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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23; 1919. PAGE SEVEN Soli of if own "From Over There" General Pershing' Official Reoort iied of disease . Wounded severely . 59 105 1C4 Totl Today's casualty list contains the nam of Albeit Xi Odell of Boyd, Oregon,' re ported wounded severely DIED OF DISEASE Sergeantg Tinis G Barrow, Louisville Ky John B Lauer, McPhorson Pa ' George W Boot, Middlctown Conn iNorman J Trinkle, Meeting Pa Corporals Frederick C Austin, Fountain City Tenn Willie A Ogden, Hanford Cal Oeo G Printup, Grand Rapids Mich William W Taylor, Hamilton Mass -William M Thiessen, Torringtou Ky Civilian Deloris Martin, Spain " OOoks August Corleu, Bloomfield Neb 1 Louis W Court, Lswton Okla Baymond! H Sherman, France Privates Frank E Aitdam, Klemme la George W Alford, Anna Ky Carl A Anderson, Warren Pa' Asa Arbaugh, Charleston W Va Percy Becker, Saugcrties N Y Arthur W J H Berman, Concordia Mo Cornelius Breslin, Butte Mont James E Burks, Hudspeth Ark Foy A 'Burroughs, Robert Lee Tex Jamcg L Cobb, Kaoltya Tex Julius A Colcgane, Ocean Bay Wis Elmer S Cooper, Huntingberg inu Adon B Dotson, Campo Colo Alvin M Dunn, Barnard Mo Banforth B Ferguson, Huntingdon NY Edwin A J Frey, Hebron Neb Walter Grant, Atlantic City N J Joseph Henneman, Lena Wis Henry A flobgood, Jackson La Geo J Kalvelage,. Chicago Walter iLaskowski, Chicago Joseph L Ljviness, Brooklyn Thomas E Lcwollyn, Boundpcnk N C Sam J Lewis, Raleigh N C Orin J Ltbbolt, Burton Nob Bay Liscomb, Echo La Steve Lutsick, Beaver Meadow Pa Troy C McKiright, Monesworth O Cleveland! McNoir, Camden Ala Michael F Moore, Worcester Mass Elbert L Morgan, Newpoint Va Joseph Niding, Manchester N if Claud Nortlrrup, Sugar Grovo Pa Montie T Nuchols, Eureka Kan Thomas O'Neill, (Philadelphia William B Patzer, Chicago. ' William II Pitts, iCnmpello Mass .William S Piatt, Mt Carmcl Pa David1 Pooler, Cordelo Ga John Posey, Beading Pa Burton Robertson, Pleyto Cal John M Seherbin, Baltimore Casper L Smith, Waitsficld Vt Died from wounds, previously reported killed in action: Pvt Hj&lmar Alto, Cromwell Minn Died from wounds, previously reported died from accident: ,'. . Pvt Loo Haas, New York Died of disease, previously reported died from accident and other causes: Pvt Henry Ivory, Smithviille Ga Killed In action, previously reported wounded slightly: Pvt Erward J Jamerison, Phila Killed in action, previously reported missing in action: Lt John A Walsh, New York Corp William F Herring,- Chillicotho O Privates Robert 'Barr, Philadephia Water E Bouts, iBooiuswich 0 Miehae Costcllo, Marinette Wis Alfred' C Dietrich, Cedarburg Wis Bocco Dimaggio, New York Melvin T Fikstnd, Thornton Ida Harry Fox, .Newark JN J Alvin A Haas, Dayton 0 Stanley Jablonski, Detroit Mich 1 Harry A Keyes, Boston John W Lampkin, W Tulsa Okla Homer J R O'Neal, Adamsvillc Ten Gusla A OsbeTg, Rockford 111 John Osier, Arono Me Herbert Parsley, Westwood Va Hugh C Payne, Jackson Mich' Amta-cw Petrowski, Carnegie Pa Walter Bomanczuk, Owen Wis William Rubanow, Brooklyn Charles Rivkinc, New York Sare Your Hair! Make It Thick Wayy And Beautiful Try This. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected carp; of dandruff that awful scurf. Thero is noting so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish' nes9 and itching of the scalp, which if !. nut rciiuruicu causes uic nmr iuuis tu shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine to- ighfr now any time will surely save k.;. 'if iThi Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or tot let counter, and after the first applica tion your hair will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which is so beau tiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appearance of abund ance, an incomparable gloss and soft ness; but what will please yen most will be after just a few weeks' use, when you will actually see a lot of, fin. h.;r n, min 1 all over the scalp. ia Died from wounds, previously report ed missing in action. . Pvt Abraham Symbol, Brooklyn Dead, previously reported missing in acuon: " Lt G rover C 'Vann, Montgomery Ala Privates Thomas P Garland, Harmon 111 Henry J Grove, Bay City