Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 22, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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, Aunwtor
tTie" DuinrDiraonagunr t maw nuic
Senator Wright strongly favored the
plan but feared that the South would
defeat him In convention, It being well
known that Van Buren was opposed to
the annexation of Texas. However,
lie advised his friend to make a fight
for the nomination and this the latter
resolved to do. Thenceforward until
middle May I gave my time largely to
the Inditing of letters for the senator
in Vun Buren's behalf.
The time appointed for the conven
tion In Baltimore drew near. One day
I Took the Stage to Baltimore Next
(tie senator received an Intimation that
lie wouhl he put in nomination If Van
Puren failed, Immediately ho wroto
to Judge Pino of Ogdonsburg, chair
man of the delegation from the north
ern district of New York, forbidding
such use of his name on the ground
l.hat his acquiescence would Involve dis
loyalty to his fiieud the ex-prosldeut
He gave me leave to go to the con
vention on my way home to meet Sally,
I had confided to Mrs. Wright the de
tails of niy llttlo love affair I had to
and she had shown n tender, sympa
. thetlc Interest In t!ie story.
TIip senntor had said to me one dny,
with n gentle smile:
"Hart, you have business In Cunton,
t believe, with which trilling matters
like the choice of a presldeut and the
Mexican question cannot be permitted
to Interfere. You must tnko time to
spend n day or two at tho -convention
In Baltimore on your way. . . . Be
ltort to our friend Cine, who will look
lifter jour comfort there. The experi
ence ought to he useful to a young man
v. ho, I hope, will have work to do in
future convent Ions,"
I took the stage to Baltimore next
day the twenty-sixth of May. The
convention thrilled me tho flags, the
great crowd, the bands, the songs, tho
speeches, the cheering I see nod hear
It nil In my talk. The uproar lasted
for twenty minutes when Van Buren's
.. name wos put In nomination.
Then the undercurrent 1 The South
was ngainst him as Wright had fore
? Seen, The deep current of Its power
; lind undermined certain of the north
' fin and western delegations. Osten
sibly for Van Bii.vn nnd stubbornly
casting their ballots for him, they had
. voted for the two-thirds rule, which
bad accomplished his defeat before the
balloting begnu. It continued for two
days without a choice. The enemy
Stood firm. After adjournment that
eenlng many of the Van Buren ilele
KC.tea were summoned to n conference.
1 attended It with Judge Fine.
The ex -president bad withdrawn and
ivnuesled his friends In tho conven
tion to vote for Silas Wright. My emo
tions can bo more readily Imagined
than described when-I beard the
shouts of enthusiasm which erected
iii,y menus iiainv. i ears uegan io rou
... .. J1.. I ... .I'- ftn . . . . . ..I
down my cheeks. Judge Fine lifted
his bund. When order wus at last re
stored he began:
"Gcntbnien, as a friend of the
learned senator and as a resident of
the county which Is the proud pos
sessor of bis homo, your enthusiasm
has n welcome sound to me ; but I hap
pen to know that Senator Wright will
not allow his nuiiie to go before the
Ho read the letter of which I knew.
Mr. Benjamin F. Butler then said:
"When that letter was written Sena
tor Wright was not aware that Mr.
Vmi Buren's nomination could not be
liceonp!it.hed, nor was he aware that
Ms own nomination would be the al
liost wnntilinous wish of this conven
tion. I have talked with the loading
lii'losntes from Missouri and Virginia
( - Tlmv njr tji'it he onn he nnnil
...... M '
I -r ' it .
comua nmuhvmntbi bvsw mobus
niTed" byaceraiuafroa. it rr jrctrro;::
that he a strong party man can re
sist this unanimous call of the party
with whose help he has won Immortal
fame? No, It Is not so. It cannot be
so. We must dispatch a messenger to
him by borse at once who shall take
to him from his friend Judge Fine a
frank statement of the imperious de
mand of this convention and a request
that he telegraph a withdrawal of bis
letter In the morning."
