Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 27, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THE Im i
Kate por word New Today;
Each insertion . 1
n week (6 insertions) - 5c
One month (26 insertions) 17e
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
tn errors in Classified Advertisements
Stead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately if
rror occurs.
Minimum charge, 15c.
UBEETY BONDS If you must dis
pose of your bonds, we will buy
them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf
JK)R SALE Two horses cheap. 595
Marion. rhone 2273B. . 1-27
.WANTED A small safe. Hauser Bros
FOR SALE 3200 lb. team. Louis F.
Kobow. Rt. 9, ,box 127. 1-28
WANTED Partridge Wyandotte eock
erol. R, C. RamsUen, Rt. 7, Salem.
WANTED iFat hens wanted, highest
prices paid. Apply 456 State Direct-or-
WANTED 5 or 6 room modern house
in eastern part of city. Must be
a bargain. 1240 N. 4th St. 1-27
FOR RENT Modern house with gar
age, paved street. 'F. L. Wood, Bavne
FOR SALE-Good cattlo dog, also
Barred Bock cockerels. 2233 Fair
ground road. 1-28
rORD trailer for sale. Inquire at 271
D street. 1-28
FOR SALE Sulk ey plow, good as new
It. Anderson, Rt. 1, box 72, Jeffer
son, Ore. 1-29
.WANTED Lady 'a bicycle, also milk
goat. 7193 care Journal. 1-28
aiOUSEKiEEPER 'wanted for two,
maid ot widow. 5C5 N. High. Call at
noon or 6 p. m. tf
WANTED To rent on shares a first
class dairy farm, equipped. Call 491.
JiOST One shoe between 17th St. and
Kings Product plant. Please leave at
Journal office. Reward. 1-28
WANTED 'Woman to care for inval
id lady. Phone 1321 during business
hours, after six phone' 1172R. tf
WANTED Veal and large ealves.
. Phone 80F2. tf
POR SALE Two-seat top buggy, or
will trade. Phone 8(XF11. 1-28
housework. Phono
FOR SALE Or trade for good Brown
ucgnorn, one cartridge Rock roos
ter. Phone 2154J. 1-28
FOR SALE Some 40-Ib. cowsj'hone
, dioadquarters Waring feed barn,
Salem Cow Co. Phone 80. 2-1
WANTED Eldetjy lady wishes job
Keeping nouse in small family.
Phono 2454W. tf
TWO housekeeping rooms nicely furn-
lanea, t myrtle note!, 633 i'erry
street. 1-28
Dr. King's" New Discovery
has a fifty year record
behind it ...
It buHt Its reputation on Its produo
tion of positive results, on its surenese
in relieving the throat irritation of
colds, coughs, grippe and bronchial
"Dr. King's New Discovery? Why.
my folks wouldn't use anything else!''
That's the general nation-wide esteem
in which this well-known remedy is
held. Its action is prompt, its taste
pleasant, its relief gratifying.
Half a century of cold and cough
checking. All druggists. 60c and $1 JO.
Bowels Out of Kilter?
That's nature calling for relief.
Assist her in her daily duties with Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Not a purgative
in the usual dose, but a mild, effective,
corrective, laxative that teases the
bowels into action. 25c .
Marriage licenses were recently issu
ed to the following Marion county eou-
pies: J. M. Galbrcath and Manila Mac
Poncelow; C. W. Jensen and Nellie II
Shutt, all of Salem.
Complaint was filed in the case of
f tar Lund Co. vs. fc. W. Thompson ,suit
to recover bmance on hay contract,
I WELL not be responsible for debts
contracted by my wife. C. C. Kavs.
COUPLE would like room and board
in small family of adults. J-10 care
Journal. tf
WANTED Fat, thin and fresh cows,
veal and large calves, "bone 1425M.
'FOR SALE White .faced Black Span
ish cockerels. M. A Vanderburg, Rt.
B. . 1-27
or woman for general' j.
one 901F4 1-29 wfni" caU or chickens, eggs, veal and
City Feed Barn. 1-27
.WANTED Autos to paint, neatly
done, and reasonable. J. Crum, 803
N. Liberty. 8-8
FOR SALE Ford in good condition.
