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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1919)
PAGE TWO fHE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNau SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 20. 1919. Mtar Ykj j h Esa tUak New AWlU TW to Com ii i 4ft i. f . When yon hoM ta yonr ai aw infant, ba Mr Rut roar Us I Ml Ual kater its arrival dit .n v o m to It saner Dra-aaal hat Sdantiat say that fi tti.ngltta wl fed. lit of th aipactant BwtW (natly aaV tea aaaJta and dlspuatuaai af U futaj 1 ant for orarhalf a century Wwamhof warn a who bar r4 taa tli ! raafr dr. Mother' Friend, mf tfcaa tkef ratlrdf oacaptd nauaea, MrrMma and that pa callar dlatraaan fetllaa; so anal waar a. r la naaldad. Thar thaa marral (wonderfully bribt aad baspf SlapaaitlaaV gjjWfc nflacts ao uarkadlf aaoa taa annual Br tbareinlarawef kMkar'aFHew) m touaiclea ira mad and baat salt aad alaatio to readily yiM to nature' damaod far Iraniloo without th uaoal wranctoiaa: atraia. nrtoa narna ara sot drawn aaaa, aad aa o anaune th upectaai miner In calia ad aeran and the nlfhta ara net dUtwactl jerith. narroua twitching, ana aba eriaia la 0a of jor and happioaM. Writ the BradfWU aaanlatar Coaiemqr,' fept K, Lamar BuildUia, Atlanta, Oeerrla, or their Motherhood Book, of raltta I ever fcrawao, and cet bottle of Mother's friend from four drua-glut and begta a treatment hat will hrlsf real results, Definite Steps Taken To . Fcrmsli Work For Soldiers In conjunction with the Soldier and Sailor 'a Employment Bureau in Fort land, J. B. Coleman of th local em ployment bureeu hag sent out to the employers of this district about a hun dred blanks to be filled out, and r quests them to fill out the name, indi cating how many employes they are in position to use, the class of work, the type of men desired, and tho probnblo duration of employment. Along with turned soldiers and sailors. Salea Is Fast Becoming Famous All Over World For Loganberry Juices One scarcely realizes to whit extent the name of Salem and the Willamette valley is being scattered over the eivi Used and semi-civilized world until ha. note the subtle manner in which our loganberries and their products have crept into the world's menu. Late let ters from our boys in Siberia tell of using loganberries as part of their ra tions. The juice is regaling the sick and wounded Americans in hospitals in both the eset and west fronts of the world war field. Marines and jock tan in all the great ports of the world run up against Salem loganberry juice or find full-page advertisements of it in great periodicals. Manager H. S. Gile, of the Northwest Products eoinpany, on being questioned by the reporter as to the spread of the juice traffic, state that many ship mcnts had been made into Oriental ports during the past year China, Ja pan and the Philippines. The fact that trial orders in these ports have been duplicated is the best evidence that the products hsve found instant favor wherever used. It would be difficult to calculate the magnitude of the traf fic that may eventually be built np with these drink-loving millions. Mr Gile also calls attention to the fact that for a long timo immense shipment's of loganberry juice have becn going to tho Hawaiian Islands, the most cos mopolitan spot on the globe. PROGRAM fOS FIRST SYMPHONY ORCHLSTRA CONCERT IS READY March 4 Is Date Set For Open- mg. Choral Union To Be Organized Soon. To Cure a Oold in One Da Take UAXAT1VE BROMO QUININE (Tablets,) It stops the Cough and Hoadaehe and works off the Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box 30c. The iy rep- tliis is a circular letter, urgina upon! resent all classes of labor and al the the employers of labor the serious need professions, so that empoyors will be of immediate action in providing work able to oeste the man they want at tot the increasing army of idle men In short notice. As the bureau in rort- Oregon. It is estimated that there are and is recognized by both the states now not less then 6000 idle mon in tho and federal government it should have tate, a largo proportion -of them ro- the co-oporstion of all men of capital. Fiery Eczema and Skin Eruptions Readily Yield To This Old Remedy Successfully used for 60 years EcMina and similar skin troubles coma from a disordered, impure con dition of the blood, and they can only lie cured by giving the 'blood a thor ough oloaniring, and removing from it ill traces of impurity. This is why 3. 