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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1919)
THBDAILI CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1919. PAGE SEVEr MM NEW TODAY! JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING LIEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVZSTISma BATES Bate por word New Today: tEaeh insertion ...a le ne week (6 insertions) 5c One month (28 insertions) .. He The Capital Journal, will not be re sponsible for more 'than one insertion, for error in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day it afpears and notify us immediately if rror occurs. Minimum charge, 15c. LIBERTY BONDS If you must dis pose of your bonds, we will boy them. 314 Masonic bid;. tf (WANTED Girl for general house work. State School for Deaf. 1-25 FOR SALE Two horses cheap. 595 Marion. Phone 2273R. 1-27 FORD trailer for sale. Inquire at 271 D street. 1-28 WANTED Veal and large calves. Phone 80F2. tf TOR SALE Two-seat top buggy, or will trade. Phone 80F11. 1-28 FINE hoe repairing, 1272 State St. I. W. Thomas. 1-25 POR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Phone 9F11. 1-25 WANTED A good family cow. Phone 94F2. 1-25 POR SALE Ford in good condition. 1309 N. Coin! St. tf FOR RENT Sleeping rooma in Hub 'bard 'bldg. W. II. N orris, agent, tf POR SALE Modern 4 room house on a good Jot. Call 1070 N. 21st. 1-31 POR SALE Fine young Jersey milch cow. 770 oin. or phone 476. 1-31 POR SALE 143 acre ranch at bargain Inquire 529 lOourt. 1-28 WANTED Invalid to board and care for. Address H H care Journal. 1-28 WAINTED Sewing of all kinds. Phone 1140W. Address 152 S. 13th St. 1-28 WANTED Used lumber, 1x10 and 2x4. 41 P Journal. 1-28 WANTED To buy cattle and calves, any kind. Phone 1576W. 8-6 )R SALE Two fresh cows, one Dur ham and one Swiss Jersey, heavy milkers. 1254 Mission. 1-25 WANTED Draft coft "about 3 years old. Address G. S. Kalb, Rt. 7, box 143. 127 SWANTBD Either good girl or woman to care for children and do house work. Phone 480. 1-28 FOR, RENT Modern 6 room house, close in, $16, with garage $18. Call . 565 N. Cottage. Phone 1901. 1-25 WANTED-JOheap car, Ford Preferred, or a wreck. Address 7112 care Jour nal. 1-27 .WANTED Small furnished house or apt, modern. Address J-10 care Jour nal, tf GIRLS and women wanted at tho Glove factory, 1455 Oak St., Salem, Or. 1-25 FOR TRADE A good, neat 4 room Iwuse with garage to trade for auto. Ooti 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf POR SALE "Cheap, 11 head shoats weighing 90 to 100 lbs. Write Inde pendence, Or. or phone 50F4, Sa lem, tf FOB SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor, engine and boiler complete, cheap. Box 268, Turner, Or. tf WALL PAPER 15 eents per double roil npward. Buren's Furniturs Store, 179 Commercial. tf .TOR SALE Maxwell, 1917, in first class condition, fully equipped. $550. Fairground store. - 1-25 PLENTY of money to loan on good forma; low interest rates; five years time; privilege to pay $100 or multi ple on any interest date. Call or write H. il. Hawkins, 311 Masonic bldg, Salem. tf DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore . existing be tween 'Eugene Byerley end C. A. Gampble doing business under the firm same and style of Motor Inn Garage, kas fcy mutual agreement been dissolv ed. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said firm are hereby re quested to pay all indebtedness to Eu eens Byerlcy, Salem Oregon. EUGENE BYEELET, C. A. CAMPBLE. 1-27 Plumbing and Water Systems Installed r OEABEa BROS, 141 Bouth Liberty St, Phona 550. Also agent for fair-anks-Morse Gas Engines. FOB SALE3200 lb. team. Louis F. Aobow. Kt 9, box 127. 1-28 WANTED Partridge Wyandotte cock erel. R. C. Ramsden, Rt. 7, Salem. 1-28 FOR SALE Purebred Jersey milch eow. Call at 610 S. 14th St Ca'l 1534J. i-25 WANTED iFat hens wanted, hi ill) est prices paid. Apply 456 State Direct or, tf WANTED 5 or 6 room modern house in eastern part of city. Must be a bargain. 1240 N. 4th St. 1-27 FOR SALE Or trade for good Brown Leghorn, one Partridge Bock roos ter. Phone 2154J. 1-28 TWO housekeeping rooms nicely furn- raueu, ai juyrue notei, tW3 i'crry street. ' 1-28 I WILL not be responsible for debts contracted by my wife. C. O. Kays. 1-31 COUPLE would like room and board in smaill family of adults. J-10 care Journal. tf LOST A small package Thursday, irom Meyers. Leave at Journal of fice. i-25 LOGANBERRY plants for sale 'by J. P. Aspinwall, Brooks, Or. Phone 35 F12. 