PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1919. THE LIGHT IN THE HEARING" A TALE OF THE NORTH COUNTRY IN THE TIME OF SILAS WIGHT IRVING BACHELLEFL Airmen c CBN HOLDEN. D'Bl AND I, DARREl Of THE BLESSED BIE , KfEPINO W VITH UZZ1E. ETC. ETC enrawr Mumowtmnw, mam una ""Soon the senator wiiTKr comms he remarked. "I have a long letter from him and he asks about you and your aunt and uncle. I think that be'i fond o' you, boy." "I wish you would lot me know when lie comes," I said. "I am sure he will let you know, nnd, by the way, I have heard from another friend o' yours, my lad. Ye're lucky one to have so many friends eure ye are. Here, I'll show ye the letter. There's no reason why I shouldn't. Ye will know its writer, probably. I do not." So saying be handed me this letter: "Canterbury, Vt, "June 1. "Dear Sir. I-am interested in the hoy Hnrlou Baynes. Good words about lilm have been flying around like pigeons. When school Is out I would like to hear from you, what is the rec ord? What do you think of the soul In him? What kind of work Is best for It? If you will lot mo maybe I enn help the pluus of God a liltlo. That Is my business and yourn. .Thanking you for rending this, I nni, as ever, "Gods humble sorvunt, "KATE FULLKKTON." "Why, this Is the writing of tho SI- lent Woman," I mild before I had read (lie letter half throiieh. "Eoviu1 Knte?" "Roving Knte j I never knew her oth er nnnip, but I saw her handwriting lung ago." "But look this Is a nontly written, well-worded letter nn tho sheet Is as white and clean ns the new snow. Un canny woman I They say she carries the power o God In. her right hand. Bo do all the wronged." "I wonder why Knte Is asking about we," I said. "Never mind the reason. She Is your friend and let us thank God for It. Think how she came to yer help lu the old bam on' say a thousand prayers, my lad." ' . ' v Having come to the first flight of (he uplands, ho left mo with ninny a 1 1 1 1 A ti'tnl hnm nn..1i 4 1. .... h boy who is choosing his way with a growing Bense or loneliness l T Vunnltiwl tlia inm,., ,,-nlw.,.v A ...... little home Just In time for dinner. They were expecting nio and It was a regular company dinner chicken pie : and strawberry shortenke. How well I remember that hour with tho doors open and tho sun shining brightly on tho blossoming Holds and dm Joy of man nnd hlrd and beast In I lie return of summer nnil thu talk iiliout tho Into visit of Almn Jones and Mr., nnd Mrs. Lincoln! . , Willie we wore entlng I told thorn about tho letter of old Kate. "Fullcrton!" Aunt Doul exclaimed.' "Aro ye suro that was tho name, Bart?" "Yes." "Goodness gracious snhes alive!" She and Undo Penbody gave eiu'h other looks of surprised Inquiry. "Do ou know anybody by that Dame?" I allied. "Wo used tii," said Aont Peel as she resumed her eating. "Can't bo she's one' o' the- Sam Fullertons, ohii it? "Oh, prob'ly not," sniil Uncle Peu- liody. "Buck East thoy's more Fuller tons than ye could shake a stick at. A week later we bad our raising. Uncle Penbody did not want a public raising, but Aunt Deel had had her way. We had hewed nnd mortised and bored the timbers for our new home. I be neighbors came with pikes and iii'ipeu io raise ana tny and cover them. A great amount of human kind tioss went Into the beams, and rafters ol that home ami of others like It. I knew that Tho Tiling wus still nllvc In the neighborhood, but even that could not paralyze the helpful hands of Iiokb people, indeed, vlmt was said ot my Lucie Penbody was nothing wore or less than n kind of conversa tional firewood. I cannot think that liny one really believed it. vv e IiikI r cheerful day. A barrel of Hard eliler had been set up In the door yard, and I remember that some drank it too freely. The he-o-hoe of the men as tliey lifted on the pikes and the wound of the hammer ond beetle rang sn uie nlr from morning until night Mrs. Rodney Barnes and Mm. Dorothy cnnie to help Aunt Deel with the cook ing nnd a gr"nt dinner wns served on an Improvised labia In tho doorynrd. where the stove was set up. The tdilnglc nnd sheathes nnd chipboard were on before the day ended. Uncle Peabmly nnd I put in the floors and stairway nnd partitions. More than once In the days we were 'working together I tried to tell him what Snily had told me, but my cour age failed. TV day cume, shortly, when I hnd to speak out, and I took the straight wny of my duty as the needle of the compass pointed. It wna the end of n summer ilny an ! we had watched the fill the valley ond come