THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22. 1919. PAGE THREE ' the same fine Ham, Bacon, Lard every time you buy it. The unvarying quality. Try frag rant, fine-flavored Columbia Brand Ham and Bacon for break fast and other meals. They satisfy the apeptite every time. And for crisp, flakey pastry, you'll get satisfying results with Columbia Brand Pure Lard. We can supply you with these Oregon Quality Products. ' Roth Grocery Company j&WmWM 'i'iiiiiii IVAN G. MARTIN HAS Continued from pago one) , (more than 30 days off, 30 days is the limit of time. The new proposed inw also provides that if a man quits on lis! own volition, his wages due are to lbs paid at once, just the same as i to had been discharged. No. 105. To prohibit an person who bag wrongfully or intentionally caus led the dat.b. of Another from succeed ing to any part of the estate. Other totateg have a law to this effect. No. 106. Introduced by Mr. Martin Iby request. This bill provides that the etate shall pay Robert Crawford $800 (which Mr. Crawford claims is duo hinv lAug. 3, 1916, Mr. Crawford was hired as superintendent of the penitentiary flax .. plant and he was to be paid $250 a month.' Each mouth he was to xcccivo $200 and the remainder of $30 e month was to be paid if ho made a taiftoess. The contract did not state how much of a financial success. Mr. Craw (ford got in bad with the governor and regardless of the contract, the govern or fired him. Later the governor of fered to compromise by giving Mr. Crawford $400. Mr. Crawford was let out Nov. 1, 1917. No. 107. Referring to collection of en order, check, memo or other in debtedness if not paid within 4S hours after demand. Also refers to attorneys fees. No, 108. A law to amend the present (reading of Lord's Oregon laws provid fing that a cause of action arising out HAVE COLOR IN CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets If your skin is yellow complexion pallid tongue coated appetite poor you have c L. .1 laito in your mouth a lazy, no-good Itfciiaj; you should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edward3 Olive Tablets a substitute f orcalorael were prepared byDr.Edwards after 17 years of study with his patients. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, CO pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days you must get at the cause. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the liver and bowels like calomel yet have no dangerous after effects. They start the bile and overcome consti pation. That's why millions of boxes are sold annually at 10c and 25c per box. Ail druggists. Take one or two nightly tad note the pleasing results. NOTICE Notice it hereby given that I have impounded the following described dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404, towit: One male Shepherd dog, weight about 40 lbs. One male Pointer bird Aog, yellow ears, weight 50 lbs. One (black male dog, smooth hair, weight 40 lbs. One black dog, white breast, weight 40 lbs. One male Setter bird dog, white and black spots, weight 38 lbs. One male Setter bird dog, red and white color, weight 45 lbs. One male -white mongrel dog, weight 30 lbs. One female bird Setter, black' and white, weight 40 lbs. One male Collie dog, white on neck, weight 45 lbs. One male Tox Terrier, white with yellow head, weight 20 lbs. One male Pox Terrier, white and black, spots, weight 24 lbs. The above described degs will b killed if not redeemed bv owners oa or before January 25, 1919, as provid-,ine ed in said ordinance. - W Q TW , . ' i- Street Commissioner.! 1 .aWhaggT:: - of an injury to person dies with the death of the person injured, except as otherwise pr&vided by law. No. 109. Presented by request. Re ferring to executors or administrators tea and to fix the amount of attor neys fees. Providing also that if an attorney serves as executor, he cannot charge one fee as an executor and an other as attorney. YANKS NOT IN TO GO BACK TO MARRY Soldiers Like American Girls Better Than French, Say Returned Officers. (By United Press.) New York, Jan. 22. Are American men who have been overseas going back to marry French girlsf ''No," is tho answer of 14 out of 15 returned officers, according to s Y. W. C. A. representative here who has been inieiviewing returning officers on this sunjcct. The consensus of opinion of those in terviewed gives the reason thus: The French girl is not what American men col! a pal. She knows how to cook, to saw1, to make love. She can bo a sweet heart. She is not a pal. horizon too often is limited to the homo. Her life is lived within doors. She can nevor replace the American girl for all around intelligence, activities and ambitions. Most of all the American men miss in her the playfellow they have known st home the girl with tho tennis racquet, the girl who loves to hike long miles and to swim and ride. Will the men go back to France f ""Absolutely," say returned Ameri cans. "But that is because of the cell of Paris, tho carefree life in the cities ov,ir there, the thrill and the romance jf the atmosphere of Fiance. In fact, most of tho men are coming back to many the girls they left behind, and then they probably will try to return to France juid take their American girl wives with them to see the world." They'd Better Hurry. But it may not ho ill advised for the American girl to say to the returning men, "You'd better hurry." J-or tne Y. W. C. A. is trying