, 5000 CIRCULATION I (25,000 READERS DAILY) Only Circulation is Salem Guar- . antecd by the A adit Bureau of Weather Report Circulations Oregon: Tonight and ftatur- se day fair, moderate southwest- srly winds. - ' FULL LEASED WIRE JfewifP1 Sr 11.11 DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL- LEY NEWS SDK VICE FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 15. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON THAINS AND NEWS STANDS FTVK CENTS LEAGUE OF NATIONS TO BE FORMALLY TAKEN UP CONCLAVE TOMORROW FORMAL DhFT OF U.S. PLANS ABOl1: IN SHAPE Premier Clemenceau Still Adheres To His Recently Made Statement That France Won't Demand Claim Except To Two Territories, Although Powerful Political Cliques Are Wanting Other Possessions. By William Philip Slmms. (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, Jan. 24, The league of sa tions will bo formally taken up at to morrow's session of the general poace congress, it was learned from authorita tive sources today. Much of tho work in preparing drafts of tho variou8 nations' programs for Hie league is being- done by the rcspeo- tivo delegations outside the joint mect it'.Ks and it was expected tho prelim inaries would bo in such shape as to penuit of t full discussion of the broad outlines of the plans tomorrow. The Am(ican delegation, it is understood, spout two hours in going over their Icagno plans late yesterday, with the result that tho formal draft was prac tici.lly completed. Yet it was report ed that neither tho American nor tho British plans would be presented in their entiroty tomorrow, though they nr"c farther advanced as regards details than any of the others. Apparently . president Wilson and Premior Lloyd Oeorgo will wait until tho other pro grams ore submitted and thoroughly discussed, then thoy will bring forward tho programs of thoir delegations. Correspondents Admitted. , . j The correspondents, it wns announced today will be admitted! to the full meet ing tomorrow, as at tho initial session of the plenary congress last Saturday. tVIcanwhilo tho meetings of the "steer ing committee" continuo secret. Among other subjects to be discussed "tomorrow are responsibility and punish ment for tho war, reparation for war damages, international laboi legislation and the -international status' of ports, waterways and railways. In connection with the latter proposition, it is be iiu- ANTI-TRUST BILL IC QUITEDRASTIC Designed To Prevent Any ! Combination In Restraint Of Trade. Senators Lachmund and Thomas to day introduced in the senato a drastic anti trust bill, which is designed to pre-' vent any combination of any sort in straint of trs-do or for tho purpose of . . T , .. . . . fixing prices. In defining a trust or monopoly, within the meaning of the act, the bill says: "Withiu the meaning of this act, a trust or monopoly is a combination of capital or skill, by two or more persons, firms, corporations, or association of persons: , "First. To create or carry out re- strictions in trade. "Second. T0 limit the production o to increase or reduce the price of com modities. "Third: To prevent competition in the manufacture, transportation, sale ot purehase of merchandise, produce or jeommodities. j t . "Fourth To fix any standard or fig-' Trucks from 1 to 2 tons, $30; now vre whereby the price to the public ",', snail be in any manner established or Truck fro 2 to 2 ton- ; now controlled." I l , . ,,' ' - Heavy Penalties. I Trucks from 2 to 3 tons, $60; now Each of tha above subdivisions is 2'- ' , treated in a separate tectum of the .bill, Crocks from 3 to 3 tons, $7o; now and heavy penalties are imposed for the . , , . . . , ... violation of these provision. For the" Truck from 3 to ton9' 100; now . first offense a pern may be fined not r"Trucks 5 ton,, $200; now more than $10,000 or be imprisoned sot!,. ' ' longer than 10 years, while for see- . . om . to - tnn. tMn. . . ond offense the penalty is imprison-! ment for not longer than 10 years and Ti,ion tn&t Mnntv (haU charge rnot the eourt may use its discretion as to leM thtB $g , month imposing a fine. . . The committee decided to introduce If the offender is a corporation, thea;S(I)arl,te hittB covering various fea the penalty is a fine of not more th.ia tlirM 0f tIi. road program which it has $20,000, and if the corporation is one outlined. The $10,000,000 bonding pro organized under the laws of