1-25 WANTED Fat, thin and fresh cows, veal and large calves, "bone 1425M. 1-30 FOR SALBWhite faced Black Span ish cockerels. M. A. Vanderburg, Rt. 2. 1-27 WILL -call for chickens, eggs, veal and hides and pay highest prices. Cherry City Feed Barn. 1-27 FOR SALE Very cheap, five passen ger (Overland car, good condition. Phone 80F11. , 1-28 CARPENTERING, repairing or cement work. Call C. W. Nist. Phona 2495 R. 1-28 WANT3D 1-horae power, 220 volt, 60 cycle single phase motor. Phone 516. 1-24 WB are in the market for potatoes, and beans. Willamette Valley Trans fer Co, 171 S. High. Phone 1400. tf FOB SALE Team matched sorrel horses, sound and trne, weighing be tween 2400 and 2500 pounds. Allen Pence, Rt. 7, box 44. 1-28 GOOD home for sale, 6 rooms, large lot, with fruit, just off of State street. Price $1100. Take a liberty hond as first payment, balance like rent. F. A. Roberts, owner, 314 Ma sonic bldg. . tf OVER THE TOP-Our prices the high est spot cash for men's secondhand Buits and shoes. Capital Exchango, 337 Court St. Phone 493. tf WANTED To hear from such that have wood and cannot make it into money, those at little stations. We buy carload lots; let us hear from yon. H. Sprocd, Salem, Or. 1-29 WANTED To trade 2 good lots on Fairmount ave. for five or six room cottage not too far out. Will pay cash difference. Address J care Jour nal. 1-25 BARGAIN Good home on paved street east balem has been held at $1500, must sell, make offer, terms to suit. Also timber tract for sale, not far out. F. L. Wood, Bayne build ing. 1-25 FOR SALE Genuine Franquet wal nuts grafted on black. True Iu Chil ly and Baccllana filberts. Middle Grove Nursery, Rt. 7, box 201. Phone 24F5. 1-31 TO TRADE Or sale, 13 acres bearing prune orchard with house, barn and dryer, on rock road, close to Salem, for mercantile business or partner ship in same. Address O K care Journal. 1-25 USED CARS Ford-Wright truck, lookj new $475 Ford touring, 1916, may extras $390 Stodard twenty, good tires etc $250 Maxwell, 1914, just painted $250 Studebakor six $450 Chevrolet touring, 1918, $473 Highway Garage, 1000 S Com'l. tf MULES. HORSES Just arrived from American Lake, 7 span well matched mules, ages 5 to 8, weight from ZlOO to 2500. Also 5 span good young horses, stock is all sound and well broke, prices from $175 to $285. Lib erty bonds accepted. Call at 554 Ferrv street. 1-25 FOR SALE Good 8 room modern house, corner lot, 75 by 150 feet, east front, paved street, price $3000. Good 7 room modern bungalow, located on Fairmount Hill, paved street. Price $3600. Good 5 room modern cottage close in, paved street, $2650. Good 6 room modern house, corner lot, pav ed street, price $2500. W. IL Gra benhorst Co., 275 State street - FOR SALE 30 acre tract of first clafts land, 10 acres bearing prunes, some timber, nearly all cultivated, no buildings. Price $8000. 30 acre . tract, 25 acres cleared, 10 acre of fine ijoganBernos, a acres or prunes, small buildings, pr'.c $7500. 5 acres of bearing cherry orchard, price $1300. W. H. Grabenhorst ft Co. 275 Stats street. POR SALE Tiro good young, fresh cows, one Guernsey, one Guernsey Durham, five years old. 1925 State St. 1-28 WEALTHY young widow wants trust worthy, home loving husband, old as 60 considered. MME, Box 584, Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED To hear from ownr of good ranch Ifor sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minne apolis, Minn. . SP1RBLLA corsets sold by Alios A. Miles, nuts .Leslie St. Measures w ea, fit guaranteed. Horns Thnrs. af ternoons. Phone 1425B. FOR SALE 23 acres good cultivated land on Pacific highway, paved tn year. A bargain, terms: Owner, 314 Mnsonie bldg. 1-25 LOST Purse Jan. 17, between Salem and Independence, contained aoout $25. Reward. Return to Journal of fice. 1-23 STRAYED One dark colored Jersey eow with short, stubby horns. Ed L. Townsend, 470 8 Winter St. Phone 2401J. 1-27 FOR RENT Very reasonable, rooming house, close in, newly painted. Rent reasonable. Address Box 116, Sulem, Or. 1-28 WANTED Stationary engine twenty five or thirty h. p., preferably cen ter crank; also man to take contract logging, horse proposition, small mill. Write Blodgctt & Matlock Lbr. Co., Dalias, Or. 1-27 WIDOW amd maiden worth over $50, 000 anxious to marry honorable gen tlemen. Write, Mrs. Warn, 2216 Temple, Los Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE 182 acre river bottom farm, 90 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture, 50 acres of hops, two hop houses, tarn three houses. Price $21,000. W. H. Grabenhorst ft Co., 275 State street. FOR SALE Good 5 room modem house located on paved street, east front, good soil, price $1350. $200 down, balance monthly payments. Ad dress M care Journal. "i-25 SALEM Automobile Co, reports the sale of the following new cars, siace December 1st: '. , R. Patterson, Gervais, 490 Chevrolet touring. John Fisher, Salem, 490 Chevrolet touring. 