Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 22, 1919, Image 1

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Only Circulation in Salem Guar-
tnteod by the Audit Bureau of 41
J . Weather Report
Oregon: Tonight and Thurs-
day rain, increasing scnthirly
1 J-W4 1 1
E f. iff r jo 1 Iff
mm maim
!' ..it -"v. -
WHile Decision Of Allies Is Uncertairls Known That
Russia Will Not Be Crushed Milit& Nor Yet Will
Full Recognition Of Soviet Govern Be Given.
Compromise Measure Is
By William Philip Stains
.. (United Press staff correspondent) .
Paris, Jan. 22. That a limited num
ber of representatives of the Russian
soviet government will attend the
jpcace conference seemed certain today.
It was learned that an agreement had
.practically baeu reached by the- u
me war couucil in this regard. Offi
cial announcement was expected bo
tore night.
The British delegation is understood
to have taken the lead in pressing this nition the soviet government. Some
.Wfhition of the difficult and important; ofa compromise measure was look
(Russian question. I'd tot. .
Tho original British p'.un, as annoitnc I The note sent by Foreign Minister
d by the United Press on January 11, Tchitcherin of the bolshevik govirn
viAi for the associated powers to send ment to the American state department
n speci-nl commission ,to investigate suggesting that representatives of the
conditions in Russia. This met with Am
M-ican, approval to such an extent that
lio personnel of the proposed eommis
fcton was even discussed, the names of
(T.lrhu Root ami William Howard Taft
$?ing mentioned.
Further consultation among tho as
sociated delegates, however, resulted in
n i. m..:.- i. .1 ..l
TUMI? Jll19U l-ai-U I I II Ulll'UllI
First Season When Whole Sup-
I- n J IT- 0-
Early In Year.
This week will practically see the
(finish of the packing of 1918 crop
prunes. Ever since tho opening of tho
lason the fruit has been going out of
fcfalem nt tho rate of two or three cars
h day or about a million pouiiu
(weft. A large part of them are put
up in handsomely labelled boxes which
icarry with them an advertisement of
!!' product to nil creation.
This is probably tho first season
when the crop was all cleaned up so
early in the year. Packers state that
Iso far from salting a inarkiet for
prunes they could still contract im
tnense quantities of tlicm if they could
et them. The price has held up to the
test notwithstanding the withdrawal of
fcrovernment contracts, as tho world de
fctiand is so gireat that there is no pos
niliility of a drop.
The unparalleled success of the prune
industry in 1918 will have the double
toffect of opening up a broader mar
tlet and of encouraging the planting
of a, great number of new orcnards. It
not to lbs expected that the Willam
ette valley will ever again see such
ft combination of conditions as brought
prosperity to the prune men thig year,
tut the local packers are of the opin--Aon
that there will be a steady growth
of the industry throughout tiie next
(five years. They believe t'hat period
-will see thousands of acres of prunes
(planted in the northwest, and a doub
ting of the number of driers and pack
xy plants.
What'a become o' th' ole fashioned
mother that wouldn' think o' goin' t'
bed till all th' children got in T Some
folks are too lazy t' go ahead when
ihey know ther right.
Looked Fon
to invito represent.' .es of the varhi
ons Russian factions to Paris, believing
thU would result in quicker action on
a problem in which time was an imper
ative element. Representatives of all
Russian factions save the Soviets al
ready have arrived.
To Bo No Radicalism
Whatever plan is indorsed, it seemed
certain today that no radical under
taking will result that there will
neither be a combined allied effort to
crush Russia militarily, nor full recog-
United States and the soviet govern
ments get together in an effort to reach
an understanding, was expected to have
some bearing on the situation. This
note is known to ibe. in possession of
the American delegation here. It was
regardod as possible that some such
plan might be followed out by all. the
associated powers without entailing
any formal recognition of the bolshe
viki. Other matters expected to be taken
up by the "steering committee" today
were the question of procedure for the.
conference Qho, matter of publicity is
not yet definitely settled,) end conia
cration of the international labor prob
lems. It is believed tho conference will
arpoint s special committee to meet
labor Ieaderjof-the associated and neu
tral nations regarding proposed eco
nomic, .industrial and social reforms.