some other position will be embodied in a separ ate it may "be enjoined from doing ate bill, with no side issues involved, business in this state by an order of The motor vehicle tax probably wiil be injunction issued by a court of com- in 'a separate bill, while bills have al Vetent jurisdiction. j ready been introduced by individual If the offender is an Oregon eorpora-; members prohibiting the use of patent tion, the bill provides that it may be!cd pavements. restrained from doing further business! Attorney General Brown is now pro- j paring a draft of the $10,000,000 bond (Continued oa page six) bill. lieved the Dardanelles, the Bosphorus shu Constantinople will be considered. -A move is expected to be made to in ternstionalize that area that there bo an open exit from the Black sea, as suring continuous access of BuBsia 's wheat to tho world. The Bcrlin-to-Bair dad railway would be the first object of internationalization of the railways. Today's session of the supreme war council, in addition to completing the program for tomorrow's discussions, was expected to take up certain mat ters in connection with the armies of occupation; This was foreer.st by tho presence of Marshal Foch, Field Mar shal rlaig, Ueneral Diaz and other mem bers of the associated powers' military council. Some Want Delay. Alleged efforts to delay crystalliza tion of the league of nations, or at least to obstruct tho laying down of its freedom of principles as applicable to questions of territorial rights, were scon today in cttcmpts by certain pow erful political cliques to have Premier Clemenceau demand the Sanr valley ana byria tor France. . As announced by the United Press two weeks ago, Clemonce.EU gave the associated powers reason to bclievO he would not press France's claim to those two territories. It is known he is ad hering to this decision, but ho is under roing tho strongest pressure from the financially powerful colonial faction. That tho American dolegctcs, supported by tho British, have no intention of al lowing such a plan to succeed is obvl ous. With Clemenceau sticking to his decision, it is certain the colonialists will fail. ROAD BILL INCREASES AUTO TAX 100PERCENT Senate Roads And Highways Committee Approves Ad dition. More than a 100 per cent increase in automobile licenses is contemplated in a road bill being prepared by the aenato roads and highways committee. The committee met yesterday after noon and approved the following in- I crease in liense fes: All automobiles, including steam, re-'gasoline) and other hydrocarbon operat ed vehicles, except motor trucks, np to 23 horse power, $12, an increase from 1 . ; Cars in excess of 23 horse power and 'up to 26 horse power, $20; now $. Cars in excess of 26 horse power and up to 30 hone power,' $23; now $10. Gars in excess of 30 horse power and up to 34 horse power, $30; now $10. Cars in excess of 36 horse power and up to 40 horse power, $30; now $15. Cars in excess of 40 horse power $75; bow $30, Electric pleasure, $40; now $C. Electric service trucks, $20; now $10. Motorcycles $5: now $3. Motor trucks and delivery and ser- .vice ears from one to 1 tons, $20 AUn a fnna .iuT . - ami : . u RUMORS OF FRECIION BETWEEN FRENCH AND Correspondent Tells Of Little Incidents That First Start- ed Stories. By Webb Millar (United Press staff correspondent) American Headquarters in Germany, Jan. 22. (Delayed) To quiet rumor) ovidcutly in circulation that there is considerable friction 'between the Am erican and French armies, some inci dents from which such a feeling might have arisen, are presented. Undeniably there was somo feeling for a time on the 4art of the men of the Third army, but it originated from minor causes and: has entirely disap peared now. Publication of somo of the incidents from which this feelirig start ed wiH do more than anything else to bailt exaggerated reports. As tlio Third army reachod tho banks of tho iRhino, there was a suudon change in orders from the allied high command by which French troops came up and occupied the southern portion of the 'bridgehead. This necessitated much shitting about of tho American troops and caused several divisions to march 36 miles farther to reach the new areas assigned to thein. It also de prived men of tho Third and Forty Sec ond divisions of the honor of crossing tho Iiliiue. Naturally the men were dis satisfied, inasmuch as it caused much