r f Yi-S THIS, XJA& KWHY IT -STANDS Inll of f onor "from Ouer 7Xere" General Pershing's Official Reoort Killed iu aotion 33 fried from wounds . 28 Died of airplane accident 1 Died of accident and other causes....l0 1'iea of disease 40" sussing in action . 45 . Total 163 Today 'e casualty list contains the following nar.es of Oregon men: I E Matthisen, Seaside, wounded se verely Francis Speake, Portland, wounded severely Tano irlolloway. aioumouth, killed In action ..Mtrlo 3 Gruber, Gresham, died of disease Frank Delittle, Gestdn, wounded, re ported missing . KILLED IN ACTION Lt Jena H Frosthdm, Worcester Mas Sgt Geo Mitchell, New York Corp Norman D Kalin, Bald Eagle Lake Minn Corp Geo I McCormnck, Chicago Privaten E.irl 1 Buckworth, Powersville Mo Willie Duggins, Le'tchficld Ky Henry Fairchilds, Brookhaven Miss Julius Frazor, Graphite N Y Geo E Enberts, Peoria 111 J110 G Graves, New Brunswick If 3 J J Gurke, Rohncby Minn Martin Hdlingsworth, Sykcston N D Irvin L Jones, Isabelle La 8 E Jones( iPayettevillo Ga Clyde E Levy, Jackson Comers N Y I' Manning, Dongola Hi fctcve Mikula, S Bend Ind TOLD SHE'D BETTER HAKE OUT KER WILL Take Tanlac And Now Feels Like A New Perscn-Can Do Her Own Housework. The remarkable results being obtain ed iby the use of Tnntae is further evi denced in the case of Mrs. M. F. Cun ningham of 3418 Humboldt street, Denver, Colo., who in recently telling the story of her recovery ifrom .a ser ious complication of troubles said: "Alittle over two years ago 1 be g.m to have trouble with my stomach nil I would get so tired and fagged out I couldn't get through with my little housework without having to stop mid lio down five or six times during the dsy. I couldn't touch meat nor drink either tea or coffee, and was put on a diet of the lightest kind, of food. After eating I felt like there was a turning fire right in my chest and 1 suffered agonies for hours. My food soured in my stomach and formed gas and my heart would palpitate like it would jump out of my body. My blood pressure went up to an alarming point Bnd my heart acted so strangely I was told I had better make out my will. 1 was so norvous I could hardly sleep nd many a timo I lay awake all night ljng suffering and worrying about my rendition. I was getting so thin and peaked my neighbors were all talking about it and asking what in the world was the matter with me. "I had tried many other medicines without getting any relief and after Tanlae was put on sale in Denver and everybody got to talking about it, I decided to try it, too. I noticed a de cided improvement soon after I start ed on it and after my second bottle I actually frit like a new person. I have taken four bottles now and I can eat uost anything I want. I have been re lieved of (Rat burning sensation I ad in my ehest, gas has stopped form ing and the pressure hag been relieved no my heart docs not palpitate like it did. Mv nerves are quiet and my sleep U delightfully refreshing. I a'" so much (uet'ir and stronger I can now do my housework without getting all tired out and having to stop to rest and 1 am mow convinced that all my suffering was caused by my disordered stomach. Tanlae has done me more good than anything i have ever takea and my relief is due to nothing else but this great medicine." Tanlae is sold in Hubbard By Hub tiard Drug Co., ia Mt. Angel by Ben trench, in Gervais ty John Keliy, in Turner by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood turn by Lyman H. Shorey, in Salem by Ah-. S. C. Stone, in Silverton by Go. A. Steelhammer, in Gates by Mrs. J. P. ;MoC'urdy, in Stayton by C. A. Besu !i2mp,in Aurora ty Aurora Drug -'ore, in fit. Paul by Groceteria Stores u. Inc., and in Donald by M. W. john-SOn. TfciNj iATOKE )I Tb THCT j THE TuFRN' Our " P B Mokelke, Milwaukee H L Moldstad, St Louis Park Minn Jno H Nichols, Salisbury N D ' Gilbert Olson, Tracy Minn E Pach, Nantiooke Pa Michael Pedoni, Worcester Mags Nick T Pegues Jr, Winona Minn Jno R Eoundy, Marble Head Mass Elmer A Schriinpf, Cincinnati George G (Schutle, Dalton Mo Joseph Smith, Robertson Wyo . Wm Stock, Lisbon 0 Arthur R. Thayer, Chesnning Mich v Frank Wolfe, E Asluland Wis DIED FROM WOUNDS Lt Maxwell M&Keon, Eastou Pa Sgt R. R Ebner, Easton Pa Sgt Samuol 0 Phillips, Allentou E 1 Corporals Jno W