PAGE SIX TKE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. , FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1919. : 8GH&&1-BJ1Y STRAIN. A parent troubled over a child or a fast-growing youth, could do no better than to utilize the definite help that affords as a strengthening and nourishing factor. A very little of Scott's every day, during a time of stress, furnishes elements of nourishment essential to the blood and tends to confirm a growing child in robustness. For your boy or girl, you will not be satisfied with anything short of Scott's. ' Scott &BowM.BUm6eld. N.J. J8-2J THIS PERSIAN CUV OHIGENATED tl. C. L Alleged That War Prices Pre vailed Long Before Cain Had His Little War. (By United Press.) Torlieran, Persia, Jan. 2. (By Mail.) Tli ir; old town claims (lie distinction of l;i:vi.ig invented 1 he High Cost of J.ivii:;.-. It is alleged thut war prices for food Jt:!!! AIKALI IN SOAP BAD r03 THE HAIIt i! ':)! Simp should be us d very carefully, if you want-to ke.: your hair looking j its best. -Most soaps and prepared shs.-n-1 fn us contaiii too niucii union, 'i lint j 'dries the sou'.p, make tho hair brittle, ruins it. The best, thing for steady is just, ordinary niulsif ied cocoiinut oil( which is pure and greas.'le-.w), nhd in betti'r than the most expensive tonp or nay tiling else you can use. One or Jvo tcaspoonfulg will cleanse ' idio hair and scalp thoroughly. Himply moisten the huir with water and rub it a. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lallior, which rinses out easiiy. amoving every particle of dust, dirt, 'dandruff and excessive oil. Tho hair ilricg quickly and evenly, and it leaves t'ho wtilp oft, and the hair fino and silky, blight, lustrous, fluffy and oasy Io manage. "Vou cnu get iniilsifietl eocoanut oil l any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and n few ounce ivi'il supply every member of the family for months. Congress Accepts Allied SSia Washington, Jan 23,-Congress today 'vontlMllthI ehu,f fr tho accepted with favor the allied plan for J""" folonn and interest were bo h baling with Kiissla as suggested by r"rn!s,,e'1 "P,0" '?001 rea80n ? tho President Wilson. The general feeling nu"n 'l011'11'? ln.9 '"""n as ready as ,.,., ,. , , .Tithe American butcher with that patri V.Y.B that a si art hus now boon made to ward a solution f the Ilussiiiii prob leiii. One criticism Hint should bo voiced of th.5 plan, Senator Hiram Johnson, C ifoniiii, said, is Ihut it does not tell tli, American people how long Ameri can Mildiers are to remain in Siberia. "I want these American boys brought homo at once. What a sad coi iuientary it is to trend in ono column of our newspapers toduy of our grout lovo for the Russians aud in tho next how we aro shooting them to," ho said, WHAT FRANCE HAS DONE FOR DEMOCRACY .France lias poured out blood and treasure to tho breaking point to make the world safe for democracy. Amuri- owes her an enormous dob of grnt- itude for this nnd also for a perfect nenieiiy tor sromacii, Jiver nnd antes Hinul trouble found by her peasant lind used with reported marvelous re sults in this country, Geo. H. Mnyr, tfor many yours a prominent Chicago lehemist, imports tho ingredients and fell this remedy under tho name ot Wayr' Wiundertul liemoth-. It is a n':nip!o, harmless preparation that ro move tho catarrhal mucus from tho Intestinal tract and allays tho inflam mation, wluich nis:s 'practicitly nil kUhiuicIi, liver and intestinal uiliuonts, including appendicitis. One . (Ids'! will voiivimo or money refunded. J. C. Per ry, Capital Drug Store, and druggists everywhere. "DECAUSE the WOMEN of Oregon do so much of the buying for Oregon homes, the responsibility for this movement for a "Great er Oregon" rests with them in a very large way. The degree of our success will depend on the extent to which Oregon's women WILL use home products, HOMB INDUSTRY lEAOUirf OREGON prevailed here before Cain delivered the first smashing blow to his Hunniah surprise uttack upon