Mich Melville Laflamm, Jewell City Conn Alexander J Matysik, Athens Wis George Sheehau, Burlington Vt Peter Swonson, Randall la SEVERTWI NEWS Silverton, Or.; Jan. 22. (Capital Journal Special Service.; Tho body of tue late Juiri vv ood arrived in Silverton- from San Francisco last Friday, accom panied by tho wife of the deceased and small ion, Francis. The funeral was helu hi Silverton Sunday. Lloyd Li.rson, t n of John Larsou, formerly of. this jcv.r, died in Portland the first of till' wtk. The body is ex-p-tctod to arrive In Silverton today and the funeral v.i'l V held tomorrow. George Ilnbbs vii attending to busi ness in 1-ortUuid lasi Saturday, arriving Monday. The number of cases cf flu reported to City Health Officer Loar is decreas ing every day and in all prqbabilitiy tho ban will be lifted by next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. King are at the homo of Mrs. King's pa-ronls, Mr. arl Mrs. T. W. Riches; Lloyd Riches of; Oregon City is roportcd sick with the flu and Mrs. King will leave this week to care for her brother, Lloyd. . Earl Ciowder of Portland visited in Silverton the first of the week. - Airs. Lew Fischer spont Tuesday af ternoon in Salem. Mrs. Xj. Larson was in Salem on busi ness Tuesday. Miss Mina Hubbg is in Sclem today attending a meeting of the Salem teach ers. John J. Bude returned Thursday from a business trip to Eastern Oregon and Eugone. Mr. Rudo dispCscd of some of his property while in Eugene. Henry Grazier made a business trip to Aurora lest Friday. A. L. Bobenalt and family and Ed Hcald and family motored to Oregon City Sunday. We are sorry to hear that Henry Dahl is not improving in health very rapidly. The last few days he has been confined to his bed. John' Ivcrson, the young man who was wounded in Franco, arrived in Sil verton yesterday. Pudding river has been swollen by the recent rains until it covers nearly s half milo of tho Snlcm-Silverton road. Tho water has been so high that Mr. Parkor found it necessary to drive his jitney over tho upper road the last few days. Ho succeeded in making his way through tlier water-covered road Tues dav noon, however, but the water is raising so rapidly he hasn't attempted to cross since Tuesday noon. Norris Amc has received his dis charge from service and, returned to Sil verton a few days ago. J. L. Eidaon and J. H. Porter visited the capital city last Saturday. Ralph Cronise Buys Interest In Paper W. H. Hornibrook today closed .the deal for tho salo of tho Demoerat to W. L. Jackson, former county school su perintendent of Linn county, and Ralph Croiusc, who for a period of more than three years serv-.-S s city editor of the Democrat. The agreement also in cludes a five-year lease on the building now occupied by the Democrat. Contracting asthnin some two yoars ego, Mr. Hornibrook has been suffer ing from this trouble at regular inter vals ever since, and it was known among his close personal friends that It wns only a matter of time before a change of climato would become a ne cessity. He has no definito location in minds but within the next few months will re-cneago in the newspaper buai ncss at some where the climatic conditions are more favorable. Albany Democrat. Dallas Boy Dies Shortly After Marriage In France Dalla, Jan. 23 Xenmari G. Dennis, who died in France of disease, was a son of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dennis, of this city, and a sergeant in the head quarters company cf the 102d infantry. He was formerly a member of com pany L of Dallas, and first saw ser vice en the Mexican torder. He recent ly married a daughter of a wealthy Par is merchant, and intended to return to France after a visit with his par ents. Mcasleg and complications caus ed his death. - Influenza Epidemic In FncrOTIJ Ahnirf RrflL pn Iln i Eugrno, Or., Jan 23. Th backbone , , . A ,Un . now well in hs-nd as a result of the strict enforcement of the quarantine regulations during the past few days s is the opinion expressed by the; local health officerg this morning. Only eight new eases have been re- nnrted during the past 72 hours and there havo been no deaths reported. Those figures rre exclusive of the Uni versity of Oregon, where strict