All vital matters were likely to
reach a stage permitting their discus
sion by the full cDnforence before the
end of the week.
Voted To Give Preference To
Soldiers And Sailors Out
Of. Employment,
With but three senators voting
against it, the senate today passed Sen
ator Huston's bill providing that all
public officials must give preference
to soldiers and sailors in all public po
sitions and on all public contract work.
The only condition is that the soldiers
must be equally as competent as other
No extended debato took place when
the bill came up for final action of the
senate, but an impassioned plea for the
bill was -made by Senator Huston, who
was stirred by an opposing speech by
Senator Smith of Josephine county.
Senator Smith had declared that he
did not think the soldiers were entitled
to tho preference being given them,
and insisted that tho bill was carrying
patriotism too far.
''Perhaps some of us were too old
for the draft," he said, "but we are
entitled to consideration for jobs the
-same as the soldiers."
Senator Huston replied that he was
surprised and grieved at the remarks
of Senator Smith. He pictured the sac
rifices the boys had to make who gave
up their jobs and offered their lives
in tho service of their country.
''If some slacker or sjme skulker
stayed at home and has taken the jobs
which the boys had to leave." he said
''do you think the boys who are com
ing back should not be given prefer
ence in public employment! Do you
think that these slackers and skulkr;
should have an equal chance with the
boys who enlisted at great sacrifice to
themselves and who were ready to giv
their lives, if necessary f"
Senator Jones also spoke in opposi
tion to the bill, saying he did not ap
prove of it in its present form.
Three Opposed Bill. !
The bill was passed by a vote of 24
to 3. The three negative votes were
cast by Senators Jones, LaFollct and
Smith of Josephine. Senators, Banks
Lddv and Moser were absent.
The senate passed a memorial to con
gress, urging that the moral support
of this government be given to the
Armenian republic.
Altogether the senate passed 11 bills
this morning, every bill coming before
it receiving favorable action.
The first bill passed todav, and the
third bill to be passed at thig session,
'was senate bill 29. by Banks, which
provides that physical education must
be taught ia the public schools. Not
Employers Said They Were
Prepared T Pay Builders
Highest Wages In World.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 22. Seattle's
big shipyard plants continued idle to
day while leaders of the Metal Trades
Council worked busily nt their head
quarters, answering a flood of inquiries
and getting tho full machinery of the
strike in motion. . ...
Sub-committees sat to hear , care)
where workers were in need of relief
and funds will be forthcoming to pre
vent tho strike being marred by any
instances of family destitution.
Officials of the Puget (sound Mari
time District Council of Carpenters
were again in session continuing their
opposition to the walkout, of which
they declare they have been made un
willing victims. . :
. W. L. Hutcheson, international pres
ident of tho carpenters' organization, is
expected to arrive in Seattle shortly to
assist in negotiation between the car
penters and the employers.
Declaring that they were prepared to
pay Seattle shipbuilders the highest
wages paid in the world, but could not
meet the metal trades' demands, tho
shipyard employers issued the follow
ing statement today: .
Regret Action.
"We regret the action of our em
ployes in rejecting our offer and strik
ing without a referendum vote to de
termine the attitude of each and every
employe on the questions involved. Wv
are fully confident that tho largo ma
jority of eur employes, were adverse
to the strike.
"The average rato of wageg on lheN
basis of our offer, would bo tho bighorn
in tho world. '
"Effective several months pest, the
wages of common laborors were ad
vancod to $4.65 a day, and there arc
now in the Seattle yards exactly ton
men of this cli;s receiving 14.18 a day.
All the men on the second and thir'J
slrifts receive a additional bonus oi
It) per cent, and also all shifts receive
double timo for overtime."
With 30,000 men involved In 'the
walkout, every stcol yard is closed and
(Continued on page three)
less than 20 minutes a day musf be de
voted to that subject.