extra laTwr and marching. . Had False Impression Tho French apparently were under the impression ithat the Americans should enforce regulations which the French themselves had put into effect.1 For instance, when a French regiment marched through CobilenB and was re viewed by General Dickman, several iFreneh officers circulated through the crowds and knocked off tho hats of German civilians as the color passed and when the American national an them was played. The Americans had promulgated no regulation regarding civilians removing their hats when the colors passed, and gome of the Third army officers disapproved the proced ure. Then, human-like, the American sol diers recalled peMy personal incident in France, such as overcharging, which could occur anywhere, and other small affairs that wnre inevitable, This add ed to the feeling of dissatisfaction. Other incidents cropped out, mostly tho outgrowth of misunderstandings. But within a week or two this feeling sub sided and little of it can now be dis cerned. On the whole, it was what might be expected in any army lying dormant. Soldiers are notorious grumblers and kicking about everything and anything is one of the American doughboy's most prized prerogatives. When not cussing the mesa sergeant, the Y. M. C. A. or congress, they are cussing something eise. For a week or so it was tho French. So far as can ba determined, the above incidents are solely responsible for the nuinors afloat. SET AID FORESTRY PIED Ways And Means Committee - Recognized kportance Of - Child Welfare Wcrk. The state fair board had about opo fourto of the money it asked for cut off at the meeting held last evening by the joint ways and mean committee of the senate and house, although senator Pat terson earnestly asked for a more lib era) treatment for the state fair . in the proposed budget the fair board had asked for $65,000 for the comple tion of the coliseum and this included seating that would cost about $20,000. But with the feeling that every pos sible dolls r had to be shaved off some where, Senator Patterson was willing to reduce the coliseum estimate to $50, 000. This was not quite a deep enough cut for other members of the eommittce rod finally it was placed tentatively at $10,000. ' The item of $3000 for painting build ings at the fair grounds was entirely cut out. With the extremely high price of paint just at present and labor also, the committee thought the buildings (Continued on psge three) dr. stei;;er fares wellvith ways and MEANS COMMITTEE Explained To Legislators That Expenses For Institntioa Had Increased ' Dr. R. E. Lee Steiaer fared woll with the joint committee of ways and means at a session hold last evening after tolling them he had to admit a defi ciency of about $100,000; The doctor explained how any mnn keeping house could realize th?' increased cost of lin ing jeui-eiaclly If ' tlhey happened to have about 1700 to tare for. During the , past two "'yean he said that the cost per capita per month. nad been $18.48 and that tho nearest esti mate he could make for the coming two years wag at tno rate of $2i a month. 1 Declaring that he Bid not want any raise of salary for hynself, Dr. Btelner did spdak in behalf of physicians em ployed at the institution. $100 a month he said was most idndeqaato for ex perienced physicians "I don't want young doctors just Jout of school to make an experimental station of the asylum," declared tir. flteiner, "but in many cases it seems that as soon as a doctor is of real value, he will not stay on tho- salary allowed." . As to the attendants of the urezon state hospital; the salary of $40 or $50 a month and-board he .did not consider hardly lenough, especially as man,; had been there for 25 years and were ex perts in their work. " We will get the hobo element of attendants if wo low er the salaries," he said. Fluda it m Good condition 'I have visited the Oregon state hospilal and find it in better condition than any 1 have seen," declared Chair man Gordon. "The institution i in fine condition. Everything is kbu in fino shape." This opinion was concur red in bv Representative Childs and also by Senator iLaclimund. J; or the maintenance or the asylum for the comino two vears. Dr. Steiner asked for $958,500. TkVlast' legislature gave him $716,936. As a tentative pro gram the ways and means committee was inclined to do but Uttlo cutting on the proposed 'budget