creeping up tiie slant, sinking the bowlders and thorn tops in IU flood, one by one. As K.1 rat lookln.T out. oftbo open door thnt evening r fuoT TueuT vTuaTT EuTTy had told me of the evil report which had traveled through the two towns. "Damn, little souled, narrer con tracted" Uncle Peubody, speaking in a low, sad tone, but with deep feeling, cut off this highly promising opinion before It was half expressed, and rose and went to the water pail and drank. "As long as we're honest we don't care what they say," he remarked as he returned to his chair. "If they won't believe us, we ought to show 'em the papers ayes," said Aunt Deel. . ' "Thunder an' Jehul I wouldn't go 'round tho town tryln' to prove thnt I ain't a thief," said Uncle Feabody. "It wouldn't make no dilTor'nce. They've got to have somethln' to pluy with. If they want to use my name for a bean bug let 'em as long as they do It when I ain't lookln'. I wouldn't won der If they got sore hands by an' by.", j I never heard liim speak of It aguin. : Indeed, although I knew the topic wnsi often in our thoughts it wus never' mentioned in our homo but once after' that, to my knowledge. j Wo snt for a long time thinking ns, tho night came on. i That week a letter came to me from tho sonntor. Announcing the day of Mrs. Wright's arrival in Canton and isklng me to meet and assist her In jetting the house to rights. I did so. She was a pleasant-faced, amiable womnn and a most enterprising house I Remember My First Task Was Mend ing the Wheelbarrow. cleaner. I remember that mv first task was mending the wheelbarrow. "I don't know what Silas would do If ho wore to get home nnd find his wheellinrrow broken," said she. "It Is almost an inseparable companion of Ids." . The schoolmaster and his family wore fishing nnd camping upon the river, and so I lived nt the senator's house with Mrs. Wright nnd her moth er until he arrived, Whnt a wonderful bouse it was, In my view I I wns awed by Its size nnd splendor, Its soft car pets and shiny brass and mahogany. Vet It was very simple. I hoed the garden and cleaned its paths nnd mowed the doorynrd and did some, painting In the house. The senator returned to Canton that evening on the Wntcrtown stage. He greeted me with n fatherly wnrinth. Again I felt that strong appeal to my, aye In his broadcloth and flue linen and beaver hat ami In the splendid Jlgnlty and courtesy of his manners, j "Pve had good reports of you, Bart,! md I'm very glad to see you," he said.1 "I believe your own marks hove! heen excellent In the lust year," I ven tured. "Poorer than I could wish. The teacher has beet, very kind to me " he anghed. "What have you been study- ingr "Latin (I always mentioned the Latin first), algebra, arithmetic, gram mar, geography nnd history." He asked about my aunt nnd nncle nnd I told him of nil that hnd befallen ur, save the one thing of which I hnd spoken only with him nnd Sally. "I shall go up to see them soon," he Mild. The people of the little village had learned thnt he preferred to be let alone when he had Just returned over the long, wearisome way from the scene of his labors, Eo we had the evening to ourselves. Mrs. Wright, being weary after the dny's work, went to bed early and, at his request, I sat with the senator by the fire for an hour or so. I have al ways thought it a lucky circumstance, tUt 111.- UO&t'U UHI W VU Vjl!J v.m..v ana gave me advice ana encourage- taking down contracts and correspontf ir.ent which have had marked effect ence and drafting them into proper upon my career. - form, which I had the knack t doing I remember telling him that I wished rather neatly. I was Impressed by the to be a lawyer and my reasons for it immensity of certain towns in the He told me that a lawyer was either a neighborhood, and there were some pest or a servant of Justice and that temptations in my way. Many people, his chief aim should be the promotion and especially the prominent men, in of peace and good will in his commun- dulged in ardent spirits. Ity. He promised to try and arrange We had near us there a little section for my accommodation In his office in of the old world which was trying, in a the autumn and meanwhile to lend me half-hearted fashion, to maintain it some books to read while I was at self in the midst of a democracy. It ,,ome- I as the manorial life of the patroons "Before we go to bed let us have ' a relic of ancient feudalism which settlement," said the senator. "Will had its beginning in 1829. when the you kindly sit down at the