The suggestion was unanimously ap
proved and within an hour, mounted
or. one of the best horses In Maryland
so his groom Informed me I was on
my way to Washington with the mes
sage of Judge Flue In my pocket. Yes,
I had two days to spare on my sched
ule of travel and reckoned that, by re
turning to Baltimore next day I should
reuch Cunton in good time.
It was the kind of thing that only a
lithe, supple, strong-hearted bid such
as I was In the days of my youth,
could relish speeding over a dark
road by the light of the stars nnd a
half-moon, with a horse that loved to
kick up n wind. My brain was In a
fever, for the notion had come to me
that I was making history. J
The lure of fame and high place hur
ried nie on. Wtth the senator In the
presidential chair I should bo well
started in the highway of great Suc
cess. Then Mr.
r. H. Dmikelberg mlcht'
er than the legacy of i
think nie better than the legacy
Benjamin Grlnishaw. A relay awaited
me twenty-three miles down the road.
Well, I reached Washington very
sore, but otherwise In good form, soon
after daybreak. I was trembling with
excitement when I put my horse In the
stable and rang the bell at our door. It
seemed to me that I was crossing the
divide between big and little tiling A
few steps more and I should be look-'
Ing down Into the great valley of the
future. Yet, now that I was there, I
began to lose confidence.
The butler opened tho door.
Tea, -thr senator, was up and had
Just returned from a walk and was In
his study. I found him there. .- .
"Well, Bart, how does this happen?"
he nsked.
"It's Important business," I said, as
I presented the letter.
Something In his look nnd manner
as he calmly adjusted his glasses and
Hn.l .1. n 1A., T...l r I . ,
the blood to my face. It seemed to '
puncture my balloon, so to speak, and I
I wns falling toward the earth nnd so
swlftlv niv bond awnm. Ifa ii,i I
letter on his desk
and.;.t..o;t ooki g!
if he were asking
a dollar. neH,. l
up and as coolly as
for (he change of a dollar, queried
"Well, Burt, what do you think wo
had better do about it?"
"I I wns hoping you you would
take It," I stammered.
"That's because (he excitement of
the convention Is on you," he an
swered. "Let us look nt the compass.
They have refused to nominate Mr.
Van Buren because he Is opposed to
the annexation of Texas. On that sub
ject the will of the convention Is now
clear. It Is possible that they would
nominate nie. We don't know about
that, we never shall know. If they
did, and I accepted, what would be ex
pected of me Is also clear, ..They
would expect mo to nbnndsn my prin
ciples and that course of conduct
which I conceive to be best for the
country. Therefore I should have to
accept It under false pretenses and
take their yoke upon me. Would you
think the needle pointed that way?"
"No," I answered.
Immediately he turned to bis desk
and wrote the telegram which fixed
his place In history. It said no.
Into the lives of few men has such
a moment fallen, I looked nt him with
a feeling of awe. What sublime calm
ness nnd serenity was In his face 1 As
If It were a mere detull In the work of
the day, and without a moment's fal
tering, he liud declined a crown, for ho
would surely have been nominated nnd
elected. lie rote nnd stood looking
out of tho open window. Always I
think of lib andlng there with the
morning sun,.,it falling upon tils face
and shoulders,
Ho had observed my
emotion and I think It had touched
him a little. There was a moment of
silence. A curious Illusion came to me
then, for It seemed as If I beard the
sound of distant music. Looking
thoughtfully out of the window he
"Bnrt, do you know when cur first
fathers turned out of the trnll of the
beast and found the long road of hu
manity? I think It was when they dis
covered the compass In their hearts."
So now nt last we have come to that
high and lonely place, where we may
look back upon the toilsome, adven
turous way we have traveled with the
aid of tho candle ar.d the compass.
Now let us stop a moment to rest aud
to think. How sweet the air is herel
The night Is falling. I see the stars In
the sky.
lust below ' niejs. the valley of Eter-
Wul UUucloulliu GJ
I bave sought only to do
Justice to my friend and to give my
country a name; long neglected, but
equal In glory to those of Washington
and Lincoln.