health measures have entirely prevented a re currence of the disea'se. The eitr wa'er eompanv of White Salmon has provided a larger and bet- ter water supnlT for the city and ex- rt fa'" fw'mSatl0n of portion of the lower valley. Dallas Schools Are Now Open After Epidemic (Capital Journal Special Service)' Dallas, Jan. 23. The Dallas public and hifek schools opened Monday morn ing after a closing down of more than one mouth due to the epidemic of Span ish influenza. The attendance Monday morning was sot extremely large s a number of parents are keeping their children at heme fearing another out break of the epidemic. Ihero are but very few eases of the malady in this city at present and the physicians think that with the coming of spring the disease will gradually depart. A number of the rural schools in the coun try about Dallas also opened up Mon day morning. Polk County Farmers' Union to Meet Tho annual meeting and election of officers of the Polk County Farmers Union will be held in the assembly room of the Dallas public library to morrow. Besides the election of officers for the ensuing year other natters of 'special importance will -bo taken up and discussed. The meeting will prob ably bo an all day session as usual and from the fist Of delegates who .have signified their intentions of attending one of tho largest crowds ever assem bled at ono of their meetings Will bo here that day. TJ. s. Grant Elected on Council U. S. Grant of this eitv was unani mously elected to the office of eoun-cilman-at-large at a meoting of the city council Monday night. Mr. Grant takes the position maite vacant by the tho abandonment of Councilman Risscr to the mayor's chair when Mayor Staats resigned. The usual matters or sinoss woro transacted at tho meet ing. A change in the lighting system in the business section of the town and the construction of an addition to the sewer system and proposed street im provements created quite' a little dis cussion and the matters were left in tho 'hand of respective committees for investigation. County Books to be Audited The firm of Crandall & Boborta of Portland, expert book accountants, has secured the contract tor tna auumns of the books of the county for the past, year. Max Crandall, one of the mem bers of the concern together with as sistant, will begin the work sometime this week. Dallas to Have Another Grocery Store Glen O. Butler of this city will open l n Alain a arne.prv ftrore in lll miliums; vii street in the near future. Mr. butler will conduct what is to be called a "parcel grocery," will make no deliv eries and parties securing Kuuu ij cash for tho same. Most of the mer chandise sold will be in original pack-on-o- thna Aisnensinff with the time lost in wrapping packages. Trn Mphrline. postmaster at Falls City, was a Dallas DUBiness visitor ito day afternoon. icwles Scott is a guest of rel atives at Mills City for a few weeks. Arthur Rahn of the Kodgcrs raper company of Salem, was a uauas visu or Tuesday afternoon. shelton. an aviator in the Am erican army in France, is in the city -iHno- hi mint. Miss May Shelton. Yonns Shelton saw active service on tho fighting front and was in 4 num ber of engagements wuu euemjr ... forces. . tt a Tnolmrv. a prominent prime grower' of this city, as ill in Portland with bronchitis. 21 DEATHS 'IN PORTLAND. Portknd, Or., Jan. 23. Despite the fiet. onlv 118 new cases oi uuiuu.o developed yesterday, which is a- com paratively small number, 21 deaths were recorded." t Tho scarcity of nurses ig causing the high death rate, according to mo uuiu m-ities. Large Cattle Supply Has Weakened Market North Portland, Or., Jan. 23. One hundred six cars of exceptionally good looking cattle were received at the Port la. id union stock yards oh M'onday and Tuesday which brought 1700 head of cattle, 115 ealves, 3830 hogs and 1000 snoop to the market. Trading started early Monday morn ing at tho cattle scales with a decided amount of "pep" and by afternoon the majority of the cattle had crossed the scales. There was only a fair demand, however, and though the cattle was of good grade tho market had been slight ly weakened by tho ovcrsupply of the previous week and Tuesday afternoon