Another bill passed repeals the ex
isting law which gives dUtrict attor
neys one-third of the amount of fines
collected for violation Of the fishing
laws This bill was introduced by Sen
ator "Norblad of Clatsop, who declared
that the present provision in the law
opens tho way for a district attorney
and a justice of the peace to enter into
collusion to impose heavy fines and
divido the booty. ;
Another bill by Norblad, which was
passed, prohibits district attorneys
from using thoir official stationery in
connection with their private law practice-Other
bills were passed as follows:
S. B. 22 By Pierce Allowing the
public to use crematories owned by the
S. B. 25 By Strayer Providing that
Bervice may be had upon foreign cor
porations which are not authorized to
do business in this state by serving
the corporation commissioner.
8. B. 19 By Baldwin Relating to
requirements of state banks which be
come members of the federal reserve
banking system.
8. B. 17 By Bell Authorizing the
administrator of an estate to borrow
money on the property.
S. B. 23 By Norblad Relating to
to the boundaries of school districts.
8 B. 14 By Huston Providing that
women attendants must accompany all
female persons committed to a state' in
stitution. 8. B. 20 By Baldwin Providing that
the superintendent of banks may trans
mit to the federal reserve bank copy of
reports made by state bank member.)
of the federal reserve system.
Talked Of Bolshevism Yesterday. '
At the afternoon session yesterday
the senate spent most of its time fight
ing over the emergency appropriation
bill providing relief for soldiers.
"In connection with this bill we
have heard a lot about the Bolsheviki.
and I want to say in addition that we
have been fed a lot of ' bull sneviki, "
said Senator Eberhard, when the senate
ways and means committee had the top
ic under consideration. The bill had
passed the house as an amendment to
the one passed last week and which
was faulty.
But in spite of that sentiment, which
was strong among the members of the
ways and means committee, the senate
yesterdayy afternoon refused to accept
the recommendation of tho committee
to cut the amount in half or to insert
a provision that the soldiers and sail-
(Contlnued on page five)
Irish Act, la Eyes Of Engilsh
Uw.Bi Most Flagrant
Ford Of Sedition.
" i
Used Gaelic Language In Prac
tically All Of Proceedings
j Qf Parliament ;
Dublin, Jan. 22. The British gov
eminent today had not yet answered
the Sinn Fein challenge of Irish inde
pendence issued at yesterday's initial
meeting of the "Irish parliament."
A remarkable situation was presented
by the imperii-f authorities' continued
sileuce regarding an act that, in the
eyes of the British law, constituted the
most flagrant form of sedition.'
Ireland stood before the world today
as a republic on paper. Its duly
elected representatives had exere;sed
the right of self-determination to the
fullest extent; had even selected dele
gates to represent it at the peace con
gress as a sparato entity. Thig web ac
complished under the very noso of Vis
count French's military government.
The meeting yesterday, which lasted
only an hour and a half, passed off
without incident.
The government authorities made lie
effort even to; police tho Mansion
House, tho Sinn Seiners providing their
own gunrd8 to maintain order.
Two Th&Mnd Present - v
About 2000 persons wero prosent, in
cluding many women and children. The
proceedings were conducted largely in
Gaelic, although the declaratiou of in
dependence wes read in English1 and
French. Charles Burgess acted as
chairman. - .
Tho peace delegates selected wore
Count Plunkctt, Professor Edward Do
Valera and Arthur Griffiths. The let
ter two are in prison. The aged coun
apparently will have to go to Paris
nlone to present Ireland's claim for
the right of self determination, lie
must trcvcl on British passports.
The parliament opened at 3:30 yester
day afternoon with a prayer by Father
O'Flannagan in Gaelic. Then the
famous, room of the ifansion House was
filled with strange Gaelic accents
which camo haltingly from unaccus
toincil lips. The first brief words in
English were spoken at 4:20 when E? J
Duggnn translated tho Sinn Fein dec
laration of independence.
Read Appeal for Recognition.
