Weather Report s . . Orejroat- Tonight fair. T.ics- day rain west portion, fair cast portion inercssing southe&stcily winds. ; ': ' 1 5000 CIRCULATION (25,000 EEADEB3 DAILY) Only Circulation ia Salem Guar nteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations - FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY KEWS SSKVICE i -4 -. VS V- T f I FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 17. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY," JANUARY 27, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS 43 T a TTiQ CTTf t7 li'Xm 0 1 AH iu J. l r. i--" a Oil Wn J : 11 Iff i II t I II ri I I I UILDING NEWCAPITALCITV LHAI Majority Socialists Do Not Have Eiiough Seats To Con trol National Assembly. DEMOCRATS PROTEST AGAINST COALITION Democrat Platform Almost Identical With That Of Majority Socialists. Bcrno, Jan. 20, (Delayed.) -Tho struggle between Prussia and Bavaria for leadership of the new German re lublie was growing iu scope and intens ity today. Dispatches received hero indicated (lint as soon as representatives of tlio virious Gorman states went into con ference yesterday to prepare a consti tution to submit to the national assem bly, the Bnvariau ministers attempted to form n coalition against Prussia. The Bi'varianJI apparently have al ready succccdedin li:iing up Baden, Wui'ttemburnr and Hetsc. An halt and oilier duchies' are demanding independ ence from Prussia. The chnnco of Berlin becoming the capital of the new republic also ap pears to be waning. Sporadic uomon rations by tho Spnrtacans continue there, giving rise to tho belief that se lection of another city would bo more politic for reasons of safety, even if no other element wore taken into con' sidcrntion. Await Action. Tho Bavaricn constituent assembly has decided to await tho action of tho national assembly at Weiinar before de ciding upon Bavaria's form of govern ment. Sailors at Hamburg are reported to have refused to allow a single ship to leavo until working conditions are im proved. Latest reports from Berlin showed the majority socialists will not have enough seats to control the convention, even if the independent socialists re turn to the Ebert-Seheidemann fold, as expected. Both majority socialists and the cen trists are bidding strongly for support iC the democratic delegates. Many Berlin democratic . leaders are said to be protesting against a coalition with any socialist party. Torm Agreement. Inasmuch as it is probable the three conservative groups the centrists, na tionalists and conservatives will form it working agreement, giving thorn a bloc of 145 votes, the democrats will Imld the balance of power in the assem bly's deliberations. The democratic platform is almost identical with that of the majority so cialists and party lines between the two ore not very sharply drawn. LTe principal differences between the various groups are opinions on tne ex- tent to which socialization of utilities Mliould go and the details or tne lorm of government it is desired t& cdopt. Prussia wanted a united state while tlio rest of Germany favors a confed eration of self governing units. The fear of the smaller units that Prussia might attempt to dominate is signifi cant, inasmuch as it may cause division which will make delegates forget actual party lines and take sides on this issue. Bavarian, and South Germans are de n termined that Berlin shall not 'ain!"d the capital of Germany, iney xavor building a new capital city ime na&u- liJglOa . ijnui. y 331st IrJantry Of 83rd Division Returns Home New York, Jan. 27. Members of JT.lst infantry of the 83rd division are lack from overseas duty today and nwaiting lorders at Cimp Merritt, N. J, to return to their homes. The regiment arrived here yesterday from Brest. Among the wounded on board wf; costing more than .j00. K orpernl W. G. Kitchie of Hnnfurd, Call 8. B. 83. By Hurley. Defining Mrs. Julia one of the 'mortgage insurance and regulating the r'.vilian passenger's, admitted she was I operation of mortgage insurance com ithe bride nf Lieutenant, William Bary-; panics. , , . .ki. r..i,i (r mnm ! mr-! a R ! Rv Thohmas and Lacn- jicd in Liverpool. lie was uaaUe n get c"ve to return to the United Slates YTODOMI Ad PiiNT WILSON INSTATED REGIONSJF FRANCE Went Through Chateau-Thierry District And Viewed RheimsRuin. By Bobert J. Bender. , (United Press Str.ff Correspondent.) Paris, Jan. 27. President Wilson re sumed work on the peace" settlement to day with the picture of many little Amoriean cemeteries, miles of desolate countryside and scores of ruined vil lages fresh in his mind. "No one can put into words the im pressions I have received in the midst of such scenes of desolation and ruin," ho docbrod after leaving tho skeleton of the famous ltheims cathedral yester day. President and Mrs. Wilson spent the day iu tho devasted- area. They left Paris in an automobile early in the morning, took lunch ct Chateau Thierry and returned from Kheims by train in tho evening. Snow fell most of the time. Old trenches stretched out in thin, while lines across tho country; abandoned camouflage drooped in funernl wreaths