Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 16, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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adies' Petticoats
In a variety of colors, patterns, materials, etc., from
which you will be able to select one that will please
Plain colored Petticoats made of good quality
sateen and Heatherbloom $1.25, $1.98, $2.49 and $2.98
Fancy Petticoats in nice novelty designs, that are
splendid values at $1.25, $1.49, $1.98 and $2.49
You will also find we have some nice
Made of Serpentine Crepe in plain and fancy pat
terns that will interest you at $1.98, $2.98, and $3.98
All Around Town
ii . Hi.
Hop wire and all kinds
of hides. Before you
sell-See Us. Phone 398.
271 Chemeketa
Lieutenant Harold Dlmick, who has
leoB serving as an instructor In the
Kaehiuo gun corps at (Damp Hancock,
Oeorgia, hug rocontly rccoivod his dis
charge nd returned to his home in this
XUlph Thohinpson of the Valley Mo
tor company spent Wednesday in Dal
las looking after tractor business.
Elbert Thompson and Georgo Hal
orn of tlio Volley Motor company
are spending tho day iu i'ortlund on
Old And New World Powers
Are Represented Just
About Equally.
By Ed L. Komi
(United Pre staff voi-respondent)
Paris, Jan. 16. Tho peace settle
ment will Ibe dictated Iby representa
tives of tho new world, final apportion
ment of delegates indicated today.
The "balance of power" seems to
bo closely divided betweon the new
and old world elements, hut there is
ovory roon to believe tho progressive
altruism of tho young democracies will
triumph over tho conservative ogotiBin
of the older nations in the filial clash.
Of tho twenty eight countries offi
cially admitted to the conferences ti
date nine represent the now world and
eleven the old world with the remain
ing eight inclined to lean toward the
younger powers. As voting will be by
adorations, the new world vote con
sists of the Unitod States, Canada, Bra
zil, Culm Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras,
Nicaragua and Panama. The old world
representative are Great Britain,
France, Italy, Serbia, Belgium, Greece,
Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Czecho
slovakia and Montenegro, Liberia, be
ing undor American protection, prollmb
albly will lino up with the new world
representatives. It is regarded as cor
tain that they also will attract the
votes of the British dominions.
The remaining vote consist of Ja
pan, China, India and 8iam, which are
neither now world nor old world, but
are expected to play an important role
by swinging tho balance ono wa or the
other on questions wnore tho voto is
Balem bread Is freshest and best, tf
Ever since the beginning of the world
there has been but one " best" way to
oury tae oca a, tnat way is in tomb.
Mount Crest Abbey pro-tides that
'"best" way, the cost is no more. See
Caretaker at Mausoleum, or your un
dertaker. 2-1
"The beat" Is all yon can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf
The routine of business in County
Judgo Hushey's office was interrupted
this morning by a quiet wedding cere
mony. The contracting parties were
Henry Gighmey of Nebraska and Mary
P. Bankin- of this city. The clerk's
office also issued a license to esse
V. McCormick and OUve E. Hampton
both of Jefferson.
We bar liberty bonds,
814 Haaonlc
United States National
Bank Jlects Officers
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders and directors of the United
Btatcs National Ibank of this city, the
following officers were eleetod for tho
ensuing year:
I. W. Eyre, president.
O. W. Kyre, vice president.
V. 8. Lamport, vice president.
E. W. Hawird, cashier.
T. M. Hicks, assistant a&hio,r.
F. 8. Lamport and Mrs. Eleanor Reg
an ismiport were added to tho direct
rate of oaid ibank.
Washington, Jan. 16 Tho next war
loan will be called the victory liberty
loan, Secrotary Glass announced today.
Announcement of the amount, terms
and date yt the loan la expected to
come wit lini a fortnight.
Having lately returned to Salem I
am ready to receive piano pupils at my
home, 1472 Mill, or will go to homos
of pupils. Special attention given to
technic and expression. Mrs. Lena Wa
ters, r hone 1184M. tf
Headers of the local dailies are apt
to gain the impression that there is a
very large death roll in the city of
Salem for the reason that all tho deaths
occurring in this vicinity are recorded.
The records of the health office, gath
ered from the period from December 1
to Janury 10, show that in the city
proper, and leaving out of count the
deaths in the state institutions, there
have been a total of 37 deaths, of
which 19 wer male and 18 feinalo.
Among tho causes of death it is ehowu
that 23 were directly due to influenza
or pneumonia.
We buy liberty bonds. 814 Masonic
bldg. tf
Relax and rest in the dental chair.
Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth
without pain and corrects diseased
gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. tf
Fruit men of this section are of the
opinion that the rreezing weatner or
tho past month will have a tendency to
cut short the 1919 crop of aphids, and
at the same tinio have not been sovore
nough to injure the fall grain.