that noted neutral Abel. It must be true, for there is no other way of explaining the butter. But ter that must linvc been hoarded away in somebody's cellar back in those days of tno beginning of things, is selling here now for $1.2.3 per pounds It would tint exactly pass muster out in Iowa ns "Hi icily fresh." j-ioui, "Made la Persia," is selling for to5 a barrel, vet some stoics, byjoges should be extended in order that means of mystic figuring, manage, to ! sell Persian brond for 20 cents a pound, j Coal soils for .oO a ton, though it is a iccal product,- being" transported from mines on'.v 50 or 75 miles awnv. Don- keys furnish the transport. It i not know,., iv lint, the cnnl is nscrl fur Pnr. haps it, is burned in tho temples in-1 sicil nf iii.i.ii.i. H,rn ,.ti,; iou good for the good old Persian God. Sugar $1 Pound. . Ruga, brings $1 per pound, so taffy -,,,n:.,,v .,.,,.ii,0 .,..f ,.....,1. 1.....1 much iiiduleod in. fairly good coffee may be bought i. . " , i , a i ,.- i lor '.h0 a pound, and tea for ' Ll r " ""u l ur, "'UJ; ''"" ' ""f- .lro'1', ", 'rft "",v 1,0 lmldc! J.he ;1 nt ")0 '.. ' inexcusable luxury a ivwnv, brings nnv- ruing tno niercnant can .get, imniy sines u,lle tcchcr. From hiu labor standpoint, ut. l ami move per ealce neiK .mao to,lle Vi.Ra uot in fllvor uf lhi, hno,bcry fouigners ivho iningine they have . to!(nnt gt,a with a coilwro education and havoKonp. A fairly good pair of shoes ,,iinl such should no!, bo imposed on ir.a.v. uc nan lur in-.i. .. : It' still is possible to exist, pretty cheaply if one has no objection to a constant diet of chicken and eggs. Chickens nro produced locally la great quantities, and nlmost every city dwell er has Imb own feathered flock so chick ens may be had in the market for 80 cents ouch, and cgija for cents a down. Sheep, too, nro plentiful and city broke, so mutton may be bought for 25 cents a pound. The sheep-pro- ducing rural folk find that it would tnkn their whole flocks to bnv shoes tor the family, so they go shoeless aud feast on mutton from su:t to sun. The batter is .too much revered (or its ago and power to bo eaten by the proliter iat. , Not Much Transportation. Transportation facilities aro scarcely Ideal here, and this always has beon otic slogan. "It's on account of the wnr, yon know." The Persian, too, Oiareg with his American brethren that painful and embarassin? hesitancy to change suddo "ly to. "On account of the peace, j-ou know," and compromises bv snviib' nolhing except that it Is ter rible about tho bolsheviki and tho dry weather. Kvorvthintr is carried long distances on doukeybnek or by camel. An auto niobilo i tho streets of Teheran at tracts as much attention n would a enmol tram oiwrntiner on a New York or Chicago elevated line. Persia once produced almost ns many Persian vugs ns Hobnken, N. J., but the war nlmost swept, away tho markets for flies" luxuries. Hence, the prob'onj of nnenmlnvnient has entered into the n'" v,f. of Teheran. Onnq were bad Inst season. Americans, including the mislnnaries. have been active in dis- tributlntr relief, br means of funds eol- hitcod in America, OTTTWRY OF O V. ECGG3 O. V. Bows, son of Wm Th., nnd of Sonorn Bnggs, was bora Jan. 4, 18(7, at Sonoma county, Cal., at Petaluma, ns the' first white male chill born un der tho American flag, in that state, and died .Tan. 2:1, ltll, at Salon., Or.j Mr. Hoggs was a graiulwu of Gov. j Roggs of Missouri and territorial gov-j oraor of California. His life was very excitable, having been identified with tho early Calif irniu of pioneer times. At one tinio a measure was before the California legislature to present hinij with 700 acr's of land and passed the j legislature, but was vetoed by Gov. j Hayes ns special legislation. In Petnlumu there sti!l can bo s.'eii his crad'o, as a piece of curiosity. His scrap book makes very interesting r ailing. Mr. Hogon had nt ono time studied law at Berkeley, but he never was ab'o to, roach financial .iii.lepind ence. Ha was liked because ot