Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 23, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Will Interest Many
As it will enable you to make a saving in the
Purchase of
hat will be appreciated by all. A careful inspection
will convince any one of the great value at the fol
lowing prices:
Silk Poplins, 36-inches wide ....98c and $1.49
Silk Poplin. 40-inch Corticelli Gilt Edge $2.25
Silk Taffeta, 36-inch
Crepe de Chine, 40-inch $1.43
Georgetta Crepe, 40-inch $1.79
Messaline, 36-inch $1.49
Attorney Elmo 8. White is reported
n the sick list this week.
Miss Alpha Rosonquest, who has
keen substituting for one of the teach
rs in tho Woodburn schools, roturuod
4o Balem yestordny.
Ralph Wdttoniberg, of the Wittenberg.
HCiiVg company, returned to Portland
yesterday after spending several weeks
t the local plant.
Mnnngor J. H. Walker, of the Salem
Kings, plant, has just returned to his
irnrk after eeveral weeks illness with
John V, Logan of Portland, a mem
tor of the state parole, board, has boon
in tho eity attending the legislature.
Attorney J. N.; Hart . of Portland i
Hop wire and all kinds
of hides. Before you
sell See Us. Phone 398.
271 Chemeketa
3 i
i r
Open kettle rendered, put up in small, medium and large pails of reg
, ulatlon size. Also in 1-pound full weight sanitary cartons.
Perfection and
Cleanliness of SALE! OREGON Phone 1528
Northwest Corner Court and Liberty Sts
i t
$1.49, $1.79 and $1.98 g
a transient visitor in Balem.
Presldon A. D. Katz of the State
.Dairymen ' League, is in tho city look
ing after a ibill in the interests of the
President C. H. Gilbert, of the Mult
nomah Bar association, is among the
Portland citizens at tho state house.
K. McClaren, formerly a chaplain of
the state penitentiary, came in from
Portland yesterday for a brief stuy du
Hay Fasching, who is employed with
tho Southern Pacific in Portland, is
spending the week with his parents
in this city.
llarloy Mooro, the Woodburn drug
gist, was a business visitor iv the city
R, E. Clanton of Bonnovillo, state
fish warden, is among the isitorg at
tho gtato houso.
A. C. Marsters of Koseburg is a vis
itor with relatives and frionds in town
Mrs. Boll of Gladstone Park, recent
ly roturnod to her hoirio after a visit
Willi her daughter, Miss Esther Bell.
President P. L. Campbell of the Uni
versity of Oregon, is among tho recent
arrivals in Salem.
W. 0. Van Emou of Klamath Falls,
arrived in tho city today on a business
E. h. Coburn, county clerk of Jose
phine county, is in the city for a fow
days, stopping at the Bligh hotel.
E. E. Hurd of Modford, is one of the
southern Oregon citizens drawn to Sa
lem by the legislature.
Florence Egbert of Portland, in ono
of the guests at the Marion hotel to
day. '
Li. S. Barnes and family will lonvo
Portland for J.os Angeles, where they
expect to resiao for a year or two, tho
latter part of the week. It was their
intention to go several months ago, but
sickness in tho family has prevented.
Mr. Barnes lias a business proportion
in Log Angeles requiring his personal
Election Returns Show
Majority Socialists Lead
Berlin, Jnn. 22 (Delayed-. Prac
tically complete returns from Sunday's
national elections showed today that
the lead of the majority socialists had
been greatly increased. With 410 of
433 delegates to tho national assembly
definitely apportioned, the results
showed the following: .
Majority socialists, 1(19.
(!hr stian peoples party, 78.
Dmocrats. 77.
National party, 34,
Independent socinlists, 24.
People's party, 28.
BROS, ft
AH Around Town I
Salem bread is freshest and best tf
Ever since the beginning of the world
there has been but one "best" way to
bury the dead, that way is in tombs.
Mount Crest Abbey provides that
"best" way, the cost is no more. See
Caretaker at Mausoleum, of your un
dertaker. 2-1
A Portland paper notes the death
and funeral of Mrs. G. . Kellogg of
that city, who passed away in that
city recently at the age of 45. Mrs.
Kellogg and her husband were for
merly residents of Salem end Jboth
were members of the local typograph
ical union. For some time they were,
colinected with the well known Port
land publication, the "Mercury." She
will be recalled by a large number of
friends in Salem.
"The best" Is all yon can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phono 120. , ' tf
We luy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic
bldg. tfj
The funeral services of F. L. George j
who passed away at his home in this
city Tuesday, January 14, was held atj
the Wobb and Clough chapel thij af
ternoon with interment at the City
Viow cemotery. 'He is survived by his
wife. . j
. o
Having lately returned to Salem I
am ready to receive piano pupils at my
home, 1472 Mill, or will go to homes
of pupils. Special attention given to
technic and expression. Mrs. Lena Wa
ters. Phone 1184M. , tf
o -
We buy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic
Adg. tf
The Oregon Taxi ft Transfer Co. are
now driving a new two ton G. M. C
truck, especially adapted for dray pur
poses. It was purchased through the
agency of the Valley Motor company.