Later the chairman employed English
in excitedly suppressing p. demonstra'
tion at tho mention of tho name of Sir
Edwurd Carson, leader of the auti-homc
rule faction. Tho only other time when
any lauguago but Gaelic was used was
when Count Pluokctt translated intc
French an appeal for world-wido recog
nition of Irish independence, insisting
that the existing "stcto of war" b'
twet-n tho English and the Irish couli!
terminate only "in, complete indopcnui
dice. Removal of the British garrison
from Ireland was demanded.
Twenty-nine Sinn Fein members
of tho British parliament were present.
The others arc in jail.
Warsaw, Jan. 21. Ignace
Padercwski, president of tho
new Polish irepublie, having
completed formation of the cab-
inet, has sent a note to the al-
lies requesting recognition of
the provisional government of
Poland as one of the allies.
Prohibition Does Not
AffectPrice Of Hops
Portland, Or., . Jan. 22. Notwith-
standirg the fact prohibition is sched
uled for the United States, the highest
price ever recorded for hops is On record
here today.
Nine thousand bales of Oregon hops
sold yesterday for $300,000, at the rate
of 25 cents a pound. The contracts is
for delivery of 3000 bales a year for
three years.
A London firm is the buyer. The Ore
gon hopman has been, independent of
the American brewer ever since the
armistiee wr.a signed, when English de
mands became strong.
Soup kitchens are now in satisfactory
and profitable use in gome of the
schools in Medford, the school board
having assisted financially in the pur
chase of tha necessary equipment.
Highway Commission Beihves
All Long Roads Should
Be Paved Soon.
The city of Salem was handed a nice
little jolt by W. L. Thompson, state
highway commissioner, in his address,
last evening in the house of representa
tives when spesking of what hnd been
done in road construction during the
past 18 months.
"Tho farmers of Marion county have
suid they were willing to bond the
county for good roads," Commissioner
Thompson said, "but the town of
leni voted it out. It is hard for mt
to understand it. Yet I believe Salon
will help Mi nnn county build lo.al
roiiils. ' '
Mr. Thompson believes that in coun
'ics even whero the farmers have voted
ngaiust lot'.d bonds, that things now
Iwok -different and that a road bond
hit: bill prewntid 'vould have tho sup
port of the farmers. In his homo coun
ty, Umatilla,, whilo the farmers were at
one time four to one against bonding,
now he felt a county road bonding bill
there would easily pass . ,
The average cost of building roads
hni been $17,500 a mile, Mr. Thompson
jnid. Since the state highway com
mission lit. ct . been in existence begin
ning with .prij oi 1017, ho said it had
constructed 50 miles of principal high
way, 111 mileg of macadam, 134 miles
of grading, built 40 bridgos and sur
veyed 902 miles of road. Western Ore
gon had receivod C8 per cent of the
funds expended, eastern Orogon 33 und
intcrmediato points the remainder.
In.giving the amount of money spent
in counties, Commissioner Thompson
said $6688 had been sed in Lane coun
ty, $7010 in Linn and $5083 iu Marion
county. It is well known that Marion
county voted against tho $6,000,000
bond bill but' the commissioner re
marked that the comities that .votod
tgainst the bill were among ho first
to ask aid In road building. r
Tho building of local roods will not,
his considered, by the- -elate highway
commission and Mr. Thompson asked
that such requests bo not made. Whilo
somo' political roads had been construct
ed, he was againM laying out of any
such roads. Tho big thing, ho said, was
to complete tho great highways north
and south and east and west and then
devoto energies to local roads.
Although a bill had boon Introduced
in tho senato allowing tho commission
ers a $1000 salary, Mr. Thompson said
tho stato could not hire the commis
sion. That the state couldn't put up a
'Continued on page two)
Introduces Fight Bills Just As
Offer Later.