1309 N. Com 1 St. tf
FOR RENT Sleeping room0 in Hub
bard bldg. W. H. Norris, agent, tf
TOR SALEJUoderiji 4 room house on
good lot. CaM 1870 Nv21st. 1-31
FOR SALE Fine young Jersey milch
cow. 770 Com. or phone 476. 1-31
FOR SALE 143 acre ranch at bargain
Inquire 529 .Court. 1-28
WANTTBD Invalid to board and care
for. Address H H care Jourial. 1-28
WANTED Sewing of all kind. Phone
1140. Address 152 S. 13th St. 1-28
WANTED Used lumber, 1x10 and
2x4. 41-P Journal. 1-28
WANTED To buy cattle, and ealves,
any kind. Phone 1576W. ' 2-0
WANTED Draft coft about 3 years
old. Address G. S. Kalb, Bt. 7, box
143. 1 27
FOR SALE Very cheap, five passen
ger (trverland car, good condition.
Phone 80F11. 1-28
CARPENTERING, repairing or cement
work. Call C. W. Nut. Phone 2495
R. 1-28
WANTED l-horso power, 220 volt, 60
cycle single phase motor, rnone alo.
WE are in the markot for potatoes,
and beans. Willamette Valley Trans
fer Oo., 171 8. nigh. Phone 140O. tf
FOR SALE Team matched sorrel
horses, sound and true, weighing be
tween 2400 and 2500 pounds. Allen
. Pence, Rt 7, box 44. 1-28
POR SALE Two good young, fresh
cows, ono Guernsey, one Guernsey
Durham, five years old. 1925 State
St. 1-28
Complaint filed in the ccse of Daisy
Kays vs. ''lareaec Kays, snit for di
vorce. The couplo were married at
Independence Li 1907. There are two
children. Plaintiff recites a long list
of brutalities along with . abusive and
obscene language. Demands custody of
children and alimony to the amount of
$75 a month.
A writ of attachment was1 filed in
the case of H. L. Moore vs. Ed Place,
an action for money.
Answer in the case of Douglas & Son
vs. S. L. Hulen, -suit for damages on
account of failure to fulfill, terms of
lease of a residence property.
Complaint filed in the case of Lillie
Burkhcrt vs. Chas. W. Burkhart, suit
for divorce. Couple was married at
The Dalles in 1905. There are no chil
dren and no property rights involved.
The plaintiff alleges brutal treatment,
abusive and obscene language ana unfaithfulness.
Final account filed in the estate of
Nicholas Stelle, deceased, showing tottl
cash and receipts $6608.13.
Order to sell real property in the eg.
tate of Silas Reynolds,, deceased.
Today the circuit court is engaged
with the caso of Beckett vs. unomp
son, in which the plaintiff Seeks to re
cover the amount of $1000 alleged to
be due and, unpaid in the transfer of a
dairy ranch. It is probable that it will
not reaeh the jury until a late hour this
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 27. Protection
aeeorded shipyard workers against pro
fiteering landlords through the fait
rental committee of . the Emergency
Fleet Corporation, was withdrawn by
telegraph this morning.
8. L. Boddy, prominent labor man,
official of the Metal Trades Council
and a member of the fair rentals com
mission, declared that th s was a di
rect move on the part of the fleet cor
poration to help break the spirit of the
shipyard workers
What Seattle union labor as a whole
will do to help the 30.000 shipyard
strikers is the subject that delegates
of 150 unions will discuss in a special
meeting held in the labor temple at
noon today.
Officials of the Metal Trades Coun-
cil addressed the delegates in favor of
a general walkout of all union work
ers in the city Saturday. February 1.
Strike feeling has intensified as the
result of the United States shipping
board's action in wiring Seattle yard
owners that the men had violated the
agreement under which they were work
ing with the Macy wage adjustment
Considering Situation.
Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 27. Tacoma
shipyard strikers today were consider
ing ways of meeting the drastic action
of the government emergency fleet
corporation in ordering work stopped on
steel ship construction m tne nortn
The question of calling for a general
strike vote probably will be put up to
the central labor council at its regular
meeting Wednesday night.
The Todd DrydocK ana construction
corporation Sunday received a tele
gram from Charles B, Piez, director
general of the emergency fleet corpor
ation, ordering work stopped on the
last order for 12 hulls. .
While this answer to the strike ac
tion was being received from the gov
ernment, Tacoma unions were perteci-
ing the organization of the Tacoma
sailors, soldiers ana worsmens council
at a big mass meeting.
