Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 25, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Million tit sLuAnU a n
n'S i X
f ft
own mother, there nother mother to American ioldierg that itaiidi iilontly i Sew Tort Bay, wotehing md ra
ing for her nuii who re returning bj tlio thougauds, daiyl the mother f Liberty.
Hdili Officer Clos Kuch
Success For Masks la 'Frisco
San Francisco, Jan. 15. Influcnzji
casea reported yesterday totalled 85,
showing a steady decrease iu the epi
demic here. Doathi reported numbered
Dr. Hasslor, health officer, is highly
optimistic over the iuccoss of the in
Nuonza masks. The crowded conditions
of hospitals haa been greatly rolier
ed Dr. Ilaasler credited to the masks the
act that there were only 85 cases yes
terday against -538 cases nine days ago.
Famine Bill Conferees
To Bs Opnointed Monday
Washington, Jan, 25. House confer
ees on the 10J),000,000 famine fund bill
will be appointed Monday. An effort
will be mado to hasten final enactment
of the measure already greatly dokyodl
cy tno senate fight. Honato conferoos
named are Martin, Virginia; Ovorman,
North Carolina; and Warren, Wyoming.
Fill Arrest Doctors Who
Failed To Report ' fhf Cases
Portland, Or., Jan. 85. Eight doc
tors, among the most prominent ia Port
land, will be arrested for alleged nota
tion of the state law in thst tfcof failed
to report influenza cases.
Warrants are being prepared for
service this afternoon.
Dr. E. A. Sommer, head of the con
solidated health committees, who makes
the eompkints, declared hodiscovered
eight sttaomonta of doctors certifying
to deaths duo to the flu and that not
one of the cases had beon reported as
roquirod by law.
Arrests of Christian Scientists and
other hoalerg, who, it is said, failed, to
roport similar cases, will follow.
Wasington, Jan. 25, AH photograph
ic restrictions within the Amorican
army none have beon romoyed, it was
officially announced by Captain Wil
liam Moore, in chargo of the pictorial
section of the staff.
Rochaibeaa, Several Days
Overdue, Arrives la N. Y.
New Tork, Jan. 85. t"ke Frentl
liner Bochambeau, several days over
due, arrived here today with Amorican
troops aboard. The troops were put
of the 337ta fiold artillerq, including
seven officers and 723 men, and part
of the SSBth field artillery, including 19
officers and 05$ men. They were
traiiecd at Camp Dodge, la., and wars
from Iowa, Kansas and Minnesota.
All expressed regret that they ar
rived, in France too late for the fight-"
ing. - i''J
Washington, Jan. 25. Soldiers who
would bo jobless if turned out of the
army can remain in the service tem
porarily upon their own request, ae
o.ordinu to war orders just issued. This
does set permit them t remaia My
considerable timo
m . ria frfl .
United States
fP 4-66'
219 North
We Adjust Them
A Shop With
Salem's Real
Accessorie Store
k& Of Fsrtkil, Isimtcd
That Paing Lobby Ia
There is just a suspicion that stiae
one is after the scalp of State Highway
Engineer Kunn. although as yet the in
dications are so faint that it is not ex
ctly known from whence the feeling
At an impromptu meeting before thf
roads and highway eemmitte hld last
vening there was conjidorahlo criti
ism in refrnrd o the contracts Tecentlj
fct for road between Salom'and Aurora
and the price at which f.e9o eontrae's
were let.
Eugene E. Smith, the labor represen
tative from Portland, intimated pretty
atronclv that the road bond issues were
being made to absorb a pretlv heavy ,
verhead eost for a state wido lobbv. j
When asked to explain as to his asser-,
tion, Mr. Smith said that a paving lob-1
ly like other lobbies was a hard thing,
n which to put one's hand, but wa?
pretty sure one could be found around j
the city of Astoria and ho did not
ionbt but that it was haunting thej
thambers cf the legislators in Satein. ,
In regard to a letter recently sent I
out by the State Highway commission
ffcring soldiers $3.50 a day for road
work, with $1.00 a day deducted for
board, Mr. Smith said the reason many
soldiers did not accept was because it
was understood that Japs were being
paid 3.60 a day for the work. Can'ain
Oonville it is understood would not
send out soldiers for road work at
3.50 a daf.