Ivan G. Martin, one of the represent
atives from Marion county had a busy
day yesterday. During the first week
of the aession Mr.. Martin had "ffcred
no bills but just reserved a good line
for a first offering beginning with
house bill No. 100. His bills are as
No. 100 referring to tho adoption Of
a child. There i a law providing that
the nearest relative must consent in
writing to the adoption of a child. The
bill of Mr. Martin amends-tho bill pro
viding that in case of an illegitimate,
the consent of the mother only is nec
essary. No. 101, Making it unlawful to sell
gasoline with a specific gravity of Iras
than 58. Just at present 50 is legal.
California requires 58 and somo states
60. It is a bill to raise the standard
of gasoline.
No. 102. In case of death of a per
son U caused by an unlawful act of
another or the omission of another,
personal representatives may main
tain an action at law against the es
tate. The law is intended to rather fill
in on the present law. For instance, if
a man kills his wife and then him
self he first becomes the heir of his
wife, and' in such casn, the relatives of
the wife would- receive none of her
property. The law proposed by Mr,
Martin makes it illegal for tho man to
inherit under such circumstances.
No. 103, There is a law that the
homestead claim may not exceed in
value not more t'hnn $1500, Yet there
seems to be a conflict in some decis
ions, especially in case a man selects
as a homestead a lot of higher value
than $150O Tho law proposed by Mr.
Martin make the limit $1500, and to
clear up several legal points.
No. 104. Refers to when an employer
discharges an employe. Tho proposed
law provides that in case of a strike,
wages due shall be paid at the next
pay day, if euch a time does not ex
ceed 30 days. If the next pay day is
(Continued on page three)
And That Ebert Will Remain Chancellor, For Erzberg ex
Is Only Candidate Who Has Chance To Replace Him.
Conservative Element Will . Control German Na
tional Assembly If Coalition Can Be Affected Among1
Three Parties Constituting That Faction.
Berlin, Jan. 21. (Delayed) Berlin
newspapers generally predicted today
that llerr Naumann, democrat, would
be the first president of the new Ger
man republic and that Chancellor Eb
ert, majority socialist, would remain
as head of the ministry.
The German democratic party ii a
combination of the old progressives
and liberals. The dispatch would indi
cate that a eoaiition government is
probable, with a liberal element ia con
trol. '
Conservatives to Oontiol .
Copenhagen, Jan. 22 The conserva
tive element will control the German
national assembly if a coalition can
be effected among the three parties
constituting that faction, it was indi
cated by the latest available roturns
from the elections. While the majority
socialists apparently will dominate any
single party In the national assembly,
they will bo outvoted by tho combi
nation of conservative delegates, even
with the addition of extreme radical
votes. And, as a result of tho suppress
ing of the recent Spartacan revolt by
a majority socialist government, it is
This Is Predicted Unless Con
ference Exercises Great
2 ForesightJirProblem.
By Lowell Mollett. -
(United Presg ataif correspondent)
(Copriyht, 1918, by tho United Press),
J'liris, Jan. 22. A tidal wave of rest
less humanity will sweop across tho
world like tho invasions of Huns and
Other Dispatches Say He Has
Discouraged Leaders Of
Royalist Conspiracy.
Madrid, Jan. 22. Manuel JI, former
king of Portugal, has arrived off Lis
bon aboard a ship of unknown nation
ality, according to an unconfirmed re
port received here today.
(This dispatch Is . not confirmed
from any source, Manuel was lost re
ported to bo in England! .when he took
up his exile in 1910.)
Other dispatches said that Manuel's
representatives in Portugal had issued
a manifesto in his behalf, discouraging
the leaders of the royalist conspiracy.
These reports said that Lisbon is quiet
and that military polico are guarding
the governor's palace.
Premier Itarbosa, who became head
of the government following the recent
assassination of President 1'aes, was re
ported to have boen arrested in Oporto,
where he went to take action against
the conspirators. He was released after
signing an agreement to adhere to the
Contrary Advices Received
Contrary advices said that Manuel
had been proclaimed king in Lisbon,
that n new cabinet had ibccn formed
and that tho royalist ministers had oc
cupied thB official palaces.
Monarchist forces were reported to
have been completely victorious thru
out the northern provinces.
Valencia was occupied by 1300 roy
alist troops after a brief, resistance. .