cattle ia all grades were quoted at 50 cents to $1 lowed. Best steers were demoralized as the result of the in creased numbers and limited outlet. There tsppeifred to be a ready market however for best steers with quotations of $12 to $13.25. A good many calves went from 8.50 to $13. Hog sales during the past week have been restricted almost entirely to pres ent needs. The market has been in a rather weak condition for the past few dny8 but Monday morning found an ad vance of 20 cents for prime hogs. Top j quotations were 18.80 t0 $17; with the b"ik f n H? d Tuesday lnrge supply of hogs has been on tho market to date giving the market an unhealthy aspect but trad ing this week has been running more true to form with slight advanees. In the sheep market lambs are eon tinuing their upward trend in prices n,l ,,, I f ,im were sold at a ton quotation of $14.50 with a strong steady demand. Ewes, yearlings and weathers are also being called for with an extremely limited supply. The bulk of the lamb sales the past two days have been made at $14. Cattle Quotations: Best steers, $11.75 $13.25; (rood to choice steers, $10.23 to $11.25; medium to good steers, $8.75 to $9.25; fair to good steers, $7.75 to $8.75; eommon to fair steers, $6.75 to ..j i.: $10.23; good to choice cows and heifers, ' $3.75 to $9.75; medium to good cows and heifers, $7.50 to (8.50; fair to me dium cows and heifers, $5.75 to $6.75; canners, Sj.ou to j; bulls, $6 to $9; calves, 8.50 to $13; stockers and feed ers, $6.50 to $3.50. Hog Quotations: Prime mixed, $15.80 to $17; medium mixed, to'$16.75: rough heavies, $15 to $16; pigs, $11 to S10.Z5; bulk, I16.SU. Sheep Quotations: Prime lambs, $13.73 to $14.25; fair to medium lambs, $9 to $11; yearlings, $10 to $11.50; wethers, $9 to $10; ewes, $6 to $8. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTIOB Notice i hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the state of Ore gon for the couuty of Marion as ad ministratrix of the est at o of John D. Sutherland, deceased, and that she. has duly qualified as such administratrix. All persons having claims against the estato of said decedent are hereby no- unoa to present tne game, duly veri fied, to me at the office of Condit 4 Glover, my attorneys, room 203 Hub bard building, in the city of Sulcm. Marion county, Oregon, within six months from tho dato of this notice. Done in Salem in Marion eountv. Oregon, this 21st day of January, 1910 SSTttLLdV oUTHEliLANl), Administratrix of the estate of John D. Sutherland, deceased. 2-20 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have impounded the ifollowine described dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404, towit: - Ono male Shepherd doe. weight about 40 lbs. One male 'Pointer bird dog, yellow ears, weight 50 lbs. One black male dog, smooth hair, weight 40 lbs. One black dog, white breast, weight 40 lbs. One male Setter oird dog, white -and black spots, weight 38 lbs. One mala Setter bird dog, red and white color, weight 45 lbs. One male whito color, weight 45 lbs. One male white mongrel dog, weight 30 lbs. One female bird Setter, black and white, weight 40 lbs. One male Collie dog, white on neck, weight 45 lbs. One male Fox Terrier, whito with yellow head, weight 20 lbs. One male Fox Terrier, white and 'black spots, weight 24 lbs. The above described dogs will he killed if aot redeemed by owners on or before January 23, 1919, as provid ed in said ordinance. W. S. LOW, 1-25 Street Commissioner. IN THE COUNTY COURT of the State of Oregon, in and Marlon County for In the matter of the estate of John P. Kent, deceased. Administrator with will annexed. Notice of hearing, final account, etc. Not.ce hereby .given thai, the f.n-ition ,to the highest'bidder for cash in al account of Frank : S. Glover as ad- hand on iU o( all the A mimstrator with .will annexed of the titl lnter6st j- which said l ' , v ' ,dcc8e?' - Idefendants and all person, claiming un gother with hig petition for final dis-:,i. .,j,.,I, : .: trabution of said estate ha9 been filed, ll' Hit ? 