'r G. H. Wood, Independence, 490 Chev rolet touring. Allen Brothers, Silverton, 490 Chev rolet touring.. Max Solof, Salem, 490 Chevrolet itouring, ' ' 4 t: , ! H. 8. Butz, Dallas, 490 Chevrolet itouring. H. 8. Butz, Dallas, 490 Chevrolet roadster. C. J. Shreeve, Dallas, Chevrolet Baby Grand. Rice Cook, Dallas, 490 Chevrolet touring. John Haines, Salem, 490 Chevrolet touring. Schmidt Bros., Mt. Angel, 490 Chev rolet touring. C. J. Shreve, Dallas, 490 Chevrolet touring ; x H. A. Covey, Salem, 6-39 Scripps Booth touring. J. W. Berkey, Woodburn. 490 Chev rolet touring J. W. BeTkey, Woodburn, 490 Chev rolet touring J. W. Berkey, Woodburn, 490 'Chev rolet touring J. W. BeTkey, Woodburn, 490 Chev rolet touring Schmidt Bros., Mt. Angel, 490 Chev rolet touring Sehmidt Bros., Mt. Angel, 490 Chev rolet touring C. J. Shreeve, Dallas, 490 Chevrolet touring E. C TUus, Stayton, 490 Chevrolet touriaj ' ::4i!il!!!3 Allen Brothers, Silverton, 490 Chev rolet touring E. C. Titus, Stayton, 490 Chevrolet touring . E. C. Titus, Stayton, 490 Chevrolet touring C. J. Latham, Salem, 490 Chevrolet touring. G. Covey, Salem, 6-39 Scripps Booth, WE are to have an appraisement of all farm loan applications on hand at once by a federal land bank apprais er. Farmers desiring federal farm loans should file their applications immediately. Interest 5 per eent 34 years time. A. V. tfohrnsteat, wi Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. 1-31 CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE We bay and sell all kinds of used autos. If you want me to ell your car bring it in. Ill seQ it for you. We have the following: One BtTCK. 5 passenger, 4 tylinder; new tires' good me chanical condition. Price $325. Campbell's Auto Exchange 229 State Street ft IF YOU ARE The "Move On Cop" has gone through our stock of Ladies' and Children's "MUNSING WEAR," putting on "SPECIAL TABLES" all broken and Discontinued Lines. Here Is Your Big Opportunity Discounting "MUNSING WEAR" Is the Same as buying $10.00 goldpieces for $7.50. A full. description is too much for this space. Suffice to say the lines are COTTON, SILK and WOOL and ALL WOOL $2.00 Garments, "Move $2.50 Garments, "Move $3.00 Garments, "Move Value is the real test of business. We certain ly are. strong on value. MARK" if lonely; for results, try me; best and most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish siar ri>t isoon; strictly confidential; asset reliable; years experience; de aariptiops free. "The Successful Gtub," Mrs. Purdie, Box 956, Oak laid, Chi. FOB SALE If you are looking for a good home with five lots, bearing fruit trees, berry bushes, barn, chicken house, close to car and school house, here is your chance at a real bargain; liberty bond or cows ac cepted as part payment. See owner 2015 N. Commercial t, 1-28 FOR SALE-r-160 acrekm, all. in cul tivation and in crop, good road, good sot of modern buildings; if you are . looking for a first "class farm, in vestigate this. Price $160 per acre. W. H. .Grabenhorst Co., 275 State street. I OAN loan for you $1500 at 7 per cent on good security. I have sever al small tracts and several farm for exchange at bargains. 136 acres for sale cheap. Have $1000 mortgage and some cash to trade for Sulcm residence. John H. Scott, 404 Hub bard bldg. ... 1 23 BABY CHICKS (Place your order now for March delivery on ijegnorns, Reds, Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Anconas, Black Minorca. Strong, sturdy livable chicks. Egg producer. The kind that "lay and Pay," hatched from mature, well mated thoroughbred stock, and at prices you can afford to pay. Write today. C. N. Needhum, Box 412, Salem, Or. tf PARKER NEVER QUITS J. W. Parker, proprietor of the 8a-lem-Silverton stago, has no knowlcdgo of what the word "quit" means and he has bad experiences since estab lishing the stage line between Salem and Silverton that would put the old time stago coach driver to. grief and discouragement, but ho is always on the job and nearly always on. time. , ' Tuesday night on the return trip from tialem, he was forced to go by way of the upper road from Central Howell to Silverton on account of wa ter over the road at the Pudding river bridge. When wfthin a few miles of town the car went down deep in, the mud. He managed to get out, however, and reached town about two hours late wearing that perpetual smile. Silver ton Tribune. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Arthur L. Whitcman, deceased, by the county, court of Marion county and state of Oregon, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present same, duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned at the office of 8. M. Endieott, Salem, Oregon, in said county of Marion, with in six months from the date of this notice. Date of first publication, this 24th day of January, 1919. GRACE HANSEN, Administratrix of the estate of Ar thur L. Whiteman, deceased. 2-21 The Journal Job Department will print you anything in ths stationery line do it right and uve you real money. . NOT BOOSTING AND BACKING On" Price .....$1.35 On" Price ...$1.67 On" Price. ........$2.00 You can always do better at .COOIUGOOD BILLS THAT HAVE NOT YET ACQUIRED Proposed Bill Would Solve lime Problem If the-bill introduced by Represent-' ative Lafferty of CorvaHis hecomes a law, the farmer can buy time of the state lime board in 50, or 100 pound sacks from his eounty court, instead of buying in car load lots f ron the otato lime plant. The bill provides that when 50 or more owners of cultivated1 lbnd present to a county court a petition, the court shall keep on hand an adequate supply of limo from the state lime plant. The lime is to be stored in a convenient place and the court is authorized to sell at actual cost, to include cost of storing and advertising. Mr. Lafferty fcclg thifl will solve the problem for the farmers who do not care to order in car load lots as the present law requires. The 3nw requires that the business be done on a cash ba sis, payublo ia advance, sometimes sev eral week before the car lot of lime is delivered. With a supply in each county Mnd1 the privilege in buying in 50 or 100 pound lots, it i thought that not only will the lime busino be largely in creased, but that the law will help to solve some of the difficulties now fac ed by the state lime board plant. A bill may be introduced later to permit the state lime board to do business in o business like way iiw'tead of compelling it to sell only in ear load lots in ad vance. The lime board would like the privilege of not only selling to whole sale houses dn tho state, but even out side the state and the privilege of con ducting its affairs in the manner or any phint with $30,000 invested. May Have Legislation Rid State Of Noxious Weeds Should a bill proposed by Represent ative WJieder of Lane eounty become a law, tac.n county court 4n we siaie will bo authorized to appoint a suit able person to ascertain whethpr any thistles, coeklebur or silver salt bush is growing before blooming time in the county for which he is appointed. It such are found, the owner of the Hand is to be notified in writing invit ing him to rid bi place of the objec tionable and dangerous weed. And if such is not done within ten days aft-r the notice, the court wvl have author ity to go on the land, remove the weed and tax the. expense to the land. This expense will serve as a lien against the property. joint Committee Will Look Into Dairy Question To investigate the cont of production of milk and 'butter fat the senate adopt ed a resolution that two memners from the senate and three from the house he appointed. The matter came before the attention of the house yesterday and was referred to the committee on res olutions. The Oregon Agricultural college is greatly concerned over the dairy inter ests of the state, claiming that it has statistics showing that 50,000 animals had been slaughtered the past year be cause the priee received for milk was unprofitable. It is alleged that the Portland in terests are rather working against the dairy interests of the valley as recent ly after investigating milk prices and cost of production, the Portland com mittee refused to recommend that the retail price be raised. 