Come, let us take one last look to
gether down the road we have trav
eled, now dim In the 'evening shad
ows. Scattered along It are the little
houses of the poor of which I have
written. See the lights In the win
dowsthe lights that are shining into
the souls of the young the eager,
open, expectant, welcoming souls of
the young and the light carries many
things, but best of all a respect for the
old, unchanging way of the compass.
After all that Is the end and aim of
the whole matter believe me.
My life has lengthened Into these
days when most of our tasks are ac
complished by machinery. We try to
make men by the thousand, In vast
educational machines, nnd no longer
by the one ns of old. It was the lov
ing, forgiving, forbearing, patient.
ceaseless toll of mother and father on
the tender soul of childhood which
quickened that Inextinguishable sense
of responsibility to God and man In
these people whom I now leave to the
Judgment of my countrymen.
I have lived to see the ancient plan
of kingcraft, for self-protection, com
ing back Into the world. It demands
that the will nud conscience of every
Individual shall be regulated and con
trolled Dy some conceited prince,
backed by tin nrmy. It cannot fall, I
foresee, to accomplish such devasta
tion In the human spirit as shall Im
peril the dourest possession of man.
If ono Is to follow the compass he
can have but one king his God.
I nm near the end. I rode back to
Baltimore that forenoon. They had
nominated Mr. Polk of Tennesse for.
president aud Silas Wright for vice '
president, tho latter by acclamation. Ij
knew that Wright would decline the:
honor, as he did.
I hurried northward to keep my ap
pointment with Bnllly. The "boats wero
slowed by fog. At Albany I was a day
behind my schedule. I should 'have
only an hour's leeway If the boats on
11,3 lakes ulul tlle s,aKo from
IlnttsourS were on time. I feared to
uusi mem. oo i caugnt rne west-
bound train nnd reached Utlca three I
hours lnte. There. I bought a good !
horse nud his saddle nnd bridle and I
hurried up the north road. When he
wns near spent I traded him for a well-'
Knit Morgnirmnre up in the little vll-
iii;e oi oanuy urecii. un, l Knew a
good horse ns well ns the next man
and a better one than she I never
, "77 , J,' I" ,u B,ul;
die at six in the afternoon and stopped
for feed nnd an hour's rest at nine and '
rode on through the night. I readied
the hamlet of Ilichville soon nfter day
break nnd put out for a rest of two
hours. I could take it easy then. At
seven o'clock the mare and I started
again, well fed nnd eager to go on.
It was a summer morning that short
ens the road even that of the young
lover. Its air was sweet with the
breath of the meadows. Tho daisies
and the clover nnd the cornflowers
I""1 the M roses Beemed t0 be wflv"
ng a w,elcome t0 nle' and the tho"
l;?,ssI"ipe y -,nBn,ent of y native
nllls wel"e ,n blossom. A Cloud of
- - swept across the blue deep
" M,Vfle ",y hea ' Cll0,r of
lhc fl,'1('9 san t0 me-bobolinks, song-
sparrows, meauowlarks, bluebirds,
warblers, wrens, nnd far away in the
edge of n spruce thicket I heard the
fiuto of the white-thronted sparrow.
I bat lied nt n brook In the woods
nnd put on n clean silk shirt and tlo
out of my saddlebags. I rode slowly
then to the edge of the village of Can
ton and turned nt tho bridge and took
the river road, although I hnd time to
spare. How my heart was beating ns
I nenred the familiar scene I Tho
river slowed Its pace there, like a dis
cerning traveler, to enjoy the beauty
if Its shores. Smooth and silent wns
tho water and In It were the blue of
.he sky and the feathery shadow-spires
)f cedar and tamarack and the rellect
d blossoms of Iris and meadow rue.
It was a lovely scone.