' o :
For Sale Six acres fine land for
Loganberries or fruits, 15 minutes walk
from end of street car line. F. N. Der
by owner, 314 Masonic bldg. tf
Highways Rapid Transit Auto service
to Portland and way, points daily, leav
ing Salem at 7 a. m7 Phone crdurs eve
ning before, 137 S. Com'l. Phone 60-2.
W. A. IAston does not notice any in
terference with his business on account
of tho influenza searo. He has closed
up two ireal estate deals an the past
we'ok aggregating $10,000, and since
the burning of the Josse aparuimt
houso recently he has written 35 Aew
lines of fire insurance.
Stop that cough with Mountain
Balm Cough Remedy. Satisfaction or
your money back. At nearly all drug
and suburban stores. tf
We have moved our offices to rooms
201-203 Gray blo-k, over Hartman
Bros, jewelry storo, 125 N. Liberty St.
. B. W. MACiT. tf
Passengers and drivers between Sa
lem and Silverton report a great deal
of flood water in the vicinity of P wil
ding river. In some places the water
stands two feet over the roadway.
A person who can breath deep needs
about 500 cubic feet of air. iiasca on
t'ho sizo of the house of representatives
and the number of delegates, stenog
raphers, pages and' clerks and othar
attaches who fill up considerable space,
it is fimired that after 100 visitors
havo occupied chairs in tho house,
about all the good air in circulation
will bo in use. Hence tho committee
appointed to mako a report on health
conditions have decided that after the
100 limit of visitors are comfortably
seated, that tho sergeant of arms shall
take note of the situation and keep
the number down to an even hundred.
That is, as far as the laws of Oregon
will permit, as it is specifically stated
that tho house a well as tha senate is
open to the public and no one can be
denied admittance during mnwiuus. "
health committee also suggested that
if any one, even a member, should
find his or her temperature above nor
mal, tho aright thing would be to stay
Willamette Valley Transfer
Daily Between Portland and
Salem, Independence, Mon
mouth and Dallas.
Orders Taken Both Ways
Portland Office, 230 Ash St
Phone Broadway 454
Salem Office 171 S. High St.
Pnone 14U0
Wejre in the Market
For Potatoes
Wm. Bell, Agent.
With ori inch of rainfall for the 24
hours ending at 8 o'clock this morn
ing, the total rainfall since the rains
began Jan. 15 is 7.71 inches. Since
Wednesday morning the- river has risen
2.6 feet which indicates that an enor
mous volume of water is coming down
the Willamette considering the low
lands the water had to cover to rise to
the guage of 20 feet. There is some
satisfaction. Astoria had six inches of
rain while Salem was getting the one
inch for the 24 hours preceding 8
o'clock this morning.
As chairman of the insurance com
mittee for the house, Ivan G. Martin
has introduced a bill raising the sal
ary of the insurance commissioner,
Harvey Wells. The present salary is
$3000 a year and the bill provides that
the commissioner ibe given a raise or
$100 a month, making the job pay
$4200 a year. Justices of the supreme.
court of Oregon are paid $4o00, the
secretary of state and state treasurer
$4500 and the attorney general for the.
state $3600.
Mrs. Alexander Thompson, the only
woman in the house of representatives,
and a democrat, introduced her first
bill an the house yesterday. It provides
that even if a woman ig married oerore
she is 18, regarded as legal age, she is
still in the eyes of the law a minor ano
subject to the laws regarding minors.
As the law now stands, if a woman is
married before she is 18, the marriage
practically makes her of legal age aud
she is not then subject to the laws re
garding minors. ,
Mrs. Catherine Hewlett of Salem is
especially interested in a bill before
the house of representatives providing
that all persons who have served in
the service of the United States at
any time shall have their homestead
or other real estate exempt from taxes
to the extent of $2000. Mrs. Howlett
is past state president of Hal Hibbard
United Spanish war veterans auxiliary
and past president of the local organi
zation. ' The bill was introduced by
Representative Wcsterlund of Medford.
It would seem that the party mat
ing the complaint as to, overloading of
the Barkus & Son's horse, was shy on
the number of pounds a good horse
w- ennnhlo of haulinff. as the jury fail-1
ed to agree with the complaint, and
Barkus & Son was sustained at the
trial Wednesday.
Strict attention giyen C. 0. D.
Orders, Phone 198 or 186
5 lbs. Dark Karo syrup.. 47c
10 lbs Dark Karo syrup . . 90c
Crown flour ... i ... .