Have Bought Plant.
Answering the inquiry as to whether
the State highway commission had pur
chased a paving plant for thn sate.
Representative Sheldon said that the
somtnission had bought a plant six
months ago from I N. Day and that
it never had boen used but would prob
ably be set up and worked on the Sa-j
lem- Aurora road
If. Stipp, an attorney from Oregon:
City, who is here as clerk of the con
solidation committee, gave as his op
inion that the Salom-Aurora job was
let at en excessive prico. As to the
remedy, he opined that it might be up
to the state engineer, The commission 1
lie said, are not technical road men
and they were at the mercy of the
state engineer. "Any oho who has deal-!
intra with eneinoers knows tv-' t
cering is the trickiost profession there
is" declared Mr. Stipp.
Stipp read copy of part of con
tract for the Salem-Aurora rod con
tract showing wherein' it world cost
$2.07 a square yard and declared that
the same pavement had boen laid by
Clackamas county for .$1.2(1 square
yard. As a remerdy for existing condi
tions he suggested tha the state high
way commission buy nmtnrinls and lot
the construction bv eontrnct.
Specifications Rigid.
The specifications for ths Bali).-
t timJeirT w - fiijunyij JJ
- t ' A'' ijj 41 K
wis- -
Chevrolet 490
5 -Passenger $845
Guaranteed and backed up by the Strongest Automobile Organization in the
General Motors controlls Cadillac, Buick, Scripps-Booth, Oldsmobile, Oakland,
G. M. C. Trucks a.id Chevrolet
This fact coupled with our complete stock of parts. Every piece and part of the
Chevrolet and service is your insurance as. to quality, economy and reliabil
ity. The world's lowest priced electrically equipped automobile.
246 State St. till March 1st. then 151 North High Street
Distributors of Chevrolet and Scripps-Booth Automobiles and Republic Tires
: 1 Phone 97 :. . ' : :;.
Leon Trotsky
I 4 A
Dictator of Russia.
Au: a road, Mr. Stipp said, were more
rigid and inflexible than tho bi hulitic
specifications and that bidders could
afford to bid on bithulitic and pay a
royalty rathor than be held down to the
highway engineer's specifications. He
thought that undor tho highway engin
eer's specifications, the engineer was
the whole thing and that ho could break
contractor by being exacting while at
ho sitmo tune he cculd let him mnko a
nice pot of money by being linien .
Representative Kchuobel read an figreo
went that had been signed by High
way Commissioners Benson and Adiims
st the time the campaign was on for
tho $i,000.(H)0 road bond Ussue, end
declared (hat not a singlo one of tho
agrecraeats had been lived up to by tho
oommission.TIie agreement wus thut tho
commission would not add anything to
a contract for maintenance, would not
ask for a 10-year maintenance guaran
tee, and would ask counties to bid on
road contracts. Mr. Hchuebt'l also com
pared the cost of roads built by tho
commission and that by Cliu'knmas
county had dono its work much cheaper
There was an intimation by Mr.
Hchuebel that the highway committees
of the legislature had been stacked as
ho could not got them to visit the New
Kra road, built by tho couimi.wion and
compare it with a road running be
tween Oregon City and Portland, built
by Clackamas county.
"We are not attacking the state
highway commission, " declared Tugeno
H. Smith, "Imt tho conditions under
which the commission is forced to work.
If these conditions were changed, I
think we would get more roads foe cur
Among those present at tho session
la.'t cvoning wcro Konators Dimick, La
Follottol Thomas, Lachmund, Wtrayer,
Smith of Coos, .Shanks, Pierce and
Nicholsen and Representatives fc'chuo
bel, D. C. LewU, Hughes, Hare, Ji T.