Hartley, New Albany Kan Jos P McKinney, Brooklyn Otto A Paulsen, Malcolm Ia Cook F J Melvin, Philadelphia Prirates Jas McDonald, Livingston 111 Herbert (B Roach, Jackson Tenn Thomas L Robinson, Walcheim Mont Thomas Selby, Blakesburg Ia Abraham Shellenbarger, HingUam Mont Lee Slonn, flrundy Va W R Thompson, Albia Ia A T1 Anderson, Brooklyn Harry O Beattie, Jamaica Vt Olaf J Bodeen, Bcresford 8 D Jno E Bonncker, Rcnsaellcr N Y Geo 8 Debnam,. Columbia 81 C F J Direcks, Lakctown Minn V Frederick, Fargo N D Baptist Giordano, Nesquchoni ivg Pa Jas A Griffith, Guy Ark Harry Gulliksen, Brooklyn Lloyd 1 Harmon, Boaz Wis J J Jett, (Fredericksburg W Va Isadore Leibson, Now York KILLED IN AIRPLANE ACCIDENT Lt Elwood H Hooper, Girar Pa DIED OF ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES T M C A Secy John A Linn, Chicago Sgt Eanle M Davis, Pittsburg Wagoner iKobert 8 Parks, Knoxvllle Tenn Privates D II Cochran, Philadelphia Joseph 8 Edwards, Philadelphia Voet Danderlo, Old Forge Pa Carl N Koler, Pittsburg " Herbert H Kuhn, Warsaw Jnd Jno T Morrow, Dtavertown 0 Willard 0 Watson, Beacon Tenn DIED OF DISEASE Capt Howard W Irwin, Winthrop Mas Lieutenants Anzelm J Mayotte, Quinbaugh Conn Jno G Mitchell, Milwaukee II C Sawyer, Dundee ill 8gt Ivan H Hull, Ambridge Pa gt David P Spengler, Easton Pa Corp Charles E Hehn, San Antonio Corp Cecil 8 Smith, Donnybrook N D Corp Robert Wagner, Lafayette Ind Mech Olaf Olson, 'Brooklyn Wagoner Wallace Diggs, WintervUle Miss Cook Cleveland Lay, Jonesboro Ark Cook J Waterhonse, Hamilton Ont Privates Monaco Angelo, Red Granite Wis Loyd L Ausbon, Robersonville U( C Benjamin O Bartholomew, Papel Ind Frank J Conlin, Lockport N Y 8 Davies, Milwaukee Wis Bernard Dull. I'erhain Minn Robert H Dummvant, JCIkt m ienn Mose Fabbs, Croekott Tex f Pnkort K F.fnrd. Dnttian Ala I G A Finch, Northvillo N Y Mnck Garrett, Rosodalc Mo Elmer E Goff, El Paso Tex Louis J Gravell, I't Ripley Minn Charlie J Hunter, Early Ga' J R Hvland, Plymouth Cal L H Keithley, Belair Md G E Larson, Minneapolis Minn Hewitt Lawrence, Darby Pa .Steven MeXwlejr, Lancaster S C Frank A Madden. Philadelphia Francis J Mann, Randlett Okla Will Parker, Earlc Ark Ben.inmin Peterson, Hager City Wis J H Poole, Cincinnati 8 J Pnrtr, Philadelphia Wm M Ratcliff, Melbourne Ky Joe m Rogers, Thornton Tex Homer G Koland, Iowa City Ia Oscar Rowland, Tennille Ga Jowph E Ruane, Scranton Pa James E Sturges, Weatherford Tex Ovca K Turner, Oilton Okla Died of disease, previously reported died of wounds: Pvt Lewis Battle, Battlcboro N C Killed in action, previously reported miss'ng in action figt Walter Jehakowski. Milwaukee Corp Henrv W Inncs, Castlewood Va Corp Robert V Xally, Reading Pa Private Camiel Bovyn, Marshall Minn Felton Childers, Hodges Ala THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. r j LiARSKljjj" RUB NEURALGIA PAIN AWAY! QUICK RELIEF Cl cfr m 1 it 1 oiup ouuermg mo neoraim Pain From Face. Head Or Body m "St Jacobs liniment" Get a small trial ibottlet Rub this sootliing, penetrating lini ment rht iito itho lore, inflamed nerves, and like magics neuralgia dis appears. w St. Jacobs Liniment" con quers pain. It is a harmless neuralgia relief which doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Don 't suffer! It 's so needless. Get a small trial bottle from any drug store and gently rub the "aching norves' ' and in just - a moment you will be absolutely ifree from pain, ache and suffering, hut what will please you moro is, that the misory will, not come back. No difference whether your pain or neuralgia misery is in the face, hoad or any part of the body, you get in stant reliof and without injury. Wm Frey, Mendota 111 Edw J Geis, Covington Ky Frank F Gcodc, Gorse Tex August M Hauser, Kenneth Wis Frank Hoffer, Athens Wis P King, iBoston Frank Korjki, Chicago James A Moon, Albino Va . LH Morgan, Danville Ark iDan Rusch, Galesburg 111 B Setlow, New York Ralph Withcy, Bloomsburg Pa Died from wounds, .previously reported missing in action: Tvt Jacob S Holdman, Milwaukee . Died of disease, previously reported missing in action: Pvt Guy Howell, Chapel Hill Tenn Died, previously reported missing In action; Lt Julius Gregory, Olncy 111 Privates Jno D Black, San Francisco Chas L Kaurin, Brooklyn Leland R Meuter, Grand Rapids Mich MARINE CORPS CASUALTIES Killed iu action 3 Died of wounds 7 Died' of disease 3 Wounded, degree undetermined ........ i Wounded slightly .. 1 Missing in action 4 Total 20 DIED FROM WOUNDS Corp Robert E Austin, Bogota Tenn Privates M A Dentile, Lulu Mich C F Duncan, Birmingham Ala Russell Q Lyon, Newark N J Jno E McElhcnny, Baltimore Frank D O'Hara, Ann Arbor Mich S R Walker, Alexandria Tenn EXED OF DISEASE Corp Lawrence J Diphold, N Bergen N J Pvt Patsy Famea, Dcnmoot W Va Pvt Benjamin V Wheeles, Pinkneys- villo HI Killed in action, previously reported missing in action: Privates Edward J Lindbaild, SixprOng Wash Stanley Racinowski, Buffalo N Y Leroy W 'Lumaree, Waibasli Ind Marion, Or., Jan. 24. (Capital Jour nal Special Service.) Still the rain continues and the lowlands around Mar ion are fluoded with water. The houses of a few families in "the- bottom" are surrounded but no serious damage is feared. Mrs. Alfred Hunt of Mill City is vis iting heT sister Miss Saphrania Farnum and their mother. Mrs. J. A. Colgan iB suffering from an attetk of tonsilitis. Guy Hammett underwent an opera tion for appendicitis at the Salem hos pital last week. His conditions is re ported as satisfactory. Rev. A. W. McFstland and wife were in Portland Monday and Tuesday of this week attending a ministerial con ference of their church. Mrs. B. F. Ensley is recovering from the flu andhopes to be out before long. Mr. Lee Smith spent the week-end in Portland where he went to help take eare of his brother who was down with tho Spanish influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Winn expect to return to Redding soon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Dimick, who have been visiting the later 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haack, have re turned to their home in Columbia City. Kermit Russell is working at the Lrne's sawmill. The two Lathrop families and the Williams family of Pleasant Grove arc confined to their homes with the flu. Mr. S. J. Thomas was a Salem visitor ,IH, SVMBVtW Zr last week. We hoar that Mr. Leo Docrfler caught a skunk and is now trying to train it. Mrs. Charles Mote is having a very painful touch of the pleurisy. Mr. Enos Presnall has been unloading a cgt of hay which he received last Monday. Mr. J. Trcster ia spending this week in Salem. Mr. Ted Fleskas is very sick in the St. Joseph hospital in Vancouver. Private B. M. Pepper, of Scio, was a recent visitor at the Haack homo. The Friends C. E. society is plan ning lor a Valentino party. Miss Luolla DcLapp and Robert Mil ler, her nephow from' Jefforeou, are visitors at the J. A. Colgan homo. Corwin and Mary Shepherd spent Sunday with Harold and Doris Smith. Floyd Brower is visiting friends in Donald, Or. Mrs. I'. Torhuwi is again able to be about. Alver0 Neal and Raymond Colgan are working at the Couch mill. JMr. H. E. Russell is back from a short vi.it with his brother at Noti. Mr. John Palmer was unnble to eome to ehurch Sunday on account of the high wator. Miss Helen Browor spent the week end at her unclo's, Mr. Irio Alsman and family of North Bantinm. .Mrs. Davidson has been ill for 6 few days. The Marion school is going to nave a small program Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. Presnall went to Se- lcm Tuesday to tako their little grand son home. The total production of gold in the United State in 1918 was 8.493.500. and silvor $67,879,206. SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! Sage Tea And Smnhiir Darkens Hair So Naturally That Nobody CanTelL You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and Hi strong almost over nistkt if you 11 eet a bottle of "Wy eth'sSago and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, im proved by the addition of other ingre dients, are sold annually, says a well known druggist here, because it dark ens the hair so naturally and evenly tiiat no one can tell jt has been ap plied. Those whose hair is turning grav or becoming faded have a surprise await ing them, because after ono or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your lockg become luxuriantly dark and venntiiui. This is the acre of vouth. Grav- haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with Wycth's. 8a?e and Sulphur Compound tonight and you 11 be delighted with your dark Handsome hair and your youthful ap pearance within a few days. THE MARKET Orala Wheat, soft whita U Whoat, lower grades on samnln Oats 80c Hay, cheat , Hay, oats Barley, ton Mill run - t242a t2l . 