table there and make up a statement of all the time you have given me?" I made out the statement very neat ly and carefully and put it in his hands. "That is well done," said ho- "I shall wish you to stay until the day after to morrow, If you will. So you will please add another day.' I amended the statement and he paid me the handsome sura of seven dollars. I remember that after I went to my room that night I stitched up the open ing in my Jacket pocket, which con tained my wealth, with the ueedle and thread which Aunt Deel had put in my bundle, and slept with the Jacket un der my mattress. CHAPTER XV. I Use My Own Compass at a Fork In ' the Road. Swiftly now I move across the bor der Into manhood a serious, eager, restless mnnliood. It was the fusliion of the young those days. Mr. Wright came up for a day's fish ing In July. My uncle and I took bim up the river. u While we ate our luncheon he de scribed Jackson and spoke of the fa mous cheese which he had kept on a table In the vestibule of the White llouso for his callers. He described his fellow senators Webster, Clay. Tjina ni, wi t. t nncn. vmiiuuu UIIU Ul'ULUU, XiCIUflll- ber tllut Webster wns, In his view, the ! se1ttleTrs ,n the neighborhood of Bald least of them, although at his best the! win Heights for nonpayment of rent, greatest orator. We had a delightful Ue t,d me what 1 knew- tDHt there day, and when I drove back to tho vll-: J8 bitter feellnS against the patroons If. go with him thnt night he told me 1 ln tnat vicinlty nl that I might en that I could go Into tire office of Wright j counter PPsition to tho Bervlce of & Baldwin after harvesting. I tue wrlfc If 80 1 wns nt to Pss Uie "It will do for n start." lie Rn,l "A little later I shnll try to find a better place for you." My life went on with little In it worth recording until the letter came. I speak of It as "the letter," because of Its effect upon my career. It was from Sully, and it said: "Dear Bart : It's all owr for a long time, perhaps forever-that will de pend on you. I shall be true to you, if you really love me, even If I avo to wait many, many years. Mother and father saw and read your letter. Vhcy say we are too young to be thinking about love and that we have got to slop It. How can I stop it? I guess I would have to stop living. But we shall have to depend upon our mem ories now. I hope that yours is as good as mine. Father says no more letters without his permission, and he stamped his foot so hard that I think he must have made a dent in the floor. Talk about slavery what do you think of that? Mother says that we must wait that It would make father a grent deal of trouble if it were known that I allowed you to write. I guess the soul of old Grlmshaw is still fol- lowing you. Well we must stretch out " mat lovely day as far as we can. On the third of June, 1841, we shall both be twenty-one nnd I suppose that we cun do as we please then. The day Is a long way off, but I will agree to meet you that day at eleven In the morning under the old piuo on the river where I met you that day and you told me thnt you loved me. If either or both should dlo our souls will know where to find each other. If you will rolemnly promise, write those words and only theso to my mother Amour omnia vlnelt, but do not sign your name. "SALLY." What a serious matter it seemed to me then! I remember tlmt it gave Tlino a rather slow foot. I wrote the words very neatly and plaluly on a sheet of paper und mailed It to Mrs. Dunkelberg. I wondered if Sally would stand firm, and longed to know the secrets of the future. More thnn ever I was resolved to be the principal wlt t.oss iu some great matter, us my friend In Ashery lane had put It. I was eight months with Wright & Baldwin when I was offered n clerk ulilp In the ofllce of Judge Westbrook, at Cubleskill, In Schoharie county, at two hundred a year nnd my board. I Knew not then just how the offer hnd orae, but knew that the senator must i:nve recommended inc. I know now that be wanted a reliable witness of i the rent troubles which were growing acute In Scliohnrio, Delaware and Co lumbia counties. It was a trial to co so far from m)de , wM ,.for I How It wrung my heart, when Mr. Purvis nnd I got Into the stage at Can ton, to see my aunt and undo standing by the front wheel looking up nt me. How old nnd lonely nnd forlorn they looked! Aunt Deel hnd her purse In her hand. I remember how she took a dollar out of it I suppose it wns the only dollar she hnd nnd looked nt it a moment and then handed it