and this was in reducing transportation of insane to other states from $10,000 to $8000; re placement from $15,000 to $10,000 and painting estimate from $10,000 to $a,- 000. Whiilo the inmatfg of the asylum now number 1720, Dr. Steincr said he expected about 25 from the state of Oregon from the army and navy, as the government expected each state to care for its own soldiers. The item of $10,800 for remodelling tho Salem hospital building wa not cut as Dr. Steiner explained that the building wag to be Used as homes for the attendants anil nurses, (ienator Strayor was a littlo in doubt as to when the state would get possession of the hospital building as for two years efforts had been made to get. the Salem hospital out. Ho was assured the state would be given possession or its property within a few weeks. German Delegates Want ; Full Peace Publicity By John Graudene. (United Press staff correspondent) ! Hnrlin. .Tun. 22. Germany's delopatcs to the peace congress favor full public- liy or ail proveeuiugn, mo vuiwu -o was officially informed today, Tn vnfinnniui in ft niierv. Philin Scheid- omann end Count Brockdorff-Bantzao, who will represent uermany at v er anilln. Enid thpv jiustain the attitude of- America and Great Britain that the conference must be open. "Oermany is in fuvor of no secrecy whatever," declared Schoidemann. 1 "Havinjj accepted all of president "Wilson's points, sho wishes to beffia with the demand that the peace treaty must tie arrived at openiy. , First Opposition To Bergcr Appeared Today Washington, Jan. 24. Tha first open opposition to seating Victor Bergcr of Wisconsin as member of the house came today in a statement from Bep resentative Gillett of Massachusetts, candidate for speaker in tho next con gress. Gillett said refusal to seat Bergcr should be the very first act of the next hou) because Berger was found guilty of charges of disloyalty. "The evidence convinces me of hi disloyalty and I believe the country generally approves the verdict of tha jury end I think his guilt is sufficiently manifest to disqualify him from con gress," Gillett said MASKS CAUSE DEOP IN FLU CASUS San Francisco, Jan. 24. Friends of the "flu" mask saw it vindicated to day. Since tho masks were donned the average in new eases has dropped from ! something over 500 daily to 118 yeater jday. Deaths have dropped from nearly 40 daily to 11. The masks were put on January 2. APPHlOfi FELT FOR DAIRY INTERESTS ON ACCOUNT OF DROP Batter And Batter Jat llave Dropped Nine Cents Dur ing Past Week. There will bo joy in tho hesrt of the Salem housewife today a9 sue views the collapse of tho inflated butter mar ket. Tho Marion County Creamory, which has for weeks past been quoting 68 and 69 eents for butter and butter- fn. today announces a drop of 9 cents. following the action of Portland and Seattle controllers. ; This will mean a corresponding eut in the retail prices, which for several weeks have been ranging up to 75 cents or more. In the Portland market yesterday there was a drop of 6 eents a pound on buttor, making a total dcelino of 9 cents during the past week. Evidently tho creamery men have decided it was time for a voluntary adjustment of tho market to conform to the law of supply and demand. Tho excessively high prices all along the coast has stimu lated production to such a degree that tho drop wr bound to come sooner or later. Along with the drop in butter goes a slash in the price of butterfat at stations, the Portland dealers quot ing 52 cents a pound, which will be curdling news to 'the dairymen, who with tho cxhorbitant prices on mill feed wore just making a fi'ir profit at the high prices. Tho break in the market wr.a not con fined to Portland and tho Northwost, as reports from tho National Cream ory Association indicato that dairy products everywhere aro on the tobog gan. In tho Snn Francisco market there was a moro spectacular fall than in Oregon, end this means that the Cali fornia shippers will lay down butter in Portland nt 49 or 50 conts. Beceipts in San Francisco are said to be twice as heavy as they were at this time a yet-r ago. Substitutes Have Effect. Not only hag , the high price of but ter in Saloni tended to cut dWn cort sumption, but the coming in of Chicago packing house substitutes has had its effoct upon the situation. Thoustnds of pounds of tho white brick combina tions, retailing at about 40 cents a