There was the pine, but where wns
ny lady? I dismounted nnd tied my
mure and looked nt my watch. It
lacked twenty minutes to eleven. Sho
would come I hud no doubt of It. I
wished my hands and face and neck
In the cool water. Suddenly I hcafd
a voice I knew singing: "Barney
Leave the Girls Alone." 1 turned and
saw your mother, my son. (These
last lines were dictated to hla son.)
She was In the stern of a birch canoe,
all dressed In white with roses In her
hair. I raised my hat and she threw
ft kiss ntino. Old Knte sat In the bow
waving her handkerchief. They
stopped nnd Sully nsked III a tone of
playful seriousness :
"Young hum, why have you come
"To get you," I answered.
"What do you want of me?" She
was looking at her face In the water.
"I want to marry you," I answered
'Then you may helpm. 9-ere If
you please. I anc-.u'my best, white
slippers and you are to be very care
ful." Beautiful ! She was the spirit of
the Deld3 of June then and always.
I helped her ashore and held her in
my arms and, you know, the lips have
a way of sneaking then In the old, con
vincing, final argument of love. They
left no doubt In our hearts, my son.
"When do you wish to marry nier"
she whispered.
"As soon as possible, but my pay la
only sixty dollars a month now."
"We shall make it do," she an
swered., "My mother and fnthernnd
haste now.
" ,.,,, A
"Then You May Help Me Ashore, If
You Please."
your ffunfr&mr rscrefnr rnrc5T
and the minister and a number of our
friends are coming In a fleet of boats."
"We ore prepared either for a picnic
or a wedding,''- was the whisper of
"Let's make It both," I proposed to
"Surely there couldn't be a better
place than here under the big pine
it's so smooth and soft and shady,"
said she.
Nor could there be a better day or
better company," I urged, for I was
not sure that she would ngree.
The boats came along. Sally and I
waved -a welcome from the bank nnd
she merrily proclaimed :
"It's to bo a wedding.'!
Then a cheer from the boats, In
which I Joined.
I shall never forget how, when the
'company had landed nnd the creetinss
were over, Uncle Penbody approached
your mother and said :
"Say, Sally,. I'm goln' to plant a kiss
on both o' them red cheeks o'-yours,
nn' do It deliberate, too."
He did It and so did Aunt Deel and
old Knte, nnd I think that, next to
your mother and me, they were the
happiest people at the wedding,
There Is a lonely grave up in the
hills that of the stranger who died
long ago on Rattleroad. One day I
found oW K(ite slttl bfeslde ,t
cfn ,nt, fH ,
n stone lately erected there was the
name, Enoch Rone. "
"It Is very sorrowful," ' she Whis
pered, "He was trying to find me
when he died."
We walked on In silence while I re
called the circumstances. How strange
that those tales of blood nnd lawless
daring which Rate hnd given to Amos
Grimshaw had led to the slaying of
her own son! Yet, so it happened,
nnd the old wives will tell you tire
story up there In the hills.
The play ends Just ns the night Is
falling with Knte nnd me entering the
little home, so familiar now, where she
-ev w
Dee! and Uncle Pea
moota -nn.
elcome with Aunt
Penbody. The latter
meets us nt the door and Is saying in a
:hcerf ul voice :
"Come In to supper, you rovers.
How solemn ye look I Sny, If you ex
pect Sally and me to do all the Inughln'
iere you're mistaken. There's n lot of
:t to be done right now, nn' It's time
rou Jined In. We nln't done nothin'
jut laugh since we got up, an' we're
n need o' help. What's tho matter,
Sate? Look up at the light In God's
vinder. How bright It shines tonight f
Ahen I feel bad I always look nt the
Says We Must Keep Feet Dry;
AvoLI Exposure And Eat
Less Meat.
Stay off tho ibinip ground, avoid
exposure, keep ifeet dry, cat less meat,
unnlt lots of water anil above nil
take a s;o.mful of salts occasionally
to keep down uric acid.