For Sale Six acres fine land for
Loganberries or fruits, 15 minutes walk
from end of street car line. I'. N. Der
by owner, 314 Masonic bldg. tf
Highways Rapid Transit Anto servlco
to Portland and way points daily, leav
ing Salem at 7 a. m. Phone orders eve-
ning.boforo, 137 S. Coin'l. Ph'one 663.
The fire department went out for an
early run to a chimney fire at tho
home of Thos. Burroughs on Wesley
street this morning. N0 divmago report
ed. Watkins Remedies Liniment, Men
thol, camphor, Mustard Ointment, Spic
es, Extracts and Toilet Articles. Qual
ity guaranteed. For sale by M. W.
Uowloy, 331 N. Liberty St., Salem. 2-13
is exhibiting a fine French war poster
recently sent to her by Sergeant Kob
ertson Brtfoka, representing a poilu
fighting desperately with the black
eagle of Germany.
The funeral services of Beese Hutcha
son were held this morning at the
Eigdon chapel, Bev. Jaeob Stocker, of
the Evangelical Association officiat
ing The body was taken to The Dalles
for interment.
There is now prospect that several of
the rural schools will be re-opened on
Monday. The superintendent's office
reports that the Woodburn school has
dcided definitely to resume.
There is an opportunity for employ
ers in ell lines to confer a benefit upon
some energetic, ambitious but idle boy.
by giving him employment, even for
a few hours a day. Mr. Coleman, of the
federal employment bureau, has some
thing like a hundred applications from
High school and University students,
asking for any kind of employment
during the closed period of the institutions.
Boiso, Idaho, Jan. 18. From Jan
uary 1, 11)1!), to duto there have been
reported 438 cases of Spanish influ
enza in Uoiso, an average of 29 new
cases a day.
The people are obeying strictly the
quarantine regulations forbidding per
ons from going from one house to an
Washington, Jan. 16. Colonel Deeds,
aircraft production service, will not be
tried by eourt-msttiul Secretary of War
Baker wild today in approving the roc
onimondittion of the acting judge advo
cate general against such a proceeding.
RE. U. 8. FWT. OFF.
Acknowledged the standirj Army Shoe
on the Coast - and small wonder :
- ' "Extra Service Every Step
Comfort Every Minute"
That's why it is king worn by
tJioutand or men in aU walks of
Office Mea . Hikers Motormaa
Attorneys Farmers Conductor
PbrsiciaM OrcWdUt Hunters
Look ft the name Buckhecht
- stamped on the sole of every Shoe
i.bmii4 your aei? m usaois to top ply ywi,
end bis nam to the Manufacturers Bxv
fathom and Ileeht. San Francisco. Eaolese
pnee of shoes you desire and we will have year
ews.-r filled.
We have moved our offices to rooms
201-203 Gray Mock, over Hartman
Bros, jewelry store, 125 N Liberty st.
B. W. MACY. tf
The sensational feature of the market
report today is the drop in the quota
tions on eggs. They have been quoted
in this city for Borne tijne past at 60
cents. Yesterday the Portland wires
showed a drop of three cents early in
tho day, and later a slump of 7 cents,
Thus the locnl quotation today is w
cents. The falling off is said to be
due to tho dumping of a vast quantity
of California eggs on the market in an
ticipation of tho regular February in
We have a new supply of Bishop's
fleece wool ynrna on hand, in khaki
and gray shades; orders by mail or
phone promptly fittled. Woolen Mill
Records on hands, both Victor and
rathe, "Smiles," "A Little Birch
Canoe and You," "Blue Bird." Others
at K. L. Stiff & Son.
An investigation of the damage done
by fire on the Josse rooming house yes
terday showed a loss or. auoui iouv on
the building and the same amount on
the contents. The building was insured
through the agency of W. A. Liston, the
total amount boing 3300 on building
and contents.
An upward tendency in citrus fruits
is marked by the Salem shippers during
the naat few davs. Boports from the
California orange belt show losses from
tho recent freeze running all tne way
from 10 per cent to 85 per cent, ine
bettor grades of oranges now retail at
75 cents per dozen.
Local dealers note that while there
has been no change in the price of gas
oline since the removal of the restric
tions on the traffic, thore has been
welcome advance in the quality. During
the post few months gasoline has been
running s low as 60 degrees, and auto
mobile owners have been starting their
engines on eold mornings with profani
ty. The gas now handled by the deal
ers shows a test of about 58 degrees, be
ing within a few degrees of the stand
ard before tho war.
Through a slight mistake in copy the
montion of the Myers Dean golden wed
ding enniveraary in yesterday's Journal
was raado to read like a recent marriage
Mrs. Brooks, at the Recorder's offics
The suggestion has been made that
sooner or later a canvass of all busi
ness men be made in this city with a
view. to ascertaining whether they are
going to be in position to reinstate
some former employe in his old job af
ter returning from military service.