up to me. "Ton better take it," she snld. "I'm frald you won't have enough." ITow her hand nnd lips trembled I I have always kept thnt dollar. I couldn't see them as we drove away. The" judge received we kindly and gave Purvis a Job ln his garden. I was able io take his dictation In sound- pun(1. nnd. spent most time.ll Wert Indies company issued its char- ter of privilege and exemptions. That charter offered to any member of the company who should, within four years, bring fifty adults te the New Netherlands and establish them along the Hudson, a liberal grant of land, te be called a manor, of which the owner or patroon should be full proprietor and chief magistrate. The settlers were t0 De exempt from taxation for ten years, bnt under bond to stay in one place and develop it. In the be ginning the patroon built houses and barns and furnished cattle, seed and tools. The tenants for themselves and their heirs agreed to pay hlra a fixed rent forever in stock nnd produce and, further, to grind at the owner's mill and neither to hunt nor fish. Judge Westbrook, in whose office I worked, was counsel and collector for the patroons, notably for the manors ot Livingston and Van Renssalaer two little kingdoms In the heart of the great republic. Mr. Louis Latour of Jefferson coun ty whom I hnd met In the company of Mr. Dunkelberg, came during my last year there to study law in the office of the Judge, a privilege for which he was indebted to the influence of Senator Wright, I understood. He was a gay Lothario, always boasting of his love nffulrs, and I liod little to do with him. I One flay in May near the end of my two years. In Cobleskill Judge West- uroon cave me two writs to serva on : "'"'. "ring incra oncu ana ne would give them to the sheriff. "I do not insist on your taking this task upou you," he added. "I want a man of tact to go and talk with these people and get their point of view. If you don't care to undertake it I'll send another man." "I think I would enjoy the task," I said ln Ignorance of that hornet's nest buck ln the hills. I "Take Purvis with you," he said. !"TIe can take enre of the horses, and i as those back-country folk are a little I lawless it will be Just as well to have I a witness with'you. They tell me that Purvis Is a man of nerve and vigor." I had drafted my letters for the day nnd was about to close my desk and start on my Journey when Louis La tour came in nnd announced that he had brought the writs, from the Judge ond was going with mo. i "I wouldn't miss it for a thousand dollars," he remarked. "By Jove I think we'll have a bully time." "I don't object to your going but you must remember thnt I am In com mand," I said, a little talten'bnck, for I bad no good opinion either of his prudence or his" company. "The judge told me that I could go but that I should be uuder your or ders," he answered. "I'm not going to be a fool. I'm. trying to establish a reputation for good sense myself." We got our dinners nnd set out soon after one o'clock. I had read the deeds of the men we . were to visit They were brothers nnd lived on ad joining farms with leoso3 which cov ered three hundred and fifty acres of land. Their great-grandfather hnd ogroed to pay u yearly rent forever of ulsty-two bushels of good, sweet, mer chantable, winter wheat, eight yearling cattle and four sheep In good flesh nnd sixteen fat hens, all to be delivered In the city of Albany on the first day of January of encli year. So, feeling that I was engaged In a just cause, I brave ly determined to serve the writs if possible. I rode in silence, thinking of Sally ond of those beautiful days now rocod- !ng Into tho past and of my aunt and wcle. I had written a letter to them every week nnil cue or the other5 hnd .answered It Between the lines I had detected the note of loneliness. They had told me the small news of the countryside, now narrow nnu mo t notonous it nil seemed to mo then! ' Rodney Barnes had bought a new j ft. mi: John Axtell had been hurt In a pnvln I "Hello, mister!" I started out of my reveries with liltlo jumn of surprise, A bi, rouh dressed, bearded ri-;r, 5r6o"ci in the mid dle ir i0 TOiuf with a gun on his blioulder. . . "Where ye goin'?" "Up to the Van Heusen place." "Where do ye hail from?" "Cobleskill." - "On business for Judge WestbrookT" Tcs." I'Writs to serve?" "Yes," I answered with no thought of my Imprudence "Sny, young mnn,Jv hokey nettle! I advise you to turn right around and go back." "Why?" 