his jo vial disi'ositioit. At ono time of his life hA was n-isociat"d with newspater business, aud prominent as a democrat. Ho leaves four 'brothers, l.ilburn W. Boogs, gusanville, Cn!., Angus M. liogrs Uikopcrt. ifal , Prof. Jefferson l. Hoggs, McUloud, Cal., Will 8. Boffga, I ekele Cal." He leave, three ehildr' n, Mrs. A. C. Tiiruenue, McCoy, Or., L. M. Boas. Oakland, al, Ruth Bogus. Port- land, Or. Ho is survived by his bireuv- "d wife, Mrs. G. V. Boggs. The body i at the Kigdon undertak- ing parlors and ltev. Jacob Ktock 'r, his pasio-, will have cluiiyo of tho rvices. Mr. Boe's was n faithful mem Vr of the Evangelical nsso'iation. The funeral will be from Uigdon's at 2 p. rment will be in m. tomorrow, and interment City Viow cemetery ENTERTAIN SOLDIERS. iaris, Jan. 24 President and Mrs. Wilson cntertui ed American enlist-d en at tea in tho Murat palace this ,fternooa . . WOULD Hit NORMAL TRAINING COERCIVE Representatives Opposed To Grade Teachers Wi&eut Normal Certificate. Whether or not graduates of univer sities and colleges from any part of the Imted States should be permitted to come to Oregon and teach in the traded schools was discussed for an hour this morning by the House and it was fin ally decided that they should not. As the law now stauds a graduate of any recognized college or University in any part of the country may come to uregon ana on presentation of their diploma, be issued a certificate to teach in a high school. And after teaching successfully for six months, upon application to the county superintendent and upon hia recommendation, the teacher without an examination, is to bo given a five years certificate to teach in the high schools. And 30 mouths of teaching, to be given a lite certificate io teach in high schools, The law proposed that such privil tht? college graduate might teach also in the graded schools. This brought out the big question as ' whether a normal school training should bo required of teaeliew ii and by their vote, members of the House favored the normal school tini nirr for grade teachers, Uross of Oregon City favored open- ""' '.uul'8. 01 ?"i to '", ,l('g or University graduate. 1 , . A Y " T -n .. ... ...b. "'V" m"imHl , '? S'.a.dl"lt?s with no normal training teaching in , ,.,,, . . fc the graded schools. Smith of Multnomah, the labor dele- gate, says the scarcity of teachers was ull0 t0 ,ft fu(.t tna( u Jl0(l Clin.ler got a lot more money than a college grad- our school children " ... Mrs,- Alexander Thompson was op posed . tii turning in caliche graduates, with no knowledge of the technic of teaching, on the lower grades. Such a law she thought would induce many graduates from tho eastern colleges to come to Oregon and teach without any normal training. From tho standpoint of tho House, the collego graduate wilt bo welcome to teach in Oregon but only- in the high school. If ono wishes to teach in tne graiies, a special normal training is necessary. COURTHOUSE i An inventory ond appraisement was filed in tho esi'ato of John Aide, de ceased. An order was issued appointing T B. Decker and 1'. E. Cnllister as joint administrators in Hio eslato of ' Karl Wood, deceased, instate valued at about 4HO,000. A petition was filed asking for au thority to soil certain real property in the estate of Alary McCloary, do ceased. An amended judgment was entered in the easo of Frank M. Ford vs Rich- nrd SwurU, actioa for money, A marriage license was issued to Adam Vnehter and Sabina l?entz, both of Oervnis. JOHN A. NEWELL DIES. Wilininirton. Pel.. Jan. 24. John A. Newell, no, former famous baseball 8.,r) ,1,1 f nppoplexy nt his home hero t,i v Tr ..tuvml with ti, nnld Tlnlti. more Orioles, the St. Louis Nationals, I Hartford, Coan., nnd a number of west ern (Vnins, uo was a prosperous contractor at I tho of )lU COULD NOT WALE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her to Health. Terth Amboy, N.J. "For threo years 1 guttered with a severe female trouble, was ner vous, had backaefcj and a pain