Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 18, 1919, Image 4

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    ditorial Page of The Capital Journal
January IS, 1919
Editor and Publisher
I i
i i
I t
UL-Wuu-vsr w w I
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon,
Address All Communications To
13S 8. Commercial St.
DailT. dt Carrier. Der rear $5.00 Ter Month-
Deily by Mail, per year
W- D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
H. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gat Building
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Is the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
American farmers are
because of the nice, fat profit they are supposed to have
made on their wheat last year, and still more on the pro
fit they are expected to make
price guarantee, intended merely as a necessary stim
ulus to production, happens to insure the farmer a lib
eral bonus or subsidy over and above the anticipated mar
ket price.
Nobody need jump onto the farmer for this, or onto
anybody else for that matter. It is one of the fortunes
of war. . -
So far as the producers are concerned, though they
will benefit considerably, their profit will not be as great
by any means as some frenzied calculators have estimated.
They may make $200,000,000 or $300,000,000 more than
they would make next year, without the government guar
antee, in an open market. Who will say that they do
not deserve this luck, because of the zeal win which hey
plunged into their task of feeding the world?
Let surly critics remember, too, that if the war had
continued for another year, their wheat would easily have
been worth $2.26 a bushel. If they are now profiting
from early peace, their good fortune is only part of our
universal good fortune.
The additional year of war would have cost $20,000,
000,000 or more. Out of that we can easily spare the far
mers' bonus.
So far as we can make
is that every head with brains in it should be amputated,
and every man with executive ability should be bossed hy
a man without it, and all private accumulations of wealth
in excess of 30 cents should be confiscated by the gov
ernfent and used to finance Bolshevist propaganda in
other countries.
The aero club of America has decided to equip an ex
pedition for airplane exploration of the North Pole, ex
pecting to accomplish in one season what would take years
of effort by any other method. Why not send that ex
pedition to the ice companies instead? Here is a branch
of the polar regions long in need of investigation.
"Our great men died too young," says a life-conservationist.
But they live a lot of real life before they quit,
while the commonplace octogenarian simply vegetates.
Life is not reckoned by years.
By Walt
No man can say, this year, I wot, I'm bound to have
a garden plot. No man can stop me 5n the street, and
call me traitor and repeat, because I do not raise some
peas, some cabbageheads, and things like these. Our pre
cious boons are back again, and we are free, unfettered
men, and we can raise string beans, by jing, or we can do
the other thing. I'll fuss around with spuds no more; I'll
buy my green goods at the store. And when the vernal
zephyrs blow, I will not ply a rusty hoe, or scratch the
planet with a rake, or dig until my vitals ache. And on the
long, long summer eves, beneath umbrageous boughs and
leaves, 1 11 sit and read the baseball score, and weed the
turnips nevermore. The worst of war is this, methinks:
There are too many busy ginks who call you slacker if
you slight the things that they insist are right They're
keeping tab the hour you rise; they watch all day with
jealous eyes ; and if you fail to raise some spuds, or if you
- wear some new-laid duds, or if you don't invest your mon
the way those ginks themselves have done, scorn's finger
.'it your door they point, and cry "A vaunt!" and eke
"Aroint!" Now we've regained our liberties, and we can
do as we dern please, and no cheap skate with visage sour
can call us slackers by the hour.
Per Month..
being envied in some quarters
next year. The government
out the Bolshevist doctrine,, it
Hoover says that Europe needs every pound of pork
we can send across. That means that farmers and stock
raisers should keep up the good work commenced under
the stress of war emergencies, and raise more hogs.
Due credit should be given for the valuable work al
ready done along this ne by boys and girls all over the
country, who as the members of pig clubs, have been in
creasing the pork supply. In the state of Vermont alone
1291 boys and girls were enrolled in such clubs. Regard
ing Oregon, if official figures on this point have been
given out, we do not have them at hand; perhaps our own
showing was as good. From reports made to school
superintendents the Extension Service of the University
of Vermont has learned that those children raised and
marketed 2000 hogs. The porkers averaged 200 pounds
live weight and were valued at $17.50 per hundred pounds.
