PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1919 BEBSB8 EBSB8 MMMtMWtMHtMMtMIMHMMMHM'tMMMHMMMMMMtnMM f i k,i i 'Hi? rt i THXTATIVB plans for tb aoms eoaing of the returning soldiers were, made at the meeting of the to! War Mother unit at the Com SMerieal dob rooms yesterday. The -cveat will probably be ecbe.ii-.lH fur lie latter part of March or fin. if April, dependent upon the retura of esmpany M in which so man; Marion suit boy are enlisted. Ae yet, the a!y definite plan made i as all day reeeptioa is which speeches by state, county and eity official will be fes tered. Mayor Albin, T. B. Kay and Wank trhapman of Hhe Commercial clab addressed the women yesterday, fit ia hoped that the Polk eouaty wo snea will cooperate with those of this ewantjr, as a number of Polk eounty wya are aerabers of company M. The otsmiUe for the ereat will be form ed of members appointed by the rsri e secret and social orders all over the state. The greatest need of the writ at present is financial one firet of all, t make the reception a success and edUntaiely to erect a memorial to the Oregoa boy who bare taken part ia the world struggle. For this purpose it ia sujrjjostod that various entertain aneata be given and that social teas and community partite ia tho form of feertflfita be held. It is suggested that lodge women hold cooked food talcs mad bazaar. Another meeting will be lield aest Haturday and those mothers wo have not hitherto atendod are aaast nrgnt)y requested to be present si eoatrilwte their eenriees. New com -saittees) will be formed and additional plana amde for the event. a Mr. C. hmoj Brown and twe lit tle daughters returned to Portland this orising after a week 's visit with Mra I Brews a mother, Mrs. Ida h. Nile, at 1 in, ., .... . . 1 er ooinii, 3 .norm winter street. Don't Let Catarrh Drag You into Consumption Avoid Its Dangerous Stage There is a mors serious stage of Catarrh thtii the annoyance caused fcy she stopped up air passages, and the hawking and spitting and other distasteful features. The. seal danger comes from tho tendency of the disease to continue its course downward until the lungs be eoino affected, and then dreaded con sumption is on your pnth. Your own rxperionce has taught you that the Aianuie cannot be cured by sprays, in- I We're StiU Selling I OVERCOATS and i nuns These Overcoat wers priced 15 to t'M Muckmaws f8 to $14 and they are splendid custts at thte prieea kmh1 smterial and first elnm tail oring. Wo are dosing out beta lines and when these eoate are gone yon 11 never have the opportunity of buying another from us. lXm't hesitate, there is bet ter ehoiee now than week hence. FLUSH COATINGS $195 Excellent quality Wool Hush Coatings in Brown, Green, Blue and Black. Priced at 4; vow being closed out at ysud 12.95 OFF -.SM ; w vv4M4T44mTHTtTttTTrMttMHM By CAROL S. DIBBLE Miss Leooa Graber arrived from. Alaska Saturday evening to enjoy eia,'ese re made possible. visit with Salem friends nd rela- ... ... , , .. . . , . A. Miss Esther SptUoart, a popular stu- Du" I"" and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Gro - oer, ever the week esu, going on te' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Spitz Ashland Monday for a short stay with i bart, at their home, 963 D street. Miss her sister. Miss- Graber has held as jSpitfcbart brought with her, as her office position with a telephone com- j gift, Miss Estelle Chadboume, a so ps nr in Alaka the past three years rority suiter of the Pi Beta I' hi soror- and plans ts eo north again in thejJy n1 Agosti, a member of the early summer. She will also return toiSigma Chi fraternity of O. A. C. They haters for a later. longer sojourn a little Mrs. Prank Myers tad Mrs. C. B. Webb entertained at a very prettily appointed dinner party at the Myers home on Mouth Commercial street, Alon day evening1. A dainty springtime note was- earned out in the table decora tions of yellow daffodils and jonquils. Covers were placed for the following, Dr. and Mrs. Grover Bellinger, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Mills, Mrs. Walter Spauldiifg, Mr. and" Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Myers and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb. s Frank Branch Riley of Portland, will lecture tonight, under tho auspices of the Bacifie Northwest Tourist asso' elation, in the house of representative Colored photographs of . the scenic points of interest of the Pacific nortn west will go with the lecture. The ad dress begins promptly at 7:30 and will be over by 8 o clock. Next Tuesday, "February 4th, Biol ogiat Finley well- known because of his lectures on bird life in Oregon, will leeture at 8 o clock