N Among other transfers of property
in the city today was the sale of lot
4, in block 1, Capital Stroct Addition,
to O. H. Fiams, the seller being Hans
Today, January 16th, is the time for
the third payment of installments on
the last issue of Liberty bonds. The
final payment is due on January 31.
W A. Betper, expert engraver with
the fiartman Jewelry Co., recontly had
the misfortune to chop the index finger
of his left hand almost completely off
while cutting kindling. It is practically
certain that tho digit can bo healed op
bo that it will not interiere witn m
delicate operations. He considers him
self fortunate in the fact that it was
not his right hand that was injured.
o j
The report on the influenza situation
as given from tho office of tho Health
Officer. Dr. I'emDerton, inaicaies xmu
the epidemic is practically at a stand
still, there being probably a lew more
oiiarantined cases released than are
shut up. It is very difficult to obtain
definite ficurcs as to eacti day s re
suits as the reports are delayed and
come in irregularly. The books show
that for Wednesday there were 13 new
cases and thus far today there wore
nine new cases. But this does not indi
cate that many new homes aro shut up
for manv of the new cases are in
homes already under quarantine.
Mrs. Caroline L. Martin, who has
been visiting with Salem friends and
relatives since Christmas, leit recently
for her home in Lugene.
o --
."I had a bad ease of constipation,
gas on the stomach, and other bowel
trouble. Twelve hours after I took
Adler-i-ka I felt better 'and after con
tinuing I consider my self CUBED."
(Signed) E. H. Beeman, Calispell, Wn.
Adler-i-ka expels ALL gas and sour
ness, stopping stomach distress IN
STANTLY. Empties BOTH upper and
lower bowel, flushing JCNTiRE ali
mentary canal. Bemoves ALL foul mat
ter which poisons system. Often CURES
constipation. Prevents appendicitis. We
have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is
a mixture of buckthorn, eascara, glycer
ine and nine other simple drugs. J. V.
Notes From Th House
Of Representatives
iBcprcsontativc Elmore of Linn coun
ty is now the pleased possessor of the
pen with which Speaker Seymour Jones
signed officially the ratification by
I the House of tho proposed constitution
al amendment for national prohibition.
Mr. Elmore has been fighting tho de
mon for 23 years and as he has taken
so much intorcst in the temperance
movement it was thought appropriate
that ho should have the pen that finul
ly put Oregon in line with national
Work for 1,000 men will be provided
bv the State Highway Commission in
the construction of roads and prefer
ence will he given to returning soldiers
and sailors.
A joint resolution was passed this
morning by the House requesting the
Stnto Highway Commission to begin
work at once on its various projects and
Main Temporary Feature Is
Provision For Army Of
500.000 Men.
Washington, Jan. 16. A bfll calling
for complete rebuilding of the Amer
ican army organization along the
''lines found most useful during the
war." was laid befdre the houso null
tary committee by Secretary of , War
Baker, The bill would make the gen
eral staff, headed by chief of staff,
supreme in the army.
The mam temporary feature is the
provision of an army of 500,000 nion
until a permanent iigure can De set
tied on.
Baker mado it plain he would not
recommend universal military training
and that states would be aided in re
organizing their national guard if they
would bear their snare ot tho burden
of expense. Tho proposals encountered
an extremely hostile committee, many
of whom are in favor of cutting gener
al staff influenco instead of increasing
Representative McKonzie, Illinois
asked why an army of 500,000 men was
'lt's a forecast of our military sit
uation," Baker said. "We have no
means of knowing what the military
obligations of the states will be in
the future We believe an army of
500,000 will meet these obligations."
Several members brought up obpotf
tions to an army of 500,000 declaring
it would never be reduced if once
authorized. Baker said the Bi.zo could
easily be cut by future congresses.
Chairman Dent reminded Baker that
it would probably be impossible to put
through any permanent reorganization
at this session, advo3ating continuing
as at prcsont with a small appropria
tion. Baker insisted tho bill be taken be
fore congress now, repeating congress
should change it.
''Unless it is passed, we'll have .n
A system of TREATING
It is based upon the belief
that the BODY itself CON
TAINS within itself all the
necessary for the CURE of
DISEASE, and that, if the
causes of disease are remov
ed," NATURE will RE
STORE the . body to!
HEALTILNaturopathy uses
any and every Drugless,
Non-Surgical method found
efficacious in the removal f
the causes of disease.
