Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 22, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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If Yoa Don't Patronize Your Home Merchants Yea Are Knocking The Town Yoa Lire In.
Bate per word New Today:
Each insertion le
ae week (6 insertions) Se
One month (26 insertions) 17c
The Capital Journal will not fce re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
for errors in Classified Advertisements
Bead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately if
rror occurs. -
Minimum charge, 15c.
LIBERTY BONDS If you most dis
pose of your bonds, we will boy
them. 8H Masonie bids, tf
WANTED Girl for general house
work. State School for Deaf. 1 23
FOR SALE) Two horses cheap. 595
Marion. Phone 2273R. 1-27
FORD trailer for sale. Inquire at 271
street. 1-28
FOR SALE A good range, used very
little. Call 1031 Union. 1-24
WANTED Veal and large calves.
Phone 80F2. tf
FOR SALE Two-seat top buggy, or
will trade. Phone 80F11. 1-28
WANTED Heifer calves, 3 to 18
months old. Phone 80F11. tf
FOR RENT 'House, '260 N. 13th, con
veniences. 1-24
WANTED Rose Comb B. I. Red eock
erel. .Phone 53F2. , 1-23
WANTED- Xnide work by man aged
27. Address 7092 care Journal. 1-22
WANTED Orders for day old chicks.
Phone 403R. 1-24
FOR SALE Ford in good condition.
1309 N. Com'l St. 4 . tf
FOR RENT Sleeping rooma in Hub
bard bldg. W. H. Norris, agent, tf
WANTED To buy cattle and calves,
any kind. Phone 1576W. 2-6
FOR typewriter mechanic phone 937.
XR SALE 150 Himalya blackberry
Kings. Adam Wurm. Rt. 2, box 24.
, . - 1-23
FOR SALE Or trade for beef cows,
fresh cow, giving three gallons a
day. Phono 1570W. 1-22
WANTED Home for 10 year boy.
Will work for board. Country pre-
furred. 7110 care Journal. 1-23
WANTED Three or four room house.
Permanent renter if suited. E J care
Journal. 1-22
WANTED -Oi cap car, Ford Preferred,
or a wreck. Address 7112 eare Jour
Hat 1-27
FOUNDh-'1919 auto license tag. Owner
call at Journal offico and pay for
ad. : 1-22
WANTED Good milk cows. Must bo
fresh or soon to bo fresh. Phone
49F13. 1-22
WANTED F ienced cook at onee
at Willa-.ttto Sanatorium. Appi;
754 Ferry. 1-2
GIRLS and women wanted at the
Glove factory, 1455 Oak St., Salem,
Or. 1-iso
"WANTED Oregon Champion gooseber
ry cuttings. Fruitland Nursery, tea
leml Rt. 6. Phone 111F21. 1-23
FOR TRADE A good,' neat 4 room
house with garage. Call 1644 or 2022
in mornings. - tf
CARPENTERING, repairing or cement
work. Call C. W. Nist. Phono 2495
E. 1-21
1LOST Bt een Salem and Gervais,
34x3'i tire with rim; please notify
N. N. Soverson, Gervais, cr leave at
Capital garage, Salem. 1-23
NOTICE I will not be responsible for
any debts sotitracted by my wife,
Mrs. Pearl '. iris, as slie has loft my
home snd board. Bosie Paris. 1-22
FOR SALE Cheap, 11 head ehoats
weighing 90 to 100 lbs. Write Inde
pendence, Or. or phone 60F4, Sa
lem, tf
FOR SALE 1 9x13 shaft governor,
engine and boiler complete, cheap.
Box 268, Turner, Or. tf
FOB SALE One fine E L Red male,
2 years old; 150-egg Mandy Lee in
ctrbator. Call 1947J between t and
11 a. m. , tf
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Huron's f urniture ocore, u ;
Commercial. tfj
FOB SALE 10 acres, house, orchard,)
good location; 16 acres close to Sa-j
lem, on easy terms. B. M. Woods,
first house north church, West Sa-j
lem, write 445 Court est. , it
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership, heretofore existing be
tween Eugene Byerley and C. A
Campble doing business under the firm
name and style of Motor Inn Garage,
ias by mutual agreement been dissolv
ed. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to said firm are hereby re
quested Jto pay all indebtedness to Eu
gene Byerlev, Salem Oregon.