pound, aro boing consumed by the Sa lem housekeepers bent upon economy. Hcnlly thoro is moro causo for appre hension than satisfa-ction in tho situ ation in Marion county, for thero will bo nothing to encourage tho dairyman to continuo in business unless thero is an immediate drop in feed prices. Sen ator Piorco, of Union county, who is fathering a bill for the help of the! dairy industry, im:kes tho statcmcn' that 50,000 dairy cattle were slaught ered lost year, and tho killing is likely to continuo. The bill which is boing prepared by Senator Pierce, provides for a heavy tax on oleoma rgarino and liindrod substitutes for butter, the pro coeds to bo used in building up the dairy industry. Another bit of encouragement is held out to our dairymen in the move now under way to organize a state dairy council which will further tho inter ests of tho dairymen in every direction. F. E. Deckebnch, of the local creamery association, has this week been mak ing a eanvass of tho leading business men and bankers in eompany with Commissioner Mickel, in the effort to secure members and financial backing for the organization in Salem. Ho states that they havo already seenrod the names of 65 prominent financiers of Oregon wh0 can be depended on to back upj the move. Iter they expect to include all the leading dairymen and dealers of tho state in a powerful body that will bo in position to safeguard an industry that is In dtnger of being! throttled by present conditions. v$ ABE EIARTIH Th' next best thing t' havin' ability is lookin' th' part. Some folks try t git a wholesale price on ever'hing but a doctor. Senate Passes Famine Food Bill Late Today After Much Wrangling Senators Doubtful Of Course They Should Take For They Claim Hoover's Denial Is Admission Of Bargain With Packers. Meanwhile, Plans Are Made In Eu rope, But Can't Be Carried Out "Till Appropriation Is Made. ' Washington, Jan. S4. By a voto of 53 to 18, the senate lato today passed the $100,000,000 famine food bill. The turmoil in congress over tho - $100,000,000 famine fund food bill was aggravated today by four developments: The direct charge by Senator 9c LaFollette that the beef trust is behind the bill. $ . Emphntio denial by Louis F. Swift before a house committee that packers had anything to do with the bill. ik A" statement from Hoover in Paris bearing out his official statement of yesterday to tho effoct that he had forcscon end prepared to moot the neod for American food in Europe. State by J. Ogdon Armour He that Hoover wont to Europe to aid tho peoples thero and not to He stabilizo prices for tho pack- org. By L. O. Martin. j ' (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, Jan. 24. A movoment to talk to death tho $100,000,000 famine funds developed today in the senate. Warned of tho intention of hostile senators f0 filibnstor sdmrnistratioK leaders were frankly undecided whoth er to adopt "rushing" tactics in i effort to got tho bill through today, or let the opposition take its course ' Their indecision arose from tho fact thu t a clear majority of tho sennte was doubtful concerning tho wisdom of the measure. Charges that Herbert Hoover Hgroed with packers to save them from loss, by creating a European market for their products galnod credence through GERMANY PLANS FOR 'DIG TRADE CAMPAIGN Hurley Urges All Nations To si. on r . r 1 bet iftreace Basis ujuck ly To Stabilize Commerce By Fred B. Ferguson. (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, Jan. E4. A warning was issued by American officials today that Ger many is planning a big commercial cam paign, particularly in tho United Statei and Franco. Thoy pointed out that Oormany has always beon keen commercially and that for the last quartor of a century alio has devotod half hor energy to com merce and industry and tho other half to building up a war machine. Now tho war machino is eliminated and her industrial organizations can direct vast ly more energy to trado. When Edward Uurly addresses a meeting of French business mon tomor row night he is expected to outline the American attitudo toward extending aid to French commerce in an effort to combat tho dorman menace. It is understood that Hurley will urge all nations to get back on peace basis as quickly as possible to as to stabilize the world's commerce. Ho is known to believe that general demobilization of the French and Italian armies, as well as