PAGE EIGHT (TbcSailnlnllfoMnml. SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1919. If Ttl MSI 1 receives A nice new line of those neat ..... HOUSE DRESSES Made of the best quality of Gingham and Percales in a variety of colors, patterns and styles that will please the most exacting. You will also find that wc have a large stock of bungalow aprons to select from so that all will be able to get the kind hat suits their fancy. House Dresses........$1.98, $2.98, $3.50, $3.98 and $4.98 Bungalow Aprons $1.49, $1.59, $1.69, $1.79, $1.98 WE CLOTHE AND SHOE THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR LESS MONEY. fj Incorporated PERSONAL Rev. G. F. Holt of the Baptist church, apont Sunday in Eugene. Bert Panning of New York, who is interested in a large prune ranch in this section, is spending a few days in ithe city. The following Portland citizens are among recent arrivals at the Hurion kotol: W. 8, Barnett, E. J. Butler and wife, M. A. Borland, S. P. Olson and wife. l'hiil 8. Bates, iof Portland, spent Sunday in the city and is attending the legislature .today. Attorney Jag. X. Chinook come up from Grants Pass Sunday on a ousi esa trip. JS. B. Crane of Black Bulls. Ore., Is among dm truest s at (lift Marion hotel F. Ii. Millor came in from Silverton yesterday for a brief visit in Snlcm. Among tho guests at the Bligh hotol today are the following Portland citi zens: Attorney h. D. Colo, A. A. Bailey and J. O. Bailey. O. B. McConnolI, tho well known leastem Oregon promoter, has rocotittly arrived from Burns and is spending the, week in Saloin In the interests of a big irrigation project in that Joe-tton. L E Th Journal 3oh Department will print you anything In tha stationery line do it right and save you real money. JUST OPENED First class shoe repairing shop. All work will be first class and guaranteed. Clip this ad. It is worth money. My price for Men's Half Soles is $1.50. I will redeem this ad for 10 cents on all jobs of $1.00 or over. Good until February 1st. N. BRUECK 163 S. Commercial St. A R Trn lull lieu m Hop wire and all kinds of hides. Before you sell See Us. Phone 398. 271 Chemeketa j ICeC CAPITAL JUNX CO. How to hundlo the school budget and whether a law favorod by tho Portland delegation should bo forced on the Btato was brought up this morning in a bill that had beon introduced by Mr. Scheu- bel of Oregon City and one that had roeoived en adverse report by tho com rnittoe to which it had boon referred. It will be remembered that two years ago the Portland delegation forced thru the legislature a bill calling fur a gen oral election every year to approve or rejout the budget of the school boixd for the coming year. To bring things back to tho old cus tom whore there was an annual muss mooting called to discuss the budget, Mr. ticheubel was willing that i'oi't- ducod a bill practically repealing tho election budget law of two yours ago. Mr. Bohoubol was willing the Port land should have all the ejections on its budget that was desired, but he felt that tho other cities of tho state would prefer tho old system. In support of Ais opinion, he suid there were a lot of people in .every city who would veto ugaiust appropriating money for any thing, even schools. That anything iiu the way of taxes would draw a tivo answer. Mr. Hchoubel thought the peopll should have confidence in their school bourd and that the city should not bo put to an expense every year of an olection. There was also yio troublo of get ting the voters out and ho cited the ex periences of Oregon City whore a big effort had to be made to secure 50 votes at the eloction. Mr. Schoubm thought a few diNgruutlod people who always kick on taxes even for schools could easily defeat a school budget. The house was inclinod to sympathize with Mr. Hcheubel and tho recommenda tion of the committee to which the bill was referred that it be rojoctod was defeated. As the matter now stands, whon the bill comes up for final passage, the houso will favor the old stylo of an nual mass meetings for the acceptance or rejection of tho school budget for the coming year. Tho present law says the budget must bo prepared in Octo ber and later submitted to a vote of the people. Tho peoplo of Ralem aro especially interested in this bill as it was neces sary to hold two elections last fall to secure the approval of thob udgct. mtitiiMM ' I All Around Town Salem bread la freshest and best tf Wanted A' girl at tho spa. 1-28 o Ever sine th beginning of the world there has been but one "best" way to bury the dead, that way is in tomb. Mount Car eat Aibbey provides that "best" wy, the eost is no more. See Caretaker at Mausoleum, or your un dertaker. . 2-1 Aimoun cement fa made that the quarantine at the state hospital will be lifted Wednesday morning, and af ter that date relatives and guardians will be permitted to visit patients. The general publio will not be admitted until a later date. Wtktns Remedies liniment, Men thol, Camphor, Mustard Ointment, Spic es, Extracts and Toilet Articles. Qual ity garantoed. For sale by M. W. Baw ley, 331 N. Liberty Bt,, Salem. 