8. 8. has been usel n successfully In hundreds of cases of Besoms and oflier skin eruptions. This wonderful remedy is without an equal as a blood purifier, being prob ably the oldest blood medicine on the market. It has 'been sold by druggiBts for fifty years. Get a bottle today and ibesin treatment that will get results. You are invited to writo today for complete and full advice as to the treatment of your. own case. Address, Ihief Modical Adviser, Swift Spocific Co., Dept. H, Atlanta, Georgia. taaa,aaiaS'iiaaias,aianitf'ej,asnief'fiii if.xyju ipf!l ; W wmmmmimmmir 'Si vX.. - J I . ' - "'- u , i i. f " aap A"!V iHSOtHClNUINt 1 ! -jj-' I " "fY ' Piano Hahuh FeiT uiaKJ I Warm Dry Feet Dampness from within or without is absorbed by the Piano-Hammer Felt Insole of the DR. SAWYER CUSHION SOLE WHITE HOUSE SHOE This felt is so very good that it does not pack, nor bunch, nor crawl, but remains In place. The "cold-footed," "tlx tender-looted," th "awaaty-footed," find thia shoe dry, warm with that velvety feci. No. B278J. All Site. We 1 1 1 a t r a e our Men' Dr. lawyer Let tie how ymi the t eoulne. Dr. Sawyer CueMoo Sol. Kenaroo Mucher, made Cushion Sole V hlte Him Shot, which re ever eur famoua Foot Form Laat. Not patented by The Brown Shoe Co. under the tented llnea-the aolea. realatry number RSKMS. ThiaitaiuDarlor Theupperaareoraeleeted kangaroo, th ahe In every reapeet See trade-mark neat acrvlceabl of all dreoay leather. and tak no other. KANGAROO $8.65 KID $7.65 VELOUR CALF ....$7.65 BOX CALF $8.15 UMERELLAS AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR We carry a good assortment of both. We can fit most styles of Shoes with first quality Rubbers. Also Laced Rubber Shoes for men and Rubber Boots for Men, Women and Children. ROOTS Heavy Duck Rubber Boots with John H. Par ker leather soles, sizrs 10 and 11 only, at less than wholesale price $625 LEGGINGS Best, heavy Aquapella thigh Leggingsthe only clothing that is abso lutely water-proof, pair ' $1.85 ,The following is the program for the first concert of the Salem Symphony Orchestra: Overture to "Poet and Peasant" JYanz von Suppa Prelude, Biliciana and intermezzo from "Cavalleria Rustieana" Piotro Mascagni Vocal solo Aria with orchestra Symphony No. 8 in B minor . Franz Schubert (Known as the "Unfinished") Intermission, 10 minutes. Triumphal entry of the "Bojaren" J. Halvorsen Songs with piano accompaniment. Amoureuse, concert waltz. Ralph Berger March from the opera "Aida"... G. Verdi "Star Spangled Banner" (the audi ence is requested to sing.) A soprano from out of town will, foe engaged for the concert. The concert will probably be givoa in the opera house. It should be of groat interest to all the people of Ba- lem to attend the concert and see how many talented musicians are . in (his town; there are about 40 monbers be longing to the organization and it is hoped that many more will loin. It is also contemplated that popular concerts will be given in the near fu ture also some concerts for. the -bene fit of the poor, etc. As soon as the "ban is removed from the town the "Choral Union" will be organized, and this organization will give oratorio concerts on a large scale in connection with the Symphony or chestra. All those who want to join the Choral Union please send your name, address and phone number to Prof. John R. Sites, 656 Center street. 3(t c )t )t if! 3( )(t jj !