to help the French girl "catch up" with her American sis ter in outdoor activities. This organ izction is sending women over all the time to teach outdoor sports of every sort, and even now many French girls have discarded the much slandered French heel. In fact there is a whole island in the Laire river given over to outdoor life and physical training. Over 115 secretaries are in France doing after-war work. The Bed Cross nurses' huts were built and equipped by the Bed Cross. They were then urucd over to the Y. W. C. A. as a co-' operating organization, and the latter has furnished the workers for the huts and maintained the upkeep of them. About 50 of the secretaries now across are engaged in this work. With the return to this country of the nurses, the Y. W. C. A. secretaries thrw cngeged probably will be transferred to work of other kinds. Highly Trained Women. None but highly-trained women are being sent over by the Y. W. C. A. Al most all who have gone, or are going over, are college gradustes. .11 hve of WQrk M are industriai ex. .,. IP-"8- Some have been professors in lead- n ' """ I G!ilE EflFUjEfiZn Hamlin's Wizard Oil a Reliable, Antiseptic Preventive During influenza epidemics spray the nose and throat several times a day with one part Wizard Oil and two parts water, using an atomizer. If you haven't an atomizer, gargle the throat and, snuff the mixture up, , the nose.'i This treatment' sets jip an antiseptic wall of defense against "Flu" germs. . Chest colds and sore throat lead to grip. Stop them at once with Wizard Oil before they can develop into dangerous influenza. Get it from druggists for 30c. If not satisfied, return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick head lehe? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30c at drug gists. Guaranteed. ing colleges. Miss Margaret Morris,?, formerly professor of history at Mt Holyoko College, Mass., is at the head of the nurses' work. Miss Mary Mc Dowell, known as Aunt Mary of the Stockyards, of Chicago, .perhaps more familiar with tho twists and kinks in the woman's industrial world than ah most any other American, woman,' iH in France, doing a special piece of work for the association. Miss Mary Dingman of Now Yorit City and Pntorson, N. J., who went over, when America went into tho fray and who supervised building and maintain ing of the sixteen, foyers, is now in this country mid expects to return to Franc very soon to direct the industrial worti It seems probable that if the Y. W. C. A. is able to complete the program started in France, French women will bo able to meet American freedom with a new but intensely rci;l French free dom. SHIPWORKERS STRIKE Continued from page one) all wooden yards ate shut down with the exception of tho McAtcer and J. H. Price Shipbuilding companies where desultory operations aro being carried ; on bv the few carpenters instructed bv their'uuions to keep on the job. Imli- cations were today that even theso two plants would shut down entirely. The Metcl Trades Council will gi be fore the Central Labor Council tonight to ask for the indorsement and snppoit of that body in its action. "Strike" is expected to be the bit subject of debute at tonight's meeting Seattle's strike committee is, not o closed group of a few individuals. 1 consists of 105 members of 21 unions effected. Of the 150 contract shops affected by tho Metal Trades Council action, two Disturbed sleep usually comes from some form cf indigestion. Strengthen the stomach and stimulate the liver with a course of Unreal Sal of Anr Medicine fa the WarM. Sold erarTweera. fa Bamaa, 10., 25c. . ptils; FLOOD OF ORATORY BREAKS IN HOUSE Members Get Scrapping Mad When Senate Proposes In nocent Amendment A flood of oratory broke loose this morning in the house when the senate sent in its proposed amendment to thr. bill appropriating f 100,000 for the Re lief of soldiers and sailors out of job in Portland. The house seemed to feel that the senate was trifling with its feelings and several members just had to have their say about it. The innocent amendment that caused the house to get into a scrapping mood wes to the $100,000 bill and read as fol lows: "That the commission obtain from soldiers aided, and compile and file with tho secretary of state such facts concerning the history and treat ment of such soldiers as the commission may deem of public value." Representative. Gordon of Portland said the proposed amendment wag an in sult to the house.; Gallagher then .sug gested that tho sennto was overlooking a bet. Then the Smiths came to the bat. Smith of Multnomah county, the labor delegate, suggested that tho bill be at once returned to the senate and that there should be nothing doing un til tho senate had come ciciftu eimtn ot uaxet tnougnt tne soldiers should not-be obliged to answer many questions when getting part of that big .m-.n-v. n, earn it yvnB r.lB goou ieuowsfrom portIttn,i s to the number of un aid spenders that wquld need part of tnat $nu,uuo. .,, Jones of Newport broke into his first oration saying that the sura of $100, 000 for the relief of returning soldiers was little enough and that the senate had no business in attempting to fio any strings to it. He referred to the hundreds of thousands of Americans who wore sleeping under the sunny soil of France. ' 11 ' ' Gallagher, one of the scrappers of the house said it was contomptiblo for the sonate to send the bill