'i tha.1 tho 24th day o-f FeDruaryA. D. 1919, at the hour of two- o'clock in the af- wrnoon, at or te ooun y , judge in Salem, Oregon, has been duly, appointed by such-court a j tha time and place for the hearing of abjections to uch iinal account and petition and the settlement of said account, at which time any person interested in such estate may appear and file ob jections thereto and contest the same. Dated January 10, 1919. FBANK S. GLOVER, As administrator with will annexed of the estate of John P. Kent, deceas ed. . 2-13 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice i hereby given that the un dersigned, by virtno of an order of the county court the state of Oregon, for Marion ck)unty, duly made ana en tered of record on tho 31st day of De cember, 1918, was duly appointed ad ministrator with will annexed of the estate of Eliza Free, and that he has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly ver ified as required by law, at the office of Smith & Shiitlda, 403 Salem Bank of Commerce building, Salem, Marion county, Oregon, within ix months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 16th day of January, 1919. AKUHIE E.' FREE, Administrator with the will annex ed of tho estate of Eliza Free, deceas ed. 2-13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned has ben duly appointed by the county court of Marion county, Oregon, executrix of the- If t will and testament of W. W. Lander, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. That all persons having' claims against said estato shall file tiicm, duly verified as by law required, within six months ! frnm Ilia fimt. nuhlir.Atinn af tliia nn. tire. This notice is published the first time this 9th day of January. 1919. BERTHA LANDER. Executrix of the estate of W, W. Lander, deceased. . 2-6 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, by virtue of an order of the county court of Marion county, Oregon, duly made and entered of rec ord on the 11th day of December, 1918, was appointed executor of the estate of John Aide, deceased, and that he has qualified as such. AH persons having claims against said estato are hereby notified to present the tame, duly veri fied as required by law, at the office of Smith & Shields, attorneys, 403 Sa lem Bank of Commerce building, Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this nonce. lu" u' 01 - . Dd and first published this 19th day of December, A. D. 191. GBOVER C. BELT! NGER, Executor of the estate of John Aide, deceased. 1-16 SHERIFF'S NOTICE OI SALE of Seal Property on Foreclosure Notice is hereby given, that by vir tue of an execution duly issued out of the eireuit court of the state of Ore gon, for the county of Marion and to me directed on the loth day of Decern ber, 1918, upon a judgment asd decree : duly rendered, entered of record and' WAR. PUZZLES fern- J&mgx SEVEN GERMAN TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYERS Sunk by a British flotilla In a sea battle off Zeebrugge, two years ago today, January 23, 1917. Find a gunner. YKSTERDAT8 ANSWER Sight tide down note at chin. docketed in and by said eouTt on the 3rd day of December, 1918, in a eertain suit then in said court pending wherc t m t . . ' . "u7' , 7fTp' "V'T - a,ld twtamcnt and estate of Mary a. lump, deceased, was -Plaintiff and Henry H. Vandevort and Emma Vande vort, his wife, and John S. Beall and Elma H. Boall, his wife, and B. W. Foster, unmarried, were defendants in favor of plaintiff and against said de fendants by which execution 1 am commanded to aoll the property in said execution and hereinafter described to pay the sum due the plaintiff of $2000, with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 3rd day of August, 1916, until paid and the fur ther um of $150.00 attorney 'a fees to gether with the costs and disburse ments of said suit taxed at $24 and costs and expenses of sai. execution. I will on Saturday the 18th day of Jan uary, 1919, at lthe hour of 10 o'clock uary, 1919, at the hour of 10 t 'clock a. m. of said day at the west door of tae county court houee in Salem, Ma rion county, uregon, sen at puDiio auc of ptaiBtiff mortgage, towit. Novem- Itaea hereinbefore mentioned and de- Krib.d j. -d elccution af folow. towit: Lot, ,even (7) and eight (f) in block two (2) in University addition to the city of Salom Marion county, state of Oregon, as shown by the recorded plat thereof, excepting the west 50 feet of said lot No. seven (7). Said salo being niado subject to re demption in the manner provided by law. Dated Uila ICth day of December, 1918. W. I. NEEDHAM, Sheriff for Marion county, Oregon. By O. D. Bower, Deputy. 