(t sjs )Jt 3 if! $ DEALS IN REAL ESTATE fa sjt )(c ic st jfc )c sc j 5t sc j(c )c sjt ' a.; - - .'rv1: -."V -v mi Jt times ta sJtht stars oa Ea moves all shine. Enhances nat ural bcauty with velvety smooth ness. Tint for every complexion. Exquisite fragrance. The pow der that is different twrwonf If Mir. Try it and see. MBS. IEENE SCOTT 125 N. High 8t. RUSSIAN SITUATION aed from page ess) Ida Ahlors et ux to P. W. Potter ot ux, lot 2, Allen's addition, Silverton. $800, W. D. W. C. Wmslow et ux to E. C. Naftss- gor et ux, 151.52 acres in Alex La Pratte clsim 67-6-2, W. D. Ray C. Charlcsworth et ux to T. R. Shockley et ux, 45.54 acreB in claims 34 and 55-7-1 W. E. O. Naftzgor et ux to W. C. Wins- low ot ux, lot 2, block 36, Capital Home addition, W. D. '''' T. K. Shocklov ot ux to Ray C Charlcsworth et ux, lot 11, Johnson's iddition, Silverton, and adjoining prop erty, $2500, W. D. John Roberts ot ux to C. A. Boland, aero in B. S. Bonney claim 47-5-1 W., W. D. A. E. Courtwright et ux to rrec! Knufmnn, lot 24, Hull Homo tracts, W. D. Albert Pcndorarnss te Albert Lander, tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, William J. Clarke's acreage tracts at Gcrvais, $800, W. D. Huns Tuffli et ux to Oscar H. lams ot ux, lot 4, block 1, Capital street ad dition, $300, W. D. John Stull ct ux to George K. Mil ler, lot 8, block 10, Capital Park addi tion, $350, W. D. L. A. Bullard ct ux to T. W. Kber- hordt et ux, 30 acres in 36 9-3, W. D. Ella Byno to Ladd & Bush bank, 55 acres, north of onlem, w. u. Jetto Tate ct ux to William A. Cla dek, fond in T5. Porter claim 10-9-1, W., W. 1). Gilhert L. Steinau to Frank F. Rich tor, lot 4, block 3, Myer's addition, $1500, W. D. GOVERNORS OF MANY. Continued from page one) ployment problems of their owniMrtes." Michigan to Restore Jobs. Governor Sleeper of Michigan said he bolioved nil the Michigan plnnts would restoro returning soldiers to their for mer jobs and tlius reliovo any bad con ditions there. Governor A. E. Biuith of New York said ho is considering asking sever&l million dollars for public work. Governor Harding of Iowa announced ho would attend the conference or send a representative. "So far, South Unkota is owing for its unemployed," said Governor Nor beek of that state. "Up to date our greatest difficulty has been to secure the return of thoso noeded on our farms, been held in ebeyance until the forma tion of the new Jugo-Slav nation is definitely accomplished, it is clear that the course of the peace conference will sot be smooth until all questions of the eligibility of the delegates are amicably adjusted. - Mo date had been set for resumption of the general peace congress, but it was understood it was expected to get under way tomorrow. Meanwhile mem oranda on the league of nations, inter national labor legislation and reDon sioiuiy ror oeginuing and the contin uance of the war was to be submitted today. A committee on credentials consist ing of a representative of each of the nations was appointed at Saturday's meeting. Today's conference on this matter, however, opened with only the nive Dig powers represented. Okwaidered Russia The Russian situation was formally taken up by representatives of the as sociated powers at a meeting in the Quai D'Orsay this forenoon, it was pf- iiciaily announced. The conference lasted from 10.30 to noon. "The president of the United States and the prune ministers and foreign ministers of the allied governments, assisted by Baron Makmo and the Jap anese ambassador in Paris, met at the Quai D'Orsay this morning between iu:dU and JZ, tne omciai commu nique said. , . "M. -Mouiejis, French ambassador to Russia,- who returned a few days ago from Archangel, adressed the meeting and gave particulars of the Russian situation. The meeting will take place on Tuesday at 10:30 in the morning to hear the remarks of M. Scavinius, tne Danish minister in Petrograd, who left the Russian eajrital, very recently," Conferred Today. President Wilson end Senator Bour goois, French authority on the league of nations, conferred this afternoon. They exchanged views on the league for the first time. ' A special report on the result of this conversation was to be made to the eonferonces, M. Sazinoff, former Russian foreign minister, held numerous conferences with associated representatives today and appeared confident thst the form and manner of Russian representation would be determined this woek. The coldest weather of the winter was prevailing in Paris today. BACK ACHE Iks&vt i- Wt Penetrating Hamlin ' Wizard Oil A harmless and effective prepara tion to relieve the oains of Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Lame Back and Lum bago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It