Rheumatism is caused by poisonous
toxin, called uric acid, which is gene
rated in tin bowels and absorbed into
the blood. It is tho function of rae
kidneys t filter this acid from the
blood and cast it out in the urine. The
pores of the skin are also a means of
freeing th: bleed of this impurity. In
damp and chilly, cold wea'lier the skin
pores are closed, thus forcing the kid
' ncys Jo do double work, they become
weak and slug;ish and fail to eliminate
this uric acid wliich keeps accumulating
and circuiting through the system,
eventually settling iu the joints and
raiis.'les causing stiffness soreness aud
pain c.illed rheumatism.
At the first twinge ef rheumatism
get from any pharmacy about, four
ounces of .lad Walts; put a tablespoon
ful in a glass of water and drink before
breakfast each morning for a week.
This is said to eliminate uric acid by
stimulating the kidneyg to normal ac
"uii, thus ridding the blood of these
Ja.l falts is inexpensive, harm
nd is Jad Salts ia inexpensive, harm
less and is made from the scid of grapes
nn.l lemon juice, combined with lithia
aid is used with excellent results .by
thousands of folks who are subject to
John Franwn, an employe of the
Associated Pre for 32 years at Meri
den, Conn., is dead of influenza.
This Announcement Does Not
Affect Portland Price In
Washington. Jan. 22. Thn W mice
agreement policy of the food adminlstra i wh a driv.en : Vick, an)
i l 8 Chevrolet service car driven by a
tion will be continued, despite attacks representative of that agency met at
upon the present scale-, of tl7.50 in the right angles. The result wasa compro-
face of the present large surplus, F. S.misei in the miJst f an "eloquent
o , , , . . . . i possibly profano silence. Both cars
Snyder, head of the meat division-. t ni h onlv minor amaMS.
"The food administration will fulfill
its pledge given to the Bog proftucers
of the country on November 3, lM7,"iPBnvF0 citizens eathered to pay the
said Snyder. ''The attack (by the ; Chi- le t9 tQ a ,uch esteemed mem
cago board of trade) is not justified ,ber of the community. The officers of
for the simple reason that the surplus tne Oregon guard were in attendance
of hogs now m this country will turnlanj members of the organization acted
into a Dig QClicit next summer if iu -
rope can get sumcieni money cna snips
to move the stuff."
The hog committee of tho food admin
istration will meet January 28 to agree
on a price for hogs during February,
"The visible demands will take care
of the surplus sometime in March."
said Snyder. "Spring will see slight lem as to what its members should do
shortage instead of an overflow." .(with the- influenza situation. It seems
The agreement referred to by Snyder the solons were so well pleased with
is the statement of Joseph P. Cotton. their comfortable and airy surround
chief of the meat division and now m lnSs that they almost forgot all about
Europe with Herbert Hoover. The fooc1. th? f,u- However a committee was n
adniinistr'ation ha3 no prico fixing pow . P''tc!1 !11 bolh tho senate nail house
ers, but is authorized under the Lever to ,ook matter xNow about a
act to make agreements with Industrie ' ?eek n.d a h.alf .Efl" ,he fl,.st da' f
for stabilized prices.
onyuer ueeiareu mar toe niga prices
are not of particular benefit to the
packers, inasmuch as the packers' prof -
its aro limited.
"It will be' found," said Snyder
r .. .. i
that packers' sales will not have net -
ted them the full tiiiio per cent which
tuey were allowed as a fair profit.
Concerning the surplus, Snyder said
at tho present supply of hogs is two
in i 1 1 ion 1
'ss than 1916.
show that tho hog production for 1916
was 43,073,703; in 1917 it was 33,909,
004; in 1918, it totalled 40,795,477.
These figures represent hogs iuspocteil
and slaughtered.
Won't Affect Northwest.