hack with its amendment. As the bill had been a political football Ua'Uagh.of wasn't sure what would happen if it was kicked about much longer;1'. - ;. Former Salem Boy Was In All BigMdes Of War An eastern paper prints on its "f cent page in a recent issuo a letter from Private Ned P. Johnson, a former Sa lem boy, who served ivith the 5th Mar ines in five of tho great battles in France. Speaking :of his trip across the Atlantic with the great squadron, ho tells of an exciting battle with sev eral German submarines which laste-i fo)45 minutes and' resulted in sending two of the ''iron fish" to the bottom, outsido the harbor,, of St. Nazair. France. It was his'fjrtt opportunity' ''f seria part of the V. S. navy in action, and the way the boys stood by tV" fjive-inch guns and hit target b as small as a' wash-tub was well worth seeing. After landing from the transport Hen derson they spent about six weeks at tho seaport and then wero sent to Bor deaux, whero his company was kept on police duty for two months. They were then sent to a training camp for some weeks of intensive training, and after ward sent to the Verdun front where everything was quiet except for a lit tle shell fire and a, few trench raids. He goes on to saV:' 'Thon we were hustled off to Chateau-Thierry to stop the Huns on their way to Paris and the second sub division did it. It was sure a dandy fight, and it was there I pot wounded. Since thet we have been on the move all tho time, hiving taken part in the bauies of tto'ivms, 8 Mihiel, Champine and nt fhn Argnn' ne. These are the biggest fights the American expeditionary forces huvo been in and that's enough for me. Now since the finish of things I am anxious to get homo as soon as I can and go to work, but I don't know wh"n it will be. Forgot to tell you that I have beer in tho hospital with' bronchitis, but am well now. How is tho if arm t It will sure seem funny t hike out that old road again." are reported to have signed Ufo agree ment demanded by the men $0 to $8 daily covering outclasses' of workers from laborers to mechanics. Organize Council. Tacomn, Wash., Jan. 22. A local council of soldiers, sailors and work men will bo organized at a special strike, meeting called for lato this afternoon in the labor temple, the shipyards strike committee announced today. At this meeting action will be taken toward extension of the strike to in cludo all trades and crafts in the city with the announced intention to com pletely pivralyze Tacoma industrially. At the same time it was learned through official sources here that the government's attitude in tho present controversy undojbtcdly will bo to nl low ship construction on Puget Sound to come to an indefinite standstill, rath er than assume the increased cost of construction entailed by an incrcaso in wages. J. Sutton, secretary of the local strike committee, declared that such a posi tion if taken by the government, would be answered not only by a general strike here but by a demand that the government immediately provide em ployment for all mei idle by reason of such walkouts. The announcement of the proposed formation of a soldiers', sailors' and workmen's council include the sttte ment of the strike committee that "the demands of tho working class will be made as a class," and that "we will put ourselves on record that we demand sonic of the democracy tr.lkcd of so elibly during the war, tho first prin ciple of which is more money in order to live." ' A big meeting of blacksmiths and machinists was addressed by Adam Barth, socialist leader and one tiie candidate for mayor. He made a rev olutionary talk on "government by the workers." Kubli of Portland said it was the height of persons! injury on the part of the senate to send tho bill Vack to tho houso with such an amendment. At about this stage of the oratory Gordon of Portland moved that the bill with the amendment be sent back to the-senate with tho information that the house did not concur. Also that the senate should be informed as to how the house felt about it. Then Speaker Seymour Jones appoint ed as a committee three of the best scrappers in the house Gallagher of Ontario, Gordon of Portland, and Kugli of Portland. It is thought that with the entire bill in danger that the Portland interests in the senate will modify or entirely back down on its amendment and that tho bill will bo finally passed this af ternoon. This bill for tho relief of $100,000 for soldiers n:id sailors in Portland is the one that brought a half dozen lead ing lights from Portland Inst week, in cluding Mayor Baker. They came with a proposal "to ask $400,000 for the re lief of soldiers and sailors coming into Portland. The houso cut it to $250,000 and the senate took another slash and made it $100,000 At this figure the bill was passed, but it was found that it was not drawn legally. Then the bill gets out of the way protty quick, Thore ig iuat a sUS,ueion that unless the L,i,i mi t.,.,1 tr. t voted on nimin. jjt be cut oven more as reports employed soldiers and those wanting work are most contradictory. Hughes Of Marion Proposes Change In Counting Votes If tho bill introduced this morning by Sam T. Hughes of Marion county becomes a law with this session of the legislature, thero will be .no anxious waiting around for local election now" ivfter the polls have closed. - . . It is a bill regarding tho counting of votes on election day and provides