2-14 Schools open Monday, get your tab lots and pencils-for less at Ward's Drug Store. 1-23 1 o The Salem-Kings Product Co., bas been closed down temporarily on ac count of the shortage of products. Car rots form one of the principal mater ials for the plant at the present time. and it is found that it is almost im possible for the growers to get upon the fields to dig them on account of the flooded condition. The plant is still occupied with a big government con tract and as soon as vegetables can be delivered in quantity they will start up again with a full force. o "The best" Is all you can do when death comes. Call Webb & Cloueh Co. Phono 120. tf We luy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic I bldg. tf Haying lately returned to Salem I am ready to receive piano pupils at my home, H72 Mill, or will go to homes of pupils. Special attention eiven to tochnic and expression, Mrs. Lena Wa tors. Phono 1184M. tf F. J. Leonard of Portland recently arrived in the city to look over the grounds of tho now packing house to be fouiilt in this city,, preparatory to drawing up plang and specifications. Mr. Leonard is one of tho most noted architects of the country, having de signed a number of tho great plants for tho Swifts, Armour & Co., end oth ers. The Salem plant will bo tho last work In the matter of construction and facilities. We buy liberty bonds. ldg. 314 Masonic tf We hare moved our offices to rooms 201-203 Gray blwk, over Hartman Bros, jewelry store, 125 N. Liberty St. W. E. UJNKUii, B. W. MACY. tf The river la rapidly resuming nor mal conditions even for January. Sun day morning it hud fallen to 16 feet above and this morning to below 12 feet. Since the rains stopped, tho wa- nega-,or 'lft8 heen roccding at the rate of about 3 feet every 24 hours. During tho rainy spell of December, 1917, the water reached a high stage of 24 feet. This time 21 feot was the high water mark. N For Bale Six acres fine land for loganberries or fruits, 15 minutes walk from end of street car line. F. N. Der by owner, 314 Masonic bldg. tf Highways Rapid Transit Auto service to Portland and way points daily, leav ing Salem at 7 a. m. Phone crdrs eve ning boforo, 265 Ferry. Phone 663. tf Virgil O. Golden, generally knows to his friends here in town as Tommy Golden, reached New Jersey Saturday according to a telegram received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Gold en oi jyo oaginaw. lie nas Deen in a French hospital for the past four months having been injured in some of tne fierce fighting in the Argonne forests. He wag originally a member of Salem company M, that was sent to France, but was later transferred to the 32d division of Wisconsin and Michigan troops. It will be rememDorJ ed that this division was in the tough est fighting not only in the Areonne forests but at Chateau Thierry and at t. Aunioi. it was the 32d divisiea that suffered so heavily along with the 35th from Kansas. Shortly before leaving, Mr. Golden was a student at the high school. o I have moved from 544 State street to 215-216 Masonic building. C. W. Nie meyer, real estate agent. 1-28 o I bare moved from 644 State street to 215-216 Masonic building. C. W, Nie meyer, real estate agent. 1-28 o I bare moved from 644 State street to 215-216 Masonic building. C. Who mever, real estate agent. 1-28 o According to the climatologlcal map just issued by the Portland weather bureau for the month of December, 1918, Salem was not such a wet spot in the state as several, especially in coast sections which experienced real rainy weather. While the rainfall in December at Salem amounted to 3.76 inches, Astoria, for the same month got 11.22 inches and Deadwood, along the coast 10.05 inches. Tillamook had 10.59 inches for December and Marsh- field 7.49. Mt. Angol experienced heav ier rains than Salem as its precipita tion for the month was 4.95 inches, but Newport lined up with the wet coast regions with 9.11 inches. For the eastern part of the state, the month of December means a dry and almost rainless month. At.B.akor the rainfall was .30 of an inch, at La Grande, .76 of an inch, Klamath Falls, .55 of an inch and at The Dalles, 1.01 inches. Tho average rainfall for tho state as Sr. Sealer of the suite health board says the Bligh theater is perfectly ventilated, so enjoy the show at ease. o Special to advertise free on Wed nesday of this week One Dixie Doughnut will be given away free with each loaf of DIXIE BREAD. Ask your grocer. Bemember the ' day Wednesday of this week. Salem Bak ing Co., successors to The Modern Bak ery, 439 Court St., Salem, Ore. o Open, open, open and we have the best program, of pictures in town. Bligh theater. o In the latest official casualty list there is included the name of Paul B. Pietrock of Stayton, who died from wounds. The address of nearest rela tive is Mrs. Maria Pietrock, Stayton. o - i Patrons of the public