Portland, Or., Jan. 21. Tho hoy
price agreement of the United States
food, administration which it was an
nounced in Washington today will be
maintained, does not affect the Pacific
coast. ,
Under the direction of C. E Gibbons,
heed of tho federal bureau of markets
for tho Pacific northwest, a price sta
bilization commission determines the
minimum price on the coast- for the
mouth, following a system of differen
tials with Chicago ns tho basio point
The Pacific const market prico is usutl
ly lowcf than the Chicago price.
Marion County Contributed .
$1,514,550 To Liberty Loan
Marion county contributed $1,514,550
to the grand total of $38,362,550 of the
Kourth Liberty Loan in Oregon. Tho
number of subscribers ia tho county
was 10,571. Tho oversubscription was
1.70 per cent. These figures have just
been received from stato headquartors.
Tho official compilations do not show
the quota of non-banking centers.
In the newspapers outside of Port
land 87,831 column inches of space was
used in paid and free publicity in aid
of tho loan.
Following is the statement of the com
munities of this county:
Aiiiiisville (iiota, $10, 850; subscrib
ed, 10,850; number of subscriptions, 85.
Aurora Quota, $32,900; Vibscribed,
$33,000; number of subscriptions, 248,
Donald Quota, $10,520; subscribed,
$11,850; number of subscriptions, 126.
liervnis Quota, $14,200; subscribed,
$10,050; number of subscriptions, 161.
Hubbard $23,780; subscribed, $23,
850; number of subscriptions 296.
Jefferson Quota, $23,120: subscribed
$25,600; number of subscriptions, S42.
Salem Quota, $951, 328; subscribed,
$955,650; number of subscriptions,
Monitor Quota, $9510; subscribed,
$10,700; number of subscriptions, 134.
Mt. Angel Quota, $57,200; subscrib
ed, $57,300; number of subscriptions,
Silverton Quota, $167,250; subscrib
ed, $198,250; number of subscriptions,
Ktnyton Quota, $30,415; subscribed,
$37,800; number of subscribers, 398.
St. Ph-uI Quota, $13,370; subscribed,
$1S.1,i0; number of subscriptions 130,
TurnerQuota, $10,730; subscribed,
$12,050; number of subscriptions, 109. i
Woodburn-Quota, $103,440; subscrib
ed, $103,450; number of subscriptions, I
Units Of 91st Division
Has Sailed From France
Washington, Jan. 22 Other units of
tne lamous aist tvna west; umsion
have sailed from irance, and still other
units have been, designated to prepare
for embarkation, it was announced to
day. The 316th trench mortar battery of
tho 01 st has been released to prepare
for embarkation and the 346th field ad
tillery of the same division has sailed.
All other units of the 91st are on
the early eonvoy list and will bo re
leased ns shipping is available.
The 27th, 30th fnd 37th division
To Hove Big Reception.
Olympia. Wa'sh., Jan. 22. When the
91t dtvisinn Tne arrive at Aew lork
them, if the legislature rushes through
nave also been ordered to prepare foi
a proposed appropriation of $10,000 to
help pay the reception -costs. The Boeky
Mountain club of iNew lora Has asKca
for this much financial aid, and George
Noble Skinner of Scuttle has been nam
cd to represent Governor Lister when
tho boys arrive.
J Sty News
The ancient gag about an irresistible
force and an immovable object was il
lustrated at 5:30 last evening at the
intersection of State and Commercial,
The funeral services of Arthur Poole
' were beld this afternoon at the Jiig-
'ns pau bearers.
Mrs. W. H. Simpson Is convalescing
at her home on the Garden road, after
an operation at the hospital. .
Just before the legislature met Jan.
13 there was considerable talk in fcia-
the session, tho health committees ap
peared to think something should be
;lfme gnd U sl,K,cstion ;3 ma(Je that
a ,imit of go visitl,rs be ma,le for the
r8enato anii 100 fBr tll0 house As the
number of daily visitors is about half
, ,,,,, f,lirM (here will bn huf little
1 danger of any ono being asked to
move on. It was a'so suggested that if
anv member of-the house or senate
should develop symptoms of any kind,
such member should 'stay home. And
lis iiguresi.tliis is all that "as come ot wlia
once thought tr e so serious a propo
sition that man sairl the legislature
would adjourn after its organization.