besido the roads. Piles of abandoned niEts hid their martial identity nndel a mantle of white. At Rlieims the snaw swirled amidst tho wrecked buildings and splotches of it covered the black' oned wounds of the cathedral as though nature were seeking to hide the van dalism,, of the invaders. w i ., , T Saw American Graves." Tho' 'prosident ' "party ' spent : two hours in the Chateau-Thierry region, passing through the ruins of Lucy Tor cy and Bourschcs. At Vaux Wilsoa stood on a rise near a score of American graves, overlooking Belleau wood while the story of the fighting in this re gion where the Second division made history wii-s retold for his benefit. The apod mayor received the party at Rhoims in rooms with shell pierced wall and ceilings, The presidut expressed deep emotion in response to tho mayor's welcome. The party then went t0 the cathedral, passing reverently through tho ruins. . - As the presidelftswalkcd by the side of Cardinal Lucien, he remarked "it's beautiful, even though in ruin." The cardinal presented to him an intact circular centerpiece from one of the cathedral's priceless stained glass win dows. Half an hour was spent in tho cathedral, looking up at tho great holes in tho roof and inspecting other damage. Later the party walked in tho streets adjoining the cathederal which were bordered by the wrecks of what were nil f A rlwellines. They then motored Hiroueb. the entire city. Clusters of civilians who had'returned to take uPftl(mj? the route of the proeesaion and life in the midst of the wreckage-of L won) warning citizens to war, cheered the presidnt as lie pc-sscu. Steel Shipbuilders Are Ordered To Suspend Work Portland, Or., Jan. 27. Steel ship-'zeziotz cemetery. A brief obituary was builders have orders from Washington , recited and a hymn sung. Liebkuecht's today to suspend work on all vessels, widow and two sona stood near the that cannot be completed by July 1. grave until the other coffins were plac- Twonty five ships, representing ed and covered with clods, total contract valuation of $38, 000,-1 Traffic on the aubway was stopped 000 will be affected by the order. Although there have been some in of such a move, it had a staggering effect upon officials of the shipbuilding companies. The impression here is that the gov ernment 's order applies to all yards in this country. Eeceived No Orders in Frisco San Francisco, Jan. 27. Emergency fleet corporation officials here said to day no word to halt work on steel ships in California yards had been re- Bethlehem stcei Corporation d eceived no wora up to noon. 1 J . STATE HOUSE. S. B. 81. By Fcrrell. T0 punish auto thieves. H. B. 82. Bv Thomas and Lacnmund. Requiring county courts to advertise for bids for supplies and machinery mu-id. Itequiring county clerks to eon - trnt for nrinting supplies lot counters, iuEmut-r vi pamBmiu,, uu ADVISE SOVIETS TO ACCEPT PROPOSAL OF JOINT CONFERENCE Believed That Bolsheviki Have More To Gain Than Lose By Such Act Paris, Jan. 27. The Russian soviet government will be advised by Its un official representative here to accept tho proposal for a joint conference with the associated powers on the Island of Priukipos, it was learned to day. - Jean Longuot, editor of the radical newspaper, Populaire, whom the Soviets asked to invostigato the proposal, de clared in an interview that tho bol sheviki have more to gain than to lose by conversations with tho associated powers which would permit them to es tablish their claims and answer their cue niics. . Foreign Minister Pichon who bitterly opposed any form of recognition of the Soviets before tho supremo war council its proposal, received foreign press representatives at tho Quai D'Or say yesterday. . . ' "We have heard nothing from the bolshoviki regarding the proposed con ference," he said. "The Priukipos horizon is still very cloudy. The allies intend no recogni tion of tho bolsheviki. They simply de sire to hear them, the samo as Miy other faction in Itussia. "I am very sanguine regarding the league of nations, a common text for tho outline of which probably will bo received by tho allies soon." FUNERAL OF THIRTY German Government Was Pre pared For Any Uprising At Event By John GrandeM (United Press staff correspondent) Berlin, Join. 25. (De-1'ayed) -Altho military officials were prepared for any eventuality, the funerals of Karl Liebknecht and thirty one other Spar tacang passed off quietly. More than 50,000 persons marched in the procession, which was five miles long. Fully 20 per cent of these bore wreaths. There was mo 3iout'(iig or cheering. Tho government had field guns and Tnailtina mini nf frnnilfrnfc intervals rcmaill orderly. ' The cortege was headed by a bantl. Liebknecht ' coffin was on a separate wagon and was followed by eight wa gons bearing thirty one other coffins. Liebknecht ' casket was first to be lowered in a monster grave in Luis- for hours as a tribute by the worKers. iPeter Kyne Gives His Dehmhsn Of A Casual Washington, Jan. 27. "A oldier who doesn't belong to anybody or anything except tho army nd sometimes it is dif- ficutt to 'believe that Hie belongs to that is