C. A CAMPBLE. 1 27
FOR SALE 3200 lb. team. Louis F.
Kobow. Rt. 9, box 127. 1-28
WANTED Fat, thia and fresh eows,
real and large ealves. T&one 1425J1.
FOR SALE White faced Black Span
ish cockerels. M. A Vanderburg, Rt.
2- 1-27
POSITION wanted as day nurse by
middle aged lady. Inquire at 666
North Summer street. 1-22
WILL call for chickens, eggs, veal and
hides and pay highest prices. Cherry
City Feed Barn. 1-27
FOR SALE Very cheap, five passes
ger pverland, car, good condition
.Phone 80F11. 1-28
FO RSALE Moving away, my entire
hock or pureorea Wnite YVvandottes.
1925 State St. 1-24
CARPENTERING, repairing or cement
worK. sjail '. W. iMist. Phone 2495
8. 128
WANTED 1-horse power, 220 volt, 60
cycle single phase motor. Phone 516.
1 24
FOR SALE Opal ranee, used one vear.
gooa eonainon. mono Mrs. Cart
Beckett, 64F15.- 1-23
OVER THE TOP Our prices the high
est spot cash for men's secondhand
suits and shoes. Capital Exchange,
337 Court St. Phone 493. ti
FOR, SALE-Cheap, 1000 lb. mare, 8
years oia; wso one zzu-egg size Fet-
aiuma incubator, good condition,
Phone 57F3. 1-25
LOST A crank from auto between
Clearwater stable and Great Western
Garage. Reward. Return to Journal.
LOST Jan. 17 pocketbook between
eaicm ana lnuepenaence, containing
about $25. Return to Journal office.
Eeward. 1-22
My seven Toom Capitol Hill, Seattle
residence, cost me $5000 cash. Want
to exchange for Salem, close in, im
proved acreage. Byrne, 1017 Boron
Ave., Seattle. . , 1-24
HOB SALE A bargain, 640 acres ex-
cellonb wheat land iMorrow county,
4 miles from ; lively railroad town.
May take some Salem property. Price
., $15. .Owner, phone 2498S,.,vt r 1-24
FOR SALE - Genuine Franquct wal
nuts grafted on black. True Du Chil
ly and Baeellan filberts. Middle
Grove Nursery, Rt. 7, box 201. Phone
24F5. ... 1-31
TO TRADE Or sale, 13 acres bearing
prune orchard with house, barn and
dryer, on rock road, close to Salem,
for mercantile business or partner
ship in same. Address O K care
Journal. - - 1-25
EGGS for hatching, pure bred -Oregon
8. C. White Leghorn and Ply
mouth Rock, O. A. C. strain; also
day old chicks 15e each. Order now
for March delivery. Phone 42F25.
Rt. 7, box 163.
YOUNG MEN, 16 and over, are eli
gible for government railway mail
clerks. $92 month. Examinations soon
For free particulars, write Raymond
Terry, (former civil service exam
iner) 922 Columbian building, Wash
ington, D. C. 1-23
'LENT! of money to load on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap (100 or multi
pis os any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
bldg, Salem. tf
We Buy and Sell
Tax Exempt
314 Masonic Temple
Salem, Ore.
Also To Prevent Disloyal Talk
And Inciting Others To
Deeds Of Violence.
If the biHs proposed by Representa
tive Gordon of Portland becomes a law,
displaying the red flee in, a parade or
procession or using a red banner of
any kind is a suremcans of getting in
to trouble with the Btate authorities.
The bill is directed against the Bolshe
vik and I. W. W. activities.
One of his bills provides that it shall
be unlawful and in fact shall be deemed
a felony for one to incite disloyalty to
the United States or to the laws of
Oregon. And the displaying of any
flair or banner or vmblcni indicating
disloyalty or a belief in anarchy, or in
other political doctrines r or beliefs
wiioso ooject is lor tne aisrupnon or ae-
struction of organized government shall
be deemed a felony.