Phone 11(T
210 U.S. Nat. Bank Bldg.
not delay matters until more favorable
Eeprescntative Ban of Eugene said
that in a conference with Herbert
Nunn, of the Stato Highway Commis
sion, it was made known that the
highway department has machinery and
equipment necessary to give l,uuu men
work within a week or ten days
The resolution was passed unanimous
ly in the House this morning and as
Mr. Nunn has already conferred with
members of both the House and Henate,
it is probable that the road work of
tho state will begin a few weeks earner
than originally planned. Contracts for
several projects will be let at the meet
ing called for February 11.
Mayor Baker, of Portland, who came
to Salem last evening to urge the im
mediate passage of an emergency bill
appropriating $250,000 for relief of the
returning soldiers and sailors, was giv
en the courtesy of the House this
morning on motion of Beprescntative
H. L, Idlemnn of Portland. Tho Port
land mayor was present whilo the bill
was rapidly pushed through all the
usual forms of first, second and third
reading and tho House going into a
committee of the whole to expedite mat
ters. Things were going so well for the
bill that Mayor Baker did not talk
in its favor.
Gale & Go's
Annual Clearance Sale
Regal sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached, yd 49c
Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 81 inches wide,
bleached, yard 64c
Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 81 inches wide
unbleached, yard 59c
Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 72 inches wide,
bleached, yard .- 59c
Pepperell or Mohawk sheeting, 72 inches wide,
unbleached, yard 55c
42-inch Pillow Tubing yard, 29c
Indian Head Linen
33 inches wide, yard 33c
36 inches wide, yard 36c
Hope Muslin, bleached, best quality, yard wide,
yard ..25c
Lonsdale Muslin, bleached, best quality, yard
wide, yard '. 28c
3-pound Cotton Batt $1.00
Crash Toweling, yard 15c
Linen Crash Toweling, extra quality yard 19c
36 inch Percales, yard ..29c and 35c
36 inch Hospital Gauze bleached white, yard ........12c
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Commercial and
Court Streets !
PHONE 1072
Formerly Chicago
- Store
army organized under the laws in force
bofore we went into the war," Buker
.uaKer was closely questioned con
cerning army discharges. Ho said the
most urgent eases were' beine discha'-u-
ed first, pointing out that it would be
impracticable to release men as a class
instead of dealing with individual casss.
Portland, Or., Jan. 16. Policeman
Harry Bales i8 undor arrest today bo
ing chargod with stealing funds from
the Belgian babies' milk bottle on his
own desk at police headquarters.
Suspectine Bales of robbing the bot-
tlo, brother officers claim they marked
coins, depositod them in the receptacle
and found them on Bales when they
arrested him.
Giles, Alias Liard, Received
Life Sentence In Prison
Portland, Or., Jan. 16. John Knight
Giles, alias J. Cyril Liard, received a
life sentence in the stato penitentiary
A little grey haired woman Giles'
mother caused a scene in circuit court
by screaming when sentence waa pass
ed. Her repeated demands to ibe heard
were finally granted by Judge Gan
teKbein. Her second request, after a lengthy
appeal that her son ibe granted a new
trial on the grounds that he is insane
and that she could prove it was de
nied. The mother made another jcene later
in the corridor, demanding to ibe al
lowed to visit her son, Ibut was ref used
again this time because Gilog abso
lutely declined to see his mother.
Giles was convicted of murdering
ucputy Bheriff Twombley when the of
ficer tried to stop Giles' automobile on'
the interstato bridge.
Mrs. Lebaudy Charged With
First Degree Murder Today
Minoola, N. Y., Jan. 16. Charged
with first degree murder, Mrs. Marie
Augustine Labaudy, was placed in a
cell in the county jail today.
She was arraigned before Justice W.
B. Jones on the charge of killing hor
husband, Jacques Labaudy, tho "Em
peror of the Sahara." No plea was
entered. Mrs. Labaudy was half car
ried and half dragged into the town
hall, whore the judge sat. She wept vi
olently and her answers were inaudible.
According to some of the opinions
expressed around the State House last
night, labor is just as much afraid of
the Bolshevik movement as capital.
However, one labor man expressed the
idea that there might be Bolshevik
capitalists as well as Bolshevik laborers j
and that what labor wanted was to
steer a middle course. . J. Stack was
one of the labor men in the city last
evening lending his influence towards
the passage of the quarter million dol
lar bill for the relief of soldiers and
sailors whom tho federal government
turned loose hundreds of miles away
from home almost without a dollar. The
bill is principally a Portland measure.
I Willamette Valley
arc et
i Chinees Medietas uA Tea Os.
t Has medicine whisk will sars
any kaowm dlseas. .
Upi Sundays from H a. a. i
ntu a p. at.
133 South Hirh Ml
Balsa, Orcfoa. Phosw IK
Transfer Company
Daily Between Portland And Salem, Independence,
Monmouth and paflas." v
Orders Taken Both Ways
Office 171 South High Street
Wm.Bell Agent