that in a voting district where there is more thai, 150 votes east and there is ap pointed two election boards, that both boards go on duty at the opening of tho polls.. Hoard No. 1 will have charge of one election box for tho first half hour and at the end of that time, the board shall pass tho ballot box to Board No. 2 which shsll begin at onco counting and tabulating' votes. : At tho end of every 30 minutes dur ing voting hours, this passing of the ballot box to tho counting board shall bo continued. Hence, within half an hour after the polls are closed, the re sult can bo announced. Tho bill will probably bo wdcomo to tho hvrgo number of women who securo appointment on the second or counting board, as heretofore this work could not begin until after the polls had closed and the counting often continued throughout the night. ' Memorial Hits Aliens Who Evaded Draft Law Senator Moscr has introduced in tho senate a joi:ft ynoriiil to congress, urging that tho government mnhe pro. vision for granting each soldier dis charged after November 11, 1918, a sum C6PS it ii ajiii jif JsL 5 J . ILS stands unique among ready-to-eat cereals in percentage of available nourishment, ease of digestion, and flavor. It contains its own sweet ness, self-developed from the grains in the making, and it is a delicious food, eatable to the last atom! "There's a - Reason" you betchai "The more a man knows about genu ine tobacco, the surer he is to see the value of Real . Gravely in compar ison with ordinary plug." Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch, equivalent to six months' pay and a suit of civilian clothes. Another memorial introduced yester day afternoon by Senator Diniick calls upon tho department of Justice and tho attorney general to deport all residonts of tho United States, and particularly thoso of Oregon, who were of draft r.3 and evaded tho draft by canceling their first citizenship papers. This memorial recites the names of approximately 100 residonts of Orogon who thus canceled thoir first papers and thereby claimed exemption from the draft on the grounds they wero not citizens of this country. Senator Dimiek, in tho memorial, do elares that such persons are not fit to livo in this country, enjoying tho freo doin of its institutions and theprotoc tlon of its laws. . "Rosa Luxemburg's Daughter'' Held In Custody In Chicago Chicago, Jan, 22. Bessie Abraham son, said to have clniniod tho title of "Rosa Luxemburg's daughter," was in custody horo today with 35 persons seized in a raid on an. I. W. W. moot ing placo. The raids wero said to have boon bused on intercepted letters from Miss Abinliainson to some of tho I. W. W. leaders in Leavenworth prison. Letters of tHi alleged incendiary cHhractor, bol shevik propaganda and thousands of pictures of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg wore Bcizcdi The' prisoners are held on a technical chargo of dis tributing alleged seditious matter. sk TO SEND MISSION TO POLAND 9(1 Paris, Jan. 22. The supreme war council has decided to scud a mission to Poland, represent ing tho United States' Great Britain, France and Italy, it was officially announced today. President Wilson's proposal for settlement of the Russian prob lem wero discussed at this af ternoon's session. ' : During the war, Grape-Nuts stood in the foremost ranks in providing the utmost in food values and food economy. It Keeps Right On I I Good taste, smaller chew, longer life is what makes Genuine Gravely cost less to chew than ordinary plug. - - rr7 Ac Genuine Gravely DANVILLE. VA. for tootlet o chewing phf. Trotsky Told Friends To . Overthrow U.S. Government Washington, Jan. 21. Tho parting message of Leon Trotsky to his friends in Now York was ''keep on organizing until ycu overthrow tho rotten, capital istic government in this country,." Po lice Inspector John J. Tunney told the Overman committee today. ; ' ' Tunney said Trotsky gave his advice at a meet ng in New York after Anir bassador Bernstorff was recalled and shortly before wo declared war 011 Ger many. Turning from beer and tho phases of German propaganda already dwelt extensively upon, Tunney told of bomb plots aud tho Hindu-German plans ,to breed, revolution in India. . Rumors that the Oivon Agricultural college has been dosed, as well as tho ' city schools of t.'orvallis, are false. The college is operating in all its deport ments nud thero has been no intermp-; tion from any cause, CAUSE OF STOMACH SICKNESS" How to Relieve Stomach Distress in a ' Few Minutes. Money Back if Treat meat Does Not Overcome Any ' Form of Indigestion If you feel as though thore was a lump of lead at the pit of the stomach, take couple of Mi-o-na stomach tab lots and in ifivft minutes you should sco that, all, stomach distress has van ished.., :-t ' If yoii belch ga, have heartburn 0 .sortT- stomnoU).. yon rieed' Mi-o-na. If your stomach feels upset, tho morning; after the night before, take tw.Ml-o-na tablets and ee how quickly you got relief;'- ' - -'," '.' ' - If you have shortness of breath, pain in the stomach, waterbrash or foul breath, you need Mro-na and the soon- ; or you get it, the sooner your stomach should perform its duties properly. -. If you use a ibox' of Mi-o-na tablets . and feel that it has not overcome your I indigestion or stomach trouble, take the empty box to your dealer and he ' will refund your money. For gfllo by","! D, J. Fry and all leading druggists. "