Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 24, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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' Stop the pain! Give me relief! That's
rhat you want when you're hurt.
That's what you get with Sloan's Lini
ment. It not only "killspain," but does
it quickly, without delay.
If you're tormented by Rheumatism,
Keuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Backache,
nd body or nerve pain just see how
quickly a little Sloan's Liniment gives
relief. The very first application rests
and comforts. Seems to reach right
down to the seat of the trouble, warm
ing and easing the nerves ani tissues.
You can almost feel the inflammation,
swelling or stiffness subside, as the
pain grows less and less.
You don't even have to wait to rub
in Sloan's Liniment. It penetrates, and
its dear, clean liquid can be poured
right on the skin without staining. Get
a generous size bottle from your
druggist today.
wgjME4l"w"""-'i'--pw'''"'"JL" '""""IIIMII- iiinmny ' ,
' fr CSs'-'-?- l ' " - 1 " ' . ""H III
UiH 1 n U U i n 1 ! lr LiiLii.
30c, 60c, $1.20
I gon spoke to the ways and means com-1
introduces Legislation To Do
Away With AIcchoKc Pat
ent Medicines.
Having been a prohibition advocate
for the past 23 years, W. P. Elmorer
representative from Linn eounty, is
still chasing the demon alcohol and
this morning introduced a bill that if
passed will make life pretty hard on
those who get their booze drinking
patent medicines, Jamaica ginger or bay
rum, or any of the drugstore shelf
goods that bave a large percentage of
x'ue bill is designed to' go after those
druggists who sell bitters and tonics,
it proposes to give the state board of
pharmacy power to prohibit the Bale
of any alcoholic mixture or compound
which is reasonably intended to be used
as a beverage.
There has been considerable com
pliant iu the state on the sales of
16 Ounces
Make a
100 Cents
Make a
nitimii1 frnm nnffn nnn
- I out very esstiULitti wui& ui iu, diqw
could got along anothor two years with- He stated that in Oregon there was no
ut a cost of paint. central authority for the handling of
gon spoke to the ways and means com
mittee on child wolfsTe worn, urging
the importance of thig little understood ulUllv patent medicines or tonics that
David H. Looney of Jefferson, a
member of the committee, was strongly
in favor of painting the buildings,
backing his judgment as to what hap
pons to his barns when everytning is
.not kept properly painted. 1
Senator Jones of the committee said
bo was inclined to be more liberal With
State institutions where human beings
are kept than for the Btato fair and the
exhibit of animals.
Anyhow, just as temporary esti
mate, the state fair board found ifs
122,150 cut to $92,150 which figures
will probably remain when the amounts
srfc definitely established in lue uuu
get. State Foiestcr F. A. Elliott appeared
Before the committee showing why he
should lir.ve the amount asked for, $70,
000 for the coming two years.
At first there was a disposition to
allow $00,000 for the work of the state
forestry office, but later on it was re
duced again and tho figure finally
made $54,000. It developed that two
... .urn tho forestry department
asked for $00,000 and got $54,000 and
hn committee thought that o-i,u'JU
ghould handlo the work again for two
years. . .
'r the protection of the timber in
terests of tho state during tho past two
years, the owners or. tne timoer imvo
paid $411,000, or 84 per cent of the
money expended, and the state 11 per
sent. The money the state gives is
used largely- in the administration of
the funds and in tho general patrol
Dr. Bcbee'of the University of Ore-
children in the lying-out hospitals. "In
some' hospitals a baby can be handed
out with n0 more record being kept of
it than if it had been a puppy," de
clared Dr. Eebec. In many institutions
of tho kind, there was no way to get a
proper record and thct in private insti
tutions there was no stato authority
recognized to which everything was re
ferred. The child's labor bureau of Portland
nnct the industrial welfare commission
which has tho care of handling children
who work under the age of 16, fared
are generally bought lor the effect of
tin, alcohol. Under the present law,
to secure a conviction for the sale of
any such preparation it is necessary to
show either that the seller knew that
tho purchase was made for beverage
purposes or that the sale was under
such circumstances aB such knowledge
could be imputed to the seller.
Under tho terms of tho new bill, no
such necessity would exist. In order
to convict under the proposed law, all
that would bo necessary would be to
prove thta the state board of pharmacy
had made' a ruling against a particular
compound nd that the sale had been
lande in violation of thiB rule.
