Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 23, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Interest Rate on Next Loan
May Go To Five Per Cent
Bate per wordNew Today:
Each insertion le
a week (6 insertions .. So
One month (26 insertions) 17e
The Capital Journal will not 1m re-
ponauue lor more than one insertion,
Cor error ia Classified Advertisement
Head your advertisement the first da
at appears and notify us immediately u
error occurs.
Minimum charge, 15c.
liXBBBTY BONDS If you most dis
pose of your bonds, we will buy
them. 514 Masonic bldg. tf
WANTED Girt for general house
work. Stale School for Deaf. 1-25
FOB SALE Two horses cheap. 595
Marion. Phone 2273B. 1-27
FORD trailer for sale. Inquire at 271
D street. 1-28
FOB SALE A good range, used very
little. Call 1031 Union. 1-24
Phone 80F2.
and large
FOB SALE Two-seat top buggy, or
will trado. Phone 80F11. 1-28
WANTED Heifer calvee, 3 to 18
months old. Phone 80111. tf
FOB BENT 'House, 260 N. 13th, con
veniences. 1-24
WANTED Rose Comb B. I. Bed eock
. erol. Phone 53F2. 1-23
FOB SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Phone
OTUI. 1-25
GUINEA pigs for sale. 441 N. Church
St 1-24
WANTED A good family eow. Phone
94F2. . 125
WANTED 3 horse wagon shaves. 1305
N. 16th St. 1-24
FOB SALE 3200 lb. team. Louis F.
JtDbow. Bt 9, box 127. . 123
WANTED Fat, thin and fresh eows,
veal and lare calves. Tione 1425M.
'FOB SA1E .'White faeed Black Span-
ou euc&erets. m. a. vanaerourg, at.
8. 1-27
WELL call for chickens, eggs, veal and
hides and pay highest prises. Cherry
City Feed Barn. 1-27
FOB SALE Very cheap, five passen
ger kverland car, good condition.
Phone 80F11. yzu
FO RSALE Moving away, my entire
flock of purebred White Wyandottes.
1925 State St. . 1-24
CARPENTERING, repairing or cement
work. Call C. W. Hist. Phone 2495
WANTED 1-horae power, 220 volt, 60
cycle singlo phase motor. Phone 516.
FOB SALE Opal range, used one year,
fcvuu Kumurion. xnone Mrs. Carl
Beckett, 64F15. 1-1!3
WE are in the market for potatoes.
ana .Deans. Willamette Valley Trans
fer Co., 171 S. High. Phone 140O. tf
Extravagance Of National Ex
penditures Must Of Neces
sity Be Curbed Now.
New York, Jan. 23 Before long the
aew loan will have to be placed, the
proceeds .of the previous loan having
been exhausted some weeks ago and. the
government now being entirely depend
ent upon treasury certificates.. Condi
tions affecting floatation of govern
ment issues have so radically changed
that methods different from those of
previous loans will have to be adopt
ed. The war spirit, a very importan'
factor in other loan drives, has sub
sided, and former appeals to patriotism
by means of hurricane methods would
not now be effectual, especially in view
of the decline in all Liberty issues, ex
cept the 3Vjs. The next loan must de-
taxation. The government's- revenue
from excess profits is likely, however,
to be much smaller than a year ago.
So far as the iron trade is concerned,
the outlook from the normal point of
view is encouraging, a large domestic
trade being in view and a good export
trade as soon as shipping conditions
become more settled. The production of
copper has been curtailed somewhat,
but this, too, was part of the return to
more normal conditions. The labor nn. i
look is not satisfactory; the manifesto
of the Federation of Labor this week
causing some uneasiness. Soldiers are
returning in increasing numbers and
this tends to relieve the shortage re
cently existing.
The government's withdrawal from
control of business enterprises is pro
gressing as rapidly as expedient. The
Capital Issues Committee has decided
to suspend the preference necessarily
accorded to the forthcoming loan, sev-
pend more "upon a high sense of pub-!.eral in,Portant corporation issues are
lie spirit, upon intelligent self-inter- " .-"" iuj.u.ui mruis w.