'Canse if ye try to serve any writs ye'll git into trouble." "That's interesting I hnswered. "I am not seeking a quarrel, but I do Mnnt to see how the people feel about Uie payment of their rents," "Say mister, look down into that val lev there.", the stranger begun. "See A Big, Rough Dressed, Bearded Man Stood in the Middle of the Road With a Gun on His Shoulder, ail' TeTn""nouses-Ty,fethe little houses o' the poor. See how smooth tne land Is? Who built them houses? Who cleaned that land? Was it Mr. Livingston? By hokey nettle ! I guess not. The men who live there built the- houses an' cleaned the land. We ain't got njithln' else not a dollar! It's all gone to the landlord. I am for the men who made every rod o' that land an' who own not a single rod of It. Tears an' years ago a king gave It to a man who never cut one tree or laid one stone on unother. The deeds say that we must pay a rent o' so many bushels o' wheat a year but the land Is no good for wheat,' nn' ain't been for a hundred years. Why, ye see, mis ter, n good many things have happened In three hundred years. The land was wlllln' to give wheat then an' a good ninny folks was wlllln' to be slaves. By bokey nettie ! they hnd got used to it Kings an' magistrates an' slavery, didn't look so bad to 'era as they do now. Our brnlns have changed that's what's the matter snme ns the soil Jins changed. We want to be free like other folks In this country. America has growed up around us but here we are Hvla back ln old Holland three hundred years ago. It don't set good. We see lots o' people that don't have to be slaves. They own their land an' they nin't worked any harder thnn we have or been any more savin'. Thnt's why I say, we can't pay the rents no more an' ye mustn't try to make us. By hokey nettle ! You'll have trouble if ye do.". The truth hnd flashed upon me out of the words of this simple man. Un .til then I had heard only one side of the case. If I were to be the servant of Justice, as Mr. Wright had advised, what wns I to do? These tenants hnd been Grlmshnwed nnd were being Grimshawed out of the Just fruits of 4Iw1m tnlt f.n IK. , 1 . . . . . j i w.v.i iuu uj iuc leuuui cniei wnose iciuuie nuL-esiur uuu ueen a King s Ta- vorlte. For half a moment I watched the wavering needle of my compass nnd then: ' "If whnt you say is true I think you are right," I snld. "I don't agree with you," said young Lntour. "The patroons have a clear title to this land. If the tenants don't want to pay the rents they ought to got out ond make wny for others." "Look here, young man, my name Is .Tosinli Curtis," said the stranger. "I live in the first house on the right hand side o' the road. You may tell the judge that I won't pay rent no more not as long as I live and I won't git out, either." u -i'rvIS may go on slowly 1 11 overtake you soon," I sal(1, ' " They went on and left me alone wflh Curtis. He was getting excited and I wished to allay his fears. . "Don't let him try to serve no writs or there'll be hell to pay in this val- ley," said Curtis. ItHf-M T ........ . . .1 T , "In that case I shall not try to serve the writs. I don't want to stir up the neighborhood, but I want to know the facts. I shall try to see other tenants and report what they say. It may lead to a settlement." We went on together to the top of j the hill near which we had been stand- j ing. Far ahead I saw a cloud of dust but no signs of Latour nnd Purvis, j They must have spurred their horses I Into a run. The fear came to me that Latour would try to serve the writs ln eplte of me. They were In his pocket 1 What a fool I bad been not to call for them. My companion saw the look of concern, in my face. "I don't like that young feller," said Curtis. "He's ln fcr trouble." - , lie ran toward his house, which was : only a few rods beyond us, while I stnrted on in pursuit of the two men at top speed. Before my horse had taken a dozen jumps I heard a horn blowing behind me nnd its echo In the hills. Within a half a moment n dozen horns were souuding In the valleys around me. What a contrast to the nnlet in which we had been riding was this pandetuoulum which had broken loose In the countryside, A little ahead ,Mr,djr.m.!VU.n",nS U' SfnSf fields. My horse had begun to lather, foi the sun was hot My companions were far ahead. I could not see the dust of "t heir heels now. I gave up try ing to catch them ond checked the speed of my horse and went on at a walk. The horns were still sounding. Some of them seemed to be miles awny. . About twenty rods ahead I saw three rides r rtmre costumes