Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 17, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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X BaUjojHol Journal
i j
i i
A Iways Reliable
Is the merchandise yotf get from the J. C. Penny
Co., and you can always rest assured that our prices
are such as to save you money.
Muslin Underwear
You will find it made of good quality nainsooks,
crepes, etc., in white and flesh colors daintily trim
, " med with embroidery or lace
Camisoles .......98c, $1.25 and $1.49
Envelope Chemise ....$1.15, $1.25, $1.49, $1.59, $1.69,
" $1.98 and $2.98
Gowns ...:......$U9, $L59, $1.79, $1.98 and $2.49
Skirts........:...$1.49, $1.59, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 and $3.49
3 ncwponited&' 'I
Hop wire and all kinds
of hides. Before you
sell-See Us. Phone 398.
271 Chemeketa'-
Acting on Information received from
the authorities a&MoMinnville, Chief
of (Police Varnoy late yesterday after
noon (ilaced undor arrest Chester Wall
ing of McMinnvillo, charged with the
theft of scvoral sacks of lovcr seed,
valued at about $30(K Ho was placed in
the city juil and held awaiting the
Yamhill county Officer, who arrivod
Hi is forenoon and took the man in
charge. Walling made.no attempt to
deny the charge, merely givitig as a
reason that ho was hard pressed for
money on account of domestic trou
bles ,his wife having recontly suod for
A 60 foot flume of the Portland
Railway Light and Powor Co. was
washed out last night resulting in one
powor house being put entirely out of
commission. With one power house
gone, tho plant here can acarcoly car
ry the load and there 1b just a possi
bility that thore may ibo interruptions
in tho light service for the next 12
hours and at times there may 'be for
a few minutes a total suspension of
light. Tho Iflume that was washed out
Is near Cazadoro in Clackamas county.
A daughter wag horn to Mr. and
Mrs. George Steinka, of MS Norway
street, on Wednesday night, January
15. It was given tho name of Gertrudo
Judge Porcy R. Eelley arrived in
tho city today for the purpose of ar
ranging the docket for the January
torm of circuit court, which is echedul
ed to open on Monday providing there
is no interference on account of tho
influenza epidomic. ;
All Around Towi
Bolero, tread la freshest and test, tf
Ever also the beginning of the world
there kas been hut one "bent" way to
boxy tile dead, that way is in tomb.
Mount Creet Abbey provides that
"beet" way, the cost is no more. See
Caretaker at Mausoleum, or your un
dertaker. 2-1
"The beat" ia aH you can do wbea
death eomea. Call Webb & Clough. Co.
Phone 120. tt
The heavy ralna of 'the pst thirty
six hours have had a perceptible effeet
upon the river, the guage showing
seven feet at 10 o'clock this morning.
We taf liberty bonds. 314 Masonic
bldg. tf
' 0
Having lately returned to Salem I
am ready to receive piano pnpile at my
home, 1472 Mill, or will go to homes
of pupils. Special attention given to
technic and expression. Mrs. Lena Wa
ters. Phone 1181M. a
' 0
The. cms of Jack and Battle Frost,
which was to have come up in Justice
Unruh's court today has been contin
ued' over until next week.
We bny liberty bonds. 314 Masonic
bldg. . tf
0- :
Relax and rest in the dental chair.
Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth
without pain and correct diseased
gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. tf
For Bale Six acres fine land for
Loganberries or fruits, IS minutes walk
from end of street car line. I'. N. Der
by owner, 314 Masonic bldg. tf
Among other minor matters coming
tbelfore Justice Unruh today was the
filing of fho' civil esse of Both Gro
cery Co. vs C.Hi. Lantz, an action for
money. ( .
' " 0 "
Highway Rapid Transit Auto service
to Portland and way points daily, leav
ing Salem at 7 a. m. Phone orders eve
ning before, 137 8. Ooin'l. Phone 663.
Watking Remedies Liniment, Men
thol, camphor, Mustard Ointment, Spic
os, Extracts and Toilet Articles. Qual
ity guaranteed. For sale by M. W.
Kowley, 331 N. Liberty St., Salem. 2-13
Up to noon today Health Officer
Pem'berton had very little to report
from the influenza situation, 'there be
ing but two now cases reported in
homes already under quarantine, whilo
there were four families released from
We have moved our offices to rooms
201-203 Gray block, over Hartman
Bros, jewelry store, 125 N Liberty st.
B. W. MACS", tf
was in reference to the laws under
which high schools receive their money
Among those attending were W. B.
Rutherford of Eugene, George Hug of
McMinnville, a W. Boetticher of Al
bany and John W. Todd of Salem.
0 -
The office of the county superintend
ent is today mailing out certificates
to the teachers who took the regular
examination in December. Those who
are granted one-yeaT certificates are:
Adeline Uayserie, Beulah P. Madill,
Nellie Allen, Lillian Bruegger, Eunice
Knauff, Mrs. Lueile Harader, Lois Me
Elhaney, Mrs. Bobt. Massie, Sybil Har
rington. Fern Wells and Amos O.