1-18 UPMARKET Grain Wheat, soft whits $1.1 Wheat, lower grades on sample Oats 80e Hay, cheat, ... ,... . $2425 Hay, oats , ... $29 Barley, ton . .. $48(a50 Mill run $47(tt48 Buttermt Bitlerfat . 69e Creamery butter . 68c Fork, veal and Mutton Pork, on foot 18 Veal, fancy 20 Htecrs -.. "(frfte Cows 47c Spring limbs .. 12e Ewes-- 4(S)(k Lambs, yearlings ggi and romtrr Eges. cash 47c Hens, lifo .. 23Z5c Old roosters loe Chickens 23c Vegetables "weet potatoes -. ti.tu I'otatocs !. (Junius, luuai i"tj,b.aK t1"' Turnips 224 Head lettuce .. ... Beets Parsnips .. .. Cauliflower Cosoanuts .-. ' ZTQlt Oranges ... Lemons, box. $4.40 . 2c $2.25 $1.7S $4.50(35.75 $56 LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET Al McCoruack hall ea every Tnsdaj at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. F. J, Euab K. R. 6. ROYAI NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA ''Oregon Orspe Camp" No. 1360. meets every Thursday evening it Derby building, Court and High St Mrs. Pearl Courscy, 214 Court St oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record .it 1415 X. 4th St. Phone 1436M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5248 meet every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 e'closi in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day, V. C.j V. f Tdrner, clerk. UNITED ARTISANSCapitil Asses, bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at 8 Tt. m. in Masonie Temnle. Norma L Terwilligcr, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. ' Bananas 9c Florida grape fruit, ease $(57.25 Black figs lb. 16(o)18c White fis, lb. 19(te20e Package figs per bx 50 pkg $4(a;6.90 Honey, extracted , 20e EetaU frlces Creamery butter ' ' 75e Flour, hard wheat . ., , $3S.8I Country butter 6570 Eggs, doxea 55e Portland Market Portland, Or., Jan. 3. Butter, eity ereamery 66e . Fggis, selected -local ex. 53(a 57c Hens 303Ze Broilers 2627 . QeeM 25e t;- Cheese, triplets 3940e Tnrieyt 40e DAILY LITE STOCK MASXZt Cattle ' Receipts 91 Tone of market steady Best steers $1213.25 Good to choico steers $10.25(a)11.25 Medium to good steers $8.759.25 Fair to good steers $7.75(5)8.75 Common to fair steers $6.75(H7.75 Choice cows and heifers $9.25() 10.25 Good to choice cows and heifors $S.759.75 Journal Want Act Quick Reference To Firms That Give Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEBYTHXNG Salom Electric Co., Masonic Templo, OSTEOPATH DBS. B. B. 'WHITE AND B. W. WAIr TON Oeteopathie physicians and serve specialists. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy, irk ville, Mo. Post graduate and spec ialized in nervous diseases at Loe Angeles College. Offices 605-608 Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 85. Residence, 1620 Court. Phone 8818. Dr. White Ees. Phone 469. i DANCING STOP SHAKING YOUR SHOTJLDEB6 T.ciirn to Dance Correctly THEODOBB and LILLLVN NEWMAK Exhibition Dancers and Instructors Modern and Classic Dancing Hotel Marion, Salom, Oregon ' DENTIST OR. F. L. UTTER, DENrT:.T, ROOMS 113-414 Bank of Commerce building. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY-Cffice corner Commercial and Trade alroeU Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 606. SECOND-HAND GOODS FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security . THOS. K. FORD O.ei Ladd ft Bush bank; Balem Oregon rEDERAL FARM LOANS 5 por cent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrustedt, 401 Masonic Toniplo. Salem, Oregon MONEY to loan on good real estate; percont government money to loan. Liborty bonds bought and sold. V. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com merce. 