A program of action, including a pro
posal for tho workers to "take over
the means of production' and distribu
tion of tho nation" was adopted with
only one dissenting vote.
Besides union members of the city,
discharged soldiers and sailors attended.
Pape's Diapepsin At Once
Ends Sourness, Gases,
Aadity, Jndrgestion.
Undigested food. Lumps of pain;
belehing gas, aeids and sourness.
When your stomach is all upset, huie is
instant relief No waiting!
The moment you eat a tablet of
Pape's Diapepsin all the indigestion
pain, dyspepsia misery, tho sourness,
gases and stomaeh acidity nds.
Pape's Diapepsin tablets cost little
at any drug store but there is no surer
or quicker stomach relief known.
- State House Notes
An agreement has been entered into
by the state engineer's office and the
Warm Springs Irrigation district by
which the district deposits in a national
bank at Vale, Oregon, $19,000. This
sum will be paid to the state and U.
S. federal reclamation service upon de
livery to the Warm Springs Irrigation
district of data and the granting of
right of way over certain public laud
now owned by the federal government.
About 40,000 acres of land are involved
in this irrigation district.
OVER THE TOP Our prices the high
est spot cash for men's secondhand
suits and shoes. Capital Exchange,
337 Court St. Phono 493. tf
WANTED To hear from such that
have wood and cannot make it into
money, those at little stations. We
buy carload lots; let us hear from
you. H. Sproed, Salem, Or. 1-29
FOR SALE Four room plastered
house on paved street and car lino.
Price $600, terms. Inquire G. W.
Johnson & Co. 1-29
TOR BENT To reliable party 200
acre farm, 70 acres under cultiva
tion, part in crop. Rent can be paid
ia work. D care journal. 1-29
(WANTED Either good girl or woman
to care for children and do house-
work. Phone 480. 1-28
iWANTED-Cheap car, Ford Preferred,
or a wreck. Address 7112 care Jour
nal. 1-27
.W AWED Small furnished house or
apt., modern. Address J-10 cars Jour
nal, tf
FOR TRADE A good, neat 4 loom
house with garage to trade for auto.
Col. 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf
FOR SALE Cheap, 11 bead shoats
weighing 90 to 100 lbs. Write Inde
pendence, Or. or phone 6GF4, Sa
lem, tf
FOR SALE -Portable hen house, new,
6x4x4; dressers, beds, chairs, couch,
washing machine, kitchen articles.
W1H gell eheap, parties moving away
Inquire at 570 N. 14th St. 1-27
FOR SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor,
engine and boiler complete, cteap.
Box 268, Turner, Or. "
"WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
npward. Buren 's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf
PLENTY of money to loan on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pay $100 or multi
ple on anv interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
fcldg, Salem. tf
FOB SALE If you are looking for a
good home with five lots, bearing
fruit trees, berry boshes, born,
chicken house, close to car and school
bouse, here is your chance at a real
bargain; liberty bonda or cow ac-
eepted as part payment. See owner
1 J015 N. Commercial St. 1-2S
FOR SALE Genuine Franquet wal
nuts graned on diock. rrue uu uun
ly and Bacellana filberts. Middle
Grove Nursery, Rt. 7, box 201. Phone
24.F5. 1-31
FOR SALE Or trade, seven room
house, barn, garnse, 'chicken house
and park, windmill, all modern for
small cottago in Sstem or five acre
tract near Salem, Enquire for John
Simon, West Salem store or Phone
1078W. 1-29
Ford-Wright truck, lookg new $475
Ford touring, 1916, may extras $390
Stodard twenty, good tires etc $250
Maxwell, 1914, just painted $250
Studcbakor six $450
Chevrolet touring, 1916, $475
Highway Garage, 1000 S Com'l. tf
LOST Purse Jan. 17, between Salem
and Independence, contained about
$35. Reward. Return to Journal of
fice. I'28
STRAYED One dark colored Jersey
cow with short, stubby horns. Ed L.
Townsend, 470 S Winter St. Phone
2401J. 127
POR RENT Very reasonable, rooming
house, close in, newiy painiwi. jvuui
reasonable. Address Box 116, Suiem,
Or. 1-28
WANTED Stationary engine twenty
Wtv h. t).. preferably cen
ter crank; also man to take contract
'logging, horse proposition, small
mill. Write Blodgett & Matlock Lbr.
rv. no Una Or. 1-27
w, ..- !