in my side most of tho time. I had dizzy spells nnd was often so faint I could not walk across the floor. The doc tor said I would have to have an operation. I read about Ljuia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound in my newspaper, end ri,H it-. Now I rm hotter, f.'fil atronc. havo no pain9( backache or dizzy spells. Every one tells me how well Hook, and 1 tell them to use Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound, that is what mokes me feel well and look well. I recommended it to my sister and sha i9 Using it now. Youcan use tliia letter if you wish, for it is certainly a grand remedy for a woman'i ills. ' Mrs. MARTHA STANISLAWSKJ, 624 Pent! St., Perth Amboy, N.J. 1 For forty years Lydia E. Pinlcham'g VegetabeCompoundbasbeenovercora-il1'1,l,ing ing such serious conditions ns displace-1 menu, inflammation, ulceration, irreg- ularities, periodic pains, backache, dis- ness, and nervous prostration of Y0!"' "1 T!!!..., " 8n" dard remedy for such ailment. RUSSIA'S PLACE IN LEAGUE DEFENDS ON Soviet Basis Doubtless Will Prevail Although Other Factions Are Strong. By J. W. T. Mason (Written for the United Pres) New York, Jan. 23. A compromise agreement iby four Russian factions alone is necessary to ensure the suc cess of tho allies ' plan for calling the Russians to a general conference on Princes Islands in the Sea of Marmora. Since tho bolsheviki are now the act ual governing body of Russia their au thority will be greater than any oth ers at the meeting. But three groups exist in Russia whose influence must be admitted by bolsheviki before a condition of domestic stability can be assured They are the mensheviki, who represent the compromise element among the extremists; the social revo lutionaries who support the Korensky program and tho constitutional demo crats, known as the cadets who repre sent the liberal intellectuals. The factiong have engaged in con stant conflict since the Russian revo lution began, but they have all made valuable contributions to tho success ful overthrow of Romanoff tyranny. Tho cadets started the revolution undJ S'avo Russia itg first free government, j tno social rcvLlutionarieg carried the movement : ill further and the bolshe viki and tin mensheviki between them worked out tho people of local govern ment by tho Soviets. The boJsbeviki primarily will have to abandon their chits warfare in or der to reach a common understanding with tho other groups. Recent events in Germany and the responsibility of power felt by Leuine have lately fore cast the inevitable recognition of this fact by the bolsheviki l.adcrs. Hon esty in meeting financial obligations will cj'so have to be cdmittcd by the bolsheviki.- A third piinciple thfcy can not escape is the recognition of nation al elections as the final arbiter in do- nipstic disputes. 'The bolsheviki have boon reluctant to test their popularity at tho polLs but the (Wegates to the Marmora conference will have to agree to this fundamental principle of the democracies of the western world. When that is done tho foundations of a new freedom will have been created, ia Russia. The societ basis of govern- ment doubtless will prevail but a Bus-i., sian citizen will not thereafter become an outcast just because ho is educated, Thenceforth Russia can take her right ful place in the society ot nations. IFJC01P 3SC01D!" Almost as sooa as said w!tK Dr. Kind's New Discovery Get a bottle today! The rapidity with which this fifty ycar-o! i family remedy relieves coughs, colds nnd mild bronchial attacks is vhat has kept Its popularity on the Eacreass year by year. This standard reliever of colds and coughing ooella never loses friends. It docs q;uc!;ly and pleasantly what it ia riccminendd to tio. One trial puts it in your medicine cabinet as absolutely indispensable. 60c and $1.20. Bo , ;i3 Usually Clogged? Regulate them with safe, sure, com fortable Dr. King's New Life Pills. Correct that biliousness, headache, nour etomach, tongue coat, by elirnin ating the bowel-clogginess. 