Four hundred thousand pounds may be a small
amount compared with the
m the food reports, in tact,
amount. . When the work of
added to the work of the clubs in all the- other states, tn
value of the children's efforts assumes astonishing impor
tance. Quite aside from last year's total pork production,
too, there were learned agricultural, economic and busi
ness lessons that will never
pig growers,
The position of President Wilson's newspaper critics
is insincere and dishonest.
cause the sessions of the peace conference are likely to
be closed to the public and it was mainly to .secure a
public conference, "oper-air diplomacy", that the president
went to Europe. With the co-operation of the newspapers
of this country, indicating solid American sentiment be
hind him, he might win even yet
If France wants to annex more territory than Alsace-Lorraine
we may yet be sorry that our boys fought
and died in her behalf. We want no blood-stains of con
quest upon our flag and our peace conference delegation
should stand firmly on that principle.
The German military idea has reached the stage
where its advocates are potting each other while the world
looks on. Always the empire founded on conquest disin
tegrates in revolution..'
The legislator only gets
puts in as little time on the job and acts almost as impor
tant as the ten-doUar shipyard worker.
German efficiency as applied to Bolshevist agitators
cannot be too highly commended. Dead Bolshevists can
cause trouble for no one except the devil.
If the influenza survives this downpour of warm
rain then we will lose some of our faith in the healthf ulnecs
of the Oregon climate.
One thing has happened
claimed for a "dry" nation. The price of -hops has gone
Seattle shipyard workers are striking for more pay
and shorter working day. Those fellows are worse pests
than the "Flu."
Salem's influenza condition's not so bad as that 'i
some other places not half so widely advertised on ac
count of it.
They are playing baseball all over Gatamala,
says the pan-American idea is visionary?
It's all right to have a day of prayer,, but don't re
lax the quarantine.
By Jane f helps.
Strangely, during all this time nei
ther liuth nor Briau had discussed her
working, neither had business affuira
been mentioned. Ruth had not given
up her plan of furnishing the office
she had looked at, for Brie, but he
was still in no condition to work, per
haps would not be for several weeks.
So while she still had. the refusal of
tho place, she woud surprise him whoa
he was able to work.
Brian may have thought, because of
her cunt's kindness to htm, that Ruth
had given U1J her position permanently.
Or having her with hiin constantly, he
may not have thought of it at all. It
was Brian's way to dismiss unpleasant
subjects from his mind. And Hutu's
work had always been an unpleasant
"You are so well now, Brian, I will
go bark to the shop tomorrow. Mr.
Mandcl has been more than kind to let
me off so long. Most employers would
luivo filled the pUee with somoono ese,
and I should have been out."
"You mean yon are going backf"
"Why yes, 0f course."
Ruth spoke brightly, pretending not
to notice his hesitancy, although she
millions of pounds talked of
it is no
these Vermont pig clubs is
be forgotten by the youth! ai
They are assaulting mm be
three dollars a day, but he
that prohibitionists nevf r
had been acutely conscious of it. Then:
"You didn't expect me to be idle al
ways, did youl You do not need mo
now; mv work certainly must have suf
fered while I hsve been away. Don't
look like that, Brian) You knew I was
going back, didn't yout"
"I hadn't thought about it," the an
swer was slowly spoken.
"I thought because your aunt"
"You imagined I bad given np my
position because aunt ws here I why
Brian, I wouldn't have don that You
see I have been planning great things.
She hasn't let me spend hardly
money for the house, and I have caved
s, lot. And"
"I have also saved some, Bath. Yon
would take none of my pay and I have
saved a good half of it. I thought"
"You didn't think ire could live on
what you earned, did yout"
Kuth didn't mean to be cruel. The
question had slipped out unthinkingly.
But liris-a winced.
"I don't blame you for thinking I
can't support yon, Euth. Bnt perhaps"
"It lent' only that, Brian. I am so
much happier working." Buth saw she
had distressed him by her question and
hastened to make amends.
"I know I never made yon very hsp-
ny, Kuth, but I told Mollis before l
left that I was going to, after I got
home. That I was coming back to hus
tle for you and the kid."