Weeks were granted three-year special
certificates, and Grace Lick a life cy
Superintendents of city schools held
a meeting this morning to discuss legis
lation in regard to high schools. At a
recent mooting of state teachers sev
eral refomiHondationu were made in re
gard to the changing of several school
laws. One was that $75. a month bo the
minimum salary for teachers. Another
Saving 25 to 60 per cent, s good In
vestment. "Motorlife" removes car
bon, keeps engine clean and eaves 25
to 50 per cent gasoline. Clark's Tire
House, 319 N. Commercial street, Sa
lem. . ( 1-18
: cardW thajtks '
We wish to extend our thanks to
the many friendg for their kindness
and sympathy during the illness and
death of our beloved daughter and
sister. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. White, Mr.
and Mm L, B. White, Mr. and Mrs. Y.
H. Beekman, Harold T. White.
Representative J. R. 8tsnnrd of
Gold Beach, died at Bandon on Jan.
15, according to a letter received this
morning by Speaker Seymour Jones.
Death was due to pneumonia. It seems
that Mr. Stannard had started for Sa
lem and had become ill at Bandon. As
tho wires wore all down in that section
of the Btate, newig of Mr.' Stannard 's
death only came this morning through
the mail. As the legislature stands ad
journed until Monday it is proibable
that no action will be taken by the
house as a body. Representative Stan
nard wag elected to represent Coos
and Curry counties. Two other repre
sentatives have been detained by ill
ness. W. V. FuIIbt whose home is Dal
las has been unable to be present and
James S. Stewart of-Fossdl, represent
ing Gilliam, Sherm&n'and Wheeler coun
ties is ill. Speaker Seymour Jones said
that word had been received that both
were making a satisfactory recovery.
Two Inches of rain fell during the
past "24 hours and ' the river at 8
o'clock this morning wus six and one
half feet above zero. This is a rise of
three and one half feet over night.
With the exception of Dec. 19, 1917,
when there was over four inches of
rain in 24 hours, this is tho heaviest
rainfall in 24 hours eince March 26,
1916. , iiv
James W. Nicholson, superintendent
tf the Metropolitan Life Insurance
company, left today on a trip to New
York, where he will attend a national
meeting of superintendent and gen
eral agents. Ho expects to bo gone
about two weeks. A prominent feature
of the conference will be the influen
za plague, which hw made a terrific
iucreaso in the mortality list of the
company. Mr. Nicholson states that
tiiflli. nnmnonv line hnnn POmnftlleri tO
pay not less than 75,000 death claims)
on account 01 me epiueiuie. ,
6 Beu-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Born !
RAMSDEJT To Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Ramsden of Macleay, at the Salem
hospital " Thursday Jan. 16, 1919,
He has Ibeen named Carlton La-Mar.
State Health Officer Is
Opposed To Closed Town
Mayor Albin and the health authori
ties were advised today by Dr. A. G.
Secley, state health officer, who was
Sit the state house this morning, there
is nothing to this idea of wearing
masks to prevent the flu.
Dr. Seelcy is also opposed to the clos
ing of a town and so advised tho Sa
lcm city authorities. He believes that
if a moving picture theatre or a church
or & school house is properly ventilated
there is no danger in people assembling
at such places.
The wearing of a mask after one has
had the flu is favored by Dr. Seeley on
the grounds that it is just at such &
time that one is likely to infeet others.
Anothor reason for tho state health of
ficer not being in favor of' a general
order reqiring masks, is that it cannot
be enforced.
The doctor believes the school chil
dren, if they understood the situation
could bo of great force in stamping out
the disease in the way of reporting
cases. Jt is generally conceded by doc
tort that tho unreported cases are the
dangerous onesto & neighborhood.
Dr. Secley is also in favor of the
10 days' quarantines. General sanitary
observance Dr. Seeley believes will do
much to fight the disease. Also the
enforcement of a stricter quarantine.
Dr. Seeley was at the state house this
morning "shooting" not only thoso
who hud failed to take the serum but
also in giving second hots. Ho return-j
ed to PortlE'iid this afternoon.
Supply Your
Men's Heavy Work Sox, per pair 15c
Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers,
Garment .. ; ----- 95c
Men's Heavy Ribbed Union Suits $1.75
and .. $1.98
Men's Khaki Pants, per pair - - $1.50 and $1.98
Men's Extra Quality Felt Hats, each $1.98
Men's Mackinaw Coats, each $6.95 to $10.50
Men's Shoes, for work or dress, the best
values in town, per pair $2.98 to $5.00
Men's Work Shirts, each - 9C to $1.39
Dress Shirts 98c to $1.75
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Commercial and
Court Streets
Formerly Ghicag
16 Ounces
Make a
100 Cents
. Make a
. Dollar
With your help we have made a hole in KAISER HIGH PRICE'S defenses. Now put your shoulder to the
jrun and let us finish him. We must have your help to do it. Trade with the Market that is Fighting to
Keep the Prices of Meat Within your reach . Read these prices carefully. Figure out your savings on your
Meat BiO for the Month, then BOOST, BUY, SAVE. .
Sugar Cured Bacon, light 35c lb.
Sugar Cured Bacon, heavy 39c
Sugar Cured Bacon, butts 25c lb.