Should the bill pass, the state board
Sugar Cured Bacon, light ..: -35c lb.
Sugar Cured Bacon, heavy 39c lb.
Sugar Cured Bacon, butts - 25c lb.
Sugar Cured Bacon, backs ....35c lb.
Shoulder Steak 15c lb.
Round Steak 18c lb.
Loin Steak : 20c to
T Bone Steak 20c b.
Boiling Beef 12 l-2c lb
Pot Roast Beef : -15c lb.
Beef Liver 8c lb.
Beef Tongue 12 l-2c lb.
Liberty Steak 16c lb.
Sausage 20c lb.
No. 5 Pure Lard : .............$1.35 each
No. 10 Pure Lard '. $2.65 each
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams .26c H
Sugar Cured Regular Hams 37c lb.
Clovergreen Creamery Butter 67c lb.
Veal Stew 15c lb.
Shoulder Veal Roast ;.. 15c lb.
Shoulder Pork Roast 24c lb.
Shoulder Mutton Roast 17 l-2c lb.
Leg Veal 20c lb.
Leg Pork :.. .....20c lb.
Leg Mutton .....20c lb.
Veal Chops 20c lb.
Mutton Chops .......20c lb.
Pork Chops ..v .25c lb.
Fresh Side Pork : ...25c lb.
Loin Pork Roast 25c lb.
well with the ways and means com- Qf puarmssy could kill the sales of any
compound and that the salo had been
favorite tonic for those who continue
after a drink with a stimulating effect.
mittee. Not only was the amount asked
for by each granted, but it was decided
thct a bill should be introduced making
it lawful to charge 25 cents for each
permit issued to children to work. Mrs.
Alexander Thompson is especially in
terested in child welfare legislation.
4,369 Soldiers Arrive
Today On Seven Ships
New York, Jan. 24. Sevon steamers
arrived hero today bringing 43(30 sol
diers home from the war.
They wore the hospital ship Mercy
ami the following others:
Battleship Louisiana, 928 men, in-
eludine 24 officers and 874 enlisted
men of the 59th regiment cosst artil
lory. . .... ST , , ,; loin
Goentoor, 1145 men, including 40th i nuvo Peon unuer mn u
.,rJL in .. A sa enlisted1-Tho commission found that reparation
.men; battery F of 56th coast artillery was not justified. ,
Loin Beef Roast, any cut : 17 l-2c lb.
Prime Rib Roast, any cut . 17 l-2c lb.
. .
Stand by us in the future as you have in the past and we will reduce the price of meats still further. We
are with you all the time Quality, Quantity and Price.
Cut Rate No 40 to 50 Per Cent Profit HereNot Connected with any Other Market in Salem.
regiment; -casual company 418 and
102d trench mortar battalion.
General Goothals. 245 men, including
dcti-chinents of the 34th division head
Quarters: 109th infantry train; head
quarters military police; 125th, 120th,
127th machine gun oauanons; tne ioou,
134th, 135th and 13Gth infantry and
casual company No. 11.
Chicago, 694 troops of various units.
Calamaros, 36 casual officers.
Washington, Jan. 23. The I. C C.
tmlav dismissed tho complaints against
several transcontinental railroads for
reparation of rates on 44 commodities
from Spokane to eastern points which
16 ounces
Make a
P. O. Rogoway, Mgr.
157 S. Commercial St. Phone 104
100 Cents
Make a
r m
The Marion Creamery is a homo, institution manufacturing butter and con
densed Milk.
'It is the only Home Institution of its Kind in Salem.
It distributes from
A Guaranteed Treatment That
Stood the Test of Time
Catarrh cures come" and ' catajrh
cures go, but Hyomci continues to heal
catarrh and abolish its disgusting symp
toms wherever civilization exists.
Every year the already enormous
sales of this really scientific treatment
I for catarrh grow greater, and the pres-
icnt year should show all, records ibrolc-
If rou breathe Hyomei daily as di
rected it will end your catarrh, or it
won't cost you a cent.
If you have a hard rubber Hyomci
'inhaler somewhere around tho house,
get it out and start it at once to ror
cver rid yourself of catarrh.