Smith of Portland, Sheldon and Wood
Paris, Jan. 25. President Wilson
will make a onc-dny visit to tho devas
tated regions Suvdny, it wns nnnuuneed
tod.'.y. It is believed ho will go to the
Uhcims district.
".Living ag wo aro in nn age when
that which is new flnd wonderful to u
today, ig old and commonplace tomor
row, tho majority of us are inclinnd to
takfl too much for granted to accept
and utiiliaa many comparatively recent
innovations with littln thought as to
their full worth nnd with little effort
to determine the full extent of thsiruse
fulnons," ays V. (i. Delano .of P.xlem
Automobile !o., load dealer in Chev
rolet parir.'ugor cars anil trucks.
"'Hers ig an item which wa3 printed
in a automobile magastino cf the date
of IK'Jl), which nt only emphasize tho
rapid perfection of ths uremiobil() s
a practical, all round utility, bat Is "
reftlly amusing when you ste to eon
sidor how marvelous thi statement
must have emed at that time, ft ir
as follows: 'My seven dayf traveling,'
declared ft motorist at ths conclusion
of a record breaking automobile trip,
'was not done on consecutive days, a-s
tho motor had to rest from ono to threa
days befonj it could be persuades" to
operate again.'
"Today, we think nothing at seating
ourselves in an automobile, prcsiiag
the self starter nnd driving away to
our destination, whether it is ten or i
thou Flan d miles. Transcontinental trips
aro common occurrences today. Yet less
than sixteen years ago, such a feat as
crossing the bread h of the country in
an automobile seemed as improtmoie
as it wTs then impossible.
"At the present time, practically
every section mf the country is inter
lace d with automobile highways. From
country to town, from one city to an
other or from one state to another is
only a matter ef a few hour of com
fortable riding in an automobile. Motor
trucks are mnking regular scheduled1
trips ffom middle western citiog to the
Atlantic eabonrd.
1 "All the industrial and commercial
advantages that this cloee, easy and
i economical means of transportation
has brtn'flit s, was the direct result
i of the jicrfeetion .f that enrly motor
i car that wou'.d run la fjw n.ilcs after
a ret iof three days."
044, Thin&& la Cc2a5i2io Ccea
By A. Scientist
Worms Bnild Dike.
HE famous Mont St
Ku&cl, off the north
coast of Franc tl
rapidly ceasing to t
la bland.
Tb reaion, n
told to tht Ac
demie des S denes m
Paris by" Messr
Jloulbert and Galainc, is that myriads of
Brmellidt, those little sea worms which
tncast themselves in stony shells and
are so often found upon the shells of
fcysters, ar building a dike across the
kntrance to the bay, and behind this dike
(he sand is piling up with every tide. It
Is estimated that this dike is now nearly
two miles wide and from 15 to 18 feet
, Fruit-Washing Pan.
Among the novelties recently added
to the number of culinary conveniences
is a fruit-washing implement that has
beta riCCiUiy pattcntcd. It is deigned
for UK with grapes, plums and berries,
which It la necessary to wash rather
'thoroughly In order to rid them of dust
and Insects.
The presence of the latter is not al
ways to b observed except by the most
careful and minute scrutiny, but their
presence Is made disagreeably manifest
soon after reaching the mouth.
The most effective way of getting rid
of these Is by means of a rather strong
stream of water, and this new utensil is
designed for this especial purpose.
The pan is so shaped that the fruit
contained therein is well turned over and
every part subjected to the action of the
water, which is then allowed to flow off
through suitable holes provided.
Breaks Steel Bars.
A process for producing a quick and
clean break upon steel bar3 has been re
cently invented in France by M. Bcllan
ger. A steel bar is submitted, at one or
several points around the tine where it
is to be b:c!;ca, to the action of an oxy-
dizing flame from a blowpipe, or In oth
er cases a reducing or neutral flame, the
bar being placed upon two supports at
the proper distance apart In this posi
tion the bar receives a stroke from a
knife-edge tool applied in any suitable
way, or a pressure can also be employed,
and this causes the bar to break off sharp
at the determined point
Bhovel or Helmet.