come out of a dooryard and take the ruua at a wild gallop in pursuit of Latour end Purvis. They had not discovered me. I kept as calm as I could In the midst of this excitement. I passed the house from which the three riders had just turned into the road. A number of women and an old man and three or fonr children stood on the porch. They looked at me In silence as I was passing and then be gan to hiss and jeer. It gave me a feeling I have never known since that day. I Jogged along over the brow of the bill when, at a white, frame house, I saw the center toward which all the men of the countryside were coming. Suddenly heard the hoof-beats of a horse behind me. I stopped, aad looking over my shoulder saw a rider approaching me in the costume of an Indian chief. A red mask covered bis face. A crest of eagle feathers circled the edge of his cap. Without a word he rode on at my side. I knew not then that he was the man Joslah Cur tis aor could I at any time have sworn that It was he. A crowd had assembled around the house ahead. I could eee a string of horsemen coming toward it from the other side. I wondered what was go ing to happen to me. What a shouting and Jeering in the crowded dooryard I I could see the smoke of a fire. We reached the gate. Men in Indian masks and costumes gathered aroand us. "Order I Sh-sh-sh," was the loud com mand of the man beside me in whom I recognized or thought that I did the voice of Joslah Curtis. "What has happened?" "One o' them tried to serve a writ an' we have tarred an' feathered him." Just then I heard the voice of Pur vis shouting back In the crowd this impassioned plea : "Bart, for God's sake, come here." I turned to Curtis and snld: 'Tf the gentleman tried to eerve the writ he acted without orders and de serves what he has got. The other fel low is simply a hired man who come along to take care of the horses. He couldn't tell the difference between a writ and a hole in the ground." "Men, you have gone far enough," snld Curtis. "This man Is nil right. Bring the other men here and put 'em on their horses an' I'll escort 'em. out o' the town." . . . They brought Latour on n rail amidst roars of laughter. What a bear- They Brought Latour on a Rail Amidst Roara of Laughter. like, poultrified,'be-poodled object he was burred and sheathed in rumpled gray feathers from his hnlr ta htn heels. The sight and smell of hlra scared the horses. There were tufts . of feathers over his ears and on his cbln. They had found great Joy in spoiling that aristocratic livery In which he had arrived. Then came poor Purvis. They hod just begun to npply the tor nnd feath- ers to him when Curtis hnd stopped the process. He had only a shaking mff of long feathers around his neck. Tllev IIfted the runaways Into their saddles. Purvis started off nt a gallon. shouting "Come on, Bart," but they stopped Tilra. "Don't be In a hurry, young feller," said one of the Indians, and then there was another roar of laughter. "Go bock to yer work now," Curtis snouted, nnd turning to mo added: "You ride along with me and let our feathered friends follow us." So we stnrted up the rond on our war bock to Cobleskill. Our guide left us nt the town line some three miles beyond. Latour was busy picking his arms nnd slfotilders. Presently he took off his feathered coat and throw it away, saying: "They'll have to pay for this. Every one o' those jackrnbbits will have to settle with me.' "You brought it on yourself," I sold. "You ran awny from me annkgot us all Into trouble by being too smart. You tried to be a fool nnd succeeded be yond your expectation." . It was dark when I left my com panions in Co'bleskHI. I changed my clothes and had my supper nnd found Judge Westbrook In his home and re- e.,n WU1! CurtiS "nd ,0Ur: ...... ....c u ,uy view or me euua- t;on back in the hills. I observed that he gave the lntler a cold welcome. I shall send the sheriff and n posse," he said with a troubled look. "Pnrdon me, but I think It will make a bad matter worse," I answered. "We must not forget that the pa troons are our clients," he remarked. In Uie next week or so I buliaued my self of the rectitude of my optnlonsL Then came the most critical point 1b my history a conflict with Thrift and Fear on one side end Conscience orx the other. The judge raised my salary. I want- . ed the money, but every day I would ' have to lend my help, directly or indi rectly, to the prosecution of claims which I could not believe to be Just. My heart went out of my work. I be-' gan to fear