WANTED To buy some sheep and
some goats. B. Anderson. Jefferson.
"'I Jn. l, idox C, 1-H4
FOB SALE Team matched sorrel
norses, sound and true, weighing be
tween 2400 and 2500 pounds. Allen
-icuce, At. (, BOX 44. 1-28
FOR SALE 5 room modern cottage,
in urst ciasa eonuition, good location
if you are looking for a bargain in
a house, here it is. Price $1250. Ad
dress It care Journal 1-23
iW ANTED Orders for day old chicks.
Fhone 403B. 1-24
FOB SALE Ford in 'good condition.
1309 Tf. Com'l St. tf
FOB BENT Sleeping room, in Hub
bard bldg. W. H. Norris, agent, tf
WANTED To buy cattle and calves,
any kind. Phone 1576W. B-6
FOB a typewriter mechanic phone 937.
'. 1-23
'FOB SALE 150 Himalya blackberry
cuttings. Adam Wurm, Bt. 2, box 24.
GOOD home for sale, 6 rooms, large
lot, with fruit, just off of State
street. Price $1100. Take a liberty
bond aa first payment, balance like
rent. F. A. Roberts, owner, 314 Ma
sonic bldg.
OVEB THE TOP-Out prices the high
est spot cash for men's secondhand
-suite and shoes. Capital Exchange,
337 Court St. Phone. 493. tf
FOR SAJLE-Cheap, 1000 lb. mare, S
years oia; also one U2U-egg size Pet
aluma incubator, , good condition.
Phone 57F3. 1-25
FOB SALE Or trade for 'beef cows,
fresh eow, giving three gallons a
. day. Phone 1578W. 1-28
WANTED Home for 10 year boy.
Will work for board. Country pre
ferred. 7110 care Journal. 1-23
WANTED Three or four room house.
'Permanent renter if suited. E J care
Journal. ' 1-22
WANTED-Cheap ear, Ford Preferred,
or a wreck. Address 7112 care Jour
nal. 127
LOST A orank from auto between
Clearwater stable and Great Western
Garago. Reward. Return to Journal.
My seven room Capitol Hill, Seattle
residence, cost me $5000 cash. Want
to exchange for Salem, close in, im
proved acreage. Byrne,, 1017 Boren
Ave, Seattle. 1-24
FOB SALE A bargain, 640 acres ex
cellent wheat land Morrow county,
nines rrom lively railroad town.
May take some Salem property. Price
$15. Owner, phone 2498B. 1-24
tWA.wj.lsu (Small furnished house or
apt., modern. Address J -10 care Jour
nal, tf
HOUSEHOLD furniture of all kin
for sale at a bargain. 635 Ckeinekcta
St. 1-24
WANTED To1 rent a dairy farm, by
experienced farmer and dairyman.
Address A F care Journal. 1-24
GIRLS and . women wanted at the
Glove factory, 1455 Oak St., Salem,
Or. 1-25
WANTED Oregon Champion gooseber
ry cuttings, i'ruitland ryirsery, a
lem, Bt. 6. Pho 111F21. 1-23
FOB TRADE A good, neat 4 room
house with garage. Call 1644 sr 2022
in mornings. tf
CARPENTERING, repairing or eement
work. Call O. W. Nist. Phone 2495
. 1-2-1
1LOST Bttween Salem and Gervaia,
34x3 tire with rim; please notify
- X.N. Severson, Gervais, cr leave at
Capital garage, Salem. 1-23
FOB SALE Cheap, 11 head shoats
weighing 90 to 100 lbs. Write Inde
pendence, Or. or phone 50F4, Sa-
, lem. tf
FOB SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor,
engine and boiler complete, cjieap.
Box 268, Turner, Or. tf
FOR SALE One fine R I. Bed male,
2 years old; 150-egg Handy Lee in
cubator. Call 1947J between 8 and
11 a. m. tf
WALL PAPER 15 cents pef double roll
upward. Buren ' Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing be
tween 'Eugene Byerley and C A.