A piece of impedimenta for the sol
diers which may be used as a steel hel
met for protection against missiles or
for a shovel when called upon to dig Is
the invention of a Washington, D. C,
It consists of a scoop-shaped shell
having its cavity formed with a head
receiving portion and a longitudinal ex
tension beyond, which terminates in a
handle, the inner surface of the shell be
ing free and unobstructed, and means
for securing the helmet to the head.
All in all, the helmet should afford
protection comparable to that of other
steel helmets now in use; and the addi
tional feature of its usability as a trench
tool makes its use advisable, since as
saulting infantry must "dig-in" when
ever they happen to find tlicmscWcs and
for that reason are compelled to carry
trench tools.
. o ,
Digs Post Holes.
The Sargent automatic hand-excavator
is designed for the purpose of dig
ging holes for electric telephone-telegraph
poles, or post holes, also for clean
ing out manholes in sewer systems. It
Is generally adapted for all work of a
similar nature.
The excavator is made also entirety
of fine steel, and is designed to last.
Handle is of selected white ash, with
turned raised ridge?, about J-inch high
and J-j-inch -.vide, and alout every six
inches provision is rr.ade for a small tall
on the top. itli this construction of
handle, the workman's lands will not
slip, thus making Uie machine very easy
to handle, and doine away with the null
ing, wringing and twisting as one docs
with a spoon shove1.
Operator limply bo -rt (ana on the han
dle, and by me-) c,' levero the excava
tor fills itself anu .ocks; it is then lifted
out, and by raising up on the little lever
it dumps and if ready to be filled again.
It Is powerful and positive in action,
and its load of earth will not tumble off
into the hole, thus making it possible to
do more work.
With the Sargent erx&va'or, under
favorable conditions, one man can do
more work than many men in the old
way, if done with spoon shovels. It
is the invention of C D. Sargent of Bos
ton. O
LtsV.tutbj( Lovec C'hertriii'n.
Lightning shows a marked prefer
ence for chestnut trees, acceding to
data based on reports submitted to the
Department of Forestry by its forccst
crs. Of a total of altout 2,000 trees struck
by lightning in the state forests in tho
last four years, 635 were chestnut.
Pitch pine comes next with 327 trees
struck, and then follow in order rock
oak, white pine, hemlockj red oak, white
oak, black oak, locust and sugar maple.
Black birch is at the foot of the list
with only one tree struck in four years.
Poplar and walnut come next, only two
of each being struck.
has invented a piece of apparatus whiia
it designed tot be part of the itov
equipment, remaining u en tunes i um
pipe, but when out ol Us U Is out cJ
Stors Pipe Cleaner.
It does not require such a keen-witted
housewife to observe that when the vari
ous passages about the stove are free and
open the fire burns much better and the
oven is hotter.
Then why not have them clear all the
time? The greatest source of trouble is
the horizontal section of pipe which
passes from- the range or stove to the
chimney, which i:s not only the most dif
ficult to get at, but it offers the best
resting place for the soot.
To have this part of the pipe clear at
all limes, would practical'y in.-urc a good
draught and a hot fire, so that a wuman
Chinese Candy Uaher
It Is acknowledged that ths CliintM
are very skiuui in maiung coniecuouer:
and possess the reputation of hawr.i
many secrets. They are able to empt;
an orange ot its puip entirety, tnen mi
,t- ; .it til k - i. i I
up win iruu jeuy wiuwut uuo ucui aum
to And the smallest cut ia the rind ci
even a tiny hole. Indeed, they txf
empty an egg in this manner and fill if
with a sort of almond nougat withoia
one being able to find ths slightest breasj
or incision in the shell t
o . S
The Dundee manufacturers are abord
to give up the use of earthenware, g!a
jars and tins, for a stout cardboard co
tamer is now being made and cxpevi
ments iviih it have proved hif'v juc
cessfui ' 9