So he had talked his plan over with
Mollio King! That was the one thing
that had impressed Buth. j
Mollie's name was mentioned only!
once or twice since e had returned
.New York. Jan. 10. The dominating
question in financial circles at the rao -
. . .. ., , .. .. , started would give abundant enjoy
ment is the railroad situation. Shall mpnt f0 a. M ,t j, nnfortun8te 7nat
the railroads be returned to thoir own- Ue government does, not make more
rs; if so, under what conditions? The jgerious efforts in the direction of rigid
Association of Railway Executives, rep -
resenting about 95 per cent of the rail
roads, has put out a solution of t
problem that should reeeive careful
consideration Its main features are
private ownership under government
control; the establishment of a Depart
ment of Transportation under direction
of the Secretary of Transportation; the
maintenance of the Interstate Com-
e"!,i"'n 5L,.iLi"?c.i21
I ministrative powers from that body to
the Department of Transportation; the
roads to have right to initiate rates
snbject to Government approval; the
issue of securities to be regulated by
the Government, and the Sherman law
to be modified. These are all perfectly
just measures, and would save the
roads from the policy of starvation
which prevailed under rule of the In
terstate Commerce Commission. It is to
be hoped these suggestions will receive
the indorsement of public opinion. Pub
lie ownership of railroads is a vastly
different matter in the United States,
with its immense territory and mileage
and peculiar political conditions, to
what it is in Great Britain, Germany or
France, with their compact territory
and different political methods. Gov
eminent ownership would be a doubtful
road to efficiency; and, granting the
past misdeeds of private management
which will not be repeated, the best so
lution is that of private ownership
combined with government regulation.
Certainly no such radical step as nub-
lie ownership can be justified, until the
other alternative has been tried; and
the country has enough serious prob
lems on hand without complicating them
by imposing upon an already overoad-
ed government Bueh an experiment in
.Next to the rairoad question, the
demobiization of industry is the most
poten influence. Satisfactory progress
is being mado, although more or less
confusion exists. This nsust be expect
ed, and is only temporary. Thus far
most of the labor released by reason of
demobilization has found ready employ
ment. Of lato, howevt.r, there have ben
signs of the supply exceeding the de
mand, usually owing to the difficulty
of bringing men and jobs together. The
labor situation, however, is still acure,
as demonstrated bv the harbor strike
this week in New York. The business
oat look is affected materially by in
numerable uncertainties arising from
the war. Prices are a subject of con
siderable concern; the tendency of
many commodities being distinctly
downward in spite of denials. As stat
ed before in these advices, there is no
scarcity of staple products, save in ex
ceptional instances, and not infrequent
ly theso are ample supplies. In some
cases demand has diminished because of
cossation in war orders; in other cas?s
because of lessoned consumption follow
ing high prices. There is no doubt b'lt
that deflation in commodities bus al
ready started whi h is necessary as a
matter of safety; and if priees could
only be reduced to a gradually lower
level, there is no doubt that business
and enterprise would revive under a
stimulus so natural and sound- In t-.ll
probability wo may have to endure
a period of quiet while the process is
going on; but intrinsic conditions are
sound, especially among tho agricul
turists and wage earners, and recovery
seems to be confidently expected when
spring arr'ves and construction becomes
The monotary situation arising from
war finance is an added feature of re
straint. Preparations are already in or
der for tho next loan of billions more,
which tho government is even now dis
counting by selling short time treasury
notes. The latest estimate is that the
loan may be $6,000,000,000, but it
hoped a less sum will be ample as it is
unnecessary to say that such a tremen
dous drain upon the nation's savings
now is a noavy Handicap upon business.
only when he told of the work the
nurses wore doing "over there" or
when hn had answered some- question
put by Mollie's friend, Mrs. Curtiss.
Now tho mention of the girl who had
been the en use of Ruth's unhappiness
affected her perhaps more than was ei
ther sensible or reason a ule.
"We must not get into discussion
over my work," Kuth said as she bit
her Hp to keen back words she longed
to say about Molhe King. Bitter words
that she anew would only estrange
. "No evidently it is to go on jnst
as before I went away. I Bad hoped"
"Don't be silly, BrianI My work
won 't interfere in any way with you, or
what you can do. I am earning a great
deal for a woman. More than many
men. We ean ha ve many pleasures as
well as comforts that we couldn't oth
erwise. Yon get well and get down to
an office. You won't mind then."
"I shall always mind, Bath."
"Perhaps I am foolish, but I ean't
help it. I almost wish"?