casual," accord- ing to definition of Peter B. Kyne, author, who today de- scribed the process of forming casual companies for return home. "These companies are com- posed of 150 men from the same state, numbered and placed aboard transports after being carefully loaned, shaven and reclothed at the Bordeaux cm- barkation camps. Casuals for- merlv belonged to some definite organization, but in mose cases lost their outfits." TO RELEASE SINN FEINERS London, Jan. 27. The Times pub- lishco a dispatch from Dublin today stating it hag been learned from cu- thontative sources that the govtM' :nsent ha decided to release Sinn Tein- English prisons. HERBERT il;SIATE HIGHVAY ENGINEER REPLIES TO CRITICISM Makes Few Explanations For Purposj Of Enlighten . iag Public Tho following statement from Her bert Nunn, state highway enginoer, re fors especially . td omo remarks ms-de last Friday evening by L. Stipp, an at torney of Oregoii. City, at a' meeting called to discuss rbad building. The mooting Friday evening was just an im promptu effair as those present wore picked up from" the' state houso ibout 7:30 o'clock. I There was some tcriticism regarding the work of the state engineer by Mr. Stipp who it is thought is antagonis tic towards 'Mr. Nona. It will be noted in Mr. Nunn's statement that ho feols other parties have inspired Mr. Stipp to niako an attack on the state high way commission, and that while Mr. Stipp was honest, there is a chance that he is being used as a tool for certain paving interests not friendly towards tho state . highway department. Mr. JNunn's letter is as follows: "I wish to make the following state ment to all those interested in good roads within the state of Oregon: A Mr. Stipp has made, within thr past fow days, several insinuations but n0 exact statements in regard to the standard specifications of the state highway department and soveral . ro- marks in general as to engineers, evi dently with the intcution oi discredit ing the specifications and engineering as a profession. One of tho statcmonts, as printed, was to tho effect that the specifications wore so rigidly drawn that the engineer could break a contractor if they were rigidly enforced. This, coupled with another statement that engineering was a tricky profession, would havo a ten dency to discredit tho present highway engineer. Mr. Stipp further stated, ac cording to newspaptiw reporters present, that the state . highwsy commissioners were ignorant of highway matters and it was within the power of the engi neer to use his influence with thent to their disadvantage ia getting construc tion handled in an economical manner. Ho further stated that tho remedy for this was a new engineer. Mr. btipp has probably ovcrlookced tho fact that tho state highway com missioners of Oregon ere not men who can bo influenced by their own engi neering department but aro men who have minds of their own and have inado a special study of typos of construction ami that with their two years' experi ence they have established policies which conform to the laws of tho state of Orogon and that tho engineer's au thority goes no farther than their in structions. The statement that the en gineer's influence over tho commission is a direct insult to such a bony or representative mon who have long ac tively interested themselves in the gen eral methods of highway construction. Mr. Stipp, in making the statement that the specifications of Oregon were too rigid, has overlooked the fact that Oregon's highway specifications have been drawn according to a number of laws on the stututes. He also has ov erlooked the fact that such specifica tions are standard throughout all the states with in tho United States snd that there there' is littlo or no differ ence in those specifications and the specifications of any other state Ho does not know that these specifications havo to be submitted to the United States bureau of public fosds in order that wo may handle federal post roads, and that those specifications have been approved and corrected by the United (Continued on page two) I ABE MARTIN : . Miss Tawncy .Apple has postponed her weddin ' indefinitely cause she can't mstch some reindeer colored satin. What's become o' th' rough neck that used t' make fun of a wrist watch! H'ADOO AGAIN URGES GOVERHMDlTCGaifKOL Of ALL IS. ROADS Declares Iht Futare Of Na tion's Waterways Depends Entirely Upsa This. Santa Barbara, Cal.. Jsu. 27. The future of the nation's waterways is aDsoiuteiy acpenaent" upon govern ment operation of waterways and rail ways as a "coordinated and articulated system." This word was sent to Albert Kroll of tho Cincinnati chamber of com mcrco, todaT by "William O. MoAdoo. former secretary of the treasury and di rector goneral of railwayii U seoms to me futile to expend great sums of money on the develop ment of our inland Waterways unless our government adopts an intelligent policy about railroad control," McAdoo alded.' . ... His tologram was sent in declining an invitation to attend an inland wa torwaya mooting at Defiance, Ohio. McAdoo declared that unless a long period of government railway control