Flags of the republic are said to have
been publicly burned in towns through
out tho country. Many republican lead
ers nre understood to have fled across
the Spanish frontier, but others have
been stopped at the boundary and plac
ed under arrest.
A state of sciege has been proclaimed
throughout Portugal, according to some
reports. The radical revolt, which de
veloped soon after the assassination of
President iPaes, has been lost sight of
in the new struggle between the repub
lic and monarchist factions.
regarded ' as doubt'ful that th.a w
branches of the left (socialist and ex
treme radical) can get -together.
The only candidate who appears t
have a chance to replace Chftnwtlw
Ebert is Mathias Erzberger, ettairaiaa
of the armistice- commission and trad
er of the centrist party. He waa elect
ed to the national assembly from av
Berlin district.' '
Majority Socialists Lecd
Up to yesterday noon the return i
dicated election of the following det"
gates: - .
Majority socialists 114.
.Democrat 53 -
Christian peoples party (Catholit)
and protestants) 4R.
National party 24.
Independent socialists 19.
People. party (pan-Germans) 11. '
(The total number of delegate to
be elected is 433.
Berlin reports today indicated that
an agreement had been reached to
hold the national assembly in Weimar,
capital of the province of Saxe-Weiinar
Eisenach. (Weimar S located on the
left bank of the 11m,' 13 miles east ot
Erfurt. It has a, population of oout
33,000.) 5 " '
Goths in tho middle ages, unless thf
peaeo congress exorcises foresight ia
handling the vital problems of immi
gration, ' ,
. An economic, , Industrial and social
calamity can be averted only by satis
fying'the peoples' "land hunger" and
clevatingtheir social status.
This wus the view expressed today by
the American commission which ha
been investigating conditions in Europ
can countries,
"The world is restless," was me wty
Frederic C. Howe, commissioner of im
migration for the port of Now York,
summed up tho situation. For many
years ho sat at America's gateway, El
lis Island, and watched the incomia
hmiiiMi tide, Ho just returned to Paris
fiom Southern Germany, where he ac
companied a French mission. The view
of his associates who visited other parts
of Europe coincides with him.
"Tho soldiers of Great Britain,
France, Italy, Scandinc-vin, Germany,
Austria and the Balkans are thinking 1.1
terms of land," snid Howe. PA- way
must bo found to Br-ttsfy this land
hunger, And, because tho-peoplea are
impoverished, and the necessity urgent,
it must be land capable of immediate
production not land requiring a gen
eration to develop.
"In southern Germany where" indus
tries are at a standstill throngtt lack
of materials of one kind and another,
the peoplo face a desperate situation.
They aro turning their faces toward
the border and are considering the pos
sibility of finding homes clse.'iiere-.
"Italy's population actually' ibereaa
cd as a result of the war. Normal emi
gration was dammed up while hunntl
reds of thousands of men returned homo
to fight.
"The movement of peoples i ant
solely w)estwtard', however. Hundreds
of-thousands of Europeans, for one rea
son or another, returned from America
to their homes each year. The war
stopped this ebb, particularly for cit
izens of neutral countries. Multiply
this annual emigration by four anil
you have a vast army waiting impa
tiently in America for an opporwmiyr
to po back to their home land. Many
of these arc dissatisfied with thoir Osk"
gition ia American society, where they
are regarded as menials. Thry expect
to return homo and buy farms sad
become important and respected citi
zens. Instances of this attitude are not
isolated but general. . There also is
widespread resentment among the Im
migrants from neutral countries over
what they consider America's rough
shop treatment of them in war timei.
This provides the incentive for many
to return home. There is no doubt that
many European nations aro consider
ing legislation for restriction of emi
gration, hoping to keep their people at
home. On the other hand, America and
other lands of promise doubtless will
instinctively put np barriers, especial
ly since they desdro to protect the in
terests of'these returning soldiers.
"The pence congress should take ub
the problems presented by this situa
tion and work ont comprehensive plans
from the standpoint of the world's in
terests." 1 j