library will note that the regular schedule of hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., will be re sumed today. All books taken out pre vious to January first must be re turned by Wednesday or they will be considered overdue. Special to advertise free on Wed nesday of this week , One Dixie Doughnut will be given away free with each loaf of DIXIE BREAD. Ask your grocer. Kcmembcr the uay Wednesday of this week. Salem mak ing Co., successors to The Modern Bak ery, 4J9 Court St., isalem, Ure. o CARD OF THANES We wish to thank the kind frien and neighbors who assisted during the sickness and death of our husband and father, G. W. Boggs. Mrs. Mary Boggs, L. M. Boggs, Mrs. A. C. Tur- neaure, Ruth Boggs. o Notices axe being mailed out today by Manager Chapman to all members of the Commercial club, reminding them of the coming annual meeting to be held Wednesday evening, mere are now 410 Mridftnt members of the club and out of this number there should be a good representation. In addition to the regular routine of business, there will probably be a number of im portant matters coming up tor formal or informal discussion. Chief of Police Varney would appre ciate a little more cooperation from Salem citizens in the matter of infor mation with regard to violations of ordinances. The apprehension of vio lators usually depends upon quick ac tion on the part of the departmen,, Manv neople havo had such matters shown by the 112 recording stations. brought to their attention but being was 3.25 inches. Astoria is at the head averse to acting as complainants or of of the list with 11.22 inches during having their names brought before the December and Vale- at tho bottom, with only .02 of an inch precipitation Jose Capablanca 7 .v. gov- COvll4MrFM..4.lW.T.V!UflvtCf. H-lJ Champion chess player of Cuba now In the United States Last week a bill was introduced in the houso Iof representatives of the Oregon legislature asking that the war department give the state two cannon captured from the Germans and also providing for the erection of an hero ic statue in honor of the Oregon boys who had fou&ht in the war. Represent ative Hswley on January 18 inrrodue ed into tho houso of representatives at Washington tho following biH: "Be it enacted by tho senate and house of representatives of the United States in congress assembled That the sec rotary of war bo, and is Hereby author iaed and directed to donate to the city of Salem, Marion county, state of Ore gon, one cannon or field piece captur ed by tho American armv from the forces of the Imperial German eminent during the present war. Stop that cough with Mountain Halm Cough Remedy. Satisfaction or your monoy back. At nearly all drug and suburban stores. tf - i o I- The aero club of the northwest, with headquarters at Seattle is securing in formation for tho establishing of air plaue landing stations in the Willam ette valley. The club is compiling data with respect to air currents and air routes for commercial and passenger flying and would like Information as to whether the city of Salem has any facilities or grounds at present which will permit the landing of airplanes. Also whether -we have any facilities for flying boats or seaplanes. The club would like to know whether if these facilities; do not' exist, if a flvDue field can be established in the city or immediate vicinity. Sometime ago when inquiries were made in reganl to a 40 acre landing station near Sa lem, several who were interested . n- deavored to find a suitable tract that would permit en aviator to land at the usual running speed and none was found. At that time, it was suggested that with some clearing, the Bush pas ture was about tho most avnilable spot in or near the city for an airplane 'landing station. 299 N. Commercial Street 103 S. Commercial Street Phone C.O.D. Orders 188-198 Diamond C flour, soft wheat . $2.55 Large Crisco $L Holly Milk, per can.... 15c No .2 1-2 Tomatoes, can 15c Del Monte Catsup, bottle 25c Royal Red Peas 17c Small size Deviled meat . .5c Matches. 6 large boxes Search Light 33c No .10 White Ribbon Compound ...... .$2.40 Lard in Bulk, per lb.... 28c Medium Log Cabin Syrup 75c size 1 63c Small Uncle John syrup 50c 1-2 lb. Dependable tea ..21c Bulk Seedless raisins Jb 13c 50c size Instant Postum 43c 30c size Instant Postum 25c Plain Postum 22c 2 Grape Nuts 25c Two KeOoggs Corn i Flakes ......... '..25c 2 Post Toasties 25c Nut Ola Butter substitute 37c 3 pkgs tooth picks 12c Mop sticks 17c 5 bars Swifts' white soap 30c 5 bars. White Flyer soap 25c 3 lbs. (LA. Coffee v.. ...90c 3 lbs .Royal Club coffee $1.00 Fancy Blend coffee, lb ..27c public, they have refrained from tak ing action in cases where they might have been of assistance to tho offi cers. It should be understood that all information furnished the department will be kept in strict confidence where so desired. o Wanted A girl at the spa. 1-28 Bligh theater opens tday with th picture that you have been waiting for o The Independent