The .unfinished sentence eonveyed
nothing to Ruth, who was not looking
at Brien at the time. Had she, she
might have been enlightened by his ex
pression. One of such discouragement,
such renl distress, that it surely would
!iavc told her something at least of his
Tomorrow Brian Engages His Old
i There is little capital available for the
!ranT long deferred enterprises; that if
1 economy, instead of ship building and
other outlays that can reasonably be
Very soon the peace congress in Eu
rope will get down to actual work, and
all progress in this direction will be
encouraging. The wretched state of an
archy in Russia and Germany is natur
ally unsettling, and the end is by
no means in sight. Such disorder is
greatly intensified by scarcity of food;
and we must send liberal supplies of
food where most needed, thus serving
both humanity and the cause of peace
Congress should grant the president
the $100,000,000 he asks; this being one
of the most effective forms of relief.
Tho outlook for foreign trade under
such conditions is not entirely satisfac
tory, and wo may havo to wait for the
expected development of our export
trade- Europeans are too impoverished
to buy, and have little to sell. Yet they
are sorely in seed; and wo can do no
better for them or for ourselves than
supplying their immediate needs.
Tho monetary situation is satisfac
tory in some respects; that is bankers
have the situation well in hnnd and nre
doing their best to prevent dangerous
inflation. The tendency, if any, is to
ward deflation, and commercial paper
rates are slightly easier in some sec
tions of the country. The loan market
at this center is, however, still under
artificial regulation; and such restraint
often works unjustly, if not detriment
ally." The new revenuo law continues
to be a source of much concern. Con
gress shows, no haste to pass the present
oppressive measure, which makes de
structivo inroads upon profits, whence
the nation's new capital must be de
rived. Many industrials are showing
the effect of such drastic taxation by
reduced dividends, and others are re
ducing dividends because of increasing
costs of production. How tho govern
ment is going to raise the money with
this impairment of taxable resources is
a puzzle for experts-
On tho Stock Exchange business has
been much restricted by the many un
certainties referred to. Investors are
cautious and speculative operations are
also strictly limited. January disburse
ments failed to havo the usual stimu
lating effeet. There is the absence of
usual January offerings; the exceptijn
an issue of $65,000,000 telephone bonds
on about a 6 per cent basis. Tho offer
is an attractive one and will prove a
good test of the investment situation.
Government bonds, both Liberty and
foreign issues, ruled steadier, recover
ing some of the December decline.
Rather Broad Market
" For Saturday Half Day
New York, Jan. 18, The Now York
Evening Sun financial review tocky
Apparently tho raiding tactics re
sorted to yesterday by the bears bore
good fruit to embolden them to try
again today. As before the operators
engaged in this pastime flittde from
stock t0 stock. Tho result was a rath
er broad mnrket for a Saturday half
holiday. Trices opened steady but the
decline set in without mueh loss of time
and s fraction in-' the standard issues
to one and two points or so in the spe
cialties which were singled out for r-t-
tack. i -$3
Pressure continued in the second hour
without abatement and in some cases
losses were extended. This involved tho
rails as well as the industrials with es
pecial wenkness in Reading, St. Paul
preferred and Texas and Pacific. Some
took the viow that the bears weTe seiz
ing the lust opportunity and that this
indicated an improvement in sentiment
n:is in sight.
South Dakota To Test
Out State Ownership
Bismarck, N. D., Jan. 18. State own
ership faced its first great test in Am
erica here today.
Seven amendments to the state con
stitution providing state-owned banks,
flour mills, elevators, mines and other
industries, awaited only tiovernor Fra
zier's signature to become a law.
Besides state-ownership, the 'amend
ments include initiative, referendum,
tax reforms and quick action on consti
tutional amendments. Hail insurance
will also b provided.
Non Partisan League leaders who
promulgated the amendments said the
plan is to institute only the state own
ership program this year.
The amendments are:
1 Initiative and referendum.
t Limiting emergency measures and
making them effective on signature oy
the governor.
.3 Direct action on constitutions!
4 Fixing status of taxable property
by legislature.
5 Hail insurance by land tax.
ft Limiting ttate bonded indebted
ness for industrial enterprises to $10,
0OO.000. 7 State ownership.
The body of John Nelson of Chinook,
Wsh., was found in the Columbia a
short distance below that place Tues
day evening.
Members Of Committee 0a
Packers Hearing Believed
. This Was Necessary.