25c. SEMTEPASSES (Continued from pngo one) issued by Herbert Hoover yesterduy somite. In addition to tho official statement in response to Senator Borah's charges that the $100,000,000 was decided upon ueturo Hoover came to Europe, Howcr mn-dc a supplementary statement to the United Press today. "Immediately on Bigaing tho nrmis tico it wns evident that, with evacua tion by the Germans of tho devastated areas, tho starving populations of those territories would appeal to the United States" for t id,"' said Hoover. "Repeatedly I stated in public. and in private that they would need finan cial assistance to buy food from the United States until the next harvest. As a result of the appeals t0 him, tho president requested 1110 to go to Europe for no other purpose than to investi gate the situ; tiou and organizo such help lis we could give in co-operation with the allied governments. This or ganization has been effected and wher ever it could legally or charitably give ,.. ,,nc ..... "A aiiimtin,, i,.. t, I MM. where further legislation is necessary'00"? Children simply will not before anything ca be done and the ake ,time. .frora em tu.ei7 president has asked congress for a def-!bowfIs' .wh,ch become cloggen up with initc appropriation to assist tho liber- aste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour uted territories in the prevention of s'-rr.tinn- .i ..,.!, m s,. nation and anarchy.' uuuniriiiviu (Continued from page one) by court order. . ,. , .,.. ,, i An appropriation of $10,000 for the construction of nn armory r.t Silverton is provided for in. a bill introduced to- uay oy nenator i-aclinuina. ino appro- printion is conditioned upon tho city of Silverton paying one-third of the ! eoJ 'm annory and donating the site. Sen-tor Pierce introduced a bill pro- viding for aa additional lew of one mill on all tnxablo property In the state fi,r Highway eo-strurtion. The money WoU,(l ea the 8tnt0 road fuml- 'fhc b,n CRrries E. provision that it aiu;t 1 jrA fti'tti Mil i "' mm 11 nnn I . , ir-i r iimOn,!!- lynijiiiin -an -...inniiiuf m , 1-. " r f EBiiL V'' ' the same fine- It Ham, Bacon, Lard every time you buy 'it. The sarae unvarying quality. Try frag rant, fine-flavored Columbia Brand Ham and Bacon for break fast and other meals. They satisfy the apeptite every time. And for crisp, flakey pastry, you'll get satisfying results with Columbia Brand Pure Lard. We can supply you with the se Oregon Quality Products. Roth Grocery Company . r 1 r1 f 1 rr ' 11 ' ' "" 1 11 vi mirim nrmfrnr" 1 1 1 ' '-tttttti r Trr 1 tt first bo submitted to a voto of the peo ple. Number of Bills Passed. A bunch of bills were passed by the .. fniW , t,,m v Hnn. i!...ii,' 1 -n 1, ..,: i, r,". 71 T1, l Ibaimu VI 11U1IIU llUIU, WHICH will uu under the authority of tho county slier- ifis, except when they volunteer for duty in some other than their homo county, in which event they will bo under tho authority of the governor. ino opposition was shown to tho bill, Senator Howell explaining its pro visions nnd Senator Farrell pointing out that it would impose no cost upon tho, as the expense is mot by the counties. Senate bill 64, introduced y roads and highways coinmittoo, was passed. It gives the state highway commission or county commissioners authority, when n condemnation suit is instituted to land for a highway, to im mediately take possession of the land, instead of being required to await the determination of the suit. Tho bill also provides that if the owner of tho land cannot bo located in the iitute, tho highway commission or coualy commissioners may begin con demnation proceedings without being recpaiicd to make an effort with tho ownor to agree on the value of the land. Another bill pessed, being sennte bill 36, increases tho amount allowed sher iffs for boarding county prisoners from $3 to $4.50 a week. This amount ap plies to nrisoners in excess of four. The bill does not apply to Multnomah county. All stato aid to tho state