Sonator La Fcllett wag conspicuous
at the roads and highways meeting
held in tho house of represontatives
last evening. There was just a suspicion
that the senator might spring some
embarrassing questions but there was
no oiiportunitv for any discussion. One
of the things the senator would like to
I Know is wny n costs tne county omy
t7Q"0 ar. r.,Mn In .nnefrnff tlx, ,nn ,1
from g'a,em to ,he Vmhln river and
why tho contract was let by the state
for a read lietwoen Brooks and Ger
vais at $20,920.81 per mile. Also why
it cost tho stato $21,647.65 psr mile
for tSe contract for tho road between
iGervais and Aurora. Although the
state road is to bo one foot wider than
the recently constructed county road
Senator La iFollctt cannot understand
why thero should be such a radical dif
ference in cost. Tho county paid the
city of Salem 7c cents per superficial
v"i )io rp-n of the city
paving plant, which, added considerab-
Jj; to, tha county'j eost of paving
The State Industrial Accident Com
mission met yesterday and elected Wil-
for(j Allen as chairman,
The Crabtree Lumber Company has
moved its sawmill from Crabtree to
near Lebanon and as its present name
might be misleading, tho company has
filed notico with the Corporation de
partment that it will change its name
to the L. S. Bouncy Lumber Company
A joint resolution was passed by the
houso this morning urging the Oregon
members of congress to support Senator
McXary'-s bill regarding the proposed
tax on fruit juices and such. The bill
is now before a joint committee in
congress and Senator McNary wired
Representative Sheldon that the Oregon
legislature should hurry up and pass a
memorial to congress supporting the
bill which is favorable to tho fruit
juico industries of the country.
Senate Bills
- Introduced Today
: sc
S. B. 43 By Howell Creating home
guard units to be known as Oregon Vol
unteer Guard. v
S. B. 4 1 By Howell Providing that
counties shall own and control armories
builf wholly by county funds.
8. B. 45 By Moscr, Consolidating
county school districts.
BVi6-B? Hurley-Creating office
of county engineer,
S. B. 47 By
Pierce Exempting
horses end cattle under 12 months of
nac from taxation.
S. B. 4S By Thomas and Lachmuiul
Prohibiting the state, county or city
to eater into any contract, in connce
tion with the construction of roads, lr
tho maintenance of suc-h roads, high
ways or streets.
H n JQRv Ritnnr Prnvi.tin tbit
standing committees of the senate and
hollse s!iaU be appointed bv a commit-
toe ou committccs, of which the pre-
siding officer shall be chairman and
tho other four members be elected by
the body of the senate or house re
spectively. S. B 50 By Eddy Providing that
when members ef supreme court tie oa
decision in any case this automatically
affirms tha decree of tho lower court.
S. B. 51 By Norblad To prohibit
stock running at large in Clatsop
8. B. By Hurley Providing for the
payment of premiums nt the Malheur
county fair and appropriating $10,00.
a n 11 tt.,.i. ki:u:.
--.i- -Y'"""'"'i''m best advice you ever had
S. B. 54 By n lrley to refund
American Labor Discourages
Poetical Agitation As
Class Measure. .
By J. W. T. . Mason
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
New York, Jan. 22. American la
bor influences are at work attempting
to discourage political agitation as a
class measure by European labor lead
ers and to impress upon Europe's work
ingmen that the way to earn more
money is to produce more goods.
This is a startling doctrine for Eu
rope, where leisure is highly prized
and speed in production is strictly lim
ited by trades unions "Pep" is a
new word to Europeans, which Amer
ica is now trying to introduce to them.
Europe's agitators have long been
running to the national legislatures for
increases in the standard of living. The
European labor leaders who want- the
state to act for them in attaining
greater economic comfort are planning
to hold a congress in Switzerland under
socialistic auspices- The Americans
have declined to attend this conven
tion. The Swiss meeting, therefore, can
not have a wide international influence
and will not exert much pressure on tho
deliberations of the peace congress.