Tho bill provides that it .shall be
felony to wilfully utter, print or write
or publish any disloyal, profane or
abusive language against the form of
government of the United States or to
use abusive language against the gov
ernment with intention to bring con
tempt upon government. Or to cause
to be injured or destroyed by act or
word any mill, factory or shipyard, or
any farm house or any crovs within
the state of Oregon.
Any violation of the bill, should it
become a law, is punishable by a sen
tence of not more than ten years in
tho penitentiary, or a fine of $1000 or
both. An emergency is declared to ex
ist, in which case the provisions of the
bill would become effective upon its
passage and signing by the governor.
Six Of Twenty Jail
Breakers Are Captured
P..I.V Talnnrl Til.. Jnn. 22 Six
of the prisoners who escaped 'from the
Rock Island county jail last nignt were
unntnrnd fndnv. Their names were
withheld while officers er'illed them in
the hope of uncovering the plans of tho
fleeing men. A check today showed
twenty men had esccped. Turnkey Sex
ton, first placed the number at twenty-
Thn nix men enntured were found
in hiding in various parts of the city.
Officers bolieve the others escaped in
LOGANBERRY plants for sale by J.
P. Aapinwall, Brooks, Or., Phono 35
F12. . , 1-22
WE are in the market for potatoes.
Willamette Valley Transfer Co., 171
S. High.. Phone MOO,,..,, tf
WANTED To buy some sheep and
some goats. R. Anderson, Jefferson,
Or., Rt. 1, box 72. , 1-24
FOR 6AC.B Team matched sorrel
horses, sound and true, weighing be
tween 2400 and 2500 pounds. Allen
Pence, Rt. 7, box 44. 1-28
FOR SALE 25 acres good cultivated
land on icmc nignway, pavea mis
year. A (bargain, terms. Owner, 314
Masonic ibidg. 1-22
FOR SALE 5 room modern cottage,
in first class condition, good location
jf you are looking for a bargain in
a house, hore it is. Price $1250. Ad
dress li care Journal. 1-23
GOOD home for sale, 6 rooms, large
lot, with fruit, just off of State
street. Price $1100. Take a liberty
bond s first payment, balance like
rent. F. A. Roberts, owner, 314 Ma
sonic bldg. tf
FOR TRADE Or sale, 120 acres with
good improvements, 100 acres under
cultivation and seeded to grain, bal.
pasture; price $11,000. Will tako
small acreage up to $4000 and give
easy terms on bal. purchase price.
Geo. A. Smith, Stayton, Or. 1-22
At the Market
Net Lace
Our entire stock is on
At "Move On" Prices
19c 37c, 69c
27c, 49 c, 98c
27 and 36 inches wide. These embroideries
are the same as shown for this spring.
Note our Window Display
Value is the real test
business. We certainly
are strong on value.
automobiles provided by outside help.
Most nf the nrinnnera were known as
desperate characters, mK-ny of them be
ing paroled convicts from Joliet ana
other state prisons sent to Bock Island
to work in munitions works. It is
known, according to dispatches from
Bock Island, that at lecet two revolvers
were in the possession of the men.
The encane. said to have been one cf
the most daring on record, was made
shortly atter 7 o'clock ny tne am or
a wooden key whittled out by one of
the men Gstlierinir in a corridor out
side Turnkey John Sexton's office, tho
men rushed the quarters occupied by
the sheriff's family.
When jail nuards made an effort to
recapture the prisoners two guard'i
were trampled under loot and ocxton
was shot, though not seriously. Tho
mon tlinn broke thrones an un birred
window and scattered in thedarkness.
Memorial services were held in the
senate Thursday for the late Senators
Jacob H Galiinger of New Hampshire
and James H. Brady of Idaho-
Ineutenant E. A. Elliot of Boston,
Mass., died Sunday night from injuries
he received Saturday when the airplane
he was driving fell at Lake Charles,
Sergeant Walter B. Keel, just re
turned to Denver from France, where
he was wounded three times, has been
arrested as an escaped prisoner from
a XeDraska penitentiary.