Olympic flour .
Valley flour ........ $2.75
3 lbs Royal Club Coffee
Saturday onlv .... .$1.00
3 lbs G. A. Coffee, Saturday
only :..!... 90c
3 lbs. Special Blend
Coffee .....85c
JeflO, all flavors,' pkg. . . 10c
Jell. , 10c
12 ol Royal Baking
Powder .37c
1-2 Hershey Cocoa..... 17c
10 lb. Sugar . $1.00
100 lbs. Sugar....... $9.75
Fresh, Crisp Soda Crackers
Fresh, Crisp Graham Crack
ers, ft 17c
5 bars white laundry soap 25c
5 bars No Rub Naptha
soap . ...... ..25c
5 bars Ivory soap..... 32c
Pure lard in bulk, lb.... 28c
Peanut butter, lb 18c
Nut Ola Butter substitute
pound . . . 37c
Best creamery butter Jb. 69c
Fresh Eggs, doz 48c
Ghiradelli's Ground Choco
late 30c
Balk Cocoa, lb ... .....26c
ll vi to l twui lug uvuM
Of Representatives t
The house is in favor of the bill now
before the V. S. congress regarding the
treatment of returning soldiers and
sailors. The bill provides that each sol
dier shall be given six months regular
pay upon his discharge and a suit of
civilian clothes. The house passed &
memorial to eongress recommending the
passing of the bill.
The bi(l before the house providing
that with the exception of foreign lan
guages, all subjects taught in the pub
lic schools must be taught in the Eng
lish language, stands fine chance of
passing the house. The committee to
which it was referred reported favor
ably. The bill would make it unlaw
ful for the German language or any
other foreign language to be used in
the general teaching of subjects.
A bill was introduced by Smith of
Baker raising the salary of the state
superintendent of schools. The present
salary of Mr. Churchill is $3000 and the
bill asks that it be increased to $4500,
making the office pay along with su
preme judges, secretary of state or
state treasurer.
If the legislature is willing, many of
ficials now holding office will find
themselves drawing higher psy. Thero
is one bill before the house providing
that judges of the supreme court be
Daid $6000 a year. Another that the in
surance commissioner De raised irom
$3000 to $4200 and the bill introduced
today providing that the salary of the
state superintendent be raised irom
$3000 to $4500.
Representative Dodd of Hermiston is
not auite satisfied with the present law
by which school teachers may get out of
j.their contract to teach the following
year by giving notice 30 days before
tho first day of school. Ho introduced
a bill this morning making it illegal for
0' school teacher to jump his or her con
tract within 90 days before the first
day of the school year. If his bill should
bocomo a law, no teacher could be look
ing for another job during the summer
aftor having signed ono contract.
Representative McFartend of Port
land -has presented a bill solving the
problem of permitting boxing exhibi
tions in Oregon. In order that thero
may not be so much opposition to ex
hibitions of tho manly sport, he pro
poses in a bill that a boxing commis
sion be created. Wherever a boxing
mr.tch is to be pulled off, ho figures
that the net proceeds theroof should be
placed into a fund to be used by the
city for its indigent or for charitable
Mr. Thrift of Coos county, city of
Coquillo. has introduced a bill provid
ing that in the offering of a bounty
for seal pups, the snme is not to in
elude sea lions.
Mrs. Alexander Thompson of The
Dulles is naturally interested in school
teachers as about 75 per cent of thom
ai'o women. She introduced a bill this
mornine providing that $75 a month be
the minimum salary which school di
rectors may pay teachers in the state
of Oregon. And if any sehool directors
should overlook tho bill and engage a
teacher at a lower salary, tho county
superintendent is empowered to bring
the directors to account.
Iford-Wriirht truck, look, new $475
Ford touring, 1910, may extras $390
Stortard twenty, good tires etc ?iiau
Maxwell, 1914, just painted $zoi
Studebaker six $450
Chevrolet, tmirintr. 1916. $475
Highway Garage, 1000 S Com'l. tf
In a paragraph printed yesterday,
intended to show tho falling off of the
death rate in and about Salem, an er
ror of print made it read as though
the local undertakers were entirely out
of easkcts. which is very far from be
ing the case. What was intended was
the statement that no new cases of
death were on the undertakers books
at that hour, though it was true that
several bodies were still being ncld at
the Webb & Clough parlors for future
I can (rive yon the best prices on
all magazines. Mrs. H. C. Hummel, 2340
Laurel Ave. Thone 2097J.
Woodmen of the World, attention!
You are requested to attend tho funer
al of our late neighbor u. uowen,
Rigdon parlors at 2:30 o'clock Friday
afternoon, Jan. 24.