3 s: UP YOUR OTfN TOWN YOU 11 vAvia in rrii Mi m $3.50 Garments, "Move On" $4.00 Garments, "Move On" $5.00 Garments, "Move .On" DIGNITY OF LAW Hence to get at the real cost of pro ducing milk and buttcrfat, it is prob able that the joint committee -win soon begin sessions. In this committoe, the senate will be represented by Senator l"ierce of La Grande and Weaator Pat terson of Polk eounty, Competitive Bidding M Passes Representatives Representative Gallagher, elected to represent Harney and Malheur coun ties, was not backward yesterday speak ing in defense of his bill making it a crime to prevent competitive bidding in whotesuile stock markets. "We ship our stock into Portland where tho buyers have a close corpo ration," Mr. Gallagher aid. "They have a system by which the buyers will not bid against each other. First one, buyer offers a certain sum for a car loud and tho others will not bid. Then for the next carload, another buyer of fers a prico and there is no second of fer. It is to prevent just such combi nations that tho bill is Offered." The stock yard interests were evi dently not alarmed as to what the hill would do to them, as there was no pro test from any interest and the bill was passed unanimously. House, Without Opposition Passes Language Bill When Representative Dodd of Uma tilla county was doing active work for the several 'liberty loan drives, he ran up agiaiinst many things that convinc ed him it would be best for this, coun try if teachers in both private and public schools were required to do their teaching in the English language. His information told him that in the United States the German government fostered 190 schoolg in which omly the Oerman language wa spoken. As many new communities woald be established in the state withiu a few years, he felt they should be utorted right and that the right thing in a school wus the English language. Mr. Dodd did not Object to the teach ing of German or any foreign lan guage and was willing to grant that foreign languages might bo taught in a foreign tongue. But when not teach ing a foreign language, the teacher should talk English. The bill passed the house unanimously. LOUIS E. GRAZER SEAS. Lewis Everett Grazer died at his home here January 15, 1919, at the age of 56 years 6 months 22 days. Burial took plnco at Csnby Friday, January 17, at tho Zion cemetery, Rev. Launcr of Canby conducting the burial serv ices. He is survived by his widow, Eliz abeth Grazer, and three sons, Leslie Grazer of the 216th U. 8. engineers at Camp Kearney; Walter G razor and Guy Grazer, of Aurora; ard three daugh ters, Frances, Lorraine and Eva, nf this place; and two brothi :s, Henry Grazer snd Sylvester Graz' r, both of whom live ia Oregon; nn" three sisters, Mrs. A. W. Parker of Warsaw, Wisconsin, Mrs. Adeline Wiil'g of Arizona, Mrs. Henrietta Wilh 1m of Bremerton, Wash. Mr. Grazer w:. born June 23, 1862, at North Vamhill, Or. He attended tho common schools and the academy at LaFayette, and later the University of Oregon. October 3, 1895, he was mar ried to Miss Elizabeth Roth at Canity and lived in this section until his death last week. Ho was a member of Ncsv muk eamp, CGI, W. O. W. of this city, ma? ARE A SLACKER 4 tiH Price $2.35 Price $2.67 Price $3.35 We were leaders 40 years ago, and have re tained our position ever since. which conducted their last rites over the grave of their brother Woodman. The bereaved family have the sincere, sympathy of many friends here aud-rtt Oanby, Aurora. Observer. CREAMERY NOT PROSPEROUS. The annual meeting of the Canby Co operative Cheese end Produce Co., now engaged in tho creamery business, last week resulted in the election of a prac tice Uy new sot of directors and offi cers. Charles Kraxborger presided in tho absence nf the officers, and the fol lowing directors were chosen: One year term, Trans Kraxberger, William" Be nao ii and Wilttiim Buuhe; two yeol- term, Charles Kraxberger sad Albin Ericksou. Immediately follow ing the stockholders meeting, the di rectors convened and elected Fiana Kraxberger, president of the associa tion; A. Erickson, vice-president; WIW Hum Bocson, secretary treasurer, and Hurry Shorwood, manager. The now. management is a return to office of tho officials who made a big success of tho enterprise, but who have been out of control for two years. Tho company is said to have been running behind heavily recently as high ts $25tl por month, and that the number of pa trons has fallen from 140 or 150 to 30. Hence it Is seen that new management will havo no snap if it succocds in re storing the business to a paying con dition. Aurora Observer. New Director Of Air-Craft Production 1 4 't J 1 ;,, Colonel James A. Attars, new Di rector of aircraft production, whose appointment Is In Una with ths plan of appointing; regular army officers to such positions. i The Journal classified ads ar great favorites with people who do things Try on ' . )t 3C lc )((