Campble doing business under the firm
name and style of Motor Inn Garage,
sas by mutual agreement been dissolv
ed. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to said firm are hereby re
quested to pay all indebtedness to Eu
gene Byerley, Salem Oregon.
C. A, CAMPBLE. 1 27
WANTED To 'hear from such that
have wood and cannot make it into
inonoy, those at little stations. We
buy carload lots; let us hear from
you. H. Sprocil, Salem, Or. 1-29
BARGAIN Good home on paved
street east Salem has been held at
$1500, must sell, make offer, terms
to suit. Also timber tract for sale,
. not far out. F. L. Wood, Bayne build
ing. 1-25
FOB SALE Genuine Franquct wal
nuts grafted on black. True Du Chil
ly and Bacellana filberts. Middle
Grove Nursery, fit. 7, box 201. Phone
24F5. . 1-31
TO TRADE Or sale, 13 acres bearing
prune orchard with house, barn and
dryer, on rock road, closo to Salem,
for mercantile business or partner
ship in same. Address O K care
Journal. 1-25
YOUNG MEN, 16 and over, are eli
jible for government railway mail
clerks. $92 month. Examinations soon
For free particulars, write Raymond
Terry, (former civil service exam
iner) 922 Columbian building, Wash
ington, D. C. 1-23
LENTY of money to load on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
bldg. Salem. tf
MULES, HORSES Just arrived from
American Lake, 7 span well matched
mules, ages 5 to 8, weight from 2100
to 2500. Also 5. span good young
horses, stock is all sound and well
broke, prices from $175 to $285. Lib
erty bonds accepted. Call at 554
Ferry street. 1-25
FOB SALE Neat Hawthorne bunga
low. Here is a dandy little home for
someone at the right price; owner
leaving eHty, must sell; 5 rooms, good
floored attic, fireplace, furnace, full
basement, finished waxed floors thru
out, built-in eold water cooler; all in
first class shape; hard surface in
and paid; Vi blocks from car; easy
terms, 241 E. 52d, Portland, Or. Ad
dress J-23 care Journal. 1-24
Madrid, Jan. 23. The Portugal
monarchial movement has assumed a
serious character, a Vigo dispatch re-
ests and upon meeting financial con
ditions upon' a business-like basis. It
has been inferred from the remarks of
Secretary Glass, who seems to have a
sound grasp of the situation, that the
coming loan will have to. pay 4 to 5
per cent to secure the necessary funds.
Money, like other articles and services,
will unavoidably command what it is
worth or go elsewhere. Capital is
scarce and dear, hence the fall in price
of nearly all our government issues
With conditions as they are, a short
term treasury note, say about three
years, bearing from 4c to 5 per cent
would undoubtedly be successful; for
financial institutions would readily take
large blocks, and such an offer would
undoubtedly bring out an immense in
vestment demand. There is no doubt
that such a loan could be easily financ
ed, and the country could secure the
necessary funds more easily, and with
less disturbance and cost than by the
boisterous and expensive methods so
necessary during the war.
In this connection there is another
matter which requires serious attention,
and that is the extravagant national
expenditures. No complaints in this di
rection were heard during the war,
but now that peace is restored there
should be vigorous retrenchment in all
departments at Washington. Many un
necessary bureaus are endeavoring to
make themselves permanent; many con
structive works that should be stopped
are still going, while hundrdes of mil
lions, if not billions, could be saved dur
ing the current year if there was only
sufficient effort in that direction. The
government has done much toward such
economy, but not enough, mainly be
cause public opinion has not yet been
sufficiently aroused to make itself felt.
