Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 24, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"For six years we have used Dr. CaldwelFs
Syrup Pepsin in our family and feel we
could not possibly do without it, especially
for the children." (From a letter to Dr.
Caldwell written by Mrs. Earl Cowell, Ce
ment City, Mich.)
Children become constipated as readily
as do their elders, and the result is equally dis
tressing. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is ideal
, for children because of its pleasant taste, posi
tive, yet gentle, f.c'.ion, and its freedom from
opiates and r.- 'c drugs.
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts. (S.) $1.00
Former Kaiser Sawing
Wood For Castle fires
Amerongen, Jan. 24. Sawing wood
continue! to be a favorite occupation
f the fo rmcr German emperor, who
spends several hours each morning and
afternoon within the castle grounds
working hard, while several men serv
ants respectfully hand him logs and
then pile the short sticks in heaps for
vse luter in the furnaces of the castle.
' The shortage of eonl In Holland com
pels the burning of wood, plentiful
uppllos of which are obtainable from
the surrounding estate.
William Hohenzollcrn works go well
that he is ablo to furnish the entire
consumption of the castle fires. The
former emperor rarely speaks to his at
tendants while at work.
Tho two moats which encircle the
eastlo are covered with ice sufficiently
How Long Must I Suffer
From the Pangs of Rheumatism?
Tt titers no real relief in sight?
Doubtless like othor sufferers, you
lavs often asked yourself this ques
tion, which continues to remain un
answered, Science has proven that your rheu
matism is caused by a germ in your
ttlood, and the only way to reach it
is by a remedy which eliminates and
removes these little pain demons from
your Wood. This explains why lini
tnenU and lotions can do no porma-
First Because of the Last
The New Principle In Shoemaking
A Shoe can be no better anatomically than the
LAST on which it is made for the LAST gives
SHAPE to the Shoe.
Brown Shaping Lasts reproduce the perfect foot,
along Nature's lines of grace and beauty Pro
vide ample toe-room, and thus prevent corns,
bunions, bent bones, and broken arches.
-Are the only Shoes made on these famous Lasts
The only shoes that embody these new scientific
principles in shoemaking-the only shoes that in
sure this positive protection, which your child
needs. .
-BUSTER BROWN SHOES are well made, from
fine leathers, with Government standard oak
tanned soles will out-wear ordinary shoes, yet
cost but a trifle more.
-Put them on your next shopping list
thick to bear skaters. The villagers,
however, have beet given to under
stand that the accustomed permission
to skate in the moats cannot be afford
ed while the former emperor is in the
There are various reports in eircula
tion concerning the alleged intention
of the former German empress to re
turn to Potsdam, The former empress,
it is said, has no intention of leaving
her husband in Hollnnd.
Oolda Cause Grip and Influenza
lets remove the cause. There is only
one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GBOVES
signature on the box. 30c.
Yolo county, Cal., claims to bo the
richest county in the United States. Its
purchaso of liberty ttond'g end war
savings stamps aggregate $283 pear
nent good, for ithey cannot possibly
reach these germs which infest your
blood by the millions.
8. S. S. has beon successfully used
for rheumatism for more than fifty
years. Try it today, and you will find
yoursilf at last on the right track to
get rid of your rheumatism. You can
get valuable advice about the treat
ment of your individual case by writ
ing to the Chief Medical Adviser, Swift
Specific Co., Dept. D, Atlanta, Ga.
ess today for the Illihee Red
Cross auxiliary, which met this
afternoon at her home on State street.
The meeting today was the second one
bold this year, the first being of a
purely business nature, when a few
additional matrons were admitted to
membership including Mrs. J. L. Van
'Doren, Mrs. 'Ben Oleott, Mrs. James
Walton, Mrs. Chester Cox and Mrs. W.
'L. Mcjiougai. Work was begun on the
layettes for the French and Belgian
babies, the Illihee auxiliary having un
dertaken to complete a largo number
of these layettes. The workws will as
semble every Wednesday at the vari
ous homes of tho members, devoting
themselves asgidiously to this worthy
post-war relief work.
Tho auxiliary numbers as charter
members Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr., Mrs.