Meat Market in advertising for local business did not expect to find a Capital Journal read er in southern Oregon who would be interested in meat market prices. But this morning Mr. Rogoway received a money order for $3.75 from a man liv ing at Ashland, asking him to send ten pounds of sugar cured bacon back & Co's FINAL AND LAST WEEK OF Annual Clearance Sale THIS IS A TIMELY OPPORTUNITY TO SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS FOR NOW AND THE FUTURE Regal sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached, yd..... 49c Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached, yard ...64c Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 81 inches wide - unbleached, yard 59c Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 72 inches wide, bleached, yard 59c Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 72 inches wide, unbleached, yard : 55c 42-inch Pillow Tubing yard. 29c Indian Head Linen 33 inches wide, yard 33c 36 inches wide, yard 36c Hope Muslin, bleached, best quality, yard wide, yard , ....25c Lonsdale Muslin, bleached, best quality, yard wide, yard 28c 3-pound Cotton Batt ..$1.00 Crash Toweling, yard 15c Linen Crash Toweling, extra quality yard 19c 36 inch Percales, yard 29c and 35c 36 inch Hospital Gauze bleached white, yard 12c Closing Out AH Ladies' Coats And Suits Below Cost Our Prices Always The Lowest GALE & COMPANY PHONE 1072 Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store )y parcel post. The customer incident ally asked Mr. Eogoway prices on oth er products. o The Oregon State Retailers associa tion, of which Walter A. Denton is secretary, has definitely decided to hold its annual meeting in Salem for three days beginning Feb. 10. Retail V NEW LINES IN A FUR COATEE It was only a question of time be fore fur things would take to being made In slip-over fashion. This bit of sealskin really does go on over one's head but there are convenient buttons and buttonholes, two on a side, to make ths bodice fit snugly. The sleeves are short and capelsh and the collar Is cut large nnd square so one can muffle it close up about the throat in really cold weather. The Modern Bakery on Court street which for some time has been in charge of J. W. Hastings, was sold out last week to tho Dixie Baking com pany of Portland, who are now remod elling the building and preparing to carry on the business on a broader scale. Thoy will do both a wholesale and retail business in all lines of bak ery goods. It will be in charge of H. merchants from every part of the H." Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Hastings will tnte will bo present as there is some legislation that is coming up for dis cussion. With the state law makers already in session, it is understood tho state retailors will conic out in full force to incidentally interview said legislators regarding somo need ed legislation. They will favor the leg islature by visiting state house ses sions from time to time. Officers of the association are: George Cusitcr, Silverton, president; C. M. Kppley, Sa lem, vice president; John Lang, Pen dleton, second vice president; A. W. Anderson, Portland, third vice presi dent; Walter A. Denton, Snlem, sec retary and D. J. Van Seyoc, Portland, treasurer. sc sfc sjc s(t )fc sfc sc fi st jc s( DIED MTJliREY At his home at N. 18th street in this city, Sunday night, January 26, Wm. H. Mulrey. JAineral services will be held under the auspices of tthe First Church of Christ, Scientist, at the Rigdon chap el. Tuesday morning at 11 o clock. EVERSON At the home of the par ents, Mr. and Mrs. U. J. hvei-son, 1351 Saginaw St., Sunday, January 26, Mildred E. Evcrson, aged 11 months and 11 days.. Burial and funeral services, which will be in charge of the Rigdon un dertaking firm, will be held at the City View cemetery at 2 p. in. Tuesday January 28. Albert Stettler has i"8 returned to Salem from Camp Lewis, where he has been stationed for the past six months take charge of a pruno and Loganber ry ranch about seven miles south of the city. o Henry Zorn and J. P. Feller are two Jefferson citizens called to serve on the jury in the circuit court. Rep. F. H. Looney of Jefferson was registered at the Bligh hotel this morn, inr. OUR FACILITIES PLUS . OUR EXPERIENCE Enable us to prescribe lensjes and adjust glasses that will afford you the maximum of comfort. May we not serve you? DR. A. McCULLOCH Optometrist 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Building t L.M.HUM i are of Yiek So Tgsj Chinese Medielne and Tea Os, Has medicine which will mt any known disease. Open Sundays from 19 t, ontU 8 p. m. 1S3 Booth High Bt Salem, Oregon. Pfcoaa 183 I LtifciiiisAa t 4 a a a J a a . 'w w f f 9f f f f Willamette Valley Transfer Company FAST AUTO TRUCKS Daily Between Portland and Salem, Independence, Mon mouth and Dallas. Orders Taken Both Ways Portland Office, 230 Ash St. Phone Broadway 454. Salem Office 171 S. High St. Phone 1400 We're in the Market For Potatoes Wm. Bell, Agent.