ine contacting outiooK ot busi
ness induces a generally conservative
temper. Deflation-is the prevailing ten
dency; for commodity prices are too
high to permit further expansion and
the widespread conviction that prices
must recede naturally checks buying In
consequence, the present volume of busi
ness is probably below actual require
ments, though whon values become
more settled on a lower basis there is
no doubt of renewed activity. The de
cline Seems to be resisted by the stub
born facts that many raw materials
are scarce, that the output, of mines and
mills is often curtailed because" peace
orders have not yet filled the place of
war orders, and wngo adjustments are
impossible before a reduction in the
cost of living Some very significan
reductions have occurred in the textile
markets, both cottons and woolens be
ine weak. Several of the most staple
brands of cotton goods were reduced 25
to 30 per cent tins week, the deepest
cut on record. That such sensational
reductions should be made by the most
conservative business houses in the
trade meant that in their judgment
dras'ic action was the surest way of
getting back to normal. In these cases
war profits wore entirely eliminated.
and prices cut clean to tne oone. ii
further cuts are necessary they cannot
bo had without cheaper co'ton, lower
waees or a shutdown. Which of these
alternatives will be necessary is be
yond the knowledge of even experts.
That commodities are experiencing
world-wide reaction is shown by the
London "Economist" index number,
which stood at 6094 at the end of De
cember, a drop of 118 points in tho
month and the lowest rigure since
May. 1918. Textiles and minerals show
ed the heaviest declines, while articles
of food were either unchanged or slight
ly higher.
A decidedly conservative tone pro-
vails in the financial district. Security
values are not high because there was
no inflation in. this department; even
the war industrials refusing to respond
to such stimulus with a few notable ex
ceptions. Railroad shares have conspic
uously refused to sympathize with the
advances in commodities. Bonds have
generally doclined owing to the ad
vancing rates of interest, while public
utilities fell to an unusually low level
owing to the unpleasant fact that the
various commissions under whose con
trol they operate refused to allow them
to advance rates to conpensate for in
creased expenses. The starvation policy
set by the Interstate Commerce Com
mission seems to have been religiously
followed by state and municipal con
trol bodies with much the same effects,
that of threatening their financial ex
istence. The Interstate Commerce Com
miMinn havinz seen the error of its
ways; will the state and municipal bod
ies do likewise J
Tfie railroad situation is much con
fused, and interest centers chiefly upon
the question of government or private
ownership. At the moment the trend
of puhlie opinion is largely in favor of
the latter. What Washington will do,
however, is still uncertain Action upon
so important a subject can hardly be
expected during the present session of
congress which ends March 4, about six
weeks distant. A special session there
fore is among the probabilities, especial
ly as the tariff and other legislative
problems arising from the return of
neaee are pressing for attention Many
control, foreign exchange and the money
market, still remain, and normal free
dom should be restored as early as pos
sible. The time is not far distant when
the next loan, $5,000,000,000, will be
announced and the plans of our local
bankers are already well advanced in
tnis respect. A decision of importance
is the action of our government in
refusing further advances to our allies,
who will now come into the open mar
ket here iwhjen they desire to bor
row. Some considerable foreign issues
may be placed in this market at any
Where Host Sickness Begins and Ends
(By Frankba Duane, M. D.)
It cam be said broadly that most hu
man ills begin in the. stomach and end'
in the stomach. Good digestion mean
good health, and poor digestion means
oaa neaun. ine minute your stomach
fails, to properly dispose of the food
you eat, troubles begin to crop out in
various forms. IadSgestioa and dvsoeu-
sia are the commonest forms, but thin,
impure blood. Headaches, backaches,
pimples, blotches, dizziness, telchinir.
coated tongue, weakness, poor appetite.
sleeplessness, eough eolde and brorfO
chitis are almost as common. Them isl
but one way to have good health, and
w to pui ana Keep your stomach
in good order. This is easy to do if vou
i.e in. nerecs uoiaen Medicai
eovcry. It is a wonderful tonic and
blood purifier, and is o safe to take,
for it ia made of roots and herbs. Dr.
Pierce, of Buffalo, N. T., stands be
hind this standard medicine, and it is
good to know that so distinguished a
physician d proud to. have his name
identified with it. When you take Gold
en Medical Discovery, you are getting
the benefit of the experience of a doc
tor whose reputation goes all around1
the earth. Still more, you get a tem
porence medieino that contains not a
drop of alcohol or narcotic of any kind.