T. A. Livesley, Mrs. W. H. Burghardt,
Jr., Mrs. J. J. Roberta, Mrs. B. M, Ho
fer, Mrs. W. H. Lytle, Mrs. F. D.
Thielsen, Mrs. Melvin Plimpton, Mrs.
Clifford Brown.
Mrs. H. Smith has as her guest dur
ing the legislature, her niece, Miss Lilla
McCoy of Brownsville. Miss MoCoy
has accepted a position as stenographer
at the legislature and will remain with
Mrs. Smith at her home on North Lib
erty street during the present st-eeion.
Miss MoCoy has just returned from
Washington, D. C, where she has hold
a government position in the ordnance
department the past year.
Mrs. George McMath, a leading club
woman of Portland, spent yesterday in
Salem in the interests of the vocation
al training bill now before the legis
lature. Mrs. McMath is on the state
'board of vocational training and is
bonding her energies to secure pass
age of the measure, which is like the
Smith Hughes act in that it would
tend to have the state givo an equal
amount to that spent by the school dis
tricts for vocational training. Mrs. Mc
Math is also a member of the advis
ory board for the girls industrial
school, receiving her appointment from
Governor Withycombe. She will fill a
temporary vacancy on the board caus
ed by the absence of Lola G. Baldwin,
who is in California, The other members
are Mrs. W, H. Dancy and tars. A. JN.
Mrs. Charles F. Elgin and daughter,
supply the very help nature
requires. They rectify morbid
skin conditions then from the
source of skin health, springs
loveliness of natural beauty.
Don't confuse Marinello Prep
ration, with ordinary cosmetics.
Thev'redifferent. Thevrorncfaulta
and foster natural -Ross Kul"
US N. High St.
Take A Glass Of Salts Before
Breakfast If Year Bad
a Hurts Or Bladder Both
ers Yon.
The American men and women must
guard constantly against kidney trou
bio, because we eat too much and all
our food is rich. Our blood is filled
with uric acid which the kidneys strive
to filter out, thoy weaken from over
work, become sluggish; the eleminative
tissues' clog and the result is kidney
trouble, bladder weakness and a gen
eral decline in health.
When yeur kidneys feel like lumps
of lead; your back hurts or the urine
is cloudy, full of sediment or yon are
obliged "to seek relief two or three I
times during the night; if ro suffer
with sick headache or dizv. nervous
spells, acid stomach, or you have rheu
matism when the weather is bad, got
from yeur pharmacist about four ounc
es of Jad Salts; take a tablcspoontul
in a glass of water before breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys will
then act fins. This famous salts is made
from the aeid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to flush and
stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutral
ise the acids in the urine so it no long
er is a source of irritation, thus ending
bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in
jure, makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water beverage and belongs in
every home, because nobody e an make
a mistake by having a good kidney
flushing any time.
II IP iiim uuiai'" Sfe-li-WM! .! WW
Miss Josephine Elgin, went to Port
land yesterday, where they will visit
friends, remaining over the week end.
Mrs. Adley Gregg and daughters,
Misses Frances and Isabelle, returned
today from a sojourn of several weeks
in Portland, having gone np before the
holidays. Miss Frances Gregg was tak
en iM in Portland and tho visitors'
stay was necessarily lengthened. Mr.
Gregg went to Portland last evening
accompanying his family homo today.
Mrs. Roy Shields has ber guest
at her home on North Fifth street, Miss
Florence Patty. Miss Patty is attending
the Oregon Agricultural college and
will return to Corvallis Monday.
Miss Lora Purvine- returned home
yesterday after spending the week in
Portland a the guest of Miss Celestia
Mrs. E. M. La Fore has left for Los
Angeles, where she will pass the re
mainder of the winter.
Mrs. George Hickman of Blodgett is
visiting in Salem with her daughter,
Mrs. 'Westinghouse, who is ill with in
fluenza, Mrs. J. C. McLeod left yesterday for
Be-llingham, Washington, where hc
will visit her mother, Mrs. Whitney.