is provided, the government cannot ef ficiently develop the waterways. Wator Transportation Affected. If tho railroads aro returned to pri vate control, McAdoo said, "tho cut throat competition of the railroads un der private control with tho partially dovelopcd waterways will effectively destroy wator transportation as hereto fore and tho people's investment iu theso facilities will continue to bo of little value." ' McAdoo declarod tho government should coutrol the railways for five years and during that time should do- volop "some of the most important existing water routes," and "prove their worth as a part of tho great Am erican transportation system." "I also foci that the government should control the railroads and tho in land waterways ior a period of five years so they may in turn be coordinat ed with our government merchant ma' inn. " he declared. ... He urged tbut the subject of rnil- rond control be liiukcd Kt "from the st.''.ndpint '.ololv of the American peo ple instead of fiom the standpoint of the selfish interest .'of private railroad owners, privato steamship owners pri- OF SENATORS AGITATE REPEALING SOLDIERSJIl BILL Declare That Mayor Baker Of Portland Grossly Misrep resented" Situation, Declaring that Mayor Baker of Port land "gold brickod" the legislature out of $100,000 and that he grossly ihsihm.u tho senate by making misrepresenta tions as to the situation in Portland, grouo of senators agree to stand sponsor for a bill to repeal the 100,- 000 emergency appropriation otssed last week at tho urgent request of Mayor Baker. Tlio bill was passed to givo relief to soldiers said to be stranded in Port land, after Mayor Baker had represent ed that tho city was without means of meeting the situation. All was well un til the senators read in a Portland pa per that Mayor Baker has a fund of $13,000 which was subscribed for the benefit of the soldiers, but which he sny8 he is holding for a "real emer gency." The money is on deposit ia i the Northwestern National bank in Portland. Tho senators who agreed to introduce a bill to repeal the $100,000 appropria tion are Thomas, Lachmund, Smith of Coos, LaFollctt and Btrayer. Mayor Baker simply gold bricked us out of $100,000, declared (Senator Smith. "I do not know how eny man could insult the senate more grossly than he has," said Senator Thomas. It devel ops that every thing he said up here was a lie. If he comes up here again ho ought to be kicked out." "Wait until he runs for governor, then we ccn go after him," suggested Senator LaFollctt. "No, he won't get to firstbase,"snid Senator Thohmas. Cndcr the emergency law,. $23,000 of the $100,000 fund was to be paid over to the soldiers and sailors commission upon request. It may bo that this sum hp been drawn, but if it has the sen ators will endeavor to put through a bill which will cut off the expenditures of the balance. The article in tho Oregon Journal, which so aroused the resentment of the scnatorj toward Mayor Baker 6ays: "Why is the state asked to appro priate a soldiers' emergency fund and (Continued on page two) His British Friends Deny That He Has Left His Home Ia London. Ornelas, Portuguese Monarchist, Is Under Arrest, According To Dispatches, After Battle With Insurgents When Fifty Were Killed. London, Jan. 27. Manuel TI, former king of Portugal, is now in that coun try, according to advices received from Spanish sources today. A Vigo message said he crossed the Mino river in the region of Camina Saturday morning. Persons close to Manuel in England denied 'ho had ever left his home here to join the monarchist rebels. A dispatch from Lisbon stated that Premier Barbosa had called upon re publican political leaders to assist in forming a new coalition cabinet. The situation in the Portuguese capital was said to hava turned in favor of the re publicans, although many persons were killed and wounded on both sides be fore ordor was restored. More than 300 officers have been imprisoned. Direct communication with Lisbon is still cut off. Another report was that monarch ist forces were dominating Lisbon and had revoked all the republican laws. Troops had been sent from there, it was said, to Avoiro, Villureal and oth er points remaining faithful to tho re public. Paiva Oourociro, loader of the loyal HOUSE BEGINS THIRD WEEK BY PASSING THREE BILLS Would Give Multnomah Coun ty Right To Levy Mill Tax For Libraries. Beginning its sessions of the third week, the house got down to business this morning and passed three bills without much discussion. Of course theso bills do not become a lbw until finally passed by the sonate and then signed by the governor. Business started in by referring two bills for further discussion, although they hud boon favorably roported out of committee. Houso bill ho. 17, mak ing certain court fees more definite, was pnssod without discussion, the houso iilkiug it for granted tho favor ablo report of tho committee as satis factory. The second bill passed by the house was permitting Multnomah county the legal right to levy one mill on all tuxablo property in the county for tho PROCEEDINGS STARTED IN SENATE ABOUT