48(f)50 $47(48 Bnttexrat 'Butterfat Creamery butter 59c Fork, Val and Mutton Pork, on foot I6e Veal, fancy .. . 20c NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have impounded the following described dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404, towit: One male Shepherd dog, weight aboot 40 lbs. One male Pointer bird dog, yellow ears, weight SO lbs. One black male dog, smooth hair, weight 40 lbs. One black dog, white breast, weight 40 lbs. One male Setter bird dog, white and black spots, weight 38 lbs. One male Setter bird dog, Ted and white color, weight 45 lbs. One male white mongrel dog, wcignt 30 lbs. One female fcird Setter, black and white, weight 40 lbs. One male Collie dog, white on neck, weight 45 lbs. One male For Terrier, white with y;llow head, weight 20 lbs. One male Fox Terrier, white and black spots, weight 24 lbs. The above described dogs will be killed if not redeemed by owners on or before January 25, 1919, as provid ed in said ordinance. W. S. LOW. 1-25 Street Commissioner. ' 'jrSv:PM'n urn II .TOM FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, WAR. PUZZLES r j..- TWELVE GERMAN AIRPLANES Were brought down In France, two years ago today, January 24, 1917. Find a flier. YEBTERDATS ANSWER Left side down in rnnoke. Steers Cows ... Spring limbs "".'ZT Ewea. . , ZZ1" Lambs, yearlings ........... ggs and Poultry fcggs. cash Hons, life ........ Old roosters . ..."Z." Chickens -.. 79c 47o 12c .46 89e 47c 2325c 1B 23c Vegetables Sweet potatoes fatoe 1" $L50 Onions, local i r. $4.25 Cabbage oi.iha. T"rn,iP? 22J4e Head lettuce $4 40 oet. -III 2c Parsnips ........ -8 Cauliflower $2 oooanutj ii75 Irolt Ranges $4W5.50 Lemons, box 58 .nananas Qe f ionua grape iruit, case i(ff)7.25 Black figs lb , I0(i)18c White figs, lb 19f)20c Package figs per tit 60 pkg $i(w6M Honey, extracted ...... 20e Retail Price. Creamery butter ;. flue Flour, hard wheal asSia 01 Country butter .' 6570e Eggs, dozon 65e Portland Market Portland, Or.. Jan. 24. iButter. civ creamery 52c Kggs, selected local ex. 357c Hens 80(a'33c Broilers 26(cU27c Geese 25e Cheese, triplets 8940e Turkeys 40o DAILY LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattls Receipts 90 Tone of market glow Best stcors 12(ad3.25 Good to lnice steers 10.2.rrill.25 Medium to good steers 8.75(;9.25 Fair to good steers 7.75ffi8.75 ' Common to fair stce.rg $ti.75f7.75 Choice cows and heifers $9.25(iil0.25 Good to choice cows mid hif-ra 8.75((19.75 Medium to eood cow. and heifWi 7.5ltfa8.S0 Fair to medium cows and heifers $5.750.75 Canner 3.506.75 Bulls 6&9 Calves 8ft13 Stockers and feeders 6.508.50 Hogs Receipt 883 Tone of market slow Prime mixed lB.75fajl7 Medium mixed 18n)16.50 Rough heavies tl4.75(al0 Pigs 13.5lMwl4.50 Bulk 10.75S1S Sheep Receipts 4 Tone of market slow Prime lambs 13.75(5)14.25 Fair to medium lambs 1213 Yearlings 10r(t11.50 Wetiers !(l6 Ewcg (5(a8" Goats H Farmer's Produce Company Ch for your produce today: , 19c for top veal. 18e for top hogs. 27c for heavy over 4 lb. rens. 25e for light under 4 lb. hens. 160 S. High St. Phone 10 1919. , - v-p- . : Journal W ant - Act Quick Reference To Firms That Give Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEEYTHINa Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, OSTEOPATH DBS. B. E. WHITE AND R, W. WAL TON Osteopathia physicians and aerve specialists. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk villa, Mo. Post graduate and spec ialized la nervous diseases at Lot Angeles College, Offices 505-50S Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 85w. Residence, 1020 Court Phone 2Z1S, Dr. White Res. Phone 469. DANCING STOP SHAKING YOUR SHOULDER6 Learn to Danco Correctly THEODORE and LILLIAN NEWMAS Exhibition Dancers and Instructors Modern and Classic Dancing Hotel Marion, Salem, Oregon DENTIST DR. F. L. UTTER, DEIST ILT, ROOMS 113-414 Bank of Commeroe building. WATER COMPANY 14LEM WATER COMPANY Office eorner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 606. J 1 pi u 1 11 i gggggr SECOND-HAND GOODS FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD 0e Ladd te Bush bank; Salem Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6 por eent 84 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon MONEY to loan on good real estate. C'i percent government money to loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold. W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com merce. 