pen etrates quickly, drives out soreness, and limbers tip stiff aching joints and muscles. You have no idea how useful it will be found in cases of every day ailment or mishap, when there is need of an immediate healing, anti septic application, as in cases of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. r,taranteirL Celebrate Their 50l!i Wedding iterersary Mr. and Mrs. Anton Bierward cele brated their golden wedding quietly it tneir come Monday. Anton Bierward and Bosie Vous were married in Sain Deuis, Belgium, Janu ary 13, 1869, and came to America two years later, locating in Wisconsin, where their seven children were born; all who have passed away, Mrs. Gabe Vandcrveek being a daughter. Thirry years ago they time to Uervais where they have since resided. In 1863 Mr. Bierward was a soldier pn Belgium and lived in the district that has so lately been devastated, end on ly last week received a letter from aa aged sister who has survrvett, ae ter rible ordeal. They have six grandchildren, two who were In. the wtr against Germany, Maymona and John Vanderbeek. Many beautiful and fitting presents were given the couple, and it is ths wish of their friends that they may eel vais Star. A CifAR COMPLEXION Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes Most Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a WeU-Eoown Ohio Physician Dr. F. M Edwards for 17 years treated Korea of women for liver and bowel ailments, Duruig- these years he gave to bis patients a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with olive oiL naming them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. You will know them by their olive color. These tablets are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off the waste and poison ous matter in one's system. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, on take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time and note the pleasing results. Thousands of women as well as men take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the sue cessful substitute for calomel now and then just to keep In the pink of condition. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. tet, has been discharged from the avi ation section- of the army and has re turned. Baldy Bowers anticipates be ing in for graduate work the balance of the year. Th Commons club is taking over the building formerly used as a barracks and mess for the students' army train ing eoTpg, and will conduct a coopera tive dormitory. It is erpeeted that the total cost for board and room will not exceed $3 per week. SHIPLEY 'S Store Feminine Articles Exclusively OUTER GARMENTS INNm'CARHENTS Toilet Articles Yankee Notions Haberdashery Stationery Novelty Jewelry Femioien Oofiies Of All Feminine Articles of AD Kinds Quality Merchandise at Popular Prices Where Shopping is a Pleasure U. G. Shipley Co. B Liberty Street Quality Merchandise Salem, Ore. Popular Prices Large Fruit Tract Near Portland Is Purchased Coach Mathews Has Returned To WiSamelte Coach R. L. Mathews who was it charge of physical instruction in Wil Our state will gladly' join In hunette university for three years paat conference with aistor states and work 'has returned to the university. Coach toward placing men here if possible,"! Mathews, during his threa years aere, Appropriate Funcs. made aa envmble reputation and at- In California it was intimated the itracted no little attention to the insti- WUlntnrn mnv nnnrnnrinti funds for tution. lie now ig building np a basket- irrigation, storrge dams, hvdro-elcctri.l ball tfam and expects to have some development and reclamation work to afford employment for returning ser vice men. Governor W'ithyeombe of Oregon, whilo favoring the conference idea, al so thinks governors sro needed in their own states. A bill probably will soon he passed providing R- 110,000,000 bond issue for highway construction to give work to the unemployed. Governor Lister of Washington said: "There is suffielent employment in Washington to absorb the labor surplus at present existing. Plans for public work to provide additional employment I cannot lie worked out now bectwie the federal government has not decided on