Long ago Dr. Pierce combined certain
valuable vegetable ingredients with
out the use of alcohol so that theae
remedies always havo been strictly
temperance medicines.
If piles are torturing yon, get and
use Pierce's Anodyne Pile Ointment.
Tho quick relief it gives is hard to be
lieve until you try dt. If constipated.
Dr. PieTce's Pleasant Pellets should be
taken while using Anodyne Pile Oint
ment. Few indeed are the eases which
these gplendid remedies will not relieve
and usually ovweome. The-v are so roOv?
that nearly every drug store has'them
ior sale.
1 rM iTr)
is i t i r
GEORGE At the home, 610 S. 14th
street in this city at 11:30 p. m,
Tuesday. January 21, Francis L.
George, aged 60 years.
He is survived by a wife and two
children. The funeral was held this
afternoon at the Webb & Claugh chap
el, at 2:30, Rev. Porter conducting, and!
burial in the City View cemetery. -
CHATFIELD -Wednesday, January 22
1919, Curtis William Chatfield, aged
43 years.
The funeral services will be held at
the Bigdon chapel Friday afternoon at
one o'clock. The deceased leaves a
wifo andl one eon, Curtis, Jr. Also a
sister residing in Eugene, and two
half brothers. He came to Oregon f rum
New York at an early age and spent
the balance of his life in Salem and
vicinity. t.
BQWENr At thoome of his mother
in this city, Wednesday afternoon,
January 22, Chester Bowen, aged 35
The funeral services will be held at
the iRigdion chapel Friday afternouii at
2:30, Rev. Kantner conducting, and the
interment will be in the I. O. O. F.
cemetery. '
Inventory and appraisement filed bj
C. P. Bishop, J. Baumgartner and Uu
sel Cutlin in the estate of Henry B.
Thiclscn, deceased, showing total value
of personal and real property, $62,000.
The largest item in the account is farm
property in Polk county to tho value ol
$25,000, while there are buildings and
lots in Salem to the value of $28,000.
D. K. Luthy, Glenn Niles and Mr
P. G. Brown s-re appointed as apprais
ers in the estate of Ruby E. Baker, de
8. Livcslcy & Son vs. Woodburn Mill &
Lumber Co., an action to recover the
r.mount of $2548.32 alleged t0 remain
unpaid on a logging contract.
Answer filed by defendant in the
case of Vera B. Frickey vs. Frank E.
Frickcy, suit for divorce, in which de
fendant denies all allegations of tho
plaintiff end asks for dismissal.
The Piedmont Pharmacy has filed
articles of incorporation. It will opor-
ate iu Portland with a capital stock of
$5000 and is authorized to own. nnnr.
ate and sell and dispose of retail drug
The Co-operative Union store of 81.
Helens filed articles of incorporation.
The capital stock la $10,000. It will
handle all kinds of merchandise.
An order was issued appointing S. S,
Baumgartner guardian of the thro
minor children of Christ Widman,
An order was filed approving tin
fine! account of the administratrix,
Eleanor P. Lamport, to the estate oi
John P. Rogers, deceased.
Final account filed by executor Cora
L. Prescott in the estate of Augustus
Piescott, deceased, showing real and
personal property to tho emount of $10,
Complaint filed in the case of Mary
JS. Htifflcr vs. Albert C. Wtiffler, in
winch the plaintiff alleges that the dc
fendaut, as executor of the estate of
A. J. Stiffler, deceased, collected from
tho city in May, 1910, the emount of
$300 as damages on account of running
street along property belonging to
the ostate. This amount he is alleged to
have held and disbursed according to
his own judgment, and the plaintiff
calls for an accounting of the same.
Complaint entered in the case of D.
For many years druggists have watch
ed with much interest the remarkable
record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver
and bladder medicine.
It is a physician's presoription.