Washington, Jon. 19. -Open diplo
macy" in the government here as well
a the peace conference was demand?d
by senators at the packers hearing
here today.
Members of tho senate agriculture!
committee and Francis J. Heney, ap
pearing as a witness, attacked Foil
Administrator Hoover for holding se
cret conferences with packers to fix
meat prices.
Members of tho senate committee be
lieved the situation called for action.
Kenyon, Norris and Gronna are espiw
ially anxious that effective legislation
be put through at this session. Confer
ences are. being held daily over sug
gestions for control of tho packing in
dustry and stockyards.
Regulation by the food administra
tion did not amount to anything so fnr
as regulating packers' profits is con
cerned," Stuart Chase, federal tride
commission investigator, said at the
hearing. '
Armour's profits bofore the war aver
aged 6.5 per cent, but from 1915 t
1917 they averaged 16 7 por cent, fig
ures compiled by tho federal trade com
mission indicated.
Prewar Profits
Swift's pre-war profits were around
8.0 per cent, whilo during the war thoy
jumped to 24.5 per cent. Morris' pcae
profits of 7.2 per cent doubled after
19H. I.1' itIHISI
ffteney related how Hoover called
conferences with Swift and company
and other packers.
Senator France, Maryland, suggested
that packers "can come down to ex
ecutive departments and shut them
selves 'behind closed doors."
"And got what they want," inter
rupted Senator Gore, Oklahoma.
"It is not the way to conduct th
government," France added.
"It would be perfectly permissible
for departments to hold "open hearings
just as legislatives committees do," h
"That Hoover sent for the packer
in itself ought not carry condemnation;
with it," Heney said. "My belief,
like the principle President Wilson i
contending for, is that the conference
should be openly conducted."
Senator France inquired if it wa
consistent with public policy for exeo-.
utive departments entrusted with price
fixing powers "to go into secret con
ferences with producers of articles o
which prices are to be fixed."
"No, it is not, in my opinion," He
ney said. "Several men from Swift
and company were here as dollar a
year men and drawing $10,000 from
Swift," he continued. "One was
charge of canned goods and another ia
charge of poultry."
State Lime Board Wants
Restrictions Removed
The state lime bosfd will ask the leg
islature for two favors. One will b
that it be permitted to handle its af
fairs just as any busiuess institution
woud that had $30,000 invested and the
other that it bo given a working capi
tal of $20,000.
As the situation now stands, the state
iiuio board has a fine working plant and
an investment of $30,000, but no money
on which to do business. It is restrict
ed so in its business affairs - that as
the situation now stands, it is up
against it.
In the first place, the board is only
permitted to sell for cash in advance.
This might be done if the board could
sell large consumers or wholesale houses
But its selisg 1b restricted by lsw t
selling in car lots only and then only
to ' farmers.
From past ciporioncc, tho board has
found that farmers do' not in general
buy in car lots and do not always hve
tho amount of money In advance for
car shipment. Enough farmers whe
could use in ear lots are not avsJluble.
Hence to place itself on a basis Bk
any big business, the board will ask of
tho legisla tors that it be given a work
ing capitnl of $20,000 an dthat it bo gir
en discretion to handle its affairs just
as would bo done by any largo business.
This will include the granting , the
privilege to sell to wholesalers, to BcK
out of the stute and to use ordinary bus
iness practice in its business affairs.
At the mectine held Friday morning
there was present A. B. Cordlcy, B. (
Lcedy, Benton Bowers and Warden Ste
vens. Am warden of the penitentiary
Mr. Stevens is a member ex-officio.
Three Thousand Sick
And Wounded Return
Newport News, Va , Jan. 18. Bring
ing nearly thre thousand officers and
men, many of them sick and wound
ed, the transport Huron arrived tod-iT
from France after being buffeted
about in a hundred and twenty n)ie
gale for two days, sometimes careening
as much as 51 degrees.
Some of the sick and wounded werv
thrown from their bunks and their
wounds reopened. The Huron wa 1
days making the trip.
The Huron had on board 429. sick
and wonndod: companies I, F and K,
Fifth engineers, a medical unit of th
same organization, the Second heavy
ordnance mobile repair shop, eight cas
ual companies and field hospital 30
of the 10th sanitary train