She was accompanied by her small son,
Create Gas, Sourness And
ram How To Treat
Medical authorities state that nearly
nine tenths of the cases of stomach
trouble, indigestion, sourness, burninff,
gas, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to
an excess of hydrochloric acid in the
stomach and not as some believe to a
lack of digestive juices. The delicate
stomach lining is irritated, digestion ib
delayed and food sours, causing rhs
agreeablo symptoms which every stom
ach sufferer knows so well.
Artificial digestents are not needed
in such cases and may do real harm.
Try laying aside' all digestive aids and
instead get from any druggist a few
ounces of Bisurated Magnesia and take
a teaspoon-fiil in a quarter glass of
water right after eating. This sweetens
the stomach, prevents the formation of
excess acid and there is no sourness
gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in
powder or tablet form never liquid
or milk) is harmless to the stomach, in
expensive to take and is tho most ef
ficient form of magnesia for stomach
purposes. It is used by thousands of
people who enjoy their meals with no
more fear of indigestion.
Mitchie Wins Decision
From Jones la Portland
Portland, Or.. Jan. 23. A right
swing delivered by Peter Mitchie of
Portland sent Harold Jones of Taeo
ma to the floor in the second frame of
their six round battle here last night.
Jones was back on bis feet in a sec
ond, however, and managed to stick
out the round by holding on Jones
put up a game fight during the re
mainder of the go, and made an offens
ive rally in the fifth but Mitchie easi
ly won the decision.
Walter MoDevitt of San Francisco
was receiving a beating from Alex
Trambitas of Portland when the sec
onds in the sailor's corner tossed a
towel into the ring.
The Johnny Cashill-Joe Gorman bout
was halted in the sixth, the referee
giving Gorman the decision, disquali
fying Cashili for what he called rough
ing. Frank Kendall won from Harry Wil
liams in the heavyweight event.
Longworth Seems Mead
In Race For Speakership
Washington, Jan. 24. The race for
tho speakership of the house of repre
sentatives is at the stage where the
proverbial dark horse may take the
lead at any time.
There is a growing sentiment evi
denced bv talk about bbio and of-
ht republican chances in 1920
WUW RB 7 dropping old leaders for
deal all round.
This feeling, strong today, is likely
to be heightened when sixty one new
republicans of the next house are heard
from. These men for the most part owe
nothing to the old Older and would
gain by helping the move for a ehang
of leaders.
Democrats who ars watching the re
publican race from the sidelines declar
ed that Representative Longworth of
Ohio already ha Representative Mana
of Illinois aud Representative Gkllett
of Massachusetts, the two candidates
who have announced themselves, out
distanced. A plas to fet republicans and repub
lican members-elect together for a cau
cus to settle the speakership muddle is
being discussed. All sides declare titf m
seive in favor sf this, but nons is
punning it very hatti.
Msrhasd Told
Women Tall How They Mail Event
On of Great .Happiness.
en who tell I tow, through, the application
of Mother's Friend, they entirely avoided
the suffering nnially Incident to motherhood.
They relate in no uncertain terms how from
its 08 the days were made bright and
cheerful and this rights calm end restful,
tow tlta crisis was passed without the uiual
eufferinff experienced when nature to unaid
ed, find liow they preserved their health
and strength to devote it to the rearing of
tbtlr children and to tin things life holds
for them.
Mother's Friend is a most penetrating;
remedy, prepared especially for expectant
mothers from a formula of a noted physi
cian. Strain tipon the ligaments fa avoided,
and instead or a period of discomfort and
constant dread It is a season of calm re
pose. The hours at tha crisis are less, and
Mother's Friend enables the mother to re
tain her natural grace, and her skin is not
cracked and does not become bard or dis
flgnred. Write to the BradReM "egulatorCompany,
Dept. L, Lamar BulMi -Atlanta, Georgia,
for their Motherhood book, and obtain
bottle of Mother's Friend from the druggist
Bill Providing For Such Train
ing Is Now Supported By
State Superintendent.
If a bill now before the legislature,
becomes a law physical training in the
public schools of Oregon will become
compulsory. " Tho bill which wis origin
ally prepared by the physical training
section of the Oregon State Teachers'
Association under Dr. A. D. Browne, of
0. A. C, as chairman, has been revised
by J. A. Churchill, superintendent of
public instruction, and meets with his
entire support. It also hss the backing
of all the superintendents of the state.