DRAINAGE Another Bill Provides For Heavy Fines And Imprison ment Of Auto Thieves. Senator Lachmund today asked for a legislative investigation of the drain age system, or rather lack of drainage system, at the state fnir grounds, which resulted in the north end of Sa lem boin(j flooded every winter by wa ter being drained from tne fair grounds His request was embodied in a sen ate joint resolution introduced this morning, asking for the appointment of a committee of two senators and three representatives to make an Investiga tion. His resolution says: ''Whereas, the state board of agri culture of the state of Oregon, in or der to drain the lands of the state of Oregon located in Marion county on which the Oregon Btate fair Is held, hai dag a canal along the south boundary line of- said landj and has thereby di verted the flow of water naturally draining across said lands so that said water is emptied upon and flows across a large amount of private property to the very great damago of such proper ty, and the very great damage and in convenience of the traveling public, and 'Whereas, suits to restrain such di version and actions at law for dam ages already done by such diversion are about to be started by the individ uals so damnged, and by the city of Salem; therefore, bo is ''Resolved by the senate, the house concurring; "That a special committee of two members of the senate and three mem bers of the house be appointed to in vestigate the whole matter of tho drain ago of the state fair grounds and to re port to the assembly without delay." ist revolt, was reported to have sen6 two emissaries to Vigo for the purpos of opening up telegraphic communicat tion with Portuguese monarchists ia Madrid. Other advices hiad it that monarch ist chief in Vigo had been arrested. Madrid dispatcheg reported that tel egrams from the frontier said tho roy. alist agitation in Valencia and other, centers was growing, but that despita this the monarchist insurgent apiar en'.ly had become resigned to the flail-, lire of their revolt. Leaders Under Arrest Madrid, Jan. 27. Ornelas and other Portuguese monarchist leaders were re ported today to be under arrest at Moa, santo. They were captured, according: , to a LisTjon dispatch, after a battle- ia ' . r:tt.. aad 150 wounded. The Portuguese war minister ha of d?rod disarmament of all civilians. The republican government has been restored in Vizeu, which was one of the royalist strongholds. .. f , , ,,, nurnnse tit mahitatninir -a library. Oth er counties in the state levy s half - mill tax. As the Multnomah county del-' nnii fn.,nvni.iA 4 ir...;.. - n . - n tux for library purposes, the bill went through without debate. The third bill to receive tho support of the house for final pussnge was mak- ing tn addition to the law and penalty in regard o assault with intent to kill. Tho bill was fathered by Mr. Oallngher of Ontario. Instead of the present law of from ono to 10 years Imprisonment, the new law provides imprisonment for lifo or for any fixed period in tho peni toutkry. Mr. Gnllngher said that his county a man went gunning for tho county prosecuting attorney and. shot him throo times. And just because the man happened to recover, thore vra no reason why tho party making the as sault should get off so ey. Henco ht felt there should be a lnw making tl; crime nf assault with intent to kill punishable by imprisonment in tho peni tentiary for lifo or for some fixod per iod. Senator Lachmund, with Senator Thomas, also introduced a bill , today to require county clerks to advert. tise for bids for furnishing printed supplies for all county officials, theser supplies to include all books of record. printed stationery, printed forms or any nature or kind. Bidders within the county must bo given preference on the bids up to an amount 10 per cent higher than outside. bidders, on bids of $100 or leas, anA on bids up to five per cent higher where the amount is in excess of $100. In other words, no contracts under. $100 the award will be mado to the homo bidder if he is not over 10 per cent higher than the lowest outside bid. Bids are to bo advertised for and contracts are to be awarded every si months, in June and December, and bidding will bo limited to bona fido printers. Jn tho event- an emergency arises so that printing1 supplies aro needed between tne regular periods, thai county judge fs authorized to call pub licity to tho fact in tne manner ana form he deems best for his county's interest, . Another bill introduced today by Senator Farrcll imposes heavy penal ties for auto thieves, and also imposes penalties for the person who takes an automobilo belonging to another and uses it, even if it is not his intention, to steal it This latter provision will hit tho many youthful joyriders who steal ma chines for a few hours ride and then leavo the machine standing some placa for tho owner to find ' The bill also imposes penalties for stealing automobile parts, or robes or o:her equipment from a machine. The penalty for this is imprisonment in tha county jail for not less than two (Continued on pass ) . i with his bride. purposes.