1Z-14 STOVE REPAIRING 9TOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 60 years experience, Depot, Natioaal and American fence. Sizes 26 to 68 in high Paints, oil and varnish, ete Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124- 2ND HAND GOODS. We Buy, Bell And Exchange All kinds of Furniture, Stoves, Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness, Tools and Junk. We buy whet you don't want and pay the highest price in cash. Peoples' New & 2nd Hand Store 271 N. Commercial -rhone 734 J. A. Rowland Furniture Store ' Buys, sells and exchanges new and 2nd hand furniture. All kinds of Tcpair work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Right prices. 247 North Commercial St. Phono 16. AUTO PAINT SHOP Just opened in connec tion with the HIGHWAY GARAGE J 1000 8- Coml. Rt. EXPERT WORKMEN WANTED People of Salom to know that we pay highest prices for mens second hand clothing, shoes, etc. The Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. tf JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY I Medium to good cows and heifers 7.5OS.50 Fair to medium cows and heifera $5.75(26.75 ' Canners $3.506.75 Bulls $Vi 9 Calves $S13 Stockers and feeders $3.50S.5O Hogs Beceipts 59 Tone of market steady Prime mixed $16.75(H17 Medium mixed $16 18.50 Bough heavies $14.7516 Pigs $13.5014.50 Bulk $16.7518 SHeep s Receipts 53 Tone of market steady Prime lambs $13.7514.25 Fair to medium lambs $1213 Yearlings $1011.50 Wetiers $O10 Eweg $t3 Goats $4 Farmers Produce Company 19c -for top veal. 18e for top hogs. 27o for heavy over 4 lb. tens. 2.c for liv-ht under 4 lb. hens. 160 a High St. Phone 19 Telephone ..Main 1200 ELECTEICAL 127 North High..... BABY CHICKS ABY CHICKS FOR SALE White Leghorns $16 per 100. Black Minor eas $20 per 100. Starting with Feb. 15th doliyory. $5 deposit with order, balance payable week in advance of delivery. Order now and airoi disappointment. C. N. Needham, P. O. box 412, Salem. tf REPAIRING PEOPLES REPAIR SHOP Clocka, furniture, umbrellas and shoe repair ing. Saws filed, shear and knife grinding, etc Satisfaction guaranteed 261 Court street. R. Wooley. .2-14 REAL ESTATE 600 acre stock and grain ranch, stock, all equipment, grain, feed, 2 miles from town, will sell at a sacrifice prloe, easy terms, 380 acres finest Waldo -Hill rauch, income last year $10,000; will sell very reasonable. 147 acres, all tillable, 140 culti vated, running water, 7 miles front Salem, $11,000. 70 acres, 40 cultivated, running water, joining town, pries $4615, will carry back $3000, For Exchange: 10 acres apple and peach orchard, 7 miles from Balem, in A-l condition, will ex change for acreage or residence. 487 aero ranch, a lot of stock, ' implements, 3 miles from town, want small ranch near Salem and some cash as first payment, price $16,000. SOCOLEFSKY 341 State St FOR SALE A good house, well locat ed. 9 room house with two fine lota, near car line, two blocks to pave! street, on graveled street, garage and plenty of fruit. Price $2000, $50$ cash, balance $15 per month. Call at 1297 N. 18th St. or see Square Deal Realty Company. tf FRUITLAND Nursery, Salem. Route box 138E, phone 111F21. We have the Roman strain grtfed Franquet wal nuts as well as a full line of all oth er nursery stock. 1-11 BRING YOUR TRADES I can matah you. C. W. Rlomoyor, Real EsUle Agent, Canadian Lands, 544 State street. FOR ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Writa to Graham k Wells, Corvallis, Oregon Agents fur Marion couuty 1-21 SCAVENGER 8ALEM SCAVENGER Garbage aa refuse of all kinds removed ou month ly contracts at reasonable rates). Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone, Main 2247. Residence, Main 2272. ceived so ninny presents during their visit to Europe that a large quantity of them probably will have to bo takca to Washington on an army transport, Senator Chamberlain advises Portland parties that all restrictions on tho im portation of lime were removed Jan uary 1. A stock company with a capitalir.atioa of $75,000 is proposed at Chohalis for the rebuilding of the Gingrich furniture factory The epidemic situation in- Pendleton, is changing from influenza to smallpox, nine eases of the latter disease being reported- The Trout Lake Development asso ciation "to promoto the welfare of the Trout Lake community,'' has beea or ganized at Guler, Wash. Colonel E. E. Kelly, former proseea ting attorney for Jackson couuty, has returned from France and will resume his law practice in Medford. Journal Want AdsPai