At th hour of loinff to vVess the
case of Jack and Hattie Frost, charg
,1 witli ollinff cifnrettea to minors.
is in progress in Justice IXnnih 's court.
The ease of State vs W; S. Me"immey
a case of alleged cruelty to animais,
has been filed and will come up for
trial the fore part of next week.
Momrmrn of Red Cross auxtUarr of
the First M. E. church are going to
have important wora ai me puaw i
fice at 1:30 Friday afternoon. All
should attend! who possibly can. Chair
Tt m-m h of interest to local teach
ers to note that Marion county ranks
second in the state in the number of
teachers who have received certificates
from the Blading Circle of the Uui
unt. f IWjon. there beinir 262 of
these certificates held in this county.
These readings are part of the required
work of all sciiooi teaoners.
Ph Sftlam avmnhnnV orchestra, un
der the direction of Prof. J. R Sites of
"Willamptta university, in crowing as
the membership now is 45. Mr. Site
promise f the first public eoncert March
l t fit. nnp Kniine. About font weeks
later another concert will be given at!
the opera house in wmcn we music j
In keeping with our usual policy of never carrying
over merchandise fro mone season to another we
are, now offering
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
will be more in the popular line. Prof.
Siteg has shown by his directing of the
choir of the First Methodist church
that he thoroughly understands the art
of conducting.
The house has passed a bill provid
ing that no reimbursement shall be re
quired for government allowances paid
out later cancelled, to persons named
as dependents by enlisted men.
J. Willardf (Robinson of New York.
formerly a stenographer in the office
of Jeremiah 0"leary, has been indict
ed for treason, charged with carrying
messages between O'Leary and Ger
man agents in Holland in 1917.
Omer D. Howland, a prominent tea
merchant of Sacramento, committed sui
cide Sunday by shooting himself thru
the head.
! -MM UN
Mr. John Held, merchant, of Salt
Ln...'.' Ci' ;, keeps an exact record of tlia
...i 3 l.j wean. He writes, "Two
::.'.! 3 ci Neolia Seles have worn for
v.-2 13 months arid I am on my feet
ninety per cent of the time."'
This is not an extraordinary exsm
I'.'.a of the money-saving service that
people get from Neolin Soles. It 13
typical of tho experience millions ar
having. These soles do wear a vtry
Ion!; time and so help you keen shoe
tills down. They are scientifically
r.-.adc so they must wear.
G:t Neolin-scled shoes at r.lmost
any good thee stcre. Get them for
yctsr w.iot3 larrtiy in ine siyies you
s:'!-33 p
era V
" v. :
Thj (
r.tvo tr.csc cosi-savmg
wen shoes. They
' ' ' 1 and woterprot f
1 rro macle t.;'
.: . Rubber Com
.av, v.-ho aim ma!--.
Winch' I: , s. puarantecd to (
wear ar v other heels.
fleelin Solet
TiwM Ihrt JtoK. U- S. Pat. OS.
It's The Key To Good Health
Here Is Your Chance
200 Boxes Southern California Sweet Oranges, Good
size at 30c; half boxes : . $2.75
Per dozen,30c and 35c dozen; per box 3 00
Cauliflower, Celery, Lettuce, Brussels Sprouts
and Cabbage
When you buy Umeco Nut Butter you buy food
value equal in fats to the best butter ........4Qc pgr ft.
Roth Gtfocetfy Co.
Ladies' Hats
Extra fine velvets. A Big
Assortment to Chooose
(Continued from page one)
rcBentativcs for each group, to Princes
Islands, Sea of Marmora, where they
will be met by representatives of the
associated powers, provided in the
meantime there is a truco of arms
among the parties invited and that all
armed forcca anywhere sent or. direct
ed against any people or territory in
side the boundaries of European Kus
sia, as thoy stood before the war, or
against Finland, or against any pooplo
or territory whoso autonomous action
is iu contemnlation in the 14 articles
upon which the present negotiations are
based, shall bo meanwhile withdrawn
and aggressive military actions ceased.
"Thse representatives are invited
to confer with the representatives of
the associated powers in tho freest and
frankest way, with a view to cscertain
ing the wishes of all sections of the
liuhsian people and bring about, if pos
sible, some .understanding and agree
ment by which Russia may work out
her own purposes mid happy co-operative
realizations bo established between
her peoplo and the other peoples of the
world. A prompt rply to this invita
tion is requested. Every facility for
the journey of the representatives in
cluding transportation across the Black
Sea, will be given by the allies and all
tho parties concerned nro expected to
givo the same facilities. The repre
sentatives will be expected at the place
appointed by the 15th of February,
are of
Yick So Tosg
Chinese Medicine ml Tea O
Hat medicine which will sara
any knowa diieaae.
Opa Sundays from II t. a.
until 8 p. m.
153 South High Si
Balem, Orefom. Pbom 183