in the bouse of representatives. Pictures will be an added feature of Mr. finley s speeen. An invitation is extended to the Sa tan, niihliA and ant rtf town visitors r ... . nd to the legislators tarougn wnom 'mlers, atomizers, jellies and other lo al applications. H. 8. ei. hag proven a most satisfac tory remedy for Catarrh because it iocs direct to its sourae, and removes :he germs rrf the disease from the blood. Gat a, bottle front your drug gist today, and begin tha only logic al treatment that gives real results. Vou can obtain special medical ad vice without charge by writing to Medical director, 27 8wift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. t of Men's amled Collar hirts with iff caffs, ood striped nttrrns. ach 60c J rS Jill IS -- -4 I- w f Wu, J' PSZTSI I these interesting and educational ad- I dent of the Oregon Agricultural col- ilege, was the week end guest of her were joined over the week end bv Handler Kellogg of Pasadena. Califor nia, and Howard George of Lewiston, Idaho, both former O. A. C. students and members of the Sigma Alpha Epsi Ion fraternity. s Miss Elsie Miller, who is connected with Mrs. O. C Locke's millinery shop is enjoying a ten day business and pleasure trip in Ban iraneisco. Mrs. Frances Whitehead of Baker, woo holds the position of bill clerk in the senate, was a dinner guest 8un- -uay, of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Both Mr. and Mrs. "W. P'Briggs of Weis er, Idaho, returned to Portland yes terday afternoon after . visiting their daughter, Beth Bnggs, a senior at vvu- lametta university. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb were de lightful dinner hosts recently to a number of friends at their residence, 378 file lie vue. A choice array of spring blooms formed the table decorations. Circling the table were Mr. and Mrs. U (jeer, Mr. and Mrs. William Me Gilchrist, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mar vin, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Burton, Hugh Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb. Mrs. Clara Monson of Warren, who enjoys the distinction of being the uist woman mayor west at tae Kock ies, was a visitor at the legislature yesterday. m m m The Women's auxiliary of St. Pauls enures will meet Fndav afternoon at the horns of Mrs, Joseph Baumg&rtner on Center street, instead of Thurs day as mis-stated in these columns last night. www Word lias been received bv Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. Roy Byrd and Mrs. Richard Ross that their husbands as members of the 91st division over seas, will sail for the states either January 30 or 31, that is tomorrow or "Friday. Captafn Smith. Captain Byrd and Lieutenant Ross have been serving in (France as field hospital doctors. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Druggists nifuiid money tt PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Stops Irritation; Soothes and Heals. Vou can get restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. Influenza Ban Still Ia Effect In Monmouth (Capital Journal Special Serviee) Monmouth, Or., Jan. 29. The ban is still on in Monmouth though there have been no new cuacs for the last ton devs, and nil except one or two cases which developed from tho high school expos- uro heve been very light. However, the Health authorities are taking extra ore cautions nd have decided to keep the iitt on for another week, or until suffi cient time ha, elapsed since the return of the normal students to be certain nu more eases will develop from that source. Just why the Normal school is allowed to operate where bodies of stu dents End faculty eongregnte at ehanI, classes, literary society, at meals in the dormitory, ete., is a question being dis cussed by narrats and citizens, many of whom prefer that school should open. even though it be necessary to keep' me siuitent-toaencrs away from, the, children in the training school. The'rsers to the state departnwsit - and three students who were quarantined cheeked by inspectors. Names of the n ine xrmor rimaee are convalescent now. Dean Todd who had been en rim,: fur tlieiii was relieved bv g, trailed nurse Thursday evening and immediate- Iv took in ll Aw flllftrta O ru i vt ati t n A ..w mitory. I SH ssv iuc uui A Nation's Safety depends upon more than wealth or the power of its mighty guns. It rests in its. robust children and in its strong, vigorous manhood. SC0TTS EMULSION an ideal constructive tonic-food, brings to the system elements easily assimilated and imparts strength and pro motes normal growth. Scoff's Emahion build mp lAs wtak wis? fortifiet the sfrowf. Scott k Bown. Btoonfirld, M.J. Orders from Washington have