W. E. Roche, abont March 1, will be
(fin the erection of a fruit warehouse at
Yakima costing 10,000.
men s an
The Dress Pictured, shows just one of the Dresses in this "SPECIAL SELLING
EVENT." The Stock includes, besides this Peerless "CO-ED" line, products of the
most fashionable modistes.
Every garment shown is new and stands for authenticity in fashion and original
value. The materials are SERGE, SATINS, CREPE DE CHINE, CREPE ME
SILKS. This incomparable stock has been arranged in 3 lots, irrespective of orig
inal prices, which ran to $55.00.
You can always do better at
rnurf haiica Nauru
An order was issued appointing Mary
E. Howe as administrator of the estate
of John E. Miller, deceased. Estate
shows valuation of about $1900.
, Fred E. Howe and Mary E, Howe
were appointed joint guardians of
Archie Miller, a minor child.
An order was issued directing the
gale of eertain tracts of rctl property
belonirin? to the estate of Orallie
Courville, deceased.
An order was issued appointing Stella
Sutherland as administratrix of the es
tate, of John D. Sutherland, deceased.
Estate is valued at about $3750. Left
no will aJid is survived only by his
An order was issued admitting to
and COUGHERif!
30 wovs-?a?s CPUS! v
turn 'Special
b 7
a lvii
Short Length Table
All short . lengths in Flannelettes, . Satins,
Crepes, Tub Silks, Ginghams,' etc.
"Move On" Price
29c Yard
Ladies' Waists
Our entire stock of Ladies' Dark Suit Blouses
in various colors of Georgettes, Crepe de
Chines and Stripped and Plaid Taffetas.
probate the will of H. P. Gray, de
cerned. Estate is vulued at $3000 t.nd
the only heirs are two daughters, Ethel
Folgcr and Gladys Palmer.
A marriage license was issued to Ed
wind J. Builh, of Tortland. and Helen
Cecelia Diephl, of Mt. Angnl.
(Continued from page one)
org commission should require all sol
diers aided to give a detailed account
of the expenditure of the money they
had received from the government at
the timo of their discharge.
The senate, with only one dissenting
vote, passed the bill with the amount
fixed at $100,000 and with but a slight
amendment, which was rffered as r
compromise by Senator Eldy. Tim
amendment was to the effect that the
commission shall obtain such informa
tion and make such record of the per
sonal history of soldiers aided as they
deem of public value and file their re
port with tho secretary of state, The
single vote cast against the bill wa:
the ballot of Sens .or Wood of Wash
ington county.
The fight aprai'Mt cutting the amount
of the appropriation or imposing re
strictions upon its expenditure wis lur'
by the Multnomah delegation.
Before the bill was passed it was tnk
en into the committee of the whole
twice. The first time the senate resolv
ed itself into a committee of the whole
on motion of Senator Moser in order
to strip the bill of the amendment--which
had been made by the ways and
We were leaders 40
years ago, and have re
tained our position ever
means committee.
The second timo tho bill was taken
into the committee of the whole on mo
tion of Senator Eddy in order that tho
ways and means committee might make
a fight for some of the amendments
which hnd been cut out by the com
mittee of the whole the first time bo
fore the ways ond means committee
knew what was going on.
Dr. Kind's New Discovery
almost never fails to,
bring quick relief
Small doses once in awhile and that
tliroat-tcaring, lung-splitting cough
soon quiets down. Another dose anda
hot bath before jumping into, bed, a
good sleep, and back to normal in the
Dr. King's New Discovery Is well
tnown. I'or fifty years) it's bsea
r:lieving coughs, colds and bronchial
attacks. For fifty years it has been
3ld by druggist! everywhere. A
reliable remedy that you yourself or any
cumber of your family can take safely,
60c and $1,20.
laialhoseStubbOTn Bowels
Help nature take its course, not
with a viohnt, habit-fonnini; purga
tive, but with gentle but certain and
natural-laxative. Dr. King's New Life
Pills. Tonic in action, it stimulates the
lax bowels. Sold by druggists. 23c'