myself. For weeks I had ot the courage to take issue with the learned judge. One evening I went to his home de termined to put an end to my unhap piness. After a little talk I told hint frankly that I thought the patroons should seek a friendly settlement witb v thalr tenants. "Why?" he asked. "Because their position Is unjust; on-American and untenable," was my answer. He rose and gave me his hand and a smile of forbearance in considera tion of my youth, as I took it I left much Irritated and spent at sleepless night in the course of which I decided to cling to the ideals of Da-, vld Hoffman and Silas Wright In the morning I resigned my place ond asked to be relieved as soon as the convenience of the judge would allow It He tried to keep me with gentle persuasion and higher pay, but I was firm. Then I wrote a Ring letter te my friend the senator. Again I had chosen my way and with due regard to the compass. CHAPTER XVI. The Man With the Scythe. It was late In June before I was able) to disengage myself from the work of the judge's office. Meanwhllo there hud been blood shed bnck in the hills. One of the sheriffs posse had been se verely wounded by a bullet and had fnlled to serve the writs. The jndga had appealed to the governor. People were talking of "the rent war." What a joy entered my heart when was aboard tho steamboat, at last. and on my way to all most dear to niel As I entered Lake Champlnln I con sulted the map and decided to leave the boat at Chimney Point to find Kate Fullerton, who had written to the schoolmaster from Canterbury. Mr aunt had said In a letter that old Kate was living there nnd that a great change had come over her. So I went ashore and hired a horse of the ferry man. I passed through MIddlebury and rode Into the grounds of the college, where the senator hnd been educated, and on out to Weybrldge to see where ' he had lived as a boy. I found the Wright homestead n comfortable white house at the head of a beautiful valley with wooded hills behind it nnd rode up to the door. A white haired old lndy In a blnck lace cap was sitting on Its porch looking out at the sunlit fields. "Is this whore Senator Wright lived when he was a boy?" I nsked. "Yes, sir," the old lady answered. "I am from Canton." She rose from her chnlr. "You from Canton !" she exclaimed. "Why, of nil things ! That's where my boy's home Is. I'm glad to see you. Go an' put your horse ln the barn." I dismounted and she came near me. "Sllns Wright is my boy,? she said. "What Is your name?" "Barton Baynes," I answered as I hitched my horse. "Barton Bnynest Why, Sllns had told me all about you in his letters. He writes to me every week. Come and sit down." We snt down together on the porch. "Silas wrote In his last letter that you were going to leave your place In Cobleskill," she continued to my sur- prIse- "IIe snl'J tIl!lt 1,8 was glad yon mlu "eciueu not to stay." It wns Joyful news to me. for the renntor's silence had worried me and I had begun to think with alarm of my future. "I wish that he would take you td Washington to help him. The poor man has too much to do." "I should think it a great privilege to go," I answered. "My boy likes you," she went on. "You have been brought up just as he was. I used to read to him every eve ning when the caudles were lit. How hard he worked to make a man of him self I I have known the mother's Joy. I can truly say, 'Now let thy servant depart In peace.' " " 'For mine eyes have seen thy sal vation,' " I quoted. "You see I know much about yon and much about your aunt ond uncle," said Mrs. Wright She left me for n moment and soon the whole household wns gathered about me on the porch, the men hav ing come up from the fields. They put my horse iu tho barn and pressed me to stay for dinner, which I did. As I was going the gentle old lady gave me a pair of mittens which her distin guished son hod worn during his last winter in college. I remem'.er. well how tenderly she bandied tlieml "I hope thnt Silas will get you to help him" those were the last words she said to me when I bade her good by. The shadows were Ion? when T tr to Canterbury. At the . head of its urn in wi rnot i in,.!, .! .i .. ree nnd some fine old elms. It was a s neuhirlv n,,it -!., i . .. in front of n hi rt.i(a .i u-' An old man was mowing In its grave-! yard near the highway. Slowly h nng nis scythe. "Do you know where ITnto t?nii-i lives?" I asked. "Well, it's pnrty likely that I do," he) answerpri no o a .JAeldcdiiodtowithrk. srath. Zo y (Continoei Monday) .