reach- ed coast steel shipbuilders to suspend u" wvrt-i gulps tna csnnor oe turned out during the first htlf of 1919 WBTk on all steel ships that cannot be .15,-1 .!:' .JStf: stiwr a asmpausM mar is cfacys -now pc woman t dsocyt presentable- possible lor tetry woman tirouen use ot MARINELLO Phantom Powder Immediately gives akin appear DC of beauty then rtoily bsautrncsit Unrivakd beauty braider for face, neck mi bands. DMSo'trnb or wacb atf. Sotaidid tor evening mac ,sa lax auras ww prove Ma MR& JSESH SCOTT 123 N. High Bt. Colds Caass Headaches and Pains Feverish Headaches and Body Pains eaused from a eoid soon relieved by taking LAXATIVE BROMO QUI NINE Tablets. There's only one "B- mo quinine." E. W. GROVE TS sig nature on the box, 30e. COimicNWAYS (Continued from page one) wise senator remarked that there was no -use in cutting anything out of the educational stuff as the senate and house would rise in its oratory and give Mr. Churchill anything he want ed. When it come to saving money, the ways and means committee decided it was safer not to do their pruning along the tinea of education and the little red school House. Hence Mr. Churchill bad pleasant sledding before the committee. mm tmmm 4 '.k. '-lood '' ;lect 'ttec- - -:jw-:' iver ., .'0 PlUtBARESQiEDULED (Continued from page one) Bother Declines 23 Cents Butter in New York, Foy declared, has declined 23 cents during the last seven days, as a result of butter im portations. Speculators, he stated, nave lost about $1,000,000 on the decline. Wisconsin .cheese, Foy said, dropped nine cents yesterday with an imme diate affect here. Milk products will slump at once everywhere, he predict ed. Butter hers slid into another decline today when extra creamery drothed 3V to 4 eonta It la now selling at 4t to 47 cents, and in the words of Foy, "weak at that." Constant pilinz of products with vpeeded production, due to increased numbers of workers, will cause a con dition, he thought, that may result in a catastrophe for speculators unless they begin geting ready-for it by mas ing sales. Prices referred to by Foy are wholesale. Vf. T. Warehouses mil Albany, N. Y Jan. 29. Sixty six public warehouses in New- York state are overflowing with accumulated food stuffs today, while retail fod prices cling generally to war time levels. If those stored supplies were placed on the market the eost of living would toboggan Comparison of the quantity of looo in storage January 1, isms, .ana J an uarv 1, 1919, shows a tremendous in' hm ro. lowing are the figures, in pounds, as given in reports by warehouse man' owners or me goeus are mi nio u Cnmmoditv Jan. 1, MS Jan. 1 19 Proaen beef 6,604,782 rrrd 10.46 Frozm cork 850,lt3 9.01,042 2,292,2,11 2,292 211 936.273 1,492479 2,445,542 . Dry salt pork - 289.248 Pic kid sweet pork 3SW,ws Urd and sub, .... H'! Frozen lamb and mutton ... 1.152,089 .Broilws, chicns 1,7,357 Roasters, chickems 3,309,39.1 2.901,103 2,373,608 9.516.604 3,778,594 Fowl s i,no3,sw Tnrkevs 698,825 4.419.5"9 760,16t 1,348,89 Milcel. meats Fish 4,fifll,612 f-1' consent of tbe senate. If passed, the Mi-f-e9aiwus 53.214 l,3,8.i.7 law wouW , beeom, effective until Turkey prices last Thanksgiving pnrott ;8 .letted, and Christmas were record breakers. The department of industries will New York is one of the food eenterjnsTe titr it, hftA a commiasioncr of of the lTnited States, so conditions in jaoti,,, tor At Apartment of in- these warehouses may be regarded as typical of conditions in other storage centers. Rsah prices, it was noted, went np rapidly during the last year, while the quantitv of fish in storage doub led. Pressure may be brought to bear, thro publie opinion or legislation, to place- these stored eommoditk-s on sale- and thus break the eost of liv ing. Fifteen handred sailors tt Ware Island nsvy yard hays been ordered east to heln man German shins that will t Ksn t will be utilized in bringing heme Amer- raops. SHIPLEY'S 1JI1Y mt "SPECIALS" n WOMEN'S LLNGERIE UKDEGARMENTS Corset covers7lace or embroidery trimmed .......48c Marcella combinations - - .......98c, $1.48, $1.98 Enrelope chemise lace or embroidery trimmed Crepe de Chine envelope chemise Crepe de Chine" camisoles Women's Silk Dresses . , Women's Wool Dresses Women's Gerogette Waists Women's Lingerie Waists Women's Gingham Bungalow Aprons Women's Percale Bungalow Aprons Women's Wool Sweaters, slightly soiled .. Women's Fibre Silk Sweaters, odd lines Women's Lamb Skin Gloves, broken lots 36-inch No. 60 Berkely Cambric 36-inch Lonsdale Cambric Lawns, Organdies, Batistes, Odd lines at .. .... BEDSPREADS Full size heavy weight white crochet Bid Spreads Bed SheetsPepperell and Pequot Bleached sheets. and 3 yards