Samuel Gompers wants 'to hold a
rival international labor convention in
New York, Jan. 22. The giant Am
erican transport Leviathan, formerly
the German steamship Vatcrlanu, will
sail for Brest tomorrow witu a num
ber of prominent passengers, govern
ment officials and Polish troops. The
ailing of the Leviathan has been de
layed two weeks on account of engine
.William iG-. Sharp-, United; Press a in-
bassador to France, will be among the
passengers. There will also be on board
representatives of the United etnles
shipping board, several consuls, Frei
J officers and 600 Polish troops recrui
The Leviathan is .scheduled to leave
Brest on February 12 with a load of
homecoming Untied States troops.
San Francisco, Jan. 22. The Pan
Francisco Call today offered a reward
'of $500 for information that would lead
to tho arrest and conviction of a man
who phoned in information that thero
had been a riot at tho Schaw-Batcher
Shipbuilding company's p!ant in south
San Francisco.
Tho Call in a statement said tho man
represented himself to be employment
manager of tho company.
" Tho Bolshevik' are rapi1l,r retiring
toward Pskov; 160 miles Bouth of Pet
rograd. Before giving up Livoniathey
shot 225 men and women.
Captain James Norman Hell of Col
fax, Iowa, a membc.- jf the faiious
Lafayette Tscadrille who was supposed
killed, has returned to Franco f:om a
German prison.
Jules Vedrines, the French aviator,
has won a prize of 25,000 francs for be
ing tho first airman to land on tho
roof of a house.
money to irrigation districts paid for
certification of bonds,' and fixing of
fees to becharged by tho secretary of
state for such certification.
S. B. 55 By Norblad Providing
that when person is killed by reaso:i of
neglect or failure to observe law, if no
relatives reside in state suit f jr dam
ages may bo brought by ex.cutor r.r
administrator of such deceased ptrsj..
S. B. 56 By Hm;to:: IlilaJvc to ! I.
establishment of a court of d )!.;;:!'t:c .o
lations in counties ha-vintj a pop'.iia'.i.. :.i
of over 200,000.
S. B. 57 By Orton Amending i :
surance'laws relative to basis on w:,k!i
fees are to bo collected.. .
Avoid Indigestion; Sour Acid
stomach, Heartburn, I
Oa Stomach, Etc.
Indigestion- and practically all forms
of stomach trouble, fay medical au
thorities, are due nine times out of ten
to an excess of hydrochloric acid in
the stomach. Chronic "acid s'.omach"
is exceedingly dangerous and sufferers'
should do either cne of two things.
often diMereeable Z.tZ
that disagree with them, that irritate
i me sioniucn anu iesu to excc83 nciu se-
crction or they can cat as thry pleace
in reason and make it a practice to
counteract, the effect of the harmful
acid and prevent the forma'ion of gas,
sournoss or jrcmatiir? ferni?n ation by
the up of a little Bisuratcd Magnesia
nt their meals.
There is probably no oe:tcr, safer or
more reliable stomach antiaei.l than
Bisurated Magnesia and it i3 widely
used for this purpose. It has no direct
action on the s!c:nac!i D-.d i r.ot a di-
jestent. But a teanroonful of the pow
der or a couple of live t.rni.i tablets
taken ia a little water with the food
ll neutralize ths excess acidity
which may be pres nt a-J rrcvent its
f.irthcr formation. Th's remove the
ni'.ole caiite of the troulb r..nl the meal
digests naturally and h-a't'hfu'ly with
out need of pepsin pils or artificial
iiiLe stents.
Oct a few ouiwes of E;3ji:'.ted Mag
nesia from any relh-b'e druggist. -Ask
for either pewder or tabids. It never
i comes as a liquid, milk or citrate and
I1" uisuraieu mrui is noi a iaxauve.
what to eat.