12-14 STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 60 years experience, Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 68 in high ' Paints, oil and varnish, eta Loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 12. 2ND HAND GOODS. We Buy, Sell And Exchange All kinds of Furniture, Stoves, Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness, Tools and Junk. We buy what you don't want and pay the highest price in ensh. Peoples' New & 2nd Hand Store 271 N. Commercial Phone 734 J. A. Rowland Furnitur. Store Buys, sells and exchanges new and 2nd hand furniture. All kinds of repair work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Right prices. 247 North Commercial St. Phone 10. AUTO t PAINT SHOP Just opened in connec tion with tho HIGHWAY GARAGE 1000 H. Com'l. St. EXPERT WORKMEN WANTED People of Salem to know that we pay Highest pnee for mens second hand clothing, shoes, etc. The Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. tf JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY PAGE SEVEN CHI CCvl Telephone Main 120 ELECTRICAL 127 North High BABY CHICKS ABY CHICKS iX)R SALE Whita Leghorns $18 per 100. Black Minor cas $20 per 100. Starting with Feb. 15Mi delivery. $5 deposit with ordeij balance payable week in advanc of delivery. Order now and aoi disappointment, C. N, Noodham, O. box 412, Salom. tf REPAIRDX. PEOPLES REPAIR SHOP Clocks, furniture, umbrellas nd shoe repair ing. Saws filed, shear and knif frindiug, etc. Satisfaction guarantee 61 Court street. R. Woolcy. 21 REAL ESTATE 600 acre stock and grain ranch, stock, all equipment, grain, feed, 214 miles from town, will sell at a sacrifice prlco, easy terms. 880 acres finest Waldo Hill ranch, income last year $10,000; will sell very reasonable. 147 acres, all tillable, 140 culti vated, running water, T milos from Salem, $11,000. 70 acres, 40 cultivated, running wator, joining town, pries 4815, will carry back $3000. For Exchange: 10 acres apple and peach orchard, 7 miles from Halcm, in A-l condition, will ex change for acreage or residence. 487 acre ranch, a lot of stock, implements, 3 miles from town, want small Taneh near Salem and gome cash as first payment, price $16,000. SOCOLEFSKT 341 State St FOR SALE A good house, well locat ed. 0 room house with two fine lots, near car line, two blocks to pavet street, on graveled street, garaga and plenty of fruit. Price $2000, $5u cash, balance $15 per month. Call at ' 1297 ,N. 18th St. or see Square Deat Realty Company. tf FRTJITLAND Nursery, Salem, Ronta box 138E, phone 111F21. We hava tha Roman strain grtfed Franquet wal nuts aa well as a full line of all oth er nursory stock. 1-1S BRING YOUR TRADES I can match you. C. W. Rlcmeyer, Seal Krrtilo Agent, Canadian Lands, 544 Slate street. FOR ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Writs? to Graham ft Wells, Corvallis, Orege Agents for Marion county 1-21 SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage surf refuse of all kinds removed on month Iv contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools eleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone, Main 2247. Residence, Main 272. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET At McCornack hall oa every Taadaf at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. I. J. KontM K. R. A 8. EOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1309. meets every Thursday evening ia Derby building, Court and High 8t Mrs. Pearl Conrsoy, 214 Court Bt oracle; Mr. Melissa Persons, record er 1415 X. 4th St. Phone 1438M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. S24S meets every 3rd and 4th Thur. 8 o'eloak ia Derby building, eorner Court ant nigh streets. B. F. Day, V. C; 7. 4 Turner, cleric UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assets' bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Norma I Terwilliger, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. Journal Want Ads Pa?