Ti-o ... in lv nn Aimraisement of
all farm loan applications on hand at
once by a federal land bank apprais
er. Farmers desiring federal farm
loans shoirld file their applications
immediatdy. Interest 5 per cent
34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401
Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. 1-31
We Pay task for
and HOGS.
ffrik hr Prfcn mi Tin.
Hazelwood Co., Front and Ankeny St.
For value buy our special
It's s beautiful Ston and
A.UKU l..fmmt. This
tore la HMclquartert for MilitWT Wrkl
Watchu. Write tu
German Factories Will Be Al
lowed To Import Raw Ma
terials From Other Parts.
By Webb Miller
American HeadquadteVs in Germany
Jan. 26. '(Delayed.) Th unemploy
ment problem in the occupied portion
of Germany ia expected to be largely
solved by new important regulations
announced today. Under these rules
German factories will be allowed to
import raw matorials from other parts
of Germany. Manufactured products
which can be used in rebuilding .France
and Belgium, however, -may bo export
ed kmly to those countries.
A number of Hermans nave Dcen
Drosecuted as the result of American
soldiers selling and trading foodstuffs
to them. Five were fined $1500 each.
A large number of officers who sig
nified their desire for immediate dis
charge are being withdrawn f rom the
Third army and piaeea in divisions
already ordered home. One hundred
and fifty have tnus been transrerrea
from the Third and 250 from tfhe
(Fourth division.
The M-J Lumber company has filed
articles of incorporation. It is located
at Gleudale and has a capital stock of
$75,000. .
A delegation of elub women fc-om
Portland will arrive in the city this
evening for a hearing before the senate
and house on senate bill No. 56. The
bill is entitled "An Act to establish
a court of Domestic relations m coun
ties having a population of over 200,-
000. The meeting will be held in the
house of representatives and those in
terested in the handling of children by
courts, and kindred subjects, are wol
come to nttend and hesr what the club
women of Portland have te say. The
bill provides that In Multnomah county
the governor shall appoint a judge of
the court of domestic relations at a
salary of $4000. The court is to es
pecially have charge of dependent, de
linquent or neglected children and all
proceedings for the trial and punish-
We buy and sell alL kinds of
used1 autos. If you want me to
sell your car bring it in. I'll
sell it for you.
We have the following:
One BUICK, 5 passenger, 4
cylinder; new tires good me
chanical condition. Price $325.
1 1918 Maxwell, 5 tires, per
feet $700.
1 1914 Oakland roadster thor
oughly overhauled $325
1 1918 Ford, perfect $450. ,
Campbell's Auto Exchange
229 State Street
Notice is hereby given that the eo
rfnnrhin heretofore existing be
tween Eugene Byerley and C. A.
Campble doing Business nnuer xno i.
name and style of Motor Inn Garage,
t - t.,Bi .tmvnwnt been dissolv-
nas ; , ,
ed. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to asia rtra m
quested to pay all indebtedness to Eu-
7e,na Byerley, Salem Oregon.
gens cy onjjK BYERLEY,
C. A. CAMPBLE. 1 27
Notice is hereby given that the nn
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of Arthur L.
Whitemnn, deceased, by the county
court of Marion county and state of
Oregon, and hag qualified. All persons
having claims against the said estate
are hereby notified to present same,
duly verified, together with the proper
vouchers therefor, to the undersigned
at the office of S. M. Endicott, Salem,
Oregon, m.said county of Marion, witn
in six months from the date of this
Date of first publication, this 24th
day of January, li.
Administratrix of the estate of Ar
thur L. Whiteman, deceased. 2 21
Our "Move On Cop" has gone
through our
BROKEN LINES, which he orders
to "Move On" at EXTRA SPECIAL
This is your opportunity
Munsing Wear is the best by test; giving you the
most for your money any way you figure.
Here are the Clean, Ups:
$1.50 garments,
$2.00 garments,
now $1.35
$2.50 garments,
now $1.67
$3.00 garments
now $2.00
$3.50 garments,
now - $2.34
$5.00 garments,
now . . -53.35
The other "MOVE ON SPECIALS" through the
store are wonderful
Always bear in mindEverything you get from us
is Strictly First Class
You can always do better at '
Written Work Was Sent In
To A. N. Palmer Company
For Judgment
Those who have received the Palmer
Method awards in the eity schools for
written work sent to the A. N. Palmer
company etc as follows:
Washington Junior high. Business
and high school certificate for superior
Hem Lai Sun.