tho American and British, is es sential to a revival of international trade H. C L Losing Ground In Chicago Markets Today Chicago, Jan. 24. Outor defenses of General High Cost of Living had tumbled here today. Butter in two weeks has dropped 13 eents wholesale, the butter and egg board announced. Pork loins tumbled 9 cents. Veal dropped 5 and 8 cents. Other produce hat dropped in a more or lctg demoralized market duo to stop page of government and foreign buy ing. Retailers, however, stocked with high priced goods, have been slow to fol low wholesale prices. The butter and egg board, therefore, today started checking up on retailers who decline to lower charges in conformity. The influenza epidemic at Pendleton is subsiding and work was resumed at the high school Monday. tloover'a wn denial. The deniat, sen ators said, did not deny, but admitted. While no one chtrges Hoover with im propur motives or actions, the fact that the appeal for the famine fund was put on tho humanitarian grounds of paving starving Europe, instead on what many senators believe the real grounds keeping the food administration's bar gain with the hog raisers and packers . has caused distrust. , Doubt Expressed. Doubt coneeming the proper way to vote hag been expressed in speeches by numerous aonsitorg. . Smoot, Harding and Summing, for example, said they could not make up their minds whether it would bo better to vote no and deny rJuropeans American aid, or to vote yea and perhaps learn later that they uad helped tho packers "put somothinf over." A filibuster during which arguments against the bill would bo tirolossly re peated might help some of the waver ing ones make up their minds, hostile senators beliove. , The fi;ct that Hoover, beforo ho wont to Europe, told tho senato appropria tions committee a fund of from $25,000, 0U0 to, $30,000,000 would be necessary to buy, food for distiibutio.i, has con vinced some of tho truth of Borah's chargo that Hoover hr.d decided before sailing how his promise to tho hog rais ers was to be kept. Senator Sinoot laid this fact before the senate. If the bill fails ti) pass today, H may be a lontf time getting through, ; Continues Work. -; y Paris, Jan. ' 24. The supreme food criuneil continued it work hero todav. outlining pltfnS for feeding needy European populations, though no action will he tnken until rmssaco of tho $100.- 000,000 food bill by the United fttaias (Continued on page six) FRANCE W STEEL HELMET TO EACH POILU To Show, To Small Degree, n 1 Governments' Apprecia tion Of Men. By Henry Wood (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, Jan. 5. (By Mail) Every poilu is to have his steel holmet as a permanont souvenir of the part he play ed in thn wnr. Tn the cawr nf nnMierit I whn forfeited their lives for fiietr livs for their country, a helmot will ba given to the family of the dead poilu by the French government. Each helmot will have engraved on the steel vizor the name and grado of the soldier together with tho follow ing inscription: , Holdier of the Great War 1914-1918 The loiter of Premier Clomoneeau to President Clemenceau asking for tha ooneession on behalf of the poilua is ts follows; "Mr. President. Our soldiers and their chiefs Tave. merited well of the fatherland. "In order to commemorate for a long tim to come in the homes in France the brotherly participation of our heroes of all grades in th emost cruel and tha most fruitless task that the annals of , history have ever recorded, it seems to be desirable to give to every soldier of the great war the same souvenir of tha hours of combat, namely the his toric steel helmet of the poiln. "It will remain always the souvenir of an epoch of which the grandeur al ready is incomprehensible. In the fam ilies of the dear departed it will be the most pious, relic that will perpet uate the worship of those heroes whoso' aacrifice has preserved the honor and the liberty of the fatherland." MEECY ARBIVES OVERDUE . New York, Jan. 24. More than sev en (lays overdue because of rough seas, the United States hospital ship Mercy arrived hero today with 390 sick and wounded American troops on toard. The Mercy passed through some at the most stormy weather in history and was badly battered. At one time fear was felt for her safety. She sailed from St. Nnzaire on Januay 7. Peter A. Mann, a pioneer of Baker county and prominent business man, is dead at Baker. 1