It carries with it no provision for an
Tiiu bill provides for a course of in
struction consisting of such activities
as will promote correct physical posture
and bearing, mental and physical alert
ness, self eontrol, disciplined initiative,
a sense of patriotic duty, and a spirit
of co-operation under leadership. It
also calls for the appointment of u
committee of experts by the state su
perintendent of public . instruction
which shall eonfer with the superin
tendent in formulating a program of
physical education. It provides for co
operation with the colleges of the state
or the federal authorities in maintain
ing courses of instruction for teachers
iffid physical instructors and others who
volunteer and are accepted by the su
perintendent of public instruction.
The bill was introduced int0 the sen-
ale by Senator W. W. Banks. It was
given its fmt reading and was placed
in the hands of the educational com
mittee of the senate.
Jump from Bed
in Morning and
Drink Hot Water
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water each morning
before breakfast,
Why is man and woman, half the
time, feeling nervous, despondent, wor
ried; gome days headachy, dull and un
strung; some da really incapacitated
by illness.
If we all would practice inside bath
ing, what a gratifying change would
take place. Iustead of thousands of
half sick, anaemic-looking souls with
pasty, muddy complexions we should
see crowds of happy, healthy, rosy
cheeked -people everywhere. The rea
son is that the human system does not
rid itself eacb day ef all the waste
which it accumulate snder out present
mode of living. For every ounce of
food and 4rink taken into the system
nearly an ounce of avast e material
must be rairied sot, else it ferments
and form ptomaine-like poisons which
are absorbed into the blood.
Mea and women, whether sick or
well, are advised to drink each marm
ing before breakfast, a g0fs of real
hot water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it, as a harmless
means of washing out of the stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels tho indigest
ible material, waste, sour bile and tox
ins. Millions of people who had their
turn at constipation, bilions attacks,
acid stomach, nervous days and sleep
less nighta have become real cranks
about the ssorning inside bath. A quar
ter fionnd of limestone phosphate will
not cost much at the drug store, but is
sufficient to demonstrate to anyone,
its cleansing, sweetening end freshen
ing effect upon the system.
Feminine Articles Exclusively
Toilet Articles Yankee Notions
Haberdashery Stationery Novelty Jewelry
Fenuiiien Gothes Of All Kinds
Feminine Articles of All Kinds
Where Shopping is a Pleasure
U. G. Shipley Co.
. Liberty Street
Quality Merchandise
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Hazel Green, Or , Jan. 24. Miss Ella
Smith is staying at the Tom Van Cleave
home and caring for the sick.
A recent letter from Ralph Harvey,
who is with the 4th Depot Division at
Toul, France, says that he was not in
the heavy fighting but near enuogh to
appreciate its close. He witnessed the
downfall of one German plane. He sent
greetings to all Hazel Green friends
and will be glad to return home as
soon as possible.
Miss Mildred Williamson returned
from Stayton Saturday.
A. Weinert went to Portland Monday
on business.
Bev. F. Fisher officiated at tho fun
eral service of Cliff Sheldon in Salem
Harry Bennett arrived homo from
New York Saturday.
Miss Carrie Johnson is on the sick
Mark Aspinwall and Alvin Van
Cleave came hmoe last week having
received their discharge from Camp
Violet and 0. C. Wilson have been
tpoping onions for Mr. Cady, during
the past week.
Mrs. Marie McCorkle of Portland is
at the Boelck home caring for the sick.
Her father Mr. Boelck is in a serious
Mr. Hcrmon, who is living near
Stayton, came down to the Williamson
home, Tuesday.
Louie Bartruff returned from Camp
Lewis last week,
Two boys from the state school were
found with a wood chopper near the
Dunigan farm Funday and taken back
by Maurice and George Dunigan.
Mrs. Peter Kasmussen spent a week
at Monitor recently taking care of her
son Henry who was sick with tho flu.
Mrs. Cliff Shldeon has not improved
much. Her condition is critical.