industrial accident commission is' eliminated by g'.matc bill 61, which was passed by the sonato today, Other bills were passed by the sen- ato today as follows: 8. B. 32 By Eberhard Relating to the time when q judge may issue nn CHILD CETS 8!I CROSS, FEVERISH IF CONSTIPATED ''California Syrup Of Figs'' Can't Harm Tender Stom ach Or Bowe!s. A laxative today saves a sick child lf ' ' , m " coated, or your child is listless, cross, Wish, breath bad, restless doesn't eat heartily, full of eold or has sore threat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoonful of "California jiyr up of Figs," then don't worry, because in a few hours all this constipation l poison, sour bile and fermenting waBte poison, sour bile and fermenting waBte '; , f , 4V i.i. ? -I .,in'' A tKnmnal. inI;,t ;i,.,.;. !, ,;,. n ,. Stt0uld be the first treatment givea j ny gickness. It Beware of counterfeit fig svrnps. Ask vour druggist for a bottle of 'California Svrup of Figs, 'i which has full directions for babies children of all ages and for grown ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look earefullv an(J 8M V tho "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup Company." order confirming a salo under execu tion. S. B. G By Xorblad Relating to when a defendant may plead a counter claim against the plaintiff. S. B. 2i, By Jones Opening the sea son for salmon fishing i the Siuslaw river and its tributaries from May 15 to July 15. S. B. 30 By Eddy Relating to at torney 's fees allowed in action on wage, claims. S. B. 42 By Eddy Providing that) municipalities may 0111 in property against which they havo liens and which is being sold for delinquent taxes, S. B. 40 By Baldwin Providing that drainage districts shall have auth ority to construct irrigation works. H. B. 138 By ways and means com mittee Appropriating $25,000 as &, part of the current expenses of the leg islative assembly. Hurley Causes Smiles. At the session yosterday afternoon, Senator Hurley caused a ripplo oil laughter in tho senate by introducing! a resolution which provides that all newspapermen and lobbyists about tha legislature should be raquired to wear flu masks which have not less than five thicknesses of gauze. In addition, tho resolution spocifios that C. C. Chapmen, of the Oregon Voter should wear high top boots. Senator Huston moved to include in the resolution the names of Senator Or-j to:i and Representative Sheldon, while Sonntor Diiniek pointed out that, if this' were dono-tlio resolution should be ro- f erred to T. Paer, tho creation of Ralph : Watson, who lies characterized Orton! and Sheldon as the talking twins, The resolution waa referred to the committeo on medicine. The senato passed houso joint memor ial No. 1, by Jones, which urges the government to issuo patents tn tho Indian lands in tlio Siletz reservation TRADES Mr. usiness As a matter of economy you should consult the Journal's Job Department before placing your printing--we are satisfying Salem's leading firms put us on your calling list. Phone 81 so tho lands may bo placed on tho tax rolls, and also passed houso joint me morial Xo. 4, by Dodd, which urges tho Oregon delegation in congress to use their influence to secure an appropria tion for tho construction of an irriga tion project in the lower Umatilla river b:vsin. Tho memorial also urges the passage of the Siunolt bill appropriat ing $1,000,000,000 for reconstruction work. ;:iji;ii, fjJ&'W' mmyri li I III tu Uom. fret about that ugly rash -Let 3 heal it You just dread to put on your clothes their contact with that cliti axing rash is unbearable -and every day fc becomes worse mure anrrv hml-W Cease fretting-ikn't !.t.y;;i.r.-c.7 bc- cn.'"c distracted, f r here's Ihs ve:y thing to use Ucd:xl Ciau-.icr.l. Physicians f ir many yeara pr. scribed Reshrl Ointment cai similar t-i yours. Remember llesmol Soap also con tains the same healing medication that is emlxidied in the ointment- 5e them both for quicker results. At all druggists. an yy ii w