Sugar Cured Bacon, backs 35c lb.
, Clovergreen Creamery
Shoulder Steak ........:... 15c lb.
Round Steak 18c lb.
Loin Steak :. .....20c b
T Bone Steak 20c b.
Boiling Beef ... 12 l-2c lb.
Pot Roast Beef 15c lb.
Beef Liver 8c lb.
Beef Tongue ." 12 l-2c lb.
Liberty Steak .:.......:;.:........;......:.;........;............lGc lb.
Sausage 20c lb.
No. 5 Pure Lard $1.35 each
No. 10 Pure Lard $2.70 each
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 26c b.
Sugar Cured Regular Hams 37c lb.
Butter '-67c lb.
Veal Stew -t ....15c
Shoulder Veal Roast 15c
Shoulder Pork Roast : 24c
Shoulder Mutton Roast 17 l-2c
i Leg Veal 20c
Leg Pork ..... . - 20c
.Leg Mutton .. 20c
Veal Chops .,..20c
' Mutton Chops 20c
Pork Chops :........25c
Loin Beef Roast, any cut 17 l-2c lb.
Prime Rib Roast, any cut 17 l-2c lb.
Fresh Side Pork 25c lb.
Loin Pork Roast ..........25c lb;
:......;.8c lb.
Stand by us in the future as you have in the past and we will reduce the price of meats still further. We
are with you all the time Quality, Quantity and Price.
'Cut' Rate No 40 to 50 Per Cent Profit Here Not Connected with any Other Market in Salem.
16 ounces
Make a . .
. ! -, . -
P. O. Rogoway, Mgr.
. 157 S. Commercial St. ; Phone 104
100 Cents
Make a
Strict attention given C. 0. D.
Orders, phone 198 or 188.
5 lbs. Dark Karo syrup. .47c
10 lbs. Dark Karo syrup.. 90c
Crown flour $2.90
Olympic flour $2.90
Valley flour ........$2.75
3 lbs Royal Club Coffee
Saturday only $1.00
3 lbs G. A. Coffee, Saturday
only. ..90c
3 lbs Special Blend
Coffee. ..85c
Jell 0, aS flavors, pkg..lOc
Jiffy Jell .10c
12 oz. Royal Baking
powder . ... 37c
1-2 Hershey Coco .....17c
101b. Sugar .......$1.00
100 lbs Sugar....... $9.75
Fresh, Crisp Soda Crackers
pound 1 17c
Fresh, Crisp Graham Crack-,
ers Jb 17c
5 bars white laundry soap 25c
5 bars No Rub Naptha :
soan . 25c
5 bars Ivory soap .....32c
Pure lard b bulk Jb . . .28c
Peanut butter Jb ......18c
Nut Ola Butter substitute
pound ....37c
Best Creamery Butter, lb . 69c
Fresh Eggs .doze n 52c
GhiradeBTs Ground Choco
late ..... 30c
Armistice With Clauses
Added Has Been Extended
Paris, Jan. 17. The armistice, with
several important clauses added lie
been extended for a mouth, it was of
ficially announced today.
"Following the conferences at Treves
between Marshal Foch end tho German
delegates, the armistice conventions
were prolonged for a month," tho state
ment said.
Clauses concerning agricultural ma
terial, BussiB'n war prisonors, naval con
ditions and the recuperation of materi
al taken from tho invaded districts
were signed.
Tho Presbyterian church in the Unit
ed States has provided in its 1919 budg
et for a fund of $1,000,000 to increase
salaries of pastors not considered ade
quately paid.
Naturopathy claims that no disease ip
f iindamontally incurable; believes that
mineral drugs and surgical operations
are in the majority of cases needless,
detrimental and dangerous; that safe,
logical and permanent cure lies in nat
ural methods, whether physiological,
mechanical or metaphysical.
Wo nsk for the opportunity to demon
strate and prove our claims snd the
right to help to make possible the
seeming impossible.
Phone 110
210 U.S. Nat. Bank Bldg.
To the Teoplc of Salem:
I suffered from cancer on the end
of my noso for threo years and wns
told it was incurable. I wont to Dr. 9.
C. Btono for treatment.
He applied a paste for four days
and then a simple ointment. In a fow
days tho cancer fell out and the plaeo
healed over ond is now sound and
john Mcdonald,
South Church tit,
Salem, Ore., No." 3, 1917.
(Stone's Drug Store) !
241 North Commercial Street,
Salem, Oregon
Phone 35.
Consultation and Advice Free.
The two Smith sawmills at Marsh
field, employing 550 men, have closed
indefinitely. Shortage of logs ia given
as the reason.
ssre of
Yick So Toss
Chinese lledielne .ni Tm
Has medicine which will sun f
any knows disease. I
Opn Sundays from 10 a, sl T
...tu a -
1M ftnnfk TTIoh Sit
f Salem, Oregon. Pkome 183
Willamette Valfey
Daily Between Portland And Salem, Independence,
Monmouth and Dallas."
Orders Taken Both Ways
Office 17Houth High Street
WelM Agent
Bulk Coco, lb .........26c,