Miss Rebecca Linstrom of Polk coun
ty has been visiting at the home of
Mrs Martha Wolf.
Chris. Jensen fo Monitor brought his
cousin, Renry Rasmussen home last
Sunday and stayed here till Tuesday.
Louis and Chester Wood are visiting
relatives in this vicinity.
Joe Bartruff 's family are recovering
from the flu
No new eases of flu in this district.
Senate Bills
Introduced Today
S. B. 69 By Hurley Exempting
property owned by irrigation and drain
age districts from taxation.
S. B. 70 By Boll Providing for rea
sonable attorney fees to be fixed by
court in partition suits.
8. B. 71 By Jones T0 prohibit op
erating seines in the Siusls-w river.
S. B. 72 By Thomas and Laehmund
To prohibit operation of trusts and
monopolies in restraint of trade.
B. u. i A By Eberhard To amend
sections 897 and 2762, L. 0. L., as
amended by cheptor 308, laws of 1917,
restoring salaries of supreme court
clerk and his deputies to amount where
thev were prior to reduction by the
legislature of 1917.
8. B. 74 By Lachmund-Providing
an impropriation for the construction of
en nrmory at Silverton.
8. . B. 73 By Pierce To rease one
mill additional tax for road purposes.
Aunt Of President Wilson
Dies At Daughter s Home
Denver, Colo., Jan. 24. Mrs. Helen
8iH Woodrow, 77. aunt of President
Carter's little Liver Pills
You Cannot be X A Remedy That
and Happy
many colorless) fsevs bat wiO greatly help most pale-faced people
Salem, Ore.
Popular Prices
A Calcium compound tsat will brtnr re
lief in many acute and chronic cases,
Provides la handiest form, a baala rem
edy hla-hly recommended oy aclencn. Con
tains no harmful dri-sa Try them today.
50 cent a box. including war tax
For sale hr all droectota
Eckmart Laboratory, ruiiadelphla
Wilson, is dead today at tho home of
her daughter here. Stomach trouble
caused death.
She was married an 1860 .by the
president's grandfather to a brother
of the president's mother. Mrs. Wood-
row was a guest at tne white -diouse
Paris, Jun. 24. The supremo war
council today decided to appoint a
coniraitteo to examine the question of
tho apportionment of forces to be main
tained on tho west front during tho
period of the armistice.
The committee includes General
Biibs, Marshal Foch, General Diaz, Win
ston Churchill, British secretary of
state for war and Louis Loucheur,
French minister of munitions.
Thecouncil also issued a public warn
ing to all countries, particularly in
eastern Europe, that the acquisition ef
any territory by force will prejudice
the uggrcssors clrlm at the peaco table.
othing Like Plain Bitro-Phosphate to
Put ou Firm, Healthy Flesh and
to Increase Strength, Vigor
and Nerve Force
Judging from the countless prepara
tions and treatments which arc contin
ually being advertised for the purpose
of making thin peoplo fleshy, develop
ing arms, neck and bust, and replacing
ugly hollows and angles by the sott
curved lines of health and beauty, there
are evidently thousands rf men an
women who keenly feel their excessive
Thinness and weakness are usually
due to starved nerves. Our bodies
need more phosphate than is contained
in modern foods. Physicians claim.
there is nothing that will supply thi
deficiency go well as the organic phos-
pnate known among druggists as bitro
phosphate, which is inexpensive and
is sold by most all druggists under a
guarantee of satisfaction or money
back. By feeding the nerves directly-
and by supply the body cells with tho
necessary phosphoric food elements,
bitro-phosphate quickly produces a
eleome transformation in the appear
ance; the increase in wcigbt frequent
ly being astonishing.
This increase in weight also carries
with it a general improvement in the
health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and
lack of energy, which nearly always
accompany excessive thinness, soon dis
appear, dull, eyes become bright, and
pale checks glow with the bloom of
perfect health.
CAUTIOX-Although bitro-phosphate
is unsurpassed for relieving nervous
ness, sleeplessness and general weak
ness, it should not, owing to its re
markable flesh growing properties, be
used by anyonf ho does not desire to
put on fles
Makes Life
Worth Living
I bears ajgnatar