Dan 1 J. Fry, or any other good drug
gist, will' sell' you a bottle of Hyomei
(liquid), start to breathe it and notice
how quickly it clenrg out the air pass
ages and muke3 the entire head feel
fine. , ,
Hyomei used regularly should end
catarrh 'cough, coldtf, bronchitis or
asthma. A complete outfit, including
a hard rubber pocket inhaler and bot
tle of Hyomei, posts but little. No
losing; just ureatno it. oooiu
ships nt fin exceedingly low price. We
are now building three largo yet fast
liners for passenger service, each hav
ing a displacement of 10,000 tons."
Kondo smd Jupnn protited immense
ly from tho war and suffered little. Ho
"Before tho war our trade amounted
of 1,500,000,000 yon. This year it is es
timated at, 30,000,000,000 yen." ,
Heary White Appointed By
Government To Watch Strike
Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 24 For the
first timo. since tho strike was' called
n tho Tacoma nnd Seattle shipyards,
tho government took action today to
bring about a settlement of tho con
troversy. .. '
A telegram from H. L. Kerwin, as
sistant to Secretary of Labor Wilson,
stated Commissioner of Immigration
Henry White- of Seattle has been nam
ed as government mediator.
The telegram was addressed to O.
& Larson, chairman of the Tacoma
community labor board.
With the government intervening, it
was learned on good authority today
ore Throat, Golds
Quickly Relieved By (letniln'a
. WizardQil
Hamlin's Wizard Oil in a simple
and effective treatment for sore
throat and chest colds. Used as a
garglt for sore throat it brings quick
relief. Rubbed on the chest it will
often loosen up a hard, deep Seated
cold in one night. ,
How often sprains, bruises, cuts
and lulrns occur in every family, as
well as little troubles like earache,
toothache, cold sores,' canker sores,
stiff neck, and tired aching feet.
Soothing, healing Wizard Oil will al
ways bring quick relief. "
Get it from druggists for 30 ccnta.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back.
Kver constipated or have sick
headache? Just try Wizard Liver
Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30
cents. Guaranteed
homes across tho sea if members nf
congress take notice of the memorial
passed by the houso. The depcrtment
of justice is asked to deport such un
desirable citlzons. In tho memorial was
given the names aud addresses of more
thau 100 foreigners who relinquished
thelr citizenship to avoid army service,
The house passed tho bill making it
unlawful to carry or display a rod l'ing
or other emblem indicating di&loyuliy
to tho government of the United States,
or to curry any emblem that indicates a
belief in anarchy or any doctrine that
has for its object the destruction of
organized government. Tho bill making
it a felony to print, utter, write or
publish nbusivo language against tho
United States was indefinitely post
poned as tho provisions of this bill had
been incorporated in another.
into service. A memorial to congress
was passed yostorday asking that ef
forts bo mado whorcby soldiors who
have jobs waiting for them will bo giv-
j i.
i,ltr nnd healiiiu- 'the 'inihimed mem-! that high officials of organized labor Cn a Bpccdy dischargo and that those
To' the farmers around Salem, who in turn spend this money with the mer
chants of Salem. ,
It gives employment, to 20 persons who live in and about Salem and spend
their earnings in this city. .
Its principal product, Marion Butter, has no superior . throughout the
Every dollar that the consumer pays for Marion Butter stays right at
home and helps build up home industry.
How about the dollar that is spent for an outside product?
' l: .,-.", t-s. nnA n'ttir Q YTl fl (7 i XtiT tn
ilU HIV (HtU'U OlIU vt',T isv jii"
prevent a general walkout and to curh
C,, n i tl10 spread or DoisnoviHt pniimKiuiiu
SMOmia S KabnCanOn which made it appcartmco in Ta-
coma anu ecunio
Was Certified To Congress
White Denies Reports
San Francisco, Jan. 24.-Govcrnor . Seattle, Wash, Jan. 24.-IIenry
Stephens can codify to congress the ZZZ
f - t n, ai,muird Aw iimeiid- conciliation for tho northwest, today
fZX- denied reports that he had been P-
ment, it was definitely decided toewy i w(V.ntr in tho .hi.
IJTTZZ yard strike by the government. .
who will prouaoiy do uneiupioyeu ue
cared for in the camps and canton-
monts. Mr. Smith of Baker sddresscd
the houso on tho unsciontific wny of
discharging soldiers. . . -
Foreigners who attempted to escape
service in the army or navy by re
linquishing their first citizenship pa
pers will be deported to thoir former
demurrer to tho application for an in
junction against tho governor prohibit
ing his certification. The wets had de
manded the injunction.