Swamp-Root i a strengthening med
ieine. It helps the kidneys, liver and
bladder to do the work nature intended
they should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of
years. It U sold by all druggists on its
merit and it should help you. No other
kidney medicine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once.
However, if yon wish first to test
this great preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer k Co.. Bintrhamton. N.
3 ,..a oritur tn the cessation si i tor a sample ooiue. vvnen writing
war activity and the prospeets of heavy be sure and mention the Salem Daily 4
' Capital Journal.
of the industrials have been slightly
The Prairie City Lumber Co. of
Prairie City in Grant county is now of
ficially entitled to do business as it has
filed articles of iueoi.oration. It hut
a capital stock of $10,000.
In the office of the state engineer.
word has been received of the organi
zation of the Langell vtlley irrigation
district near Lost river in Klamatt
McCormick May Re Choice
For U. S. Representative
By Fred 8. Ferguson '
(United Press staff correspondent)
Paris, Jan. 23. Vance McX'ormick.
former chairman of the democratic na
tional committee, appeared today to be
tho most likely choiee for American
civilian representative on th commit
tee to be sent by the associated powers
to confer with Russian delegates at the
Princes Islands.
When you send money out of town you are increas
inyour taxes.
Women's and
Misses Dresses
The Materials Are
Every garment shown is this season's product, from
the acknowledged leading manufacturers of Ladies'
Ready to Wear. Values up to $55.00; arranged in
3 lots. '
Wool Dresses $18. 65
Silk Dresses $24.95 v
Wool Dresses $24. 95
The "Special Move On" Cop is yet
busy in every ' department, cleaning
up all ODDS and ENDS, BROKEN
LOTS and SIZES. If you are not
watching our "SPECIAL TABLES"
you are loosing an opportunity, to
save money on good merchandise.
You can always do better at
One must be quite young and flft
d by the fairies with a beautiful
throat to stand successfully the
severity of this square cut velvet
tunic of deep sapphire blue. A sash
of satin with skirt and cuffs of blue
charmcuse are all of the drees. It
Is in two pieces and the tunic slips
on over the bead.
Labor Commissioner Would
Begin Educational Campaign
Stato Labor Commissioner C. H.
Gram will ask of the present legislature
the enactment of laws that will givo his
work broader scope especially t0 in
clude that relating to machinery. It is
shown by statistics that many accidcuts
occur in the use of the portable saw.
The commissioner will also auk that
he be authorized to start an education
al campaign through lectures and stere-
optiean viows.
For tho outside work of the Office.
there i no appropriation and Mr. Oram
will ask an appropriation that will en
able tho department to more thorough
ly cover its field. For the general ex
penses of tho office and field workers,
there Is an appropriation in the past of
$11,500. Mr. Grnm will n'nk ths-t this
amount be increased to $28,500. With
this extra appropriation of $17,000, the
commissioner feels he can to a better
advantage carry on the educational1
work and havo deputies in the field for
lain n ?,.,., I
Berlin, Jan. 22. (Dclsyed.) Berlin
was without street railway transporta
tion and was practically lightless f ues
dny night as tho result of a strike of
tho electric power employes,
Muny big restaurants arc closed. Oth
ers are lighted dimly with gas. The
streets ajtf durk.
The government has disconnected nil
telephones in the commeroial district.
Washington, Jan. 23. Secretary of
Wnr Bukcr today a-nnounced that a
rider had been sent to congress for at
tachment to the appropriation bill
which will authorize the president to
organize a 500,000 standing army. This
is a- substitute for tho originul bill,
sidetracked in committee. '
Paris, Jan. 23. President Wilson and
the allied premiers resumed their con
ferences this mprning.
Now Being Shown Only
$1045 Here
The lowest priced high grade automobile on
the Market
Touring $1040
Roadster $1040
Touring (winter
top) $1155
Chassis .....,....$940
Roadster (winter
top) $1130
Coupe.. $1700
Sedan .....$1750
Delivery car $1025
371 Court Street