Progress pin: Ruth Kuhn, Dorothy
Brant, Willctta Welch, Ruth Rocks,
Katherine Hartley, Rita Alkire.
Palmer method button: Alice Wend-
land, George Adams, Melvin Long,
Wavne Mentzcr. Mary Laughlin, Eva
McSorlcv, Annetta Hendricks, Kenneth
Purdy, Lois Taylor, Russell Lehman,
Wayne Harris, Bcrnice Crotty, Irene
Lind, Mary Peck, Marion Jcegcr, Elsie
Leisy, Ruth Bocks, Hilda Lcntz, Lois
Wells, Freda Meyer, Lillian Ballinger,
Ruth Kuhn, Merle Heffner, Helen Rams
den, Constance Richmond, Esther Kiels-
meir, Melba Davenport, Vera censon,
Katherine Hartley, Dorothy Eshelman
Alice Wulfmeier.
Washington elementary grades: Ves
ta M. Sonne, Nellie Fibbets, Florence
Power. Vcrle Kreutz, Rosalind Van
Winkle, June Youhill.
Grant Junior high: Palmer Button
Freda Hutchason, Wendell Heath,
Marie Haven, Clara Wiley, Charlotte
Runde, Edward Boymore, Mabel Erick-
son, Bessie Fisher.
Proeress pin: Jessie Snyder.
Lincoln Junior high: Palmer button
Carl Walker, Anna Mclntyre, Helen
Progress pin: Lorraine Fisicr, Her
mas Bchlcusnen.
Says Cream Applied In Nostrils!
Believes Head-Colds at Once.
If your nostrils are clogged and your
bead is stuffed and you can't breathe
freely because of a cold or catarrh, just
get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm
at any drug store. Apply a little of
this fragrant, antiseptic cream Into
your nostrils and let it penetrate
through every air passage of your head,
soothing and healing the inflamed, swob
len mucous membrane and you get in
stant relief.
Ah I how good it feels. Your nos
trils are open, your head is clear, no
more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no
more headache, dryness or struggling
for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just
what suffer era from head colds and ca
tarrh need. It's a delight.
ment of minors. The bill is approved
by the leading club women of Tort
land. George B. Chenoweth of Gold Hill has
been appointed by the Coos county
court to succeed John R. Stannnrd as
representative. Ho will not have the
right to vote but will eccupy a seat in
the house and be given committee as
signments intended for Mr. Btnnnard.
Mr. Stannard died Jan. 13.
County Superintendent Smith states
that while ho has not received word
from the rural schools, ho anticipates
that the majority of them will be in
operation again "by next Monday.
There will be a special meeting of
'business and professional men this eve
ning for the purose of taking prelim
inary step for the coming local cam
paign for Armenian relief worli. This
gorup will bo addressed by Rev. M. G.
I'anazian. a native Armenian who is
a graduate of Yale, and who has been
assisting in a campaign in the state
of Washington. He has been in Ar
menia during tho war and is thorough
ly informed as to the needs of the ref
ugees. He comes here under the recom
mendation of State Director J. J.
Handsaker of Portland, of ithe Armen
ian relief campaign.
Tlie local moving picture houses will
bo open tonight with attractive biUtf
ud no doubt will be crowded by play
hungry people, to whom the resump
tion of stellar displays will be almost
as welcome as to the managers, who
have been losing -something like $20
or $25 a day throughout the influenza
epidemic. All the houses were inspect
ed by Dr. Seeley in his -recent viit
and passed with a few recommenda
tions as to ventilation. Needless to siiy,
the managers will make every effort
,to forestall any danger of enntagiott
iimong the crowds, for their own inter
ests ns weld as those of the public ara
at stake.
''.'JUr f ,.
i35PI5g$l3g$333$t An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade gg3fiiifsit
Incomparable Savings
on Women's
Our entire remaining stock of Suits, Coats and
Dresses are now offered at a full THIRD and HALF
less than regular prices. The heavy reductions have
been put into effect because an immediate clearance
of Winter Stock is Desirable.
Styles that are in the Height of Popularity now and
that will be good r.ext season, too. Note Reduction
' COATS..v $12.00 to $35.00
SUITS $17.00 to $39.00
DRES3 ...$9.00 to $35.00