Are we unreasonable or purely selfish in asking the co
operation and support of the general public of Salem 7 If
there ever was a time when home institutions needed loyal
home support, it is now in this period cf uncertainty and
We therefore most respectfully solicit your support. You can give it
most effectively by asking your grocer for
Young Certified It. I
Sacramento. Cal.. Jan. 24. Tho rati
fication of the Hhcppard dry amend
ment bv tho California legislature was,
certified to congress immediately after .
its paBai!0. by Lieutenant Uovernor M j.
.. 1 . .. .! . . I
U. xoung, it. wa-g jeiirueu iuuu.y.
Speaker Wright of tno asscmury uiso
sent to the national capital notification
of this action.
The wets have obtained a temporary
injunction preventing sucn -eiion by
Governor Stephens. It was understood
that under tho stato constitution ho
nlone could communicate with tho fed
eral government.
'Just now,"" ho said, "there is no
opportunity for a third party to inter
fere. I have been asked by the de
partment of labor to watch tho strike
closely and am doing so as part of my
regular duties. There has' been no move,
however, toward the immediate cre
ation of an arbitration body."
! Notes From The House
Of Representatives
Tho action of the fedorci shipping
board in not permitting the shipbuild--iug
interests of the country to contract
with foreign governments for tho build
ing of ships came in for an adverse
vote yesterday in tho houso. A memor
ial wits passed asking Oregon members
of emigres to take i;ction regarding tho.
shipping board's decision not to permit
tho builders of wooden ships to either
ue ship3 for tho carrying of merchan
dise to foreign ports or to allow the
shipping interests to even contract with
foreign interests. It is felt that with
tho government cancelling is orders for
wooden ships and at the samo time pre
venting tho shipyards from accopting
contracts, that tho Oregon builders nra
not getting a fair deal.
;i i
In order t0 look into tho needs of thn
Eastern Oregon state hospital, a com
mittee from tho ways and manB com
mittees of tho senate and house will
.un J.,.-; titl.-,n trinwirrnw. retlll'li-
. t ni r
Washington, Jan. uu.m n tim0.for th Mondr,y morning
that the California legislature had , . m i,.i!jlataro. For this bi-
formally ratified the pro aim on omiiu, ilivesti(?ati0ll it WM decided that
amendment is on t)l visitors should includo Menaton
partment today. Cer uicauon was re- L , uml Hmith allll joneg and lfepre
scntatives Child, Haines and Kubll. A
committee of four will also visit the
ceived Monday. Ccliforma was tho
23th stato to s0 notify the secretary of
Japan Is Prepared For
Post Var Ocean Trade
Tokio, Dec. 10. (Bv Mail.) Japan
is fully prepared for the post-bellum
occan trade, according to Baron Rcnpci
Kondo, who sailed today e Japan's
shipping degelate at the peaco confer
ence. Iiaron Kondo, who is president of the
Nippon Yusen Raislm Japan's largest
shipping firm, said his company
hunched a gigantic shipbuilding pro
gram as soon as it had been determined
the war would be a loni one.
Oresron stato holdiors' home at Kose
burg. This committee will includo Mrs.
Alexander Thompson and Bcnators -
erlmrd, Gill and Straycr.
Two biff cuns captured from thn fler-
mans are wanted for general exhibi
tion purposes on tho state house
grounds. A petition was presented to
the house yesterday asking that tho
wnr department procure two of the
captured German cuns and send to Ore
con. Also that a statue of heroic size
bo erected at the capital as a memorial
to the Orecon soldier in tho great war,
The petition was signed by civil war
Thn house is not satisfied with the
manner in which the war department !
discharging soldiers. The claim is made
"We sicned with all leading
hnilflinff vnrrU tn the full extent of OUT
tt 1. ..M (ID.,,..... nf i1iA4l.nt hn A i Bhn TCfl 11 (T tfl Hot in tllO SaTTlC
1nS TCBOuri-en, hw wuu. v ... -,...t .... , ... ,
general depression, we could buiid these scientific manner as that of induction
a consisten
daily use o
(a most plea sant
and nourishing
cereal food) is
one of the bi
3est modern aids
toward health
and strength.
GrapeNuts is natural
ly sweet and needs
little or no sugar;