groat stop was token toward fixing tho principles of solf-detornuuB-tion when the inviolability of the ar mistice terms was practically conceded. ... . V..S. Influence Weighty. Official announcement that "satis factory provisional 'agronmcnts,'' . had been reached regarding tho disposition of German colonies and occupied terri tories in Turkey and Asia mean8 that the opposed powers havo r.ccepted Pres ident Wilson's program for placing all disputed areas undor administration of tho lenguo of nations with interested powers f eting an trustees. It was Am PACT WITH ITALIANS IS CAUSING BIG PROBLEMS Controversy Between Jugo slavs And Italy Brought On By Secret Treaty. By Amos Plnchot (Written for the United Pross.) Washington, Jan. 31. Tho controver sy betwoen Italy and tho Jugoslavs growing- out of the secret treaties of tho allies, in which tho United Stutes had no part, is oho of the most serious menaces to harmonious agreement on a peace settlement. There seems to be no way for Presi dent Wilson to clear tho peace table of this embarrassing complication without first forcing destruction of tho sceret treaties. This can be done only if tho peoples of the United States and the allied countries understand his position and are willing to back lin in this dif ficult but seemingly necessary under taking. The trouble between the Italians and their new eastern neighbors arises from the London Pact of 1915. Articlo IV gives her Dalmatia and adjacent islands. The Jugoslavs contend that Italy has neither political nor ethnolog ical claims to these territories, and a crisis of extrome delicacy had been precipitated that already has warrant ed some measures of intervention by the othor allies. According to the cen sus of 1910, the population of Dalmatia was 645.666. Of these, it is estimated that 60,000 are Italians. Tho Hlav in habitants number approximately 480, 000 and only about- 30,000 of those speak Itnlinn. Principal Beacon. The principal reason why Italy wants Dalmatia is found in the formation of the littoral. On tho Italian side, the Adriatic is shallow and sandy; it is a nice place for children to bathe, but is no place for shipping. The Dalma tian coast, on the other hand, is brok en by bays and gulfs, and fringed with islands; ?nd almost every mile has a commodius harbor for merchant ves sels or a woll-sheltered base for war ships. France and Great Britain are ob ligated to Jback Italy's Dalmatian claims, in spite of the new Jugo-Hlav nation, which presumably until recent ly, has also been kept in ignorance of the secret treaties- They pledged themselves to do so in the treaty of 1915, and if they don't Italy can seek revenge by oppesing French and Brit erican pressure that swung , the allies iiuio vii iuu ivusHiua proposal auu American influence . that resulted m unanimous adoption of the league of nations principle after some of tho Eu ropean nations hud fought for reten tion of tho old "balance of power." The victory was not without its scars however, if the attitude of the Aus tralian delegatos, following the unf vornblo decision regarding their colon ial claims is a criterion. It was no secret today that tho Australians,, while admitting thnt Wilson was working on ly for the realization of a vitul pnnuir ' pie, felt that the United States hud failed to distinguish between measures that wore essential to Australia's liar tional safety and pftty territorial am bitions. The president, during th course of a long conversation with Pre mier Hughes yestorday, reiterated that America appreciated Austrulia's ceo nomic and political Claims regarding tho former German colonies, el't, tho pres ident failed to concede an inch of ground on tho nuiin issue. Referring to his conversation, .. one Australian delegato said: "I am con vinced that if ours was tho only' caso, President Wilson would have been with." ns." Tho fur-reaching effoct of the deci sion regarding Australia's specific claims may be judged by a statement Foreign Minister Bonnino of Italy mado to Hughes, following the hitter's pre seuti'tioii of Australia's case. "You havo stated our caso regarding paimutiu exctly," sid Sonniiio. ? ,-. MAKE NO RETALIATION. Washington, Jan. 31. No retaliatory jnoosurcs against Great Britain will bo taken by tho war trado board bo cause of recent import restrictions against American goods, it was an nounced today. ish claims in other districts. For in s'nnce, another secret memorandum provides for tho partitioning of Arabia between Franco and Great Britain. If, at Versailles, Franco and Great Brit ain should bulk at tho treaty of 1915, Italy's representatives mny well be ex pee'ed to protest against the fulfill ment of tho arrangement regarding Ariibin, and other secret understandings which ore equally important to them. One of the claims which Great Brit ain is expected to make under the shadow of the secret agreements is the exclusion of Germany from trade with China. Another will be an ex tended sphere of influence in Mesopo tamia, including the world's richest oil regions. France and Italy are expected to demand an equal participation with Great Britain, in the division of Euro-,, pean Turkey. All of these agreements aro mutual. They stand or fall on the common determination of tho powers that made them to abide by them.' ft ' : ABE MARTIN Th' ways an' means committee o th' White" Woodwork club '11 meet at th' home ' Mrs. Tipton Bud, t'day." ".Ole friends, ole wine, olo books,' an' ole prices.