lond. Slightly soiled from display WOMEN'S DLX MADE DRESSES House dresses, light and medium percale .. .. U. a SHIPLEY COMPANY QUALITY MERCHANDISE POPULAR PRICES ii, RUB BACKACHE V Instant Relief. Limber Up! Rub Pain, Soreness. Stiff ness Right Oat MMSL Jacobs Iinbect.'' When your back is sore and lame you stiffened up, don't sufferl tret a,:that ne 0r,8" Normal has lowered its small trial bottle of old, honest " St. ' stanJai d is absolutely false, as regards Jacobs Liniment" ait any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or aehe, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lameness is gone. Don't stay crippled! This soothing, pemetraedujr liniment takes the aeke and- paia right out and ends the mis ery. It is magical, yet absolutely harm- lees and doeen t burn or discolor the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lama back misery so promptly and surely. It never disappoints! C0NS0UMMBI1L (Continued from page one) of inspectors- of child labor and the seeretarv of this board, industrial wel fare commission and its chairman and the state industrial accident commis sion snd' its chairman. As in the other consolidation bills, that for the department of labor will not go into effect until in January of tbe year a governor is sworn into of fice. Also, for this department, the governor appoints all officials with the consent of the senate. Govern or Appoints The third proposed consolidation of state house- jobs is to be known as the department of industries and here ft0fiin tk ,ntmn, amiinf. witli tho s it ut ions and with him there shall be appointed a public welfare board of advisers consisting of three persons one of which must be a woman. This advisory and non-official board is to serve without salary but is to hare traveling expense paid. By the creation of a department of j industries, should the bill ever become i a law, the following ofieej will be abolished: Oregoa state board of eon- j trol and secretary of the board, board ; of public buildings commission, eusto- j 'dian of capital and supreme court' buildiaigs now in the aands of srerMarv of urate. tt r.ntin rmr,i along with the state printer and sec- reUry f board, fwretmry 0f grate ( ODD LINES MARKED AT EXTRAORDINARY SAYINGS printing 'board, and parole board and parole officer. The term of all officials under this department is four years. The commis sioner of each department may with the consent of the governor establish, a branch office. The penitentiary would be token from the control of the governor as well as that of ap- ! pointing the warden, (Aould the bill become a law. Oregon Normal Standard Remains Same As Always (Capital Journal Special Service) f,ln,tll nr tq 99Th re,rt tt,e ;egUlar course requited for graduu. turn. The norniul did offer e war emer gency course of 20 weeks which stu dents who were not graduates of stand ard hifjh schools could enter, the com pletion of this course allowing them to teach in the grade school; of Orcgou for ! period of one year. This course was rffered for a short time only to relieve the shortage of teachers. Nc new students are permitted to enroll for tins courso and it will not be offer ed cgain after next term. The Oregon normal ranks among the best in the IT. S., the requirements being the si me as NOW AT QregoJ "Good Bye, Bill THE CAST. ELSIE DRESSER SHIRLEY MASON Teddy Swift ERNEST TRUEX Kaiser William, the Nut Joseph Allen Willie, his Funny son Carl De Planta Herr Dresser ... Joseph Burke Herr Tonik '....... H. E Koser Count Von Born Effry-Minutt. Herbert Frank I i 98c . $1.98 98c ....$12.48, $16.48, $19.75, $24.75 ....$16.48, $19.75, $24.75, $27.50 . $3.98, $4.98 .. 98c, $1.79, $2.48 $1.98 ...$1.48 $2.98 $4.98 $1.48 23c 23c 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c, 35c $2.75 2 1-2 yards wide, 2 3-4 $1.50, $1.75 ....$2.98, $3.98 th'.'sn of all standard normals, grauda tioa from a standard four-year high school and two years' residence work as the Normal. Country and eity superin tendents throughout the state are com mending the work of teachers who have graduated from this institution, as they invnfis-bly ffive satisfaction. The registrar reports that from pres ent indications the attendance for the second semester will be much increased. BISHOP WILLIAM DIE3 Oinaua Neb., Jan. 29. Right Bev. Arthur L. Williams, 63, Protestant Episcopal bishop of the diocese of Ne braska since 1908, died here this morn ing of heart disease. Before coming to Omaha he was stationed e-t Denver, Chicago and other cities. srVOID COUGHS and CQUGHERif! Couqritno Soreiuis Dise&se I Shiloh 30 DRORf-JTOTX COUGH JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY mctl; iH'l'l it tt