a policy for state and federal coop eration. " Unless government operation of the wire systems i extended two or three Terrs, financial roin for some of the companies is predicted bT W. H. La mar, solicitor general for the postoffiee department. real champions. Dimiek, Spaiks, Nich ols, oRse, Barey and other stars are contoiitinz for the first team. Lieutenant Harold Dimiek, who went to the Presidio in July and was com missioned and sent to Camp Zaehery Taylor, Louisville, Ky., has returned to continue his work in tne university. Oils Anderson, first tenor in the quar- st 3 s he sweetness of comes from the grain: no susJar is used In the making nor re quired in the eating 5a ami Portland, Or., Jan. 20. A deal Of importance to eastern Multnomah eounty was completed Wednesday whereby a traet of 110 acres lying on the Sandy road 12 miles east of Port land, was sold ty the Sun Dial ranch to C. M. La Rollott of Amity, Or., and S. A. Douglass of Portland. The con sideration wag $425 an acre, a total of $49,300. The purchasers are fruit growers ana will this sprinar begin sottina the acre age to small fruit and trees. About 55 acre will bo planted to peaches, apples, cherries and English walnuts this year and next spring 50 acres of loganber ries will be planted. Tho apples-will be mostlv of the Delicious variety and the cherries Royal Anns and Lambert Vesetobles will toe grown Detwecn the tree rows for two Or three J'ii3. The owners fcsmtfi ta ?i-nt a large loaftaiTft' Of" muskmelons. Kj, M. LA rxiiiext, lugemer wiui iu father, A. M. Ia Pollett, well known throughout the Willamette valley, were the originators of the logaaberry indus try in Orego. Seventeen years ago A. M. La Follett sot out one half acre of loganberry sprouts near Amity and the following year his son, C. 31. La Pol lett, planted seven seres. At that time loganberry juice had not been thought of, and the first two years the grow ers had difficulty in disposing of the fresh fruit to wholesalers in Portland. The demand for the fresh stock was created, however, and thereafter there were not enough berries obtainable to satisfy the trade. Since that -time the juice industry has been started and -built np to large proportions. the Sun Dial ranch proprietors an nounce they will lso plant several hundred acres of loganberries within two or three yearg and that a cannery will be established to take care of the fruit. GERMAN SHIPS TO AO. Paris, Jan. 18. Gorman merchant ships throughout the world are turned over, for the poribd of the armistice, for the purpose of taking American troops home and shipping foodstuffs to Europe, according to the torms of tho agreement signed by the armistice dele gates at Trevos. This became known here today when all representatives begaB working out details at a meeting. Otto Erickson was sworn in Tuesday ss he new mayor of Beaverton. Crook eounty paid out $2938 during 1018 for coyote and bobeat bounties. Resindl saved me hours of torture "Well do I know my dear, the hours of discomfort and annoyance that rash has caused you. You just feel as I did desponfient and helpless, but cease 'retting, for here's the thing to use Resinol Ointment." For many years Resinol Ointment has befriended those suffering from Irritating and unsightly skin afflictions. The affected parts respond to its healing medication in a manner that is surprising. The first application generally brings relief. In a very short time that longed-for skin health usually returns. If you suffer try it. Ktsimjl Ointmtnt and Ruiiul Soti trt uild by U druggist). HWfflWKW Vft A " Economical, Trade jjsjjttiyWai ffip 'immrmt lis Bmaaajaaa 'J ii Delightful, Ught Place to r- -i... . waiiinii. inn rinainaaaaaaiiiai n ia.ii.ii an waiaaiqj m m vqaaaaaaaaaaaT4aaaaai Great Dispersal of Fashionable Apparel Now, while this apparel is most desirable, we offer it at prices which are very much less than the actual value. The assortment is extensive and embraces tbe newest and most chrming of the season's styles. ' Suits, Coats, Dresses The Very Best Bargains The following are typical they harily need any further remarks of th - v high quality and low prices. 1 416S tate 3Gx6fry JA t-j ;! 416 State Street